CHAPTElI XXIII. The Qéartérmaster bat beau shockati Wt thé confession wiich hé bad foneti >uSa hlm wif'a lips. Indignation lent Ides~ éloquence, anti as la forcibie terme ]w exprssed héieb-ascora for ben derelictioa in sraàtIfardatideaîiug, mie liter- &I aiy owérad befoné bis uratit. The. followlng morsslng tiawaasl bight- ilbut Jane tb-aagt il the tiréarléat d"4w«rék lon Tb-ibberépiés hati aven setdAil nigt long mh ie d beea '*aWuk, grievîug, but towanti moraiug lbat ouuk Itao an uneaspi sîéep af short dura' Bér nlgbt's rel bat réstoredt irtaen. ,aoX b-er usuelal sf-assenbion anti ber ÏONMgu. Bbc waa scaltiing tisé servants 'VlgoroIm~ as Jane érnergéti from lien aoom but ben vaiubilllpi came la a sutitin èuîd a shé saw ber tiauibter. Thé shah- lîpi black. irock, af whicit sic intuitirely ftIt h.t full significauce, touchét iber .tr"SitglyA*afd a lump rose In ber tiroat. Xers. face bécame crimson, anti yearning Lot loveanti ympathpi, licitiont ber Mrs. Knox caaght lber ta hen arme anti «%éd over b-r, reproaching hérsli bt- - tehr for thé sharé shabtla b ler mis- 4LMtune. Witt might bare beén a bar- rie, btwaen tem Jaae's sweél, forgir- AUii disposition bcd brokén town, autt mother anti cit untientoot éacl t aher 'bélIer than tb-éy bcd eérr onè before. -Thé Quartérmastén came ln cntdn-as Pleaét o ses, thé réconciliaItio.,Iougb lb-e thaught il béat ta laite no noice t(d àl in words, only pmoothiag bis ticugli' ýers brigbt bain téntieriy as hée passet À. weék Inter, n'héa thé Séngeant coume siiaakéd ta sce a ne, lhé faunt i hmscti *coafronteti Titi thé Quartermaster in- "I wiml t bsec Jane," hée stummét-ét out wltb- an qn'itnant sauté. ; "If Itlbt aunYting imporant ion ber to )M- I enw ao laiete émessage." S"WhY Eshaulti I fot hé aiiawédto10speait -for'mYgetf? Jane ha romisedtotabc-îny .'UIfé, anti I have a righltae sec hemrn-heui J il hoose. Iirom thé irst I flérér itat fait play. lira. Knoxt torbate me thé houue frs4 then she tampret Titi my lettérs.". IThe Quutaermastem but heen standing -9l titis lIma., nom batd haeofferét bis vis- türi a sat, wishing thé itetrview' ta, h .b-defoe. Ibhis abject stili beforé hlm, b-e ivnt staigbt tb thé aubjéct lhé ýWsbedt I mpreas upan thé Sérgeant ,aace anti for a Il. -- n Ouacter thing Il ivouti b-e bélIer -7ou sitouît crett-liaI piur daim upon my dtaugb-er la ut an eud. I ionbid thé engagement"', i "You mean ta aay that yeun'ilbdrun' leur ccIu?"léaoing iann'arti nitb an augry llght lu bis eyca. Thé Quurtermastém notdétd. Thé Sergénol souk loto a chair anti -' ssaaaiebhaut scrons bis bran'. AI- MhOIg thé énil habit hé bat laIéiy con- - tractét hat mate hlm ofttntilnes de- aeondent, héaivas naturalîpi of a hopeusi disposition, î"d lbat la bim heurt ai héa-ta cherishied tbe Ides that Jane Ioud b-corne is Tifé. Hlm lové for lien 'Wsthé-one tong impulsé ai bis lute, anti 1k. all Tank natures, lbe stppaseti MtCI ulihé warb-la déiré hé Taulti bé a htter ma. Witb- a quiet hant-shaka thé tn'a men Rattati aortîpi alter, anti thé Quarter- aster Immétilatelpi npaiteto10thé trun'- IltIgramtetel bisdaugbtcr n-bal lié bMd doué. ý Jeuài, dariing," alt ber fatber, gén- Ur.,«'I bavé been tioicg somcthing iouryatî SWttboub pleur permI. "Havé o?" ahe ansn'érét, ilstlessly. Oq dantiar a1 I$bnihall hé bcvény aagry."1 UDut 1 iant pion ta hé Pleaseti." "! Idou't know Mta1 Ieau promise thr it a salle. i " havé spoken to Jacob Lynu, forbît- ea ugpiur engagement, ant iehébas euh- mltted te aMY aulhority. go, IJéaay, 1 ait.expeet équal abedience frin myou.", "Titea Iaam freI" Ie ct-led, cxcitetly, ., lmégsirdiug b-la attempt lu j "t keér th bat shé gméw a lî bîlhghtén. t~~rssfor shé ivas verpi poung uîg ý~AM=etitu scnrow-bapé batunacousciaus- 1cy teivei; b-nb If no, ilb Tamdetinet aoou 0»Oa morng bar moîhér carne ln silb 0Mpmétiti Steu, whieb- sb-é videably Sfmgtéd might ive b-er pain. Shé it- *otteroom reamanging sévéral uts anti books, Men finaly 100k 1W" psitio bhîntiJan'. chair. dt know, Jenop," ah beao, fier, ,.What pamseti between pieu andi PrtADIepIbé ay taIl h bave sfai thMal I1bad no ight toasait, - cWidt, wll pon tell piaur mother > loi fexpctet ha wouid corné te l"hatO ne rasan tb exPecbs*0" Tas Éaseirepipi. Tbto, as IL. si- - 'éwoppreasive antifuIl of aime- ~ &,,Jaaé attein a aconstralInét uWydo pion asi"' Bd* e tati ycsberdar o n ~ asi Ithaght-" p o u J pinover hert thé conclusion af lut rnl, for mbe mwoonat awapi. Tbat usa., u*'séa vary hb-t one at Svan lins. tbox, who bat b-ean .!Do saup bot seiaoas* feit neak W; anti Jane, ubo bat aérer g eue soéinces te Tas a chilti, - maW 10I. Often 'shé tireumét ai -cqmwrtiaps lu Englunt, ant iepI- *kaktea Priuaep vwaisterlng Ibrong!a Suée, or by a mogutain sréasa. 4teaaih-#d tbe kisb- w m tb 7apvsté -' ~2. 5nre. ho -ou. néèsr -î er mts d6 - agalitOn thé platform of thé station waa Valenino Graeme, péerng hteta«eah i canliago as it passed i hh, ant ieh uttereti a deligbtéti exclamation when hée recog- t nzeti thé Colonel. Hé hati brought thé Colaaéi'a own bM U orse anti dog-cart, of whlch hé a be letin chargé, anti as théy drove back te bis bungalow togethér, hée gavé hlm sey- réady hearti. 'I cannot imaginé Lenex Gréey golng caurtiîtg," hie saiti. 'I only wish 1 hai iscén bore ta sec." " Yeu wtll fint Misa Knox ranch * changeti, 1 fpey," saiti thé Adjutant presently. "How" asetithé Colonel, quiétly; Ilt as fortunalé liat aIt tis juacture antid Mr.?Gr'aeme Itesitatéi, flot knowlng Mn,. Déne, who hlti th bier parents éxactly how le explala. takén a houa.euitSimau, wrote anti asked 'I think shc la growu," lie blurteotn JanO e tataY wlth thcmn for théetiéxt thncé at lengîh. anti feeligÉulihe baid matie a montha. rtdtcîîious rémark, iras thé firette laaugh. Thé meeting wus t tiret fraught with Thé Colonel langitige, toc. paînful memanies ta bth; Jane tbought "Seareely that, I abotîid thiak," hée saliti, oi ail that happenét i 51e t Ibir lat careléissly, "seiîîg that elle was elgbteétt talk togetîtr et Alîporé; anti Mn,. Déné when I left Alipore." recaléti thé pleasant plans thut esle antI On. thé folowiîîg îorning, ut the limé ber hushanti bcd matie ior tbém ail, appolinteti, thé Colontel rliled ton Valen- spending tbat bot n'éathernut Cashmere. tino Graeme, anti together they repairéti Shé, toc, ivas greaîly ltenéti. Aiter ta the Quurtermasîen's han-se. bier buabant's ticatis, elbehall inIttia Ion' How strage il sûeietct, thé Colonel féver for aéreraI wéeks, wlich buid robbed titouglît, tha ie hé htitic going Up thé bier afilber stnéngtb antimadetie er vcrY wll-knowît drive agauît! Fornîérly it bat liIm anti pale. Yct she lookéti younger béen us Juiî's loy erlite ballgrille, anti tba ellebatdattec turing thé carlier lion- Jane, lierseif radianît with detigl, hait ticît of ber auriétlité, whén tsiatmlecauin af-ivny ta lacet lm Ni. o%' licen'as of haviîtg licn jilteti by eue mon andt goilug as ait oniîary visiton tu make a having been marrîcti by another for Pily'S mornias ral. satké hai weighéd se ltniiy tîpoît lier. Cîinîg iin from ont oe!flite sunlight, thé Non' ui that pat tinte trouthiet iher na roit seenseti a uifle dhtrk. bat uiétiniy more, anti rournîng ion c busbaîtt, irbis cîtitîgli croistue iiitî'rveliiîg sîtacéJane elle knéîv lovet iber, n'as a healthier if uti Ste1îien iPnxsei nt'ognizeti each more pungént grief. otîter. It wus Juiy wlîett Jane uriveti, one of Hé hall tiionglit site îniglit bltsb-slse the quitest monthea t Simla, so elte tutti liad it îsîteti at t'usily Miîen ie knevv lien a litIle listîr e bredover lier good iooks, last-Ieriîtiîts even oikbonfvtiftsedui, îîder- about nbici 3tns. Dené coutîtinul; bave iîg it the hme iiiittîritiîe for hiiîî 10 ne- beén more cxitons bai slte bien tiotainbt ls self îs- msii. But uis fuir ns lié mot schéming i fMeigrunitin damés. coutl sec in tic dinîly liglitted rmous, shc A ftincy-dresa bail wnas ta hé giren on diii ielthen. thé Lit ai Aîîgîst by tho Viceroy, anti ste w-as standling iîy te wnloinaun ut Ibis t n'as decitéti tint Jane aboutiattittude ot easy grate lie thîtugit hée hait make bier début in Simnla soeieby. At neyer spen lier aulîpt belore, tlte coîtît fimt elle baitit'nitrred, îîartly on sc- interpret ittî'nialGracîies ltmsy et- couitlof thé expense; but every.,objec- tenîpt at exîtltiuatitîn tttflite changé thal .tion TiLs oi-rruted, aitti ben the blg isix mouille tuia(] orked in ht-r. 'The card ai invitation vras itut inoalber band' change n'as lte great olue froiu girl te abc fuît gladti tioabaibcdbeen lier- wntaîî. suadéti. Beaitielier WRas Blotîîiî of thé Rifleq, Shé badt bld the outline ofIlber story to1 alkiîtg trilier îitb hi ist tiandifieti air NIrs. Dtelle, oîtly suplireesing thé tilts totf -"the A. D. C. sivaIggi'r," Vitientiie lier maliens ticceit ant Colontel lni nsv'p'. Graeme contemptuouély naiucti it !ii bis complevîty. But tlrs. Delle, kuon'ilisg ainî. anly lpant, cuti consequeîttly net seiiig Mrs. Kniox n'as auto lutftue rocm. lalkuîîg suhilcieut tmotive for lie breakitîg off ai lf te arry tLarrotn, and ,sue nose instanlly, thé mniîtigc, jonipedt Iifite ctcutiî nurnain-g soiniîttiiiit-ligill na rda of thait, tutoiglit$lieîuigîtithavte tteen tietîiy greccinut. î-îît' k ew îli. uuaturel tnetl, andt burt andl dusresset i tt theti itîiety iii- thal lie itiglî it uh.jvbis tisplensîiré by ivletja lie itatuut'î-tr reaily icreti ité avîîili cectfhdivintii, tir t liehotight In l C,)!oniel. 'ttrs. Delne frit a innceitry sFutie cf îlwtltt -lnirv-tl, stilu lovéecati rcgret'îtliaIshe herseliss tot accolan i iittout iii lier îliiigitî-n.bat fîr titis pa-ing Jane, whéu suie sait' bon- loveiy frietdly viî,sitle titis :oit îrîtureul. thé' girl lîtokîti. - "Iltustlite Colotnel. Jte'site aiti fter "Tisé prettiest maidti taIcir wnt a shirt, luitcoin furÉa rle panlse. Jan@ a-mIrl dluîg" sutile-tiM s.'Mou nel, as site motel fitruiartid iiiusltli it bndi. notîsi .llies uappeantincé hefire selleudt '.Vî- lituird yen lintietut-"she i.lsrr- fon bIte hall. eti, sniiiig, "but Iliol Dot extîscted ta I forclel hul sou n-i ll te belle of liaive serti 3n ouat tttî." thé unl," utideti lier tiauglîter. n"Ili t ler- lie' lîîîkéîl tutu tiiber graveiy, ne. la Diàna Çntllj-s bas relgucti aupretîte; prntcliully ohlîust. Ilatu shotinteieh- but ber day is oter non." camé soebntues tlint site citulti uteir That Jane ctjtyel iterseli n-as a fiat- ,ignoreî-é nt hail hevin hetveen tint, anti ter oi course. She ooket tée vcry incan- îitet anti spcnk ta hile thiîs %ithîtculi- nation of yauth anti pléasuné as she barrasîsisieit? Oi)thlie titirti fitîger of ber moret aibout, thé colon comiag anti going lefI band iras a miassivie ilier ring sell fitfuliy lalier face, lber bazel cyetacgloîv itatineyer won'uibeforé. Iltinvs flité sort n-th soflt elîgil. o!faring a mnin lî tergeuittlynus %rank Gorerimentliense tlalber séeméti aa o i e niighl gué as4 a bokieui aibetrotital. palace af spientor; but liaI shlen'as té i Cotlil ie héthat elle wus hounitita ia Ciudérélla ai tie scene, n-ho Itaî béen stillIl almoattnanimously deciarét i is taircat w"lbna naturai," hée answcnred, coidipi, qutéén, asl tid flot gués, In lier ansaIa ti"tîtat îny finit visita shaulti hé mindselleset tiown Mis Kuollys as tise pite athosé lu flité neginieit." mont bcautifui on-aiathème. I"Then n-e arceluit la supposé that lb n'as Major Lanrron bait gene la Cashmere -a wisiî bo secéus, itersoîîaliy, filttrougbt for biesiax menthe' Ipave, anti spenî mont yeno" site asitetimipjertineutiy, bier af ie islné shikarring; but whcn lié hearti1 motîter thcuiglîl. n-bene thé Qnarterninttr's tatglîbér laitiI "Ion-ever badiy 1 expressei myséif, I goné hé bi nas rti u ioiing bsoerhotte you nilbelit-ve ibn'as ua picastiréns Ibèr, hingng s popiiutry ifl seé nell as c diîty," hée rettîrîteti, boinio, ned béarskins for M.N z.Dené, cnt tonrn-ibis îhat Val Gaîtît, îvho litatia Dame Jane a magniflcenl snaw léopard skia. la - itr ercrytbiîîg, cuitd ietbsgrandt seigneur lie as a roi;fat- ber isinn, tliuaitî manuier. madé ai cenrî-yance Ilîtthéeibills. (To hé continiieti.) Valentine (racime came up aise for ltée__________ IasatwInamontha, andi ha-vinig matie kun-ut A Fmuiutent Bunker. thé opinion lhe bat uinays belt ins ta ber Tîealrévnigasyssatie- histritoîle îîav;î,-rs, lireparét,ietic ay fur Teohreeigasylhadgn bier tea ntothér trtinh~. telîaîîIY iotka ilIdulaisteppéti in- Somellnes flice girl ca-iti scurcéiy lbc- t oeeoifte leaffltig restauruants af Par- lière fithaelle hadti érn been thé Sengéant is, tcok lis scat ut a tabié anti ordéréti Maja's taugia cncgazedtetaJacobs a vrîy fiue tiuttr. Wlteu It n-as senv- Lynît; yet i ncmething eshe tiaun- cd ni, lie tacktélte tilsies n ils thé changeut. Neeret for aunh-stantb did bier piaèlît deihglît ai a gcîînéehencré. lThe e o Sîcthtn ni e utir. Wheu lie n-as liaiftttrouglithtisédessert, mcîty regrets Jatte lefit'tre. Dettes lies- i a laseti cal) dncw att at thé taron f pitable rof taerntui'n ta Alipcxe. Shé thé esta bIsIsien t, anti utgravé ioaking trarciét ton'nnltb Miss Ruollys, n'ith gentleman relluestei pernmission ta look n-hem lattî-rly eleehati beconie tetter nc- titrotigli tbe preîuises, as lie expectd la quainbt. Thé Oémmissiant-"s tiuglîtér indthlure a frauti'seîîî lanker, wharn bat hegun by nffcilîîgia frieadsbip ionri tipiansacy's oukre, but afléî-n-cd n-batli as a détectIve wl. n'structedtetataké Colonel Prinsep bal foreloli ber camé la lubo cnstotiy. O1s'ou-se lbis témanti pas, elle gren' ta t'saly litre ber for liern-as caiipliledt ith, anti na sooner hall an'n sakie, anti Janore uturnet thé iking. hé enteneti théetiining-roani tian lié It n-as nflotelabhés'tpposed hiat îny ane pahnîti tethe luxuriaus reveiter anti sa bantisomé as Dinî-a Knlys altaultd ne- trblsîereti lu thé landioî't's car: main nitbout an att'afrer. Sic bat e- "Yau sec, our Informuation n'as car- énaI, butt only ane of thém lbau acînaliy tiéclamét bimselt, andti iat wus Colonel rcl. Tiera lie ta. But for piaur owa ,Grey, Whoa coînlantet thé -tbhîtIssans. suite we prefer tea aiai- a tow. Pieuse Mmme. Knox n-as delieihti ta bave ber tell tisé gentlensan that is in, Bar- deîghter back, anti hul rejalcétl I hé aos L., ie autsitié anti Tîllis te speak tet aérerai necaunts oailber succésses Thicithins for a inuté:'1 eite batl receireti frovs thé goat-natureti On reccling thé massage aur gastra- Adiutant anti Mns. Deu-.nnlit immedhutéiy rose fram thé tablse CHAPTER.XXV. ad wént onI an tise boulevard, where Colonel Prinsép hiati y noa méatsen- hée wus takon possession o! by thé détec- joyed hie continental banr. Hébaiti met tiré, Who put bima lu tise cab atidtirové triends, b-en boreti by thém, anti goné an off with hlm. Naît day thé restaurat to méat alter acquaintanilcs ant ie ho ret kieer went ta the fleuré-t policé office anéw. Towarti thé a nt ia h eIxmoa,t han'. te récaver îsaymenî for fin frauduteont FIFTY OUARDs GARRISON THI COURT HOUSIE. gZxcitgmeat Over Allegéil Tamperlns With Ball9t-Womoa Talk of Lynch- tua-Ilarch i.a.* Jio f 150 "da Threnten the County Clerkt. Warfut of IIcb I.w. Taxpayers of Arapaboé Caunty (Col- orado), of whicb DeÙvcr la thé mat, have arisén ln revoit againat thé ilerpetuation ef chranic officehjoiders. 1'Tbnrsday night the court housé was ln a state of *iège ant i fty ahéed guarsia patrÔlUed thé ln- ber corridors, whiié outaide sentries haitéti *veryoné who attempte tu t enter thé grounds. Inside thé court houa. wére thé ballot boxes anti outaide the Indig- nant 'votera, angry et thé manner ln whlch thé réturnu had beén *"manîpu- iaUtd," anti thé ailegéti counting out of onté or more of thé candidates on thé ta.xpayl es' ticket Wedneaday nlght Connty Clerk Lebért, who waa a candidate for re-elertIon, con- cedeti thé lection of George :. KInti'l, on. of the.taxpuyera' candidats&. Hé, however, refuseti to allow any repreéata-' tive of thé taxpayens to remain Vithîn the walse of thé court bousé where thé ballot "M éDENVTER COURIT BOVSE. boxe@ Ter. taned, a nd Thunsaay morD- lug IlT as anneuiice t laI Kîntel ivas tefeatet andt Ibt Lébent lbad beén laclet hy a rnajanlty ai 100. Thé conclusion was IhstaUtly reaclict the ballets bad lteéa tap4~edvith.'Th" pu jc bîtanti- v ,é d h -0 b n~keSork ~ad thé rerant i hi'r'pil t kh~out thé City évery 'one ai thé candidtesémon thé lax- eayers' ticket bas been coeutèt autI. Crantda nona gthereti in thé vicinily ai thé court hanse anti George J. Kinti"l, thé candidate iriosé ciéction iras thé chiéf abject of alinck, caime runnlng ta thé court bouse n-us a slielgun. lite ra ail théeîvuy ironibis store ta théeian-er part ai théedci3 anti aloppet aaly long enougli ta heur thé upproriîîg reniants ai mènerai merchauta.Iluislpécarancc créa- ted éxciti-mént aithlIe county building. Ile inquireti for Lebenl, tien léft. No ooner liaitlbe gone titan a force ai tepu- blés chéaredthelié hlls. Kindél turing thé aftennoan spoklitfore thé Ladies' Cinlc Fédération, anti hn-lt-nhéconctuteti thepi munchedtu t thé cout bouse in a boaint thé onuher aifi150, anti iet thé impressioa tirat trouble ircuiti ocîti unleas a change ai buse Tamute. Thé cran-t la thé court hanse gaI nervous. Rumore ai vigI' tantes ant isriions ai nopes appéanet, anti word wam sent out tint wnatchers wout hé pennitlîletot ait besidé thé ballot box- as Thurap. Thé anan-er ivas 10thé affect Iat lb n'as ion thé allegét tactor-' lng ai thè relut-ns Wédnesday tinet thé people wené ungry. A hast' ai teputies Tas turnédto bthé corridors anti thé némining itizenm divén ont ai taons itiaut regard ta age or ses. Thea bhe daons wireébarrincatétanti thé regulan dlents weré iti!oired ta go home tram a aité doon, nith a wusniing flot ta relara turing théerèvniog sure ut theur on-n riait. LONG DROUGHT BROKEN.,- A Genérai Rain Couaes ta t hé]Relief of Thé d rougisi ns broken ta thé Not- Test anti a gent-roua fait ett-n ahbs rourse at thé lest minuté tu sure lie crops. Thé tarmnîrsavite been ln despain tonrn'eéki at tisé canniîet absence of misture,; wth filtts dî:ing nus, wudancai cstcri émpîpi, anti thé prospeet stuning bbcm lu thé face ci a destructuon ai cnops. Ii muny places liseré n-as a more immédiate danger irons prairie fines. Ahl thèse icars bavé béen net ut méat by thé opportune min. Prairie limes hure héén quencheti, farmm Iutiadreaciét,-atnd élis anticih- térne ialIed, giving rise in snme sections ta, meetings oi titankagIinn.i In no)me sectionns niIlliitnls Itlelathé firat nain biat lias inlien for neariy tisme mentis. In Michigan, n-hile the nain Tam général, lb n'as ual copions enenugb ta be oi nny lating henfit. 1tla toubtful if thé groun attis n'et la the tepth of,oné Inci, mo thal thé îMont benèfut to ho de- rivet n111 bu the kocplag ai thé tops of Tleat. anti grass greens tan a ten' days longer. Copions rueis hare intién througlIt ont Central anti Southu-cat Missouri, anti thé prospect for Titbén méat la gréatipi impravet. Whéab out ai thé <round la loaking fine anti growtng vigot-atsîpi. A coasidérabl'é amaunt planlti. tduring thé tiroughl ha nat camé up, but tua rmta ta expéctéti ta biîg Most of il ont In Ne- brsa ilbhl l véti la bte aInine te sure all fai] eeting, aithongh thé grainm are neot prùbalîrpinusbeavy ns Ihépi ioulti havé bea butfor thé exténtet dry Tetîther. Thé récent nains thraugbaub Ohto have tati a Tofiténful effect. upion the fali pas- lurage tihretb-ad bea butnet ont bpi thé beut anti tioughil oi thé summér, fieldis erérywitat- being as bara cf végétabion as Ifnt'pt by imé. Thé nainsab-avé causati thé granss ta prout anti tarmens arc na langer c~Mpéld ta give thein stock dryp ted as Tas, thé case thé previaus ta-o moatbs. Thé pt-sent moltnre bas aise itaipét thé wbéatana t ivesna.promis. oi taiting root ufficiéatlpi te stand thé rtgerm of a bard Tinter. Thé anav anti ramn tarm wmicibas provaled thnaughaub Wiscasisn bas tiane a gréaI smannt oi gajus!,Inasoeesectons It han beau lt-e m5nthms@Ince tère hbhén api rata. Ail af thé foreat anti mat-ah fit-ca iriét b-avé béen buriag for Tecks In bbc cea.. Irai anti nothera partions etflb.ebat b-ave bée éxtinguîshed. I[aa arment« anti sbockman havé b-ea complalnlng mach ai thé lacit ai Tater lanaWalla anti spriage. Thaumanti. ai cattie havé héan thé lest féw Tecks béais driven te rivet-m anti flowlag craéks for Taté,, thé ot-ti- narpi uppîpi betng éxitaustéti Thé Tain- faUl must b.ob-eavpite réliéve ttiîs Tant andi thé noeadscf th long inter mentha. Evepipiceiherpila thé LeMh(P<la.) ré gen wlhIçiwVasferesdte tombut tiun aon il Ur -I THE TERRIBLE DISEASETHAT AT. TAOKED MRS. HENRY OSTING. Blowly Lains lier Llfe-Phyaielane Were Powerless-FricndoWere Hlip- lésa-At Lest Bill Fouadi a Rensédy wîth Which Bité Curéil érmeif andi Lénchéd et Phymicians. Proen the New Bra, (ireeaburg. )nd. Béearing througib Mesars. lligney & Co., dnuggîats, af Suinan, ltipley County, Iad., that lire. Osting, wife of Henry Oating, a prominent and influential citi- %eu of that town ,haailbeeji cured of a bati camé of neuraigia of thé béant anti stem- oeih, thé éditor of thé New Ena tieterminéti ta knaw for thé satifaction ofaimîself anti thé benefit of -his rentiers thé truth la regard ta thé malter, anti took ativantago a0f a trie t Sunman lauiwcck. ILTé ating neidence la a very hanti- nome onse, anti an every banti are seen thé footprints et gwofrtuîne. Nrs. listing herself, hale anti bearty, Inviteti us mbt ber cosy parler. Une coulti bandly tic- "sve by laoking nt thé lady, who showed ail aigua af good health, that shle wus but nine montheaugo a despondent victim af that dreati diseuse, neurulgit, of thé heurt and etomuch. lIn aaswen ta thé question If she bai béen curetiofa a istidiseasé 0of nétîraigia by théetusé of Dr. Williams' P'ink Pills, anti as te0 whethér shteali- Jected ta an interview, site replieti in lier plieaiant wuy, 'by, no, sir, 1 dont, for they'vé doue me sncb a wonderful gooti t1lot 1 feet 1 owe everytbing tu them." Anti tue istittLeîét wfls hu be bel ieved, for site was the exdimple of îterft'et health, andi tic were iiuftrnied ty lier neigbibons anti fnientis tîtat but a short wbie ago shte was only a living corltse. u %rs. (lsting ecouîiiiuéd:"Noa in;I never titi bave gond iîealth; I n'as always naluiraily o-eak. WîVon quité yoting 1 bega n x périliîi g troublite froin rmy ht-art asud sltuejjýj..h.iv h iiti. dotlu rs saiti nas netîraigia. 1i cas coiitiiîîually stîfering great pain, lutti îot uo f lte nlany well- vérsed ittu sivhuus trtn ht uut1received treatinient vins al t ldo lite any gtîod. Sev -re, sut rp pinuts wttnlt shoot cicrrniy eutire botdy, at]nmore Pz-%tt-ly tiirough Mny utŽ'l slcuîaeh .My eîîtiré syteim beeanie nervou asitaswttiîld ineren.4e; My apiletile hegan tut fait, antifttr weeks 1 could nfot clta rîtt'al- it i nce nier te victuîtls. 1 ci dîîtsiîep, anti aould oniy nuts theéniglitîs ini agotîy. 1t'saa wnrder thut t kîjtt uit St ail, for it'5 s0 iitt lé tua t t1titl d vtIandttisiet, for i sufft-red No. Niot1si-aî coul do me aîîy guod. My fiii:;ly ît1lisicîîî saiti thé casé %%as itt,îtltss. 1I naus îk'org 1i had trit'd ev&trý-in îiî'titiie ttiaît1 cotsld hrar of, tuahat:s t-li ii 'di ti w'goti for îîîy trotibleit, but it ,I!(' EdI tiliethe iea.t gooti. iinitlly. t ht.:rd of tr. iluc' Pink t'ills, andttiunr drîiggist, NMr. 1,igney ad viset et ut oIry tt nitîr tte saidth i - hati ttni ro inii ny. etple gttt ti t b d f faitit in pialtte itlîtein, for urit bad lun t nîéiei.. it' g-t , bttho îii,it sYcu d t ry t1lotît. f.' r tsurel y lii e cu I î iuttîirie, t fî,îid rn lttf iiyit',jtiatlaller 1 legan tnLkîîtg llieitittui] tt1ogt'r t took 0luti Ili .t' îrr t got. ily tietilnée t tisi x 5iGltt,'ît 1 v:t',eitirt'ly curcîl. I ttei'r liai b' vu itiI-tu l do biy vworklie- fotre. tIteogan tli . lig twlit îils luio c- tiiter. nA ~ liii Dî'ct'ibitîr In'as wel anti abile ltoiotiy w't'. rit. 1 iii tIra ssay, for th l ie ie iit cf t lp- it !ff'rt-rý. lita t 1 oei uiy béait h 1ti r. Vili lit 1s' iPiîk titi'I ITo conitiu lit-r story Wt'yttnl al dtut Mrs. listiing matie thé frllotv-ing attida- vit: Stale oaIniasis.(otitof Riliy. on: ,8rm. lHtnry Oti.g, t'ting tîl! atmor on lier oeuh. sailtt' foreg.niig stateillent ls jutit and truc. MttS. HENRIY (STI Nil Sîrorn anti ubsrribeti ttt'ftîré aie, Jniy Ntttaryt'uliie. Dr. Wiltiamns' Pinik tilla for t'aIe l'ea- pie are cousitiertîl nu fiiiliîg sltéts'fiî' for sncb disetasis as4 loî'ittr aîiîxia, partial paraiysiq. St. Vitis' donce, sti-atica. net&- raigiti, rlteimaltisru, nt'rvniis ht'atl.atlit., thte ller t'ff"ýtls cf la griptpe, palpitatiotn of thheurt, ple andi sallîî.s comptlexions, tiati ireti fi-éltg ret.uliîirnt tin"rvoUs pîrostration; ait d1seamývs rctiling freni scm fîtlu. tiirt uiCc r3 .:l ttigi, etc. 'lhety are solti ly anil den tnt. tir wi le Stenittost paiti on recipireof prive i."îtcenîts a box or six boxes forr$2.50 -tthey retir uver attd lin ulk tor bY lite IlN, btir.ssug Dr. Williauîs' Mc-d. Cto., Scieiiec'ady, N. Y. One or lttmistiî's ('rowià Jewels. Aniotng tîit cr,ihjt.w,1s ttf ttu,.'la tiiereis a nia guilic 'x(iiiiîcu ti -gh- lng Et)5 carats. It Isthte size cf a surili pigetîlîs cgg andiî us ft.rîiiuriy te ée af a Praliiiiuit'i Iîidol itîce It %vas pîtrchaseul hy'a Frechrisoliier. It pas-s- ed tiirollt hsî'v'ia Il ia î tsli n'a til. nia ttIy tilt rha sî.tlly tii ii irtCatit- elfle for lte suinuf t t itnJluready mcniey and au :îllilîii3' of $1'Jlii Here, Toc. Sakti a 1111h' 1l>oy wlio, dlur!ng a visit ta l'loriîîu, %vsstibligei-t tdrnîk coii- densed iiitlit: "Maliiiîîa, 1just wili t Itat conitenaciCon' woudd ile"-The Amer- Prof. ltaitîsey's tîîst conîclusion lî that argon anti bétînîn contalui as a connion Ingredieut a gas nlot liltiiento itientiflfét, tn'o lines la the spectra lunte ttnly- discavereti iceuts béling llen lical. Tise atonite weilbt of tuée n' guas wouiti lié about ten. P'réf. ltmséy lbas founti hélium ta météorite. No matter lion biglît tise isîlsures of sin may bc, tisey arc oiy pleasures for a seoison. f rom easy, Ilives Xohn POultReF br» sometbing like $M00,00,0,..,1 dentaliy owner of a deat lu theéIl bouse of the British Parliament. leait, that la the storY hé tell&. WUt aimost indisputable evIdence ln l'la poé session to oubstantiate It, be bas hadi very lttiétrouble In'secur4ng the a0- sistance of screral well-knowa lawYil'U, There are now interesteti ln the Ca$ [J, A. Hale, ex-Distric-t AttOrneY Ot Santa Cruz; Judge Walter IH. Levy, W; H. H. Hlart andi joseph p. Kelly. These gentlemen thlnk 80 wcli of the prootu submltted by Mr. Poultney that at a, meeting belti ycsterday at thé office09 Jlqdge Levy théy decldcd ta senti Mr.- Kelly to England ta sec1Ure thé one llnk ln the chain of évidence connetlflg their client wlth the bundreds of mlU- Ions lef t by Sir William PaultnéY. proiînent ln the social andi poUtical' blstory of England. This gentleman was, durtng hih time, a barrl8ter ot great note, and i oet Olé115 Lord Of thh* Exchequér. ln 1885 hé diét Iinte@taté léaving an estaté wortb manY mIliozw. The San Francisco cialmant bai led with lits uttorncya a cléar statérnént of bis reiationshtp ta thé deaui Sir Will-. lans poultuey, andi a géneral sunmmary of the property owned by hlm. i The attorneys who havé taken UP t" cause of the San Francisco claimant are positive of thleir ultimately sécurlsag thé estate for their client There li one issing link, and it lé to pick thi. up, if possible, that.%Mr. Kelly wlll make the trip ta E.nglanti. They say that thia la flot absoluteiy neccssary te thé eue-. cess of the cause, though withotIt tbe preseli t rlstpe woulti not yieig thle isO,(MS).O) wlilout a long tegal struggle.-l'hiladelpbla Item. Types or lléanr It la saidti tat wbcn artlats are éeek- Ing for muodelasftic palin for béauty andi aymnetry of figure la given to thé girlk of Spain, %vblle the daughters of ruruI' lseland are a gooti second. Thé prettY. fares and gractult troats are founý aaîong EnSils niaitiens. A modeltfoi, a perfect armwould bce sougbt for among Grtecian ladies, wiîle a Lady ef thse Turklis h arem wouiti be regardeti as tie î)é"of a tialiliY commenti" able baud. Italýanus are usually gooti ln iguire, anti some of thse méat beauti- fui miodela, perfectiy proportloflM, are deriveel f roi the worun of sunny ltaly. irencswonicn, as a rule, are flot lu ré- q1lest, living toa tin and vivacious for te purpo-se; while the face ant ilimbe of a Gerniîan frau are too coîuinonplaCO for arllstic woric. SaIary or Maide of lionor. Maîls orf limor to tbe Queeco0f Ent- landi have a s:îlary of iwtween L100O and £400 per annuti, andi during thé limé tio*y are lu waîtlug, ench about twO mtonths Iluthie sean they re8îie ln thé palace, and usualiy take thelr meulea&t the royal table. c't. C. W. Thiomas, of Cale CanntY, %Io., lias protinccd the largéat water- mielon éver kulon-welgblng 7J POUDdO -whiicis li bas christeucti "thé Défan.i dier," the world-beatér. cQýnpetent authori tics assért tbat th* Anwrican-1tuate silk bat la suPerlor both lu usaterial anti finish to any othér bat of the kinti lu anY Part Of thé wOrld. It Is a Pleasure To r.'commcnd flood's Sirsaparilla to ail afflicteti wllh blooti or skia disenses. My, bloozi was out of ortier, andi 1 sufferéti for, years from pscr.asls. 1Itri 4i severai réa- edies4 wît.out isenefit. After takiag Hood's Sarsaparillia for two montlia 1 waa reslord to iny for- muer goal health anti tee liké a d.lfferen% 'imron. Aq a blooti purifier 1 think llogd' ýarsap)rila haitno equi." CuÀîsL£a L CoCKîcLREÂs, Irving, Illinois. Iiood's Pis ds agIL wu. a. ri. U. N4O. 4e-gB Sarsapalla $008. S Any sarsaparilla is sarsaparilla. True. So any- tea is tea. So any flour is flour. But grades differ. You wvant the best. It's sa with sarsapat-illa. There Sare grades. You want the best. If you understood sarsaparilla as welI as you do tea and flour it Swauld be easyto determine, But you don't. How should yau ? Ç ~Wh en you are going ta buy a commodity whose value you don't know, you pick out an old established house ta trade with, and trust théir ~exprience and reputation. Do so when buying Ssarsaparilla. Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been on the market fifty years. Your grandfather used Ayer's. It is a» reputable medicine. There are many sarsaparillma f~But only o-fe Ayer's. IT CURES.