CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Nov 1895, p. 7

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¶ýnm bêre their tuactonal duty tio MmUh Meke very ther flid of the 'oyandthie lachrymal gland le nt pgeoed behlnd the eye sInply to fli îPace or to give expression to emotion. The. chemnical propertiee of tes cou- *lot ofphosphate oflifme and soda, tank- tmg tbem very salty but never bitter. Their action on the eye Is very benefi- dm1 and bore consista their prcscrlbed duty of the body, %aabng tborougiîiy Chat sensitive organ, whlcb allows no forelgu tluld to do the saine work. Nothing cleanses the oye Ilke a good, ftity ubower bath, and niedical art bas tollowed nature's law lu this respect, advocatlng the lnvgorating solutIon to« any qistressed condition of the *ý tien. Tears do flot weaken the efgbt, but Improve It. Tbey aet as a toute 10 the muscular vision, keeplng the eye eoft and llmpld, and It wiIl be notleed tbat women ln wboge eyes Synipathettc tear gather qulckly bave brIgliter, ten- derer orbe thena others Wbea the pu- pilia are bard and cold the world at- tribates It to one'» d!epoultlon, wbleb la imot a more figureo0f speech, lsuplylng die lack of almy tears that are t te cornea wbat salve là to thse skia or nolir- Ishment to the blood. PROUF 18 POSITVE TUT LYIA . PIKHAW TEGETABLE VONPOITNI '~Dgi17 Cortg Buakebe, Dlzzlneu, laintm.., Ireualty, and ai Fe- maie (3mplalta. t (5IWtL TOOUE LUWAV U>YL fneligent vomen no longer doubt thse value of Lydia E. Pinkhau'g Vegetable Compound. Il speedly relleves irregu. lày, suppressedl or pain! ul mentua- gons, veakneis cf the stonsach, lndîgea- gion, bloating, leurorrboea, somb trou- ble, doodtng, tséryous prostration, bond- achle, geerai debility, etc. Symptoms of Womb Troubles am dizziness, faintncas, extreme lassI- tnde. Idont car," and I"w-nul 10 le left aone" feelings,, excitability, Irrita- bility, nervouness, leeplessnees,flitu- leney, melancboly, or the Ilbt'aes," and S beekache. Lydis E. Plnklînnsa Vege- table Comnpound w-i correct ail 1h15 t""rubi naure as the sun &binse. Thal Bearlng-Down Feeling, eausiqg pain, weigt, and backache, la l»natlymilieved and prrnnently cured by It. sme. Under ail circumstauces it &Cta ta perfect barmony w'tîthte lnws tisaI goveruthe female system, ls as barmless as w-ner. It là wonderful for Xrildcy Complaints in echer ex. Lydia E. Pinkbama Lîver Pis work ln unîson wlth the Compound, and are a sure cure for constipation and sick- beadache. Mrs. Plnkbnr's Sanalive Waash tn frequently found of great value for local application. Correspondonce ila reeiy solicitesi by thse Lydia E. Pink- ham Medicine Co., Lynu. Mass.. and thîe auctest -onfidence assured. Ail driîg- gistasoi the Plnkham rernedica. The Vegetable Comnpounîd ln three formas, Ltquid, Pilla. and ozenge. ]K1OWLED(GE jrig. confort and improvement sud tDd o praonal e-ljoyrent when rigltly ued.Tise nany wiso live bt- ter tisa otisers andt enjoy ite more, with iseu expenditure, by more promptly à&api gtise world'a beel producte 10 thef<uceds of physical biug, w-i attest th value to helth of the pure liquid laxative prineipies cmbrtteed in tthe remedy, Syrup of Figg. tta excellence is due o its prsenting Iu the horai mont acceptable and pions- tat <c th tate, thse refnesiing andi truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative;- eftectualy clesusing tise sytern, dly ingcoda isames and foyers au Bpermanent y ctsrug constipation. It u ven satisfaction te millions andi met with tise approvai of tise medical profsion, becau-soil acte on tise Kld- -t ) eyliver andi Bowels witisout weak- ening them andi il la pcrfectly froc from eveiy objectionable substance. Syruip cf Fi'rs is for sale by al drug- --gista In Oc nnd' botties, but it in man- ufactured by tise Califoruin Fig Symnp Ccoly hose name le printeti ou every p c a al so t ie n a ns, S y ru p o f F ig s, m1 big el norrned, you wilI flot acsp ay substte if offéred. WANTS COAST UEVUWUS5 Qen. Mlle. Bsaya We Are nadequately Protected et Seeport Placces. The anneli report of Gen. Mles, con- manding the aruiy, bas been msade public. The personneil i. shosvu te ho in excellent condtionî, Weil inslnîlt-ýd, efficient and attentive lte dîty. Liberîti îtppropriatioîs arc rvquireil for public lînili igm at lie potg, mîtliy uf wlicheDrc out of roîtair. Under te bond (if eoast iMereises U-î Mlie@states <ilu i le cciditi,,u of thosi' defensvâis jesocleias tii Cquire declded andî bmdin te avit oli fî,r <lir iniîircs-et-t. The uigurded l oîiiitîiîî ,f -cir Oillt 19 ktîuwn lîy s-s-ry liratI i-bSa .4 )wtr, siid or Mîvle ionul llit b- liii i n-o faIxie se- s-nrity. lle rt-cuis islîtu t iii sa id intisi ni-poirtof 18S'J ipcîî t ii lisiiu te ilulirt- uie of i(, ds-fsitsv- if l,i-t, tire i'iîîific coud lun vies'.'of i- fait tiat itsWax leili silîle fur a i),nsvalj.iis'. ir tsi bicklido o'.. t-ny imiporant îport is itlîiîî inety days, sil ivssuid taii nit y yen rs to muLe a tî--suiresistalît,andithe t~ocounry îillt ho re<îuirt4llu tu> aindeinîîitY ot $5,tlJl,0(tl50. iîilo tue rnjiroadtt miglit triilisusrl naîmillionîîbruts - n <o tîhe Cî,;t thle>-s-îîy wo litb. usit-swithîuîît auliiiiiits liecol-lé witllthe mu iiiienigiîtis îof sar, aînd ss-th al our inteîllige-uce, îîride, lus-ou- lis-o geiilin d uîîl vtI-riîrii- vvw iare nas far belindil1th<le iiiîîisrn aîîîîliai ut-o f s-nr a (Cbina or du paît. WVhile hî ioee îlot lnulicit ate -sa r in t ho lîoar tfutr(.tlie ivît i tt tiii the kitt201) yseunlests Ithu 114) pe it-ent. of thîe %sars lins14<hors' b(t--t, ulivformi asnrniîîg or deov-lît on befî,rt' ltstilitio. andtîas i t wiuld rétiaire y-nrs cf lime0 lucîînstruet modeno ejelts cf sar il ss-uid lie un- %vise <o ilisregaird tIti- les-ois of history. Ili itîr tissu -suîtry. for îiîarly M> >-osra, there liasn tsvetr betîn nil1eriid cf IbirtY- ive' s-ors in whltichitlius not been lui- sovi iin u witr. IIse pointls te <tne cse f t 'hum. ss Iliî-Il madî'le efatli îistuke ot re-li iî,g uîîcîî ils vîiitY silwioriruubers for safîty. a iti argiuîs t lnt lielitst gur- aoty o f j,-u-î-e5t couàl iiî,îîf eîdiîios fir ns'. r Tit- t h îlg i iifault ry. Geel. ii'.re-îoîiiliiels thelit lrte-bat tai ion or- galîizatiiii il îdr-giiiitbîtîl pIs i t-Ciie Èw . oii1,îie-t, cf r.giieî.-tiatogctlls r. l10 tîtiri ha tita t tî sast iii,,-fîtll rsginiîiofe î-ava siir-sh,,î iilii- a ssîntlied îlit Fort ltii.-y. iCa itos. ss tere filin ueili-ivere îiiiitt li- nidert.ikt-tt niiiitîîtlly. 'fi titin tîighly dî-îiiuîutriett the itility ofhc>îe Dtuellîtitr s'.gonsin t,e -îl,'Y il is rt-c- inîî-ul-ltiat utfl t- oftuilt- oî- î,:iîîiî-s Ib- 1Ji.qiip-. sîiti ti-(Se î- --,t s. îîîuîîîîîî-îi fi-t e 4.91M) o iii-titujl iiii ithe- irîily abîleiii iw- -ezi ilo, bas iilii ibîue iriuulre s yfoc îd î-xt reniî-iy U.,44111i. DARING EXPRESS HOLD-UP. RoiicosScuee$,-0,000 inluSanta Fe De-pet ut Colsrat o Spîrl ,,g%. hit t., 11wilîsaf-ý. A fi-r t0-y ici- -lîî-l tii-îi.iiîi-s yii madet- i-ir is- -li-hi .aritzi 1'-fzi-i li-atetrain tmi - tlliî-ri- lit h -1 ;îîît '1 ] îîT he a igenît, GirK iig Kniiit. , -,îiut o litii.' lui lifte-r urrulgiîig ti -r tuîg î iilui lîttî tîl thel,- iis-rii-r onithelIt'iuii ndl il îîll t "itI if lti'. di-lii. iiiiItnî luis ard itt-il iiiig an iartiîig olitti Irue I u nuI l s-littr his.%i sîliii-,-. As lie t-r e --e ti, hns'siiui-l lie sas'. <ssi f'inissinî the.far n i-uni, r i i hermsi. Tlik- ni-lt iaî l Iir sa,-ko iiv.-rIlli-r lii'îils. l-uIî-l figutoltInre ' i-ilsa i-ruîlas 'lite aget hItî,rl h,- %ais i-t-reIl t riiss upl lusbdsIîî an- îîd gît.- î%il,,- wiii in 111(lît tati-. Asliithetmeinsst.î- Ithu i->tîitsizîul fTheîîl î ttit ig i iai- ,ýk i h li,- iii liii ssvr Il,- %% :s ut- urt i--i l Ii-,. iiferi-d lii ,ble i-ntlî-siir s ix îiiîî he l:wetli-tii table5. lhit s Iiith- - i t,- îho ms lîrlite siah t l ,t. S î lt it t ed . liitr t -is- iiiîi l,-ss tîit si îîîl iih, l-il îîi Ciii)-r $tt. -s îiuîltlîî-îr i -si-titi,' 'rt- îi-.$*Î- tqmjt hn- iiiei-iiit rs u i îrr,-î ss fit ii-iig li,- ssiit hi-it t'. ut madeut tii liuiîsv.î liii.lîlrîîl i uit-I- riii iue theiii nîtl ilt -littî Ilîlt-i i-the ltiîîrtneis REPORT ON THE MAILS. Eu-st Asistaut Postuîuster Gîsenral Mekeg F1il-iReport. F-ranikIl. .it-t lutt îîîuîI,- t-animîal i- lonrt foir the- stîr tîtiitî-Jouîîe 30, 1t -NIr. Joneits iitiiîI î,t 1wlivi lisionsa tutu-r Iis siiIrvliit it tiSul, ililirin lt ii- 3ea *îuur 5..577. t-i îniiiîutitillis lk-iun ii, lt- sut. it- in u - i itar ir s-ns i-t- lu' o-ti eiiitiiiî-î as-înd n,-îiuî-ioîî of t11i aniessof tu1 ir-siilî-iaI i îîîtîînsts'ra 2îuîîîîîtu etiii $5Nt7.t and. itithteî-grass ni-- u-ijts utfîtistoîihiis Mi.3.li7 r. Jouets rt-i-i îîtîn-îitit tîiabolit iontif t-'t- imriuîteitl tri-t-ut-l ivry mil oto- lSY ixx >1 h uîtîînupriited for theî li riis-aloi froc rural îuv-ivsry 1tutu-s $20,00J0Jit îtî,îropurinlî-.. of t he espoîîîîîge. invstigation anîl dis- chaurgiuetf -arisers fîîr cauîse' Mr. Joui-a sas> hut 3K) cuarrie-r lt ilts-Il bn re-- usovt'd. Ieniviessaft1' cunti oniss'. it-h msadeotheietsttigat lit-n s-î-ssar>, <t'e pînivpl tilt- htviîg tbîs the<lsîî-cuuîîtulîîtiîsuî (if oe-rtinte elît iis shoedl tat svîîet hiuîg ivas tsrong. Au entilunto tf $12,DtkIJ31M) le masde fth le freceîlelisery sensice tiext >ou r. Tite îîseutîy îrder n-port shuttu that <borereeun'19,691 l îuiuseti- îîîee enter -if- fices nuit urdesnate te unlott s!of 5i 700,089 we's-onoissusd antd $Si.5tl' îîaid. NI r. Joneîs sî.eomeuî îu'uîs egislIatiiui rt-quiine <lerks ahlui îîey ord.-r busine'ss te gis-e ~tnds. The boilen tf Lt'iiglî & Iluîisumn Itîil- tva>- eugints'No. 1:1bit-s- iup t fnVa rsi -k N. Y. Tsvîmenttîti s-i-t' im-tutliy kilî.d and ts i-e li luî 15-nfrnt I i-r injuit-i. TheBîîy .'t<-Truîst ('Companiy et Bos- ton bas vt-,învîoîsîifîrelossîuîre rcet'î- ings iin theîUtedIt lStateis Coiurt agintt th hoOregn lîailtt-:y Exteiiii C'omipany aîud aillte afiliîtiîîg eunpi>ntitics. Tiit- aîîîounsîîtivolved at-grogate us-en $24,- 000,000. sîîcteeiou tothie Marlboroughs dukedoos, lias arrivet ah Nets York anti silI proceet ho Cuba, '.ssere ho expeetsto le leallowed the privilege of ammo»4anyusg <h!$Ofl lob forces.,uerdy tI.çpqlt s- or ltea in, eave An Energello ow Weman. 'II dont Inke niucei stock la thoe new woman tdeas," reinarlied a mnan frern eouth Georgila yesterilay, "but I saw one to-dny 1 weuid tîko t1-jLave lu my corn Ifid Inaloddcr st-asnnte pull fedder. Say, <at ivoman wi-s a James D. &he saw a street car aboîutîa block and a hall awuy and mmnde up luer minîat te catch t; andi suc tii. ho guul. Shet matie a pluage for it and î-iistleîi for the coaductor te stop the ocl-c. The conductor dîda't thlnk she o wuld ever ronds the car, ant consequently di(unt stop. But that womaa ivas eue of the *sp-to-daters, and ebe bad difi'erent no- tiens freni tioseo f the conductor. Slic ram lîke a rabblt-aad t wasni't long before she had plunted ber tiuy foot upon the stop of the reureating catr. "III et dîsposed to applaut lier fer this font, but about that tlime shie reacli- oti up anti pulîcdtheUi bell cord and stop- ped <he car borseif. "The contuctor andi motorman loLked up in astoalsbment. I sirnpiy waut le wait for my tog to catch up,' sbe re- plied. <te tr nqulsitive glunces. "INOW, Il II have te Say lm titis-UsaI if tisat somiaa la a new wemn,u,'.v need more ef tisem W orun IbLs country. We aecêt them particulanly ln tho cura fleds"-Atianta Constitution. When Wrinkles Sesun the Brow, AudLt<m. locks grow scaan d sls cry. ln- firMUstes of age conte ou apace. To retard aud amtllurate <hoeeI.aune of Oie benlgn efecis cf Hostetera Siuuai c lttei, antiedîle te whlch the sgrtl aud luIna cal reu.erl ne a aafe soLtre aud luvlgcrant. 1< countIrrcta à tendeaoy to rlîeumatimmansd itouralgia. itaprovsri to, reecilits bllousaeî, sand istercomes matai-ta. A stîneginse bloe. re- tiag pituotessluniber. Sage and Stssflng. It le aîways safest uc-s-r te phophesy Uniess we k-nos'.. Dr. WIllett, tectîtrer, loarnet the ruth of Ibis rule ttilor a very paintul lesson. Il1e hobby was the stufllng of bird,, on bt!ss kli lui Powe~.- blaklng Bargalas. "Everythlng iuaî-l-kuŽiidus-n o the lowest possible pont«t' said temer- citant, lnqulriugly. "Es-cr>-hitsg-," rejuhIed the cicrk. "I put thée $1.54) sliks ut $1.25 atnd overy-- tblng else ln proportion." "At $125!' exciaiîaod ttc mercliant. "Arc you crazvl" *IWby, ne, sir. Yoti toit me tco mark them duwn for a genuine hargain sale." "0f course 1 -d; but deo yôu thIuk a woman ean ever sec a bargain lu evon money?" Make <hem elthjer $124 or $136 at once."-C'blcago Eveniug Post. Instead of rfititg sith a bed colt tise Dr. D. Jane's Expectorant, which itili 1looeo Uu phiegm. subdue inflammation and certaiuly savo 30cr Lunge and Throîit nsuch daugereus svenr andt tor. We have net learsi o te rot until wo have learnot bow to live eue day at a Urne. Ha!l'a Vegetablg.BSililan Hlaîr Reisewer la, uaquestionabl;, the best presorvative othe hair. It s> also curative of dan- druff, tetter, and ail scalp affections. MM .wialeow's s500-ra ê y or *Chilifro tethîns elt.muslam=,r«dueInla*mmation. atiF ps.,.en.,sld elM.55ouata Sbot"is Mr. A. P. St. Jolin, a ctizen of Oregon, Wisconsin, lu an Interview badl witb D. B. Williamus, af the Oregon Observer, on the lth day of May, lffli, sald: "For a I ng tlme 1 bave been more or les3d troubied- wltb dyspepsia. liavinag considera- bic bard work <to do, If 1 foilowed the cravings of uty appetite It was sure to resuit ln Ibose terr:ble di.stresslii_- pains of <the stuuiach. Whon ln the utost agony 1 would endeavor toobi:sin partial reLief by somo 'grandasýother' treatment, wlîlcb, If of any benetlt, wvas to strengtben the iiuiaglnation that the distress was a trille less. At limes I bave suffered lnterseiy. Whule vililng my sister Cora 1 was rocommonded to try Rilpans Tabules, whlch I soon dlscovered were a blessIng to manktnd. Now 1 ar nenver wltbout theta, and amn pleased to roconsmend them a*s a Godsend to those troubled w1th dyspepsla." BIPAns TEbui 5*0an,"a b? druuE1W ràrt'y mail il the prloe (50 cents à bo)sel0Tb là n o pants herni- e 1Copny . e10 1rke bft. ew 0Yotk. Suoie Vil. 10 ns vU- MM. us Qucer Najes.- wn0-Àjlq ame al weU known offlesh, boe, Sao s01 [m CLyad mui oscl e 7 Klbys n UMr.Bron., ipreps.. Vantoui1. ni**a ATLANTA FLY Leaves Chicago 12:0 oon St noon, Peoria i l:40 o m 6:20 p. m. Arrive Cncipsoati arrive Atlanta 12 10 n011neit a train frota the Vest is k nnma meus "Knickerbocker Specia thse North as <htahei«ngonf ast L* and is rnagnificently equipd with Parlor Cars, WagnertSeepîng Caari4ý cmn Coachses and in m ar . Direct connection ah Cincinnati wit fast train of the Quecn & Crescent ftolà 10 Atlanta via Chattanooga and the Souti ern Railw-y. For f ull information as <o rate, ehe Cali on or addrcss any agent Big 'Té- Route. E. 0. MeCORtMICK, D.UNl, Pasanger TraeC Mgr, cos.. eso m .Ik 1. C. TUCUR, 9. il À., 32u cmarix fIInlW P.10t metIe. Ibi per. à teob3kw w-bat muma pow 5h. l.Ouspasîs ha. boM s greuatbise. igiSu , a 7,0*Y- niastissa zty lng along the street one day with. a expressiy for The Companion for tF96-the 7oth ycar of lts publication. friend, tic figure of an Owl la a Win- tlow cauglit bis notice. "Look thcre. Every memtter of the famiiy, from youngest Dstnu he now," lie said; 'ltheres a fine bird For aU to* the oldest, fands in each Issue amusement it guse SpOlled by ts stuffing! You nover saw ýL- and education ln the Seria and Short Stortes. Contributors. a lils- owl roosting like that, and Its lae .aaA.lL.Y. lan1ReEdItortals. Anecdotes, Healtb and Mis- eye arc a dent larger than ever owl coflaneous Articles. The. Princes. Louis.. had." Just thon the supposed-to-be- The Marquis of Lorns. etuffcd bird 1f ted oue leg and bllnked 2The. Lord Chief Justiceo f ts oye rigbt ln tbe critîc's face. It 5The companion la publusied evOlr' Thurd5 England. "se Soule lime before Dr. Wllett coul(l and la recelved each wee]k la more thawn thirty- 8rDn.Wr lhrs. bz got to secak of stuffed birds wl th TLJLLes a Year. six thousaad post-offIces la the United States. Sir etj ard»& aiiy dogrecet confidence. and by more than Ha-1 a Million Homes. Sceay0 h .S ay Si &TC OF Onto. CTYOF TOLEDO, saetary of hinlterlot. LucAs COU2NTY. ~ ~ uScesyo gtut~o IfgnFx J. CuxHEETmalienoath taniz-e t he<h bi Jiiiay Socll SuvnirNumers dobleIn i se.lorpartner of th. firme!f F. J. CnzNzvEr& Si 1a BetlounrNubsdbelnce dg Oliver W. Hole. CO.demg business La the Cty of Toledo, Ç,ourty andi appropriato <o each asea are publinhed Juz S"d St.aforosald. aud <at said (rin w51111 .LuJ.ULJV . bnsil.Crsms.!wYe',Wa- aiBilim1. RUMIL tflseno! ONEIIUNIII<ED DOIAES for eaen t aI 8fr Wihrstaslliamale Wah ad ever casçe ef Catarrh that canant ble cured ingon'. Blrthday.lEaster and Fourth o! July. ftw*1 R. Btockton. t'y nie use o IIÀLL'S CATARR CI7a. FR<ANK J. CHENET. W. Clark RusaoUl. Sworn te before me asu Wsrlbed la my p enrl eso A ils ence. h15 !Ui daY eOfIlecember, A. ID. 1M5. ooTeasofTeCmatopgelturte Gna NsnA.Mk A. W. GLEÂSON. , h ieo ieCopno ael orlm S oEn. Thoas B. Rd. Notaru Puba e. that of the ieading Magazines. In aach Volume HAils ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Lag CPageCrels.klilteull, d~nearly 700 Dages are given. profunely ilius- The.Dean of SaU*bUx7. directt)y on the blood sud mîteous surfaces ofthOe rtd8fEdlimod. mystem. lieul for teltîmonlaLs. f ree. Justin NcCathy. F. J, CHENEY &CO., Toledo. 0. Thse subscrIption price la $1.75, xaid ta ad- M-Sold t'y DrugushIs. 75c. $175 vance. No other weekly or monthiy publca- - i l FlStlM&dof. Complote Wthout lim. A ion gives en groat an amount of Entertalnment A "Ilold on. faîher!" ext laimed Shem. Ai Year. and ntrsiction eta m mal a price. More thaii ico Othera. "We havent guI <the old sheep with tbe bell on!" Send for PullIl luatrate4 Propectua andi Bample Copie* Pree. 'Thats ail riglit, my son," sald Noah, looklng ai bis watch. 'Hlaut ln thse RMÂRKABT.1D OFI R 1 gangplunk! Thero st oging 10 o fl~ any postponernent of <is trip on ac- s> - New Sbscri'bersWhorlfl ceut eut tii.s lb andudit AT OECE FN courit of he wetlie." C,&]Qpwit naine and asre.,.and $1.13. Win receive: 9 h Gplt count of Ibewetber." ED R FM - The Touth's Cmpaniali every week <ill Jazuusr 1, 1556. Thi lpwt FR=1 - TbsnkgivbLa. Christmnas, Xew Ycar's Double 1Nusbers. In n great manylcases cf Astlima. Pis's RaZ - Our andoome 4-tiare CaIqi6x7si <1x 0 ilnche). Ultho- Cure for Cosi i itioneiiilgi ve r-i ef thatFiil rpeinBe ors>tl ic S =. a is almost eqlli to a cure. '25cents. AID TEE COIUAIION 52 weeka. gtfou year, te jnnllry 1, 1897. $17 Kindness ta tic golden chain by L f which Society Is bouuid.Ti E YOUTH'S COMPANION, 201 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. FITS.-Alt Fit. .to>iu;.5 r"ee ltr. Kilýte <5,-ot SudCheck. Poil-Office or Expreap Order..r leglatered Letter, et Ourlsk. N<.,-,. tt.t '. . t. tuafter i-rt day'. us.. 31a,- elu- rU1es. Treatlsr d .îd SlOrti t-ttIi, tise to Fit c...,. bond t0 Dr. ROue, tmi Arch l-t.. Phli..Pa- IF TOUR MATrTRE89 FILLING'S 0001) adior tickwusai ut.ds uvetI oots u Tf m ely WV arnirng. ef ______________a_____2_miute*___hou ze1s rtclg ym u ed-ài----iar ment icluocventnvs lnu e bt-.tif-.-liea*. thle house of Walter Baker & Co. (established ln 1780> has led to the placing on the market qlmany mlueading &nd unscrupulous imitations Baker à& Co. are the oldest and largest manlu- facturers ù.f pure and hlgh-grade Cocoas and Chocolate» on this continent. No chemnicals are issed in thtir manufactures. Consumers shouid ask for, and be sure that aithey get, thé genuine Walter Baker & Co.'s goods. WALTER EAKER & CO., Llmlted, DORCtIESTllR, MASS- the food for ail such. How many pale folk there are t People who have the will, but no power to bring out their vitality; people who swing like a penduM'm between "' "~N'streagth and weakness- so that one day's work causes six days' sickness! People who have no life for resisting disease-thin people, nerveless, delicate! The -food for ail such men, women, or children is ScoTr's EMULSION. The hypophosphites conibined with the oil will tone up the systemn. give the blood new life, improve the appetite and he iesin The sign of new life wil be a fattening and rwhc binswith k stresigtli, comfoft and nab"- TII! greut clesnercoomto venta on w-ah-dny andi evay day. maisu work a malter oflove insteaiof<dg ry. Try it.. 8cM evUi7t Mate only by Th N. K.P4dr CempSw, YOU WILL'REALIZE THAT LIVE WELL WHO LIVE OE LYS" IF YOU Uieg w amo a %0Tv %&%0 ADBOLVTEMLY PURE * 'i 1Apnts-Ladi« oreCcash. 1 . Amman&

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