F7nes Ililinois.i Dr.3. L. TAYLOR. Xwy, opposite Public Park. te 10&.m làto i Md àteoBp. Pl. Libertyeîlie. Illinois. Dri G. W. ALVERSON. Ohysiclan and Surgeon. ýVTiCE 1400R91 &t &an 7teOP M D)ises 'of Women and ChIldren a apeialty. LAKE ZURICH, ILLINOIS. Dr. E. H. SMITH, DENTIST. èffi0*overLoyOiiletDrugStore HLOU&5itei2 a.m. andlieOàp. m. DAILY. Libertyvilie, IllIinois. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. .tornQy and Councellor at Law, NOTARY_ PUBLIC. speciil attention glvea te o CletIons and Office wlth Lake County Bank. Libertyville, Illiniois. W. H.. APPLEY, ,,,,AUCTIONEER.. LlbertyvIlle, Illintois. Saving hed much experlence in Auc- iiering in the past seventeen yen?.. un pm repared te attend aies ila ay posu1 of Lake and adjoining Counties ai very Low Raese. Satifefaion Guar- aaieed. Gîve me a Cail. Wright, Parkhurst & Co. LibertYvile, IlMinois. Issues Interest-Bearing tCertifIcates Payable on Demand. LIGET HAUNESS, AS WELL AS NETS AND LAP ROBES ARE NOW IN SEASON. CHARLES KAISER KEEPS THEM. When first,-cIassrepaing je needed, you know where to fiad hlm ai Libertyville, Ill. Mies LULU M. S. PENNIMAN, -TÂÇHEU 0For- VOCAL AND ALSO DELSARTE INSTSUNENTAL SYSTEM 0F ... mu le..... .....ELOCUTION.. BEST XiTHODS. 1MOST BEEÂONÂBLE PBICXB. LibertYvillO. Illinois- MISS M. ALICE DAVIS. Gradue te of Americau Conerrrelory of Munec. ; - TACEKE Or- VOICE CULTURE AND HARMONY Llbertyvllle. Illinois. Raiph Darby's Barber Shop -la now Ioca;ted ln- HEATH & Soxs FURNITURE STORE, Whera YOU ana always 9"t Tour Shaving. Halr Cuttîniu and Dresaîhg. -In the Latest Style o! th- Givo m-' a triai. I Wini please vou. Ralph Darby, - Libertyvile, Ill. .BDON'T FAI-L. TO ATTEND THE 0OUT SALE'! -ATN une.Joffey & Joffey's.... 0 *..I4jE.MODEL.. t a à o CTEMPLE. I Il yc.u vent téi know wbat ta golng ou in the. bergain yorld celi ai "ýThe é.L" The prie.. f aU kinda of goods have been grestly reduc3d in tua hast »w m ve keep pao. wiih the trnes. Seveniy-flve cetasteill bny more Xda of tl. Ude tati ibm One Dollar dilesta from anybody. We hareby give Psezapl N"% SCL.OTHING.1. This Year 0 buts suit ............ s500 It AUMM simai.............. 760 àtmd PI Casimmreftit..10 00 35 and I 11 Gbine Black My 1Votieid roas.Suie.......0o< .8 OvioSooa .and Umatera ........ 5 OÔ SOoan d UlaSer........ 8 50 00 mil~oas u Uluera.... . 1.. . 0o<) fr'URNISHINGS. Len ItmzThs Year à ,M sdm. 1à-1 . BOYS CLOTHING. Lasnt ear This Y ar $2 50 Boys suita ............. $ 1 75 3 ByeSBuitea............... 200 4 5) Combluation Suite wlth extra pente sud cap to match 3 50 6 50 Combluatltta Suite with extra pants sud cap la match 4 50 6 00 Long Puntie Suite for growa boys ........... .......... 45 7 50 Long PenteiSuite for grovu 5 00) 3 0<) Boys Ulotere............ 2 0<) 4 50 'Boys Uls'. ee............. 3 0<) 6 M< Boys Ulsiers........... .4 50 9 00) Boys Ulters .............. 6 50 ou MO Uad Unw r..... 3 HATS, CAPS, ETC. 50Plmi evy Woocî dr- Leelt ear This Toar . 1 00 $ 50 Gloveand eiîîs.....$ 25 Uo-o 05 5Hav cltodBx O 2 60 51f or Fadons Rate . i..150 il.E.vy vOol Lope 8«x.......15 i 50 Stif or Fadora Hats ...1ot 4~Wooi MUi14, 9ft Molin, Boys 08 75o Wluîer Cops .............. 50c Olovp or c lottion.......... 50 50e Winter Ceps............... 25c Wflvea1.ru ................. 48 1l2O-ool Shirts .............. 1 00 250 Al W"olsyiran.......1 60 00WIN1 oihrte.............. 50 l'h... le* itemS vii give You somma Ides boy much chéapar you cau buy 0We $*Ma than you could formaniy. Howver, va do nol meanato sey Ihal you Çm bf hori maS chaap from anybody ehie; ou the coalrery, to Judea by the. pries. ome pe pie have paid for gcods ln ater stores va ahouid lhluk thasa 96,oeep.rs are attU womklng undar the va? tarilf. At "Tht. odail'yournaay »l"' depend on tvo ihinge: 1-sYen alv*yo buy Raliabla G ood. S...Yoialways bey thoranasu heap asetht.saine quaity cun bhahglt auy- whnellathe Vlffl tates1.1. rI% rr' I IE~ *~Waukegan,jllinois Olt hagea are nmba !Hu. H. - ..PADDOCK, £DITO* Âà» rP»o Fridsy, Novembor, 15, 1895. L BTYVILLE LODGE. No. 492. F L AM.IteguIarCommunhea"lndadiM aurdays o!eaeh aonth. YVtaltlnbret aO ce Éweleomed. J. G. lUe. M If. l owx. Sac. Wallace Combe han teken np his abode ai Baraboo, Wia. Siih & Swift, &ea fal iniie of winter mlllinery aYt*giono. Born, Saturday, Nov. 9, '95, to Mfr. and Mira. F. W. Purdy a danghter. C. R. Sherman hes just received a new lot of Ladies and Gents watches. Joe Roehm and famlly now ocoupy their new mansion on the sou h is. Mies Alice Locke spent several days recently with her parents ai Highwuod. Boy your ae ai frs. Protine's nei .1 1 ndre e a handsome souvenir Pure home renWed lard ai Austin &Maliory's try h diàd you williunue no other. i w Now is the trne to Siy your Cloaks of lirs. Protine be!e the st>ck is broken. For Fresli Sait and 8nid Meats, go to the New Market lisqtiu blallory. t C. B. Sheriman visjted his parente ai Shermerville, Suuday; found themn In good heaith. A fenw more Tam, EShanta Cape to b.L sold che.p týý. ee them out ai lirs. l'rtlne'u. Mr.s. Harrison Brown fell down a flight of stepà Mouday eevereiy in. juriug lber hpl. Mfr. aud lirs. l3aner parents of the Belimes. have ilso mioved and 10w lve tu the green cottage near the depot. Geo. Behnî lias ioved to town fromn his fariin Fremont and now reeldea over the saloon where bis bumiemaesel. bIre. Campbell and bier threeý grand- chidrenl deperted hast week for their future home in Chicago, 976 W~ileux Ave. Sherman lias two Cents' heels eft whieh he wl sall i nder coet. Take advantage of this offer to secure a good wheel, cheap. Mfr. and Mri. Cartild raturuad to Rllins, Tueeday, alter a pleasant weeks visit with thair (lb ughter lirs. H. S. Hurbutt. Wet bave a large etock>of, lst.. and' Chiltiren's Cashmere ,akd, @% Ho- hi.r, hjeh vo viiiaei' 8 i SmIT & Swzrr. 3fr>. H. Sali anti dauighear, of Lake Zurich, vare liera Sînday te sec ber sister. lire. Jno. Lyon, who is undar- going a sevare seigi.'of tht. grippe. Smith & Swift have aîuiasort- matnt o! faucy work m 1arA, Wbc tht.> iii sel unt cost. ikn ly aiid maie your 8elections foF'0 day gif i.. Invitations are onrt for a Birthday Bag Party in the. parhore of the. M. E. eiorcli Libertyviiie, FrÈlay evening, Nov. '22. Something novai, sornîthlng ne X. Austin & Mahhu1rv a Il ai yotxr itair everi' îtornijiantitake 3your ordars for Meute an ~criaes, if von wieh them t>. 1P ini delivery and good good aiways. C. W. Minniche Young foikst gaveaa party Wedîîeatay evextiug lu iheir iriend.e. The. avent was a happy ue, tht. ouhy shadow being tht. thought o! tht. separation so uear ut haud. New styles lin drees goode, '..Vintar Mlpey Wlil. ie ry, Facinatoia Mit aus, Lad' ises aud Chitdren wintar unde r at lire. Pkotina'. A Bk to see thése union suit, whetî you C. W. Minuich aud ftîmiiy moved to Chicago to-day, (Friday>, te ha nearer his business. During thair two yairs sojourriart., thay have made mauy Warta friande who daaply regret their departura. Monday uîornlng while lire. Harrison Browa vas bttey at bar îvork, abe stapped out the. back door sud accident- iy felhl njuring ber hefithlp very seronslv and no doubt il iehaconfineri t) barblitd sorne urne. Undar the. cura o! Dr. Taylor, va boite soon tu séa bar arouud agein. Libertyville village bas good gravaI- ed etreatoand soma o! tht. highways oulsîde tht. corporation bava beau graeled, butt tht. .and ptaeed ou tht. io'-kiand road enet o! Copeaad's bridga looks iikea a aste o! both lime sud mouey. Wa doubt i h lh aver pack sud becoma ea sold road. Mise Allie-Rose, of Waiuut, Ilh., Who baï beau vishting bar aunt and unce Mi. sud Mr. Gao. Harrick the paet ivo monthe, sud accornpanied by ber cousins Carnie and alla Herrick vent te tht. clty Tuasdey tae pend the vek wi.h 1Mr. sud Mrs. T. 8. Merriell. '5vnum thera Mis& Rosavili ratura to her home. T*he Yankee sud the. Duichman" i., tht. titte o! a lecture t0e bcdaiiverad at the. Preebytarlen charch, under the auspices of the. Young Pople'à Cou a- cil, Frlday avening, NOV. 20, '95, by ltav. G. D. Heuvar. The speaker oughitoeknov hie subjeci, s hahas had abundant opporiunhiy for sludy. Ing It. belng as ho calta ishmsaf, a «Yankeaflad Dutvhinau." We trust Our reeders viii apprecase the. faut that va are worklng nea grasi d.ifllculties toIaaue the paper sud do0 Job Prinhlng unil vae au secam, f tind8 sufflaieni lit finish our offiae wbeu oulside capital stands raady t tIt ue up vhth mnaahiuary. If auyone feeha inclnad 1e gai up a e bt.or ea m triltuta labor tovard fiuishiug o.>, building it ffli bu ihamk!uliy roeivad sud duhy rl»ro tdfor l imaine E ver Yours in Ihe .truggle of!lle. H> C. P»ocx. A Womn'mBI** ris. My only chlld vas dan 'o mijy sick for four daya vlth choie ixuiu. We conchuded try h.M emild Ooic, Choiera sud D oea -4fter the ihird dos.e v. olw dangeir, and aIda hi uing tw osuraff QItht. for. Delite, 1*.IvdO, thaa- brah.m Lincoln wva a peser zaaiibanGeorge WahingtOlL' A ÀMa&tive, 8. K. Gallo. wily. NegAtive, Benjamin H. Miller. IiEOEANMZ. Reading....Miss Nora Bnttertiehd Reiation... .. ssNoie Churchill Banjo Solo ........i.. M eMbel Achen Addresr ........... A Literary Society by S. M. Gaiioway. Preabyterlan Churoh. Baguier Snnday servloes ai 10:30 a. M. 7:30 P. M. morning snbject-«Compel them 10 orm nl that my flouse may be flled." Evenlug-«The Story o! Joseiph." G. D. HEiuvER, Minleter. Correapondenta and Advertlaers should remembar that it takes time 10 set type btfore a paper can be prlnted. You wiii grestiy oblige by handiug la yonr copy eerly, Copy for ad& muti hereafter be lu onr bande not lter than Wednedey noon, so we cen de- voie Thursday io settlag up the laiesi news. We atm 10 prini the INDEPEND- ENv Thnrsday efiernoon, so h it ii ranch our readare on the Fridfsy mail. ORDINANCE NO. 73. De It Ordalni'd by the Preildeî,t and Board of Truisbisof the VillaeofLiber yvelîl .. SEC. i. That a sldewalk 6fet an sd a ni) rih.s wlde. eonstruced o J Round lumber, wlth s strinager.e asc2 i1lcher, b 6Inch q, the' boarda thereon to flot 1 Uthanstntrhom. fior mor r icVn he3s wi and lieha2 tachas iek 5 b.board toba d or A. on d adfst lth ' y flot an fiva - ns ie lad alonalSpra"n iltreet u sida ln th -Villsgo..o;1 lbert P. no , oin menaîrir n afmi> f hbanik's ropery fiapint 14f t e Vow r's wet Imýan*5f ex BK. wdt ~toirom t e..a- t lu IIw .e aid tr. t.T wholo o th-i ooeto0sald sidoa vik shail mi I mpecial tax ition of thets rbaru s'of eetle ir to>îchlng utîtu tie'lino o! sal- i ett.sE am ln ts ordiroîne ,- ll'. Eaehet Rilo .ts or parert'lm of Ia. ib.'eîtt"ially taet. i n p;'oîîeýrti'.to te l.frt)ntage u'Ilon eu.ýh si .' - SEC. 2. ((id situewalk shah b.'hoc..nstrtvte'd ntI nrote lIther.'for fîîrnisheil imnitr th-- aup 'rvleltn sud suliject to the" aptiroval of tht. Street <'mntslonerrof selti Village. Sac. 3. Ail owu"rs ot lots or parcol. of land toîîahlng the. lIne of sald eidowalk shall construet that harut of salit s.lawaIk lu front o! theîr res1petlve lots or pareel%. ln atet.rtl- anc e'ith the p.'hfimatons oft tiis ordinance vîthîn thlrt ydaysartt'r ttc îpulicatiotn. anti lu di-fault tht'raof. the' n.'cssary, materiais shall lm- furnimiî.d and sutk ellewaik emit struetod by thetVllaIe.'of LIhert filaong tht. front of eueh lot or lot.. ar4cl. 'or à artelli. the' uwn.'r or owners of wh te hall talto furnish sueit matt'rials anti ctntruet suth sidî'walk or itart thert'of. heroby r"- gulrod. wîthîn the aineud lu tht' xuauut.r htr.'la ProvItled. and the oat therootttshah b.. eollc*edfrom the. respttîti tvewurs 't! salit lots or parM8iso! land as îtrovldt'd lun11>1 orlinane.. Sac 4 lu-cape ofth,' dtfault orfajîrîre t,!aun lot owner or ownt're. ti> constriiet su.'h se.. waîl alung sai linc la front o! i.tt r thelr the. Vii)ag' of LîhrtyvîlIt.. a 1111 t.f the. :051 o! sech .I.l"walk as shail 4i1 so con rtr, tci by sald Vllag..e, hovIug lu separate items. the c'..:t f -rdlng, materlel. le>lng dtowu asucp -ri ., T,n. shali ha lled lu the office'of the VtIller.'CIrk.ce.rtillî'd to1 thlie(CI -1 k or Raid VIllago, t., ther wlth a t f the lots or pîts'e k cf land toueblur ilt' h- Ileut! sald sldewaîik (ha nemi' o the'twners thereot and tht' frontar.' sa sllewt:lk of eiwh lot tr parcel. SEC. 5. tu u ln ! bi of 'the1 lItaofI r > klu t)of s!uii Il e.'c k., t.rk cha a5o(-1"'pro..'i te îtr'itart asn a x liet n«t sald lots and par e lm, )d o oa s tht'r,,f. if known. g ni 1t c îutatltu tl. aluiountt s 'lai x to arg.'tl aaain.t: etrh or. . ,ilttrta nilthe uwnt'rs 'lief n oui o! tht. strtittu ut aid sldaw . " dg o th te fixt'd for lb' lt.vy su'*1s51 i 1taxï Y its ordînane vhehpe. lisi shail b.' aIs.> Ifildlu tht. offla t h V e Ci.'rk ln sui.] Vllage'. Sic 6. 1atteclerk shail. ltî.tit' 1v n ntht'filug o! sali speeiil tax lier in hIs e, etissue is warrant lrett'd t., othe. Tre tirer o! sali Vllai..ifotr the. colIection of the. vernil amolînts to! speltal tax ....as.'r- tai '41. andt p:ffering trotu saltl 5eial tIC Il eote' dut. upt tht' ctveral lots or î.ar'. of nit. tr front tht. oive.rtir eohr.tf tiwhlnt u Ito the' ii>'of sai sltlwalk: 'antd stt'h offleer shah proet't'tù>tit,-ttht.e so'ral makînît damanti for tht' saint frttin esth t! the' ptrties dvi sguat.'.lIn saitI warrant ait the' owntts ttf saidi lots or pîtet.'s tof!antI.Stalit Trt'a.surý r of salI Village,. tt whtm sai waurrant shalbho lssiîied. shahli îsrf-,m tht- dutls î lr.'setrlb 'd for iii ln (bis crdluantt.. wittîlu slxty day., frtmmtht. dutat-or u,h wart.ant. andtti tlln l,.. isys asitar tht' expiration of taid warrant. ..htll inakt' r.tura upion «taldi vsrrrnt sbowlug ail amueinti at n etdsd ahI amntînts net tt anet d u 0 .'ttll ..t ont.,'pay ttv.r to the. CI-rk of Rai Villae'al suins of mout.y by hlm collt'ctt.d th 'reon. i SEc. 7. Upon fallure (to cll"ct sueb speelal t bx ttr any îtart thi'rcot. as hi'rttfore îtrovtd- 0.1 lu (hie .trdiuatie,. It .hall 1b'itht' d'îty of salit CI.'rk wltithluitrty day.. uft 'r tht' l"ilîna l isoffitm o! the. warrantt tasussi hy hli.for th". colle'ction of guet. sp.xlal tax with tht ratern oft(hi' proper officer thet.t asht.r.'luprovlded. to mieta sfull report o! ail spetlal tax ln wrttng. tu sucli tp'n,'mal offi'o'r oft(haeteuuty as mer b.' autlîorlzt'd by ltswtesappy fer îîîdgements agalet ni 1 selland fortax.'s dut' aouuty or stat.'. ot ail tht'"slotsr narct'ls o!fauti upon which sut'h spe..ial itax shaîl b' sou ipatd. wîit tht. uaines of tht. respiectIve owners tht'reotf. ai fur s"the saine are kaowu (o seli CI.rk. anti tht. amount dite aud unitalti npou .'scb tract. touether wlth a epy ot the. tr.l nan't. ortir- 3tug tht. construction to! such sl.lewalk. whlch raltrt seilb" comtauled hy thte oath ot tha ûlerk. tbet tht. Ilatli correct rettrn o! tht. Iots and parc.'I... of Itand on wbich thît j~ .a tex. lavîrd by tht. authorIt y t,!saliti Vlage, for the. toni of tht. ai'alk lu t hle ordlinalona.imhit.d. r-main.s dri>' cul nupali raud that tht. amtunta h.-rt.n tatti tas dut. anudunpaltl havaeflot 1) Il 'ct'd ur any pi t thoreof. Pt(ssad Nov. 1eth. D. 189. &Pte'ovt"lI Nov., A. D. 1895 b Publlebed Nv. A.D. Pr'.lt'u AvîEsILL rF1Vt Att est. E. L.L Village' C'l"rk. LIistof Unolaîmed Lettera. LiBzEaTXvnLLe. Novr. i, 189. EdiI.Crova.311.,M15; HoI. F. Ref. 1 0. H. SciuzCx. Post Mater. h .FURNITURE. Easles, Clock Shelv'es, Wall pockets, Paper holders, Bock cases, Center tables, Extension tab's, Dining chairs, Rockers, Couches, Lounges, ,,Chamber suits. Piature frame s, Boom nloulding Peints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Brushas, MihTors, Mattresses, Cots, Springs Etc,Etc. ..A T.. la i Our stock ls complets in Ladies, Gent**,, Misses, Youth's and :Baby'swear ail aý Bargain prices. CLOT-HihM BARGAINS Corne ln and see our bargains in Suite ' and Overcoats. We selat haif the profit usually made by clothing houses. W*' buy for cash'and have purchased many suits and overcoats at prices 80 iow that we can seil to you at regular wholesalé prices.0 ,-: SEE OUR ALL WOOL PANTS AT $1.75. PRESS GOODS Have you seen our line of Dress Goods. if flot, it wiil pay you to cail. We guarantee' our Dress Goods, to be as represented We have rnany bargains in them. Our shelves are full of choice goods and bargains in ail departments and we are here for business. Remember our store is the iargest in Centrai Lake-County. M. B. COLBY & CO. DR. DRU DRqUG DRUOS 0 000 0 DRUGS. You-will see that Drugs follow closel after the Doctor. The proper place to' get your drugs and your prescriptions filed is at .. 'LQ veII'S Drug Store. We also carry a fulll une of Toilet Articles and Musical Instruments. Corne see us. CALL AT SHERMAN'S JEWELERY .....STORE AND SEE HIS ... New Stock of Watches, PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. Have you seen the They are as good hrougli, no filliîîg. Ne w Gold Aluminum Goods ? as Gold, Sanie nietal clear Also a Fui! Line of fine SIL VER WARE 'AND___ JEWELERY...- Ail Goods Guarauteed as Represented. C. R. Shermian,.-, LU 5ERTYVIL5M TWO PAPERS FÔR THIE PRICE'0F CSTABLISHED IM 1641. bisbUddbyhTUEFaaa Mu PuuLsuuxc C6,,1 We -have macle a Speclal Clu with the "Oid Reilable" Prairie whlch2we can furnIsh it alon Mm%* l= 1