CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Nov 1895, p. 2

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The,.Peoi l!cfClve"aiu. Ohio, teod TE W EKR E OEFSl £AmplIad Stiuday whea they reaiized theTH R KES EM V FI - - ZLLINOMI& nl horror of a terrible accident whlb PLATES PROM I ME RAILS. sur teured Saturday evening on the bg EîieradToTap ntnl central viaduct. It was tbe worat acci- TifE BABES. dent tirat han aver baîipened in that City,Entcr aiTw Taîp .aul aad the slory of hosv the niotor car, load- Kilted-Firenan andl Postal Cîerks ___________ ed sitir meu, ssomen andl eblidren, bail AeSro.y.Ijrd-Jpns plungeal îhrougb the opn raws, straiglit AcêroayIJrd jpna éWtSLE CRIME OF SPANISH down 100 faet lu t tffriver, wsa totl Commiander Commead* the Inidana. SOLDIERS. over aad aven again. Fifîcen bodies in - ail were reeovered andî identified. Thoui- Fut Mailt Wrecked. sanals of peuple renriained by the riv-er A delibicnitp attetupt was auccessfîrlly .U.ltnVa Troue aid te avebanik al ight, anidltiiousanda umore svere mrade i few uaies wast of Homc. N. y., ru there early iu the mernirîg. Augnet Rog- îrk train No. (1 on thie Nesw York Cel- abob*ed Many Woinanad Chhi' ors, the motnruran. wio Iras been beldlias trîrl Itilrîîad, lthe enigirie sudi]aI of the Ï! tuIe Cuba--Comanader Llkely te a wituess, a'as chargeal wittî rarrlauagb- caras0u1 the train beitrg ditelied andl Coin- te tv.. Extrema Penalty, ten. This actbon wsas lakeur by ('bief of jletety î rëe"ked. The engineer of tIhe Poflee Hoebn afterlirebl iiivstigateil train. Nate' ilager, et Albanîy, aud ta-o the accident. After tbe charge hb reit trampjs i-re inflid. Thne fintiai, Chria h.tff and Chtidren Palta Death. placeal against hua rioboîly wvas permitted Waigner. uof Albaniy, anu( Mail Clenks Por- ýL Pernuando Figneredo, tire Cuban ta ses Rogers. The' iiver suceededil'luiter inîd M. .1. Me(7etrtliy svene inijuire,]. r ef ?amps, 1la., la in reeeilît of a fatenîng a cbain te tire trucvks of tihe 'Tbis la tt'e s'cunîîl îtînnpt sithin three jý9roqIg Havanaa glvtg detaila of motoy and tboy Ivere rnisea frnm the wes'îate svreik thesanîs trai iear the itàm ie tet have been coinmitteuî by river. The beal of thre stream snatho'n sainle spolt, w mu-h leaua ideal orne for the 01rds ia Matanzas province. ('01 dnagd but ne more bodies a'ere foinli. coummissionii of ainli ns inie. Il is on a pba, whin commandos a Spaniair regi- er esons are stli missing, iroaever, lunv ov rd.adtan a:Iym V eetly encontntenod the auvane and il is probable that their bodies bave doin rtl ut the ratte of slxlv-Iive imiles an èe< Q ea my iu Matanzas ami floateil down tbe rive'r. hour. Thîisant, nrt sîopping i Rome, jfae.Wlile soîdiers under Me- geuerally goea downr the grade at a great ieela retreat lbey met a group of SN UBS BRITAIN AGAIN. rate of sîue'd. nîud it ia believeil that it P iéebl nnean a 11111e Suta - Digrc mueînt have Ijeet u rnning close ta seveuty- ma..eJqoîîs. As the soîdiers passe'uIThe Sla Retnstates larce ive miles anuboutr, in order te niake ni. a ïqthe ivoaen madea a eering ne- Pio fiiasa os. fes initiaunes lbat tue. There la flot a le «,wnt thre Epaniards. The remark The $ulîn&au, appanently, Iras iothtiro of lieuse within biaîf a rmile of the piace. Tire ~ erd by the sldiers, and go en- snubbing Great Bnuitan. Quite re.cenîtly sre.'kers lîroke iiitb e section tool bourse thnthat they feil upoi thre wom- lie deeonateal Bahri Pasha, isho buad beeu n nd tole some tools. aitti whicb lhey ne- WM~hiren anal btchered every one, removeal froni a govertrorabip a nt b* ' inîus'î'1 tl' lfish plates wshiî'b fasten the bi.There were len womea andl stance of tbe Bitish Ambassauor. 8" rails (ta thet ies, and pulleal ont the spikes.1 ita dosea cildren ia the group. The Philip Connie, for ill-reating Arneiu'iania, Engineer Hagernvrt down sith bis en- iaIur wWl Ilkely be eourt-martiaîoui and Il svas said Ibat ire W.» 1ho0ire a i' gifleaad ueut havi. been intantty killeul. 'bu made ta pay lire extreme pîenalty. ponted btb e commandl of lhe Tîurkîa 'rhe irempri, Clînis Wagner, sas baîhiy ________ loops, operatiug againat Zeitoun, Iviete injuredab îout the head, anrd it is feancd C~S~UP T TH WAEB. tire Arnmeniana bave seizeal the barra'ks that lie ls internally irt. The two CA U E TE AVIL andal trategic Positions aften irap)ttri'ng trampass%%ho aere founil denal are sirî- ~ o »o~nd aler. Ar abattalion ot Turkisb troojis. II le o5V psit rvebe îaigi id nte MM of Dioirued Sllors A. announcealftlet tbree prison officel of oet ln bnséaigxrd.oth Waabed Asbore. forward enl of the firat mail van, direct- Moosh, who ssere dismissel 5omtme ago lyitbrertth 'nne ej in thre pitîlees, stormy sI-sens of upon the ilemanal of the British Amiras- ] ite ____ote __gne 0 bfiehlga came te the sailIos anal sador, owsing to tirir matreatment of COMMENDS 'IrHE INDIANA. ýUr end destructionu te the shits tiraI prisouers, bave beeu renstated. T he e ; thi eiements and net Out front British Charge d'Affaires, tbe Hon. Japanese Naval Expert Conniders lier AUth eeîh of the gale cf Tueaday Michael Herbent, has demandealoetItlîe tire Beot Croiser of Her Ca.. *4esday. Wreckage froeu a nînn- Porte tirat the lbnce prison officiaIs ire Conmmanrder Miyauka. naval attache of <Iboat, iras been washed ashore ut agaln'alismisseil.____tI'Janeslgaoii M points on the laite, andl shile il leth ane lginà Wsntois (gUtveIy kaown tirat amy boat@ 'lO ESTABLISR SCHOOLS IN COREA madle a strong re'port tu the naval dopant- lé.e lait, four bodies were wsaaed nient of Juipan on thne meits of thne United1 *èW'enewday moning an thre beach Prut RenuIt of the Wave of Civiliza- States battlîe-ship lIdiauna. Thîis report,6 Saui.Notîiing je know'n tireeof ton lInhe Hertuit Kîsagdom. cominug tat lm ieri enJapan is Iooking 1 ,euot gone asirore andlal ' Tttire rt impulse et the moe of civill- abroad for nesv bartie siiiltu andamuIciuerg,c We flint tire bodies are tirose off isb- zation in Coron resuiting frou the China- willi, it is bel leveal, be favoirable 10 aeînr- ai wbo were bast in the gale, Bat- Japan ssar is uotcd in a dispateli te tire uig sanie of tieno'îtracts for Ami'ricun 9 end stormavoru ioals came iîto State Deparîment froniUa nited States liiîbuiiters. ( -'îuoîunurler Ml3 nuaka spent Mo port beaing evîdeuce et Ibir Minister 4ilI, transtnittinug a royal de- an ertire wî'îk oun thIr nndiana svirle aire Mie.wltr the gale IIr docks sivelt Cre'e establîshîng a 53 tein (if sciroolei w'vas lat sea urndinndocka'doid rsîmaup Iii of everyîiag that offeneda ay nv, bat country. The lîfrriose, as qurintly coinclusions in tire statement that the I- à" ta tire wind anal waves, W'reck- expressed in thue dî'îree, ia: Ciilîlren daana is a siîuhenîîîiîl sîîiju. ajini if net su- ~utpocd o e mnkal <'nning Saflibe tmngirt, in ordor that tire people luno an.' hattîe-aii of ber "ias bý"* 1 iur e aralevoix, Miî'b., atid may ire educated; that a geucral knîossl- attîjat. There je kpen nxpiletitiori amnig oiweta cfflire barge Iala Cîrniagexige may be diffuacul and that mnen of tire amp-builders ofthue svîmnd fur au'hr lbîï & Ryaui. sere fearful for tire abijity may he ruiseal up lu 1111 the varions tire cons tracets fur thiconrunctIlu of tire ,X tineir boat anal !ts cross' util lu- professionîs." îrewv siipa îvhiî'b Jruîarn laabount te hala. iédby elerap tht l bd ted p n 'orge Wuilliamsn, îof Washingtoun, reîr- 7d y ail rgmap H iat I ial tic aits 1 Morton on tire Meut Question. aeîrtiîrg Eastern raipi anIs, visitel Japon ~It ai niht.Haf adozn hat Secretary MorIon bas lîja annual ne- reu'înr:y and fîunî that tire va'biruet fav- F.TWrfkeal along the Michigan shore pont about completeal. Tire Secretary orî'îltire Arnniî'nnan builulers, bnt tiraI they *iouèa pointet, but go fan ais knoa-n ail]l abo uthe ayatcm of governmenb acere upposeilbyth3 ie nava'l experts whic ire mreleasea freux tirir periions iO5si inspectîoîî of uneata and sill point ot badriaeî'eivu-îltineir trainirng luinErginrl' and noe ]ives have Ieen relianteil]nmre of the dlefecta In it as it nonv exituudbe-ed thev Engliair wen" tIhe bî'stf ,Thre ife-saving cres 'wIere kept Tire fact that tire system t alle ru proteet ahipbuilders. Mn. Willlauiis left for Eng- jutat on peelilous missions o e v'y3, Ameican congumers sîhite il gîards tireland somi' ilavsa ge, andni s visit niiry Iad ut IlangIer anal barlabi j. iealth of foreigu purchasera of our beef te soume uuderstandîing hîtîeen the Eirg- bas ottea been liainteal ont. The Iasv lir auîd Aniricaibuilîlers. RAVAGE 0F FLABIE. permit tire- Federal antirorities ta con-___ denin but not destroy, and thîns stands TRAIN ROBBIERS FOOLED. ai; Chcago Causes a Loua cf Ove"rn ha ie 'ay of an effectuai iîterference * Haif a Millionr. on the part af governanent officiels te pro- Ibid Up a Great Norer aEpr IRat Chicago Thursday destnoyeil vent the conaumption uf diseasealmtlui andl Sent Express Car Away. s WC loicksi owned hy Warren Sprnn- Ibis country. Mn. Morton aeknoa'iedges Maskesi robL."rs helal up the Great I I* up tire pieuts of twants- firme, tris Imperfection in tire Iaw anal aays it Nortbern express train noar Si. ('tond, I r,.$% persona ent of employment anal la due ta atr systein of çovernment, sa-icir Minu, 'T'ie train wsaasteppeal b>-andanger F, àa lomaof $M0.000. Thire Ire u- eaveas ocb matons langely to tire state. signal sudnnî moat inînneditetv tir enc-s 'thteeionrs. Four hunrîncl omien He says, irawever, thât there ia a nemedy gineir aurd firemaîr saere confrenleal by M.on a sixth gfoor wene le danger for theu defect, svblch la te be foumd in ap- two men a'itb revolvers. Thre robber'î, thue aof beng eut off hy tire ames, peatiag ta the own-rs ef diseaseal stock evidentty lîokirrg for tire express-car, amnd 4y were saveal by tire prosencp of or lu co-openation wiîb the State guvenu- supig il 1.ob lie he condl froua t'Ire l et#g policeman, anal heroîsm of Chirs meutesuanalihourges that stops be takon engime, i-nI il off froni connestion aitir v W th elevator eondtucliur. The ire' looking te tire extension ofthtie nationial the imaiiu'r. This svirere they madeie uj ve» tireteneal b>'tire frqquenl faIl - gavennmea'a prerogative in'tris dinec- gr4nd uistake, for tire express car ansa t he taIt waiîs anal by explosions ef lion. next toelire engiîîe. Tire engineer aas or-j IN# bad sevanal rnn for their liresee e"ulot"whc i iadlo b* w escapes, but tire>'lnckily Fear She Han Fouudered. theeressc"pli ointh e 'licrw hl ,aaly teo »ot unsealirea. The buildings If tbe Britishr amp Lord Brase'>, noa h xuoscraitrtenoe aeyt 0jpppp wlth automatle sprinklers. oven 1004 days ont froni Shanghrai, bas nulS.Cou.A -n sterbbr ls 4a were nashboîllss as ganden sprnn founderndata sea andl arrives in port sire coverea tireir nistake tbcy plurîgeil into tek t 1 the tirers. There were wil ir e sizoal b>'the British Consul an'i the3 Woodsa ndîîl capel. fortetture proceedinga wilIirbe irititutedl b i'. walie< .but the.a.mes pas.,ell Duluth 'Mystery Cleared Up. N lUmras eau!»' a" tiougir tiey b h rts oermn.Fo - Tire investigation ireldi mte tire myste- ý rntath. Cirris Oison. wben tira tire ciat documents recehved froua ltreCos- rinscse ofthténeman ow asC rlsi ~çt kew ri du>'anl uuc bubi rtoms Departineir t aIShanghai, il nppeiire in akovna hre ~i,*n every man an socknteahire that hapt. Guunirg oîtainrei a custoun Beirsoir, svir bas becî i St. Luke's Hlos-v eveil bmn anld woran inontire bueceigb'aa nlforer>'In 1pital, ntIDuluîtir,for a w'eek with bis r* FI In la of tireelvao t ie ?rder Ihiat ie uight nian thea ship with Ibroat eut, set nt rest the sensational 1Mve trip one e e arrye ail inexpeniotîceal sailors, 'l'ie Uniteal States storie a-huî'b bave been going tire rounds. ,wer netvOthertma u rrf au. Governnîeurt, tee, 114LS Fa big Cdaim ion tie re l'%eAuliffe state tiraItirhe yeuîng niait a 't -aey termneo @ ebhip. 5hecerdadsal fo h n slarelir (Charles Benîson, froni 1ine City,t It ot by ire andl amoko. ceiieaalslefrnSra- _____irai without tirel obtaining American Cou Mirn., anal tbat ire cnt iis 0w-n tbiroat forç subir ilsg of bealtb. Tîr ditys atter tieresneors beat knoa'n tbuiinisoît à"'IN OIL AND BURNED. shtp ieft Shranghrai a slnîung tylihiinti ssRg fFan - ~~expenienceal In tire('bina aenti andîltire anr Adia sRag ie o m eto the Queeu of Corea andl selui-it siglntiurg ot a lot of sut, svrrck- A iatoglr rke eut lu tire Par- IferAtedat@ige leada 1tirte opinion Ibat thue Loîrdr blck lit Lowell, Mass., Tnesa,î v o papers by tire steamer Fm)pesa Brasse>' foutderel sîlit aliranîla. 'The mvrntmg. (iver $.-M,000 a-orti r o t Iaare bitter iu tirir attacks oietire Lordt Bniisîey a-as one of th inosx: E net>' svas cuînsumg'd. The efforts of tire n Wanlantiroritles in Comas, wirom they glisir ves.4els ou tire 1aciic' Oîenîr, ,'îst- firemen %vere direeted soleIy tea-ard aav- I lif« thre murder of tire Queen . Tbey iug orer $250,00M, Tire vesatîl is ssî'îî iutg tire snfroundinng enunmotis ware- t,*jî3apaa la a nation pretending irisuned. bouises. a'bl' are fiiiod wlît millions ut ,'dfiulsd, but Ilb lutire mail barliar- dollars' Wsorth of nianufavtea valCoton 1*ý fth. Tire Queen iras bitng up Luniber la te Take a Bounil. gooda. liait and, after belng otirera-se Lamtberluicea avenu ce'rtain te go up ' IIItedhand anal foot, moakeal n cii aitir a biirnd sith tire oîîening ettrof s esainl the HoîesCas. $ Whe la tire rear of tire patate, ber yentr, for il la sanu alit on Jan., 1 the The Holînes cage tank anotirer senga- t( h beag reduacal te isires, e irt langeaI combine crer ruade ssiIh begimi o..ttonal tnrn M2mnulay ulnopen court tii'c ulgirt be fost. Tirnt>' attenda- cotralthIe Inade of tire Pacifie coast. su-nuion coiitnao ton tire leteunse, Wiliam A. t( dtieQneea, il is alleget, acre Itlaetire Central Luniber Compiany' of Sheemaker, Iras cirgea witb marrnfucr- CI Stier ceu belng efI aboutI San Franci'sco, thre auccessor le tire aid turing oviîlenî'o in bebaif of the mlegeal11 boIsn tire palace wae utack- Pacifie Pine Luulber Companiy, ant il mî urdrer b>' briiiu a woinan W'ho kîresv do!s 1»0 guarda on dut>' oui>'msix repro.sents a capital of at least $45,0-uobnetircaetsva lIrsfo.c Sat ."riponts, sud.lirey- aere 00.It ineludes eveny mut etf importance ;a dsabe..A'odg 0 lInl tier egion vet oethtIe Cascade MouIuu- Cligians as Bunglara. thare were fiftaen womnn aîne. front $an Frant-iseo on flic sentir te Tire mytery efthtie bunglaries tirat bave s] tb ourt, tire Qneen, bar nuotîr- Vancouver, B. C., on tire nortb, been bmffing tihe Sc'benectady', N. Y., w ~1UGladIe laa'atlng Tir>' aenepolie for tbnce w-cokewaassolveil lu>'%y 0 ldi I watig.The wre Nihltat Convies iunseîf. tIre. arreal ut C. G. Humphrey, of nu- t 'anakedin la il anal iuneal, whiie Ivari Kovalev, ilusalan nihliult anal e- dilia, anal C. C. 'Miller, ut Batavia, IWe trtioas iere eut. capeal Sibeian envict, on trial at Sacra- 17nion ('ollege studenta, tire fornmer a X nmeulto for tIre monder of F. L. H. W'ebe.r seîuIomore anal lie latter n fnosbiman, (k 1VILLUXINATING OA%. anal aife iast December,sveît on tihe ait -____N M ýneige stand aeapite tie re stîîîe of tisalut- Suicide of C. R. Meeken. tç OUà** Dincovery aid te HEave temneys. Hoea-as tolal tbr<urgb an inter- C. R.. Meeker, assistaunt neilent engi- 1àà .byPrf.Balet petr ha ienealnU-t-tf h-o.i'v iueno treSot-mr _- -c emnu>. Berd of ArbItttto6n coflgidx4ng the sidtu togubjelïa?-ew Xci*. Elght hund"e members of the Rous- amIth and BErligemen'a Union clded out on atrike on buildings wbere thre work in being doue by J. B. & J. M. Corneil aund Millikçn Bros., twvu of the mnt promin- eut members of thre irori league. The demands of the strikers irielîde a %vage sen& runnin9 froîn $3.50 a day for fore'- manri nisbers to' $2.50 a day for blaî'k' snîith fiulabers. TIie s,îrikers also waînît a recognition of their uniion, th( luî 'rplîy- ment.of only union rmen and nesa regitr- lions about Suudîily sork anrd îîvirtilii. Should rrontiiîioiî nien, bc îlsl sitritei foir strikers, Iben a syiinjmnîîhî'tie atrik.i w iii be ordered.,and frîîin live to ici, tlouand mep are likely tii bî'î'alled 0out, incluiiîig plumbers andl gashîtters, ptaaî.'rî'ra,îcor- petiters, 'hoiatirîg erîgineers, atearimtters, derriv'kmen, laborer.s, cî'rent %î',rk'raý, stair builders, eleviitnr conatructars, parut- cri., varnishers, frarneri. niosaie' sorkers, tin and sijeet iroli workers and griritv'- ertilers. SHIPPED HISELF IN A BOX4 'Worn*Out Scbcme of a Young Man ta Save Fare. A peciliar box leftixat a <jolumbug, Qhio. transfer c.ompanys olice for abl>' ment tii San Antoînio, 'Texas, iîrorraed the suspjicions of the mnuager. andl the allen- tiori of the police ss'is caMed tu it. Inves- tigation nuiveaJed that il conlained John Svchnerider, a youug Germnan, wb adlanr- ranged to have Iiimaelf shipjîed in ilto1 San Antonio. He bail weIl stocied wi;b purovisionsn, and ssould haive saveal about M2 in railway fare. Schneider bad $7U svben arrested. He wan released. as no charge couîd be rnade against hlm. Ebenm B. Jordan Deuil. Eben D. Jordan, senior member of the Boston hirm of Jordarn, Marsh & Co., died li bis residence Friday iuorning. lîr. Jordani, the qiercbant prince of Bouton, was boirain Ijanville, lie., Oct. 13. 18r22, He was left fatherless and penniless at the lige of 4 3'eare, and, bis muitber beiug unable to rnaintajin the, large family ef t dependent upon ber, youiig Eben Was placea witb a farmer's family lu the nelgbborbood. He reniaioed in t1ois borne until he was 14 yeara aId. At the age orf 14, witb just'$2.75 in bis possession,. lie started for Boston, bis fare tu the city being $1.50. 'The lîreserît tirai of Jour- dan, Marsh & Coî. %as fî,rrîcd lu 1851. China Makes a Concession. A special dlijîatv'irfrui Shanghai says it is positively statedthuit China h as igreed that Gernany shiîll oculIy one of the isianda flenr the erirrarice to the seaport of Amony fur thî' purlîoaî of esab listing a înav'al yaird nîd ia coîl dcpot. il sn added that it is ferrd this atep wi'll bc followed by intî'rnuitionri t nîmpca. rions, as Fraîie nanitl tussia are vcrtain Io scek similar privilî-ges. Gave Hia Life for 0f bers. rred Krieger died nit T.,ledl., Oio, after fifleen li.irsi of te'rrile ' ugrii,. lMe 8topped a rîrnîîîîay tî'îî ii ii lîîl ni cli vas an aged frnier nîîîîl ii wif.ite- fore rhe h.raî's wür ro uîglrlt.,a iitnrd- Itili Krueer' vsas tlrrîîîî n nînrli iiiiued ipon by the frnied tîrutes. 'T. o... liants of 1he' îvagî.îi weri iir .îo~.uti dur- ng the atrrrggle, lbut sl'îre ulît iunurîni. Many Female Scala Kitled. OfficiaI comliflatioiia of tie ('olleclor of ?'îratois sshieh have been lraiu.'îilttîl 10 lie Trensry Departtnient aniply îleiuîîi strate the raîiid rate rit w hi.lti tire' î'iai ierds of Bering Spa are beirîg Nai.ib- tered. In the lasItbrec unîîrilhs *414 slekins bave beî'n truîugîliilît, rt, ut r'hich nunîber 4jt;50 are feuralciu. Jumped thc Claini. A ruimor living gaiiîed eîrrcrî,'v Iliru the title luo the Reîtîlick î.lunîer mîi theiý,, ne of t 'ippjle ('reek, Colo., hiud beeti litn î uIl lated by the Secretary of tIihe iu"îr iii the ground bas been slakî'd off 1», îrmpers. aviîr have 'ereteîl teins i..r nl.îîks to euablc t hein to bîild thbirî'laiiia, Hei 1tite Wayland Estate. Frauk W'ayland. oft'Marion, (Oio, re- 'eived a letrer froni a Baltimore atrtorney iaking bim bis relatiorîshiti t. Willlain, uVayland, wbo ,nîvved lu Ohio years ano. îwayland l s sthe mma'sson. leins the reir tu the WVayland estatrin1 Maryhlntd, vaIried ut $1,0t34,4OOX. Dr. S. F. Smrith la Dead. The îles'. S. F". Stmnilh, the' verierable author of "Amenlea," <lieu auîdenly inî tre New York anI New Enigliiriîliti pt Saturday aftcruuon nt IBostoni of bv':îit dispose. GAve. Tarrytosvn a Present. Jobn 1). Rocîkefeller tîîîs î kîîîii a iî vlued ai 7i3tJOfor reservoir» forwIvr ' for 'Iarrylosvn. N. Y. He aays li'es, II ilso iruild a water taîver and lay the illcs. MAIKET QtJOTATIONIS. Clricago-Cattle, commen te prime. $3.75 lu $5.25; Inogs, shipping grades, $3.0to ta$4.00<; înerp, tain ta chnuice,$24 te $3.75; aireat, Ni>. 2 r-i, 5(k toeS58c: corn, Nu, 2, 28e 10 o291c; ontr, No, 2, l7c e 18e; rye, No. 2, 35e te 37c; brutter, 'boie ereanier>', 22e te '23te; eggs, tnýsin, 19e te 2le; potntees, lier brusliel. 20e to 30e; broom corun, 'onnmmun gnoa'tirte bhoice green hurt, 2Wv t 4e pi-n pounî. Indiaapolis---(attle, siig, $3.040 to $5.00; bogs, choice liglut, $3.00 Io $4.(X0; bheep, comumirn toenprime, $2.041 te $3,;)0; tirent, No, 2, iV2e tue(glu; corn, No. 1 wuite, 27c tu 28c; orits, No. 2 whrite, 2le St. Lotiso-Catîte, $3.00 lee 5.00; hog4, M3.)0 te $4.00; aireat, No. 2 ri'î, 463e ta 64e; corn, No, 2 yollow, 24e ta 2'(;c;onîls, No. 2 wirlte, l7c ta 19c; r>'e, No, 2, 34C Ciucinati-Cattlc. $3.50 le $5.00; tîozs, .3.00 te $4,00; sbeep, - $2,50 to $3.50: ,-ieat, No. 2, 66c e ta;Se; corn, No. 2 nixed. 31c te13e; oata, No. 2 mixol, 21c ti 22e; nye, No. 2, 39e te 41c. DeIroit-Catte, $2.50 te $5.25; hog@. $3.00 te $4,00); seeu $2.00 ta $3.75. iheat, No. 2 rab, 463e te ti7u)c; cornr, No.. 2 yelloss, 29e ta 30c, oata, No. LI ahie, 22C te 24c; rye, 39e ta 41ic. Toledo-Wbeat, Ny. 2 noîl, 41-le 645c; con, No. 2 >'elîesv 28c te 29ce; omIs, No. 2 whrite, 20e t1021v: 3'ye, No, 2, 39c e o1c:e clover seed, $4,30 te $4.. Biffna-Cattle, $2.50 tb $5,00; iuogs, $3.00 te $4.00; sheep, $2.501 te $3.53; wheat, No, 2 mcd, 618e te 70c, conn, Na. 2yeilow, 34e ta 37c; oaw, No, 2 whbite, 22e te 24C. %liiaankee--Wboat, No. 2 spring, 561e te 57c; con, Ne. 3, 28e- te 310c; eate, No. 2'white, 19e tae2v;banc>', No, 2, 35e te (e; mye, No. 1, 37e ta 38e; park, mess, $7-75 to $8.25. New York-Cattie, $3.0 1te $5.25; hugm $.00 te $4.50; aheep, $2.001 to $&.50; wheat,o. 2 real, 67e ta 69ccon. Na. 2. Ble ta 37c. aiaNa.- 2 wiil, 23e ta 24.-:* littet, 0emir.ry, 16e0 te 4e9 qgaWcst- ARMENIANS WARNED AGAINST kINSURRECTION. Sultan Une Been Scared Intel Action e by the Fleeta-This Country WttliNet Take Part in Any Consbinatlon of t the Powcr. Arnientians Muet Assat. The Arnieîrian <'utholjcos lins reeeive.1 ra reilly te the coninno n lion îvh lih ia ri 4-vrit Iy Ment tota ile'Itîrsaju n Ain assaîlor lit Consatinoprîqle, M. 13e Nelidloif. Ir is liq follows: '1'lîeA rfi(ia ni o(f 'ita- tinoffle are noîv reamssrire.l. They are t lireateiiî'd îi.itlîno danrger. Tlie fleê' îrî,s ilices, lîoîever. tiiere are regrettable ('011. tlieNt, whiî'h in inost în&ss .'erî' .'atised b>3 tile A rnîcrîja ns, w ho Ivere iiîîstigrî tî'i by tlîeir revolutiolînrv îonitiittee. The rcsult is terrible rel'enge upon the part 91 the Turks in the shape (if horrible nias- macres of ('bristiains. The Sultan lias santctioned the sîlierne for reforîîîs siit. îrîitted ly ilth lree grî'at pîîwerm, andl lirepurationt, are now ro"'ediurg 10 rarrv thein ont 'lo t bis en(] itla nî'asryt ot t he leaderm of file people slîoîîlit îersîiade( tile latter to de"ist froin revolirtionar ty rit t.'îpt s, te) a bandon ileri'dle hopge of for. :ebgn intervenion, to prit a atoll to a il î itiiurlan,'-eo aund to c.o-oîîcraite in ilIe re- establishnejt of uriivî'rmal pence. in i- proving thbe ai ttationI. a nd ini the i rit ro- duetion of the new order of tîiriigm." The admnîistration at WVashingtoi iill flot ta ke part in an13 joint action vvith Enro- peau nations t.. vompel Turkey to keep its proinises te iiistitute refornî. Sejlh' er will if aasist lie aplittiîîg ai) tient oun- t rv in lb.. <'elit of thlie ultali failink tii keeti big proinisî's. ;U(.h wiisthe le-cidionr reao'hed lit the Cabinet mueetinig Tuesday-. The mitia t ion w as thlen t tîurouglrly dis- cîrsed. '%Iiiiiste'r Terreîlta 'uîrse %vite pronourrced îîerfecttymantisfaitory ied Arnerivan iniitrest s wilI. jriis 1tulles cd, be 'oilfieteiilly looked a flr îy liin. LOBS WILL EXCERD $350,000. Parker Block, at Iowett. Mana., Alnio.t Compltey Dentroycst. 'l'he lairge' hlve-iitury blîid inîg .oni'M idle str.'t. Lnl.Mia.knoovii at ire IJoli,.- lier lock. lIa s îîliii-,st lî'slrîîyî'd o; tir--. 'l'hw tire' stlrroýin'î therîililîrilr saor',rof .1. N. ha~,îî tIr,' irit il,,îîr. Ilia,î., raîjidlv unît ýýssi,.aidî'd t'y re't*e*ti sî siuns of îwhisaky iintînrrîla, lji l' ,lit tliî'iijiilowm a ndit r'utî,l lin' the jetîi,îî i rîîljijig 1tîilldiigs AI] jrtak'lris if thé ' ir,' ssas rioler '.u îI ltint ailîlî'ui il j tlîitzu.1l)pfirriia nýI thrî'aiî'îîe, I t', oirît ýinava.1 il*pi irý.11il.t llrîiî' Is r,' i,iutr .'.l et leth ' tiijîtji zi 11o )y iai i tî.),r'ty %%;I. uuanîîIî liglirl ' îtuiiu:îtld. 'lh. lotis % illi ucl$37.0t,i mi. MOiRE 31AHINES NEEIIE. Prescrit StrcngthNot Sufficlcnt te Mecl Demtandin of Increamed Nas,. 1 C'ut atrbles tl vlvo, t 'uiiiiirufig i ll.. tîiaririe '.îrîis, in i îa iiiinul rîtai.rt t.. il. oc erin.f the 'N usv. , a e'ai t r.o.ii, itîtcrl fir lin inoriiru'au'inîthe ' 'iili'.'i m1rungtlr of ilie( . -îr.ato îrrî'ut iie.iili tjiorial ilities iîîiîîasel Ini til. iui f' thé, iiiiyv . I le'iywo<olt itniiii' a tt 1.7.41<1 rlirinesion ahouarr,'tiue,î'for fil- pîrotctionriof titlonis of ,lliira Worthr of 4 o 'riiîttruîîerty i n r bu'r i-ii rgt'. a iiriinîbu'r 3t4)0 iii exceîss (of tli' îîuarrîu'a iww urigage] in thauy. la addniîtnition i) itlila. j it 'i jtniatcd rflint rîlautît 44rîî1r.iori,'i ,vîl l e r"llii red4 for til- 111 ,'sis i. tnrder îconstruci. DEArli TO SIX HUNDRED. Boilcr and 'Magazine Explosion on a Troop-Shtp nt KinCho-s. 'l'lie Eniîîru'as of<Chini. jiramt a rrj sîl 13' ixtitiguili.'uI iin.rîur.Alil ie' Aai:irju' i'uast. w helu ait' aih-' %%a is tuuîkirig to 1 K'ii*,ie ss liî'rî' a cuibiijie'îlbiiler andl rînagazirie explosaion ion fltli'irî'up ii lirig l'ai senr t 6(, ien to oî dcath. 'lh.. taillera w î're .1. aindliii aitîatj .]u uîrdlriiar3 ,i'iiî r oirwild hli e jures iii cd til' Crit:atroffle. Met and LoVcd in Prison« IllonLîI. Ski nner anrd Anruie B. tirry' la rîglîteîr iof t liî'va rderr of theî' tar.' tria.,rntlt Ihîille y.. lias,' lî*.rîi iar- ricil. tiender l'ctiliir Iir'iriiiaiiîea. 5kin lie'r %as .~reîi ivt',l jet I St 2 for asvii 3411ra f,,r killrng Martini Bigwoosuat.] iiîtrriî', ricaur îl3 ing ii trison1. 'rlite îîuiruiî"s dliigltî'r iiiiratedlbhen.arndliîntî'rce'îlcî ui fter bis r.'i'î rY w ilh 4 ;(vIriir ir rîîw foîr a pairdoîinietfter w hicfile tIi' <'iîilî' eli.pedl r.,st.Louisa. TIhe sa arorlni aii e M Ira. tirrry liavse fîigi se,. ilueur, aend tb.'y t scill retrn t,, Kîiitnu'ky. Cura Off Twcls'c Heure. The' t nionr.Pacilv' *overland t lyer." the iîiw aev4cii ry'ftrîri îu r thlroigh vear ibu le traijn frontrî (hicaigo,. ii ell auive'rge t raiîee.l if thîirtY-twso 'iles, iîînîl itîg atoila.d andu Iifry i le [ailes w il lîîîîrtstolls. 'l'ine e *'lt>îr"Ii îl iianed ersand lnîiail in Sizue l"rilrii'iscîî andîlIua A igeles t w'Ie Iîîîîîra rîlWieaoîf ftle <îldaell e filueai ndneis trp) ulîîî ît ait thle djlY'ra'rce iii trirn e 'a at of Ogilen. Il____ A Moonalhine Raid. Unrited States Mirsal Kitborrrn ai tlînee depuries rîlaîe an extenive raid oIl nîouiahirîers iii WVise t 'ouuty, Virgiî . I juat îaser the Kentueky une, destroyiiig a d Iîzi iljlicit st ilis, w'ittî a I'apal'ity oîf 24411<a g'allonrs. Iiin afight b'îv frutile îffieers , and nîoonahiîrera three of tire liifter wü re f beriorialy w'ounded. 'Goes te kHwitzerland. The Preaiderît ba@ appoirited Johin L. [aeak. of Kanîsas C'ity, Mo., 1litedI Stiites a Minister ta SNw'itzerlnil. 10 aîî'eed Miur- - New jersey Po@toffica Etilded. Thi,'ves broke il e ire puIoffice aI Surmit, N. J., teli'îv oîîen the sate una secunel froni it es'er $5.004) aorti of tampe anal also securel $5W0 in cash. Rothschildl Brothers Fal]. RothschrildlBrothrs, doalers in elonika, fors anal gloves, aI Chicago, miaule aun as-, sigriment for tire bemeit oft tirir craitlons, naunjng Eldwanui B. MeKer, tire reai e- bat. dealers, as assigne..Th'fliiabilillea ar ru *0,0; asbets are adiedinlei the. Faurlf&ttz* 'Maa, lKrs. Elizabeth Cady &antan, Wo for haiÈa century bias Ia)ured tmceWglg' for wamnemi suffrage and eqlhal rigirte. recenatly celebratedliber 8Oth birtrds>. Mrs. Stamiton omreuples a plessant suite of moins on tire western border of Cen- tral Park, Newr York. Mrs. Stanton %vas bonln Jeirnstown, nzAETut CAD1Y sTAN'oN. N. Y., Nov, 12, 1815, andl aas gradnntted at Mrs. Enunna WIIanl'a SemIiar>', ln Tr-oy, N. Y., lu 1832,. In 1810 sbe was inanrieul to, Henr>' Brewsater itanton, and lu tire sanie yea, vlîlle attendlag tire World's Auti-Siave-'coiivelrtion, sire iiet Lucnetia Mort, witb svlonuisire was lu syniplatiry, anal witi sahotu hsiragu- ed tire call ftae tir ial Wonien's Riglute convention. This a a iet.] utlier homoe An Seuiec-a Falls. Jul>' lu and 20, 1l4. Siro mudes.seaItire Newr York 1Leglala- turc on tir igrts utfxinrrnled iomen hn 1854, uud Iiluavovnicy af divorce for drutikeuineass i 180j1, anul lu 1867 spoke ba'tare the la'i1isinture amudtire cousît- tutionai v'unvenîimn, ronlntaninug tiraI tîhe Statp %as reaêuuivend i mb Ira aiulnal eleien'rt.î anîltiîat u-tizs,îs of lsllî sexes lurtaa nirlit t> 'oùtfor rciiters oft tiat cuivenîlei. Silo canvassued l Hasseln 18ur ami,] Micbhignin liM74, a-len Ibis qîiuottIî,n of ssuîninan n sffrage wsas suir- nltted t. n th peole' ot tilie Statboa. Jituce 8isil ie bris aiuluesseil minayhou- greffahinal i'îuitmîlttî-i and eml u'.uisuions. amud uells-.-lnuunîrintis ulecutres un Ibi snubju-îî, ndtifonr toni 3'u iin las pros- Men'îît orti a nUonalnj'ian Suffrag~e Assou'hit ]Liui In 18sa5 hi.'%vas candi- <tati' fuir t 'ng-efflSire %as ian ealltu isitli SnMin B. Auitiî.iy aundi Parker l'h lIlbn - 'oftTthe' Itsiffl în, fuudeil Itu IM'tLM, Lziela1.4joittnutliur of~isîn ut W'oniatn's Suiffrage'." (.en.#'noter'» <Choe-k. Tire trnigli- .1at h of4ii4-1.'usta'r and iris galiîint ilie n atire handa ut tire SIoux Iniirns luitIre nîrî.sivre ut LiI- tie Bhg Ilumrn ar Eî'nîîled tire otirer day a ut liiarck, N. D., ayq arecent dispîat,'Ii fu-orurthaI humn. ly tire for- wonuling trum-s4 'listerutfni chiek fer $1,54M) lrasin ru mime onder <ut (;en. Geo. A. C'osier, In 14711. l'lie check Il anted Jnue 2 a, di t l isîguiedl1bB. I. sitli'ar tiraI t1ir,'asistant paynuas- t'r ofthtie arnui. It %vasrr Jnne '25, 187f;, tliat tIre ninssatre took place. 'l'le c'heck la ailli Onu pinid. aundil olieuI antI tattred hmungirIt lii, c'onstaniites a raIl,]id liiînuagainar rIhe govrnno for thl ianiotinil u-epremeîited on t Ince. ahIcb saas mni datutt intendeaîlas part urnynieuît ut .en.('uamen'as ala-> as an otiter ofit ie IUnite'dJ States arnis. ~'Wlieeu-thetnt'checîk lias bve'a'nl tieso y'u'rs sno une' knauwa, lenuit tut ii Mihael Franc'is, ssIruifourni lIt nln estreet at isnnini'b blar l"a'brary. an whIo iras rutaieal il muinis possessin rtintil nasa. Wh'Ien Fu-iirla, piu'bu'î up thbint ilof pa- paer it wsvos nlni,.st as leghible nas airen It s%-as Iran. but t1irie lienrvy -reases ln it ahraîved tit lhll d becun worni Lîrrongh. 'Thicparts ivrejolined togelir- 'r lu>'narroivs tr ips oft ruac-pasuerl on thev bar-b, andI tire idges wei-e some- raat sîuliî'Ias thliugl tne ruapîen hall ut one tilnie l.een droppeil lu tIre nmd. No errîbonsenient appeau-s tlupon tire uack ofthe check nud tire face shows ire mîark oif no <'ancellatlon slarnp. lernurnatratlrrg ,tIthlievIneck lias nov- er been pîresenîerî fui' panient. Tire 'hîeck -'sa no dotîlt, forss':nded te tire li'urtlnvstî before tire iesof tire Cus- t'n nuîasau'ue reacreul WasiIngton. Hall t reaclîcaltîiuse in change of tir e ad- soldier's effeeta Il a'ould have been cent bock lil onu-o in order Oitne 00pay>- abIe to tire irirs coul Irav-e been sent nu its place. It lbas evidentl>' been un- der siis'ter morniewh-ene, analtire chances re tiuat It sas 1t<Inhst Foturuar- and ;srept ont Itito the atu-eet svliere Il waa fond]b.>Mu-. Furai. LAve and Letira. Tire W'ashington Star iras lucard of

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