1 Çmve Up kob i Woa1d ever ho better, I1itad au!- » semach frota our tomach, luîdney and tther aliments. But Itood's UaeIlla was the meaus of saving my M ikter taking it 1 was strong and kood'àSarsaarilla WWe Who long for iteatjhigud arength.11 11OWs P Dila retstt elee- Lazy Idzards. O0» of the moot atuggisb creatures Wn la the tautàna, a nine-Incbh lz- L&whose home la la New Zeaand. li tie Imitation saurlan bas the rep- W104Sor fbeng the alest creature 01 Z:t ed. 1Heslausualty found *0 rcks r lu nd has been to remain lu one posiion per- WOlY niotlonleas for ruany utonths. bow the creature manages to exlat la Mystery. Me~ fid finit la eulsy; to do better may à MLEUFE mm ID »WITN BUTFI- 110 WMIEN. A J.M' Woek Perpetnated througt aa PlMUaglter, md Reciorf VW i alue. (MIU o aLà"it IR AX»ADE1 Wbat a vat amount of misery and 1110 ng bu been prevented by thie clear- boded forealght 0f one noblte woman! .8h. had truggled, labored, and sacrt- O.d for the le 1.are of ber se x. Tii oN yes of the women of the world oupfl pa er. 4u0h thUcMlCd bhe paat, aud lrled 10 MODtV&te ifuture, a amile et aupremie mUbactAon passet! 0cr ber itnnet face o**e remembered blat ber lite's work e bperpebuated. iTeroom la wblcb ahe at contaiued Mrd cf volumes of recorda; sud, b t" aber daughtem, asesald, - ,.VMy daînghtor, thi, rootu, as you weil 1U0V1 eoataîns therecords of mn i>'fe', #«t1 la wheh for man>' years yen have I>ddh1pntly austed me, '2earnlest application you bave com- My mehods;andt ta a lappl- :A t thlnk that vhen 1 ieaa'e, the dbeous work wlll, blrough you, gýo n. 1 The. mission ta a noble one. 6cas I WVe doue: neyer permIt a woman', ap- to go unheeded. Tebrecords tel of en-amy case ever ihmnttéd to me;- aud t latu y w Mliat Me facta they çonlaim &alin lutue prove -uh-needed education te lie womeu iLb worid."1 ÎÏ8 d1d Lydla E. Pin kbam baud on-r , er daugtr, Mm. Charles H. Pink- âhan, Wbýat may h. termed the aalrattcn itber tex; and fiat woudcrf nI reutady, WOMl E Pfîkhan'a Vegetabie Coui- nd hlch aHi druggltt couider as ada aufiour, gos, on redcemit iMdreda Of vOMen from thc erf ni bmsequncee of tmais dieees 0. Or.test Medical Discovery 01 the. Age. KNNEDYS ICAL DISCOVERYR MINEDY, 0F ROXOURY, MASS., jtcvrdIn one of our common weS a remedY tht cures evei-y A Hunor, from the wost bcrofula cmmon Pîmpie. bàstried it ln over ceveu hundret! td never failed except in twn cases humnor>. H h as now Inhis over two bundmcd certificates V*bit 4aI1 wlthin twety miles of Send postal card for book. ls aïways experienced frota snd a perfect cure is war- n n fe right quautîty is taken. n*e lungs are affected it causes Vais lke eedles . -sig ljM;t e m it n iver or 3 is caused by the ducts being ndàlways disappears in a week it. Read the label. "mach la foui or biloas It wilU - sh feelings at finst. of diet ever necessary. Est cut get, sud enough of it. I«WqOonfultn water at bed' WOIIK 0 (JONGRSS. J tint action b&takenntoe Ithe' reaervP la reduced below the 'lan.-er Ipoint. Titey agrep to, fornleb 2,iaîO MEMBERS OUTLINE WHAT WILL iu goid coin lut exc-iînnge for ).lts BE DONE. lii f 4 per Cent, bouida, and if es.l,- liieed thle Prpsidetît n-lji accet n oITer iillt h utluking tihe risk :'hbillié t iid Boe of thie More important 31 as t.rly iiii Uic ienit. andintteucail coin- i grtaa forlr i uma l.it relief. uaree to Bte Introduerd by settore Tii, New lYork lnnkerti; olidXMr. (i itis and Hepretientatiea'-Theghip Canal thit whlie the 1,verlillic CI.i 'En- ProJect tu Beceti*e Attention. bo.nnu lit,.lle tif j..lir cen.t. n-, t wMii ie î-nnilien*l tI .pav ut vltst ',1-r nitt iIio mnnrNe in..r,iiei i )tn s,% ;.i. CapitlaCity Chat. <«i lui tînif thn, i tîIiIIiistraticn --i. il t- îoii.iînc ns n. ln t ien .,in ftint t, rîtti e n,-' Sio t ttn in'. nn 1-x or n innîiir i tinit ild i in -il ,I.li T p nn ro-a i,is..- fi(-2%,,rgnn n ,li iinit a; indîn-ine. lo-I.. ini of i rk tr N Curter's Two flots. Ili vnIli 1, or sa nul Tiie I.lio. Tiiiina 1l. Carter, Itle î ~ >/j ~ frot. ir..tt j , lt i nr offtinl iiiie.i tînt,-..Sellette fiti . rt'.,.4 Ii! t i o jIi, t li,'titi .,,i in, Itnina a ,ntin, lt, -h:iirij;iti if t i 1 lion if 'i-o Ic 1 -nai. Natîional G(2 -i ni ~ ~ et-::Ib. A i XV-; ,titt,-.n,-nres~ n ratinet'f-.,.- s, ia itiine ten n- t In ..-%% r i t i r na rnss the SMOtI IIIntin 1tî.jirn of tiirilnii ,f Inî ~~ .~ -t' ~a uîîînîlner of the- 11ttin. <î~i.n .1 ilnt t i lg ini ai,. Irînl anîiîbrern, iniiimrn, nf Unît. kilint. annnîl thnŽ lilies fnr :a f;îr,j nîîjne ofnî nt a Ilec'.ts for tgin-iaî,tnrri"nn rnu .1 letionfii f îterest InnItle -r,Nn o ,utaintn tule people. Atia%, era treille,-t,, tlli-a,- in. ettril it nf eith'r. quiries le Setnti nrs n tînt tep-seeitat i n 'a Il iivhn-t. Ilur liet 8ttlîtanîilY ngree ireIltle itaiii intn t el or lttonilIo titligs. (tue iathla t tir rvnues of Ih.. in<nttmint Ilhe T.mI. CARTER. n vermînîcînt ns le jîn-r<'nî ai. 'Tire-iltiiior nîa uS- ntnr i'n rt er's tead. T'ta ot ber is tin linît tulok for gernra t egn lathe tînt h n a-iara lu Montia newierc latio loi la .n.r. The- sessioni irnuisest, , elai ne cf thle tioys, tînt, ka ti&, whisky biuo ouofu ilan-ii 1h, Pelia -ic,! Jvta ni eairaiglit. nheu a plug lobat-co. <reses hi s pinys iti tiie iteri'at of pairties anni ,l'r,---i- 1 xts I'(]t uses double negativia sund Otti- deutîlaspailratis. 1i-r f.rniatif belin gramnnîr. But as lie Whie there la genert lagreetntrthat irossezsthe- SSIh mnerilian is tîbat in the reaeunuesa almuMtnt tiiit n--a ed tllie lildiiiieni retttin nred t,-kn-d awaiy ii maitner (if tr.nilintî ji iia înre- ,trnîîtIiiiýtei, ,nkn-t nf ]tiis.gripsack. ai titlie lorry las t alu i l 1a-..uilint ,cî nneîuî I urnîareatiiîltî%Nil a.ienu iierea,-bea til,- sanmepetoit and titre l'reaidti-it righ t at tilt' ela . fr ion is nO t\ nnt tey acat ni-irni. At flic itiny tj.ini-ii hilai t1lnnt tii'na m-airie time NMr Carte'r ftii ii, Ilus fr,,ntier blt @hahll e drain i<ii î.rniî--îintitiIfsina, unîîitrsaloîît i a itth u ailto kcep un- audthier,. ,n ai. 11,1 lîîînîîýi,î ofnîi ajîil tlth-Y tire it, î-nt.-l lgitin. lis 9 ther bat confliet aîîd -n%î>îi ntî'nîlinnk î.tnen is en t ieek rtendtglossay exattîpte ofthbe I'rcaiolent tandi! 'oiîgrî»ý nna mii, i qulstion l t. ai -iie n-nrj,-y. rut a fteire itenterru of 'lie trîî-inn ta ii nnlaaiinînil îî t I ra t Wh-h tite Duoif Maitrlborough tariff protei-ltin re tiiier ait!nd nnni. linlire riit ia ni cdng. 'This lie nntîi nacra Th-rt' trire liigg'-altinn il-n, if nut ii-.-.nn ilii'Enti.I wtie pu.~i nti t a lî,nnfae, tax n - ulîr fnio !'ttrtathe (nf nnîru-nsinng %In tîe msint, au i.. ma ninititslire ibo»e the rt-av-enues,. -ofna truaî.trinsNi',, York tnnnker. ('11a ta îintiiaant]icn dtnne n trie îîrî,mtsiiaî ,. fnn tui. -liiiiil-i'tinitte SUN DAY SHAVI NG LAW I NVALID. rinal for disuesnaa ini.] tir rea'ilutinnn. The Nic-araiguia C<in,!.ln.rîîtrnnntnllwiilît. ecision b>' a Chicago Judgc that the bilt andit ir. ii' tiila-i.- statt intii l L.aw Io Clase Letiatation. rer-Pia e attentin.iii. s nil 11ule,, te îînnnî - nnge (in. o f (ti- in l ni.-ircful quetin.%ili- ff.tt%% ill .- tiadt.l iîl- 1Y rtton opnlitnin.l. mds thut. tire (ody prive the <nmiisn iiîrf t'-tmitisin f li\,..tinakini-gh îîi nî'tenînnrfor a binr- lte riglint to i-ut of ani.nni it ri ati- r 1-r inn .,tinin ini îî,.niii lSuit.,y.lai s a tnt mtitiie thiî-r nlnn nntn.It looik. iq if I-c'tntto.iii,,! itinln. Thi is nthe te-uit the' quesnt in o- trni;it 'tlin( ret- h - nnf.î r nith iii'liit na agent %ýln~(' uir- if p)risseý .v l P!rt'ajnlli ttt n'14 l id. anif n bt(,r.; tn t fileîlî' n, Ti,- .-t-e ni%% 1le iiro!ntn.tity e l bn- '.. nil nr talin i i rn- -nasal irte Sun,rniine ot '-i ixt. portînn re ie nir nn-attii tIf i tn 'Ilin,'lnnie.i.nte vimiia.'of iil, opinionît, Mal,'loit' ittht'e nntnt ti- i ti-I-O -nn ii nn' liai,, n-tieasinil. itfthi ,a,;c Ia, t'nniinai,,'. ()ii ii,- %n lti,-. %.-r, liii!,'Iî-z-,- 'nil iisit nrî , gle oilnuan ni- e latinnof î.'rann tii tiyi- exit. :tnil]iiznr n %nnitNlu i in lu n i if il- frn t ilie -nniuniimg sen iu-n utt nf t(- ngrn-s.s. aiif l innî titi ii iftnlto u nttnrn. molut in ili l'noittatn- t,- . ttny amnnugti ï:-~ n uI- e ni.t ,f aîuen-nnttiu'gtsat ..lnn. h t-iun Viuenlbeantt tIi' n n nt" aind tln,- lnlut- niurgu-n i titit rrlunis a iutniiut }Fxet-uive intha r ittu- iiiigu-nbuis un iliiin ii mi , icf t,,the Ilun-tih nor nînnia dsttrbitig i.'gialatnni tt',-i nefn oii. f thue u nimiiiintty imulis InnIlntglwin--i Trensur>' StockIra SiîtkIng. r-- iz-ta's.it handmdîntrk ihtîît n rym.a- Recntwiloramlsofgod fr -x-i'ttu-rnuin tt[iiini-.rs tnt1he Iutiiusand by N inv a "rk biiimukiuig hioni -a-ainvne rnu..-......... lî-snof ilii. uiulitufailli[>-. duuî'd the hlit- -Iin thetra-'iiur vt..$ "tlu tnîuilu. n,- indhtnthlmi uin-nn itlien 43903, hiliisabutnvilnu.klnn,,n. tntoilnn nntg liifnre nnnua- intf 41tthe afi-lrns-rvenini$11 wt5iimei 0lo' t ieIii,-iriie n-u .ýu mi, 1 i tis)o>,f untai4l iisnl îthml,- t.tuuci-r 1J111111111uilnnii- - Thei- tnn-ttinn lzeiel 1)"i ilf. 'i,tThe iii,mil.h'.nutli, i.. .nîn,aniin:',Aldthnut. ni. ontfmmma.tnnkn'i-.' lit S54ttI.,-.73O uimndlthe., -ni, Nn ia ýSN,0t73.-ut atartîkiltf(,. taku- elnu i tutnern nnzn'n- OASi.. thue nitirauii ni f l'altrula.\ mîmulintseit t pasni huan tihitte u-i n nid of nnlin-t $t t:tis.:dt n-li-in-'it- uutsînuîn iluînîîîilîlîin,'n)Pini.' 'The'n-nmur t ini.nn. t kn ing gIn niinaT-n. ii'ni'i-t i intn - igiiani.--f te iunnl iaI ,-'I ,f tiue ginle t-.-' tnh.. ltitîîlm Iinii nný,,!inuat'. t-n -i hugh a atntnli a,- nf ret ailite ir the nînn'uîuiîm utgrnc-ilni.a -, iia mu lic.tsî lishIied hi-diainue' l-î r-e îîUnnthnnr II ltt i tii,-.. inn-ni. Al, Ili,-or mt.nttraltu-- ni' ritimni s hani ni' ieni nt nikiiig atutuntuis liirniigit the asnsuuîr v'ntnug cui nriîtii,' SIN GULAR RAI LROAD ACCIDENT. iiîpu' un t ,'anig aoe îuiiur s ncni 'merg-i i-i- lis o-n-urrimn l t'lnusîy, nn it' t-itn lal EIevnted Train Ctahes Tht-ouch a to Ucelorrona-elfrn trt-usat fond.,tîlsîne- Station and Faits 10 tise etireel. du-arotu,',atîdirepiel-te-illli on. A rernanrkaLe acc'iclde'nit ocurred uabolit 'Te atiputemutsa outgoini la t vrek te in ,-,t-Lýsag ignmParis, buns- a-hitU las. iii- anîuiouaîcîl lii $3,2(;7,1.t andi.smiii la,' juni gîi,' ndutte-nndeîranire trî'iiimtted fr.,uu cl that tey aniii ruac-li .~>> th isii. ui'a atedilântfoni t th eiiXuutpanas aei-eu îî ouia a inuitgtmîttauntitîp,-nu a tonui..Theit-inntrollî-,lt co thetriîniî te a fft'nebexehinige. Il ma blii i,'actco. slietd lit a raite of abouît liii ru> -tiii c tiiles bhit thle flouw entai nul ai-litinu e ant a itutur ai thiîut beiug utile to nirnî'aî h- the raIe cf $3,OtltO,<M or $4,0Itl0cXl) i au-i. crntintn-,lthrounglheuihoutilers ut the ieî-k diinng t- remaisder f te yenur. endîtftifle trac,-k.as nrcti ati'thfronut anait and aflerthttiral t fJinaitry. ihni i - ot the satiou, and ller lttî-elitîgabutu denda are pnaable, it ilitbceelîîîgreai- tuîrtY-tivene tu uibleul imto the - areel hu- er. The heatsstîuuhrities mmnitinipute tiut,û- iuua tIse emîgimue fairiy onilsa nos,', lor- pletinnof te rcu,,tsry -gulilu o 50Obtti.tîutaitlai titisnmttenut te air rake i-ts 015) or $tJgO<iO) btefure Fe-b. 1, hi!"aa l -otI onuaund therest outhti rhi u$ re- soun t elin ia Ikensto a p il otireflettilt -cii 'n rouieg(,ii g cer. I t anas me titis lue reserve luy the sale tut bondsî. N o ui,i cuiuiance ltatthe 12:3 pasngurs lu eau bce xpecîcul frotu lite publie. reve-nues. the î-,uihes cae tlîuir un-t-a. As to tlie The ilebeit la piting~ up langer and inuger î'ngituer u (]it firemnan the>' were saî-id en-en>' uîotth. iny eing tturonum front the emgne ut the Thte exoris it Octotîri anre oui>' 12 -tirai ahou-k atnd1the' oui>-futaltl>, strauge (X000 i exté-is cf the impîîorts, an-ila lo u y, dimt resutted fmuum the avIde tbey irere $MCt'3,1l.I i-n csuttriîtg affair. %%asthlie kiltimme of a merchaîtl lu thue correspiign iug îîumîîîlsi yar. l'un the sîreet i tuona' b>'tbefulliof tlablock of te lemumotitus of, 185 eîuded OJet. .1 the' atoîte duetued fromtlite anait hy ihe blanuîce of ratl,'il our tairor an-as0o1N'- siie-k. The cauase of thie accidcnt--<tl $31.119,741), aihile dtiriug the mcoreapcuidà- thiu-ttîît raiugtar in French mila-atiti- imîg pcrl.,d iii 1894 il an-as$90,6M 1,393 andtnais lataîribuled le a defectinl the band lis diffre la mnet sîiffiî-nteu 1 aic lîmbales, anh ici, airange te san>, are alanaym balatnces ln u tropie aunl tsîeeî mercantile useal on French trais, Ian-elu cases of oligaions. Assisfant Seeretar>' Curtis etuergene', an-len lte air brakea are caîlet! %ent to *Ne-wnYork inut aneek 10 confer iut lpay, a and bta <-acse-tue air force nnibbhie barukers of liat eity eonccrninîg eould tntulih applied quickty or effecinatty tItisasiuation, aud lhe wnsi'n dvised hi-- cîongit.___________ eve ry omse tat it; aaoulI cie aaary for thue treasur'>'te isstue alioulier loat Inlaonler I lomantlc Ml5a-7Hn-e titere flot been te maintain the Goverutueul critit mil moments In yotmr experienep, whenlilfe Congres. takes saime action. The ame' "semed fulliof 1îUstlied wanto? Mr. élynilcte thai lias beeju supportin i ~g Glbesd+yX-e-g, thê's go.' amantie -tresur> ahi stxmner and mil i. I tIv*ton Peunw e 'm U. ezeage op as to wr.ei>nt tIse w l-w. df gold lwiuflIsteo*pn Eigh est of afl mn Leavesing Power.Latest U. S. G<Wt Report ___ABOLUTFLY PURE Iun lcks for»We ~ PAS bTUE $NgA=lIe How Site Lcarned t taLauglat An Aulotuatît Resaurant estes$ LA 0iH ot ii~c ASociety girl-, tnte,(Jf wtt e gteeat An uutoniirt-sdtt'itt18 itIN iha d witha coh uttaclona!niusufît ittie must'icalit t'uit, 1 li e-n iti din Bln, tîvlien. eli (roi- Mo,e Bt-o,.Prors.. Canton. Maaa..U- 09 .A euttrtaiieil an inter,teriil gi'nttp teiily tntg ctinIiiiini antnt, tIi' p in ai',-sent wiillanu .avcunit nf tinwtantint nmi'i on atris-; rmnn itl, ii i e ai' re TnUF AEItm<>w<r. C0. aial .Sfthi etd ,Miaditb-laumboee l bu s s-ed Und5se î-hanof linnrn ivain-niniredt. --Vi-ry itti- 5-t ul - . nditîîmire ,itet-ni ate iIii c'awintl pwer ho t O wbsi lwa. i&l as sta fi'îî pcrsotnntav,,; uni iail LiiN . are' te foîtona. "lie învuntor la au Itl- hautes, ir t ddoh shi' said, "ant ngreca hi.-Int tgli. 1 int!ian. eterl MI>EMo iu ba5ta nitteli iny possaessiont. 'lIiie mo- ian!.'A Child ujoy- tsteeStoPn-scra, Stflm lii' c<m rit tît u,,fa fnnîîttu'ryThe pleasant flavor, gent!.' action and Drmes. atetJneiCulte», Md tu lie a atie.,t oiînniîiut. ,ol1 j soothinj effecta of Syritp of Elga, whenq ofM b timthIsu ralt tnnnk tcss'.,oa f ait actor andînîtartti'uîlu necd uf a laxativne, amîdif tiei. tler 1M /3 ta. utatiOMO&.la si». UMM thue i'imtlaiin f tnrce,î tuugîier. Th'isa or nîcriier bc cosîl or bittons, the most Facioy: 11Jh, PliewdiI fflu.rSt,( 1 îîrncticed tîtid lIiroeeini- ..î,tilt 1i1grntifi-g results fuu',towifis lise; se that _ Lad the art to e îrfec-totnuatd It Uc - Itlilt the best famully renîetiy known, cnmm- secoîndnture. Il ceatitnii-$50 to and erery famlly Shiutd have a bottle S iîny m u ngli, hbut i1îaould not part on baud. %i th it for tttottsaaida "WUen oee lus no dlesign but te apeak A Henrty Wclcome plain trnîtbh.'ie uy Say a grent deat o at ë Ta reiirnng peace tu> day sud traquiliiy ln a v.ery narow corn tass. -Steele. .&~uuiCsbw ii ai ulgini ta et'nied lny the rheumsatlc ps- tient an nne wea tliese titesaIsltte Hasieiiera tacss lleoîedy for ('alarrh gin-es linte -__________________ i<ioiusch Bitters. Deait dem>' te ie of diate relief, alsays inflnmmation,. resbores Ihis flue anodynte fonr pain sud purifier of iate and ameil, beaul te seres and cures, aIÉe tnlnned an Istant ntyond te poli whelk<lie disease.M ta dîsease manaifesta tteif. Kidney trou- ble. dlyspetula. lier i-oetpislmtt. ta grippe sud FT.~iFthopefc yl.Ueat.s Irregîniariy oethlie bow.ei, are rellea-ed sud Nerve 2t.nto,..r. No lia aft.r traitd&Y'. un. Unae- cure by he ittes.aeiok, rares.. nt-e atti nd0.00 triai bot te ew cuedl>'tt'Biir. ea. Sendt taDrfilneifai Aeh t., Phi laP& 8. N. U.11. a4-4& O)ne Way 10 fluild a Rond. MM I'., Wo', OORUSoo-in. nufor Chideea JN Wilgodot, ueadmsi A good road waa nieeded belWeen tbetitingn maolnete sa.. eu-t..ins.mmaîioI. J bte sabLo. tht, psgfl.a Advoetlae MM Florenceanud tUe benulîfullilttle ctty îY»iCî-e.aClc eitsot, oaWb"aanedba» ,euhu.ii.Ui of Pie-soie. Sieetug tlits, tle authoritlea of theclttler pince isîmed ittes of nobli- itY an it-I inere inscribet(l lu a "book of goid," aund for .-hiî tilles geod round suma were asked-from tliree bundred dollars tti, accerdlng te, the dtgnlty of the tille. Conts, barons and mar- quintes wene created by scores; tUe roud was bulit anitidau fine une. Evn v'anty tnntY asiietinnes be turcd to geod ac- A l5-Cent Calendar Free. The pubili-shers of tlie Yeutha Cer- pauten cITer to acnd free to every uew sub- ticrilnr a andstme four-page céalendar, 7xl0 luche... ltiograiitied lu ninie bright üum .The retait price of thls caendar la 50 centsa. Ttnose niho aubscribe nt once, sendlug $1.75, wiil aime re'-eiv.e te t4per free an-- ern % eeek tum thelic ie tliesulbscription ta Pýi'n'-n'vd te Jan. 1, PM4. Aise te 'Thanksgiing, Christmas and New Year'a double nutmbers free, sud the Compauloti a fulli i-eur, 52 weeks, te Jan. 1, 18ý97. Attdnn-,n the Yomthas Compun- ion, 1ý99 <Clumbnus Ave., Boaton. No Parental n'nte ev,, r tal te l ot ofn asingle- itentben of tflic nsect bribe. In getîcral. tie eggs of au Inseet are destinied tb bc îaîtîed long afler the parents are dei.d, se tînt ulost lusecta are boru orphauii. . nt.ware of itU for Vatuarrh that Cnd'Iet-aur>'. as metruty wttl surety dealroy ltesomnne of amell and comîîieteiy derauga ltae witee ysteni when entarlug il litrougi te muicous SurtfaceS. Sncb articltes shouald naver- ho used except on p racntnIenus f rotnreputaint Shptclans. as the aaago liîey iIt do Lt efatdte ogood yen eau pesailytieive frani tiemn. Halt'a5 Catarrit ('or . tanaiisuredl iy F. J. Chefs>' & Co.. Tote- do. t., coutas ne mercuiry. ant istataken biler- nslly. acting dtnectty upon lte bteod antd mu- tous aurfaces of lte syaàtem. Iu buylng Hait', Calarrit Cure ha aure jont gelltse mulue. Itlta takeo inLternaaly ani mante ln To edo. Ohlo.bt» Y. . (heu-> CeTeailuonlals free. jWtiotd hi- Druggists, 75c. per bottie. The dlntonia, ingie-cetled plants of the saene'd fanhily, are ao smatl thai three tlîousand ofthiem laid end te end scarcety auffice te corer an Inchiof space on tbte rut.. Jayne*aiExpectorantîla both a palla- tive andncuratiae te ail Lutng Complancts, ]irouchinttî, etc. h las a stainard retnedy for Couglîn aaîd Cold.su d needa out]Y a trial te prun c ils unt. We haie nu rîglît tesany that lte uni- verac la gorerned bny natutrai lau-s, but onty titt i I l <ovn ted accomding te naturat taira.-Curpeit,'r. Thle us, cf hlVl'sIlair tteuee-er pro- motes tule grue th of the hi,nd ui reatores ias natural ouinr anuitbt,'nitî, frees the sicalp ut danînruff, tetter aînd ait impurities. Nothltîg ls aucli an obtal-e te prod- uction et excellentce a tic putier of produciug îî-Unt ta good wit case and rapdity.-Atkiît. Iianneli tî.xt the akîn ohmtî roducesaa rash sennuvabl ie nîh Gîcuiat'..Sttpitnr 4"'Hl's Ilair id Whiaker Dyen Black or Bruiwa. at-. SOMPhuîv Pe.ple mn-l'owoutd bave doue thus mangoIf tbey lad becut lUcre, neyer get there. Mr.' Wm. J. Carlton, of Elizabelt, N. J.. saya: -l consutted a îîbsI-'au lu the country lUis anînîmer amicre 1 waas pendiug nîy vacatilon, about a chroniledyspepsl in-tlî na-Uci 1 han-e been e good deai îroublcd. It takes te form et Indigestion, te food! I take not bucosulug Iasaîmilated. Atter prescrlblng for me for some blute, the plysician told me 1 wnuid hnve te be irealed for seneral monlts wlîb a maid laXative sud correctl1-c--somcetit1lni that would graduai!>' brlng back nîY normal conditIon ailieul tUe violent action of drastie remedies. I receutly sent in te doctor (Dr. Thomas Cope, of Nazaretht, Pa) a box of Ripans Tabules, sud wrole hlm what 1 understood lte IngretI- enta to be-nbubarb, lpecac, pepper- mIat. aloeu. max vomica, sud soda. He wrltes btck: '1 think hie tonuùw ' a very gonoensd wiUl -~ ~ubt ust~uItyou.tt19 --------------- Lou. of opportunlty la lite'. greetest Ions. Thlnk of suilerlng witii 5 10 la NEUIILGIA Years Years« er When the opporttnity les In a bottle of ST. JACOBS OU.. It cur.& It Was Before the Day of SAPOLIO They Used to Say "Woman 's Work Is Nee-r Done-." You might j ust as well try to bow around a weather vane as to help some [ eople by ponig u he right way. They: nl LI] prove to. thern that it's then n- Iillt easiest way, and the safest' Il ~ and cheapest, they won't walk __ __ __in it.i ________But this isn't so xvitli ail. It's ______only a few, cornparatively. W're flot. complaining., There are rnilliçnis of wornen who have seized on Pearline's' way of washing-glad to save their labor, tirne, clothes, and money with it. Most wcmien don't need much urging when they fully understand ail the help that cornes with Pearlîne. m AGENT YNeD "AANTHA IN E5ROPEII" A NEW BOOK BY JOSIAN ALLENW8 WIFE. bA eis Wanted Oe !~oaAgents Wutid shliso ib.1. Alleuls WIfe lno Been le Eur-ope. Js.ah Fessr Oettiay.etc Ttn-th i mut. arr 1hi1 n-s hiveson- la pins san. &i ge~~~fest AI uttbetre boukl.. t.rl t te" s~a . utu Or a,,!thta a t ri u r e ... tte....4.. ron .1 toitS<i. tciustjlnituitai.."FUI "WII-santi Claus Must' have run ou o'Soap whe n hc left yo u."9I Even the children recognizé Santa Claus Soap as one of the good things of if--and why flot ? [t keeps their home dlean and makes their mother happy. Try it in your home. SQld everywhere. Made only by mcN. IL 1Éafbak Compaizy, TT a&