CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Nov 1895, p. 8

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?"oiI2To aA» w a P. W. ville, -Illinois. J. L. TAYLOR. -at Résidenuce on Broad- K Dpobite Public Park. k.:.JLbrtyeille. Illinois. 'r .W. ALVERSON. libyelctaiiand surgeon. j :URSj to ôand 7tuo91. m. 10jaaaes o! Wo... sud Chilitren aspeelali>'. LAK( ZURICH, ILLINOIS. Dr.,E. H. SMITH, O>hkoverLeveII's DrugStore a- - o 12a- - ndito5p.m -I Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. H. P. EWING, bodtef.iser.. - - - miinois -1.D189ASES 0F THE BYE. jÈcimI autttIon guven le the conrecb - Fttlng of Giass. -HOIJRS- *U!t10Oa. m. 1lto2 p.m.and alter 6. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. Â$lorney ând Councellor at Law, NOTARYPUBLIC. sposh attention gvon ta Collechoianud Oýý'fIbO* with Lake County Bank. Làbertyvilie,'Illinois. Miss LULU M. S. PENNIMAN, TEACER or-'- * CAL AND ALOO DELSARTE UUSUNZNTAL SYSTEM 0F M USIC... 1 ... ELOCUTION.. Ufls WHMOD8, MOaT BEAS01ÇABLE PI'acES. Uibertyvllo. Illinois. MISS M. ALICE DAVIS. Qv.dua*e of Ameuca Conserratory -TERACEES 0Or - VO&CE CULTURE AND HARMONY LibertyvtilelaIliinois. RAIDph Darby's Barber Shop -la usacsiad lu- k*n&soms FluEiTrUB STollE, Wbsz. roiacan iways gel Jour àhàVing. 14ar Cuttia'g and Dre.sihgr. -la Ibe làà@Mstyle e! the- j TONSOnIAL ATIST. Otnuea trbtý in vSploaaeou. Obi DaFby, - Libertyville, 111.1 W.H. APPLEY, AUcTricNEER... Ulbertyville, Illinois. lud»gq.&.A alEdaezperiaiice 'iAuc- t**'P te ttud umIIes . Bamy imladlolnu&Couties WNv Le-w Bates. sauusaction Qi- MU& 1,. e ea Cail. gjK.... . ýrIght, Parkliurst & Co. Libertyvilla, Illinois. Is~. nterest-Bearlng ~' rtI~ca.sPayable on Pemand. Winter Blankets, Fur Lap Robes, Heavy Fur Coats ptain the Une o!fhatua .%'*tJOIIahoud fot f al 'r dlsplared by ~~ALCS KAISE Re P~~eaariua amatI', PromPbly and ,imuy. Evrythîngal represeùteah. COING NORTR , uaday onhi' iiOlfi 456DM. ' lita. IL. . Dooflttle la antartaiui ng à lady friend from the city.' A. M. l$rlggs, Dean Ayvnaley and Lobter-Burdick spent at Satirdaiy lu the City. Missa(iraee Cronkhite in making a thre veek8 visit at ber saut, Mrw. Chas. Bartlatt's at Evanston. J. E. Holcouîb went to SpringlIeld, as a delegate from the Odd Follows I Lodge. He la expected home Friday. 1 The *remains of Mrs Smith were bronght here lst Saturday iîy rail and the tunera) coud ucted from the, Ivauioe Congregational vlhurch, Suiiday. J. P. Norton and daugliter, Baco left Moneny for Tennessee where thle3 wil hpeud the wvinter. We hope the change wiil l e for the best anîd that they May rotuire to us again entirelY recovercd. The leeture nt the (hapel last Sabbath evening wvas very interemtiug The subjeet laone bilaI illinltereat cvery tine-foreigu mIsaionaryuar asoe Home Missionary wor.Th chapel was well tilhed anîd cade jy the Meeting very niueh. We call the attention of our reaiders! to the large advartlsenient tif "The Model", Clothiug Hopao, Vankegan, bo be found lu another part of The IND)E- PENDENT. -The Modale" L3 weii knowfl to moat avery one in Lake County, auî its method of dolng business-one price to ail andl that the low~est-comn- mentds it to ail vin 'would save nioney on reliabla goods. Patriotisan for home institutions siîould induce ail to giva Lake County merchauts the' pre- ference over the nmerchantm of Chicago, as every dollar apent lun(Cook County in that mnuch takeni away f rom Lake Coînty. The merchants tof Lake Countr carry as tiue a line tf good8 nas any lu Cook County, and in many instances tiey <quote prices liaItich windy eity*s big depaartmcnt stores eau t touch. liatrouize home nier- chante, save mneiy and bc happy. THE HOME MERCHANT. The home merchant la entitled to your trade and ought to have il, as againat the itinerant dealer or the marchant of some distant cily. He spendais money hare. He' bolideaa home which anhanees the value of ail property. He helpcd pay for tha church in which you worbsilp, aud the sehool tu which you send your chil- dreu. Hie canuot afford to miapresaut his goods or avîndle you. Self intereait alone wouid prevent this. He stays witi you la sunsiue sud lu storm, lu timen of prosperity and days of adversity. He béars his share of the burdons of good goverument. Whou a subscriptlou papar lM pased he la first approached. These are a few of the reasona§ why yon should patronize the home merchant. And if ho has the goods yon vaut and sefl them at the right prices, sud lets the tact ho knovn by meanusof au advertlsement lu the INDEPENDENT he vil) ba very likaly to get his share of tha brade. Dem Demicrats. MESTEE EDîvo-I lVas got me lu 8ome droubles. You aae lasI sphring I vas shust outiluder corn lteldb look- ing at mina corn, dot vas an pulled mit der recta up, und 1 dblnks it vas der crows, und dat shuge he cornes long aud saya, vel Dlbbler, how you vas? und how vas dat coru dose year? Oh, I amy. Mine corn vas ail pullad -mit dar roots up, 1 dhinks me somo voue muet pull hlm up. och, dot vas badt, und lhe aay yab, dese vas badt bimes, dose vas damnierable times, lb vas dem d-u demicrata und dose Clevaland. Vol., 1 say, you diuka it vos dot C lova- land? iund haoamy yah, @humw; und :"a ha goes ou. Oh1'vas sornadtrmît dose OleveIaad dol. ho go 21»d -pul -mine corn I ait me up dhrea ailghta but ha dont coma. Vallenat smmer mine~ cows dhay ail fall mit dar milk ilif, und voua ,noruings I. comma Me to deri platform -and voielaoer ho ay, val Dibbier hov vas dot, you vas allurs brlng aix cana und nov you shnt hrlng four? und I aay I don't knov how dot vas, mine cows don't gi soeamore und I dhiuku somo vvoue vas mtlk dam, dot vas badt. . Yah, lie amy, deue vacai eicatlc times yon know, it vos dem demicrata uud dosi, Cleveland. Vy, 1 amy, you dhinks it vas dot Cievalunt dot miika mine cova? und ho looks aet me kiud oi quear hike und sya, yah I guoe so; und dat tallera dey ail laugh like dhey diuks lb beau voue godt shoka dot I loose mine milk. Vol den I 'as madt but I say noltinga. Den dartfa11 comae and I sond mine Fritz out mit der bacoupe to husk der cornund ha say at dînnar, fader Al vas no goot 1 huîkes dot corn, und I aay. vot vas dat matter Mit dat corn? und he say oh data vas uottiugs dot mat- ter mit dat corn for dat vas no corn date to be der malter mit, I huakos me four ahock for voue buahais; val I dont know how dot vas, und Peter Shmldt ho comas imb mina yard und talla me vîli I hali mine hoga, fand I say me yah Iosal ma fot mina boy Fritz ha say dot.ho hu8k fout siock for voue busiss f corn, dot det corn vas gona'. Vah, ha say, doea vas hadt timas dasa vas damnicrabic limes, lb vue dam d-n demîctats and dose Cleveand. Deu 1 look@ hlm lu det face und ay, yon taaliy diuka it vaa dose dîicrats vot do dasa bad dlnga? und ho ay, ymLh Dlbblar I know It vas und vo muet look sharp dot va dtives eui oud, uud I dhlnka me yah, I look sharp dot 1 drIvaeau oud. Val dot ulgil I GIL EB.Too MUCW 4 FOR'TAE OWO. A.0. Schrwernau aut 10 tuthe elty 0o1 The Wetern %fl rnK«k Ris business, Wedneadiyv. YAi 'ai Ka T E Frank Thomas took a lulsiess trAi AliosCl.______________________ be Chicago lant Salurday. Speîkiag of hair restorea's," said the Louis Lyon vas calleti to li e l Ni( estern lucuaber, giaueing ut the baid- aitie of hia mother vho la îcry ii. ieaalddanan, -puis ne lia uiud atn L F. C'. Moris, express ageant ut Joliet,îit'ienIvollie heen %Nilln.g î'allaal on ont local agent lalt Friday. ' 0 give a-coulile of years 0 aylr o Now vi%«e tinie to bnly ur ('Itaiks o iettiig or Iloîl kind. Ilaithie ilater of Mr.< tint wfaîreth be tock ta ot '791Iwa wltiia îîarty of prospec(!t- broktn.u. ors li lache ierras. Tiaea'e iere iliree T EM PERANCE TEM PLE. Henry Webîer touîki wagon Iîd atLuglisilprofesser, n liarvard ptmltry tlaiaago miarkets Tiîaa'îdaay graîduale aînd royacîf. Snow tîegaî t1 fY10an oklwwatl on nfi h agl eveil îg. fall itaîîaaler we gin into flie foot hbis, I u vittkuvva agîn o utcbral orld cali at "The Gýeo. E. .iîîa iasnlnis sîaîyiîîg wiùh aad wtstoppeda t a log siaaaîy bu:tIl odal.>' Theprives tof ail kindt of gonds haave boeaî greatly reducad ln In lult lus sîi Ed. alitat Suaîaiîay sti faii iy solli'one îvho laad hoi tiiere befora. ycaîr, andl wo keep place y» 11 h be limes. Seveaîîy-lîva cents will huy more li Elgiai las. -%s ne laad provisions for i' woo us(18tei' s uatui ltitan Oune Dollar dii luit fronta auybody. W~e hereby givo StriClty Insu Llîiffk uiltý'ta CiIlic wu'ecks' we hure xliiialarinet, wbeaa It a ieîî exaaîlhîs: hal atA. G. St'bwcruîaniA-Cos. for lîc'calaic tapparentb ual wa ivere saioî- Thiiîkagtvaaag. iioîutî, but ntt he ecdof0f ilit t ie Itle Johnai hulakandailfanîli vit-ii- iautioaa Iook 0o n aaoîicr aspecet. NW'eCL H NG teaulpîste muîving tai Roackfeller wlivre siaut a deer, aLtier greattbull aud lier- M N' CLOTHING BOY' Hieury villvnrk for John ('rtnklajte. O SCLDr NG Mr aîdMn Fî' Blaastechr irst'veranee, buntour efforts to seccare h.aeb ear TILIs Year Laîst Veai This Year btl c (eruaaia Ev Liatiarana' ichl teilitleîr gIane ivcra' taisiaî'esfiîal.11n a' $ M8Busness Suit 500 3 Boys Suit$s...............1 7 lIoc vrtearva fabb o.Nera' raliialy a îiroacîa ng î i a av lig 10> Ai]I n nl Nuits .3 oys...t..............250 1l anaad $15 ('asatire Sitta ...:. 10 Ou 4 50> Combiaiaiou Solta iti Mnntldaîy cvcing iiiier o! frienda 'iîaadiîiîîîî. 15 aind $18 <iaiiaîe Bluck Clay exîripanansd cap ta match 3 5& called oaa Mra. D. Aanesa itse viliisoon a "Viaeaî titre nias very Iltla' lin Ia Worsîî'î rias Sifs ...10 (>0; 30 ('omiuabion Suts with hleare for aiu exleîadd viait to Michiigaîn. Cvat but -)tie Ilileeof îiiuîîe. We l' 11111il NM()vert-it iîaal l imtera .........-, 0 0 Longral'ul n csp la matchr 4 5 Ail lirescul repîort lîaîîiaag.4ea lcil i aaaiab iaru'-fol ropaa Itu c atchîsl sai ho ue.' 12 (inn îîatlaaadl istarm .........8M'I 5 0, )Ln 'usSat o r a'ujuyalile evet'nlug. A 'suiwuer5ak' l is la are wiîlarge. flta 5tjîn "id aaaîl I l ...ra10 (M) boYs................... . 4 50 F. E. Hawier <cthiîaee aî'mkera front Ifcpt lini ook ile mo lio oe. Well. 3 L0aaag Kl'aitergit fi2'grou ,,G Lake Zuritcha. Lakes ('riri. Qtientiln's. he lt' t n> Bîfs UtIls...........'2 se Cornrand ittiathars x sted aIL lthe oriII afetla ala Iist4 50 Boyslistera .............. . 3 ne VVgathlereab ~ out f.ia adi lI eil! ;zat ;0> înslistera4 50 t'ice8e faetirv Salardav. Theloîcasion ;0 osaîtr.....,. being btlceclaliratiiu it otîr t'îteai' ail an uai.i.rvî. r la t tllai'sail nw:asaîuî I 00 1oîys l'inters ........650 anakar. Jount Wilhaera htu i Iirlitli. irai)wil fomot pliuits of t flii we~lîv UR 11 N S A1 nulier of shiupt'ns i ibuis loCIaIlv Ii s iraI) toai litra. Visionlas tif a juios- Lu st lIaTis Xi ail rtinatderthelacimparasionî tilait epresslaet i e te ah'narose ti ou r lailuats. îunait$ i)0 Ha a iî i In iiir .. ...t.$ 3NAT ,C PS E C frona thiastationi Seau îîiy lclulesiPed îrt'lotîked taaali huaathliss suspense, c. 75 Ha'avy l armeuar . ,. St) Y9C PS E C ceîrtaintiaîys.iisounifonilaer agent l oîil %L'hciltlle îîlrvîîd rai duitav î'kuait hlii 50 ine<>taîlt h'i,v boal Uaader- 0Last Icar This Year tia'caionitlly keili ,tala until tie sî,-air ......................I 18) $ 50 (,iîî...s.....lts$ 25 toloi iag i. Tot t lee ut esirelt itesifthe t Ii'traitp and aîiat!iniailyIllei 1a1a4l 15 Hcaav v atkhard 8.), ) 5 ! 2 '50Stîi aui Fr IatHala.... 1 50 sury Ihaîl thîr caînii iaig lair ivclsa nîd plîcînîl tiar ils cdge. The i a'a roi nsa' 2,;c llîvy wullLaong Sux .... 15: h 5u)Stift or l"cltra His... 1 00 huiuillry hlera' :Zilyd aî'ii' s miur prescait lia' îid ial>,.îpeak-, îuîlis fiace' taîlîlil t25c isil Milîs, !)o fait Nlan, iBoysi ou>75c Wite't Caps................50 agentliais til'el lîsive anîlhitto l l rIt'ef îrrilt' a aulaîi aatillealt. lit-' 7-5- G i vis o litiltt'lîa..............W541 ta-ian (Cils ................25o stopl thieIrait, ca" r ilai Can ill give gazi l li t l'th 1ax a ltiout. l adt.:tI l ii 50 Ailti'rai 45 s C01 if)>>Woîil Shlîts...........i0 sania lits prou) pIlatenationa. If i81'0i il aagl yk ick. saut I l irii î ig aIx dit- 2S>AI îi ltaa . tl> 1I> itlS rs... 5 ls velds art ' brigiît ai btheiLa i'lî g, eetdrcin.Tefl o --- tit'î nl tiicla' kt'j inailîacool laindîlenî' l i'î îen tireiiiab t tii 'l'h,Slia isflii plcuiaî' tîil tie arrivai o! tilie traîin. :t lie -iiriîî%%aiiiiis lita gae uoulaonueldem aa a uni' a aaîiî t In bu Tic reualî<f the reeet'aliaw sutjo f tlle wrc a'tkns : larga'. faît 'ilaiw aite.' Geo. E. Jouis and Mr. (iiiîdyled t tha' al)la ulie i't sloip. The laIarvaardi ian Ii urgootishuai voiatîlul formerly. However, wna'1dii liaIinean tu aMy that yen victlirvofbhie formmer as vas cxpectvdtlIiaad llt aca'i Ileia'ilte animal lu îiae <'ait iîaay lbî'aîais ilcaqifrian yhotly aise; (ian the' intrary, te judge by tbe byi crerybothy kîaoviîg tie cireuiiîtrait..'anai aur a4t Iboiteia as gtîaî. i'. tprves sciitliatîlale hav e 11811fiat guas ndalutther stfires vi' slould thlnk thae stainces. Get. E. Jonest'exteudm bis 111l the b.-ll." ttîreltiiera art' utll vnrkaig iiler the a' sttariff. At"-Tii'Modal" yoen may bcartfalt gratitutde toftle iucigibors cl "sai liii' fat au aI. iaia.irug. ainasa iaietiion hua l iliîgsa tukiug sucl actiivae part. The large l1 ntumber of ucigibaîrs îîreaîut fshows Y. h-Vian alnuya iauy RIlitalli'(xds. liat Joues' repttlioaî astbutruti lai l.nanldI 2- Votaala'ayî litaitiluah iilitali as lthe'sain' qaaliîi' l'n bc houghl auy- veracily sla Iiuicîigo(-th. Ntît o1aiY 1 i~'Itiotaglîita ouwire goiiag tii liera' ti tie Unitedl States. liose preseul, but ainlmost 'etybîady say soaietliiig about hair n1irtn. personlliy acquaiuted nillî Joues, -"li, 1 Iwas :iabout Ioail it 1ua Iîvîîlî slîowed licir uillianîass tu lesflly as havre sai'ltîii(l wo scars ef nar cuist ' to lis gond reputatitîn. eaaîe tohaive liadat ia are Inial illis- L. A. Wewctzi't fornaetiy oft liis place A got mb otroliuleanaad as haugei'd forAit lavy silteace 'fîli uner the î'rowaldLÂîii, bbe offens is îîtt.a'ly tlie. Tie Thc W'stirn ia's taieciiad nelred îW ashington Street, vvau'kegaf, l inifOs folowing, leter teila fibaou i story tbu li'ii 51i'l'îlia'u. Ibis affect: Marshall, Minu. Nov. là, '95. To vhom il may eoucer:- Bootbiacks Aller Roosevelt. 04 We Give Away Without Charge s largei'number ai! Homas- 1I.Sprugeon Otioli, clark of lie aditrictI Tic2,.-M0 mbootink of New York huilu Oraiiaents, Siver Tsiii'watc, Bronze tand i l'i'iuu îtekm, Etc., lu the Coul in and for Lyonu (oiuaIy Mnu. are- up lu arms against Plicea (ommiis- follu'iaag mâtianar. W'tti avery Caîh Saii' ni'gil'a aiconît of IIIper cent lu do ietebycecrtfy liaI I ain n-ail sliar Roosevaeliviose auforecanent Coupoaaa: $2.50 >ftuf ia-a-Couîpoî,ns ee ixv'lauugifor aay i-ti"l' f a> ebbc osve permonaiiy adi imabuly acquainteul of tii' lawa bas prcveuted iheni piylug naucal goii choit'îî3iayse alet. vibi Louis A. We'ivuzar the son oft hemr trade ou S8untînys. Tue>' are or- Gustar sîîd Alinai Wavetza't ut aaid Lyon county. That I kuow Lewis A. ganîziais a iîrolec.'lve association and Weubet10haa ou~ anofr' alppeail 10 lie aayor sud aldermen excellant moral ciai'aet't sud tint bis lu> tuae.'îlowed to continuue business ou name la aboya reprochinlubis immedi- Sttudays. aie vieiuity or Lyon county as a viola' or auy lerritary thateto adjacent. I Ps'esideuuî Lilui' Subsitute. aiso furtber certlfy liaI Ibee If la not geuealy know filuaitAba- alleged acandalous tonies cireulaliug binaiilnî'oiiu seut a suhaîlaute tu the' about liesaid Lavis A. Woe'zen t aI rnagainsl tie Sotathi,bail suciî lma l bis old home in Lake coîuty, Ill., are fit uiglecnlrd> flt ulleriy groundiesa. That 1 helilvo ie.Drn h erirdy ffl lie saMnste have leen uîanufaclured var If seellas 10 haie bee'îîtliedeaire of by nome mnalicious persion for a purpoau ail proiluneut men ln Waahington to G ET VO UR QCHA N CE hast kuownu b hlm or hersefaIt d lia ue a reiiresenative lu lia ranka, undt said maiiciom;ansad libeliouN'storles are Lncoln wne î exception to flie ile. net cirrent hers.iaud vam'e muh d ut AtI inat lime there vas a minîste»r lu ibila co'mby unlil tiey came by nsj»edJ Itaples lu Washington, oua ot ... AT THE... correspondance trom bis format home wiose sons, then aged 11). iad a desina' lu eaid IÀake county, Ill. Let vbom sulo ot hefot Lnonher]o cvii' takiug an luteteat in lie7chaat~ert ot h rn.Lnoa ant and raputation o! Lewis A. Wuvatzer hialasd sftei* a eoufent'uec selcei_ L L N U of Lyon couuty Miun. lue assured lahua i as bils riiareaenatire. anîl lie prov-SLIn U ha, ina young Main o! vorti aud hlghly id WOerthY. for nh Ofor Ounbtae reapocbed sud appreciated vlthout field.le survive thAe vair andt ilnally exception tirouginut is large circie died lu S.Qtroudsburg. Pa. o! aquaintauce. Givan under my asSL n in and for said Lyoun(Jouîîly, at Fo)r Weduiug slsbloueny o! tie ilucat ovMarsh a. Dnes. Ts95. ' o qualily sud vorkmanship, alvays caîma NOW GOI NG ON AT Novemer A D. 895.tai the INDEIENDENR.,T Prlnliîîg Office. SPVRGOoN ODErLL, Wecehailauge aompeition in fauey. as Clork o! District Court. veIl ast plain, printlug. We eau f ut- iIlb'nîs reciv,d too laite for lagt wvoîk.) iaîsb auybbing engrared vork sa Kpeei- MartlinMtmtse aerred as jaiio t athli aly an sas 10w ternis as eau bucuml- JO F Y à J F E ' cotnuby.seab iass yack. taiuod filIChiciago. Ilemember, vu Superviser Huulington atended ticghe uteslafuin couuby Board meeting lat veek. A Woman' Biessng. Franuk Thomas sud ou, B. droru ta M ly ouls cit dsngcrubily 8ick Mro. W. F. Hall sud lie Misses Mabia Out beal docl t'u.Id .mt Ihcpbr au-i Grsc rlslted ai Libertyvilha Mon- We cor.laîdl a tu7limb niaiu' _____________________________________ ibuy. Colie, Choie sud" rioea emady, Did you gol 0ý f A. G. Scivarman afler the t md LI e eW out o! &Cos Ta% O'fttuber, for your deur danger, a 1 ai , a .sont l1111e dauglI'w îlayiug. . B>God ihes halemanax- Wm Blaun la lncrealaîg bhe number factlîurraif Ibis uedici, for tlacîr of is builings hy lie ereclion afute efforts bo do gootd. M . David H. large chiken bouse. Alleu, Fayett".viile, N. Y, Fot suie B, D. Cook, A. Scivarman Bt., W. F lî> F. B. Lorélle, Liertyville, aud G. Hall, C. G. Smal sud Wi lum voe C îîrta eîiiua callad on as wiluasses lu the Jouies- Th ha e ig hnîiey I [4 E lv M I A u la. Gotîd law-uit.Dovwîîays. Iamemier va' tutu out lie JuI raeivod 1,1 z.qupyof dried linuat bis viitueneaessau 1 dispabci WIcul attentinata bhe fact tial I uni prepared to fruits hilc I a uuuru.a abh new sud plîblisi lie liait, for biosa who gel ercr001 iti disatb 8, 10 and 12 feet goods, eousîstlng o! esc es, POiithi ilblisprintad ut tbilaoffice, fil aipieota, prunes, rai s sud canned bie INDEPENuE St frIee o! charge. citron, eieuoîî sudra e pools miso bile _______ i'aiobruted et3'staliz fruits tftorp rrspudsî PUMPING WUND MILLS, A. G. S WEEMAN & do. Csi 8oni d e tand tiAdverti'îeu's Tie Faîrfleid M. i .eh"urch vi i guv o lyluember a t l ae8tae ai pan cake social et thle realdeuce t stype h)SilOt aereau lie printeil. A16o 12, 14 anti i6 fout, galvanized alter couapheion, Poweor Wlud, Mila, Sk Petr Nmsey' Frti>' veLug o.Yoaî viii greutiy obllige hy isnding in Wood oar Glvanized Steel Toyota.Wegrat'14fomisb<lalps Pter imsk05. P rizeaa evfforud Nov. vouirvtpv cari>', ipy n for tada mnut o.-Alh -po.1aiag.-lisu uhr io l riorin sdvi

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