on sncb term?"'%siecrcicildignanuty. I~.. "No, I do net; but tgen en-en>'eue ha& - ~ A net studueit yeum ebaracten se carefoîl>' t ~ asuI. 1Icn- tint yen are toe noble te allen- tut> merru'nary or iutcncsted mo- i "tn-ca te Influence yonr actions, anuitI I 'knoW, ise, Interyen cenldit viia n-omi wnla ladCoelci nsep te lie aliegi- CHAPTER XXVIL-<(Clntînued.> suce ho flattercd imsinecf tint ho ail TIs>noyre net la the veranta n-bo e h brewnaoff. Don't lie offendei thtat I wnt eut. atdlie strelbot furtisor an-S>'te speak se. Coueilen îtee custancee n-bore 'ho knewnomset.seats bat leeu from ua aoutsider'@ point et vien-, and yen placet. En-en thon hoe dit net sec thet» «'ilI sec tînt It esnantural ho shoull ie lit wna Te's volces <vilcibeinayed their glait te ban-e escapeit win thc werlit presonce et the other aite et a teat, near <oulit eaIl a mesnhlmancne, uetnitbetanit- whieh hoen-ns standing. Iag yonr grace and benuty. Ihofone lae 'How ena 3ensas>'»Delà cruel ibinge, Ion-ciiyeunose eitirey-so unîhiukingîy, and se untrue!" eilen-as saYlag, lu ex- tin t]edyenmnamried bint ten, uitîer sitodindiatgnation. lhe non yen might han-cbil reason te ne- i *J feue>' the crucît>' lie lu the lnuth pet: but non' hi' lis liait rapÀon te IDE he accusation.," asn-rcJack Blouut, <eigi (lie pros muid cions, eve-ter le is cuttitîgl>'; uni thti lisltenr ouît no e -n>'prouait-te congratuhate hinislf uiftn longer deubiltint Dinun Knollys bail, sonethiuug uuci.i'il te liart youi. Whiun betti correct lu ber etîmate of tic tan bc came bae'k to Alipene, ilfn'as imu the tantbils powen oftlelug disagnenable. cnfiectchuut te ieet >voit mies nu> longer *'They sait yen«'cri' n ftint. Oui>' a ten a diîgîr-thnt lielia.itlafit,-îuîîîu umenthe ago yen jilteil Colonel P5nsep- ble nî ie love. lit tii-su - ir-umntscui'-, tIse felows toIt me tiat aitmess to-ight Yen <odn-cut ur are (ri' înî-hi li ari to --end-non-----" i Oll,.1as YOi< W)0c-Ritt> duuld, againet bis Ho stoppeit suditeal> as Colonel Prnscp I.tietten judgmnet.' hîmiéîf eto"it iore them. IStuc <as <'<r>' paie, but Itue limie n-hidi "l'onhaps I amuthtic est persen te refullie h mu iglty suunuiseuî thnt flle r<cs- thai calumsuy." lieii'su, quietî>'. but «'uthu seaseit lîeveeut ber Ironaitietrauig «tint a nepresseit passion ia bis toues, tînt ie' siffer-red Jane, &ae«ing tîlunse «cil, casi>' de-' *"Do ycu tbiu:k f oil îutblc a îîtensaure tecteit. "Tint 3Miss Knox gaive nue up le me tu. sec,cua i acu h"ue eculitînuuu. waes n>'on-n tanît: I1lhave îîever badthtic "Il le cul>' tInt 1i 'i<aul'l to sIar' 3 uu aigiteat reneon te reproaî-b ber" a kecen pn ngtenîafîî r. I nuna tuaituif "0Of course if yen u'sen," egan Mn. lthe <rmî, >Miss Knuox: but <v is flic' Blount. uugrucioua5ly. use of nu>' n'îunlty <i"uoîît if I ta>' cuit> -I do san>'se,.anu ittcclr hog tnt ene use il for mnu>' e n'uduusit in imero ail Ilessi 3-0 <nlit Dot reter again te lte 'auotlpera.? 1 have uthreu uuîuIuînb.uiiil subjeet onri nlachyen bave ec-ivet sncb an>' etfcu<'eiiii<:iim, 1kuîiiu..lut it inaccumnîe information." «'-a tonr3'iiu ruki'-.iouir sce-u.. Wiha niiciouus seowl itankenini' 'l't I i«lîlu uuhaI uîtcikuu. Blount's face lic turneul upon lis bi'el andit ', 1iriglt." Iuc i et cmi. asif uhe -ente .left. n-ev tuirig fin, t frniuthîiumî I ight Tihenitcicny o e i ieeanuitplace haitluhave toM it i , n ' utiier love 1.-9u 'ae cs it Is po'îrtuul apeill e-cmSteruhicuPnin- Iating. ç<enlijus Iuue '-'iuuîîî'n iî tht sep. Gm;adualias'ene sti <roke taieturgot <ont iiopie a love îîîut î.rîîy desi-,iî'ucl luFc'o evsrything except tint ahi' haut heu hbis yoii happy,îv.lll!t I u<ll îît ' oiri.<f Ion-e. TIhe miu'lj-unus feti upon ber uts- ' t>self; ai mn>'thoucgb us rueft î'i. i tit coe'a-red beait annd uonlberonel>' ui- let me %vach ,vur<'n , h, lJi' Il lufrntu tunneit face as seleiicnitddter extenne- flicuedaaugî'es>,îumlre' i ui n"ui-niiedl tien. saîipev-t. andi l1 uusutlli4e eim . "Ila fyeun fnît yeîî arm se tain? Evec -1 nam <un>' -hid of > <lin tienifil)h1, fthat doit i'u.nid mut le tlitît le ouin sn'iet very phunuuîl <uti<." clii' ait, geil>v b)eaiit>!" le exlaimeuh, îacsiunately. and "Thi i nui nuire titianîru uadt." le at- n-outd bave sait nieraeuh>'tnt at&ie <un-ri-il, gnuîiely. slirnk trouahbit tr,-mtlingr. As tuie>' ipeîutIowi-ail flic stuc ouu As shie tucul dawn>, nhsfîul. yet se ti>'mt s( vi ral lîeruuiîls n. turting trince. tInt, se naplurouust>'gat te Lun- lie a neiliu-un linaa K %sl>%.%<hie as leve ierhon cill. icieiurtintene i le itýiuy hînitni'on Clu-nul Iictiaril. i-ti gaze eut Jac-,b ijnuu. lie n-se lulîllen be- i cihcd kîndlh iet Jai'. usvi,)rchuried the binit seue trees cuose lu, nui muet bave gîaîce. canu-fualt>'avuuýiîiug le loouk frthtI licui n-bat th >' liaitcatit. A stuidien sauenie in ti-r î'onwuaiioa'a face. If fe4r assailcîlber lest, un lis jeatîîuah'.hoie a-tiitaI <cc-ne ce ensil>' cet ntiat. itf<as eheulitcene for'aaruî nuuld do uite des- i a'aî-cy aclli,-iputt hlo hien dîiffencîe pernîe deei t Ilt «'cunîtrîif i iisu teever. ni>', shi nuust îunrî clîutî ini t itbs En-en if tie Colonel knet lf iiipreseure F îresenu'u- «a* luoitivuls ticstauutctul te lien. tiera il migit le seniu.,yuefor tilmu . '1 '.,tuuhcn «hi-ne Jac'k riut li; 1 Colonel Piiîcp thlu'tet ber tharle te bave nut sce-e hima tonraulne iiuo," it lie ll-moota in grave silenc-e, angny «'1h hBarry' Larrona. atsniîfly, as tir>'îaisc'd tînlusothtinti' hait ke'ît truc tu «bat i ou. witb ber hait enitentll>' ivs'i ouiîan *"I thin hi',lias left." tuiltu-red Jatie, evaneecent feelintg, yuluunalle te steel tuying te Ilook uihuecesiusi, hut aIuiliug b'-_ bis heurt mgainsit lien. uîuali tie kev'n gaze Iliat wnn< iini-cciton ,Barry Lanuis ceuntereit up tetuent ns uier. tIseohod totgetîier in lie tî-nooni. 'Ai, le iat t ?" vns thl eftly spokfen 'Tii'>'are n-siiig for yiuua.Coloneli, It e n-ark. ( Chilut. bsn' tuuuui>'luers yen tesdthtic <y>'inute supper. Mishrnox, 1 have, 'et nul cu.ie <i îrtluv ho bc snî'ei'i liaI yeîî îreuiscd th o g' <ilime." (tut! Orinis it i l:at 1iasun iei uîuuus ton StarfIcit et bis voire Jamie n-tiri'n- her veau? At a>nire I amn glai t Ilt b li as face tront the gralefui coetoes ot the taileil." tlon-ens nuit «-ndene «lu>, as ie dt u5, "Ye:aare drawnug yoîîr oena corelt lie lookeitn e ar s a angc-y. suons." inEuit laue, lictlv. "-1ii-vin ctîid Colonel Piuseit leeitandutlefI her. anuthing ho utakie >oîu thtr:k nrlue bae Thon MajurLroin spolie ils thougita. goee lecausuo'iec." "'Yen connut tink hovu iflinas pluliscd *I),)î yîîîu thini thiat ne st-i. al bliruil tac tint >'iut have deigneit te icean nt3- Ile uhun-îioui Vluis te,u ehliurerit ir .arn lion-ens." liusait. ii tcl etie hie.emu- uic lin<, nt,.iu,uý; huu "Your fliv ra I '¶ae ilyou nho sca uoit îughut >'iur ou<l ai'ivet hial. Ril betiu1d<i thet»?" 0ouifi, tholic e gu îu bot lia iave ici a3'on "o else ? I holle ycuil diii flot cliose btIte i uîu<i' tli unb cilpcs,e ut:a t i i i thet» umder r. taIse iumviiu.<acul -vte in;ltitI t'4 the ad ia<gei ot "l ei.hO!1 i mue r laUîglit-'--- icllu ur Iiiitri' Disnegardinuglber conîfusionu. ns lie hait "Diu'.%Ir. t rau uic lut elucit i<'"u'ki dln'garded the quluck muîvcunît <u lci Jaue. aunnil>'. elis hait made te cnet the flomre sfrout "Wi l.i-; lIr<iaut u luit teohave lier in-en lui' dainuu'In tec tic seniter. iu'mtiiincul if. T'liii-tisj. nit Itu Bani'>'Larroni lt renineul silent. Wiurc lîuen sp-kiuig soufreed> fint fmîugîît tue spolie gnin il nts as thouhi impIelleilt tiireu-s t bluI'nluuuit u itmi, Ira ahii-ýse. b>' a fe-elinug saunger tItan liaijurugment. îtîsi.îîa. itltti n-cxudv'uh vî1î n i-t-ecit "Miss IKnuox, 1< aiis n-un e yîîun hr', liai. atuil lie n uit u cn firgi<'îfileîuî'fr ui or goule onue tl.nt y3icua uli trust te ait-iudiscneticn if >îuîi eet ." t vise3ou «c-l." "W'hat «'cuidlli be eguiiiu? Ifsecuts' "De yen thini iliat I am uin ciet ofait- ta îuîtu' oo ii> ar r>' nuL<hi batuuutuuuy vice?" liku'. rcîi.'rdItuss cf aut> cuit-i feelinîgs: yî-t -I île. ilyoui promise net te lic oet I ciiiîulî flot ia r thutglit Ibuit li- «lu feniteitif I1aîîeak enl'aî>i eeme'l to e lu%' nia' niil vuuîî "'Yes, i «iII proumise, lbough I cannet have ruadue nie ti heiu'et cf ae!)et.' guoex bat i au c-an li ît yen are guiuîg "li' e 4yuung. anu ii uPu sa>' tiu uot te gay." thiauk. Xu imci ust flt aku' l its, un I liial Thse baîl-roin n-nedeserleitcciv, anuitlMane cysehf naine tiamn Ialr.d'y dotufor tie>' toit lone li fue renter et il. Jane ni>'omai ttioiglîttciusnpss ini tuviuîg re- wllh ber bait ificitpreudt>', as Iogli petciî it. Anîl uuuv it dc lene.rc vhille dofyîng bita te sayn>'amythiug tlit ceulit I gel y.iuuconte stipuler. 1'uuu are luoking affect lier, anuitlodinuglier bouquet as tan quite tîneil andmiu imi.' ns>'front ber as possible. Ticflion-uns Hanii' accoutpîicluîd «'bat li'esicl thatl hitditeligliteitlier bafi-tchocee bte- Major Larron nî'îentcutuuut nuire i.> is- fnl la ber cyea non- thaint ce knete heagrecable scbjc(,: <%-itemu lueca'seuto gitan, unnit but artial>' carasse t hem in oeeconltli e more briltianut -ind ituir- hie sigit. taining anuitlactei'rti'il inuh;e so ec- Major Larrna oiiiod don-n ni ber sad!ly. cesstîtl>' non- thainhe «'oit huik tii'e'uon "I1 wodar in-itiier il la <venhi'«-hile te to Jane'a pale tacseanuu a cuill' te lier ul thelese et yeîti rlectsîip on tic ipa. Sicen'as anrprisedtto imuitheticmîne sake ofethle pollmatial gondithtînt b lait bînesaclciquicil>'«heu bier fathe miglt do if I apeke; I1<onden if it laeveen camie lusearc etfIber. te san>'taint tnas n-elti <vile te do a iisintoestet net et late anuithlie«'ri' going hume. Lrldnos'~ 'Majonr Larron s:îvliter te fic canniage, 4'Tell me, anui let me decide." and, took the ontus upen Iintacf, w-tien 41 <ill, iice yen <rsh Ir. Do yen Mner. Knox neenuitrated it tI lier itaugi- linon- n-at lbas been (lis general (al ter ou lien loug absence fret lien ide. Usuia o yenenterai thle rooni? Yen te cot 'Valentine G(lniê te d aise gene to ses ~-'Of eiurse net. Yeti are tee youag and tiem off, btît Jane n-as ver>' tiff iti Iniexper'leace Io te hlleve la mallcesor hiir, unitpoiniedi>' turne-I te Bairry Lar- fille , ipes. ant I dame en>' yen tsar>' ron (o-îp br honsan-taboîut lien anit It la i>roonud secret ouI>' lnewnte help lber to ber sen t hutiehigli dog-cart. .ysir icant tint ynIon-a theeColonel suit TheýadJetatît bcekeit decitedl>' erest- ito.nahlm lek" fallea as tic>' drove ana>'. Site turne denthi>' pale, sun-a tee talken b>' surprise te attemPt a contmadic- CHAPTER XX VIII. t"on Lookiug uriesle sw bils face an-ot- "Love-thiri>'; Ion--tort>'; game ad et e4 aitd<as ducicîl yb>'ilsitelivar>', cet. Itlàla tst disreunagiiug," dovîred .kjaon-ng aotliing ofet icsnifttglacco by Dinna ICullys, gining nan-icions hît at tic .<w1élse obait asatumed it lelft tîat bis ball rmainicg ilulber hatnui an eaiing 2'aatt bat gene home, ilhilgi Into lihe atm. D't'etD net lho augmy <iti me (bat 1 ra- _"*Mise Knox huupronesen-en>'filitseah, t,e,»ét n-tat en-en>' one else hus sait.- I pînje," sait Barry Larron. ~"~igtit rîgit tint yen eboldnikon-, '*And I gro on- ne. Jane. yen are oas mi u le'rple Si B". bad nes*os ividions ýý son. but Jane, Wb* VWU nndul tmtve flusbed criKason. "Lot us bave another match," lid Major Larron, gaYlY, tou'.< er lier et»- barrassnieut. "Educatioei il nithe nc. c-OMIpllsbments-wbh e 3<Y;11,MNis Knoo- lys, and <rey-againât akilI anîd natural talent. îvitleb nodetity forbitî i. e emore that hit is represeiited lyit 11< partner and niyself." laligling at hig sallY, Jane forgot that Phe hall heeiî urt by %l.i sKuollys' tlîoeghtless remnrk. lit«':14 nw ueariy a iveî'k silice the -thilî..,ri dance, and t <it day Major Larro,i latl made biuiî.e!f more ueccaeary te I".r. naking good bis claim to bier frien-lsip1. ThoioUli very gentle witbh er, liec cci t-ci'iiîed to consider ber a subjeet for j,îiî - iilch ivoulit have galled hber more-llit ielwaya when site needed bellp, bonw<'îr trivial, Site found hlm ready at ber sid,. They biad played tîvo setý;. Jane an.1 Major Larron against Miss hliilli nad Colonel Grey. "Quite a regimental game. I tedl an outsider," Miss Knollys bad oincîrved. "Yeu aeit flot lie go longer tilîni yon likce," answered Colouel Girey, iuîpres- uîvely. "Yeu are ver>' pcrseverlnlg." imileîl Dianit. *"What I want ln tvortlî tryiing bard for," be returrnei, stolidl>', tiiissing a casual hall, vrhich struck hit»siiartly in thae face. They change.] courts no<v, nuit legan the tbirit set. Janie %«as oui> a bcgitnwr nt the giame. lut saelic'kedit aup ver>' quickly. and lIke MIl graceful woinen. looked n. Il wtb R tennîis bat in lier hand. Shîe Nvs playing bitter than tîsiial thjat nftî'riiooîu, niiîti t trîiig. tithb andl iii.- raisecd t,) catt'h a hll that was tlirownn 1. bier, shc si'iîid Coîlonel Prinsî. on a sent bit'il ier. n'aîelîiîg the pr<gre's of the giinte. Aftütla t sile scar, elvptoit «ie@ -,ver t lie net, aiiwNilien ColonIi.<rfey ait(] M1isi olyîl>s îî'«red l î asy %itory, professed icrseif tîred andîl wouldîplaiio i more. .1s l s t liey topplîcil 1i' ing, Va 'liti ne Graiieiv rov et)ji iii lii4 higli dut aloil ca liled out teM rLarroni. The M1ajor Oetî'îth11e cirnmelis. and igecwes left standing ilone until Coloînel h'rinisep joiiid ber.1 "WMon't yoti sit lw ~ ieakeit. "Tlianukyeti. I anreflot tired." Sî,iietiluN s t"ln Irililsel> lest bis 1cmn- rer. risi l thie iaie nîw.v *'îii an t ai lnî iiinet admit te tioi tint îî!i aretir.i. 'I mlnehnttlii. Dot Ne i4 te Bit 1c.' sic- rti'torncdJ, cOlumsti.e,îd. iguering big Major l.arroîii came batih-, 1Iolicg rallier glu ii. -Th'lîi*î".raeéme burt bill foot at î'riî'ket hall bi t Iii, au 11<. This nui.lvtp Ouîr tilntrtcîil'<.1 li iifri<l." "oor 3Mr. trii:ehiise eorry!* cr.I Jalle. *lhî'wants te lInil eto int th,,'e Kame Iti ua -i"velt 011 Bsarry Larron. ., i rit lit olire, blli gentlemen fi.il. 'Itîcs t hurt yen very mtîch ?"<slio askî'd iof V'iiîtiiî<' t raemo.. aslie leanedi &vîî. n fru!ii tle carl te liold thc proffereit "sot mnclî, Orly wliciî I move it; blut the doctor mays 1I alnl fiel it for the uext lhree wee-ke. W~hnî bobers me ln our play, 1.11.1 ce wnt tie ac t itti you, nait 1 îan'î rîeuîilly lintp about the stage." -Ca ii eli netî gel crne oeete take >our par?" asked Larron. "Wihy n-et you?' sait Jane, quiekly, tenrftl lest another mubstilute shoulit offer lilmsecf. 'Becauie it la net t ail my style. I cumul ,nlv ulîke yeti rieicue and imy- self. It <as jugil sîtilcî te Nir. Graeme, ..<Ite huî oily in thc reg1ment, I shonlit -TheicCo<iîi-I iAli vben lhe re- lîcri it Nyiîh Nîrs. Dtie lalit year. Col- Oc. 1w h t'tci311 'Te A<jtanl stipped short, remember- ig t lie reiseiln hy lus chief coulit scaree- lu' silire tî(- tille roI.' cf *'Sweeearte" n ith the quîîrterîîîailerîi itauglîter. I"or il îîîî<îîî'n tt tri. o uic lin an'kward pause. 'I shlalî lie vî-rv huiapyle take the part if tMis.'. Kii.îx lit. niobjection"," the Col- "It e i i attIl o'ieîrfe,'t ind<tifférence te ine 0<1 h %wliet I l1e,'repflied Jne, TI <. ot 'lîiet's attenîpt at retaliation r4,- tile ii lii i t is metf. 'liiuiiilîg sitie n'eîd <'<r' ai n 13 refuse biiii as. a ci<iidjtîtor, h. 1,drl i irîî.«î'I .îlîtp )tîîi outI cf their .1 .itiiîIt y îerely tt iiinnîy lber je retura f .,r th(lie nï iii'hne>'an' 'cs îîi-bail hîcaîsei iilloîi iîîî. le Nias nulit [rira reil for ber asmiit, and1 fîrselng the uiauy aw-k- wn arît îî.<", thtît maigîtt elîsue, eand the trîîîl it n ,tîlidbcleoblînseit te îlay ut maiiîiîli 'tlove te thie n'î<ian n-ho <vas tu lave lîeit hie nifu. he trici tle retract his <ords. (To be cotii ied.) A ltcsnarkable Wili. The eaîllng inewsaper In Vienua luinl thie acmazlng lest «'iI andittesta- mlent of a i'eiltlîy od eccentrle Who <lied lntely et Iiiudersdort-ani-lKantp. "I bequcath tlhe ivîole ef my property, intovable and i riinuoiablc,"ganys ie, "tu, îîîy SIX nepliews anditIx nelces, but uniter tîte sole condition that every one of itîr nephlrws maries a wnau nain- ed Antonio, and thiat cvery oeaof my nîcces marries a muan naîîîed Ajîten." Tie twelvie are turtiier required totegîve tIre Chîristian ninte Antonio or Anton te each tiret berî childi, accorilng as It turns oît te lie a girl or boy. The inarriage ef <mcli nephew n ni leoIl aIse lee ie celebrated oui ene of tbe t. ME GIVES A TALI< PARTICULAIR- LY TO YOUNG MEN. Lacve of Homte-Indu trions HabIte-A BlahIldcal of Life-Respect for the B9abbath-'The Christian IRelgio-A Turnlng lPoint. Thc Son of David. Ia his sermon lait tiîiîl:y Ilier. Dr. Talciage, preacliig 1tIc e iîil rowded-i audience, lcok nt) a sîîtjî'ct of îîriverîîîl lntÀeremt lt3o yoîîg îîîcîe. îîjlitx t n%%as selecteit trî'îî Il. Saîîîîel, xviii., -"a,'l tie yelng malt Atîialeî îtc< Tihelieart of David, the fathier, w asj wrappted ap iniig iouy Abielout. le voas a sîîlcndiit boy>, ,udged tir teIienîes ef worlitly crilicism. hroinî îhcerwna ot lis heait te the sole et bis foot tîtere %viste î, a single blemish. Th'e hBible gaya that ho' hadi sîwlî a luxutriInnî hck ef unir iatq when once a ycar il n'as slîîrîîn liaI %vos ent off weigheîl uver three piîîîîds. Butt,1 aotwtlîstaîinag ail bis brilliaîîiy of op- pooreîuce, lie n'as a hait iay Rut broke bis father's lîcant. le '<'is îlîtiîg te geltue throce of lsrael. ie luit marsbhed laii aras>' tiiovertlircn lii fihor'o geverît-i ment. P edii> of hfittite bail cere. 'Tho conflietitNos eguî.t>c<David, Uie father, cal .)etn-e'-îlthie gâtui of the 1liaace n'ritiîig for the tldiîigs cf thie eo:îlii't. Oh. hon- rmrilily bis heuîîrt I 'Ilt n il h î'îotion! Two' great queîstionuîs «'uc [o liei- l, ilt d liii' mn tl of his lboy iI lte cuitlia îarîî'e of tbe ttirîîîiî-f isra et.Afler av% bile c ser- van t, s uit ioig ciithle toi)<of îlîî liuse. looks ooftanîîsecs sout e lii' :liug.le li; comiug nillh gri-ut epee-î, ih il theliC '11<1 on top of tlhe ho-lîîîîîscuiiunvcuthe liii'i'i îg of the mcueuger, aloil thue luth Lr <i tîlics uni n'ails. iandl iis moe as th i uiemt uîr frolut he ie llu îf ba h l e ci:'n iliii< ntil- ing dislaîîcc the f:itlîr cries out.c lu itila questiontiniregardIote esctai- Esimeînnt of lii. tlîrî:îi? Diîus lii'Say 'halýve the aniirs of l.raül bî'î'iict.- nions? Am 1 Iotecontîinue iîîn i>iniicri<îl sutot 'i1' liavei.1I uvirli rc<u i îîy e- tnis?" Oh, n(, ! Tliere is crie queion iil lb:i tsprine ifroui iliba ni li tle liit)caii aprîngi frein the î lite t lie car cf thle tue- ow'îaleit anitbeîlusîeulmessenger lyi 1 from thîe i)atîlehitit h-ie question, ,'hitlIt1 ycning man Absalout sate«., Wlic-n it n'ai ltI1ý te David, tie kinig, tint, tlienghli i-. arîiî ait been 'ii'orioi, bis son hait1 tii-i a laie, tlîe fathier turned lis Iîi'ok up- On thiconeîgrtulations cf thie tation au-I «'cnt DI) the stairs cf bis palace, bis heurt bre'nling as li.ent, n'riiiging bis bands soînetîmîs anuithten agaiiî pressintg tlin amgains't bisY~mples as thoug libe woîîld pres thern lu, cryiiig: "0 Absalout, iiY soi'. 'eY son! MWeuld Godt I had it iitforj thce, 0 .Xhialom, my son, my son.; la Abéalom Safe? My triî':ids, tbe question «'udt Davidt the kiîzigîiked in r-gard te bis son le tle question iait resouini to-day ini the< bec rts of bîxeireils of parents. Yen, ther.. arc e rtiaI multittude ot youug men nue kriow' tlite question cf thc text lea ai- Proirr;iiîî'N% lien nekeit in regard te then.i. The.y Lkiio<vtic temptations b>' <vicb tîicy are sîîrroîuîdcd; tic' e se omue>' viii stîirIýtui lit ' as god resol utieuns us lbcy have u«ho bave tîtlen ln the puthi, andi thcv are ready> te bear me agk irch question of îny tcxt, "lis the young mais Absnlenii sate ?" The tact is tint tuis litei le ful cf iierîl. le «'ho undertakes iti w4îiout thei'grace etf(ed anuit4e lroper uaitcratanding et tic ceflhiet lutte «hiei beilesgciiîg mut certuirîl> ho itfienteit. Jîust look off upon socety îo-dîîy. LOok et tbe slîiîî<reck ot men fur n'hom fuir tbings n-ere premiseul, anî Who starteitl lite wiilli er>' aitanînge. Look nt thoe , n ho bave itroppeit frein higi social posi-1 tion, anui frein great fortune, disgraced for lime, diligraced for eternit>'. Ail «'ho sacrifice their ilîlegrit>' corne te overtbren'. TaLe a iislion,-st dollar andi bury il lu thc ceîîtcr cf tbe ParienduL eep aIl the rocks of the înoulîtniu on toi) et it; then rover these roicks «'1h ail thie diamonits ct Colcoîidn, and ail te silver et Nevada, ait aIl thc gold cf California andt Austra- lin, ansut o1 n top cf tirai' ail baukiug ancd neyd-il ititi loles. anîl t4iy e(-mi Dont kcep dovnc thal cite ittîIolr Thntleîie lsîonest dollar îlfl"ibe ceter' ot thc eati n iMl igin le brave anuitrock ait nptî:rlîi tself îvieitIlcorne te tie r,,currcctice otfîdamnationî. "As tic part- ritge sittetih ,Il anîd halcieti thîem net, su b tli t rct t ct licItes, flnd Dfot by rigît, sîluil ]tiiaie tieîi in Itle nîidt etfet ii da>'s, cuit at liiiendîîit all bc a tool."' A Sufezuard. Non-, <cat Dire the safegîtards of young men?'!Tfli l inii-ttgu.ird cfn'hiî'b t n-net to speiak, is n love cf home. Iliere are thcce vn oLlavae noie îa iof thelie îcas- tires thlat ctcn< acroc îui tii u«on "hontie.' 1'erltapsiui 'r etarlyioite ivas sbaîoluci nilt <ici- or rivert>'. larsi ivords anit titlance anditsce<'iîtg uta>' have desîroycîl ail thie calctit>' cf that spot. Lovie, kinituese andit aeî'sacritice, «'bihbave blilt Ibeir allure senîoce> abodes, Ocre strangers i our ftiers bouse. (led ut>' yoc yi tig man. Yoti neyer liait a hente. But a mîultituide in thils audience con look hock toenacsuet that tbc'y conn uever torget. It mn>' bave been a lowly roof, tit you cannt tbink cf t non- nillicut a dal ofe ction. You bave seenelohiîîg on carli IbsI se tirreit yotir seul. A stranger pîîssiug alnliug liaIlplat-@ miglit see uothiig rcmerkable about it, but Oh! bo<v nîîelîil means te relu. hres- ce on plaîce«wailtt deesnet menti sOnmach te >'eu as those rotîgb lîcwn ratiers. Parks unit bon-crs anui trees nt fashlonable watcriîîg place or country seul do Dot meunuFo muci te yen as thaI brook tlîîît rau lu front o elaîîin nrmaboîuse andt singing imiter lie n'eeping n'ilîous. 'Tie barreit gatena>' swunig Openu by porter un fulitresi drsteuîttcan as nuîtli tii yot as that sw'ing gale, yeun daster oui one aide et It andt you on the olluer. Sie. gene tit- portait ovor (liE nmutel, Bld uh.ly1 mhl'th stand bock heom(bat thsoebohd1 Coaserais nome spot la that room I wtlt the kae 0f prayer. By the meiory ofet otier days, a fathier's counsel, a mother'a j love adaa siter'e conflidence, call It berne.a A Prime Virtue, Anothen safegnarit fer Ibese yotueg mea le itdustrious habit. Thi-re are a grent mnîy people tryitiig te unkc (heur n-ny thîrougili e norld «'11h their <its iustenul cf tiy bouet theu. Tii-ne is a yoisug usait n-ho contes freintie ecutry le (tie cit>'. lie talle In-ice befere i' le as oIt as tisi fathler n'as «he-r lie iret suiv lhe spires1 cf the great tuwn. île l..seatedin iuet roiut nt a ru-ut et $2,000 a ycnr, n'nitiicg for the banilas te iteclane tIlim ividecîls1 and lie stocks te rua ut. Atten an-hilei lie getâ impatieat. He tries te inuprove1 bis penniansiip b>' maiig ccp>' Platesj et other merclinuts signatures! N'ever: mînit-nîl i.n ight Il uhusiness. Afler1 an-bite lie bas bis estate. Non- le the limea for hlma te retire tcelIce country, amuid lie flocksanuithelie iris, te culture suit tomntie <'inte. New thieyouug meun-who n-crs bis sebeolmates linbhod it «Icorne, anuit withsthir ex tentas draw labi legs, anda <ihi heir bard bandes<ilI belip te benve1 np (lie castîe. Thînt le ne fane>' sketch.1 Il le evenyituy lite. 1 shoulit net «'cuier if there «-ere n rotîca tuenun in tisaI palace.1 1 ,îhoulit net wnuer if (led stioclitsmite1 lmt nitb dire siî-iesses endt pour laIe bis1 clipî a litter druft t(t i IIthil bin ith1 iiiniecabîe agon>-. I shouli net «'onden it tint mnu's cliliren grew nup le ho te1 hini a diigrace. anuitolemie bis lite a1 saue, 1 stiould tnet «'cider if that mani <ieut a uishcuoraiile deati amuit «'re taim-1 bledl intô a dishîîuorallograve, auil (lie wnai intote ii' atshiug oftete. Thewn-y cf the îîngodhy liail peniali. <iii. yung minu, ye muet bave Indes- trv (if lirait or lindî or font or perieh I Do itot bav ethie id-a tînt yen eaun get atong in thei' vrtil iv gecilis. 'Thecurai'etfIbis ciîUitry mo-day i. geniuscs-mcn <iii largi su-tf ceni.-iit aînul uotliug cise. Tlîc ali «'liepriooeslteimalle lie livinîg b>' lis vite îrobabhy bas t at>'n. t should , railuer lbcan aox, lplain anuitpîeiding andît isofuul, Ibs' to e tcueaghi-, bigila liag' amuId gondt for îîoîhlirg but te [)ici- ont the e'>'s ofcarcasse-s. En-en un (licgardtera t Euh-n it n-as nul ate for Adamt te hi' idIe, se led nmade hint a laricultorist, andt if1 the marrieit pair hiait kept bus>' dressing1 the vines lie>' noulit net bave buece satun- lering uitiler lie Irce, hankering afler frîuitl liatrInemd (hem anuittheir pesierity! l'rooîf positiveofet1he tact tIsaI wheu pe.'> Iliu<le onetattend t tei r businesse i> gel into nischief. "Go te tiheal, thion sluggnrd. Consider lier n'a3- anud bo w'ie, n-hich, iaving ne overseer or guide, juovidet lier foodit he suanmer andl galiereti bier ment lu (he bar-et." Satai s a rearing lion, anui yoîu rcennover îlestnoy hile lagu runpitil or euuorut. 'T'Ie veapons 'vitb n-hidi ycue are (o tieat hum bnck are pe'îîanui type anui bannier unit adze anul sanditpiekux anuityard- msiiek andithle«'capon et bouet oil. Work, <vork or die'. A Rilgt Ideal, Anotier sateguari t ttI <ant to pre- sent (o 3oung mou in a highulaiteal et lite, Semelimes solitiers geiug luto bnItIe shoot int tic groitînitinsteadfit tobtihe huarte uift licir enclaies. Tîîey are apI te tako ami toc lo', 'andi it ise<cr3- often tint tic calîtain, guing int confliet n-îth bis men, n111l cry ont, "Non', men, aiti higi!" The tact le tint in lite a great man>' mon taie1 ne nait nt aIl. Tic artist planîs euthils1 entire ticught ere ho puats it lapon van-1 vas, before hlinkes np the crayon or tic duiel, An arciuect Ibinka outt(ho entire building hetoeotien'urktuen legin. AI- thougb everythiutg uta>' seet to liere- guuiizcd, tînt arehitect hics la bils ninit e-en>' Cornthiean columua, e-en>' Gothie arch, e-en>' Byzantine capital. A poot thitus out thc entire plot ot bis pira lie- fore lho hegins le chime the canto@ ut tiaîklirug rhylhms. Acit yet thene are ai grent man>'mn -wnho slant (lie important structure et lite ithoul kun-wing îi'elh- er il is giing te be n rude Tartare hbut or a St. NMark's entheitral, tuni begin le «'rite cout the' inîricate poî-un et ticir lite nihhoct kîîc<viuîg «brîber il la te ho a Ilouten's "Od *ysýey'erarhymestir'shuîheh. OuI et 1,000, D1)9 bave ne lite plot. Bout- cd anuit erurreit andcapniarisole-it (ey hasten aloni', nudI rite cutIlilit say r "hIllelinti! W'hithracrnay?"'"No- n-elne" tir>' sny. O yîîîueg mn i rki evory- ity's lu>' e filllin, ut et the great lite plotî.a is, t bat I lu-le sticulil hc oi tItis sa iof lite 8se nny shîipi hat Sceu bionul tornoucpliet! 'liii'>(are auvept e<'ery Ni hithuer lu'«'led andit ave, op b>' thte îî:î a iu unul <owncb>'the v:îlleys. Thuey eaul wiîIîno ebant. Tii">'gaze osn, clan. 'lbey long for no liantai. O yomig uî:a. hIa vu la ligît iuetl anuitpresliit, anul il «'iili ea iigbty cafeguinri. Tieno îî.-e'în n'en'graiuitir oîîîîîrtuîihies openi- ing betîune >oîliiigmenthînîîlare epenitiJ nouv. icun. muret oftheel":Ong amui. lndi of tic stut ia nrt, uni th e i' icuntîing stcp, 1 musiel you to-di>' for a great acta îvemtilit. Respect for Isunda-. Autier safeguinri is a respect ton thie Snbah. T'll ine io<va yocng Inan speiditits heSabth anuitI «ilI tell yenî niaI une hie prosecdtai nhusiness, anuit1 «-ilI tell yen tact arte]hie prospects tor ticelîtrnul «'unît. led lies t(muet lto otan iusy lite a sered day «'lieus «e are lui look attenour seulse. 8il î-xorbtant, nfîî'r giviug six itays le tic tcedluug andl lctbing eft Ilese iucniahabîe bodles, tint (led abula] itenani une dii>'oto ho ecite- ing undt cîotlîing ot tic imatertal seu]? Our boieis are cen-en dzii> docks, andt île e>' rto te i ound up, unuitif tic>' arc net wcundni)ut(le>' ruutide<vai tetheti grave. No niauit îucouinu'tusly break tic suibatiandchkcep bis îilyslt-al nsud miental beallh. Aek thiose ageit men. andt lia i'> <iitell yen the>' uever kne<v mnî «'hiecontilliuously broke lic Saibatti «'b tilt flot tail iluiimid, boit> or mcoral priui- cide. A mauactuîrer gave tlîis ns bis attr n-ss aditema trukce aitud. stnuck (. lsr a na The Croeaing ,VirtML Thera ia anethef' safegtaumt"> i te pressaI. I ian-e ave4i« t uaiU lecause 1 want ilto te he l Tic greal sategnai'd f.e< la tlie Christian relIgIN, t ake lie place of Il. enou Ir'w tiluesse eougi to put te thé iS Chesterfieldt, yen me>' have oU4 guagra itrepplag fro et»yui ina> itiscuensawanad iiton'tnre have a peu ef unequaled poilaI fi yen nia> have se mmci bualnem yen ean gel lie lac'geat aa157,ta'i ing bouse, yoeria' hoaboreb" andt as streug as Samâeon and îl Iecke nsut(lie swhich bang yet ven ian-e n6 safet>' agglind tien. Sorne et yen look ftwai i <vtigreatlespondeucy. I lion-tt'" it la yeur faces tromt lue te Ulme. sa>, "Alil(ho occupatlons and sien. are full, andt liere's no me." O yo>ung tan, cheer np. yen hon- j'oneau take jour fras finit (he klngdomeof<lot saddlbis eouanese, ant ail ether (linge nitieit. 1 knen- yendo net n-mt eta macna la (bis mattor. Yon wilhl ual '.4 the himrinag cnp of lite ad th" M tic itregs on God's mlan To a gn San-ion yen <ili net met 1ke that, o; ~ - nuet the heurt te set like (t. That b* manl>'. Tint in net honorable. h tr net iran-e. Your grant n-sut lea. Èf ieart, adIthti name of tise Lr Christ 1 teIl yen no te-day, andit(hoetUk Spirit presses Ibrougli tihoesu 1 e. ibis heur te put (hoenp of lite te you#2 tiirsty lips, Olîl tinnat it net laieL, More>' preseats ul-hleeiting mercy, Io* suif ernimre>'. Deapiseno etier trI.u4'ý ships, prove reeneant le al otherbo4s gains, but despise <led'r love fer Ybi> dyiag seul-do net te tint. Tiers COMOO' a entaislan a tan'. lite, andith tisb~ulîle. hue does net knon- il la the criai. I geto letton la whicb n nnanys le me, "I stant oun eo preacis the gosel sC igliteousuesas ait temperance tu tIse ~ pIe. Do yen remenbçr tas? 1 a&M l man n-be appenneet at(ho close ofet oa- vice wno ye -re toreliung las (ha ciapel atter yen came tram PhhiadelpMois Do you reinember antie close of lie mer- vice n man conting up te yon sUl a-is'euahl with conviction, ait crying ont for Ummrq, andui teîliagyeni ho hait sver>' bad.i -s cees, anad he tieugit ho n-eald change ti Tint n-ne the turnlng point luin my hLîtOsty Sgave up e>' bat buiness. I1 ge yMr icart le (led, anuit(hodesure te servé, Mus bas grownuupournme ail tise ears înltl nowwnoc laente me if I preacli net the. gospel." A Turolng Point. Tint Sonda>' nigit n-as thse tomnug peint efthtit young man'a bleton>'.Tu n-en>'Sablaîhliheurxnwil ho the tn la point la tic hiator>' ef a hundred o men lu bis bouse. (led ielp us. 1 ooms stoiou n aanni'reary plattomswti clergynman,' <vie toitiis marvebouui ato9T. He sait: "Thint>' yenns ago (n-e Younag Mn ea cd enlie attend Park Tieaten, Noew Yck' te sec a pIn>' «hidi mats religion ridiks' loua andt iypocnlieal. The>' bail bOM lirouglit «p la Christian faeaWe&; The starteit for (he thonier te ses tbut vil pInay, uni theIn early coecloiss dmè h>svk upon tluar. Tho>' tIt WiL s »t rigit te go, but stîlIlishe>' n-nt. Ou* of lte yonng mea etoppeit andd tartfou"& home, lut returnsed andt came uptote b. itoor, but hait ne t(ho courage te 80. ls lic agnîn stentot for lieue and wU hume. The otior yeaag man wnnIlu. E wnt fret» oas tegre-sof etmptatioci te another. Caàghtintla(h<ii oet hlvuileg anai ein, bhoana lIonar and Io-or, Re~ lest i binmess position; he o out M ime- ais; hi'leat biesosul; he died a dreailfu dea(h, net one star of mene>' shlnln ouit. 1 shnnd hofore yen te-day," saidt ho laWi jeter, "lu tianel (Jethtit for twmety years I have heen peruitteit te prescli the. gospel t. u tihe olier yoong tan.» - . 011, yon sec tint *55 s eturnalngpoint -theleie nt bnvk, tiec her n-ont ont~ Tic greut rearing rnd et business life <vitI accu break la upoen, yo ylgus. WiII th icnlIt «'ve dash eut thse impreo-'- siens of (hi. <ta>'as an oenn hilton- dashes letters ontut ftic$indi on lhe bosch? Yen nîetd somethiig bttter (ban ibis n-orIel çnn gin-c you. 1 lent on yenr heurt, ail Il Saonits helien. You v<n nul eîo.t gnuît anditgranitaned glorioué tefil]i£Itansd her' is the religion tiat van de IL. Qed enve ju Tihet.tte Which Fottowe. "Nature tencies (bat the lite n-hich follows thc rosurrection VIIIl be hîgier andt cobler, anuitmore abondant liaû lie present. Yen taie up a gr-in et cern te examine It, lotitis srnailnesa la sucb thtit hslIps tirougi yonr inpgre but, sa ase il le, Il lins <vthia t thé'. germ et n langer lite. Bun>' tIn h th groun, andi fret» tint one grantisora coeeseverai sialke. ait upeoetsh sluîlk acteraI grains, reachlng eeio»' tîmes more tien (lhe standard of, shu-- droit toIt. AndI renelaio# clcanly kf-q'- firnme tint tie corruption, dhshouer weakaess andt antnrahness o e bm ent lite n-tI li e eplaced b>' the lasr' ruiptlen, glon>, pow-er naiilt[sgt1 et the resurnectlon lfe."-Rpv. I. LlÔ74ee Divine Betl> The sînengili, tise terce n-hidi leap pointait te lin-e yenx burdenu, te ~r» youn race, te fiait yotin rutis, te Éold thq,' canopy ofet nlness avenr oui- bO.4 le net Yeu. ItIla yen and Ged4 y r te tny sud do il aiet la naturSl. It *, almeat as If (ho engInue t dte <vthot lie antist. I le englin, <~