CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Nov 1895, p. 4

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CH.PTER Xi ofM Quer. rier mesluavlieh s gm4 lie bunible get *Ï ira vsaven veal er**a tit idicet gs ~amImu*t' aotice fi >11Sharitt Y - sase aoruera Imamu elos ~~t1làt l le 1ai the ~bwmàof talk0 #Ul f* 1.1ot lii :~Attelé mah; le tIi ".Val s>'. Ex Vrollcauiiot b ilesmdist al ibas alone maie ( ne 4selared tle IPsu DembIersef tS b*W$todse paar, ol'i -'1%e tiy vole ou, -à aIs bis apjmren Sçgecemeat 1beb ba'a cardage- «Pet là*dovq bhr baud ber my. as Ih "X ame MimaMoiray Ohe gol ont and lment te the fient0 bit ont ber bandist tard «My dear chili,' y" olS Iamu tir wrm Dormer, 1-' Gouvane Dormer1 bar tltimapleas isèbed it, taruag Isew, tleul a vo dots fiat en tbe -Da't Wieoa D»onri- aI, asa ady la is aîroug tea a suaiclose St beI Iard lii "SI. vwouli ouly Me - Donner mid - atryorsdi, mi gtbor-e wtt ho evr o iuucdb b Beaasuled, but1 êsat for lth aler s taraed 41 8e.iu ont et I ,Ar pou beller * a*dber. 'I toid Mr.; I llought yen, ,67bauî ou- yo am ast rt Ils joa HI ib. al te tasdssFou viii. * kmre greetel you »PMiîa; pray il ImesI poIson; 1I '<cse, àlcoi '~~~b osrt wfyl Y i~lion r »vejlaeb eîeve~ >alsil mb t01 rautte l l rui*e.: bon * 1mmml thini il 'Out 1 abail look ater the that wornas.1 elle PolIy made an eufort end te&dieti ber thiv neves. and st ont, the play, wblck de- 'I velopedI mb a tragedy st the end.ami- Rom erabie ending, wherela th.eror v ite qai diu eatheb.feet of bier forgving huabad. luti * Daphue St. Ivs cted the part bo per- eye fection, facinatlng Pt)lly Sherrntt till ileahe oi nearly fainteji witb exclternent and terrer, tha aorething slrilar ball corne into her lite tell yeamm go, and the piece took bier bmck te 8 Aa pont lsehu$as triving wltb ail lier rnlght and * tb* bforger. b %lia s$t. Iveq, in ber dresslng-rouml, stol vo- ou lt boid uearly ail wbo wat- was congratilatingt berseif that ah. hadt wl 04 toSMa their ummesa s witnesses tb the suceeeded. She was nt a favorite yet; dec weddint. George Dermera band mbuok ah. bodite makrelher poitIon, snd lier wa à littie a au iole bhsm ume and lh. made handsoane dresses were purchaie i tint l a W«. iniosîlb.e1at Pound ln ber posessmion. par "Put ftit under lotir band, and Il wiii They were the preceeda of a check put ort ne~.,Dt go furtbar," hie aaid, as iMlii'stril mb int er mther'a band by Lord Nagent,Be came, andelle obeyed hm end wrore ber for. Lady Dewar hid been right lu ber the IU-Ontnud. namne,, urning fron tb.table wben abe conjecture tiheu eah. declmred that the roi, bal nti fy cou- lad doue ao. dark-browed girl tias mu actreas. lIr. brc 12:2nm.. 10 i th esti- Tie rector puael bit ôf paper Stanhope knv that the widow, bms s bride-eleet wau laId away, but repiseed il lmmediatelY. Witham, waa pooir, and tbiat nul notice oIg, the ful chureh "It lu net qute dry yet," b.e ad, and froni his rleb client weuid b. of tbe ut- eetingea mter bh ierm.- igueil hi. name wtllut anohber wyord. most use to ber andl ber daugîler; but id have been ampie; No one eoe moved thbliottlng palier, and nether lie nor Lord Nugeut bad tise bmii- li perao lilua*Il l e tbepartI tient out of tb. cburcb. lBe, est Ides bow very poor the bwo ven op~ gay a word or Bookfe forem hey passeil te the carriagea MIlr. ver., uer lowthtey hadite pincb ud £1011-tt romi tb. rect0i'm nie... Curzon laid lis baud on tbe bridegreen'a trive before tbey coulil makle tbernaeive# wè t, Whbo laed made bils mm. even counuonly respectable for tbe iit lek up wbat 11111o1133- '*Wuathis fair?' le aked lu a loti te toue. Lord bNutent bildacquieacei god-nm- 'i notfcl hlm as. bey 'I bave dose nothing unfuir-, you vouid îurediy lu hls iawyer's suggestion Ibat lbe rbh, and lad mu o b ave given ber -te me ailthe.«mne." aboutidshowthorba tm r ivliity, andlhaml i eu bis dark fae *If I coulil undo tibat bas been doue offereil Mm. Witbam tb. check vbicb su b mo trthlm ail tale ber back nrov, I wouid do i," bail made ber quite ricb for the lime, lu N( aud psu-mahlisi Ibat lbe recto? replei, aadiy. "6But tbe a fahion Ihat did an ay witb nl wk- I aI etitherectory. churcb bas giveu lier te yeti. Heaven tarnes; lb,, maie tb. serviceeelh. mon- 70 rbremgt a lune trorndent vitb loir au îou demt itltbier lu tb. derei hlm a malter et business, anil pail Yo future." for Ila mch. g Lord Nagent wtttiTbe rector seerned a litile sud andl dis- "It l ie orelhiug lu oui porkeb." 11l meet nie at lbe ec- trait over the weddiug-bîeeakfast; per- elhe badlmil dtu ber daughter wben the w' ipeet nme aboat four ball@ t tam& ut wonderful. Milile bal lInitation te peud a week ai Reldbaven il b. nt Woodieig b e- been tleita hlmlke a daughter ot his ut ald corne lu them. "lt viliimemu golng i, andl tbe paring tisa a palaftol eue. tbere agin if w. play our carda wel." bi ut the thongîl oft Iia Andl white Mliii. tis flittiug about for "Tlere's nu kuoting what il rnay Ic nu couing dowuý, upon s last moment, bier unetas talking le men," said tbe girl, dreamuiy. iooking t ta Georg Dormer laugli.lber buabunil quietly and earnetiî. lis ber ova dusky beauty lu the glana. apeet of meeting Lady face waa grave aud nmnetbat ateru, and Ruse aeidern let anythins sand betWeea W a worm. than fclag a George Dernier looked erous, tee. , bler sud tint aIe vaulmi 10t es ooea il mii. "u tuli keep your lîromime?" bu 8he waa pagienate and impulsive, bel kg su 'a' Lrd etaked. firmu of purpome vithal. Her fathettmilPi cd but ady evmia " bave given rny word." BMi. Curzon been a Seuh Arnerican mrtant la bis a cal ilts aid, I alail net break l. Ioi d lprosperous ilmy, the ou of au tugilal cmldyshitasb.d fer MIhiWllake. I tant ber te corne book fatherad Braziliau mortier. lRe hb 18 te me tbe nmne unspoiied,uworltiiî dam- liveil bruadl bis hlmle, bis vif. havlug re, at Ibia gale," Milîle ling thal I bave give reua Ibis day." been lbheilaugbtcr uf Eugiisb parenta rry- .e carniage dreve Paut. "She tilSi-nolhiig ea poil ber," tbe iîîug nt Rie Janeiro. Rose was lb. teamI ýy lu tbe ganileu." Young Mnn ail, wltb earuembnemm. "boa of their children aud the ouly one lefI, and zi id baie lhe driver go viliilook at thînga very diffs.reutiy tIen kuew nelhing et any country but Eug- ot tbm boume, nnd thon rny engagement lu Itaiy la over, aud MIII14> land. $ie .hnd hardly beard eftheb.euist-m te Mlii,, ho rau fer- cornea back le yen au mrtiat'a tilt.. Nov, ence et ber motbcr's distant cousin, Lord e É venie Iyur baud ald trgive me,, Mi. Nagent, tliithe neti ciaimaut to tbe mac- e elme mid, "how freab Curzon. eflsonlinîl te limve bis detityaid bis ired te leatb. At 1meIt Tbe baud tam treeiy âiven ani lb. rigbt lu lb. fortu-,e anud lb.titi.; anduh *cordial grip reture. tbon smre old farnîly loi'u menti that re- n leld out bis baud 10 "As yeu dent witb bier, reniember!" lb.e niaiued in the wiow's possession Secam. e aut jsile, end mIe rodeor si, mu tbey returued tote 1e0boue, ueful, snld.,oe made tii. mquatauce et gblaukly nt hlm, and for tbey bai tison walking lu the grounile heaon oethle houae..î ont of wanlng, ahle mt wtel. ey alked. As tbey diaappeared, Then came the touderfal invitation, t grausandmi eut loto saman rose front beblai a cianip ef sud Rose Wlthan'a determinatien le bumbe, and looked aftte Iu. marry Lord Nugeut. if a man wam b b.o edff, driig," George "Dlck hbertt, my boy, yen are in iuck." tamiuated hy a wernan's vilea, and eleah. b. Iliteil the gaaplng h. mald t lme lrn i Ilithaoeasy te tait dii flot give up bier tiondertul aspirations t arawi arlt e e. Oh, Lor'! oh, Ler'! who'il bave unlil shte waa omehat udely enlight- ; mat3Ui ue tet aure tboughl it? I'a as goei asi a Play! 1, enel oit the lant day but oeeoftlber s. a nIsigh softly lg bisa- abaI bavet10di!L m.There muet Se proof; 8h., when eale pud- t paglera vo'l do. 1 mmla coutrire; if denly carne upen two mon vltb their r cuil unt?" Mliii. here'.a ythlpg euse tbihouherd , l'il lear bocks te ber, taiklug elarnestly. it, sud then l'Il gel bock W. muaI live, "Nonsense," oaneofthorbeuilI, sud lb F iake setera toma.," Poliy and 1, but we'li manage tisane- tas Lord Nugemilt's voiee. "yen are l iquletly; "briug meoe e v li1i I eaumc. Only a feti monîba lut, Cougrieve."1 [ile, and by tle lime and our fortne's made. He'll psy fer "Neyer vas more serious iu My lite. I bitI, Lady Dewar vili ber ake, andl ahe'ilIpax for bia, end i e-teit yeu1 n k th îe girl, and eah. mens )etler." tveen thora w. shall do if w. manage zuarylus leu. Ail the bousa. can se.t frigbteued atgli, MIDlI. vel.-" that."1 r, ad Lady Dewnr al H. mied vItS the village people, plekeil "I arn very rmueS obliged le ail the leorge Dormer as if ah.e ap eue or Ite 11111e tacts about lb. mmm- boum., I arn ure," Lord Nagent replieil. lier ini. rnage Ibatlibe bail nol board tiefore, sud "If tbm yotîng lady were tivce as band- ?r nov, srylady?" h tam among Ibe closent of tb. crovil Ihat smre I coulil net rarry ber. I toulil21ai Id Mliii.Dot lo cmiauy puaheil their vmy te the canniage and gave saoou-Bab! tut noesemo e are faol- iltouhl prefen Il." pretty Mliii a partlng cheer. l;I 1hoe. scb rnbbisb viii neyer come ou are vem'y kinil; 1 do' Hlm eye met that et George Dernier te Mlisa Wltham's ours. 1 aboui! uet 111e Lv. mad leur equalmt-sai tbe bridegroorn tam bowing aud aril-. lber lu heuaeebail beeuiseauameil uder George Donner! I bo"e lug toe m houllg ustuscan sd fer a nil rouf." >our ltle girl Ibal ahe moment lia eye dimmeil and lis cheek *'1 de't thimil ihe would mnd tlat I arn orry I ahouli turami paie. Semeowthle dark face, mauch," the other replieI. "People mar. x witb aucb a plee etfthiel ho di nt ecoguize, eemnei te pretty f ree wtb ber nome lu a general eo net thlul me s lys- carry lmreaay le a former lite, et thich waY. Il was awfully goed ot yen te arual lare been ever- tle happy littie tomnas at bis aide knev bave theni bere, Nugent; ilb mal gir, vlIng i." nothiug. tbem a marl; but nul a few fullouus pro- n day la vory bot,"' h.o ~ ~ ~piîeaied Ibat ah. tousl try amnd book rber mîmiabllIbmheface ),e." mîcal expressien lu bis Dick Sherrittiwent boume atter the wed- ',Nu on, viii ever book tue," Neville id nt belp îlaughiug, in ding sud et blimeif b uzuzle out thatt Nugent ail, w;th a pleaant look iu bis nad Xillil. coming vitb lhoivauteil te de. Thinga tiere looking eYe"Ifto elove as tinan %titis ail My ter, preparmil te smpa- ail for the uniucky couple; hobu aoit - ieart and semul la beiug i00ked, 1 sm don. rr, eard& tîmir voe ani mrewrmille> it"nomach for aiready; but if t1tiereas free assair I i inerrment, ail fet aeviug as eecoli lo. -touli net nmrry Rose Witbas. I arn eýd bambencheatai. Th isehd mored out ot the ia al uni orry i asked ber te ileldhaven if tuaI wg Dev u l t lie bot5.- msilbai loleignga lu s areet of the Strand. Yen u>ayin.u." gmDI ani;sd.Lady De- The Ialori of tbe houaetes & Ibeatrical Tbey turned ava>', sud Rose Witbarn &nd that &bookslli te ber -il poter, and net aud the a gave tIeus bld ber face lu ber banda, out] cried tith lemSoVad away sud ltoit a.treat lu tle abape ef an order te morne apite and vexation. But ber Passion Nos, distat plae et amusement.. pti55ed afler a lit1tirnlie, andilaie vas are a lueky girl, child," "lwe'Il go 10 the Minerva l-igît," once more lu the splendid charnier thmI Li, and Miliii lookeil at Dlck mid te bie tilt. eue evening ver>'bail beeu amigneil to bier aud ber nieller. et. meon afler th. vmddiug at Chalfiehl Wooi- *If e aul puyloer, ni>'Lord Nu- in?" *h. usked, ."bave lelgb. I'Here'a a pais,, sud Bartlett aaya gent," ablesaIl te ber reflectlon in the lm beloneV" the pliece la goi. Tbere'm a girl tiere uner, "hoe aur 1 viii, ui)l ttu tereat, M. Donner tl itis ll!it ho eugbbte asmake ber wmî if she bug 100. 1 neyer torger. a1 illviipray tint ovicige," Lady' Dewar a chance." I ue>- neyer torgive." Tbmy gel a good place among tle crovil ot ordera that ver. wainthe pleamare CH APTER XVI. &TER XI V. u . of the officis toshow theu into sent», aose youve umai. a comqueii" be bride liaI tle Bn mIiette part efthîe bouse le wicb their pans performuauce tas ever, andl white abe id«o ma; uil i unbî, dnitm teiwas hleipng lier to change ber iresm. ~ msasurly iided Mima Dapisa. t. Ives.' Poiy rond "boa are ml.ays fancylug that, mmin- .rgt vmdiag-nornlmg, frocs lb. bil. "Who'a m@be, 1 tender?" se cu le oatbliafu 0f "I den't kuot.i, 'y. seeir ber name bs - D'.Jloru ee hlm?' The soft golden sunlight fore.monetiberýe," lber buabani ail .$lSee Who'." e, footing earI ail skyI "They Boy tis piece la in tl> of btter "The man I tam tslking about. Rigît a liat dresaed ail nature businessanmai a hbler theater." lu bbc mdlietfîle front rot ot île cii- 9* Offig bonage te the 'Tise play tas fl of sensation-île cie, lie stand t at ye as if lie ver. ho- bimea of te <fai yeug mory of a vemanla eili passions sud a wtcmel. You'Il 0 me.b agala." man's endurance sud final reveuge. The "ben, bolbonlng round at the stage is paeeitiy Ireisci mmi i it.waa lb. principal ebaracler, and dibm, mitb a four-daym'-old bouquet miii 4andl tdamidil dkisa. Misa Ives tam sali le play it ver>' ieil, bis comnplimeOnts!" ras la a rallier ingular ladeei. "W. shlait s.e." Mis. Wltbani eturneil, die tein go lie th . I ia. Ther. tam mule brief action sud lis- andl they dii aee. Whou tbey twemit l t, losuelle mi tha neoee «legîte before elle appeaiel. Tiiacene Ibir cab ber moter îoucbei ber ouibmh ,an u sudue tha no ne ras s oullerîs eue, ail gergeona coloring ami n sdli: e t i f ke gaet- ~ edRos e le kasW eter ' Ilitub d ln1i C LLf.4 moukl," Vms-Ail t 2e. vomldtbell ber ve aiga a-a lsitîr,"aipesre , t0," bsitii a euriolma'toeesudtti a flabhla beg ye tbat isbowedtheIbm mietmllpu>a' ina vîthlu; "bhe plot of a mew-plime, là st'a il; il ll nake asmâna, ICAeau I you, tIen lt sees the ligît."a She nover apoke of Lord Nagent nov, a il whenerer ber mother begn an 1 Il a bout Ilelilaren her doLagîter Aivaym f, >pped ber wtb s lokor aàmaremtie, iiid Ihat "made ber IDemIceme>," ah eclamai, sund mIe bai le Se allait Roseé as a succesa, aud Diel Sherriti, hy bera afiuence, obtalueti s pont la tbe coma- a aur aud traveicil at lb. mane bIne. Mont c ,tise eompsny thought lIat the dafli, me- erymdiaans, wh o ouIandtheu vent ou he stage le maire up amgropvw»apour t elano et be-perbapaeteu b er "Il abould ikeI.te go bonie, George." "la mot tlis home, darlîuig?" Andl George Dormner galberad isiavfs ip in bis mtrong aarm.uiIf ah. tomea ýt. chli, and maie hem lokinlubhlmfae baun ie kliseil ber pretty ips.1 "ben: boni. la anytrbere yon are. oft lmas." mIe geplieil, returuiug bis carms 'III lutereat, '"But- "Bat visai?" "'I vaut tu mee thei aml no." "Wbat, saut sud unele, ail ou JaSes Norh, and Major sud ait tbe rest of them, eb! little eue? Child, I do bolIers Fouare cmyiugl Wistila the malter? Are. oeu IIIT" "No; boimesick. I baler.," Millia aaid. lGeorge, I dou't luot tilat la tle malter rush me.Yeuoaversindulged me boo mach, I lhiul. But i fe.l au if I aboulil die if 1 didn'l go boremen; sud viaI bas become efthe business Ilat brougîl you abromi? Tou bave ion. uotbiug but aire me about aud apeni moaey." 1I amiafrail tla a a Iue bill, 11111. woman. I bave speul lots et mouey. As tôt my lamines.sun orne, I lare Isen eepiag rny eyem open, lisat, more Ibmn panting va. my rosi objecl. Il b»iieft eo ady lienay ometme.m,1I luo. !ere ti11 le ne more of liaIt hea vs get led 1te Engimld." "Sihah yeu îmep Huleblugs?" saked Ifillie. Halchluga tam the "ovu mm" whose engagement bail been quel a puz- dleteber. "Wby, yen, I Ihmul 1 abaîl. I1 lie a mn le do odi Ibluge for me-lt cornes ilseaper lu the long mnrua baJoin; er- erylbing tîrougb net Soollug aut er tbeni." "'W. vIlS go home, iarllmg." l e sali bo -hem euh lb.e day mter abe bai maie lb. requemt. "Inuas tek trous nov v.tili start. WiiliaI atlatify yen?" "S9atiafy me! Ob, George dear, 1 amne glail. Sîll te go atralgbt te Wood- leigI?"' *1I can bardly promise tismt. Theme la gmie Important business i salil lare te aiteuiltue BraI. Bat it smlii miel ho bore lire or tIre. daym, If you vîml ltb, efore yoa saa go te the vilage. Hutçiuge @hall go on te-morrot, and me.s aout Ihinta fer us." "'W. asem le traeol 1k. royalty." Mil. )t. sail, t'augllns. "Hutebluga douemv- orythlas hy magie, 1I rfUiY lileve. Dos" le dham Il. bal roomé eut oethe botel people. I Wonder? I vaut te asaque»- bleu, George." sud Mîllie neallei ap te ber huthanil, ami laid ber 1maiobu la "Are yen quito satialied i il me? Are yen asisamet Of me?' "'Aslamed of yoal Have yoa gone eut of your mnd, MDliIe?" "boa bave neyer lntm'oduced me 10 akny on. ince vo bave been marriei. Yen bave met people tbat you Ino, aid you bave sitisys maaagmd te ep me eut ef "And yen fauciedi1I ta ameniioe yeu? Wait tilt tie gel be Englani, Mliii, and yen aball me. tilether 1Iams amed of yen, rMy lîttie vite." (To Se coutianeil.) painting a Fuog'a Portrait. ounetni>' pets ma. a fueg. about bal grota.IlIe ivoulil hep upoa mny baud la th is p etfusy fBger, and slag (or creal) as long an I choteta bldlias. I tas auIn lvalid just Ilîcu, sud thon I ft t oneIy and mny busbanil mas atm>' I usedt egît-e a lîttle croak te Invite lime trog ta a duel, andllie veudsel off as If i. Ilie dependeil' on bis sang ne matter vInt lhe ur uigIl Se. One daî-Ivnbed letaWn.t hlm lu a pleture,andtried te tale a profile vnet But lie treul net let use do It; i-len- ever 1 placed hlm lu tle rigîl position lie totîlilhep arotimilno as ta face me, aud theu go on lu> papier. Thon I hoe tbougbt usyseif et puttilus hlm on s plate îrltl nome water, no liai le migli be coustortable. Tht. play aLUSVered very m'el, but tilen I lumner the plate a round wa as le gel a aide vIet l lie b bled around& aIse. and veuli facenie. TIen 1 tiet edglug round the tabte myseit, but wlti thle m"re resul, no tisaI Ivwa obliget te bold hlm adeways ,whIle I tret hflm. Bat vhmoeven ralseti mu>lies t teloIk atibl lie raieil bis, Ioo.auti loverai It agalu tIen1 ieb. ffn to peint, antino m e vutaoqn nît ding ai oach otel e .tire Clisse usndanan.-Pall MlllGazette. coee Gicla Who Do Nol Marry. There lbas been OI os. Peculation of laIe ('encernisg ils, rate ef mmmnage atnong celege-bi!ed vilimien. MIMiMli- cent W. ShinD, formerly editor et the Ovrn tMentlyu, bas beu abudylug the subjeet, and emboie. the resuIt tu a papur la the Ocloer Century. SI> fiuds tise ultimate probabilit ofethI( *marriage of a college tousa to e ibl loir 55 pur cent., maguait 90 pur cent for otiier womnea-nôt qulite -hid as gieat. The celeiie vousen marti mffl lu the Mile Western anti leas in tiie NortAtlantic Bluates. A agnlîi centlsatieint liy MiseShinu la ithm Ils disproportionate nmber et Mar riage& among collge vemen la flot be causitey crare s public Ilite, but large 1>' localise 1. oieomployed asai le la "00I1'2dhol, a atation a it, I wthlie teciaouste h o mrinlmlu to maMmt tion u>'other ae lw ..q tam s.aear vrauneverar »AlliÊt esila e mer nov 1',r'th T lain t -,t mia neel isol fea0 u WUi tise taisetrom tul eal. CeiIuAl k4,a*,herlne are the ciiespetetth baltat1l010saya lte Naw Yomk Pré@aa md noidealer voulil lIaI ofýt"om- mîen tileilons a mber te guy one wvhS Rppaffl dte qot mauc b m -*bafr15 ho1 wauteL. But wilh amberold It lasa dit- fereut malter, fer, as tia aubstance la madie frou the ambon Itseit, thora la DOe ereapible dlfierence Iu ils apPaam- sue or propertlem. Thia la maie trot mnai bita of ambor grounil âne anti o»mpregasil by bydreuile pQwer. The pmceas a secret poeaaeti only by a to mmflatactllrers lu Vieuna. 1AU lie long atenis 0t a elear, leautitul m- ber, vhleli gire a meersbaum or halas on tuy a priee, are made of ambemolti, exeoptlng, porlapa, pipes of tlie higlas vaine. The beliet that thse aura test of amber ltati vil pick up paper ha» decelvoti msuy people, for anlemolil wIi do tisecme thisg, as viii au- berlue, vblcb la a atil ebeaper cons- position mail. lu Eugmud. Experts teit eelluloid at a glauée, but aDI on. mnay dllugulal Ilt h' Ils amel Oftceat- phor, vhlelentera largelr luto lia com- position. Mmstofthe ambe on mo cu Irons &long tle Black Ses lu TurheY and Gwmsy. Heu., burled lu île sand, la fonilthe mea-green amber 0f alst piceleos value, Thil a cdIel aset forjewelry, althougb amo)lea rl- clesare somellles rn 11. Green amben ta seidou smeen ln Ibis countrY. Blacî. amber, usei for Jetvemy sud lu- laylng, sud nilîl-tîSIe amber are aise valnable. . Thi e t 'a SPlay'. "Au eiectriciun trIo amuses hümaeit by devising odi applications of ciao- triclty, irliel may or may net bavaF praclîcal vaine, toitse emiiits lIai ha bas a mach botter plan for nemorlut the gtaa staopper trous a bIble tIon thea niuai holding oetIhe botle necî f0' avil.etor s nunrcu barDer. Thi; niethoti la open te the dravback tisai lte bottle muaietbe ldln a horizontal position, aud île Bull may easiiy ha apined eut of tlb otte. Tise up-to-dat. Improvement la enau ajasînle clsmp; wttI ols of plaulinuni tire embeddeil ln a atrlp 0f asbestes attacboti. Tic elamp. whicl la counecled le a batter>'. la put on the ael eoflthe bottl. lie cur- reut lata mned ou, and ils. glosla bmougbi 10 any desiret heat. Tilà. la tact au adaptation oethîe electrol lIeu, or heallng pai, vhlel la now used ln bospitala la lieu 0f bot water pada tormemly lu rogue. Anothor nov- dIby of tilaresouttetisi eleeinleal tiler la Mun olectrie amallilalor et nolis, mif mnt moequiloes. Tt constats et au lu- caudeicent eleetric laaiP Placet IMlt a large globe, vhlel la coateti external- il tit amixture of htitiy ant i ine or aur other sedactive atickymas The viadow sud dbora are te Se cioaeti, tle blinda pullati tovu, sand tle moons lasto b. mde sedarl as possible. Tie cumment ta lien ixmmned on, and la au heur tle lumec elte b.reom UslI ha tound stlckiug le tue glass globe. Tise final Instructions are bo "reniea îl victime wytlbot wter mmii set the trug Ababam A Limolna.Peach, A Young lady @endsa te the Cisicagi Tribune a uitl, anecdote of Abraban Lincoln. biese aysa ta a good maui years &go, tIen heu ftler wta ami boy, ber grannltbei Ironghl Aira baus Lincoln home oee igît te aupper H. m'as lIeu a puer Youg Muamc tising lat lu Wooiteud Connty, 1111 Dois. Tt m'ai a cel,. stormy nigist, ani graudîsa liîrried arounn gettlug sui: ,peu. Tu liav'e amelhing ture, îl-i 1opened a jar ur prestreil peacleé nLineoiu speut s long lime over hI ypunch, andl fuil>' lef t It on the îîhate. a Grunina uotlced luis. uni as sàon a ho li nud guanupa bail gene mbmuaollie 9rooln ue veut 10 look aI thse dish. The se suiv lIat laslesil eta peach ilh a bai gît-en lb, vIsiter 1h. 11111. mnul vsarI tihicb entalned tue peari le-i 1- neis and tise spîce. gic lastened lat ,n the other reous uni begnu au aI>Obog., ebut bMi. Lincoln sald: P- "That vas nl i ght, Mirs. Peur>'. M a mebber uiai tle mas. tlîing, and lk wi it me geondIt I v1antai te gel aU -il 4 jice ont et lb." te VarionsILs lna<Sm' abaomi. b- Sou. Enropesu apecies ot musîroon e.are useil lu coionig. One yields s y. leioiv il>, anoîber au ezqnislte gre( q> wîlch colera tle Ire. ou wb!rl t gnev su ad from ibs vood la nianutRelurt tue celebreteil Tanîrlige tare., TI ,d poor people et Frauconla, Geumusu f.dry, premeand stiteI togetuer a cerîn d- ind et muibreous, vhlcb 1s then mai e lto gamments; amnd la Bohernia a lari round londatool lo dm101 sud île Insui renîoved; it la tuTueil bottomus:pm'ar r, tue t tethe tuil, - nuueillu le ot a iteaultul tiaUlng vine., vlich groi ce iuxurliatly. ý11-:Celer of. Plovera 11 drlg1ulnlIi3 mil foweum weîe jello yearm ho basteat aSUM $1OOGOon ceae. P1 tD omd brakes and other Smue PBÊIMlaiel" " carriagenuaker'u art. in geuerai outils. tbe $OM MU la la the shape 0frsaIoutetý« - of Ganadiau bachkia clboth M4 ing fr-or the beela Up to tbe bus4'& Wini b. of blsck snd perféectiy 4 cept f«r the collaiP, wbicb viiib# of sable. Inadde the coat la UneS the eighty akina whlch rue les to a rnoderate-alzed fortune. BAGGAGE DY ELICTUIQJTY.o timfui Arrangeent férBIVJ Th olgof baagagaabUt M Uomw oom sof largefulrMt tioss ometw.m ueau" w»ence ot ouly 10 the eMOOFoye the Pseneffl.arrIvint or Iaêtti There are few travel=r thst bav mÈb atoee ime or amoliier. bu.* te more&aide ne that a uight pais. A cotrivance 10 do sapalWU l> laconvenleuce bas been devi.s4,IIW chiet mechazlcal englunesmafet e&00 sbire sud Yorkshire 4Dilwayi-w iand u latanov lu uVe mu the W Station. mauclester. Il onlu1 tramway auspended fro the VO* 4, the etation, ou whieb usa a UshI ' Oîtted wlttbanl electrie motor 54 a for an attendant Claai spoat ugover a vlacb bkuen also operated by electi'lclty, permît *M baket touck, ehowar .In the eut. t.*i raised or iowered, sud la Ibis w8y héS, gage snd parcels of aIL. kt"da q. bW moved frooe n. épiatftiii to&Ai*& over the beads of the paeaelgeiU. Board Oowtlh of a Iiitedfle. Ir you are prouil of a fre.b shavamal' a mmootli face you viait the b£rbS1*k leaut Ivice a week or probahly uWJ' îother day. Suppose yen Cosum"dI tbis practice at the age Ofrs~ i e nd couîinued t up te the &geoue rty, bave you any Idéea of the total l1140 1 f the beard that wouid b. remv&h ?that Urne? i,.1" 1 If your bearil growm 'u rapm dil N that of the average manU you muet ii* about oue-fifth ofetau Incb remove&eSW week. or ten and twc-fiftli biches, Oif year. Between the gret of eM AM aeveuty years fBf ty-three yeafts u tervene, and ecdiofttheme It4* yeasagivesa ainoat a foot of- bég1 growtb, or a total of fOve blidre1ý thirty taces, excluuie otfr to bc more ezactly exact, fortY-forb» andt Io luches ef beard. M The aboe l e ail figureti Oush aumption Ihat the filaînents cf 5beard malutain their average e oue-ftftli of an Inch durlug' r.mentioneti, whlch. of cual n the question. ie There la ail the dîffereuce lu ,e lu beard growt.h. Some mo w le a "stubbie fied" one-tourtb Of 1La Ieugth, wbllenothertil id raIa. eugh to rote, it fM ~ raTheu, agaîn. o t wi understoilail 1 that ama grow fifty feet of, beard lina provldedblie ver ahave.O Vtrary, the average man wouiti À Smore than two and siliat feet Onreachlug a iength of ie tienty liches the berd ln lecornes britte or alit-ad, i f g rowth la veryaslow or euise ae Ragsou Tatter-W'at's SBouesy? Rollugitoue Nom yer hear? Why. dealdter n-de iqoertlo ayiur.10 g8 "Wi»r, lie iwlpedl a box t .4 ery store Band carrIe t a 'fe le, v»enlie ofened Il Il vwua MI ýj Phlladeiphla Rnecord. li Teacher-Toni, 0 iaIbetween l*e

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