CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Nov 1895, p. 5

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~. M.&ST.P. av. Ting TAiuLE. 0011(0 NORTE al .le le lis d3409571285.91 O 0 a M022 900 & 14 7 27 9S2x a 42 1028 562 7339 27 S848I1005 512 ô M 7't40 93 ILLIt 1 46 f0Du7 50 9 10 GOINO SOUTH Sunaiay only &.m. L. r. p..11.p m U 50 617 4 go to. 16 à53 ZLE 610 7-M 1239) 4 56 6- 1ti 21711 430 5 do521 060 12 44 5545VI rla 32 784519 60255 636 $04 1216 06 53 .ariIve- 7 859 l 1025 1517 00 6 lu SUSDAY TRAINSI bv betyir M a' 9 o il t-. Ar. <7iu n , 23 tISaM *ai &am. Ar. Llerty% llk .46 a-ni 0 406D m. Ar. Ubprtyvlkl à= P.M WjWitbi~7; ixrat Iefi ml ond xtu Derlei. Iu;Sher -WS.CENT. R..R. TIME TABLE. M-. m. p. pun. L u.5.1 345 Il 84410... l 010o 10 e tma 0eo u 8 m o91-mI v.ati14 521 i 65 me 45 0m15 59 ni547 ia SI 942 3 6071 N a. M.I . M. P .uuM.P. M. Vla 4 26 7 n4t i 3 ýc 543 si 3'617 7liii t 1 56 f..Nr »447 75,3 t si 5i; 4 (56 1o1 si 7 3'.1Tfé.. ... 6 I o v i eu 8 4 M 17 4 2 1 1 3 . .5 01 7 441 lC Dg Bis K0a1 ' 30 9 3aà 5"Frt. :î4 EIOICtittSuday. a Stop OUIly on igau s~FINE UNE IFElRNITURE. - Wafl poctiets, ,toPper holdors, ,otrtables, .; Ii» cairs, l Toubgeîs, ýéh&cbmber cuits. Picture frxsuîs, Room m(t uding Paiîîts, ois, Glass, Putty, Bmut3hcs, Mirror., mattresses, Cots, Springs Etc., Etc. .AT.. MSAC HEATH & SONS Libertyville, linois. I2re Dentistry.,I If your Horses aré P&Ôr, ordon't Eat woill ~s cusedby diseas- bd, ýsharp. or uneyen ýéth. Slobbering, TIrowing the head, ing, Indigestion ,#lso caused by bad hThe Superin- eènt of the Lake ntv Poor Farm rstands the busi- It wilI pay you ve your horse's a.,examined f ree 9ç1S.Reasonable *fctton guar- The iNDEPENDENT. H. C. PADDOCK, EDîroUx ANI) PROP Friday, November, 29, 1895. 1MILLER & HANBY. 1 I)EALERS IN Fresh Cows & Springers. We have on band a good varie- ty of Choice Ilinnemota and Wis- consin Cows, and arc making special inducements ta fait buy. ers, in the way of low prices. We take caniners and bulls at thû higli. est miarket price, in exchange for fresh cows. Admnltrator'. PNotice. PUBLIC NOTICIE la herf*by miven thut the subsertb,.r adrnlnist4at-r aothpeàatitofu Evan Davis deneawsd. wll attend the~ ConyCourt o Lake County. nt a tortu thereoTta L.holden ait the Cour.t Houwa ln Wauhesan. In sald Conunt-. on the fiut Mon- dýaY of Janatu-vnPat lm, we. hn ani aSpersona bain! laluxe aoauusgt .ald Eetat..- ame notiflod and requeoted tx, pres.'ut the. smre to îald Court fr adjudcation. W. K .Devi,.Adiinis5trat.,!-. Waukegan Nov. ,th lu. 6-11 It i soldne trouble ta write to rela- tivesansd frieuds ûftea: ud many do flot halre the time. A large numnber of our subariberx seud the î5(DEPENDEIIT instead of wrtiug lettons, as that givee ail the uews analit ,5much btter in many respects. It ulli bo farr ceiper Correspoudeuts aud AIvertiter.s shoulti renenîber ibut il tales tirne ta set tyvpe b ore a peper eau ho printed. Yod will greatly oblige by handing lai yaur copy eurly, Copy for aïla must liereufter ho uinu banda uat lister than Weducsday noou, go we es-,(le- vote Thuraday to aetting Up the latoa-t news. We atm ta print the INt)EPE2ID- Y"tr Tbnridiay aternoon, no it will reach our reuders on the Friday mtail. Wedding Carde. For Wedding stationlery of tho llncst qnality sud workmanship, alw oy camte te the INDEPEIIDENT Printlng ONlCe. IVo Chaliange Dompetîtion in fancy. as WeilIan plain, prmtiug. W.. aof- niainything (ongraved work a s c- aîîy> ou as tow tci-umRas' eau o b- tained iu Chiceo flemeMyor. we guaraute e atisf__ tiou Chamberlain'e Cougrh emedy. Wiuen troubled lis- a c gi or cald.' give tts reuiedy at tria iou will b- more than pieased si the. resuat. It Witt cure I se re cold lu tees titi>.. Il & UNI othcr treetuneait. It relicea the lgugs. opt Lis the secretionB,.it expeetarati a sul effeetm a prompt d permanent curL- There is ua ger iu giving ilta chilucu or rntains notlîing tu- d.-50 Cent hottlem for1 -1l. by F. UB ascIi, Lihertyvi IIi-. and i.C. 0obK, .waucoxjdc. SacClcver Chîlaîren. 'rx i rtn o!tt tl-ti ai'(lithterai. in Eux nd. are flot afrald toa xak for %vitat t ey wvaut. Acrdlig t a uit u.n Uli tIi nncxsblre Dllly Post naxetu of icîxiren of (li -'r was lecelit- lY (I lit hue market plitee to petitiota th( Owu ('ollucllta provide tlxem wiîtî it Ygrouuîla. There ws a fair nuuuber 1 f t'seut. A 1oynamed JoîxiuiYtes pre- e. I ' '1 "0"*' sed li Mxv rxa<opration li*- 'ollowniigglue- ux1OrIl: *We, the ûcbildreuî of Clltlieroe, lu p0blile.xueetlug nssenibled. beg ta la>N before *ou Our ueeds li tich inatter of îuluygruude. Ve have xnoue; te wte îl nt tit c, care forved ta play lta- tice gtr,',tb. Then. by your' lustine- filns, w-c are lialîle 10 L'e Ixuneed ai,- p 1) l'Y the Police ixtulprosecuted. Suecb 1 statv o ai' ljxxs. ie venture tl u ig- a et. às %"-t'ry mîfaitîx-li s, . uti. cc (lxx t > (,U 1 r.. 4leî'tett ta yout pastlaum l'y otir fîxtere xnd uîoitîers, auîd as wt' are sue tht-y uld xot abject ta tii> x ltile extra lu Iaxeqc for aur betielit- tdixygrouuIds wauld laieut cXpeue-we twg of s'ou ta lake tis tuxtter tuita a% ur iseli,.xta cuideu-tlon. xxad do taon- ix t,, 3ourat-veg hy rceoguiziux aur xvedîs nuiît îroviditxg us wilti play- Il woixld cccxi ns If Il otxglt ta prov e s et'>tittlctîlt ta lite(- tlortles ta e- ftxae ta vtcld ta ca ucasoutbiie tandO l'O sîelfn'lly frauted a request ne titis. Certxîlnly the future of thle Towni of ('lltherae should ho au lterestiug ane, rWecng wh'tat style of celtlze-e Il la llkely ta have whea theme braive littîle boys anti girls grow Up and 'rua thinga" t%, sait theiselve.-Hlarpes' Round Ta- ble. Charte$ VI.,. on a trlumxpbutl enltry- It ouen Ila 9, w.Ore a feu bat of Prexaeh aatactmyc, wth b ad boin preientel ýtohblup b7 bt-0& W~ ....AT THE... UJNO OUT Now eOING ON AT »OFFEY à JOFýFEYIS I Our U.@5 lelto u lrn ilsters bout auy bargaiu yoîii oee got. Osly a lew of thetu loti. Corne quiek. rasiby l lfi LI ïy -~~~ $.2 cati le mtb Swift bavq ia ful liUneofo - bougtotlir. - ..urlbiît fr wintcr mlhMin ery and notions. ,,ZuyoàyanrRt& eligMr&. 1lraitino'n i tis Thero van a fainily ré-union sud wk ndreceive &a lIIsd 'xiue souvenirfoaltt<10 a.u'tîTukgtx. pin. Dr. A. I. Chiurchxill svas haone tront.. as C m Pure haone rendeted lard lt Austin Ungik- Medjes! College to spendt Thanla- kMallorys try it and yuoisii1une fno gls'lxg. Morley saved by buylig yvîxîrVller- for the next thirtY deYsslit i ig Sy esalti adbtwl o ws'ar. llogiry. Mittons i lac iixuors dîseasaxt. S y esaltl -ry u i e ut Mrti. R. 8. iinrlbutt'$. Mr. 1. J. Hoa'yt lhua gorg' lu Stlliiu down to business at once and adlits Tihis col snp liq rgiuî.îi- îolitecnî vallecy t" visit btais doglter s 1 tillfter the people to go to Colby's and select frn4 wother-tho republlcaxus tri- tryiig totheŽ titliduys. frcoze th"- democrats out. Biufy Peixaiinaih-fi for liaxsas City, A toroglbre deui-t-Lt ikty éeTuesday. Il' .will the-goulu Iwo or whipped, but lhe uover dix- an 1iel- hrowel. dom Igoes back on bis pry. Go ta Austin & liallor '- for potîltîry, H The adis Al with t thijk ri hey have cnyihiug ln Ibis ligiefilat, TheLades idwahttlxnakiends yanu may desire. Wno miade sweetniiaio for tîicun onxxthb Prof. B. H. Milier, principl i:,fthé,' oc cassian of their B irthday lixig l'arty. Deerfleld pulii c shass, clieut 'tii. M A M M O T H Gunse, tin> cautean sd ther lik.- taînsi- Thankagîvîng at home. cul Instrumenîta won--de gkiiig" a 'lu'p- Mre. Ehi Trigge axnd lier moto lira. ' eve. STOCK day, but no damagu titne. WC have a large stock o! li-.- -sani lira. H. 9. Haributt us a fMili Ue uf Childre's Cashmere glua Wiîulo Ilo,- ombroidering slI xand fîtucy sork Everything that is needed ltMt? k tiProtine ball gaI anotheir big lot, of Tire doors of Austin kMilrsst.ves and dutes ye o ta 'l] sud look - mnat market are xxiways open aic1 yiilatta thetu, for vous are sure lo uy- ahouîd Cati ou them sud s-io buy. coîtrteouely sud proraptly yii%% sit ho -If you Wcnt ti o sec Noa'hiîug i re ui-lted ripou- Yeu should looxki C- IL. Shermaus O V r o t u t a show -wiu 10w. Ils <lesrt oux f siglaf. O e c a ss ît ,ýp n s fly. wilil ua carry bicycles or lal)v W. Ù. Trlggs expt!et.4ttu,.s-ve lîto carniages, without'chock sud ptIr. ii xs new store latter lparttiff uoxt week. gl v s it n , w r C ment of excesiaggage chargîs. uiîî tTher ooonmt fora hx tock iof foot twear. to -taî2 cents for eseli articlt. H. B. Eger exets .tictxt ijssh e , f t bo s, d w r* Butter o the Elgin board oft tradit,. ow builiniig ectiy nautIwîk. anduil wl liouday, opeued at 22c, advauiiilg aseli tove ta5 5 5 -lli t av llv 2&-, lit whieh 22.M 0poundasire S lh1,1ang thetu iciii t ts o. unaersn rts, w arrn w orkinj af a total o! 24.364) oftered. Las ci-k-. Wllio Lee W-ho b ala a etiacici k... 22e.a yor ag 25 f251. j i-ge o! typhaid fever, la priîgre-.siug - 'ew styles lItîrese goodg, -WttinisîrtyuîdrlesItfl irttua Mlliury. Woolen Ifoi-ry, 1'actnatiirm, u r .i.lloay a k ts o l ~ ~ r~ fe MitIon.., Ladies, Misses atisud lliî' (oith k Sltt bve s fit as«îrt-s w - r wiiiter underwear ut. Mus. , men. xct utftxncy 'éarkmatetui, whiaji Axk tu sec those uionsulite wheta .îîx tic>aiti Bsol atcot. Camne a-irlv xxi a ie'ae tshdd cui. tuake >'anr setections for lholidlay'gifle. l d e 'v st ,h o s meute o tema»n as heB 1thavbarber IarbVbe dowt lisaîexbisfacinators, blankets, etc. BagParty given luntte parlors ef fie w-i'k. Ho wit tweupy W. C. Trigg., M. E. ehurcb. tiller'tire auspitc i lf galoîp*as Baurn as Trlggs mt.vesbt.. bis ce bth Lais Aid. Xgl i axs a reA x-tancesoe By the way, don't forget to order a ceas ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Io' ithaiayuudlnnilyLiî fai tela luy a packxage of are No anc nff' e .'wttout flowî'na iii M -dît-suaI Toliet souape ofD.L. Sîippt a r re of W ashburn's Superlative the' w1inter, if they wll tale aïvantage whîu ihocalta-. Ton willsureo eet of lie s'ory liheral aller muade Ibis s 1ci wtb IF. ThoFe wh hasvt tri. a Flou r and a sack of that del icious hy W. W. Barnard k Co. ucsiirs i >it lis ptetdid.Mato BukWe. 1<> Hitai Sibtey & Ca.) Sedxie-u, Uia.. Johnison Who tias hc M woruckkh at Clîlcgo. Te hose isw-cIlesta i ag tir tirin Luce lfti for Sweed-ux1ta4 ed and uay ho telled upon ta carry weî'k. Ho intenîts visiting hie parents -- oxnt the promises tmalde inith-ir tîlisninter and wil netunuta tuh sLL a rfs- idsement. clnty"eZs8 -g.O eVi S rthe Yanke anti the Dutchmii" *. otirnx pijg 0 0FBey - the. itle faalecture ta, hc delivered t 'tiaLee' Uaq out biigau aIte8esyteriaIi chnrci. under tiile tota oun wt I. t ix axîspices aitho young people,,; Caîxîxa iorseaxid Ilw Vheillecamplèlied su aun cil, Friday oveniug. 1Nov. 29, qjs. 1)-v- iair or tw,%o what Il w-auld has eitllé xil 1ev. 0 . D.ieuver. The spake-r a toztn umenî ait day ta do. (.l T Q ~ L A ' r At~ N oxîgl taluowhie ubjct, s helai -JohniiBarbaur and Wjfe hase invittu a(îîmad ~v ~ ~ s hxalîxîtîdant apptrtunity for stug* aiy argexugi nbeof o!friendiitobheli, thexix T RE11 iuîg il, beiug as hie caIs Limaelt, a tlttuîlv cyelebraleeir 251h w-ddiasa ....... S O E A D S E HS................1'L E .fl . 'Yankeetlcd Dtitchiiiat.' goil aisrslry taL-dgiy. Silverware preacrit i Ifthe ttac gagiug ra'putlicau s<of ChiilsItlie striîiae for the occasio. k cago pex-i-SI in the Ixtemlpt tu earrY Oti Messrs. sud 3Me.,daniea John Autatin nomination of candidates for governor. Sauxhiru frot Liborty ville attended a tratoct treer ait S suatha f tapiliyreiunlion aud ste Thanlagiving PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. tuaitdlvil l untet al wnike t t trki'y et Eit Axtln's, 54 Columbia St., the repubisais oalthe statonâY tlitait 1si:hca le. il ne ',e'sary tiu cosoliiate agailit Chiceago and apport ion tigelle everal 1MrndutMlra. Calot> wrtghl gave the Have yau seen the New Gotd Alumninum Goods?1 omdeiau positions ttutreatte ut largeý.lilsîili Thuuxgivlîîg alignuer to wheh Tlîey are ns good as Gold, Borne metal clear -Whiteside Settitiuol. yon are igiat til11 tiir ctiildren axnd grand-cbitdrenru gi10 lin. As aFulL eofue Brother Be-nt. %%ere lusiteiaglaîtdid eample justice. onl,50flig. o aFIiLoofie Tlieso recurring tamity reiioxîsar WVe truat ont eaders wsth .ippreciat ltotal eseaioecasionsm. the tart flint w.. are wîrkiug uudt'.x- Sipe h oa edr rn IL E W R gret at nultiea tu issue lie paper cuitd .L itprbcspsedrfou do Job Printlngugnultwe au n seurs 1I aiît'1outa. aistie8 us tu inforni the AND furias uffilenot ta Inini, eux office1tpubi tlhxat hi-wili bc lu Liberts-sitte wiheîl uttalîe capital standis neady ta ie-xt week c-atxvescg for the sale iof£0 tlis 111)îî witî mh nrý.If aiyollw rt rkieeîî s Meiiciuial 'rolet munJEi) L. E R Y~. teeîs lucluedt tagel 111)a heeor con- oitd Graham xBrastxi aOit Lump suai). JE W E L E R 11111i îribxîte taipur toatrd iliishiig i, u .ad lirs. J. IL AllxtnReuu variî-d Iriccs as Low as tihe Lowt e'. building hiit i be tiaxnkftiity toceivedti4xiiir xstal Thatiksglviuga iflIym- AlGaeGnate sRpeet suit duhy ré-cipri.catedt for, initlire. itîiix îycccepting unai îxti-,n tiiuaatedasRprsntd Evî-n Yoxrs l int'e ayi ggle otf lite ,l e ths wtlitîir ttsxîghteranti theI H. C. PADDtOCK. X laiaso itandt Btterte îýIifanlos Ths lr gas flieý&y-,)nI gtlarcd at E. W. ButeilllIi'a.ifr as C . R . S herm an, Tîtese uns'and jetant of cton tlucino chet fdethroanstaad ettroue sci xdfeito udhug. t UB R Y IL U iuceancerarndutic~atte ftrue tif.nicr. î t is iti rue rieur Riloii.l I E T V L E geralîxa. The.'rithess tti-ICIIav, rtee, ciîiteiady xight. The fuxerci wili Litenuar>- iS<ciîty. Suttîrdity uight to tAeae fron'tiitt titi Lake Fatest 4natch thee aîrot sseath trinla Wsh-i- chuvhxtci a ii 'ctock i(xSxtrdand xi ixgttiîs -nble daînie-lfor tic- adiru- iuîriiu t etlsrdixroy ca'ui1tery.tcf Ân I**< **We~**E~ iE..E~ ument ai Lincultix ati4îtala i séelfhI-Iýpi to ibhlistu ain olitxuiry next w,'ck.G O L V L ' R G S O EF R s itxticataun ai te i unaxd grelGOT VE LSD U S OR F R aentq oft he an iet swanu aiAve-u. 'Tte Wocdardl-":etton. ixtagrarg ni sa witll reuuleiett ad lits. E.(C. l'oltoxî siprsed ht-t tn- desens ing of c Iirgin cttcxaîanîc. Tue nieroîns fiieîdsa aid sctîîîaixtiuce?îb a> lxv eed c ne ,C h m ca s , questlionx tur iebuit' Satirdey igat le nmatrimuonial alliance witx3fr. Wiliird u r gs M d c n sC m ca s R ts-dhut l th . l*G. T. dlue ual vW Wiodctd.o! Chicag,.The iveai- PRUMR'1O PS4M S serve the' tient iatst8 aite atemter- taiuxg sas ai seectauair. aaiIv a te" of aluce cause. Es-cybatly ixîs Ited. tire ixtimale trientis hoing iîxvileîi. Il t T htldrDt n t o 0k place net he honteft- he b illî-eut >4 russies, nTaises, Supporters, Soile races, xancy an Libcrtyvi-ic, ike othtle' toats ili M ,lack Ttiesday eveuiug. Novs. 24;. ~ Toilet Articles, Books and Stationery, Dye Stuffs, Glaa, Puty,, have ta eseiop bier awnu resouxrce les. J. B. Metilu alllciatiiaxg. Il t as anud teptend ounlb.. xxwcleiitxg ofit er tlîe iutention lb <t Rev. liexver. paîtor P lN S o ~ IA iIL ltent euergi-'s. If sile becomes e eltY a! tic Presbyta'niau churchI IP T, exoîtlI LS, VARI SHuES.u of any inote. '(base euxerpises ('ý) ao soleurnize the os'enl.umut he eotld th:àt ask sahoaus, ttmeiy if evet, prtxve nxot li prescrit. This lnas culmuination PATENT MEDICINES. a beri titta ay place. Co s'si Ibid ato!fut mutina, love tbat began wha'n the- are uîîsnccc'ssiui, resor atllst s oe f lion-ged couple (avez tirco score achomnes ta taise the wind. Liberty- yests) w-t-e sctîooi matesa liîîein Faity Medicines and Physiciens' Prcscriptions carefufly-, ville and Rocke-feller hase bath lio b eo n ba ck in oha Vermont. The bap- coxnpoudud at al )oute. lakexginl. n-hile ( iruys Lake, depontiing p Coiuple have setteti dowxa ta CUIn.oy 011 berself. bis roatized hb o tde8t uIlleaIticheoldhaaoiestead,»-hieesociety ~- e xpeýtatioius. Lttltîsîcaruia prtaillahie w-îîî las bc ho elcouxe. GosOu Carefully Selected. OnIy the Beet' lesson frontuatnr xperieut'e axind_____________ obgservatitin. If W-cCxlaitafrd electrie Pebtra hrh lights orsaaer-worls. leS huxila Ibetu r.b..... huch sitlî home capital axnd enjov the Servict-s aI the Preithyteriati clirch - hrofits utfastu laxot. Ailtthec -great att 10:30 il. li. aat 7 Il. ni. M<miug advancern uite the tw- bats maie b ie subjeel, -'fearilig axtas'fnieixds ta T/O, PAPERS FOR THE PRICE 0F-~ paI bhree yeana l thie resusl o! homoe Jeaus:" Eveniiig atbjec.t, --lau tlîe culerprisle. We griuaét depeaxîloan ur- great Sic iie-rtl. - ESTABSUSHIED ON 1041.

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