CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Nov 1895, p. 6

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- ill couô5elaleot $awÇ paFr; V*, fe0 QF UNAT ~ pect. If B a Ofetnerocenu oth* *&tr tl ýPSTR!BUTION PfIINTWho bled tihe eglnaI ppluus ttilte U- . l. IBac, o f fnWoro so<, ed-7 HOUSE PATRONAGE. callesi upon tetont* .somo fine toe m It :,abltfm,,-eO;Aheduied iiUts, _____and if his choe i lemieory e la max *110.T~ alled.upen to maileailher. Elflldency fO Gslait IOicmlau Learniag Daniel >Murray wali kiled'in the White Âlwsy@ 9 vly1!camlefor Pîsicca Is in Rysexactesi of the employé, and ev-mat * eg~~Breat Comp4tny's coal mines at »)ùn at the Beulnnlnix of Bach New S"'i cry Senator lias eneugh f iendu te pro- alai f0s oUr 'od tellîRace- fermline. tonWhen Thorca lBeenuaChange vide for te enabls' hlte utisnately tu Pro- quant At RckfrslF. H MsilhlefrI- dnln(Btattfl.sent the right sert eofIman. t, - tiles attel . wveizUce. gona, Iowa, and '%ias RIaPharila HOtol fAdiitrto-The cerk% to tho, committees arc np- llng wera mrrled. --poited by the clîssrusen of tihe varleue 4 rbëktMta Baby*PellicUiafl. Ieo4e1 .Miie Co. have brou Rewardinu Party FeaIty. cômimitteeca end (Io notfss ate h vrw* ully, the bg baby member otf uswarded the sewer buiinig <'tntriict ut Washington correspcflddfce: patronage Miler theélective ofifcers. Dob oekf0nd police force. tu now jearns-C spigRt 4,90 0 t han 200 aux- ____________.MPI a bicycle, anti will 001 issue George Thorne wn-as thrown fraini a M its b read wine4CHICACO'SCANAL. demdi fil te te "*Baby" Bilan, Of Chicago, horne nt Jacksonville andi sustacd liu- m are lterestei l quSt ýýtb he vy-weigbt chauslpnship. Bilasn sries front wich hie tied. the outcome efthtie It l1.lHard to Graas the Vannea of cony me et the attractions ntt he Win James Roberts, 37 yeara oi, wsss in- content ovcr thse re- the Unsertklng. ee Trio g rganizatlosi of the Tise drainîage' cnain-hic-h Chicago ladoI Veonty fair tant fuil in the bicyce tanti>- killed et Linsde l by falling thirty iloneut the begin- luiding betwveeu i ami Lockpert Il, rieur- cle ýn ndth te af ealâ5oU50fl h> Sully- di fot down a mmix gshaft. flaéfL - owGo ilyiiie ieslogan e e »t eis, h e-oh nt dea orne. u. be-d Charles Blerce, son et Ju<ige J-. M. .s O Of etCongres iderful usîtertaking. Work on it la tdi- i-acte .<&*,henoultheot idae àn tene gs Bierce, a Baitimore and Ohie Southwest - " Iscu tisere la a vhil itetwent.y-ilne sections. (liveu tain càe m ge th e é hi ag all in m w igh ng e na brak em an, w-as kiliesi at mi e. c hsange of stim inta- under co str at tu t e ty diffsrent anti r - oe e George Putman n-ns giron a fire-Year tratien, for tîsat sponsîble firmse, thse wrnk on ail theseof ehc term lu thse lenteutiary. lHe killeti A. S. number ef salarie<i subdivisions laslit full pnogress, and on that Orine, a résdent of Carlisle, May- 8,1894.pIitions are vrcated toortr-e lsmadtstb ho os Henry C. Foster, colored, iras convisitesi b>-t'le otgoing lu- mont dilcuit roc-ky jat-is atready i>n- cnsui ofthtIe mursier ot George W. Wells, et w cumbents te bie filied ied Chicage. His punishmcnt lo te be deth et b>-représentatires oeT hiiei t ftegettec h ot on sheWgllamBes aniher daughter 1 h art >- gli-bottonsIla nowliere iT I a an 110 fotot scentu Mm Wllim Bst n L. t poer.Tise mînor the firit nine sections tram Chicago, hoPe * ~Kittie vn-e tlirowa eut ef a carniage at patronage connected -iecicltrscin l yî i 0 Itockford, assd it la fcnsitltis e> in- i rk tfioolcs oftes »d lOtt-ain ittt unrge arte ts-ecis Ut be :be I tenal>- ijiscd. Uththe lhcs oftis aercaft-a-arS feel tu le relinçed egain te 1610 fort. A WTI The lifeiesbody of Henry- Becker, aged teric the couIc-st for tise lective pt;sitieiis .g ato h xcvto a ob 67), à farmer, iras fouteliu>intluthe wag- utnsisiassil s(irtstSisl-msetso~sack Of - l-lc osl~V1i& on rond i a hait-ile esst of Germnantuwli. tires takissg past in thse campatigli exPect usIIerlyilg ise tra te bc esisînlnèesTHE Destis nas due te iheurt trouble. te henefit i.y the resuit iu pririding for jRer. This, ividtli <of thse uipr edges of Frenchs Joncs andtisiason Luutisey, con- tisir cugtQrnl-r:..Tte irj-orlty Oft1tht1the- lnge dltu'ls vll N'ai.frui1432 !te 3Q55 victet ef thse monder, Jolie 24 lest, &as ioai!s lîciuuled lu tIse list off îîtroîsago ILt, tise frsrî-dhprerahliig eisiy Tiscises, Alexandsrie onty, of John Gos- at tise disposai if(ethe iit%-ly c-icctc-et - 0Iiî l heten s alil rock sectionîs ot t(ss-- Dort - ~ kie, the former's son-n-l-an, wcre taken tii-lis commasînd lscnîtive salairies5, nadsti caiatitosîs. uereth le walls ire ve-rtis-al S te tis, pesitdstiary. The father la se- eccis tc-irtst-tativecliaîs a follisiwiulg etf nd roît alsîpissg d -il t sos heornonile- of ~' tci'ed for lite sssdtise suit for tourteen c-sgt r c-es-stitucist s iuns usas te fliitise issg nisnetecn sis)-tiig isiiu.îî iir ue ex- Cul -sda. office and srew te îisc oluilueut thiercfor. cisî-stcsl ly diggiisg. ssovclisg nad tun-dg- Go E1. J. Coety, ut Peoia. a contracter, has Tise cierk ofet(lliuse ducs lent have ings. Ne - tisaisieare-s, tend bis hartuer, John W. tise lirgest aimiient of patronaige ut his Tse s-leuaro-att-r deptis wille twessty- 1 FRN UL.Brasterlias tsi stand the- hruist otbis dispoesai, lent the rssie-tivt!- eliceesiit isa tw e e-t. Ths ,it wll o nitursis tiroughs Th FitANix 5ULLY.careclnes. lready ly îinîs fuor t.-5 Ooo tiepartmesst sssssiad (tie ss-îît attraîctive oust, c-ionlit tise luwegt îssill-conii- that màItch, howeyèr. but 0lish> --declitieulliai-s-tsi--si rsu-entcd te Bianer. wý-li-iclieho saaries. leiinsIldor 5,t1i>er tissOfutLake-3lslgn.îhis-h will feei Itipl, giving rise te a îvel-grounied suspiclin asithonizes Coesy te settle,nuit for vhich andtIdlarequiredtu tegive a bond of $20,0Wi.Isle sas'al t aIlle-rate .ot :tt)tsns-slie fs-et a se that lhe doca nhet reigis W25 polisius. nasleIsli, asîvissîs-Udth ie moey. Seer-nl a is'positionsntéusehoner andt more a mîinutîe and l ,ts-r, o-len tise lsutis-si and elatime& Sually travelo a beat liiiSentis ago tise c-ssîtracterssesured woe ntKeco- respouablit.The lerk lias forty-tliree wisth oft tb irasisse sec-tiossasliliave aic B.E<ckford arousus Isle tiopots, and leisas ktik. Ieirs, nads Newcastle, ansd wcne juit euîoe îsdrminu-ossaiii age te eiugt e2)f-t t tise rase Si baidai a brick in spitc ofs hie grent iuslk, cossplting. the costructislit tise latter gate salaries of $71,308 a yeusr. Hia va.00<-ie ftes t o sten usIsinste 'bsa %f ont being sofs, like Blilas'. He Id pllace. IBriuittisîkès iissladsa will foet np $3.(3h) jin -nss.the ifclerk sîpuias il liai cthesediiesssietly- onde7. obe liela tihe son of Tasnt Sully. n-be for years lias $1000(). $,Mprmnn.Tecekapit iihv enrioe y1Owe tld beea lihe keeper ef tise city joli.lFsasnk At nanieen dieesiy tise wcdding ofetthse joumnsal <lerk andtian assistanit, wlîo lads'z,ecte'l the etuissi i lu e <-eniçietéei, sgnt bsbeen on the rond eashesalet sf en- %lss isci r. Veningerboîz asîdi (harles kcsts fiiircr tts sotcsl:g t)575t îti-ai tcriu n c sons%, anti for an>ear or tu-e tesîtesi tour t-. J.efiirgec o-as sleiuizel-tiatlicatur o h lue vornigcekIIo te vrs iul w-hrso h x h ii a Chicasgo sîusesini, ttrac-tisîg atteis- lit 8Nt.Tohn's Epistopail Cissrcisi <ofetlas-e ycursauve (ese-i il-cted b>- cui -- at:oisfii i h ew1 y s-cti cBitis canal, 0555 tie onneeun e iss ssemîusasie. ielinctopn-e of 104) giusis. %l tinstn- Ptitive cxamnatiis, iuiicsitiig (hein tiue-sixtlus s-f tise 'Manch-ester<-sasent. tire- b astraietiils ymsssahms i~ s uhieps-(ti(5onws ielt nt tise hone of <he- Hon. abilit> s-e rndto tIse satisactiesn sofIsle ittiaofthe -Suc-zianal asndl (lis-ti-utisaa tndeavon teuliOse lits sîsperfillses itesiJ..Pei-jsni, slcisne nigrnd-sîth-leusen ausIily v-es , ks-i rc- tt h- sitîellssaîs lîc- (tisïe v but so-uys renmais allan-t tisedanme fatiser oethtiebride. Es <loi - R. J. tie], snl sy gues, thoer nith a5 .9)0,01OMM> cuiîsrnisfut i- t-il s-dsi Cs-am *neght. As a fot racer lie bas ubiieiigeti Oglealu>. grandsi tncie etftIllebris-e. ws ni er utfsisusr oliuial-i. Tiere le iit c1Ity, gravslrî-t,îks-sas-sne ail]nsialieti a'ej man>- sprintessofttiselight-îreigiit c-adsa pesesît iil I bis fsiiy. A weîlsiisg breakL- saiary u Of itfJfouir out 2.500 uis,liniiiai rus-k feilly 1t5,X -ui-yarsuwias lInlteckforsl. untibas neyer Isau us-ie lra fast Nirisser-esi. Tise groomîs sa Icading sa-i -sint $ envls -a-i, fousr at $1.8tfl) eihiiis.ais, i-ili bi-lsong ithlatstser clias, isîk- su> 1 sss-ssee ftihe - Macois 'sssuybar na n ts-si e l45tW iraI Iw4J0 os~t issgthie Chicago este-niise a r-aiiy uniqusefat( lowerti.Tise race i'ilise a nore one. lnnisstIs- rt9 -aerTs e--$,0), asdîtell(t-s a-$721). lie aieappoîinsi ),ne- ofis ant iiliprbai>-tae pac l tie qsIis.lle il liiireitie in Decats-r. 5a -arpn(iter, iriseat-iisaabout $25 tiU u- A stnîsl lnîitise wsrks Is iiiisy ,,l Illinois, Fine flhowing. i> isn eprst îaatrI;- r. ns,'t 1. tOne seessbig drdes-iiguatiîkeii luy (ol BilyWlsn adspraechrctr Theise a n-t-at-aunsegels aastealy sf tu-usa îibriges andîîi gis sos ad si- bet Slilinois le attiI liegreateat isnte-nsatfrein tis en R-aidige. is tise esl3 îioner $,Sa< i,,,si i sis -usj-lcdtifsii asaiii sis i, lîsise -n tsi-siii c-bei revenus-'produelniig State et tise Unonl5) iitishe Lacsos julil. 'le Was :isîtdtise lbondi s-f $50,000. Ill-iMsst is-poritant ()l(- sise,; -issîlîsîssa utofnîsi-iniry ex- <is aeeordiag so tise animiial report et tise frecîjossi ottise corridor, ans inlubis itle dut>- is tsi ske-h -age.if (lie tiiips-scstlre-î sslyi tîted ti iisit te disi iofetro-u commissioier et instersnat revenuie. Tise momnts scnceiv-eth ie idtis uto sieiiiiis et tise saliariessof thie issers. thli-r nils-- ht îîc-i-e is-rsîlisaitsat its-s u- total revenues soleeteti last 3-s-un itise tise, juil mans ilsi tis zsr-s.asst ths'e a 0;.esoenbd n IS4 )Me vai«Ilus Isternat revenue districts etoistuseelime s eDeisity Siseit! Brs-atitis w oas age uni thisr lierduissates. 'lie is oui>of ns, k lisg tieseo-sîit ilf et tise des country - ras $143,248,ý077.75. Illinoisent sersiag paliers. Hi- issu parti>- suc- Ioeeilts Ilis- reaiius.iiii oth(le goodtioo- -ig IîuI"Untr the mimessc-*'cust- a e wads.iîtis $30.000,0(l. Kentucky ceesîctilits bis work wlseîiMrs. IlsMliddus tier n ithe-is-Iuse, ttins--erre the pe(we ite -us--rs -tsi-y tuwe-nlkobleuh cgisio a it =sseoal;tI nan>-$20,000,000, andi Neiw-walket beltil>-deun tise corridior î-ith a asnessg is-sult-lio icligsnestg, tope înt o f tasîliteflLiaiis nas-rosi->- esr ts-l-i- tu ,tork s-ird, nith isu-ittie morotisan $1D.- ru-olver in ber Liaiti.Wilsouîs t firattgsasu ietts-s nit ra betes8-s apeîs,,soleing, lifting ansi resnsîing ge, ù«0000. Thse gresuttot revenuse pretnlg soedetisfiance. but ths-e steatiynet-e an ati dssibring (irai betir--tise bar <f tise tisa st (laetosis-tc-k îitis ne issus- exrtiun me( digrlt of thisPcountry- n-aq tihe Peerta ueterniinutiiî of tihe wounanucowuet i hm Hansse olien usiesedt sido sa. Thiscdes-- tius((sut n- îls icis -isils-csîiasîdie c-o dlstat&' t'-th ussieteti $13l.407.M.38. hsto sîlsnissisi, uuait(]lie iras marc-b.d geuius--it-urns iaspiensea-s oie ilrof et,- tisiir tisys.Site TIsâe Kbbenundisus-triteturneti $10,- iîac-k im (lie dus-kzcit, l. s. Broatdea 000. two et$I[M. 0one of $1.800,0ioetf Alonsg -itis tiese anti kisdreti syî-îopîc bul OM00, flic îefis-st Ohio (Cilncitiut) $e- lias sissisguishes hies-sult t-susereral oc-a- $1>, oeeoe $720, amnstse uof11) lie devis-es, shene le§ a o-iole anse>-trainsorethe IIITM7.56, tise elghth Illinos (Spring- @aits,.seslappoint@ nîse-tiiuofettise Caiite at-Clg n.iaer ansid es-tnt- os-nss-o police, consisting ot eight' pris utc-s ut sen ojgustesW (4 Mote8,00sus, - (100 lleld)-dltit u-me ourth is, ri-b$9.007d,- Tise Eurosen istel ut Gseenup iras on20,eelieutenaust ss-$1.l,"sud scagsel telasgale-,cars-a 'adi ab 480109.anti the ('ihage diotrict. ifth lun liasr es tu be on fine Monda>- mosning s-iis iateisuen et $lie0 srsss-ks ati frosil>-0sun a8,ray e sn joli the list. coletesI$d lOt.Tises-e iarely isu ulue fer tise innates te esc-ape Th£ doonkeeper oeths-eBaense le paidtrurnsaî îusny. nll nuseslrg t ofe tsîs tingysa-i w-ere 3"- siteu conmenceti fer violations liitt-m ssr igst- s-lt-ties, anti but fer tise tise sffalicat saisisy ut ail tIseélec-tire- s-f- muierys (hedin as>-tile totre. Lunng es et nrevenue lai-s ln tIse Southiena llinoeia s -risc%-i-ring efforsts o en anadi u-men ic-ens, except tise postaltranti chat)- susse aîs this necely 1,i41,1f s-urc. yrds Biv distric-t coutnadîti135 la Nons-herre1111 aRlike eluneis tise entire isbusess portion ioin, but dispenses tise langeas- amouns-ofet e s-nthnirus ers- extYGicai-eatdtse tn nus, n-bis-be eualînni reab>-nAs ofWs-er he tis (icn resilîlai-c licc uess-ro>-ol. patronage. Ht- tracs $i5ff0a year, sld -e t (btis ue u nosth' irskuinouuitedt Stsqa Tseunnuai rgiuset~V-s--Total bumss ens- asstaitidb>- Frnsk 1B0n-li net rcusiined te gi-e a bond. Hias tit-es sPl69.05 eusn Nortli Caolinauhelis Uicrec-ordi iritîs i-srsis. trotînies-us-ofttise hropean ibotla- iît ybstte agats tis auts sgunu is -etsi ewn- 1,030 >cases, while Csummsusior 3Millers nd uîl nturnst, atriass a- ~ tenss e ise leorbiati t ie guea. np- n h einigtevot(tte vr en n tate et West Virginia, tisoigis (l lowrr, e. i-rai as-sre, $,000K); A. pii wutn un agaadfodr. s Sest inîteil ut butii-st-s il1 MYtt(fftio sui sna1, Ojowc4'l tise acceont]lasgeat suisîsen IR. Bosort-h, listîî isee hssilng Flows&poinse hius-huesen, aesi- pait-iondes u-$5<aa> îu tl nuuetsit- la- ci casesfet ni>-<listt intie country,- store- ias Iles-u-e-. t2,0M0, L. tC. iels-uer, ut lisas-$3sttI00 oil suthoetelucoi-ose- s 7»1. hardwiare tends impîicmensta.,0 .Tisese $ at $1,8W0, titrnt a-$1, -CEi on0 ee ust $1.400, s-ne ut $1.314, sixteen les-e s-le urmk. etato 1News in Brief. wiresalabuhl e sii-eci-ouiboooks antine- as-$24, iufs-$o0.iito e 90 ottaul î-alsteul, a réslident etof uî l-'Outa. Os-er losei's sa>-reaci $3,l t~ iveas- $8410, twrosty-firc ut $72-0, tellas- MEISSONIERS STATUE. base Comnt>-for fers-y-s-n-ette, ilesdemi. Tise busilsingiis-n'r ail neir, bariusg lien $600, anti thirt>-tlsnee pages ut $50 pe retPitrlRpssca-uasen built Isat 3<-n. Tise c-ssuse ofettie inlsun- nîgtessao. deRaull ICeep. lian is-us boy.ies ns-ti-j ukoî u-Tise pstsuaster astends t-sei rtding anti ins ihaParia Studio. 4eaaii aies nut klisi -hie is-utiig Ths. iialisg liaeiusnatise Cuis-ugo tielivesissg tiseseuil eft(heuit-sbers andti A statetssisa nrul li it-sgîsrslsn st J rabbitss tis-yssias îWesil wr.hea s-lc ser (nues, s-eforî-ung thespubtîlesdocusments sesîs- s-e L.siui-ut Pasl (suesu--k in slul- W'iIKa me urpis>-w-tnt s-suDus-us-un tli anc- wsrried b> tise suit combine. n-lie- out fronst tiseCapitoh. I-ilssaian>- la $2,- sr>y ut lets- e-i-uisErnsts Msiasuuir, onuspl socve i. maniage lic-case ts-e uct'Misa lias hlei - r ie Isnisca usthi n- it acens sa 0udîi ie Iolens-rss-hiresl tegis-e bond. uof the mnîct elebtsîtsl lusiuters sotfl-rance, si NeIl siartin. When bc retîsuîes itbu-Itie effet-so-fittise sait "sOs'" iiiCt- uatI icr nen ises-ns s bsofieqnueezsseseus-irsi li unkut -nee fouàdatbat bis Int-eutiosibride hll utmur- ost h- u-usn amtsd t -tl.0to i-en e m u lis soisurskibr.'is fceos--f sio testatueuut i-the(units-ti ofuionenof, x4.ul aMoher niantheprrerlin <a>. ThîiasOi4 a yesa. Ltoc-k saitha lecîs sad-master utponts (ise s-iernîst $2,M), tenlus-'MarnssJeuansAntis-nse'Murcie. Tise matins-p W" atrihy's s-bIrd attempt n asuiriege vased liprisc neani>- 100 lier cent. 'l'lieo $ o0, aiRt$7î]0 andtiigis mn sus-îs i c-untit lenlusite ituui,s-. M-ia inieofc ~tes anme yenng ioman, le bsvtîsg ipioke-sslisieILtclicdt tnsted i ue»s- inud tise session as- $100) a sontis cacis. n-Is-.iste-l i alie s- rs e-n islis stuio, - -beau, lit-la *Mdtsho cause etfisepneuissus uout insutiser sait cotîlihe bongbs- <-se Tise it ftise ]loeuetiaos $900 -luin lstusi uluîiulinus dria uiniiui aus- in s fl ynapditls net being perturn»ei. Mu-luIs>- ihrIsnt. Tisir agents bai-e resunsotaud pr caisessionadotsn isa leprri fhli.flihlevida la> n-cals-b>-youu a esmer anImi ka si rpe-te4siutiisscisbiis-sus-ui to er-tpt-entn u ssshe sidcutmatilisnneIseisrtust sttuissuhtavse o ueutst slisappolntinet lu a iiisloaeîshic-ai s-au-n susut lsisc this-enesusi setlîlopesthif -- e. -srhsrequseve nsk ui- s-ssck s-au t s-heurok Mnd -hpryr ndi o bn di Ile.yr eur oksi o eti fterlie suakes t short. Sosues-ies the-c-bais- hl -Thse 11v. 'Ain. Ehnmqisst, etfitocktsird-. Istes of e s-sng. Thiir eonstimsption, tin ss spastoral caîls mnns eag ie-s- eWrmn of ncaslain spolitedyth - ie aui nts. it le a uis. aiiproximiel> t-si15.- br fbstokdrn uieshus V<ree LCengegatienalul U ti iut 1ls-s M0cuissiunsill. sr ic-sri>-:01,M00) toua. iugcnlng uten tue timides lias aesesssbieui t-oenfetriee te Inreitigute s-arges of sinus- The lqkns gars- lits-le becsith ie rom- t-oc-bat wii-tth iens. lieut-ver Iîl na t si 'dam- brongit againas- tise lier. M. Davis, bine. it aîppesrs. titil Novesiben. "iseu sbf(su3 m ltsul ef Mlmnpaoits, Minis., b>- [rotf. Pritti-cii th' ise-uloves-edt bst instet of$2.75 C a tisues-ef egtinlbi- s l r althogimbei-5 t ofttatcit>. reporte (bat tihe defendentî toit tise> -irs-epuyisig $450 te $475 fer eintieso u rbutienHendheatue bl(-yti a - , la baeï. fite ninos- guilit, aud ne t-iai (hein nuisk cs. uoextie iiteuse feMyti bhaipi wll s.ked.TIese aa io-sbiit- ist Tise ressuinis cf Losis Broiwn, tise nias- ef w-iatsssi upsusîtise publiic coucila. it isf - s-sume-charges mn>- be brosîglt againss-tidenesi Iot-luorsi boy. w-ose breugisI home noa tse lt-ct a uîshsister efthtis Districta Prof.,PninceIl ut thie ncss- coaerens-e oetfroainMsssuut Picnant, Irwa. Clief et et CoIdmbia uuis-iîa ncgsîer salas-y, for V tIhe o.eluih. Polilue Bas-gnu reieti ut letton troin the emolumens-et tise place has net large. Five hudred Su-odes, Norn-egissîs ani Darilagteuu. Wis., iusdicatisug tisas- Dui- The Spseaker et tise Dense bas a bit ofee D a ss f s-m C sicago are u t eir us> t -o b a, t Ie m a w -be kille ul th e lad , ia s (bu p a tro n ag e t is o cn d isp osa . H e c la tbel, moer coutries. Tise>- lot-ote rnsr oet sa-cit>. WeuhuesdRy euing alouetoeelenk as- $23W0, ont- it $2, spéecitrain fimeosuarbornestation fer lhe n-nt te bigborne, anti sittitug tienaut- 250, oe uts-$1,(W00antia Menssonger ut $1, New -York, n-banco sho steamer Nos-geofethtie tablie toIt bis mot-len (th ise wsu go- voo. Tise Speaker bisuseif receivea $3,- thse Tiigialla Lino nill c-ansy tiiena iug te kilt ituneif, for hie li muinderedot-M00il, addition te lts réguler saiany ef lse.p' t-o *pendiChristmas. Fos- r oêr i artuier ire mles sous-het Meunai $5,000 s a à niber for s-be ndted duties thlîitË yeareexcursIons of titIs kintibav-e Plessans- sud sunk bissbod>- ia s-e river, efthtIe speakes-shits. heen castemïar-> ameng t-be Seanuiluarians He then teank eut a reorer anti presactil Th aiaeOfies ef telle nit-cii Sates. Whea tise>-ey -t sh-ultntil-edtbe( yges,3i-g Tise patronage ot t-le Sonate is ui ireatreonnaites- witiout i-corng cea-mel gsat te bis euni> Ise-rnci>-de se eissnems. Tiseirriter aysatiss-thîs let-a thslas- ott-be Honse, but t-be pu- wlth a vien- cf braukiisghobme tien tes- ures-tenla Dot tis e ou-t-olu -n b DonraiMtns une usanul!>- more soc-une. Some ef -g.<i a-i, lssiisleaitetie ouusnyl>sriss eo conenet. om tsu ~ tseenlîoys ar b-e ls -hinpscais 5W,-Uko5oaiUrO ffl551e uaW u balise la Itheoeompoltl«of ethtié bul nioleculo radlcaliy altosalt-a 07 Thée pbysic!an cannot til ise e ofpot-assum andi of sodium are )t exactb> asulilar. Yet a minute lt>-o t-f-e former, injected itnto a ýwill puralyzo t-ha hoant anti de- j lte,nwbile tise lattes- mi>- hoturo- uta tise circnulaibelesaie wltb id resuit. hy ls it? Why lasa Ple a as-bstance asus nsie sc-id00 Iy a poison? A thousaud of snclx stions muy lie aakesi. Noue eft shem yct hbcnan-ers-t. e kuow s-bat tt-lilga de t-hua anti se. Hon- s-ey -t ne do net kuon-; but ns-Il o lise w-Ill acarcel>- bec-orne nu ci- science. That n-e shall eue day as- auch kuon-letige la conlidont> t-o xpected. Tisas-muas-tho tisework uucnslst-ry; sud n-heu we remomber tscience ef c-hemlst-ry ilael>- r t-han a century oUi, andi when n-o tider tise bewirltierlng @cape anti lm- tance or Its ac-ieeensiln s-bat tun>-, It la surel> not tee usuc-h tei egnons thinga fs-oin ls future labos. Iiopeiess, The doctor and Ilitmate frlmidg aoS- sidereti my oasi waa so woik »aflg;' hAusted. I.cc4od to take Uoo4'8 8a-. parilia and maconbegafi ta imptOIve. ,W J 1 la 1 taken ton bottWesIWa U~ I curesi, andi have effl stucs bea f all Ilit pemuar ta ml.w rs'cominensl Ro rt HU Hood's SirsepvI in t. 1 li Iloods PMUs PZ. __ 'rIlOUT FOOD 0OR SLEEPq1 ~ gPoi- aPUIi - Gbld ta colact InluPhlisd.lphba mal , SauFnapseo. Net enulis fet t mm IE TORTUROU3 TRIAL 0F MISS Intot-be suInt sut Nes- Orleans t-o MA» CALLIE HUMMEL.s-lie coinage oet htsre n-orthb wl 10.. t-bs-e u int s ua te Oves-y douions -nI l5 oftlirer picces, Thç rminr~c ni --- st-ens galsiic ho Sd Chirealc Trouble base suesal coussandi ulcka-ek oii fthe 8t-omach andi Coulti NetBc mintesi ln Ili:adelisbla, wir- netutly. sedt-tihe Heis No-vRccoveïêd lier 100,000,000 pennies are tunOt ont b8- - oz Ilath andi tpis-ltaaul thsa nually-. iighbnre Say- Is-' a Mliracle. Cents bling cf ail value as-e cfrfl- Froens thse N-s-s-rsa.Greeusburg-. Imd. less>- bandit-t,an-iare lent- ln afth. Fhe etitonefths-e NewvEs-a batilheard grsutnumbers s-bas-t-ho t-ross-rybas.t* t Mise Caillie Ilusumel. et Sauuan, no- adsemîtl -eapl.Tl ~ ple>- Ce., Indiansa, batl beouî ureti ot ores-e ess-etfc-bs-oustaoseacistrouble profit s-e tisa Goernmelit t-tutheif mnu- j I dsyzipîssu. ssb tn> onit facture la lus-go, beees, lnasuchtttI- seat supr lbe, ce uletes-minesi t0 us Uic blauka oto bc-m are purcbais& s-n s-be srns-soettheu.mot-en, anti n-nt unman tiseaotier day fer tisa- pus-posé. fer $1 per 1,0W fs-ein a fi'rm lu CoIn - s callitiou Mtisa Humsmel andi toantinectleut tisa-produces t-hem -b>- cu- - - t-o hae a beautitui anti clusrming Young tract. Bhlanks for nickela are obt-*inol -' dy, stili in lier s-cens anti quis-o intelhi- luns-ho same n-ay, c-ostisa Uncle Sam ut. 'PT-egioof etI-rtees-bealth alipeur- Son Sies- nuld hti- eekas, antissp iras net oui>- a cent ansianlhait apiece. elcaas- disnineinedtus- relis-cbt-r mar-eh- (oli piecea are tise oui>-ct-ina of t-h. si experience:riscs ltaviiiasene-btbl - I batl stoui-cistrouble anti dyspcpss u aellraestînaca re A ouble *i - uni>- ahlm ifs> 1e,. ase said, luber Isbas- fc au nrnial.ýdulet n- a>-, "anu tise ols-lis-1Igos-tiseworse us- c-ensa!es $20 uvortis et gelti, iîout sur on seud t-le msue s ere it tic-s-ouuting tise eue-(cutispart-et copper. ne. 1 conulducet ss--urcclynuytising aud- rp c-s a s-anis> olis neus-yn>trouble FSeWtaau s s5 îsaiustsui. Atter tioos-riug ithi Tuions- sre Lasica non- aid (ban mat owtt- ypîsysicisus Sers- fur sert-rai >ears, ise c-usa -pri-sent ---anlas-si bittesa"d pel- led Ie dletse-an>- guet dlîcyVlUsth -e neuci s anesqsa tiusiîas Iul.sHcsI rhthos s- !medieai aid. t a-ont te Cincinnati, alusg propes-bles santo a bue et1 steiaa- c-nre 1iras treauti hi>- s-ha abicat pisysi- Ss-omich itrs-sn. Tiese ssams y-, ans oltisesîthbie loes-succes. Discour- c-eidluia olstuag s-ls- srabmsh -soasuade upês id anti ditas-ressu-l.1Ireturned home anti peop-lesuuac-quuiuteuils-sisthstle genus, gr. iffeent ticie, n-bleu soa asnucis -blt <sisppoià1te ne 48 tan tnying tise issany il ros-mcdi- ti a senigisb. Aakanti take use sibasUtt ses w-hic-b ias-uv ativertisrd, but nos- onafan tise graud resus- i- tr mahas-is. dyopepoig, A nie s-holt-ast noticeabie gooti. My eonUstis-lan. rniseasautîiiant i dneo>-trouble. aubshateudil>- grouir esse, anti, in i-- oss- unb--uiaisiéumises->'.Ibot-aine ati?>- Trs- n 1Explain a MstouT. upoatis- unti] gnon- ,lt-andtithiii au a Tise apparent>' s-tprous n-a>-la keloton fos-c-nl ut oit-t-p anti food. but itisen coult i essjoy. '%I- misshon saw-an wn-bltsneurl>- fuiet laukes, pend*.eR-, uc-le about Dr. Williasus' Pink iis anti nais, etc.. bec-t-me petî-uated n-ht-b "a sus- masreliacas-s-a, andti ie>- were ian-as dlsctiss-'ilb>- somne ofthtie membem- isgen ta tmne. I bail lest ail taith insasembieias- a s-ceont reunlon oet iotm it-lue andui ldgiraunp ail lo tre- Dver>-, gris satî starinng me luns-le taceo. 1'scatoriiii Socieal>ass-e Heibo--rn--, e wunttles- isu-s-s-it, bonor- ttii I1 tannant. Londonu. Mono <ban ono et ati tnissî a box efthtie Pink Ptlla. Vs usb tiso nsidenaul tisaIt-bis n-as etteeto s- ai fi-at St-xt1i egasu ta f et-ibette-, ns>-b>-binda wil bd ee fflu m ppetite wusapas-sial>- neatos-etianti i -ouidbi-ubt enfen O uaep. Wsiti a«short limues1 was, os fiaI saun elacibene, aud n-hIIb.scs su sec aie to-day, in perfect isaltis, anti alightlng on tlsaolin- waterm, droejiu- 10 s-to sieep ses-ind>- esosîgis, -stb Rausaieos-f tispairu tren their bIh,. is-stite ubuis-1Ic-su eat ulmotat s--ing ___________ itisost relut-ta ns-e. I teel s-bus- I ee Public sentnscut pon-erfull>- reat-rai t-nrythiug tea1Dr. Williaums' Pink Pilla, mil do no- bosilate leanremmenti thonsmess froms dolu n-roug; but, wisen t-ber hrougis >ourpiutpen jea uffering humanity." hart-donc ivreng, sets lt-soit a@s pon-ee Dr. Willias' Pink Pilla for [Pale[Peu- feu>- againas- theem.-Beecher. e arce n- giron netiste puie as an ns--__ ailiug bicoti builder anti nero reoen ielstesl -&rfln lhb us-lis- ail ftes-nusf etcakius artaing troishu -es nteývrou LPhbt tw-aton>-c-ns-ision o et l bitoilialn- o et lu- rnitvan>- Ces-no-n-ese M14 ,etid serres Tise isilis ana st-luihy ail nuîben. ,Tise.Sandichs Islande-a. i les-lems, os- illieho sent puas- paiti on ne- phaliet bas twve, s-he Tantns-an 20ZL -ipt et prier, o, )c-cuts a boxs-ro six boxes ___________________ unr $2.0, b>- atdne.u.sng Dr. Wiltias' M e d i cein e C o s e tis s u > -. S c i u .e s t iy , Y. e e d r o n f a l I s o f st A A lent Boue, tIse A c-use ens-irel>- neur taleiut-tiltaac- n-es sic-e cmsnue usider tise observats-hor ettise C isys*ciausnt o- (ijý a srylau d Unîer- it>- iospl iilass us-c-k.Jaumes Tynîcu -Ve M'as tlue- patient sisIncilie s-vus afflicloull in - P a ines- pecullar s-îsy. Tynion Is eiu- - fou ployetd lu a liakernd aui.le about 19>-cana cmr ot uge. NWlslle ut s-irk lueaucdet-sah>- -:t-bs t-Il tipon luis tigls- ami. De tels- a"- id ause pain ILu .bc. niubsier, as if It bati -Gi mec-n trsittiul. 'lisepain iras las-anse Jos- and tissaillyTysuuiti*s eiijloYersssat-ns 3c utm toa-t-he iosîmtI,.w-bort- h-ssvas t-s- THE 'Oiit E00. dam usuluesib>- tise pjiyslc-ias li change. To Zgt"1r1m~ ol tg bu v heIn surpîrse tise-Y s-llec-ortred ts-at lu- uuq&àw sAa s. luI ut-ud o eti larkeu -t-eboue of tise lg roi-eus-n w-seons s tes-om elmeest sisana n sme position. It ws-sîssonieting tise piys- fi 5s-cuiIe-c-nt aiwasi-mnti- Md 1 FIxamiustT clana baul net eosse lucous-ac-t is-bGriats-.On&pgt fore t-,u-l ss-ipoes- iy s-le detors la "m ulotst uiathe su~st Pm- astendance upen Ty-uue-utisa- the Tboue lla 5 t15i4 t ait..C m.< h.ail bec-ornasot tenelt-ilsem --'v- alites- shnongb conssitutlosiil n-als-u-s or a peculiar dît-t. IFYO uALeuoaient la > ahsum'a egelable Com Poundit, ans. sud- a pes-fmi- sm in It 1«-- sse tophie.." ýse>- City, Nen- Grace before Mcat. There's a difference between being full of thanks- giviug, and beiug full of Thanksgiving dainties. But the one thiug generally leads te the other. How- can it beltelped when the turkey is st> good, and the pie f0 euticing? Here's a helpful hint. For that full feeling after Thanksgiving - take a pili. Nat, auy pili, mind you. Thes-e are pilla that won't help you. Take the pli tbat whII. fl's knowvn as Aye' Pili - and it's perfect. It is stùgar-coated, pleasant- to the palate, and its operation, like that of nature, is effective and without violrnce. Keep this in yous- mind if you want t-o enjoy the holiday season - Grace before meat, but a PIII atter Pie.

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