CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Nov 1895, p. 8

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Lait n ptare blte ropelonnic uhthiu'111411111qier lAIt W MD w4cf Leu la hie White rose t1sismseigolnic sud 1 stoopemiftheoi.fower tbat baut round nihway Le' t"mm alugdistrict Whe* A My là luj~t~. and aterÎÏ7Oireo uinte.vucloc*iedor wldc li e wua parn ,Meno od .1 A Alicg band. eveelamy brought luta gld-a btuminout cobol mine "bave YSu uvetr of O ThoghItlog hittoedon heocanknowas the "Lttle Stimanl." Agros Mgd a main t Cokcleio red esw1de, Ibiscbnmbch utbis weeltia. thre -- t 'ta, 1, ebci biutralie.r éor Mi the $erni ad roar of the cngiy ai4.1 en e I 0bis agent, but --li 181li t. 1dec MU -e Voi:nettOm out inc, ifybu mt tb. o eha ingoea onon thabnulsberord oal ai-Tam; Obrg o th oc.ibaqto g i -lges a 0 un aoecomete e qow drill. I ouat£ koiés egig nI hebr alioMcaia Te The titnd thé a.waves S atithe ebbing aln tbi eoaisdfnal refuai t cf ule m yu g 0' M Sotealey la ipalle li e $tek 1oiwih pia.tth laïcs. ho : ?tn" » yh, Ei fnirlae h udelytitr.<o u br hl. .h4 Wehos tesec Um alefl cmyear, cand we keep pace with the tines. Sèventy-tive cents viii buy more m ~.I tli 0laîaewt nnt o aeatpt h lan oi coal e ml. Osa le 4"U1& 00.gooaof un titsTati thsiý One Dollar did l lSt froini nybody. We hereby give Me. try and îry bis bomn ai beriolnit he os,." :It wu "OIdM u1 m é- là *nýold in ý b uding ith a ew e»m leto. he wavs and hemrocs andpheovins &o f Indition to omtili. or the "r amiMrris uét s te ~~~an '~(Uglfei abmiua lhaLyoaipc.Tcvvsat b ok mt h isMen Whao worked la underground chai. ~ i ie.l ~u Mter Wr. Ton. oBrdeendtha" aaei arsto, a work tebbilia. ahe mbodimnt uf rougis and lawismaof 1B500Bou ait ter ai lie heurt a they set it bhpdstip and . pa#sailon. He wu golug asud adloire, 1%,i *;Iwhag lefS lat ofor Texa» ~BOY's cL5oTiriNG. fie, Incognito, vitla tiafeeling o!toOne Who là rs ler c wboteiho wS romainlSnome lime. Ris MES CLOu. THsIN-*u Laut er This year But a tender band tound Lthe flower at about te pertorhn a long.aaegleted duiy. coi ,t.tly vIiiloave Doon. *La es Thais Year$250) Boys Sute.............$ 1 75 letThe bsginang ug v D ot auspicloita. fait su but"$ esut $ 8BlgnimSut .......... $50 3 Boy SuAie..............2 00 And no 9soran 1 Kw. in litlire wlth Morris lat. tcontact wlia fle iteawaalaed uaill, Who vwu i * M iao. Dlalte vau fortionte enough,, 10 AUlwoM llAI...................50 4 56o< Caflbi»n*tOUSuite viisMe. étranger, and the day car tamidIpto a somu.hlalg» I asi ebo. 5jqh4By, te shoot an c-g1e vhlch 14 and $16 Cawdesil uite UAI ..10 00 > extra ,pente and cap 1 te mtch 50 renadeavotis for lte niglal seened ful of bhuers iecte. *Uimte neye»foolt troin tUp $0 tiPt 15 and $18 Qenie Blaek Clay e650so»ixmUa£on SuAitsvith Thc vinti cudthe vers uer. the iMorris bts». *iaa bord te aglisbt .* ie or turkeys muet have Wotateii lr08 SuAie...10 00 extra pan-s anticap Iomateh 4 50 Of lire, -1 would net maire a good sold:er, and tonsoldMrila & ayvoles tlaiaweek. A. A. Payne ap 8 OvO70ae ad UhtOera.......0 0LnP6SStsi iWlThe poitthaht ad latheanogryise, 1cerL&nly amntaia good hemo," lhe utila coanndercea wimilI* »~M4tp Ibo roan Ibis pace Monday 12 Overoala and Uters ....... 8............................... 4 50AnMyprwhtroeImadgecIb OtS fma rte tye 'umag.16 veroat ani Uates 0 00 7 50 Long Pente SuAiefor grown 5 00 Antiype. wi rcel yprcoslem laînfuit hanbla. Ioighe o ami por oidc ib, and 1111M491 ~~I.4 11t4somb reîlarned lest Frtday ~~~3 00 Boys Ulaters ....... .....2 00 luoaa acsi e otau i nc yu alsaau o #, Wi rtwhere hont__________4 50 Boys Ulters ............ 3 00 lm hler Joy andI peacc isber love foi troaabiesome, cryiag clliti lea taafrtiler vives und chUme.. 1 hfflah e oy ee lei' 1. 41)6 GO Boys ijîstere ........... . 4 60 na. end o! iii. car, andt gting the con-. kiisua. lIr the paueà 111-b 9 00 Boys Ulsters ............. 6 50 -Sans Francisco Tu Taik. Idn.o a enloi ie15 h aet c. 10.. rra cneag-.- _______Voespoor and Utrait. A tew cteersi hleu, otbW ese* I.FURN SHINGS. Aillehe it stoppiag pace la. vent out lu nddisoittd. gond »novaW*W ýjIqsbsca,.varteUss parts of the county, Lenua Tiseartecthabetoflmiarndoigt le wcudn M M"Ok lune luit week sud.began echool $ 50 Hecvy Underwear.... $ 38 lfu Mmu-a e atchf albie fr eaby ause botglatoia îiaceteai apCs. 75 Reavy Undervear ..........50 HATrS, CAPS, ETrC.5 V W.ui,, C tyg f ast hetielb. baby, an stOd g ~V2lZlgelereevngaeca f Fîel evyWolUde- Let Year eolt ha ia4irdmohr P LcanoLedsberg baul]o»-111 110111 le5mw This Tour Wea ............... 101 $ 0 10essudMits- e taiked it wtheb atlaer amillearnatiMorrsfeSix a I«Bure, andi eiong %vith the terni 1eat 1 ev Rctr o5 OS2 50 11for Fedora HâtIs. 150 Ir mm .M. L teRAT"y.Tw ciitaniàtbai apier aeared inrceci i alciwb #«ê ho la roeeiving his holiday goode 2105an 15eevyv o ong So 15 i 50 SUif* or Fedore Bats . i OUins Il beeps hlm beay unpacklng. ~~~~~~2 Mîtî, y , o <>'Long ............... "No," Eleanor Landtsberg mid as îthe. yul îe:atlves heiia11vwr o a~prgah1mit f li litbee M ar y N rtn le k lng he 5e Glov o Mt o rns.. ... ...08 50e W inter Caps ............... 2500 er e h e ciastr of treal American tte lke ltein aon, b uil lley.L d b .t t e plain stateflela fta is Ia*ew th b r ter lre . ai tlber, 75oGlOvSea Mter.... ............ 40 i50e W oo hrtCas ............ . OU5c beauiy roses selehelt u i erciaspeil bnds promise or work vlaere tlaey ver. golug, thct hall takeispl a t e . .*Utl .latoj uring lier fathhrand 2 50 Ait Wool Sweaters.......i60 1 GO Wool Shirts........50 wltlipalmatul lntensity, as if lLcy ver. aud mein îlaey would senti for then If ètaumne, sud wvofthoe hinera, 1 * 1011. i~soeeiow thoblâme, i caimnet marry îou, Morris liped gisernlaie id net letIblis lefi confortabia homs tlis mna u d.te 81k B lsbe sty làTennessee. _________________________ _ Morris-you are fnot my laro." hband knota wbat abis rgbt wie doîasg, but imhlflary abîchli lait beaue put m~4 ýeaa Lontorif, une of the section "«Heroei (Jo nl uet itout of nordls," 1 do iuow tirttahe .chldreai tollowred mines te tcke ithe place o! cht id "O.ea. vmm lat& of091on uccounst of no These few items viii give you nmre ,lea how mucts cheaper you cail bey sa.werad MorrIs îîelmeevIll atnipet- Ieir parentsa a ew weakbInlter. coeafortable ltable aboi" groes!tio worm. ine, ano danger of his e - ur gooda than jon could formerly. Hovever, ve do not nie"n tesay ibat Yeu tc nlcinUs olbedmggvs1. Mri rrît o aga tvigils, bciioti for lOn the ms's ahe ln, <voin long, es lie ie always re; n îuy lbt odbreiggie e orsprrhee igt f 11cnd onoforthe mue,1te1% wV. ~~~~~~~~a u them nas cbep fromn anybotiy eloe; on the contrary, te jndge by the lis posseuort -I cabinet fight for my lady then fe11 Into a Soundt sleets curltUp ealed wlba lwtghrlln ata~ ise&ftillpricea coenepeople have peut for goode ln other stores ve sliotaltithîmai these love ai tha.meiaisi laulgltadid, nor fiy a corner of thexcar seat. maJ whbu Oile laclob tiu U On suboütulte depot agent, vho vas i a tt okn nirlevrtrf tTeMdl o nay te th irs, le tîesede,;eDuate days.0 avakessec t ril a ry muraing. hie enaergy or the young suad sIbl«kl »t1 ae ui. e ear ete sdey ntgse at epeon are higs:"Tirets iha csoidier of pence- ter. are t la au awesoane îb!ung ho awakee ln a o et Mis Halas..." - he tW bbb rossVIl. a m rien dr-y 1000 always votht gs: t aly wars te h. vaged thacI need dlsel. car &fier e nîglat of abat sort. Tbb tiratI t otaèLc Elmiana raetclo te Ibm soie lma von may friende ur- 1-Tonalwaye beyBeltable Gootis. ' plail Souiers. LDe amnytng but e dcv- .feeling là one of tbankfulsess that orne hat tucJetcicin lan a O tmg bic ahort day.2-Yon lwaye bey them as chap as the sanie quality ca' bebougit aDiY- citer on te eliken ikî oit.Yuale aiau roeiu es falletes sle vas Ualeklttg, ad tai k lgb. a ale evere uhaUnortBats.talea iat e atae ofSoaie nrty l a.alie;a the fn t. orstaugaatur, a ngaie a ii or otlbS S.B Trltnngw ale hm wee nte nte tae.fortune Ibel othier men enruet for you by' thai bis lîmbi vere pris eti, ult aiftieti. roaru 1a Thmusay mornlig te consîde arltbt&ier plu iev aeuMorris vietler thsî hbaby bolhd corne teth seao__e brows, 1maI yoia are ltvigorous treteblacliefelt belter, aa oo epl eit10Mnah b «lé colaey or mot. Te ecaonvs ih.ile ln tlaa iap of lmaury. Shame, out villa nome luleresl on e vornt ahal nea@spýpubis lge.h b* y' la er O th cig m we e p m edM orris Boinc ci W e e I arry 1 iii w a* nets, 1te ire, frest frot te luxurieà 1 o ama i onlng h . mines, l m e hlao si$ cgs iee paaaT HE* UO DElv iciuo m m be f l rom a ogther sie ot te to ol .lie essvrthec -*'good- Da tfas-aueti 0 aronut 10 hie fnienda. of the people; my herob mus& do grci, momaing" of maure.iLlh nman a cblnaerecal!ceind noI hlcreeturctan aegdege gWaehtngLtortSvreet,' Aaukegan, Illinois dresmlbausea. al day long." 1speek in lis plan. tiare caineal ura1! mîrkhag val 1açsar' fhe ao( bave ttt eiiu hae Lb ed "y" "' a., : :'iy er Socia lsl," sit M orras. villa1 percbed inaico n ta mding positions on LUI- jaggeti onmtheL bord souii tvanioe fur thera. WIonder vhy lte tamillaifty of long acquaintauce, -if sides, ati sleepy look»in,- ,clldren, barve-ian a ruat de poluting té the àma - rsiehnisd e ndao egt'»oIa viiiliâlan lu ressort a montenl you I eae nd barefox)teti, were salullig lb.h aid the b"diy vitten bot legible sone as ntitheraby ssttsfy the great a .Gv wyWthu hrealrenumbçr of House- viii sece liait itia aoncy 3ou cama reniedy f6ylng tran fruai the opendo0 li GS ,e ac e ies or holt olut Ornaments, ilver Tableware, Bronze and Porcelain Cloche, Etc., iu the uI ib la; vis,out il îou are coutil not unterstauti bowa myota. col nsths "l e mteerer 1 *Mi ho t te Ivanhva mili every folioving mianner. Wth every Cash Sale we give a discount of 10 par cent jn practicaliy leipless."1 livis laoruib a place. lie feit no Iaril 0ofussltiblbe en10o.Tm andSaurayan rqust"How mae aville ae yota ramadial, telloasalp vatIa theSegroiallesin the1h.ubil bette au accident ln th. mna.T Üme ««WIng me on bok accouat 1 opn;$5 fteeCuosv zcag o n ic !ea~et -Î.iA? nover ama oftIlt, *nd again lh. vondereilroofo f ais enira ltimblir hit Lad it là&" I anti settie tmmetiately. nameti gooti vhich yeu may select. 'Few as yal, 1 admit. But, Eleanor, bow Eleanor aould bau,îleasitla iprota- 1 buffl e ut y miuoiu beail.- 'l' la i mn feul îot m toLeriatme for laa. lt a eté eeof lonelinaa aitla- men ver. rieiailagemdUi yon for pat patronage 1I I y alatos unntire? meafo-lm eanti *orne of tissu s e baily l ~~pur contlneeii Liten. itecreat. i may cati you se outliter s if thehalonce belongeil t0 Wlaeraitlisce aa~oell oet F. . DoLpit. tala oece. Wlay nol lalp me ho hecome hlgito bal 1goie. s I âet wsawggcy hi lm imeoifAt least 1 am net a profil- A IonCer stop aaas malle ai a rude mta.î5 lu 1.evs ullgcy Teom ONIT MAT CO1CE:-BO l gate. lien, atdMorris cauesemr 1telIta great vIfe of '<titiGeordit" t6«Wgua I bovu lat the allegations reariing *Pa"rudon me," rattiueil th.young tragesly ihut la enbacil ini. uclotteat ~a od ilofriands àntitriact te librett tIaiaUitte sail4efotu Baaie * EL _q% wTI~ & oman, tearng the beaiut frouta srose--c vliain te .gadeal bome boa ae P nti. Mors ouaa 'wIIlV1m?~~a7emPieY. are talas. Be perfornmace wvhmaie Uie senitiveeiiffareut th.eneli@dâ! It vas tae ydeut fria.cle utu &0 t~imeahappy aid enaentaii, L ' Morla vince-"! ithiak ycu ara prodigale umra, but the iloor of a cabin bad ia.uawitlablaina to'e ue ODiO.U i wMM au uae vIlever for ny fugoesdassia iha po poW h e w A disseteeaction. The ie agîntuof uI1cati attentiona te the tat liat I amnprepare te 1 Illa tiseecuIt nfluence, sat laliisenrpai ouewh uaiOi p>uuiTemsoe bi is ci inosl nobel oncious of erect vith dîspatit 8, 10 anti 12 tact gatithinga wouiiisYou vaste by lavishing Iroan ose e bnd tirustueiout loto the their familles. siiudter kuav 110 beJrmoUta a pedotatily ou yourelf. Hov viii you accouel for morng, folowedytitre wo eaplng clii. -of a filing roof. Se Morris,.yw" ours Jer gatRocm)»,rova i cago. nmw vated opportunilies, andl talentatoiteilrama. Thon a uman ro o ugghy, and ai the bluta sky &bote hlona.vut- 003WBei»»,Chlcgo.DII DINf WI UIi U~IfhI ~ luin a apkin. vh.n the dey of reckoung igoing le ambuildimag dose iay, tomS a baud th11 iengai a t aloeage lnst lIeIaumua ba thiestimosn'u u~ ug ,W 'W CVUL $ mmsn!" l lsurougit, roof, anti lurrieti bock llto va-stricken dsilen ta I10bo oei, me msy ausoribera tu Central. South- Sbe wvry haadasome, very attractive tlebIonne, tloacil by thb. von Ma t is, tb Tlagra m _. vomps .ul ,*rnLose couuly sa Aise 12, 14 un 16 eten, galrmuized afar complaion, Pover WintiEsd Mubrsra yugvmihoi niasccuda.TtanmionmtMul on t imel is vn lo Wiv .ki ~ ~ mm" l.sâloaio te ut aretaWood or Gq1ranizdSnteled 'oyers. W. guarante. 14 feat millei t0devaiop silreformber, li adtiof trliteuor. Sia h.- vontiera lover abat ho btil jusaat 5~5te anlde le hlp ielivar t1t IW uv" lm wargument as -te vbieb la or eighl hors. poverinla gootiviti,anti othor sîzes la proportion; anti villongesti teclubs mail societieà for the ad- Probcbly erery mmt ud vomman itfrosi lte areciaga. bul only ouoecê Bita lui atvtiing modtm. BmI- ct on triaIlina a orkmanlke nma-mer. I have on bandi everal 8 anti 10 horse iinceiiet 01o omen, anti vas nul offert- car resut ttc nory ariglal, but Morris askei allie. The other bad sur mb4w l mm m buw -mot J»b 4eeoftd by atvyyprogressive ln lier vievsansd the amagg liatavîo tbock af ibimots laI damp. A long poaegyri Io 4~a4smiot5 We* O~uit10 a. M~exspreasion of thoma., butacliaietsdee aivrmpped lu a luua.vworMI plaid, abat it but il insantl 110e 10 lesor. HBe, ~~bumIa..OWounMt fkPJf S iogmlliecnie il;îru cuea -enrecteti on four oft.qutols, a0 1@1tetctd paties. ' UIIL~' WVUWr. U W~S iSO - full o! tutSelpanti vine o!Ilite. andti aitiZ NWeel, on- mstoltfiacemo . liai dosaithe s tory ;tibcv - a L~~~~ot of Good New and u.aa.d bt ilatain the ucarer o! purpia analdy RIppe wucand metiaytiaeiUt ue7rch: QUE II S C RN RS.A n fie ine. The aocety wvakimg [idiensboart tmrackil i," atid i eold Sucucia-, Forbectber on Lhc sem old lsgl, plc ibe olusa oiluntoDe.or lInLias battus van. -là &U«rAlar bu oveul te Dlamond 2 d H nd D w ow r , padce tend fit lalfiétuid, it a~.vs gruasome viien Morris bustier- T. e.fitte-t gae fotn nte due. 1..Treti rovers, Stalk Cuttera, Feet i Mlla, Coin Thrct..herm, Coin Shbeileis, Rocd after tlae sasny sida of lita balIibovu ter aboodi andi Le aucîeradI ifEleunior vouilti la where :dimfor mm.» bhiyU amI tunùkey Tbankagviag, Or Caria, Wagons, Carriaigea. Farra Trucks, Bob andti Lghh ý"' Seighs, Cutters, Wlit I vouautiaytratin%. dbaup io e b o ntaglsteuts.n a tom h a l. ier beroetteuoti ou Haraiesa, etc., etc. I haie lie myseil à e ro?" asketi Morris globleas, A more dcro!ate place thon ltati n vblch iaheiti. _______ euX itb a gentie puaroizing air, s fl.Lultae'~Little Lun)utî"aln ai lcl tbok.Freeman, Appleton, .Aen spcoking te a chliti, and vlaeicl- voulti ba bard lau descrihle. 'i lae amine %§tem a. ~~~lli t o, f Waukegan, matie f urite.tMaienr. tiasIpourati vealthi ntthe coffers of lis A fire-rasistlg'pai tfoirvuiodym toettîeaboa..rn.aley. and Star "Do?" lto repeat i vila aitbaring outera vas comttlîcicd by ili-pii. soutien io 0-. elthver, bgomt sacorn, "do nylhiung t Siothle vori, mata, scrubLy boys tadt italf blinti mules. recetatly haun taste lnlu New Tot, w ' Utù ianlhoî ae ameu, atiàIbigalcapbleof 't.oret 1a lruilzi L ogseisi10pc..sesa abrrwurui r»0. - causte, a Young #on An dolag CauLtera, P9wers anti Tire»hers; anti believe IL wili bc ho your inteet c uareataad tlsacaal fI mgmasw rtiizdb ogef.Il as coamposeil et plesplactt tu drop a cari or ler tn lie mail aselarn utways ruady tu Seti cheap nianaging your own affaire! Lite le futll<course o! low wagaîi, bc'isy expetsan sdete o!f¶Isrcion, butt you haie acier learnail surjet eurrruuniug-s fivas a word auit ammtotaé anti aalpbome o!faamssultiàr on fls1en.Yt i eutevntbo ihlis ru sl mor senorl. a variable amaaiou u rbydtseua aialtg 5aao]idlaand am ly f Rive r or Inade for anything you may have atand i' vfl.IfyilNîiL 0bu ce ! l iasn. oa av ioIfet >1vailaiati Om oJolioa ettrl. o cît 'uiacbncwul1lvs hceat "' ti'a i ii Whuaitrue k r,, V Itl v cliT nreaivsad madie happy call on oy adiress, Tours Truty, eai ta ro,,îa.,le reamer. uzaticaaciuo.s.its comaosons!gar ap. '-,~~rishIa ha.". hte vas intense sud angry,asu iat :st uret ieiaa as recuirad it aliasiien d ant -onitre an. te Wood by a vacuumena, Ï14 palngIonsmiLIB EnRT Y VILetsI leur Mill bas bâti -E la. as arouamel. le rose vithoul lis i bbsphiiou. silence, beiug more tisai bai!l( rni smlrl e ektnminur___;tsi. teal dawd liug lagatace out nnaer, anti apoctedot wastittg tire brailoul of cerne tuhe ereosoling proceis by wibWutd 4blui1ek0gbuno W ONtv;iua presenred iagninst tecay. Tua. seffl~ ý ihjhAs» »On 'vwi er. burnet oLJI'.T I L c ,u. utsil; olibvraouîti loion saltneatsmosl i.uatii cmnfaueo!pl4 Voua have tau.lal me oaie le-son, Elca- out ut recoîguilioa i ! tlîf ly titis tan. atiry conutepunutuet l*I --.--~---~------nor, liant I aiali nol forget. Ilaupa viten , e.spaitst ue o1liingi, for lae fe:t a lau, , litempound, yuufinl ourlaco a vii ov yo as ml pmsvely to bliue.lic couIlld tot il e:ployin, finLatîe lauiétteti EVERfinit)-OaT, liralie rio love Jluaas Surtaassi m SV ER ETir. t~~~~~ruly as I lacve don-as 1 viii contute n10 heodqutnun te bouileri of is agent, Daetr rcftegr 4'£W" rMwd tootoits fr tantwfflk.)do, if yoti do rnot forbiti aie. Anal now for le a uuneyer asîcta sintgiaqleaueton tillu salt s a i l R i b o u 0 f o b l a g o t s i m i i x ag o o t . y . W . p a r t f r i t d s d o i v e n e t Y ' c o c r n i n g - lh e m i n , osbe m r i u ra t v aa l o c a n e t n no ow.Pirfotesta aasvred gitni Eleanor rosa, Iplayalcal vel!ae o!the ments. ebâdlati aan ltv atdinlaus o ing droppeci th. libyers ite! uakeau île reveueOfrona it as part of isune o!treati andteU of o ~,' ~MYtall1a ton the lci tua as lhitdboeau holdlig. .Morrmi aprang te pick î 1tilaî'mouy, iuditret te 0metiétla s olieua tlraace l~ *apOeoege Tore. bem up, ahcna istantlysilte placeit lier hai l;en h.lltng le grintil aman mend watsforaneilul e iRd"ui r ,-jialia Pte=net St Louis leatiere -@maai, lampratlre foot. upon titamecnsb- I iluJeicai bthe dt, gaIliae anlgbt b toi lt.1b aud o69ftstla pa ViwJlblg rhlatives mnii friendls. O Fiu lg tiete do0aieIor. liel. oL. eî itir luliixtiry. tBis aoaaucence mung hlm ita ulIgIa atocoa thoceitianti voundati. raprotacîteà vici ver. hanmete 10mika tria, ýtbalno Windtovs. ,'fias Tbol lt >71, th g s ,01brroh h'95 NewM.édel 'You mso bo tpeess Il la Ilant you lIfna uffer as ileervéit. floots were pine boords a malci b5fl~is5tT, tse gesi f hanbroter îfî8~ ew ~aboutit ea runderslatai ta," sibe Saiibit- ' Your band, trienti,"liablboutsali ho the anti gor josté. Thesihs ..êaySewing Machine, ladly. *,You baie more comsieraLion for toreast, aui notai tbe ugly -cori, anti soothern plue, sb an&ti &~ao4mn b 10 ne 0 Bog- warranted for Ton - tese> ttaon for Lb. sous]* of dteiined i ar of refusai t ih bc helbcovertî ti Lmutllng, W 9iSBsSè !IiBnacnuve ! .~ loào &round yoîa.Yeu hurt ced vouati murs tim back. th. buiilintgs,was t'lO l -*,Lh P 516 Isghig e ~ t lie years '>~~ me y yor Intîffeance10 vial qestios, "I'a-at-asalli as -ur-,uni hv it roslliegcouaptini Sta

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