CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Dec 1895, p. 5

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a.COJNC1 L PROCEEDIN S. - LovetlibsrugStore Regular Meeting of Village Board. - ~iuMa-TO a AND fiTO mP. M. LiCBTYVtlILF., ILýL., Der. 2nd, '195. au, I3Board iiet li' regnlar msnatn, w iti ,.lbnyile, - Illinois. I lreaaide-at Aven il te cair. Preseni ____________________________!_Apîiley'. (7ua11)yHeath intaiOsborne ~-,jOfee at Residence on Broad- . Osbtorne the minautes lac accepted an itt Way, opposite Public Park. iaaoptelasreidauaiconntrcteai. Carrieti ! iniance cotititteaî sal)liithe(tita XOVJft-i tu io a. m. 2 tut an ad ai t A tp.m. 'fliaîting blls and nacanaîaaleale theil Libertyeille. Illinois. paatyrnatit, Dan llc('tirniîk, $37.41; M 1.oly&Coi. $15.9'2; Johniai;. Let- r I0;lery Boyteia. $l.80;, M. H Dr. E. H. SMITH, î t8itf,$'4.O nii plytn :Osborne, the buis lie ailowed ana DENTIST- -Warrants faîr the severait mouitllatb ÇfftceoverLoveii's DrugStore arawn tan the Treattuner, tram theil ........... respeoelve ftnds. Carrical. u'bairma tif the FinîanîceCo(ammittee repîorted a., IK OURlStilatu 12 a. mi. and 1atu S P. m. IIAILY. havlng («ollectedl the arnoiinloftJ. W. Libertyville, Illi~nois. Ackarman's bond tnîîm Mr. Dyntont ________________________________ siuadltirnaeai ti-r t<a the Village Ta'eas- airer $italIhe Villages agnoaiat, and a Dr. G. W. ALVERSON. rfna-iîieaitn the bausiness mein and a -'Physcianand urgen. otbürs al Iol tun in ifiil that liai O hysic ianHOU S u g e n . l~iera îalain orElectnia' Light. 7 tit tîaila'k Motioni Appley andl('011)Y w-aadjataru. DJiases ai Women andalldreat E. L. i)tBais, Vilage-tuk a specclaly. LARE ZURICH, ILLINOIS. Family Reunion. jProally te Moast îilcaal taffair la * PAUL MAC GUFFIN » t-e aay ot Thanksglving gathaunitaga Att' ~ ~ iewa tht- fiiiiily reulionti aIeIbue mcof Atorney and Councéllor at Law, Mn. anal 3Mr. J. S. Shemman, lu She.rne-r- NOTARY PUBLIC. ville. For the flst tiaae lit ec ttncnty years the entire faaily gather- B"- Syat'atatention aiteu Ci Ct ,n dlcd together. Thoasepliaent 'a-eells. e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J C.tayutii.--------------- Adamis, of Deerlielai, S. B. Office wlth Lake Counhy Bank. Shermain, tf Neiinaxka. anal stanaof, I~~4~lI'a, . ('licago, C'. Il. Sherniata andl wfe ait LieryileI lnos 1ti i-aty. Mns. E. J. Hlglcy andaisai of Ralph i HRutssell and C- E. shenituaîad'site, ~arbys arber s of (.naysiakc. lin. fS. H. Sheraen ailI -tlh arnow 'twarberi-na-niaine hera' stiae teeks tisiting HAH&SONS }L'IINITURE STORE, in N-lînaikia. Wha-nt toun tialWay.a g'-t our Staavlng. Hatr Cutting and Dreslg- Many Factories Represented. -1 la hie iti8Styla'oftatlie- IEvenybiaaati lit admiit tha %liatheu a TOmsoniAL AnTisT. ia-c ittsxkexcels liit anicly, Glue niaîtal. 1 will le i îî. oî. Iaity anti lîice heis a leadecr. Frai~ lph Darby, - Libertyvile, 111. jpratine has tovciaiccn tacivlia n ________________________________style anti manuftacture and bis lanceh MIS M ALCEDAVS. arne %wnticntn]ly low. Amnoag the MISdSajM.o!ALaICE AVIS. lînanals nejncse .nlatdinibis stock are~ *f Mule of m - (an oasernaifory iatie it Ganlitl, RealCraaas. Chicago of Mtt&ir.Erie, Chicago Homle ant i Michigat I.'-11UCHER 0F- staîtaiConipanies. He aan î-rtainly - oe V CECULTrURiE ANSHARM 1Vatitify yonr waninttan aytling front a Liberyvile. llînos. '$2o ranage imially solal for $35) aiown Librtyill. Ilinis. t<î the suaialla-st article cveri- ustai for oretia tncookiaag iurptsa-s. Vaut 't f MISLULU M. S. PENNIMAN. Ibsouiltd tnt til t4) se-t- ini as lac i, TiEUOp- ALeader.' - VOCAL ANS A LSO: SAT National Cycle Exhibition. INSTuNErAL YSTEM 0F Ta-NiiailcceEhllfa vl *. ..nuage..... ....£LOCUTION - l'fihle at ionalCcleaExhiait.4tao ili, -x ie(inCiaoJa.4t XE5TBTODO. NORT UEEAtO)NABI.E ItiiES. Mt Tatlersalls l6tb tandt State Stat. Il Libertyville. Illnois. tiliii t t aaly lia'un txilibitiait ai -Iicvcla-s ant icle a alpliatict5. tn tht-ne wiIl lit- givent ent'ntaiutuents lîy - W. H. APPLEY, tht- leaaing bilae aridens of the wbiole counrty, togetha-r w11h ollien attrac- * * AUCTIONEE .. titans iliclîîaing nuait', etc. Thîe C.« M. A st. P. B. Il. wilI adel xa-tasion Libertyville, Illinois. - it-kats tan the- certificat-lan fo tai Iis Ravlng b.d maaeh expeieuce il u Ac.cain 11161efriug In the ponit seveuteen yeans, Clergy Permit.- 1 ama prefered te attend saes lu any Tlie' Iesteru Paniscugera Associationi Psir 01aiof ke anud adJOilnzCOluties have atiopteda i tnfoinnagreeuat I ly ii;voey Low Rates. satlaactlon Guai?- w-îîicli persons entitied. ta saie, cati *Rtfuld Give mie a Cau. tan ane application catîne a clcrgy pemtentitling them te1 the clerg3- prîvileges on aIl the railroatIs party 10 LAKE >- .>qthe agreemenit. For taînther partirai- ] aina appfiiyi îîneaincat ntilroaiai .UuN T Y ag-nI. - BANK ... Wright, Parkhurst & Co. Libertyville, Illinoi-s. -a)-- Issues lnterest-Bearing Certificates Payable on Demand. (and of onre you do ait-Ca) Winter Blankets, Fur Lap Robes, Heavy Fur Coats Or anytitlng lai ah- liai,'ofaiharii-.', h«" or ight, yok i iitiottai to »e. the "ae..lack tuiila>. di t CHARLES KAISER. Hemisodoeanatpaliingig îîaativ, îrumptly antd saabatantially. Ear iiî"a- -ar-a iet F When yon w.aat a it-w s-t Of Hatimesa. tan reaîiart tat thie alal set, ytaîaeau Iti hit lietter tlîîn call tat PIUDOLPH KRUSHA, ',I-ompt attention giveui toa tl kinia fC , ork. Gooti wonk anal 1oN 1Wes are liounal laiii. *yuxvat hantilh, IttlO nt ntvelopes, Mjouvaut coloreai 'ork, 1li anat businesm cards, j$ leu want uct bit beauls, Xi you vînt tasty letter headat, UJP vnt nice vlsiting carda, - 'ouwant veddiniunvitationsi, jiviut any kinal of job work, jr~e otr orders at the IaE',L &C',~, Libertyvilie, anal have theuz plIlu the shorteat lime possible., ýt'oxrIentaI Turkeýy bas been roass- genough; baste IL. meatual and estimateal sVIng -qtuduring the last fiscal 7. The savlng resufted - pugovertime and us> Presbytertan Church. sernt ates at t:30 t. ni. aitid 7 p. tai. liaa-iiiig 'ilhjectl -'Tht- Set-rttoat atti. Evt a-îing sa'ijectt-.Tlie Stiin- attZa-auIieit: aiD. BFUt Ir-, Milisa'r. List of Unclalmed Letters. stilli.- lt -tt-lata a. lia-a i.- M.antat. ri. Mlaktt PaWri-. Fný-1 ai 4nîiba Ariliin A. Wtlitita. t. S iat i. 1'--t at Resolutlons. iVauta-gat. li Iliaa t. lîr a - tai~anI.itt ilîtti li a-tir_ -"- ".r -arlal a- ' 'ta-- 1 i - -ira.....a! air E--itai-rratl i- ft-t aiu u l l - of luilt, nai: liait at ta-rita -\l.- at -1l r ata iii li titi- iiý-ý CTi r tt ii lliiitii ar- gtattItatri-ti. -ti lt a atai - -atata litait- tIrs aLtEit: Thaalt htarua- ataa-- --a h-rat--a aitaaalaat-in-alin Iis tain -aattttaa latr-ata u'ta î laîaEni: TVit raaaa -4thti-- r- saaIu- titI-I ias.'ta 11a -1ttti lit iiiala-a att Iisa att-etatnd tar it.t ai.-pyaîbL s-ait 1tii-h lttini a a .M. M AutvNa-..'-na-tary. A.P. TeLa 1The Amercan Protective Tariff League ia a national organization advocating --Protection to American Labor and Industry " as explined by its constitu- ton, as foiiows The object of thais Leaguet hal b. toic Anuracon Wiba-, by a tatiff on impor-..-whiît hl md.uaal atot..Ameianin adetiai rducte agit h omp.titon of foa'ign ishor.' There are no personai or private profits i connection i wth the organtiza- tionand itissustained by memb.aiiips, contributions and the distributioni of it publications. They have the scarlal lever lit S. S. Wili Le(,la' taanvata'sa-ig frotaa Wheelers. ~f tVpJiold i*~r A fille hue of Furt a atlii-ca laLBttrtiwjt *- th foi $10 and nit. cat.vT- remay nttl) ta %t Siliîsiril>e for alt ya t r ai iutg ttj V i ar-t aItjtalt t lthe I.,tIiP~PEtDENT ageW at . aeklitre ri-ttail rSrttic 'iltt a ts a nd se ilaae tluo»e tilintrta'al lits fr- r r"1 $1 .2àaat *11--. H. S. ,.ir laî'ak, ait t rot- ttt ta-l m*I.lait-aasa d. Sec Budolpb Krusha-a liiuntl8a l>fotr theti exititl ltttN.iY. l'Iaitdi e f acts in relaîtions ta hi' -Ia'iats.)ii r. Lookont for a fine d 'ttN otf latali M"s. Sat lit i- rttt-ttiiaîîtig ha r daa -e gatods ait Min. Prutiaeiti.-N te*I(la ta-r, Mrs.lI)ii la-t ao ia go. tata a . L1BE111 £.L1LE . ' ...... gr-itan iaIaglit-r SIrs. lairlaaItîilk [i ('iritîa-aias gonaliat mi,.îî ,. nia .î Jtrs-Y(City'. u )tit*îaR]aty, tofib-r.aa i bc Nraa. Prattinae w-ill reucaiilo tttra- lli i -a"Ilais lparnts lia-re ttaa laj-,N'al% r tity gondh next itcck, à ..iiil]a( t iti ice ich. ,andî ai l sIita ta ti t as %. See thotae fille Futr (at rat ai. Ili. F. ]3. Laîvel ild aiti iîily tîa ad aiscrs'. Thcy cen't ipt- at-at truaaa $p) visit frotai ufaîtlair ao ibaaaatial tî- p. 'oîî îeealne. <talrga, 111. Titeyt vnainnfor lnaî rd Onie grettConsolatin,i, es .a- j%'*giillg aaaaalrenitiait-tilta wetk. ji Kntîw wjll enrîcb the eartaatl uttiNN4t Mrat. Boailter, oft (lia-agat. ad shull have ibig cropàà ncxt yata. astablilslît-tia i dra-4?3întakîîîg Iliilio-s Tliere 's-ill bc a big dispîta 'V ti Hloli- jaa)aî-ttaaaitlî Saîtill. &Swvift, an Clay Gonalt at the Liberlyt iii- traîg iierY stotre. Site lias tîîkeaftue store. Wateha for Mr. Laîvil mnadi. tIext ratanis filficta'retîr oat ltstoar.. wek.Wtalter E. Dari> ajiiiJ. Bîirni'a Maka- gaooaltise otftfhac .,i-agiiig pet-tt staît saii for talw ta rinar aeIh %v hile il laîsts. It nîytam taY atît nul Tht-'yv Nil] got iy rail tatXlîiti in aifliec an opaen wiîter ai-r tht' after daiig the exposaitaitai w iii lima gh oiidavs§. titi l iîda an ake- a lttai' ai of Gotei)3irt. Il. SK luriauti's f-It i; it]g- aaataiera sîtatea tan tua-jrt lai iaca-tiat.alies. gluoves, înittt-ils. rfij-tujraaing lifter the rouais aii w at erithtors anid <aber çarticles Iotairrr-rîsgel satîle inliathe- sprng. ta- a îa(qietlli. lin ta iti M s. W. H. 1) vaîiii aI. 1 E iTe INIîEi'ES tIrNT il-a ltti-lai/a i I1f;2:1 Fualton St., Chiceagat. ta-ilara af iga-nItfor cvcry peritîdical plîiaîi tlieir 201h aiannjiversany Tlainsf4ýty et ,,in the world. It wil pay YaIltîî t a-l itig, Nov'. -2M. - Clama pra-svitta ter A on lit, lisa tiCcala itaie you mti- . alaaraîdantce. Progreasiv- - ece CI Or(erm taen for\ina8 resent Il%- tII rtir (tfthe eveiîiiag.(tilet JInMs. Proliate. Anayt laiig tulot lit ii t Ii itIl-i a «stock, I t'iii getloirnyou tai -,rtgetmn le ilotice.ilts -iI t. Htlitia haa ia i Gaita ira. Ii. . Iîtnbuî t 'ra; xlacri-at-a- is a ita lier kiiaaw .s itî 1k ttat ial ig siik, .J îaa la a-.-- til1-t ti ttttlaactical syitipatha lfor thlia- 1i a-i a ton. No v. :34, *95 làei-Ie t~iNta aitla-r Vaaitv aik ua taatia.. Il il aIvter trttaiihitiaiia'nlusiaîg $.iaar ta la a e stilal ebeaap fr a¶isla. at-are ta.t a-titithe TItiEPENtiENT ila Thera- '%ililie a conaîty ctia"î"Ia-tita>11iadîress lt Corinnte Utah, il lient lé' f the 1. 0. (S. T.. naxt Taaaiadaala'ILttlta-rinat ~ atrguat almra-r' t M. E. churclidlagît-afrataît taIlt, tatl",tus i myraaiu Itîtges ill tic liresetit ai taat t I ii -st axaaaai asanditigro ivatntii ltiage organizeal. Tht-re is no u aestion tuait thteIx The Stafford Itickia }at-tttis i' iPENDENT im eqnai tg) the bet aia cinscal alotu foar thfile aasilia'tir119 vr pliulhaidlinLake C'otiuty, lia yliandîcailabut t17,000aIlaîî-laelaa ioft-k II.taiiilita greatly limpniel ainai aairpl Tis iîa a-ansidcredaal a iinv iattat tii canpetito-s when 'te get otir xi * ttiness. t-yliiiten press located inlu ar newtol )rltla salal thiat an etastvin is A Il ait-W type anad a mode-rn eqîaipau il1taiaiaturing a talle-t lu streaglit-ltif tii-- hett material will etialle ai ifie uiemory. We 'aîtld lilke abtolit a tîlrta uaîthefinest Job Printittg -arioad i)aiistrilite anaong linrtre-stale Jînica's. Stick to u ii tieliniqient snuîa.rlbena,. i-i"ND:ST rand yaan tt111 ta ga(t. The biEEIiN as athra-c tuit, s Thiî ieaue-st moni on cantla l a it Ilas mnay suliriliers ii Central, Sa atîl lia ja iti iaciate. He totlluhs soai iwestern aaidWestern Lake CnuaIt N ts ljaw Itaie-hialf interest in a cow; iîtdtil1 ai&l etînîpetitons comneil oanthaît lt- r-tas teiaidivale th, nilk. Inauaîta > if naaatua tain argaument as tai'sitis îa-tg lititlie stalal ntly the fromnt l Lttheht' lt advertiaîug imedim*I.>BIls I- Tut'lav1tiîver m-as ais reainireal to prov yies min shaîtltI nat la edeel a Jy taa-a taats nd ncouipelled 1t a t aise st-ateintts. Wc tire lireparcailai toal'i- to lher thnee limes a day. prit- eOur dam aal tt ii 'show aur li-'t t--nitl-the- aow hoîk-athe oui an 10 inlerebted piarties. andlle is 'lnuîag huitsaîaa-in-law for ait _______-ta.lige's. The son-in-lat' avers that If 1 -s Holiday Excursions, iti al na wila the case he will lantime 'The- Wisco.nsjin Central linoses li]--il 1 att-h kiltl iii huItof0flie cnw.-Exa. excuirsiaon tickets ta> local stilun w ti in a distance ai 200 illes at rate of Uone Tht' FnInia Bilaton vs the La ranad One-Third taire for rond trip. t' aînîly Agricidînrai Society l yTickets tai tic slal Dec. 24, 2,5 anti :31. suit watt trical in the circuit Con IandaJau. 1, with final return lumit taIl at Waîtkegaa thia wcck lietore a ja yanti incltîding Jan. 2, 18916. ait siatne-n. Thoate 'ho heara it yaeviaieaac, say there was noi protîf 0 The C. Ml. & lit. P. lty. wisel H i }tai aaage, but it Was nule of thosle Ca i-day excursion tickets ta points 'siltii a-bit-h thae lawyens haîtene t hairosIl I200 miles. ai One andi One-Third fatre i- ntteî the puîblic aand their clients fur the rouind trip. Tickets wll4tac tlhey (aaîîget. Ba ia ya tl stait Dec. 24, 25 anal 31, '95, anal Jan. 1. tut- jury tlttardeiclie plantitff$2004. 95. Gaitia for rettarti till Jaaî. 2, 'Ut;. attalt ta thle'vasae,ttc belitte it uit jus-,la~ tc indthilIe aaciety WIIIilal If Our Prerniurns. tutilea iii tikiiag at appîcai. Y Tll-INDPENENTi> Miion tht, l- The hîta Kliix', att95 argtîtizedala sliatcrihera abtîniai have the advantagv - j ay il ) te ýiy att etery gnoouthiîîg going. Wltat ii t tt iýaat-s the ie pte flcwat enti in vlett ttchave arrtiugctiwith ttatti. fpa.tiî at t the ptiin tiaig Hiite:rntaii Publshig Co, fluig- T it-r ta ist netv tipairtine. lilOifor a snîiîly ot yearly si banla hodd i arnh -sari)tins ta tha-ir twn gt'eat niaînthla' aijî -tsrarie i iarns -FataaaNewandt aaall1oaitk-iî, t-hiclt tîatliatag is pnamised ftaither tîttai t] -at-iil liti jîeneateatifreet- li -terv'- aiiil ttiii keba-at t aabta clatta ve i nt iiiiatraiCc satîs-niianla ita tir- atnaIiînîllitthfiaiti ti slI îraata-tt' rn Nvaie« usrie othe N wEaî,(,Ik antid csaaattrt-fa intutus PEDET FatnNwrigitt. trattiganadaI -iliape i a-' îaa-rtaewt.iaa lit a111) tolais irot-si Fonthe Farmer and Hia Family. Fat)iaraIwa--t a ita i-tiiaa-trs - ta- Ti inauthl hiais gaîiaîe ails na-îautaat-a ga. t Raa saîîeay oaî Lil ana-nuli s il joutrnal ifor thea- i'aticial faineur. Il itua 8ta a 'The l iarîg lteatllas ttini tIl x%14,-11 lreaca oits laeatiî'îs starlt artja-tis as ti-t'oe t tlit tesiiia riti tla tm- u ai ti III liefa lrat-tia-al asite taittatlllîran-aiin utlite an eilaatte jrtgrai fil tiacîiaily tiaak taladt, a-narai. Etai'v tain i t'laistniaisexent-ise la li- gitcii 1 eai nt ofî athfarIîni l' i rem -t- l it the Gîinîty lleurm, histmias (iat-larti. fiteldandîigaîaien; bii rai n- taiiaIi-lai thle gent-nai j ao- ttll amy and ithe jîarîtar-Iit sl (eatn.-al- Ia lavaittes ni-en alotan t-aatanrv. tht- plieruor licthtainnier and ai fltiîa t- t lia-yv toiati tî- tlti ttthe a-buIndea- a iid il' tY. lalar Ilit- tlle w h ta îtlidaitIlteblei Womankind. -ahatilil late a siatre. lîeslaas gitiaîg For Woman and Home, thieit ai naiaiai litenty n'ytttentaiuii Wa aaîaiaiakîa( àltalîî-ns titli ithe e. af ilteti lii ngiagt-ai liaiit.ltc tai lte g ao. all tai l petalleu-: i aîtansa-t-ire fin tht-tii pleisaitt ladi tiaul aini to tl1i %ih aucl ilgi stor' ias -îaîse-nta. Aetaiiiiaiittietý,%oiltiit'î clete un itenas, itterestiatg sketche-s. tt iItfttiti a a epeatatI ieuutîiu blta ad suîggestionîs taatot -t- *ilfi tiei-ythei linlritîtt woniaiaau iitfford a) laieite t iît ih. elietevýillegic o( Senusible Ivaar, lha)tlte(erlt, iTniglat Dm. .1.H. lTrai la tttile daatta ramn Haiest, Woînanais lrogress, ('bilai Lite, Hi)llttiila'llt, W'la., ta t tstiti- for lte Wonie-n af the Day, eta',, aine tateuta(at Lake-('at. Agri Society in thte Biliaon ils iîîterestiug adepartuuetut. Il ti caa- Ht' aimiveai Moaalay tnad retaîru- sensible andalpactical in il lilg-t; edTaiiitrs(aty. Wc hoair tuait daring "Able, Bright aiud Clean is ilt nlta, a'taa - lacwatt tangeal ly tnienia tai anid Iliats the relaia ilta att httiiiltr nao% e lack lai LiIaertyvilltî anal gavat-a anaaang tvanieî. partiail îpromuise-s ta thaît eflect. Ho Sample Copies Free. has gataîi lract iacanal drng buîsiness ai t tu acetîtint of thte.atîtlieuacta thic]i his prasent lovatitîn about taîty nmiles the- INDEPENDENT h11114heeît liait, theite nortlatvtst tof Fmieprt, butI Ilera w-as ialers eaulonly btietnat to suabscniiiemfiaa a(roai tailaure iu thait regionuwhich tahu pay up Ihein sutirciptions aine pronmises hlaraiIUies for the next year yvatr in advancc. TiIs ailer il;nmalleetu or tîtoa. Dr. Travis madie miny tiands olal sudi new' unhacibers alike. Dao not dnniug lisiitnef resiaeiece here and tail ta, take tidvaiitage oif il. Tell youîr w0on11 be 'avt-icna-iiack as a paîîaîlam tniends about 1, so that tbey M'.ay physiciai. secuare, lu addition to the bet t oeal The inost liportant aanîaal ovent in pape? il, the siate, a YeaiaSuus'iptiou Libertyville, la lte ever nocuring to a grata jouarnal of national circula- Lake Couuty Faim and the greatest tion. attraction at the Sept. '95 meeting was - - - - - -- - the presence aiflthe V. . s tldiers andl 1 2 ehoitie Iinter their exhibition drill andainl tl riow er Bloomlng Bulia given befone the uargest dintevr olows: i Dutchx Uja. 5o pegtited on 1h. grouinds. People Bulbs,'coulth; 3Tulia, aesrtem twenty miles around. sud Bulb olttti 3 Tlipe asortel eaihome vel pleauealvith ltae F ret L VUOUS OOlr 2:NVOuM418 lq heslir ,fl e hm *niffl mon; a sgma th~~~-ii oflor ad1 naioMn-. The y Ibdover froun Pt Sherdiaxa, their emü equipffe vaa tranuportelby > aus sud the goveament 1,hwd-4b<r reglWr Iagda$s, go aNd vent vihot ns Jt~wostmu 1 an wants but iftt& Nor wants that littie 1 O)lîier oldsithgi îIl ,hpQjet', born 17ô28 ' This may do for England and the1 century, but not for this cou ntry and', l9th century. Man wants ail -ho get, wants it often, ail the while, ao 1 as he can get it, and is surest to f ird t The General -Store These are bargains in each of our departments ............ DRY GOODS 36 inch I)ress Flannels ................... e 12 inch Dress Flaxuiels .....................*40e 46 inch îSerges....................... and 700 3.6 inch lexriettas.................. 25c toi. 10 GROCERI ES A full lune at lowest prices, SHOES In ail the poptîlar styles. warni lined Shoes a Spee- ialty, also a large uine of Men's slippers for the HoI. day traile, 75e a pair. CLOTHING Storm Ulsters $7.50Oto $12.50. ýrry Re- Our Holiday Goods wilI soon be in. Don.-' ian. buy until you seethem. the11 a*' M.B..COLBY&O. of Holiday GAoods.. 1 have just received the f irst install- ment of my elegant line of Holiday Goods, consisting of Watches, Sil- verware, etc., and will soon have another large invoice of the same. If yor intend making any presents a in this line you should flot fail to look over my stock. It can't be beat. C. R. Sherman. rGOT LOVELL'S DRUG STORE FOR SDrugs, Medicines, Chemicals7t' 44 PERFUMERY, SOAPS, COMBS, 14Bnislies, Tusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Fancy Mnd '<Toilet Articles, Books and Stahionery, Dye Stuifs, Glass, Putyy, $ PAINTS,9 OILS, VARNISHES. PATENT MEDICINES.a Family Medicines anîd Pliysicians' Prf scriptions carefufly Compoulided at al lurs. L d Carefully Selected. Only the Be - MAX LEBE MANUFACTUAKA 0F FINE'HAVAN& WHOLitM* AND RCTJL. .....i r ..s»

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