CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Dec 1895, p. 7

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Sarsaparilla mes 1 as. g~ Obtusp Ptstint in Puget Sound. A neOw resourceùlis licen dlscovered ,-and a new Industry starteti ia flac Pu- w« sound region. Wlîtle the catctîtng matrketing of stîrlaupa lias been a :ý,ml4ierabie lndustry lu f lic waters ý - bt San Francisco for nearly a score of -YearsIl; waas always tliougbt that obtimp didi fot exlst ln Puget Sound. tZ4*I, bovever, they bavre been founti 1. l lrge numbers, and fa com. ,BUy ha. been forrned fa catch l2iem MW aip tbem to Eastern markets. Thie amaad abrimpe are @nid to be flner than MWy yet founti on fthe Pacifie coast. 'OUvery base occupation makes one $*Arp lulifs practIce, and dull iu ever>' eg,4rP. Sidney. MTM.TLFACES. RICHE»D MCÂBEWORN, Ma WVobeu 1 ay Âmerim eaaWen. CUI=AL 1" OrsL DI Thé, It-tais tfae" l LAMMlCan vomea, aud I! gktua signal et dl &Il il thae trou w ache ever bod - that tef viter andtj dueli wher fien, ci anti c- nate, andl Ar Pinki of wi dise ýýLqsclAg an abgolute 1 LEWaimpler, of ~e Woiere Pen c styar, wrtes àholes Mrs. wka Ill continue eherarne, ath. obeatio n ns-Pa- on e theicaccouait et o' own wonderf ui cure ni rellef trom years et UM r'bas been the Baaam et lnfuenctng im7 suDeérng women 1*7 Lydia E. Pink- mn Compoami Ï[L like hersaIt, lire.V mî lubtly, tee, that ln i Vag a Cmet goond. *Oreatest Media et the Ag KENNED 'eDIOAL DISC ,WUI KEUEY, OF Mf Idlscoveedin one ci bi' es a remedy th~ Iof Humer, from the, unto acommon Pimple. liehas tried lU n overi * a neyer faited cxce trader hurnor). He MemâOU over two hundi b.value, ail wthia tw On. Send postal car( tla alwýavs exi andaperfec e rîght quat AU u p are affi ýMaiwaysdlsappc it. adthe Stômwsch 19 foui or b9hfeelings lat of dit ever ne 0Isn Cet, and nPepoful.ln jy il Drugg U TI 'y u*.1ss&] ae worn by man>' se a aymptom ot Istress. Vhile wonen do in thelr power to i thoîr condition, practîseti evo ou detects the hbeu pains anl es arc feul i ry part etfte ly, ithen tai- t, iuznes, snd Lbearing-down ýeing prevail, in los a i lecp appeite are re- Ing flestidailv' n te sodb-t of ide l rksoute, ite hopeles les" prtdorni- ,then te face ictiet, laggard, carouorn , asot îpt relief bhner- r, or a beanîl- ffe itili hc sac-i- c Anean wo- n. l.ydia E. Jiai, a stndeut amen ant iliteir ases. Luenty 3agro succeeedeti cure for ail dis- iE. P'inkizatjs nds to-day as i Bambe, Wis., aihtedt tapub- REPRTS QOF CHIEFS. ipanesla evde mnd ecom-u aaefded for one officer'. eontrcl. Increute trom 80 o 2,000 yards ln effectivonmmg SEORETARIES REVIEW WORK of amalI arma i- tiated 'Thea battallon ANO AKE UGGSTIO S. rganization o e t mialltin fle commeail. ANDMAK SU GESION. d. l'or the cortemplatel itrease ln force $4,200,000 wril b. required annuai- Herbert Wae More Bat île Shîpe end 1>', Ovrv5,000,000 rediicticci (J expeue Torpdo oul-Eckla ell AU for regutar force. per year, tics been~ef- Torpeo Botac Eckel Tou Ailfected>j Ltlansaidth ie staff fcrci' off offi- About Baaku-Lanîont Tu Pieabed cers la too great, aicari>' ontte-i-l of the wththSe Condition of the Arm>. $5,069,570 of salaries going bu tîcie Claus. Thte preitent clîiîfs of bureacs a inte Affaire ot a Nation, staff organization of te araîcytire liro- The total number of nuationaîl baraks or- notanei capable and effici-nt min, la ganizet i alce Julie -Ci, 18;1,litaîs een evcr ccay wiortit>' ethte a cîrausibie 5,023. Ttiere wer-e icîirahioai plaies the.>' oecîpy andti nabus ina lie ou Oct. 31 8,715, iitit an aaitorjzed fiiaful performnice of- duty. Bict a capital stock off 041695 represeut- Plan to matsure retir-eaeut lifte-r-rn ternu et ed by 285,190 qhareitolders; avecrage numn- yen"s, anid promotion of next iii rank, la ber of stiares, 2136; aliarcitolders, 77 ret'omtucaîdod. Thte relations between Te total amoaina tif their irculation eut- regattar army> anal State uilitia am~ mont standing was $213,887,1ffl, of Nihc gratifying. At neail, ovêr 100O,01>0) volcn-ý amount $190.180,b431 uns securet b>' teerq, equipped for active tiuty in the Unitedi States bonds, aud $23,7041,6W )b>' lighcîî sense, could bce llacet inlu i,,fId1 lawfui mule>' deposited with the 'freao- witliia fort>' elgit houri. Coîcoider-aite tirer af tlie [nited t anies.aitre is illi'd b>' the Secretarn l ccansiti- Dtîriiig thte report >ear forty-three eing the question@ off seaicoasi îtefe-ases, ta nks were orzanizeti, lîîcatod lu twent>' dynaminte gallo, etc., and river and al bsr-r dîfforent Sîates, wth au aggregate Cap- iMProvements and numerous olter sali- Itai stock of $4,81JaJljOtf thesa' uec ts are censitiereti. banks twenty-eiglît, with a apita lewokSCEAYHM BM' EI of $2,530,00, are ini te brtera anti nerthwostern section of the counitry, and Iwo More flaffleeblps end 'lwelvc fitteen, ulîli a Capital stock agregati ig Torpado Bloua tecomnended. 82,56,OW, lu the soulht anti soathîvest. Seretary Herbent, la bissoanuai reý Tha nujaber of batiks erganized duriug port, shows thte progresa matie dnring te the year was less titan 3() per cent, ut the yecr lunte construction off <jorernutelit yoarl aveage.Cruisers, aud speaka lu igli praise etfatte There was a net lacresse during f te torkmanghip ou the uew Davy. Hoe alko year off $10,779,597 lu tbe antount of cdr- outlines the wark nuder coatract, sud Culation aî'cured b>' bonids sud a gros& Baya; lucrease off $6,322,U40 la th(. total circula- 'Atn Inspection et the relative strongth tion. of nr-les ull farniait, iL la bellevet"ei, 0f te 3,715 banka lnarative operatlon, the argument nlow needt for fte caa- 2901, witli a capital stock î,f $3i75-tînuation of the building program here- 811, are il, flue nortiteru sud nortiteasi- tof,îre indicateti b> the action of Congress. cru haîf off tite country', aud 814, u'itb a W1e are net lunuatoff ordiluar>' Iluar. capital stock off 12 in890.l the Southt moreti iruisers or of;îînbotabu cr' ant sotli es. Tereare2,111 atinallamentall deficeat lu torpedoboats, aind batiks loeti densatoffthie issiissippi v' certaial>' ieeti more iattleships. Aia 79iverd , iîh aie1it o-khet ,52,111. gPection off Lbe building programa ot 792, nti ,1>4westoff i Mlsisâippl, otiter nations witl demouafrate fliat te with a capitl stock etf sr,o;I,l. tessons talight i Yalu anal Wei Wei Tite number off batiks leaî-îng thee sys- have tended ta coufirm the bellot of nvail tcm b>' reason efthte expirnautioffo their experts titrougliout the wrorldithe t effi- corporate existence wnsi foir. Dîiringte cary oft tiese two classes Off vesseIs. CALLING HlM OFF. -s-a, V Unele San-Hi, ttere Gel out oet tuit: Youre getiug altogetliter hoo acar My bck alk ChiCccago Tribune. >'eAr *'aiuug Oct. 31, 1S-d;. thue oqc->rate -l resprcfuily recommendth ie('Oui existence oft tueatyeigitt alcrîas iii ex- srvaac-iîcn of tvo hritleshi1ca and ti ea Iaf pire. lu the sitcea'ding leua years, from tiroir-e tonîcodoboals. 'Te gratifyiasg z î18193 te 1) theficcorpor-ata'existeniceofutpnigressln a de 1,>'our marîufacturers of id. and becomo btSe bank-s nuil expire. The' turîîbcr off steel sud our liiphuliter anti the co'- Vamper feols, bauks leaviag te 5381cm durîîîg the pétition anmoug ahemn bas enabiedth ie de- h way she ila tirougit volutaar>' liquidation %%as 11(1>'- lanfuetul uring the lItotwc tcars te con- one, tavîug a captal stock off $6,0193,100 tract for guaboats snd torîselohoats at a atnd circulation ut $1.152,0Mo. vor>' large rédiuct ion front fîruter prii-ca. al Discovery Rteceions ;for îhinty ix birki bave The pice lier Ltcn for the giailoats Mla- been aptîoiut,'d durna te 5,ar. Tie chias aicc Ca.tune, coutraraed for la a ggregnte capitlt oc-k off theeLauko April, 11)0f, tans $30286, téar-orage lsa 52500andtirncineulnaîccu'l,- pr-ie offte tret guntionîs icîrcefor eys 003,40.2. 0f Lieso sI)Bts , Iv uitl ai Jaiiarv, 1-1)4, anti off th~e ix othen. V RY cptoi stock off $450,î«)., ctr-c reported isit I u Ot ho cocrraca is $222Si per last yc-ur as heiacg ira scoinacrn> licîaaîdin hou, a saing off $8152 lpenrtoi), on 26 ter MI Y.t oun, anad niiie, wi-ftha caîiIsl .sr,ck of cent. off the' prie-e offte si1c. The prien $'2,50,Cooo, ocre of te nuiîtar cf ibatiks of tLie Ericsson, contracte-tifur in Octo- no y MAS ýwhuchlîc,,editheoir tisnsira 189)3 nn uitsîl ber, Mil1, %%s-li 4s 3 pcv ton. Tite DRY0 aquenti> resuniec ;l LsqictîLrough ar-nae Iite off flicsix t ciiictoitoats cn tf our common coutinueîd business déprinc'scudt the tr-rctc'tifcr ila11<'ailS $766.5SS ber ton, a lat cures every aie-w chsrn,-rer off tlii ass,-ts w-rc'lci- rédutinjeaoff$19.125 pec oln, or of abouît WOrSt Screfuia ahle. ho meet fliir otdigatiiuî sud ciere 20 lier ceint. lu the pi-e off teLents, titus compeliccilto goî lato luciii. Tiîcsc pricecompîcuare vr>'far-orahi> tieven hundred Thte followcing aomenulnîuts ta the 15w with tlîae prides for similar wcork dous pt ln two cass are recmmoadet: ahroati.' ehas now in lus *1. Titat te (onaptnîlîer bc empoiv- Secretar>' Herbent devotes ceusiicralîle yrd certificates ercîi te romoye olliecrs, of nationliaikus ptace ho dousidtt-aion off armer lplates, wety miles o-f for violations et lacs ant i utsuaige- ornance. projectiles, subinanriuae bonis, -d for book. ment. automobîile torpedocod, etc., andtIof0!lt- periencard fr-arn 1"2 Tiat tonus te exccîtvc oll'cers anti îrovemetsli tic business méthtodesof t cure is xvar- employés Le resanictecl aud macle oi>ir p-Lthe dépiartmait. ýtty ls takeai. ou the appror-al off the bioardloff dlrectors. l hlee'*lag ected Ir causes "3. That te assistanti casiir, l ic h 1r 'ldan die1 Iîlte es. I .edies passing abisence offte cashiir, be autitoizei tai M.Wete udIotowetm itI the Liver or iga tte civcitiug fiotes off the bank Oie Villages, hu-ucking betci-en the fildtts he ducts beian anti reports off condition. off Ililveribîg ice, but far oftener te ears in s weeec ".4. That soine ciass off public officers vllagers came te sec us ln ur orriuse- elabel, te empoweredt t admulister fte geuer-il boat-men, Muien, briLles, tiogs anti bilions î ilnaosarequired the da tioaial-hauk net, aIl. Aiways sotel ttie tilde canal, the tit-si.15. That hank examdinera Le requireti affghoat offte main îaterw-ay, iras the t fiess. Et to'take au osila of ulice anti execute a oui>' street Letu-eeu or befere the Vil- enougK it. boTndt. o at>'l lchyar o tge lieuses. Titere w-ns aiways the watetrThttbed' ta paylin buthfylie to wtra e-b. de8ignatet b>' te Coiptrollerte * wa, u he bet route ras b>' a Ksts. directors et nationnl houka shall he re- second path leadlig belluth Oe lieuses. TlTrfrnrr quivedti temakze an examination oethtie 3Yf>toilowiug titt uc passei threugli ~iJtJJ>f~iaffaira et the tanks anti sulimit to te the farmasand yards. We sncv tle nmen s Vgotbte Comptroîier a report, anti weflen tiirastîlng tie ride h>' bent- md..Havea "7. Titat the Cemptrcller be authar- n a lo itli hanfuiis et IL te scatter lsiat dosvap. lzed to issue irculnting notes tethe panr te keruels on theî groundt. M'e saw te l a tletwýjvalue et the bonds depositet b>' tem fures unlg 1e oloenat dImrooeut i ;. ctt te Treasurer off the tUitedi States lireaklng 1h up !abrlolsl , 3n puneiffng- ssj letFt t ecture sua-h notes. oeInteti cadplg es 1ATUIAalothu "8. Thoet the sornil-anurci tax ou cîrcuj- hlsl u bkca' npigsa latiug notes offntional bamîks Le reduecti ln tieni. anti thon suinrigite boted Guns Ahe!ta, on-fourtli off 1 pcv cent. per aunituî'" ovea' wIth a raike. We weut Imb fthe â m -h!lnrcourts of tlie licter lieuses, anti na oNT's REPORT. notei l ew-tise meni, anti even Oie tînlest ,ili eiemm Ie î'OI baby boys, tlîrust thieuselves forwcanti Lhteimen frivts eachanges Recsmnmndad3Mat. te rreet us, wIle tce 'aiaen ant i grls zdj ,Y' Pics era Arts Gencrally katisft<ry. sluuk tehînti or r eypeepe oti h à taein the. doua eri' irog uetmot. ifiefor In hi. annuel report Secretar>' Lamont te deorways anti open wtntiows-tlieI one Fals. a slows te effective trengt efthte armu>'latter telng Elizabethan contrivances,U >R~~t SYTEehoh 20 584 of ail arma. The ne-w lau frameti for little panes ot olteal paper lerai oms. siunLI eulnting eulistments bas greati>'fin- or the enameileti muer coatlng e et Izr raIîdII-fl- provei lte personnel et tte arnmy, anti hasaheils, White gests, woifIgh doga, CeM-. k MRINU not impedeti requlirdenistmnets. Of s heehm-l&dnw S7.780 mon vecruiteti durlag te yenur mnsneclkn~bm-akdow _________5,518 wer'e native Lovai. The atrlctueqa anti neae-led butfaloo mko 11p thieag or'et te ezatinations, pitysicati ental 4>IK a 5êps1Mibu tleag i a . and moral. 'lie>'be measairetid uefP4Io*bu ~ tact thiat 8829a M em - - 141bemt cf anl ia Leaveuing POWe.-LUeg 1U. S. Gov't Report w a ~vv~ OUR RAILWAYS. flow They AtpeariluConlparimonw~itj T o.e 0! Europe. An Inti,taig v oînparsoll or caý1Ont]i!Etaaopeaoralwniladîic froin the,'stc *clýai rntinl i*eflm of OIli i s5tieerv. 'l'lie raillea orf rnhiway luthe lfollie .State.s lu opéraitiôn for the year cudînl In June ivere 178,7M3; ecapltal stock nn delits are gîven a l,6,0,0;ean lugi; front passenger traftic were $276, (031,751, f rt/r freigiat $700,477,409, an from ail ollier sucs 0145..Th4 Bitish Boardi of 'lrade reuras for thE railways lu England, Neotlaui, Vaolet and Irelanti, giv@e mîleage nit n20.90 caital stock anc delit 49d360 and the total traffic revenue ait $399,. 372,71l4. Operating expense,,.lui this country amo0unted f0 $7577,7739, asnd net enuu- Juge were 8$",887,774, whiie in Great Brîtain the revenues aggregated $.6 (141,W6, sud net earniags 1321,6 'l'ie passengers carried Inlathe uoltej States nîîmlered 5P.1.24,4,007. andi In Great Bcritann9111,412,926, of whlclat-L ter 1,181,861 were holders of season tic.kets. The grêat dlfferena'e lu area and dten- str'Off POPulatloun accouaIs la larg2 menasure for the bptter exhibît of Brit- 1.41, 1ro.111, mwherp the lînnis are short. Whlile Ille cost off rondl anti equlpment per mlle luatis couutry la ffl,641, Iu (;reat Brltala it ls $235,648. This tells Ille vonimeriai stor>' that Americau r:iilriniîla arc tbuilding up trade by opýen- ilig nfw terri rory, anti covcrlng long stretelies off country' but tlîlnly iulinlit- tA, Wlilîl lin rpat Britain the lîmit tOf deveîoî,nîent lias beeu reached. C onduitionîs l' 11botli countrles are, b<îcîeier, go dlfferent as to, rentier n î'Ornp.ari ýoi) n'ore lnterestiag flian'lin- î,t'tIletive Bllways titis way are astîlI in a transition stâte.-Phlladciphîa Conlincoseuf andi Hard Work laurt-c- *rIy la the sitlng t.rne. p - c ccc rn cl Iii a u itealitit an t ,z c î . lilair cacrlon ln the op", a Ir. ticîrd i-r-y acrkprg r ne f.r bu Vosry eRfrero eabc cir-s 10 to to e munt; ,ed- t'Il e)lc -c-I-c'1" c inte openaair. Thte> ofren rcca-cia 1ticl. Witorccan Lhey Merk 11- g.1-9 r ii cvc crtu i tyanad titorocirghi>' r a cc frccuiî t 1,ea ers Stoinanh itteuacrs, a riicictpo cciii uriy adapted au retrait te a-rcccc.riific- of icouire. toc aiso for itcctaakcclrcy. Iaer said rheuniattc aIt- lTe San l-ïaui:ao Elcxaîainer sa>-s tlîîre h leu'-Tirilons fact respecting te s9llla aiitaI ra'iiitt ith w-hlclî oee 'il tit' r-o-t liicii*leqauaintediIflit e depenals t1iir: NO liv inîg lpreseatnLtive offtflic atnimial kligdoîo lias miore tiîan five desilgits or t-mo 's t e ar foot. banal a;r- Ijimt. flie crse l ic hetype off omne- ci treaatiouî, -Ie eacel fthtlî wo- tîci-i, aIle rlàu i oaîîrcîoffIflic tii le- Lcs't, uni! rIlle IlIirl)<Potanatis otfte folir-tocti aniil tiffe. Thae ilepblant anti tiflî ld off cc ler artniaai- bogiutg to aiiffea-en t onclcrs belccng r ftie grent flve-tLed A S'amnuPaper. Tîce Yicut's c.uiîanion a s , ecome fnus Lcc beaarse - îiî1,hurdly a tamous niaui m n i inîîî liGrent Britain or te FUireci rttf-s cWhcc dises u0tcontribute ta te rîcpent-at-h lacr. Tthecîniters on- gag-cifer 18181 proise filake teiPa- pevcrcoreîttraije .rlan i err efone. Tcr hisse ci liiti-ibe nt omît-c, %enti- iîîg $1.75, thelic l cisli,-ns munke sunextra- onditîcry fcuir-fi, seil frece a ailntscrue four paige ctîlcuîcir n Trineltlies, litho- graffloiniciiiiii bru-bigit icîlcîrs, etiîitlînice off illiglh imSt> ents. 'TlicCompaniou frnee i-c ory wîcct-k a un. 1, 11,lthe Thaîîkcgiviaig. (larisr tmas caloi Newcc ear's oubcle Nuucafens frai',. andctThe Comipati- ion ia fctl -aa,'lia- cuoîcaks, ta Jan. 1, 18P>7. AtIcî-ass Thvc Youtlis Cotapau- ion, 199(21)1) ,I iuaî i avainuce. Bosrtot. "The L'glit cf (tiier )a s us wri-IL Lell bY A I 'fr-caî i-t ut, a thieaar mia nager, et Louic(lon. 'rThe scng cc-s glii nto Baîfe, wci lu u rodicel h Ile lao Isopiera, "'Maid ocf Artois.' On the fit-st pre- seualorî of te opera.Lte Sonigtoolz te biouse tiy ioni, atmi cc-s repenteil tIr-e tlites h effona- tliauieance ccoula Permit tt Ille oprato lptrocecîl. flearai... Casnot De (l'aieS loca appicatins. as titoy cannt reseit Lit d î portion cf Ithe car. There la oniy one Iltocue1eaffuess. ad litalaby ooostlî- tiLvemedies. Deafue s b aused by ala- llanmed conditinof tthenilucots lHalait of lte Enstachian Tube. M'hea tis tube getu latmond y ou bive, a rîmling Fnuadi or laprfeet itear- 109. anqk wbe ila senîilvou coeDesfness la te relait. and î,nleas te lflasumalleos a bc taken ottand iIs tube nesînret it lsnormnal condition. luearbant wbli be dsstroyed 'jovever; Dine ases on otillanse aused by catarrit. wivtei-la Io Ming but an laflsrnsd condition of the mueffls urfaces. 'n'e cr111 gîve <lue Rundved Doulars for an>' cane oieffanse (niuist it% calarrit) titat caunot be euired by Rablb'à Catarr tClire. Send for ci-If F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. eWsoIiI b>'Druggists, 75e., .4 San Fraucise-co lhing ftrucpriais apîclure et Svengali anti TrIli> lu lis adC-entiaemeut , cvitfit helegenti benealli: iiWce dout ciaut le pot you la a trance -Ire are dontelut th ivre >'eî a fi. Crouîp la quilI> retieveti, anti uroopias' Cougit great>' ýeIbpd, sut ite duiration sfhortaînet b>' Dr. D. .loyne's Expectorant, lte olti famil>' stand-b>' for Ceagit atid Colts, ant il ahong or Titroat affectIons. If Bomne Ipeopîe could atluîik tci'ico be. fore Oiey apeak, ttcy cccmlg' iccep Prill Moote ine. Ifj. il~ esîr. a luxuvious greuta of hea ty-ia r of a natural color, oaatuW&' '1owrlingl ornament et bath sexes, use 0017' H8 l'a Vegetable Sicilianu RairRe. At 91111: 't t tmplit man's reputation )TELY PUREblc 1 n-ughlu, Provuke a Saint.ated A voiaimn, iliîi tin al, olll;ng t'ai-k tandifortli along the pr.jvc-- . ri-il'lt ir Iront off a cerî:iiîi flat. Thie li'~ai îrnî,ui ,ri pîclacîl îilessiy ucwîIlIon lilîmi. anti lie ivas as augry ii:1a 111:111uî I inte cilV. .itîrcaile n Vooicfrom Othe Sirppe r winhow or Uit' lotisé. g ou go to tliîntder!' lie shliek et Sbal'ck. "Let ale alone, cant you?, ndi r.eeah ufof~ lie weult u ieeling and moîîplug bis oe tet Kna ltM. face. %ucde r at oKaneas19, 9 , te. Ail Lour la 1er the sanme voire came u"I h atbeorn 1,1M dspes te front the winltiowlu earatest» pieatiing "nIbae tIon for abot moyen emrstu te tînes: Idgsinfraotnvuyr "George, dear!" wltout permanent relef uail 1 'WVeli, waitn th e deaice do you flnallY trled RipanasTabule& Affer wan r" lie &l'Outed. "Ilave the wnter- using a box Of them 1 can eat -pipes biirst?"' anythlng wfthout any unpîeaunt -No, George dear,"~ wailed the volce; affect and amn galulng strengtb y "the w iater pipes aie ail riglt, bu an di thlnk 1 arn per an eaty c red, k_ YOU'c been wlieeiing Lotie's doit all aud tbnk it my dut>' te give titIs tue afternoon. Iladnt yen better lot teatîmon>', hoplng that nmre one -bai»' have a tairanDow*.,, suffarlag frorn the smre cause ma>' * Titis wa8 last wcek, but George is be beuefited b>' uslng thern." stîi lu the hospfilat pendiug an exami- 5isms Tab.iu rp si , s p~ n n a tio n a s t o is si aiît . eIbo usro m i<a(8 0 5 u a s I . , Y Te Modern Mot her 1 fias foundth lat ber Iltte Cnes jýM m- I your skirt ea.ges *proveti more b>' the pleasant laýe wear out, il~ because you don't *Syrup off Fige, when lu neeti of thixa-~ use ~ *tive effeet of a gentlo remedl>'titan b>' an>' other, andi that t lta more accepta- b Ile to tliem. Chiltiren anjo>' it antd It 1benetits them. The truc remati>. Syrnp q f Figa, Is manufactureti b> the Cauifor- 1nia'Flg Syrup Co. oui>'. Bron«r,'s Bronr-aclal Troches rei*eve flroat rritaions causei b>' cold or aiseof the r-oi-e. Thea genuine sold ttlyi> in b oxe S. __ _ _ _ _ BIAS VELVBTUEN "Oldt 1og Tray" Y%"" lu its tire ne ; SKIRT BINDINOS off losIers most popular sougs, 120,000 it'seCfy tO PmovtfOfyOUmaOu. coplies beiug soldIn luîglteen moutlis. Don't taike any binding ualem yon Ilt ias wrette lu the'back rooim of a oea "-S. Il. & Mi.19 On thIaabel. n» voiiitîncil groceîy anti grog stîop in New matter what anybody telleayou.i York City antd was imainedilatel>' sold b>' If your deaier w«Ii»nt mupply yOýý tht ' nathor te a ft-rin of puhlisliers thiat wW IN. ruade a fortunie froit s sale. Seard for sarnoies, shovinig labe ls and rmar- ria!s. te the S.l& M. o.P. o.Box t,99mear Jack Frost irriliates soititives skias. Yor-k City. Glenn's Sulpitur Soap overcomen the irri- TDaAmmXT dm o, ou 014S tittimli. ftbu oi. a *'Itîil*s lair aud Whisk-er Dye," Biach k. t or Br-own,5. cOU*R.aU.5DS5iM tu sg5e -~ 51506dm. lscaa BjO Leai delioqits o îof tlîtabiale as extent are fuini lu Mli2souri anîtKan- 00icm hi sas. _ _ Diii' nuit ho-day are oturs.-..e;reeiey. n i 111111 WrTq-~si FiLsfopedfeehn lnlai*st 1/3 8150 .5È1ie a . l9voite.tre . No Fi ntd varseu a. Teti ud g uisi kula ài a,.Sn to l.ihn 1tS Aihat.. ]p iII PS. &N. U. X@6 de-U won on ?AflIAm l m fIU rf TOUT An "u$ma~ Bear in Mind that "The Gods Helý Those Who HeIp Themselves." SelIf HeIp Should Teach YoûtoUse _ -SAPOLIO N Let the men wash> 1 if they won't get you Pearline. Let themi -. try it for themselves, and see if they don'q say that washing with soap is too liard - This hiard %vork that Pearlinci C....saves isn't the wvhole matter; it saves, "~ <~~j * .~2 money, too-money that's thrown away ifi clothes needlessly %vorn out I band rubbed to pieces when >rou wash' by main strengtli in tile old way.I T~'hat appeals-where is the man vho' wouldn't want to have the waslàig, mnade easier-when hie can save mone>' by it? Pedley droe usrulus oer il tel iff auimtaim, m onegt-wsd it ék£4 ?câ. damfcu"L. [JPicked Up In Ch0Lurch "AP4'ÂCLAUS tir - -

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