CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Dec 1895, p. 8

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GRÀYS LÀ KF. *Iudaly anti vite visiteti aI J. J. astglt'aliuday. UitOmal, outlbe, Nelira*, -is brober E. B. lte Jevoiet. tiaysçltae pasut eC. Ii.u LibertyvIlle, al-s pent thw 1e achoul chdten ix Ë- o!' sce o M.e oulsitieiap YRa nentemtSinwtlO fortt te tMo sl89oitetamy. Paticu- T.P. tS. C. E. iiiSbave apecl ït lt e chnreh nazI snnday thctvis ake the place 01 chta erviees. Evory. -IY kvilly . hpO8 ihoaWho enterWtaieviai- Sumuiksb»jgitlug wveoWrniEtivards 'Wih4lisaly Lmeun an sd Orlaudo vbffle parent*s anti lita *5 ocioeIIOr, and itiater vere ~~ ~I.lotit faiffles liativery t gstiterings. Th dedictiùn ezercîses at the uew hNl1 Jo-salust Flday passatioff i P'pb aaly. Thare n-a a VerY 1140hlhndauee aven tliough tlt vdihier vam 5golied. The progrant -wàa gred onItlu lita letter vitli the =ienof utrecltalion 1by lira. D. G. vbwo conîdti ulle hreseut. -,hoeer eee very goo wblch w*a apparent froun tae applauf*e given. - The uyâler auppet gitan by the ?LAffiebAid suciehy, TnostlaY eveuui9 ym: I anoea, a noat ainabeiîîg added el it toasuty out litIwottby ocety. 'rite foliviung progrsm vaslgiven, D.. Mesdarnes Higley sud Tholbsot ......U . Mr. Leouard -ils Moriil 'Scihiti .... litMs Wht ............ choir pftie uy lbumquilt tas voledt t lits. Dméy the pastoroswifte as s totali o! lte estein viticli hue coltmpatufeelk for that lady. Teaohere' Reading Crcle. The Ormys ]Lake, Teachers'BIeattin@ cirsea ill meel Saîurtlay, Dat'. 14, sa 10Oa. la. Au invitatiun axtendedt la -intastaithe l. ort. Lema VII ...Leader E. T. Taylc: L«4muvIII.......... P. J. Jorgensoi bessn lx............. Miss lieBriti 1 LivEsCATi-itE. pppe............. Leader M. C. Dectu » nia ... .Leader T. A. 81-Ps1 ty Topics: Early peroid c Il« York and ti rgina; Eecllatioui col] dwthed by H. E. Barron. M. C. DEÇKEEB, Presiteut. T. A. SiXpaux1, SecrthrY. ROLLINS. Titrea f ur ntscitool chilîttetI u abbsent ou accouuit of the jatindice. A 11111.daugitta carne tu glatdi -tiieltoma of lit. aud lir. A. C. Drur Sudy vong Dec._lat. -Among Ihou o v aitodstt Chica@ xtecni>' ertu li. atndi lra. Win em1u, Mr. anti lra. 1H. C. Ruivar *adlmer tickles. tl igo nl. tas *12 takes a Boss Fiiled 15 year 0. F. case wîth an Elgin or Wtîl- tham muvement; or a Sih-eriîîe screw%% case wtb saine inuvement t7.50. Also lave a good sortmeut of Iigli grî mo'vemeits, and sor tbing new in thte lina gold-alumiîîîîîîîspool corne aud set theui. uf lis. The Jewler. OÇrayelake, Illinois. Hors. Dentistry. If your Horses are POOr, or don't Eat wel 1 it is-caMÀsed by diseas- e4, sh&rp, or uneven' teoth. Slobbering, ._Throwing the head, eretting, Indiaqatior arê tisa causeciby bac teeth, The Superin- tendent of the Lake c~ountv- Poor Farný tiÉderstands the busi- <- ve xPur- horse'm Sexarnined. Ail *,camined f reE e Li ýy a -d il te ir ig ut tll 01 011 dE ;el 011 01 )u j. F. Clatrk b» beau speutiiug a fan- day# Witth its fanils. EBd qîte1hun, ut FAiribeiti, calied ou friemtds here Tuesday. lmas. 1Spoct raluruati froi her visiit aI *Elmuratst a liter lltues lat Thmrsday. Miss (trace Cronthite la exlpuettul borna trou, Evanton sou. silut- las beau absent Ilîrea n-acta. gasts, Clans iteaiquarters ait tlîe Furnîture store vbere sou Calitinfui lare ssortinent ut telitay prýstits" The infant stonu f Mr. anuittrs. A. Bi. Biggs died Tuemamy eveuîiiug. ouiy ona day this precluna iîîîtl - maînati ou etih. It la a great loss tut ltae tond itateutfs but aIl ltue for te béat. There ii tic an exhibitiont Of Bluvu Glass giveil l itenbthél OIhanse on Munday stterîttoit autdieveniug Dec. 9. The I. ). (i. T. lotige wiii autertaiii li. anti lis. Latuie uring ltaeit stay luntis hPlace. Theadmisaslin vii lie 10 Cents anti if the cecek be Pre ilutteta taecaular i nlii be guotnfut10ntslaoui suîy article pîur- chaset. Coots w-lhIlie sotII al lte nas front 15 cents ,p Ctlume sud hriug your frieutîs. A tteruuoon cuiltettain- mit will bu given alter fuîur t'eluîck anti the eveniitg aller 7:30. ('luect cau lic obtained frouniauiv uiieiuter tif taeI. 0. C. T. loigu-. Gît-MER. k W. F. Hall drotve ti Waukegîiii1, Sukt- day. Atthuur Hall lias liredt tutl utF. Thomnas fur it uie eur. A. 0. Sebu-ermaut totik u iua ui trip ta tuie City Wetinesua?'. Henrty Kipp hordedtheii trat, uli-t- Klsat iVednesdauy fer Watukegai. 1Et Joues nasdtu ife visiteul bis grnduu itîtther, ut lhrritgtou, Suuuttuy. rPitre home grtînn luckwheuit tloitil yfut sale ai A. G. Schtwerianai & 's. a Mmn. W. A. Braceauliiry is vi-itiuîî Iier ba borhtýr anm ielutlVes it iCtyt . rTitautsgivuitg nith Mus. C. liuuutiuîg- t on. It W. il. Morse andt C. Gi. sînlitl eaeli as shipped a tog (?) tot hlut' liitug4îIlliar- ktl lat veek. tirs. W. F. Halasuait utghtets. Mul anti Grace, are visîtiuîg ut Watikegami ýg sud Lake Forest. t Mr, anti Mrs. Elilîuue Hîîhbu)ru ane il sPantluig s an tisdys wlîlîiltir sou Walter ln Chicasgo. r Louis Pehpaer, of Lake Zuirichi. li IRbeau stayiîug several isa ntilh b leTuncie, A. . Schîvermaut. Miss lliuilie Hutechinson ilasiteittins ut a fan veeaks at D. Anes', n-hile irK )n Anes is visitiug relatives iu Michbigan of H. J. Hagerty, tut Sprlngfilt u- jipendjug a (6w days at P. Nltsgern' ou bis way bu bis olul homîe lu Mitîuî sula. lir. anti lra. H. Sceltwermnait Sr., lef Tuesday for Lontbard, Ill., for s veekt viait vîit thair dangliter, lira. 1ev.0 R. Neasuan. Misses Emma and lBose Scliolz drove h up front LakePorest Satarday to spenti Sunday vîlli their aister, lira. H. W. n Sebwerinan.9 Theatfollowlug have purcliaed aIe- 9 gant cuttera tront A. Gi. Schwcrman à P Co. sud wonîul e pleaset to, have the Young laties eau o011thent for a sicigh b ride: Bert Wllcox, Will Broctun, i John Donnelîsoni, H. A. Scliwermau t aud Hermau Fisher, -Jr. t Frlday eveniutg, Nov. 29. 1895, aot1 aixty rnerry people gatherat athlek honte of Mr. and lira. P. Nflusgern lu the Paucake Social given tiuder lte auspieca ufthlie M. E. chureli, ut Fait- fid. A great many cante front Wau- couda sud tbe surrouiuding couuutry1 fillllng the large apaciousK homte. Gantes ware played. ntil about tan o'cloek, viten the tollowiîg lleasaut prugrant nwasreudered: Solo...... .. .MiKs Zoru Nituageru Prayer ............. 1ev. Davidaou Solo ..... ....... Mis Rnis Nimagertu Becltatiou.......... Miss Etunie Ainues Duel .-..Miss Cota and lMt. B. Thomas itecitation .ý... Miss Litlu Âmes1 Lonug Solo ... . ... ev. Davidson Readiug ..........isa Edith Avenll Pou n itl'uncakes . Mis aiie Motrse The duet lîy corsaud iB. Thomtas, "Uuýietie h-olti Uibrelluî,- as i-ery fiue, also the ret-itatleut iy Lîuin Ames n'as a mite fotri-ail andtl ns rt-uderetl very nicely. Thien i uîunler8 were giveuî to tlhe laies andt gentlemen. but as there nere uuude geuts titant ladies they nere donted ttî aat their cakes altîne. Paneakes andtiunaple syruît netc finit served, theut Ioilowed ice creant, tuaka, apples, elieese and coffae. A prizeawaarded to the lady sud gentlemuan eatlug the mont cakes vas won by Miss Zue Morne aud Ansel P. Wheoler. At an esrly hour (ut. m.) thea rerry crowd deastd (or thaîr ahontes, ali reportlug a pleasaut tinte ant tanking tbe botit and bueitesia for ltaeit hospltallty. The ueat sum ot $15 wss clearei. lMr. sud lira. Nims- germ wisb lu thank tbe frienda vliu -sided ltent lu ,altlng upon the cunt- psmuy, especilly Meus. Lee, Amas snd Hîibert, Mr. aud lira. liiîchinBoni sud Misa Fanle Môrae. - -~ 4. .~- - 1 HALF DAY hoat boltoin for silelgig. n What the malter wlith,, HaIt Day? a Ws up snd let the vorlit tnow that y ou aaliva. Senti the news toIthe I NDPUaDINT. - -P H~.iertel and tamily are enjuylng e a visitroinbis brother, Chas. Tramp, -o! Blooînglu. Titis genlemtan lia lte honor ut being lte first 1<> lutro- ditice brick tot paving lu the U. S. - Thex al Day social Club yull glve a ionddance, et the Towu Hll cb Crlmasniglil aud anuter New Yoes ve. Muaie by Prof. Sunili s Ohicagu Orchestra. Dance tIcket 15 cents. Spactators 24- cents. You are tespectfully Inviteti. te Prof. £ruent Hertellias aut orange 0trac loaded i vtitfruit lu, allstage& front bioesqrnanti bulb lu ripe oranges Il biws*âb bloaud tiripe frit om it ova#my munt lu tbe yeam. 1* mi quh gu-about a year 1t mAl'e ewl Fille Ibis v Carl his psl sleigblig snd freelz> nealtaer veek. 1 1Lam» m pent Tliantsgivlngwltlt arents. Ttc orchestra 'net wih iiuy Braelher Saturtay aveulig.0 John MlcClure shi1pct s fute lest ut u-ieep Suntas uigbl. W. S. Lester lias purvîtusut a ne%% etitter. It is a hUaeaite. Thue teutliug cincle mîet nitîî (iC. Daiziel Tuieatay eveiuiig. Lantub's Orebestrir plat ii 1 als n tuh li Thuukgiviitg ave. l. E. Jtoues I la lying iii a larngo sîup- ylv iof luumaer(fir lte wululer. Alil tîosa baviitg bad colts niii lie berietitleu by calling oun Dr. Ntutuui.g. ,F. L. licCracteuand autniiy, (if Evanstout, vere guests of Joîhut uClie hast Ttursday. W. H. Pupe lias retntîighis tit u soe Evutuston partIes; lhe is gaing ta murve ta Chicugeso. Arthuir Guilitige anti Lîîuîie Patter bal ut apill out ulule eautiig froîîu mehoutl Tuîesduiy evu'uung. Loi-AL. WARREN. Nal Vogt- madue a tripi tu the ciy iraI ut the neek. iVe uîerstuîî thalt tH. J. .Etey anti fauutily are abut to lu umtei-elutote hein nien lbouse whitltiis nearly t.uîiîleied. Miss Siiiuil W liitore intl lier tither wbo bave huîeîu sjieîiug ut îeek tor moîîre nitit relautivesin Wlut iuiku'giu ru'etii-t lonily.uv Tîtetorchiestrat tîtet n itti Roîy Iluhet luat Saturday î-veluiiig utitul nru- lighly ru.porled liY ail whiolitteitded. Wil. Su aver vislteu lil., hîother J. L. Sway~er htat Sattiîday. He snYsIlie is Weall pleuiscul wthî bis elu-iîutiîoi as pnilleuipal of tté. stîlihscluiol Wunuke- gaut. Luat eek valiet he Bsunens of 1the death of Mlis. Dnigiît Harv'ey, of Adriauî, Muiu. Stuc las lwieiu ail iuîvaliti for soîmetitue antI ut last gave up to Ihat tbeatifol ldeseae, cou- atlumptitîuu. Mr. Harvey srrivNt uIt thle remais ast Satnrthay. The funeral n'as Itelil froua the resideuce of D. Harnu, Wsuîtegau îuuî nuîcle tif the daceased. Thleburili nas ai Warren ernetery.- Sue eaves a tushanti anti ntany relatives anti frienh4tis t" utun Iheir bass. The tîîntily have the spnpatby oftufIis t-omniuiity hopiuî0 that their loss iuti bliber gaint. Satu lt,uans nreel ý'd toolbite for liist neck. FD. Joisoiî 15 quite sick. to k sold n'e ll t llnj¶eus samle last tnrday. 1 . biso. fatlîêrau other Deeîfleld fieti Fritiay anîd satlnr(av.. ,led. ,j ar, If rettornedt o C(bs. G. W. Jîuîgk, Deertleld. Mr.. C. fleed, of Glen view, bas b)een visitiiig lier parents Mr. andtI trs. J. Selig Sr. ILîud Other IOiCal frieUda.q Clias. Horenberger took a Party (of yoving folkaslelhridiug Baturclay. vvening. Thbey wet to Fort Sheritlaîî. .Aiiniier of Ileerflelders speut Thaiikbgiving eveuiug at (lIen View. a few were ut Highland Park, and others st.aitt uthomie. have lis new clitter Brmashed lu a run- awîuv. He lias sent it bock to the factory for repaira. Mat Horenberger, Eti Willnîan, Oeo. Rockenbach and espitalist Henry Phugge sud dauglter mnu, C. W. anti Liîieolu Pettis were iu the city Tues- day. ýc good a fev ýLO I aukegan. Mr.Kleppin, the miller, lias receivetl Mir$. H. M. Bangs i, viKitilngrelative5sud put up tbis w-eek a 20 borge power Cd t Waukegan Ibis week. gagolue englue. He Intends to haveéni the finest mili lu the couuty and lirg. Pliebe Stedun started for the prebent indications are tbat he will out last week where shte will visit succeed. many relatives anti perbaps nmake lier tome. Mr. anti lrs. (baste pleasantly enter- tained a select compaus uf triendst The party at Grange Hall Ia it y Tlanksgiving. Those p rasant wera ight given by the W. P. C. was a F. o. Elsworth anid tamlly ut Everett, grand suce8es. The attendane wù Miss May Ellswortb, ot Cleveland. 0. good and a grand guod lime la re- Miss Williams, o1 Wichita, Kan., and ported. Mr. and Mra. Brun, ut Chicago. The reftideuce of! lis.0. Peruas burned to the grt>udlet Tuesday E EET niglit. cause not known Insutred in ueia E RT. the Mlburn for $1200. understand Se wsictoer ha>i corne (or guati. that Mr. Knox lest soute tuiture Frank McClory front Chicago is here partly iusîu'ed. This placea la botter viiting relatives. known as the 1roctor Fumant tatrin. Msggie oreisli the City visiting - frieuuds a few <laya. WARRENTON GROVE. lira. Vauglin bas beeti real sick, but Misa Annie Sheridani bas been quite la uow cunvaleseeiit. lit sorns ltte. Sorry 10 report Frank Bedmoniti iek; Albert Snhlitîg .iited friend8 lu the too muli quinine Frauk. city last week. Onr aclîcol taaclier is hardly able to Delta Kelly sîseut Tlîuîksgiving mith talk above a wlisper-happ3' children. frieuds lunIlie City. Eli Frantz lias beën qîuite siek. but Geo. Hlutchinson spent Sunday %vith la oit the mneîd; almo bis' daughter (rieudm lu Waukegan. Beulali. Thos. Mornansd fautily, of auke- Bill Barker bas. agatin resunied bis gau, speut Sunday with relatives liere. lucrative position n ithli 1 Frîtutz& MiteTooeys itmîiurcouteus teCo. good boy Bill. was seeuî lit Our locality a few tlaym last tMr, anti Mrs. G;ibbonts inteudtl l week oeccpy their bouse b)efore&Chtlstiîias. Heurs MeCan bsreturned boute Il la u-arly eontpleted. alter a few weeks vîsit n jth relatives, Ouir (ieud Joe lnvested in a iten in the City. cutter; lie thinkas 8elgbuuîg far stperior Lovera Lue woîtld be a vt.ry aplpro- t0 wheellng: wouder why? priate name for the plank road lie- Hom- la It we liear no more about the tweeu Wrrentou sud Saugatuck. gymnnamitunii to lie buttut Everett? Winter came catching many farmtera Hasibe idea been given up) or lias the in a pourconudituon muat ut thent have troasuret decantped willi the mouey. tlieir curu iunIthe lelda îinbuakad sud How about that cliecker Challenge? aî scarcity of tuel aruund tteïr lieusets. Ie siucerely hope il wlIll be accepted; - -4- w---- te believe there la considerable DIAMOND LAKE, uney wagered on the restîlt: only Geo. A. Ost went to the City ;Wrtlies- hoie Ilie gantes wilie playedl. day. Tlie youug -people attended a dance Mr.Wt ouse weuît to tic cCity t Wheelig given by Everett Magon Monday. Thauksglvlug niglil, report a very Pratty euld 2 taelow zeroi Tuesday guud tinte sud an excelleut aupper. mornig. ayThere la to lie a dance given* by the murnng. Trllby Social Ctlb" at Healys Hall, » Miss Lydbî Lawrence wam lu Chicago Dec. 13, '95, b y ail accounta itl ulbc tpart u1lt lweek. largely atlended, if the slelghing keeps 11ev. XacOhuffn, of Libertyville, fine. preaches liere every Suuday, now. Out 11111e burg laslii mouruiug. M'a Wben!.. Oh Wheu! wil the peuple in hava huaI uar genial agent, Jantes ont trural dstrict s ea the noeettut good Woodlmaui. James thluîks railroadiug literature. bad tftrbenmallsn. IWonder if t4at'a Mis Bok ad ala&r fontChiagothe only reason? Hie la serioîualy Mis Bek sd alad frnt hîcgutblniklng ut locating furthar nortli ?Whu ham beau Vlailing et Wm. Elus- prubably tbat's a botter dllme fur ýt msu's returued $the City Monday. 1 haumaîlant. Ha wiU be succeeded by e Edilor H. C. Paddock waa .here lait Mr. Pari Murie formerly nîgli; week, vo eto ail glad 10 ase hlm and <pfftor et lnseUl. We hope the g esare nov eulisted lu write a cottes- young mnu ill give as goud sitistac- )pondenca eascii vek. lion as hi a pradeffeasr vflo %,@&n et sg A tew vent to Hal Day tu the dance liked by ail. îJsr. )- Thauskgilg ave aud returned hume luinlthemorng;-nearl.* ailhad lte The man vhe rejolce lu sasying evil ae pleasuare ut being upbet. Ihingé ut biq t.owu la neitier a go Il The lterary soclty lias cbanged its citizýen no" a s"la advlsai'. Patriotisn w' niglit asitviii meet Wodnaaday even- begins at home. and the man Who be. 'a lnge hareulter. At thse laut meeting 'Hieves Iu bls lowu la sure to b. s love: te thaquestion tut discussion vas ofhi@bis 1g and hbis country-the tind in Bsolvd-That vouti la mura usai nI ut a mon 18*1 makesa patriot. tsu tou. The negative was vlctori- Teeio taMsut ae a 'e iS- that the worîti la to comae ho au end in 44 Tii. lrack whlch ruas dowii front Deeinher sud' exhorta marchants to I. Eockeeer lu lihe ico bouge on the iidveremgoeas net. to lie lusmrsb: nù ulrth' aide Ofthlie Iske va» ltee setie hâvinÈlarge'stocks ù oibud. Wtheh .0 o aM aodeit Tuenlar. Au englue final montlent arrives.' - smalo says pu imsmd the **sck but nu aeiqiSue IilWeVg -l4 li e l.aivantage -gp [t~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~if ^ -, - ..~le egt~ aoî.e ia pcS~htarct 9 ,a y- in lirs. HY L Ibles t 416veut. itia Kuâasiti la viliug ft'Iouin luthe City. tirs. Dr. Kîuaack apent Tliauks.gLviug in the City. Ceo. lirrimnta wnas ii inthe City tIv daya ibis neek. The Ladies Society of St PRAît eliurch mat Tltursday. Farmers viit coits are buay utow, lu the suov, )rak~ing tbent lu. Theudure Kuaacit l attendhuîg the Higli scitoout a Highlantd Park. Thie M. IV. A. lodge, No. 1661, viii boit eleclion utftifficars next Friday. 3 Fred Huranlierger bas reultltheê flat over lioreuberger & Antes' store. TVietrigdadso!flira. F. Fritsch i vii ha gla t euraotti er conuvalescene. Thte Stînday scimools are ntaklng pre. parations for Ibeir Christmtas cale- tions. *1 Jua Pfeil vili seout muva tu the City lu b. nearer 11he place ot bis antpIoy- ment. C. W. Pallia huas beau enterîsiuîlng bis lirother n ho contuctsa acreamier;v lu Iowa. Mabal iller nus lui thîe City Ilast n-eek atteudiig a wcttuuug-It vusistt hier unit. The brick yarud lias cloNed d tl foItr the vinter. They have ut large stock ut brick ounbuîtu. 1ev. 1H. H. Thiorf-tu, o! Highlandt Part, pastmntof IBethlehuem i -tîcl. Is vers seriously ill. Lincoln Pallia bias reluriet lîculie afler bsviîîg speuit aîî 1cmînîuntis uvith huis tuncle lu Iowa. C. Willuiimaii fituts it litlmî'rd ltii gel toiVheeling tus li uetait ili.luis nlîu-el ini the sun. « These fëw iteuls n li give YOII sne ide'a 'wnuiels cîtempet NOUU 08,1boy our go<idà than you could ftornîerIy. iowever. we d4j ut ot i tfl MIY lt"Y Cal, bUy thetu as elleap front alybly Chiee; on the C4oritrr t40 jitdg by -pirestmoine "Oile have pald for goodIs in other stores we tilould tbtnk b. storekeepers are stili workiug initier thet war tariff. At -The Mlodel- YOa maY alm~ays depend ou two things: l-YOui always bu, Bel jable .s. 2-You always buy thein as elical, a... the saine 4qialitY eau be Iaoughat an, wilere ini the lUnited States. "THE MODEL" Washington Street, Waukegan, Ilni old Ornamentg, Silver Tablewatre. Bronze and Poreelatin dlocks, Etc., la liô allowlng mauner. Withi every CahaSale we ive a discOnuiut 9 11)pet seat SU Coupons; $2.5Aoto these Coupons. we eze-hauige for suy ploce ut the abe#41 ianted gootl which yon may select. m UNSYSTEMATICALL U Ii cail attentitbii ici the tact Ihat 1 amn prepared lu PUMPING WIND MILL$, Alsu 12. 14 sud 16 feat. gairsuized aller coinçlellun, Poyel' W" X NUit Wood oj* Galvanizetl Steel Tuinas. We guaranlee 14 tact milla lu develeg or eiglit hors. power lu a goot i nid. aud other aizes ln proportiou; Md 1 Orect oui trial lunsan ortunanlike inuner. 1 have on haud gaverait8 and l#, ::2nd Hand Down Pol Trotd Powera, Stalk Cittets, Feed tlills.C ru ThnresIierg, Ctîîu Shellerts,]b Caris, Wagonsj, Carniages. Farti Trîtekp§, Bob anud Liglt "" ' leigbs, CU* Harnesu.etc., etc. 1I hautle lte Freeman, Smalley. Appleton, and Star Cutters, Panera and Threshiei-4; snd belie ve Il vii ha te yaum lulteOm t0 drap a card or ltter lu the mail as I a",î ulwiays ready tu oeili champ or tradte for anylhlng you inay have sud dolitvalit,- If yOU vigit %0 Su matde hap>py cail u or attires. Tours Truly, at LIBERTY VILLETVSLc orWAUCOND.A.T SOt This '95 New Model Sewing Machine, warranted for Ten years, only *17 s0 This Machine ba s Five t Ail the Latest lmproQver Every Family can Afford to Owvn One at This Low- Price. A FULL UNE 0F FURNITURE 0FALL And Undertaklng Goods al Grifti- i- -ttelldillg cOurt at 1 =.6 U îàiiî»_ ý -ai ri MEN'S CLOTHING. BOY'S CL01-M4 Las Yer hisYer LstYeiit - Business Suit .............. s 500 $25 Boys Suite........... 10 Ail wyolsatis............... ..50 3 Boys SuaitlB............. 14 sud $15 Casabuete Suits..10 00 4 nim.p50a md a p)UIO fte huatb 15 tît t e n ine B la t (it s . . 0 I ) 6 50 c o m b n a io n s u ite v iii 8 Ov reatad ras te .... 15 14) extra pa asand csp o malci 12 Ovarcoata anti lstera ....... ( 88on P50 uisbtg'v 12 Overcatsi ant i Dters..... 8 1 00l bo ys.. ................. 15 veroui auti istr 1 0(,) 0 Long Fauta Suit% for grou 3 100 Boys Ulâters........ f; 00 Boys Uliora........ 0 0 0 B hîVystera............. FURNISHINGS. i ( OS[lir..... La8t I ear This lest $ 50 Heav ude ntara....A.,.CA., 3T 71 Heavy tUtiernear- iii i 5,0 Fineat i4euy Wout t tr- Lsst TatThis' Wear........... (b'$ -,0 Gloves asuit MIIIe.........I i1e ti 15 lavyRck0rl i 15'2 r50Stif tir Feduitalsa.. 25c Heuîvy nuol Long Sox .... 1--,h150 51tior FaderaHatsa.. 25e wultl, lic tfor %tl,îI.î i , os 75e Wltter Capsw............ 75c Mîtves or 3littets ............50 [50ç-4Iiuter Caps ............ I lm) Sweaters ..... ... 48,I 1i50 Wool Shirts .............. 2 )0 Ail 4'iiaiSweaters, . i 1(4) W,îol Shirts ........ ,is 1 - ' - 1 1 1 1 1- 1 - 1 Lt de al re nU g aK. nu. le- fi if yîîn st to kuow n-laI la golug uon ln the barlu womld CRilMaI#$Tb li.*' The prices ut ail tîntis of gooda lhave beau graly readt l ite li randi va kaap paca nilli the tîntes. Seveuty.-Sve Oeaýà wul bsy àM~ de of us ibis faîl titan One Dollar dit amt front anybody. M'a heraby gS w exatuples. el, a w B Bs 'T-v IS I 0~t 1* i.

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