~ufA8N. v. «-tie SpecallAllurementue ,&ee ttra'ctive-Arm thseYounng il~latTeapttians-Euîu les-aor., Th*e Open lue Wister. ~~ttSuntay Dr. Talmange chose as lb. -gjc-of isi.sermon "TIe 0pnl a V4tr"Aithaugi thdiacolt coin. en 7J -WPr later sccordnig ta tae lotoî = on W la1soulier or Inter as. uthîpra- ~jiteveri-miere as il la ia Wasingtont., test ee<td ii lb. fount lu Titus M,1%, "1 bave delentinedt Irte tvmm- raZs won Dots gi Iaeepeadcntaoft ea- mai, ùc sent for bis overcot tai Tru.ue 4* 4menorablaeoccasion. And t nl 't»4~ test b. satnakhtug arrangements for a*iepieing <tlti etiter ant inakes e pnelntuent isitit Titus ta meet hii mk Noltollis. saying, *"1 have tieternedt pcete mIner." W~ei. tis tishîe t il$LOi Doember sud tesecond Bait- f ~ ~U twinter. lVa bave hall a feir *WiI, sharp blasîs airentir, forerittmîm'.s < visole regluents ofi stmnis aid'tti c- No 0110a ime be.neestha ta 1e1li - ist me are In tite opeuutug galestf te - Isbr. This <teson le nut l nil tlnt ~ fen's l'hy i-ah -iendurnce-u, but iin aur tIa cilles is a test ut asornl cebrirt'. n at nantu'r oi îeote lihane e y eime winter of diisipainl b-tut testryA> i, astiforeve-r. ils-ue In lai<mmboule» -t sonne- alariuy iight. the uiîds holiu.gii itsle, wsimîaginie tht- slîiîuutiiu ielfftI-!-c s i- tIven un te cat, Libut îy ululer algis, if our ears aire gu-otueug, sie debulti isar te e-machut a lIiauitiiînuitral ~lwe-ks. 'TImon.i- -irecmni)eotîe he t «em ltt.e -ilatt lioute lIaifSehtuitin-r mise iviiilieb. latt,-sl'iy the -t ofaiIMrli. At tbis seasîttih Ie icair teuiltitinn ae cupeîialiy niîitutiit. Noir îh.ît the Joug wi-iutîr eeîilgs bareeoiuite. tier. MM Mutaur 'mmma wilil ht>-Ihîcîn l Rgît -tournas",. -Itttiltgeit otul itiî-n. flui 'brie- tmA a orS, in the, strengtteitiiug -antie- talbVsuug of moral ehami-ler. anui'is iii- ter ta man>' cf rau w-II ilte itightebt enad tiéete oi al your lins. aand in - Il <Iciption 1ùI etîattuatc >on. Bt * hiens il namy uantin- s ut-lt ffect, ttîl a charge rua. My iteltuni-ilo xok ont %%itre ITea spenti Jour %inIeruigitîs. * la thireae.5r 1 larvme tu:-a. itaI etIhîs asaof te year te esil allue-- enut, are esîteciall u>-Las>. 'l'ere is mt cea'>'mue-h ltuplation fora n n tal lduage la an a lut aigLIht it!id iaittg «gauigbtis imd ta iru-iiue te fetil air et eam senilge. bt n aIlle t uit! iglita «ton gutîeru n gri-at iaret. At tutuci <Sm.thue gruugshmuqipslote uigit u-.îke iwmore thonan ut our un lire igbus ta sutu- Mer. At sut- lmaes te pn ui. i s lacs of ecthrtmututtxenl recult cPpltlt.lIy ttracllre, and te îtiutg la espeitahi> -Jmqwctoive and te applane especl.îlîî Iacwteitg. M a ama aolaiakelt igtai&Ut e naIt oftite'yeur si-iliLe cap- -l slÊiow, atal thoiglilt si uluma te anme trous tite coutry. aid tterec aas Iue- tér la the ecr,anuI i Ltre-eenoues in the *Sck anti eiamîil ii liste tep, b>' îhe tios. lb. apring Itonasouuac mierau vsill »m 5 b n te.lime nel t and ay la ror-ir ums:tWhat's the' mutier si-it tat 0as? Hou difflereuty te ook frain -ý bt b. loobes lIat Sehteuiber!" Slaia qti» trinter'a dissipation. I2At titist ime - 4 rieuJea liero are mnu>' ctertauu- mat. If tie rigittîr emploi tem and <tg7 are oi îhe igiti inti, Iler' enlauge ana isecislitiez, 8110%v us ta make inipont- adt acqualatauce. Ituilti up la our maorale iielp np la iltousanti mays. 1 cau etareely think ofi nnting etter tai cml utigittrltarui. But ter. are tuai umtenlinnients front a-bic t-haiera inil] cuebesollet inlat-aratter. Titer. airt t<se mita lth ue apringlume si-hi lie to-oben dovnainhealt, anui t!,lougitlit thse apeaiiag aifte aasanilîteir Irospezts wer. brigbt, et tetloue iii the scasor -.tiicy il Lebclui tebandasaifte docions et mdeiestîIn;lalte -citcry.'Te- cerlilleati et tiat mili e ilaîde dut,sit Ite ph>' Udan, la gave tIti feelings tifthue faatly, VS ci .ai te <i,ýaSne h'oaILatin nin,. but tb. duo tt -sv. uuîml enery-iody 111otre, tyer , ofluttu-j aîauy ueeas Amy mitt nl ilesu- isine drnuking con- Vftlalitiee. Euîw- iare ycu, te fatai cia tamiit-. teunî'tl lie upiettc aifthe Young p"ahiLo'? Itrinî t te enter- taent, ta Bavere t ofithna ite iinialer an salnie aliter weak t-ntiralice ma, Jo "v~i~e'tite dem-nter lt a @ide raam, uani enly àay fea peple are itnitedtier. ta glirtalic, but it il asoy enaugi taho bacs whcu you cme outtîy teglne of yaur ~eeandtIllc îtünhoitaiyaur breath diat Fou ho ave Wbeeervng te ti-l. Prs lice Self Contrai. ateu sitetitcumxcse tem elre n mau> tter luI. auplers il la uecesuai'tu "aie Snome srt oaiutlattla nid tiges tics. My plaini upiiltîniis ltaIif yauiliai-- qa mare self coutîrotitait ta stuff yaursell usatIl yoam digestive argasereins.tei uke. voU bat! boter nt cal rourself i - ma, bt luese rtrseli amaugtlhealt -*W iperlait. At tis sensan aifte Jeu <Sa o;ung Me's Ctîistiaîîs Associatii -~~~ tise luit senti otcOreillers asbing lbt > m1emta spea a mord ou ibis aubecet me noi sounti la Jour ar te mords oi " otodGot Ahiglitly, uiWoe unto hin: - pat teiabaIlle la bis neîgtbor' R~lélaice titat yau- bave cone ta lb4 winter'mout. ltaI remititiyom ei imss mitea Sa ur ciilttootiroi Oet boe eon b>'thlite f aathen, maIl - tbr, sisiers, sainieaoftem, aloi «re ta mçcl vou ilb a "Happy Ne, 'o - - r a MeXfrry Christmms." Bu mmi agnla bave mce seen on Net si dà' thc sousoi oi n.eaifttheue -- -drna,1 antiYaoung ien bar.e, - - tunseîrait y te tacttaut t b ua been offeet by te ladis. anti agalail t habateen tanal a nlady's baud baunblinledthl ù7*ns thirut for jetroag 1in, oan Wina the caaa m r -id l'usadowthe b. treet anti look lut* tise pairabroker's Wladast, Elegaut atatb lsnt fons, elegaut nute, essat as..a, élégat secart, legant books, legant me-es meula.,. Yoj sometiatea sec people wlth v pleaseti cou.nImances looking mb auct a d windoir. Wten I ok lato a pamnitrak- I ena m.iatoi, il seccula atue as if 1 badIr ooketi hâtitae indow ofaili! To irion dit flint matth eit long? Tu a dunkard.* Tr o mid tIhose fors belang? Teaa dmankart'a ite. Te whmiai dt iotie ae beloog? Ta a dnunkard's chilti. I labe lttre. brazen balleat ailieur-p may oi a paivnbroker's stop anti 1 clanka tbcîuhtogetitîr, sonnding tLe buell of tea drnakard'aseaul, À paîrnbraken'w shpap le ouI>' anaeaiftéeMalles ln tegreat tor-a rent ai municipal tiuakenneus. "Oi," c nyssnie ane, "I tion't patroala. snch l thiags. 1 tare tiestrayeti no Young man t by stîci Influences. I onîy tubre aie, and t a irili tube a great amont ofalae ta latoxl-a cate." Ye, but 1 tell ynn tem. sant an tirtiaa ntilaAmMeia tIdid nat beg l mitit aie. Tire. X'&--I do ual kuom ibal t titey mena. Titre. X's on the brewer'sa dray, titre. X'ut on te door af the gmusap, titre. X's on te aide of te bothe. Titre. X's. 1 ask,îl a man. Hie couldti aItell.a i asbetiauotter wmitIla te meaulng ai i tae tbreX's. He coulai ual tel me. Theon matlpan>mymd that tthelitre, X's were un all'gory, andt iat ltey menit t Pthirtf ulrt-nklls, thirly agonies, ttirtyy brukea otal ouseholtis, thirty prospectsa ut a tirutbard's grave, titirty aays ta per- ditionx. "Tree X'x. If 1 mere going la wvrite a suer:.-, te firi ai -mltî i wolilv col] -Titrv-ý X'a" andthe iuit ciipter 1I %ouiti cLa "Tîte I'aw-ilroke's Stap."d Oit, bcwarec f yair influet-ute.a Curne of MiodertFaciel Il Thte witi-m sensut ins tsieiuily fulliofci tt'ulil ît lin. belucut Iits- th-lonug erî-ulittgsa alloiiuiga114i-1t full aîviut; for e-sil itodai-y geities. Fui -ait s-nrccly eet n Yountgr mainut I go iuto h iaeJont uidsuaiti-et futît 7 lu Il &-oklates-veung rend- ing NMî,tey'Ihut Itt-îtublic" or John i-isters es;is. It moult!le n rery beau- tifui thiutg for hbu ta do, Lutlbe isell ot dla it. Tlw uno>t ut aur Young mea arc Lusy !i-aoffices,lit factories, tanitankiagv botuses, it stores, la shaps, anti aheu ev-uiug -out-athey wnut te freut airL andl tii-y amalt i ittseeitg. andt ieynmuet have il.ilîtey tiiil base it, andt tht-y ougitt ý,î loti'il. ostt of te attet itre assen-. itI,-Iil h av e thrt-e or four eî-r-ultgs of1 luistare u- itte iinter iigls. Aiter Ica, île miaupiats ou is bal andtitn, att!lie gui-a ui. lOce fort of lluremnieulsays, t"('omen litere." Satanësais: 'Il s L-st -for yuu ta go in. You ougbi nae li e sa tgreeun. Bi Iis tinte yenutulgblt 19have 0 scet- vciryuhing." And te t'mplaîionsr shall Le iilitt in ltaîl limes eu-b as i-e line Lad, biiutîi tcît. 1 elieve. arce gane, ifor i- L-r uti -ver tila nd thîe pîh.-yt àof gi-al lîracit-nit> -anud te rairoatmca ?andtheL uîîrrhaauis. they nahtell tue outhe tiays aiflrostîerii, utc>'hiiiak are caiag, su ant mitutîr de-irtanennttey bai-e ah- rreody coume, tndt titiore guiag ta camle r i aU de-îtnneuls, Lutoîhose dmt11I tint-s ,tîtmougit ahict i-e haie hmsseti bave de- aIsra> cd a great mati>' neu. Thte question of a liieihootitan it a raitlitutie the grent question. Tîtere aire yaîtrg nmen sri-ha expecteti hefîre Ibis la set talateir * huseboiti, Lut tey bave been tisap- *pointeti in te gains they have matie. 1They cannai supiport tbe-selre-basv r eau te>' support cters? Anti ta the t urse ai moderut society te Iheory la la nirantf that a man munet nai mumry antil ihe' bas achies-etia fortunte, mitente4 L muin oagbt t lasurt aItlite foot of lte bill ad together clmb ta te top. Unattractire Homes, Thea te inten tas especial lenipla- tions in te tact lit annaihomes are p.- cniarly unuliraclive nt Ibis season. Ia ,the summner monts te Young maea a it out on te sûpa, or Le eabare a e boquet in te nase onuteniantel, ar, te Ievelltags eing sa short, soan aler gutu- alighie ha amts la retire anyhaa. But I temaire auy parents mita do nal an- tderstaittihoa tua make th. long amnter evenings attractive ta tem ebhiltiren. Il le amaziag la me tilttsaO inar aitpeople1 rdo net unticrstanti Yonng peaople. To beari s oin. af the"e pareantslusîk yon moult Shink tbey lad nevûr temeelves Leen Youtng anddItund bema bora wilh spectacles on. Oh, it la timrons for Young people yîa ait in te bas. froimi 7 ta Il o'clock nt -nigit andta1 heur parentîs gran about -titeir ailmeats andthte nothingumeas of titis ,r monîti. Tite notitingacass of Ibis irnt? Hoîr tiare yauî taik snchb ilaspieîy? It look Got six tiuys to make titis morîti, ,randtie has alloiveti 0,4*10ye-uns te bang ilupon is holy iheurt, andtisa onîti bas dshone an îou ndautblesseti yen anti ca- Sresseti ion for these flty an serenly Jens, anti Jet ioui tire tll;about the nnoîbingnes aif bis marîtil Wiy. iflei ta agnifiicnt inorît. I dto nt bltieve la the abole unaivre lter. isa amorîti equal ta it excepl it Le heavea. Yoeu ctnnat ex- d pect Jour ciiltirca ta slay in te bouse 0 these long inIer evealugu ta heuir yau ï- tienouance titis star ligted, sue amet, a1 shamer haptized, flairer strema, angel If watchet, Goti inhabiteti planai. ir Oh, nmbke yaur tome brigbtl iBn na a te riolla or the pictane. lbtia.es mt re- ts quire a great salary, or a bg bouse, on tr chaseti ils-e. on gorgeons uapbalstery ta as mabe a happyr tome. Al ltai le manteti le lu a tuther's hteurt, a moîer's beart, ta , synipalty mt Young folb$. 1 have )f bnama a ma mth *706 aaîary, anti be an bad no olter income, buthb.huati a honi. sn nhappy anti bigitl tatthonais lb, sons le buve gons aut anti mon lrge fortunea if andthe. taaghters tare gane ont lmb an splendId ipteres anti beconie princîe»-e a- af sachet>', ttey cau neyer lbînk oata il early home withoul leurs.ai emotian. Il w wus laetentte vestibule ai bàaveP4 lil and ti ier nmansions nom, anti al 15cm w palaces inom, cunuot titulethem. tergel il liat early place. Make vont' homes.iasp- standi Young fàikel lier. wu à ieut SuMbay niioci anaversary, ad tier. were thonsantis otf eWldren prèseut Ia- deed ail the SuudaY uchools of the POWD were lu the buildid'ge anti il w» very np- moarlous andi foullofdistturbance, andti ûe presiding oefcer on tbe occasion came for- warti audntila vy tound tone shonteti, *"Silencel" anti the'more noise th'1 preuid- Ing officer matie the more noise the chiu- dren made. Soute on. else rose on the platforin andi came font ard anti with more steatorian robce shouted "iec! and lte uliroar rose ta greater heigbt, ant if i 'tiseem asn if there Nwould be ai- mont a riot ad thse police have ta b. enlied inla ben old Dr. Beaman, Lis hair white as thé driren saow, saiti, "Let nme try uny baud."goalhe came forwart i wtl a slow step ta th. front of-the plattonni. anti when tho chiltiren Bmw 1he venerable man and 1he white hair they tbaugbt tbey wooild husit np tisat instant and henir what the oid man bai ta say. He saîi: "Boy@, 1 want to niake a bargain with you. If yoa will b. 51111 Dow while I speais, when yan ge ta lie as olti as 1 am 1 will Le as still as a mous(-." There wus not another whisper th.at.afternooni. He wax as much a boy as uuy af tbpm.' oh, in these spproaching holidoys ]et us titra back aur natures ta triat they uvere years ugo anti bc boy@ again andi girls ngnia anti make ail aur bomnes happy. (oti will bolti yotl resp<tnsible for 1h. influence rau now enet, ant if it ivlibe rery brigbv and rery pleasant if sonte wioter night wben w. are sleeping un- der the. blankets of anow otar eildren salI ride alang la the iaerry party, andi Lnshing a moment intosalemnili look off and say, "There ieeÎt h. béat f-allier andi mo)ther tlint er(r- made at happy new year." Arta yaurself against thetie teuip talions af December, ,lafnLry and l'e)- ruary. Temptationa will corne ta you ini the f',mm of aun angpl of Iigbt. 1 knuw that the poets represent satan ns hornti anti boofeti. If 1 wene a poet andi 1 were going ta picture salait, 1 wonid relînesent hlm as a humait being, wilh mein polishet ta thse lent perf.e- tion, bain fallng In graceful ringlets, eyes a littho bloodshot, but lloîîting in bewitching languor, bandi aoftuntidia- monded, foot exquisitely shapeti, voici' mechoir ns a lute. breatit peillmed 84 though nothing hnd ever taucheti the lips but balm of a thousanti dowûrs. con- ve'rsation facile, cart.fuliy boned anti Freiichy. Bat 1I would have tihe enrt in- cased with tLe 1sentes of a manster. anti have it stuffed wtLail pride anti beastît- ties ofi tesire and hypocrisy anti denti, anti then I ircultl have il toncheti with the rod of disenchantaient until ltee yebe- came lthe raid ori f lthe atider, andti l the lip shonît Conme the foani of ra.-iing inloxication, and ta the foot the sprin.- of the paiitherý andti thîe soft band Ilîu Change fltuaI oulti make if the clatuny banti oi the wasted takeilon. ,aad then I iroulti sndtenly have the heart break ,ont ln unquenchable lamtes, and the ai- fecteti lisp oi the longue becomte the biss oi lb. worm that neyer dies. But until diseuchanted, ringleteti anti diamondeti and flut, roiceti, anti conversation facile, carefully taneti antilerenchy. Engage i la 1gb Pursulta. Oh, wbat a Leautiful thiug iflàl ta s'ce a young man standing up amiia these temptations of CityIlile incorrupt irîile bundreds are falling. 1I mIl 1.11 yonn bis- tory. You wili more la respectable cir- dles ail your <laya, antisanie day a friend af your father will meet yan and say: "Goati morning. (lludta se. you. You seeni ta b. prospering. Yau look like your fatiter for ail the worîti. 1 thought yon would tuaitont iell whea 1 usedti t holti yon on my knee. If yen ever irant any belli or any advice, corne ta me. As long as I remember your fater l'Il re- inembor yaîu. Ilooti morning.Y Thal wili halte history af bundretis af these young mien. How do I know lb? Ibaconýv if by tb. way yaîî atart. But heresaa young mian who takea lb. opposite roule. Vaices of sin clmrm Liani away. He reads liait bocks, mingles in al society. Tii>. glow bas gone froni bis cheek, and lte sparkle front hie eye, and the purity trami bis soul. Down Lie goes, li111e by l1111e. The people mita saw ir ha heunlh.carne to toma irbile yet itosereti orer bis henti te blessing ai a pure motben's prayer, anti thene mas on bis lips flitcdew ai a pure sister's kis, nom us they seé humi pas. cry, "WLut an airfîl wreck!' Chee> bruised la gnogsitop fight. Eye bleared witb dissipation. Lip swullèn with in- dulgenc-es. Be cureful irbat yon isay lu hlm; for a trille lie ivould tuke raun li. Lomer dama, lourer dowa,until, aut- mat ai Cod anti man,be lien ia the asy, luni, a Lloteh of loatbsomensus andi pain. On. manient hie caelle for (loti, anti theti hae calîs for ruma, le prys: lbe cursesi tie laughs us a fiend langlis, tu bites bisi nails mb te quick, titen puls bis band tbrougb the hair tauging arounti bis head like tb. ma, if a wilti Lenst, then shi,. ersentil the cat shakeis mitit nnntterablq terror, then îritb bis liate ligLîs bacis the devils or clutches for serpents that seeinta midarount i hl them awful told.thea asks for irrter mhict lu la- staatly consumeti on bis crucke I l, Sorne moraing lte surgeon golng is rounds will funt i hm deati. Do, not try ta comit out or brut bacis the mattetillochs. Stralgbtea ont tte 11mbst, mrap thens lu a oheet, put hlm la a box aud Ict two men carry hlm dama ta tb. wagon at tihe door. Walb a picce ai ctalk write on top of tb. box tte nuaite destroyer andu tb. destnoyed. Who lauit? Il lu you,Omaa,4 If, yîelding ta tte temptations af a dises- pateti lite, yon go ont anti perlait. Ther. in a wuy that seemeth brlgist and fuir and beantîful ta a man, but the endi tisereat ia dealb. Employ- thes»longS aighsaot December, January 4nd Pcb rnaryInla igit puruits, la Intelligent su- BRIEF 1COMPILATION OF NOis NEWS. ILLI-1 Ltapense of Cun;iil for sutaii-Po-i ra- tient. Nol E l ire yIllhe Dutyof a Cil>' -Chicaro IMaille %Wiil Pros ides for a Coniiunnllic'uièttutiiuu. Cnttnty ',Tust Pay liali te Bill. Ai lumportantt lt--iui'u iasmtuteî'n itaieil doisa t he>'tii'Al, tui- ourtiIts-imh ct- tabliltta a hrt-i-t lui;iin lie mat t-nof camIttg fuir tut> l \ iieitý. K.esi-mut Jeans ago titere ami-ts a t-mse utlttkurl andtheii total î-tst iif treutilttiet ut ais $t,- su0, uiit-h amnuî the titi'i-l> lai -. Tiie Cil>- (oui cil ekedthiLt'couttît y Ite tuai>li tii. anititiit, l, ii g télîpatnt uiasu>i macih a couti as il <ity i-ar;e. Thi- etîntitygutuersrîsre ufuseti te rcmtisl an.]tlit alter si-usta tu- t h ie('ircuit Ctunn, iniere th it t-il'ow-ta a ictcry. se- cîuriig a jutigmnt aigainst te cttiuty fur $5110. Titi.couutly autît'tled aîîti aubeI the Aptelale (Court forurnebearing, mmii lbas jîtat been tienicti. Importntun I-zuiPoint Involved. Atti mtanit tate ie a eliheurt iii lhe Peonia i Cm-lit Citant. Il isiliLeb a dis- coasitîn oftan nie-lt tlaîut-uI puint tîflais-of mther a tow'nship iiutecton bais a righît la retautu an feinoi n atitilov anti alyi-e iasarysantifur î-ienk ire. Titis soit i iteiutulîtidb>' ibtuuviiir [ii- hip Snmîit tolest te riglît of Colletta Alluiitho net ainthe lt'il 2liter -eut - e f ul ta colleti in te oltt-li. Ari-t-nt lng lu> te batLinmuItleittihu- ut uIle utotun- t>- treasuimer, ('îileî-hîmrAliutrt-tui uît'î $7,53.5 forthie s-ns lutof imsel ut atd ia ils4. 'hlm ats- n lluu4 oîlth $1,5M5 . to thuit thli untottumitutt utu rl'O !A t.> 35. i l gu-nrabi' lh uwctl titîl$I.tke it huasnal a satan>- lormftlue ttlii andmî hisetltrks. antiti-the t lu-bt rî t medt u compi romiise hi itlli-rug Itiuît Cîmu.t sqiiui nd p iiîg us t-titliii-. 'lTh- i -amtii-r siHI Itu-decitieu tut Ilitcoutirs i a - s.il ebtaluhe lu aî ra-- et deil fair futre g-l a- Ta Fonnd a t'ecuilnar ehool. ('hareButrtnI'itmllips. tuf 'hie-n, wa-l îdieu lit New Yi.mk OctI. 25, iî'fI au stiii is hili mai fit-il iutlie ttrow uttoffic-e lu hiolugnaplu. A ft-n takiuug lte lt4uitS cf certain u ropPri;nt iii< îtanditin i u t- atin uitl> 10bit aniîgiîtem utds>! -tire- *ultpeti cI', ltme- miii itireî-s tlititt Illereui- il,ý of u biis ,t-chh'bc' îtiii)t I tow tnul te .tailislittnt'it nifa.1 plyt--Lîie-i> i%-mil> uluon landt swhilu het usi ut Itr au ut-uli 1Juno tîuaun kuuty. Thti-s tiitl île-ii l prus tht , shnitAli nle tîte eaîuînaîuut hi> il,-i rti-. cm.as lia-wortts tf te sillin[tt ii: ~ -Tllue ogniiziiitf te iuniattufainatl>' îiina aistI LiOtiet-iiu. andtitihi tigi su lise lugeci taiutaiter svaîuî ies - výi. t. 'l'h. Oteidamî cunttitr tuf t bis Statvi, Thomas B. L'yn>-u. ai Chu-igu. atnd the s.ilmitr jiuttceof te Sultreitit'orti ni Illiis uare am'niocne us buces ai tic Blte Ncws toi Brief. Juhn Graves, aget i 5, d ttiîltul>- ut M'.t. lai-h. tom >eara C',mimuaaauiner u Strettant Ilockttint, tintlmlîC deu<liou Samutel Sainîte, n-ha si-n t a Mere-or (oytui>' luitaite >rs mga, died, aged 8dt i-car,,. Iluin a mttoliea i h'ilo tîciicatitIa nea -hiitîtit. Bitop Spaldiiuîg, out I'iia, ut8stted lte pastor. Jase-ph Cneqt, a muine-r. ageul'20 yeara. fell iawn a shuft ut Sprnug Valuey', a detit ni 4S7 felt, anti aas Lilleti. Dedicallea serniuvt-aoai litenesi- rgaUt antilluintioa ni. i ei t tlte Sut-net! Heurt Citurei-ini Jolie-i Suttduy nigitl. (huvemnor Aitgi.dltiaImuniseute a requIii bti nuptuuthue (,ovenr of ai isaiiuînl Itor Juuîîea Kinîhmougit, wnled ut Vataita fon rohbery. Governair Algelîl lias rest.reîlte igitis oai ellzeuiail)tiîlaThtomas Millier, ai Joliet, si-lut ervet'hire. yeanmtin te Joliet prtisont fonr oibery. For Ina Jears a dtier Las hIbencnecasiona- nily -e]euran vui-ti. iut theti- suient couillld u itîtînits tralu. T'ittnsay lins. Jerry Waiker, a farium-e'aýift', eait anti kiRiti. leluaer Loukinîaîher, nifRciittcintg. iva, seiotisly if nal îiuttuuuy i-ba. licesiais a uneuber nf a chtarivari pnty andt usastI ta te situltier a t a-ifunl charge aofituck- abat firei b>' a i'ouipattiau. AI Vanitalia ('omiisqiotter Gtina Ihel, Smitit Ash. DîcitAsit. nuitu Aignlta i- Mlillion.,t hargeul si-illimuuteft'tiug. iu the suio f $.5 cacitil) tlefault ai vbmc t lie>' mer. jailetilitî IbrtinglleIti. Sheniff J. J.Williams. ni Jackson Catunt>', Ohtio, boit Josephl TriLLe froc Beileile, irito ta tccuieitif ltnviutg mur- tieret Thtomas Davis la 1891. lic ne- kaowiedget itaving killeil Davis, Lut claimeti seif-defense. A check signeil iithth ie marnieofItlua- t a>' & Canea-anti traînuu for f$1171 an cashlet ut te Final Nationaul Bank na Liletfield. It a-ns snbseqîentiy-touitite be a forgery anti Thomas I>ss'c t fata- ern eur Zaneville, a-as urrealeti. >Gaoy. Alîgelti Issiieti a marnant ultai .a requisition tram te Covro-rofaiMis- 1sourlifon lb. extradtilon oai lmer t-1 > attie>', mita irasconvictetiut Ictiepeluti o nce ini Ju!>', 1894. of grand lareeny. Salt. >Ley mas te castien ai lb. Kansas City Depasil anti Savings Bank anti receircu deposite afler te institution si-ns noîvu te Le lusolveul. Tita divorce jouitoaiPlne Robterts agant L.sncllyu iloit rts wsdtecîdet ai -%w rtssmdsvileil atar ofa te lhinîiff, wm allegeti extreme anti repetet cruelty. nobe-rIs actet nes în mt mtonne>', ex- trainiung te mitnenstisanti sràglng bit * ase befare lte jars?. lie mas foruojrIý à lacrebaual afGotifrey, tut ttc principal etq Moalicehia Scnifnary ordee a boy. COUt on bis eslutabilpt heentisetiti 'oag laides of te juciool mere isalîlte I sentianti receire theimal litroughIt lon hisbusiness mam utne-i muit te cm- Near Laeon te body ai Hlarry loot, ugeti 2. mua fotu nîll a fild i th th.eauo- teati ofai ashorgna in isebhot. Ttc gunwaau ac<ietjilly disciarged. At a meeting cf the Sîmte Buard af Lire stock ('onimissioael-s bell attltînrilitgi te State 'etî-rluarian rî'portedIbattcoau- tagionts dimeý,ehtid hoot tistîipeareti auîong catle aIttis tinte titrougtont te Stâte. 3h. hâti visitît-tieveral loulities front whicli contagiont Iid be-ca reporteti, bt lfouud the îlist'îttt-- u Lbcîutling more serins' th.in loù.al ertrpt iotîs anti nult-1 tagiatis. U(ini ttrm ud a lalmtitrtx mcmi. iot kiiovît i in tite. tat, at t huatinte. Mmny localities O ere £uiffernîg front i hogchi- eii. Detecliros ta inte mploy of cf the .Nurthwcsîterii Ilnilrouud arrested Ditiiglit liur.liek, of RuîckforîI idenli.iying bita as te moillierito e4scaîtet about a rmoutIL ugo ant ixîtm Iurdiiek aud a coinpaîîian bail]ieen caugitt obhing freight cars nita .itwile teiuîg seareteti be matie bis eseapbe. Burdick itelonga la a bonti a- li hvi' cr unsted for mny sitady dolnusgaabout itotkiorti andllte deteclives art- certain tey bave te men Who avtte buen dîing a great untoliiti of car-robbliig unt titeNortîrestera, lUi- naisUCntral ant i iv.iukee IRonds. Sait wan blronghtbugant lte 'bicua3 anti Allait lRniroistint Springftieltd ta r.- caver a penailty t-f $5.000. The suit mas iled lty the At ttrpe-v 4eneral andl ln haseti upon lte groundati itIt cburged $2 moreIbm lte regustar ttlfor oshippinmg a lot aofItogm tlt( Uionî i4to-ILYards, C'hicago. l'lie extra %,2 sas for termnial tuIa rgts. 'Th(, silt-tr matte comintnt t lte RIliloutiand i Wsrehoti*e Commit- siwi.ihl reiturt-t he cha rge as iIIe gai anti referredthelt,-came tolte Attorney Geitîrtîl. TheFiti i iil bc îmdec atest ris lu the legalit- uf cllectiiig sncb ter- minâti chargi s. lanlIme ircuit Court ut Galesburg te tritîl ofthîe ia-o ftohn D . Moore vs. Johnla I 'oka.nîi ofi tuhiu a ile Knox ('oitly ulîngsiutuse:LDr. Schwavrtz, the a litîsîouse îîiysiî-iuîn. anti buîenî-isors C") d<lmageç ta in progness. Moore' iiotie salit iwaniitt (i f the aimis- bouse andt skiaî ais renîuîed, frai bis permon ntigrafleil(,ii the aria ofAmiea Ke.ndall. nait imte. Titi'openation W.-s pet-forineti sitbîiilite coinenttu oof and tIi iî tlainid large lîlecea cf ekiiî ivere 1inelîcd toff the idiot*s tîtigit andi lcg, lcaviitg bal]si-are. M- Cre u'rR. Dan anti Fritz Asprnoth. MNrs. Itaîph Klürlin acutIMrs. Victor Faut. of Iloi-kfortl. are direct teins te ir.perty lef t by Joîus Bengstan Lami- lier, of Amterdlami. loliautI. mItadieui lb-ni- ta 1726. Lambtiert lefI bis property lu tltree sistu-rs liv inîgia Afro, Sweden, Libt thley, iii kttuosiuig si-laI hecane pof the wil.,faut-,d ,, gel th, Lqes.Tise il-1 lui d Gvermniit bît aa been holdinug tLe mioit'i- htrust erer Siuce. The nîonp.y Dîow nuîulsta Io$25,M),000, caclniling lai rg" llouti I cs in Derneraral. 'lh. lluikfîtrt lauties mare descendt<us cf te threiat-r,,nad itlliotiters are îîushiuîg their cIlmt. Titie SwedilsitGoverauxcal hiaisthe imtter il andattfor theni. Mtie. (Clara I-. Johnson rveovereti$2, (0<) iaaiigem frointheiiWest Chiicago Street ltailroad for inijutrie« gustomocti De>'. I1, 18W ilrMm. Johnisontsue4ilfor $50.(l0lt<lainanges. Tte sireet nmilssay î-îtmptnm imametiauteir moreti far a itewt triai, Mrît. Johnîsoniinlthîe iife of an engraver mita lires on lte West Side. Site boitrde ilut Madilson street cabie con the day mealloiitu, alsicitcollieti mitlî a wagon loaiet isi-tIltbuilding materil for the'Chaumpîlaint building, la couins.fil contrtrcian ut Matilson anti Stîsto sîreetis. a-ere th. accident oreurreti. The 1%110(-kltrea- a tlii.froi tLe ltpnifthe w-agon. mt-b stria-k tira. Johnsoît, in- fiictiîmg internailtinjries. Aî-coniing ta thé itîedit-aii esliuian3'in lté case, <tht williietii tr recus er bern ormal boulli. At lime animal meeting of tLe huainoi Stute Milm'Agsocimttoîthelîl at bpiigfiliiiod ruutaclt iras luketi la bbe motteîr ut freiglitt ies accontict millers hi Illiatîta miroantsandtheb. n suit w as a fumrt ccîitiuiumt of unjosi tiiscrimiatii'oa ns t<4 lied init the lRail- trutodsanti i iîrehiue Commnissioni. Tht tllî'ngs t ounlitii-tiof are precedeti Ly t s Otateinenl tuithlii'effecc ltI lthe numhcu % oi floiirintmuilis inite State cf Illinois la tabolt itI>O, titth(I -capaltcIotinstahIt - ueigitorlihoiof tÏ5,000 ban-cia oi floua a day. ltat the intount of iuoacy invested Iin îîroperties is abtout $U13,000; taIiu -lte conut of tutthiir business ltes. niuiler: uai ont yeîîriy user $30,000,lXJ0 andtiit fte niuliîtg intlerest la to-day, evea lil t enipletl conîlibiit. thte largeat lntinstry lu lte Stalle ofIlllinis. n A curio.,iby iin thue shape cf a rairni ticket r.-msîi)rîaeiiteil lu lte galeman nt -the Lake Shore deiet inî ('iicga Wed- it iestay aftîriîoott mai lefore te Bostan special pulleti out, attdlfon n lime t -maa-ho exnulutes,. tickets ut the garo suni Generul Westecrtn Iasseniger Agent Wiîber thonglit lt'y acre oi tlie truck af a large lot oi alolen tickets. The tick- -et presenteti nas ttnu limlteti on. issued îîreîuly-oîîe yeuru ugo by te St. P'aul Rlondata astationt calltdiiiiiueska, and Sgooti for a tiplî froin Chiîcgo te Elkharl, anti es Ils oaer acknomletiged tisathb -boit puretusedthlb ticket tram a ac-alper -suspicion et once renulteti. BatI aI lIe St. Paul offices Il mas discoveredti lt lte bit of pasteboarti mus Issueti betare lteorgantwuion aoflt.e Chicago, 3MII ILIwoke. anti St. Paul Italîroati, andt lb theré mas no record of if. Sa the man a wrIs bati palti a scalper $2.75f or a trip ýt ta Elkhart for an aId ticket, wisen ho 0 conîti bure goI a branti nem anc tornV- -cents mare anti not culletidam ti pa * binisehlte suspicino t i mabig ralîrotu * companltis, mas allomedte tago bie may In G olden Text-1-Thcre [b ~ utteketit clouer tibLu a if<s 18-24. The lessout tor next SBua* ia 1. Sami., 20:32-42. The iansou ls girea as "Darlda**pi It miglit mare p 1,r> hr Joathtan an!durI. l'or net hbuthlbpie-e ntace netan. J: luau love ta surprises us, anthie uit deiceasicu anti teadtstgt ber. te major ggslm titis lessan of t.hrae t1is, Jea@. If th îi w MU>' ma<ssionic1t-pc here- tute lenut liter. is-t l a naithau- ual 'affords It. -" But in his oiso mu>' lullinallon oaitheB.ionsof tIIs casa It is the asterluga lions ai the. Christ, thlb 11 Ibluneor@typiieti or PuiUuWsa Comme mwils lbe manisml lOta" appîuaral, bot front lhe, sitepiaoltiandti tie battgllei t DavidI lu eectetianti ialiguad 1saeuuletib>'$cuI. lHe bat nueeà la thte fieldis anti mood%. anti bie promisesi crama, lhe bas,' tlite Mon of Nazaretht, no plate té I Lent. IllIn 1o ha nateti that lu thefael ta escape tram the malice et aniI4.1 is provlîlenllally tram lut mitt wito hta pane tlram inte spbfeer f participtatian Sa civil uff'alns, bàt niait sents la te stil e-eîla propbehlc tunetions. I& Is a kna acitool aoflt.e prapits, anti bereï k 1 sDavidi ggqoute ael15,1 esemeanditraining iluh lbh1j ai tilvlntty as mai>'nably lit ihmtW ta tia. people, as, bq siteraamiu ieismatclesus Pouims. - Il max vioc ý edtlime. (loti ue& aMlfiWlo tb * ermeat oa itbs saints andti bm u60 aient ai bis bu>' purposes. àTise circuainanceoiflte areo>'I fie-Rt mas bataun item ofi a . Jonuatan*$ pstime hbat a si )ose In It. nit ibis dionghi as* r Hi@ picasure mas mithit Mgql-4 -lte sous aofimen tismionarsut 'tl rd ut lte mised court ao SetL~ 1versathi- imt the lt Wax< a vén bis iteati. It mus dinAMeît ê , itiug lter,. He spobe liticWIi P, bit,@, titat, isearlag, the o mp atiduigbt nat anderstanti. it ltae mua of bis e unneao r eyen Letare Iisegrrevele ttieuev - h tuo cd liter, these-tuaiiat Drades wirehioldlutg>happy eu*ga Bfieldi. Cbaaging lIIgtlIy th.le < r iean language af lb. beart uhldi a t Interpretu, antiSInte lite et aiai te swit speech of lte mart *a- apponttaitîes to menti maoogm hi murd. lTe*, ail morde anti ervre io te hiuging In ai bic kIngdam J- r heuerts. But speech la netava' ltaus Lt parables nom Iutercoursé t * Ineie. PreftatI>' Duit anti Zo are logether andti er lare oralq lare ludtA uppeu'most ant ins ltoagitlunay auggestlan eti Da4 Jonaltan, lare a"ti oyaly. A&lI" came-nrains us anti soii us ItuIe bonutifui ta tse. Joanima utfsl lu lts lare for Davidi, alîhangis he thaI Davjd's exaltation rneant.Iuai litîs ai-ubasenent. Il waxua ai melf-iorgetthiug love, constat loiv,% eits bighest IllutrationandatiIs caw lte citarueler ai Christ, mita fct s sakés hecame Itor tuaI mevabth" tpaverl>' mîgitl te madetie Ie, and i lai-euhmec sîilîleven miten. they ' J paîting hlm apon lb. cros, -Tiis - irndenfai expression at leSta -. a *ilaving loveti his oma, Ise $lancé. l- ut lte enad" Wa bave su'nttea <M e ih ln aur owa Bible a ring or cIre! i mas lave tu the endi. not sunmsicii I r sense of terminatian as af coia» àYes, andttlare ta the finish, the *"k t lit.qes!" aif('valrJ, antinose meba ýr bsaite ainelet lte aiguaoait4 f dI le 'bnem tati@is our wusa cm t te sauti depart ont aoflte motti .1 lbe Fatten" la igt celcatial- cq tt loumips, yet h. reinaineti true ti sâ enrtbly loves. H.ebutem *tlt tIbe' a er lias gîvea atIl things utomb 510 aud b. coult Ido us be moult ,ltl ,ITiea, osait b., I mîiljust ge cm-.i ttem. lie baem <tisa ehlsu hlm," Who bo sulti irsale - hIi4, Sstaut leu i hm tute tres, pet-b. ae titens still. Wontierft llove 91 eCit liat compassion on the~ it tefileble sotuetimes beedietap bk as sheep wititout a uitepb.n. Sq k.il gays, ttthey tamilisei sut ed ýd teresi abrontjass aeep huyt< # 11berd.tt (Malt. 9:36.) "MCt' 1.h may sisepherdiesa aiieep d&& , ltftcti b at .TSey vers.t le dowa," au lb. margin mas nr wue,. sheperdleui anti bai ýe mu', batl ma Iesl Out itseebSng for pa _ cw e 4l. a re on tten. Andti h.>' ere I- about." Rom lI. si lite aneburchbeti, ntfl M»01 us s1ui me dt, wiIS theua.t, t ip iaut jean@ titi, love Ilium, ie baeil.- -- ut The lelliIg quaflt> ai Ibm hWv*> a ad Jonathata usa os hait ilo ai nterat& . ai c'me t n lire vltlV' a le sumt, -e abandon. Jounalltu *s4e .1 bis kingîr or!gl Re .l-i; l