CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Dec 1895, p. 5

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d p osie ubII-Park 10. . lto à d4 t0SiP. Or. E. IH. SMITH, MiQocoverLovoUIO DrugStore ROUI& to2 a.. nd tàp.m. DALl. Or. W. ALVERSON. PhcUln and Surgeon. r»ueam. of Wouien aad Children LAme ZuotICH.ILLIN6IS. PAUL MAcGUFFlN. IftrÏey and Counce1or at Law, StWB attautios i gin to Cofe6tons-and OUM* ICAth La" e unty Banik., Ralph Darby's Barber Shop -le Dow loeawedlu- à Boxe nsFuusRMUEZSTrnE, Wbusr ou dm Alviaro gMt our >lI.vu4g#dmIv uttbw end Dr...hàg. GI1 me rni r u in- go on. Baiph Dumby, - Libertyyill, Ill. mI» àIS. Aue£ DAVIS. Gramgs of Ausricm Cmuervaorg Of lmui.. VOICE CUtTURC AND HARMONY * Lbrtrvill, Illinois. m» LILU M. S. PENNIMAN. S-M&SO5uU or- VOCAL AND AL 0 DELSARTE * W. H. APPLEV, ý...JAUCTONEER... LibertYville, Illinois. lff&VMgg bM much experience in.C t*Ioe.ifflg in te paseventeffl Years, m6ttend males in -nY adjotntng Counties ~VSI7 ow Bats ati»ttl Guar- USISS. Giv mea£Call.* UOUNTY ,4~ BANK .... Wright, Parkhurst & Co. Libertyville, Illinois. Issues lnterest-Bearing Certificates Payable on Demand. Whcaa riaitwaiut a ilaisit of Ranenas, or repairas OUa th lîecuiset, YoU au (an0lU-n lait-er iiain caîl oaa -aRUDOLPH KRUSHA, OROMO# OR0, M. il. C14UNCH. --- Iomlpt attention gtveua tc)al i i cit nork. Go004l nork analov -pices are bintiaul i a a. a j rU R E. op, Picture fhumes, SSheves, Room moulding 4-o ekets, Paints, -orholde-r0, Oie, k obses, Varnishes, Stables, Glass, «»Iêetab's, Putty, hgchai,. Brshes, Mirrors, Mattresses,- Cots, Springs abrsuits. Etc.-, Etc. ATK. 7 1. mi. SaaiJect haut the- îauuncîlg For Womnan and Homne. -'ht'ipiiileîc." For the- 'veuintg wVmaukiua ilippeals tul the- taste te TheStgr«vof ILIL. D. HaIis-ta. the, great mass eofipeopile: iLs cuitora aiias to i li i th su eh bright sionleý-, 0 - claver poumo,Iiuitresting sketches,1 A China Wedding. hteljafailhtnts And suggestitons tat ne voman teau affuni 10 lbe -itholit ItL Ashr tiiint Ltmt suit l cctdCntlY 1bc-.Sensible Wear, àtotherhooul.BilghL- .iiiiie kuowan thai Docemnier 7, '95, Bomnes, iVomann Pruigresai, Cbtld JLite,' wonld bc the 20th aunisersarY cf the- Wonen cf tht- Day, tte,, ana a etaifu wedding of Mn. and Mr@. Charles itqieteestfng dopartments.i. il 1 Trtpo. Their friands and neilhbors sensible snd pracitea tn Ait thingai: aJivded f-o gitýe the- haiPY couple au -.Able, Brighut auia Cleais" lai ii motto. olti fashiouîaîl bouse warmtuag and i.> aîd that's the rt-ascii itais so poplur. lt-aise îomethahug subsi§antial as a ne-, anaung noann. mnîder of tht-ltr iait. Acordingl! Issu S3aturday eveaiung about fitty con- Samnple -Copies Free. tpiratons imaide a descent îîaîthe' on aeoasit of -tht- iŽxpet-flait 10 ichu Trepiow domicile. WIUa b o81ut andi tht- IbDBI'BENtT bais actn put, tht- laughier tht-y lturmed the 40cr, etner- piqiers eain oaay hc sent te anbse-rtberas- £.d aud too lfuît possession. M. andi nU.> y up their subsrptions 01>1, Mr@. Tneptow wýre ordenedt t protced yyaa lu advutucte. This offer li made tdtuî. at once te don tht-fr weddiag gamments. ohut andut-w sesnlrberiî allke. Do flotý %%hile tht-y wvesdaing go, other bands fai t tale ads'aituge of h. Tell yeixa n t-ne busy pnepaing a siauptutoiias fricuds about if, au that tht-y iay- 1-e re pt e .11i6dng rom»u. AIiatiug Sc ain edulttou to thet-bet-tloct- it lnt amaugd, alaib, J. M. Boit-spape? in tht- statua, a yeai's u-al sriptaum tbalvaps caleut upon to preforin tht- to a great journal oîf naiitonal vireuli-ý inanujage ecrensouy. This ht- did inl a ion. heomtug amait-r tid bisa remarIas te tht-blnshlug bride sad groomnt ere ayFcolsRpe ntd both wtty ant i mpressîve. Tht-.utiee ayFcoiaRee.t aatddd cupa ert- thon est-ot-ut te Evurybody silli admît that ashen a t-blei<Unlng room and plat- t-ut he merchant'ast saicle.ct-I,,In taritty, ht-ad of te table whene a neai surprise quaity aud prit-e bt-tai a leader. Frank, awitad ihem. Tht- g9ootthinga verewProino lian stores of eary conctevabîcu aerred, uds t luet-aceestomed diabes, tylé anti manufacture antihir, priceai but lu. a setif beauifl Pre nuh China are woudertisily Ion. Amoug tht- nuit-cht- e-friands lertim uaosourwiitr brandua reprt-itntutd Iu bts stoLk -are cf tht-m nusit.The toast ovt-t,Il tiose of a rtad, It-a .Cross, Chicaigo adjoôurned thi the parions whent- ilfèaàt & Brie, Chicatgo Home sud Michigain 01 reafior, gsnj*I lion-61% son vote è:-Store Companles. Me. tau ceralnyl joyel tilt a lute bpap, thenvi itâes t if .uor vwsatstu AauYtlhn r oUa wihaiia>t~e tm uay 30 u4n.<aufy sddfom-u0 li ait llis )à. t Bs Flo ur- EcI t Snatiaus XXXX ts ta tIrh îaitou ct-ap ait V. Saut-r & Ht-v. Ltntncar usforer-nrt-ident tif thîlai vicliityV t-aime to ttenal the fraierai of MnI. KIed-er anal prt-aicled ait tht' X. E. t-hurt-b the- next cs-tning. Haulls liee bas bt-t-n qite ait-k for sua t tme *44 1IL bt-cama ueeessary te hart- a surgît-aI operattoin Uit-h vas penrforinet aan tw-laya ago, asine - hleb We, ct'pcct tt> puiltih tht-ein-s froîn tis localiy e-ry n-at-Ihetatter. Lt-ave items addnessad te the- IND)E- PENaiu>ET ait tht- posi ciltt'e aeut tht-y ai liaelarompti! forwarded. SLorag Orova hactony paît an art-rage 96 a-ents pt-n tfor october nl. Tht-y hart- st-rtraI nain patrnis froîn 1,ake znianfet. lo bave fonudti îîtthat thia lig tht- litst place f0 bnlng tht-m Haain 'tilt-n erespecte-iPion. t-en settier, sgt-t over tAnt-a score andi tou yiasdu'dNovr. 29, '9-5 ait tht- homeë of a diuhttr Mas J.P. tlzenthaler. Tht-fiat-ri sssa cott-edroîn the- M. E. eustl raîda De,. h. Our rt-aunt-ry recettes airer 1(110 Iblq îilk daiy aud shipai troua forty lu.. tty trabn of burtter to New York ect- w-eek for whtch tht-y rtet-Ire the- biga- est Elgin quotattons sVfthout paiyluIg t-libher freiglit on uoimmtsslou. 1,Chas. Bolieuhiacli atter msaîy yeams 1sut-ct-anas bloW.mlaian sd Wagon- -. malt-r, rently retîetidta>ciiJOY 1h* a rait of his halioïnsud necbig. aIlop i n ia bsinesis te bis *soh LOnlaO - *b-wîtb abale âassIt -girvoq Nor wa nte thattiîx& Oliver Goldsmith, EnIglish poet b(1 sI1pEIu~n.s -'.4.. i..cielî. ICombe ABy0'. were Il. Watt, gaîî, C;PADDOCK, EoDoiTOU 8a1-t.. - il Cualt'ii5G a~ HS l~rl M B.Hinsoila ste .1 Chi( 9 o ou Friday, D1ecember, 18, IS95lîneiTU'd. ___________________________________ LiberlyilIln 'ta ingîle publlie iah IDet'a r-ai is -pai Ilai, is weilIwbere ia lfflser ani saterlii itknt u aaia PERSONAL-. teani or get a driiik. Wni. Thomsoeîan was i pla aiimaa calir Mi»â Adatiebcinge tfilhaviîîg kt : 1-ge The Ladies Aid Seaî-tY (if tlt. atWaîîkegafl Tncsthty. ofGrippe. .1'esb:terlait ui 'iieli 'i-t til '%Mr. Bert Paddock alitppeed ai fila. Fred Churchill visited ils liaieuta Altee Davis Tgaday ait,»riinuii. caataî. te ('hteligaa lvt ovrbîîda.Orlers tukeulft XiltIa- 1ii'atts 1i-y (vrais Couev.r'. iýadoaaarniaag is lias Anna Lee i4 v s ititîg alaeek ni Mrs. Protîi n ot fuiii.1inla, iai,* asith a îîîn lt -f furi-uitnre. twio aetlavenswood. taR k, Iiil flin- i i o b Lti Fankalasi I eigUvaî 1. J. Hoyt and son Adell.ert, mere lua iitltfer haja aaî.1 ,,ll I.aaI aaaiat lI y tPr. Wanikgan, Titeaday uan buhinesm. Mrm. Pr"tisel', îîH as gîand .oet MCe,îar.. Mr.ampbel %%as II~I tWn several Cloukas aet 'rnlu )j tiII-la p rlees I havie1 Tremble exanperiatt-aIaaat 'a II Canipbttl for the nlext tût~~rt (it .delu get rthe It rt Hill Suîadaay mcbn.'l'tate daya visiting ber non anul friends. pr 501 lat Monday inoauing for T-,as.î Arthîîr Crosby, of (Chicago. m'as the 1ee ht n oîg ajebila Vî e eexpeet4 te spena l tt, m it-r gunat of frtcnds he e ver Suadaiy. asîigîaîng party Issu ta,.avvan.raia î1hlnerasles-si Mrm J.W. 1iler ax n EaritonThe &Wbotffl-1 I e t it., ointe sociail lieldaat theplsxt amrs. J. W.hilcr n istii Th e a midl au... iIs-ibolIf Mr. add rs. Roetrt Padeleeck. lest~~~~~~~~~~~ 'ekTnsay lttgfreîs , Iaîeai J.slsi.y eveninrg IfI last week nais Mr. Campbelli and graîdart uttle g.o to Mr 1 M.~. I inlit*., fi- liandraI sry largely attendeid anîd aras a grand (>rward ('îml>aalsent Suit yiny lutowii. kerela 4, 1î-esi/ i a t a '. fsi iuisi -aasfty sa h tepiat Mrm. Prîîtilhapieeved inmore lit. Iators nitî l'~ les t'xa. animaeîrousai lies linbs ivillity ci-r-r ell se da ooé hi al nan îe o ltell .large- aiaifpaay. The ,.atety wtslaes dathe ti iIliiinl e eait.loi te retaîrim tht-jr thanks tei)the- yourg theni. Barve«tt Veai ladaiSs sai lis il j-, pvoidîlîafar tht-jr ktLl n -etd ein tfli Miss Kuîg4ey ratIii IIMoniday tlatek eneaigl anal do vour laeatvy svay et eattrtitnmuent. Saie ttine sîrg- gile aweksvsî s ilirea Inthaiîaung while the snow laitai fr er ..'ng hîy NMtses heunneIe trapton, Emma W&Ukegan. are Itkcly to bave a Jannairy tbaaw and Frost. andjiHarry Doasnellet Vlo. aiso S. . Wheîlîr's <ltdren areai.'ît4 anraopeln wtntir tlierojiftet. Miq"es Blle anid Ada ('allie. of Fox euravalescirag froinithvirr sP-gil-ofThecnrcomfrTig iytrnLake. Revitationrs 'Vsses May saarlet fiat-tr. TiBiitie<t frTig...*ay ele Mallira. Juilia WhuiteandauaE.1na Mn. . I Mahler, " Xaidai.ta utw braiding haNsce kept ninaîs a"dl(kaiivirsC ailea reaidiaa rea M 'l'CaRpIenteni# eoitaiitly it niar k Itring IMary BDet-s. Refret-hi!a-at.sare spendlîug ,îet vuffe wekm wsitl lfer the coîd weather, and now tlec'tort-aîtad ena'bnarnaitîrv parents ht-re. i neaaty reaidy for oceîipauie3. t)o ___re n titv W. C. Tnlggm bais inoi<dlit4> Ilias le iŽ Goe,,d aulviet-: Never leave tiennae on building and bugi everytbiuin Ia jouneywlthuaîitail bottle )f Chîai iîl)er- IVANHOE. idaipe te>)attend to your wnuits. laih's(Colle. Choiera and Diarrlîe'a,' a.- ia :I too lait- r Ls- ta.k HallaliDarby nili nILnai rber aipReanedy. Fuir sale h y F. B. Lee I îenty soaind îîalgood ltighiig. lu the- reteuuu sated by Tu-tggai shee Lthertyvile, iand ilC. Enlaînt'. WiVaî The, 1-erbasnîî Bnias. liave lidtMrai. store. He ntll bcu ready fer Ilausiies'u cejala. Pt-ans tarin]. 4atîirclaîy. ceta.> Mm.I.1,'jîrlî:t -ii " Ernesat lteckswith -nais a the, at,-k Roy vEllis sud liellai Churll llet sailk. ialthn ..I ipiiiil--ý ad it lt severail days.. Moiiuay fer Vailîai-aetlunn-bte tht-y alhe.r l:ay lils. AUi11 Mi ler Les -. laav,sgence t-aIli, frti- wtl ttndai-ool ilîriîag the- rie- i,, Z - -71M' .at Svattît- , Washinîgtonu. las wil Ali(c mlh pé'tila-t Satairaiay. Mr. IL S. E. Casey rerce-il a t l oî't fuaget tlas the Nuwleli aarkî lS-lywt rltvsntAtoh grati Miîuiiy aiiniînhîeng thet ieath lAsasiti> & Masvistig ie cf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i Ausstitner(,rrt 'ety ittîa-rllory)lias a fll suitîpl as itei, iidt a istu of ir bothr arettCaeylitthirof tnrkeyau, diuckai. hiekena, anad iii faisstet r .FîarkPrcetat (;rayalake. old bone, Fowlervilie, Ni. Y. everythlng thait gîtes te)iiuie up a a Ricehaird Proctiar aind familv front H. B. Eger ineuovc loto bts new %tore good bllItof fate for ait Xmaa- uia.r Lake Foeseat itc-l hei parents ast Tue8d41*-, The bildng nhtî-ll lie Bit-t- lît ,'ectîî it*îgîtsv? Ne, ' îau11.,t ~aiaitd bta lothera eflai etliat rganize ai loai stock Comnpsayuadi gai 1 Pt'pariatioiig are t!iig madein luict ntll jitolialily flot stay idle long. !iiaî atrana n *tl--cSaarday sehool for ait ententaainiieiit Mrs. H. Pennurnan was in atteraîlarace iht platnt woild pay b'ig iit- t 111,,111199 ei5 t-e. lit the concert given lay the Chiceago, Wliy îay nar munay to iasiir- Farinradon*ttitiil I very pleuisaiut Musica Colegl litit week in wsvich wniiuentcre fa plaet! <f home capital i ,k iigging their aori fedfder ent of Joseph Jeffernon took a leading part. secking pîrofitable inves$tmeait. th e salon, but miny have te îde il. Sherman bas added another new lot Two ehderiy gentlenmen were Ouraaa.-- fln tenchanta Msrs. Rut-bket andl of watclaca, etc ta> llais stock. lHe nmintag the- politicail stuitton iniA ra-tala l'aIlf' iade a trip to the- City utaa.tFr1- hast the- molit complete fine otf Jeweteny et Mallorv'm Ment 'Market cette day istias *ay tu punc-e Ub Cristmnas gurias. andl silivrwarc t-ver aulowîf ira Liberty- astek wbeu n eeoftthet-rai ntely par-I Te a4 a surprise party Thaiiks- ville, t ptg taitl ira ,h0'ethea'ns pou-ltt fia.' gieiîig a-e at MVisses Mary aîîingd a <ieîrg B-naka, a fniîer tîî-rv-reeilent of fIis miald;,ift îidtoiat 1. arn lyi .A very enjîîyaille ft-i.-ass ile bo, !. chter. wVaienlie dls-na irad ifla. aitl (aga-t 5Wairtzamaai soîn Fraiiak teîa taa HalI Safe andîlLoeL Co.. if Chicaguo, neUiug, lbut (liifthe jaenkilrian -uaaaaaa a.1tayuîlSaaay la inreueed ld i ar adeiai-le i iiîailit- iitrpiia îr'.pa a a.tie-iail . i aisstutltai ts' llu Chuiaise) ~auaî~ lvre.Moiibay.linil i ainduailed il ta) tIhes rigaaaal qia l-iliai-s. W.' have. Wallaice tonal.,, îgaîîîa ai> gis et-.Tlîe ailtairit I-a esiiigquitailtaa Xtatlta aîka eilîffle îîOur Micl&s l t silndt; lhe is lkteein i t- m I-rriuia-it aliaîni5g -tse lia, a aa'. 1acgpieoeaot sleiglariltig receiat- I laa-helîrs hall lu bis raitiers hinaîie "e te p-artie>; ittî-ra'ted. iv, il %as.suiaplenild eveuaig andît all ouî Division St, aa il IIIlit- glati tii \lalanui aethese îrimiaiîeîl lta îaa .tthe ride luch. bavselits a-quiaiiîtane-iiCali. 1t.25, at Mrne. 11. x. 1 ibli li*s. iTa- aa1alCnatiu ,diat .IalairmiauaEdw iraOrslsnaie prouelll3- ITIeri- i lii' a, coneert at the' !. iE. alaiaa a-oata n laîsi WacinesaaY iaifoinns the- cuiter tuait hei- s g-tuia irl lt nîî eveiuig. DI*.. i:î - iaiing aatattwi-b the follessiag omtetrai andmuili hldreui Ruez E_ Osboeand aiitTas,. s-ina aitiats'front ihieiga a.ta laii te fýt-l-aia:Pres. Haîtite Bratuerut: salle aie thie-fonidpare-nts of a aliaaraîi- ontribnate acacr. ii iaaberai ona t Ia' tVivelr(,-. Rica-lard Dudailei: lice. Ste. tng %) Ilb daiighter r. ulDe.".-je hontT-il iilîîî nulesetala-aat Mijlii -Sayltr: Treais. Ht-try- ieiiarv. P. 1B. Loet-ils oruiuîg it the' lîîîîl. baise irrniige.l ttritts t' ,lîîutts, tra.i- _____ lBis bhuil i qa.aru'ttted an acclati--aoitf and I iatttt. Thîae asho hearii tit H ALF DAY .tiarîeti f is childreu. liing it-k nIith Autigoiiet-t Isu r-air, shoiialainotlail t-a saarlet fles-tr. Ttîey are alI l fng n elI lieuar Tlii.'Fortuneit-Teller -anid 0. 1'. il a. The aMa ialia-r aaitiii.a-ý . liraier thi'e ue tif 1Dr. 'li. PL. (;aileas Irý.u v.4 Mtr. .B. Quifillira i a aati-i -if Ir.1.L F. Herteiliais ht-t-ai s t-y attk Eu ad Afliar t-tit r'iuu. issi 1-luila tt iiiei4sudaILSt-a iiliitI-Il.. hait is îîîass a-eialîesc-ing. -iEstand Athlt t fote. ia i%-r.- jCaliuîat 1w tioai iighly past.M'- lr.hahtnlae a- eîra'i-n aet f hi irait Mrai. (0. 1). lasH TIaien (;lrtlt-lil i4ais) aut eliet s-olii-t taa ts,, asek. riait to Chia-ig. a tn e (la s tht.. atei, r.-tlrinîg leuc,, aeî.i lmaaihighlulr act tainîeuilea 1 11aYie i ialt7 n- ttlr Fitty. The ltai,.S Laiels lau Sita-day ita-laîaîuî. Dr. . 'atten i sl gis v ue i1 ia.atr i Dak . -. r itas Na-i l arne.dai, --.raiyalaika- 'LetttireIou lits trip tlinaiîglaPitl,-aiuliue. f GàtýIke .Frittay eveîîaaag Dec. 27. in iltIl . E. Our Premiums. a tîttieltr .iafr. lirai.Iriiaais Ta ipp elîianth, intier tht- sipts îatthe Ilst aci-k. L.aules Ati. Tickets vielinii15 îvents. The NiiEDNTt utai a i ltt-, i 'Nlcai 1etitiaiu-ti îtulît 25 cents. siiba-iliirs. sheailîlhave flue a a aie ewbsenscklutSno SlItiSs Mytle Ho3t --tliînil t-ni lhuitss su. aireaînîaîgcdn-tt tl alfter a isiI 9 u(b ionîi tu ler sti- Haîaterinan ui îîli..hing C, i(f Sprmnîg- Nl-nS. Marinu au-dît-r, et Praitrie tet,lirai. laasiaon, ait Stillnulailcy fielui, Ohio, juar îî stipllti cf vearyaaH. Vit-. has liteu sen, .ick seVai i infai- 1 t sa aeonaîlî ai u- ttt sertiiîfoui fuit-m twegna-iut intinthîla--. jinatiity heuitutii nit iiieîtiisl, flut I.b a eollaie.lo irrtli y ber fathet. slit)sjaeuaf Tliaîksgisiig Furie Vctrgi anal cteIai1î w i s lin repont-il letter. it trat îplacte. sltlepciît- tta eeey.pal Tht-Ladies Mal aooict3- as tiIhais-cai hticita aaziaug the ainaaut iai fniiglit- iran aia sbeiirte lt- thie Fair ed Oystet Saapîîî-r t tha' ttwn a%-i-h the'C. M.k&St.P1. hiy. laînla tici j PEDENT. b ail, Hat Daiy, tua Wedaaeaaday t-veuiîîng aind froiaLiîtrtyvllle. It iiakc'a(fi tte Farrn News. lice. 18. tome 01Wacotoeait-î1i! osa et trainadily; snd yet iagen- ii )iail Forthe Fermner aind Hie Famîîy. yoluag genileau tale. youri ladiant louoks ifaiter the-nhîole thtbiag. plc-iîgt-r, Thiisi ninthly liais gauiîl its ti-autaa uit-e cutter anal gis- ert-t siigla- frelguit, stoc-k, nîtîl sandl tatlîaa bitai t ien solely cais ifsuni-fsais ai journaal ridle anui toin tut the- uystcer sualper aie.. Bt-aldcaý, telegraph olaetlat lue tor tht- praeftcaiumater. ît aiîîaaIII anud fait anal gla'lber a dili if otynst Ii city clt-nI, aclioc dircctor aud maicl present to ita rt-aileras u- articles a-l, utl a Christmas hremetat. If yoia 1-i(u-terier htweaenthue depot and pouit- wnul bc.of îîracttt-îîîîassistaincee) tii tia taî ts-etauter, tcoint- anal brtng a lenui is leraitii t-llIlohus lunin ratht-m ilaily wîrk oîithe- fania. Eseis f etflaintuathe-lobaIted, Eryaotly Smore laecoiuilcdI, buat lia- La-ilisal the- teîîartineaat uf the- tanna tairelreseit-ntiî- uartel, enraie anti lii3- cîar Chrstmuias lil' irallesu -the itlunakea i'naorchard, clii antigairticu; haura. griia t-« r -uuits. Dont forget fiedaate uand 4 litiilt. aavy sad tht- parlir-t is pr-euiint-îtl' lacei. the' pair fiatthe flimer tendafils fuiu-a Presbyterl£fl CI-urctu. ily. S1.. _ ._ 1 -.atU,.,ain.LONG GROVE. T-he General These are bargains ln each' of our departments..,,...... DRY GOODS 36 icha Dress Flanuiels.......... 42 inîch Dr'ess Flanneln ................... - 46 inch Serges ..................... 65 sud 'W 36 inch Henriettas ................. 25e toi.- GROCERIES A fulliliue at lowest îîîices. SHOES. Inail the popular styles. NVarni hined sh,»a, 0" ialty, also a large line of Men's Blippers fof'tho6 gà day trade, 75e a pair. CLOTHING Storm Ulsters $7.5Oto $12. 5qe- buy until you seethem. M. B.COLBY&IQ4 MAXLi FINE HA WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. .....TRY H IS LeBEAU'S STà A. 0. F., and. BLACK POOQD MÉ%l or 1 Have the most Complete ;$ of Holiday Good ever sho'W Libertyvil le; WATCH ES, SI LVERWAREF 1 have the Trump Watch for $2.50, the best watch ever sold'for the rmney. A nice present for boys., Ce Re For anything in the in the line Of Christmnas presents you shouli mny store. I have- A COMPLET; ao*0ks by standard auht mirrors, Prf umery. ,* tbys of aijl kifids, Çh ei a This may do for England and t! Century, but not for this country,0 19th century. Man warits ail" get, wants it often, ail the while,e, as he can get it, and is surestto fi il

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