CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Dec 1895, p. 6

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héio pie t - ierla sflit melva for ~tat k«te a eIemur- fe ie esteaitc or vt' tbati meleat b b er buom fo t* boot, bal site t *tfliethd he beaun hflâ"ýmS tflbavatno utu- Ot latar'. morde ce st t ull na di Mr bt i e eef bai poe it àft tW bat lt uvaîerdnty le bo'tudet*er ta 2eo4 e.bomeven it ~~~* ~ 0 knaU'a4 b te iti bait aW ObeePrinsep-e D pantlla<bereselve fito ax- fitgt i»»s vaste riait lb.espot rassit Lysabatl beaitfount test; *Iuns a eovade ber math- afaushp ite set out alone. arriai h.'fead a mail group Meebiitere. cnrlously ex- jt* gmitd- for lie Itemt Iex- Ste 'morder bat iteen vite. .ua *W0Wrl, tnt a fev laIs- 'JjqiJr osnI. te parade- UUui5t mom aetuîether o* wtor. r lxque hba- pur- èý m dy. er fle app«eetta I«'ýIIsuMdIbouetfte mamret wwta* Ami b*remombere t ltI ýw" InSMlitra ii ieen i, fer mse t ime 10 go M&5»O pairade greathlb - '-taI If Jacobt Lynsr t t ltaI endi boas thely onov o!rfit. s fertunate concience vouaqs ta. aI berne, anti veli te b.jesemlesesa visitor. be iilag - in l al" ueay-chair on msoie, tnt, oeeng Jan* approset- si tape staletclbsn. t u' e qN ImaPhiuillîpaYen are It4tb io, 1ara sure. 1 d14 nt ysq Wtwd le out tb.d."1 mm les itIiot of domtesfor 9*'O .oweittlngbeli#ts neey mànt ub eie4mib. Il gave me ýýëb tbt 1 a hrown hact, A, Sbelit. il bai'beau for M"vebsqs iWel by utitIn- ~los Uult, pDerfelle." et te unexpeti mon". 419q» ste W4a"S ious te am,*" t100 coumfusta1 $.4, ILomueres, mms , .*e *ooragmrnnltg piuv«elo, ani vent on OUlave bai me np aIte lu- *Ot ,b*e 1 wm staI upatt , A- =, srxtsI, for tè« Jos sein yen efflfs:!t vet ,e ittc O .1- Wlt&l ls buttrintllghlly claspet in e b11,31 aise vultelqloly tome, tblnklng ver vitalsite slftaiy guettat satdirat atm, relaiaed te e iJcturk,. Sie re- gtuiteuntile tes ah. had rond of fatters W"i heLmanlled their own tons le a ceiseaf JUlce, Nand vines wv iaitti yen op htblimebands, forgattlsg ttelr love forth lie Suer la teir loatbing for lthe du 111 at bacs comabultet; ibut site vri *liq erofine, Soetoite trelieredt lit s mams.ceult ieb.requiret o! lier mea OsCJer tlinea-anti !aitçd- The &yuyfJcob in yn's icat migtt ra- salas asiystete1RUaIUie. Pcr morcal isys afler Itis site re- siaiet Inactive. TVp tronitiet te tara ta <lv. tertelf lelsure totîink, ste speul monat of ber lima la reatiing; anti hy s eunIons coïncidence, Iluoeeotflthe houkas wt viic thsie batl ciosen te disîraei b«r Ihotigits masan acceunt of!Ra mrau taciug eut it e titails of a crime su(] evntually tiacoveela; ltae murdarer. By ineaus ot a diaguîge site liat enteret e bouge tlit a uaothermitie effactualli elosetiagainst ber, and an Possessetiitar selfo ethlie aeessary proofs. Aimeti mi these. ltae rest batl been easY; tue fartlici ostacles prevesteteiller frutugratif>-inî tae reveage mitici bati urgi4 lier on. Jane leItlite book faîl friteht-r ap. I Boated vaiguely sacresber immd taI, i no rauehlbait beca already dune iîy s me mas, mijoly ih. might have donc more [t vas frein no Ignoble motivaebhémiSitel le brlag lte murterar te Justice, but fron a fêrliag of_Ïluly st-augert tian lier Iu elintion h air,,hî,. ..,.t4 J tai toubîifuleofhebe on poirta.anti vitea fil vouitilie rigitt te usethem se,.ltsa Major Larron calleet. He came ostensibly te bring ber a nutu ber et lb. regimental paper. 'rTe -tl HIuassitad ain-nys foemerly itat a pub lication ot the sort, but lalleriy trou variont causes Il itatifallen imb (iafliat ant Ils revival iras only reselvatil îpoi a mout tefere. Titis mas the tiret nitut ber. ".A boy mias jîtat conîing ont e! lb prlntlnig-room nth a biutile ofthem s I'paesed; I theugitt yen moult like t see eue," lie axplamuat, lu exense for hi sorinewbat early vieil. "Toit are alirsys very kind ti hiinkln ot me," ste anavaret, aoherly. "More because I cannet taip mysai titan froin any encouragemnit I rccai'e. Jana'asiehot upper lhp, îîsually seouti bile anti tremulously sveat, setîltidilsel let an expression o! obstinale dterra nation. Hi@ frlendéhlp, ain-sys palan yel neyer demeustratively se,@site value tlglly; but te batl no Itetnion o! drifi lug loIe any closer elions. Te avoi meeting bis gaze site began cittuinglth leanes of ltae palier lte bat iven lnto i bauds. - "Don'l mîsunterstanti me," be ment oi vIlS a grave impressis-enes in bar-men miit hiMotiset, eseneat cyes. *'1 ton't ci quît. encouragemient or ltants. I ou vatu tet trust Iu me. anti beliave tht In no oter position çoult 1 ieb. appie c prouder tan I ami nov-as yoîir slave. «11 Ihougitth 1e day. ot alavery va, Gve"ý-tl!7î18gtli mite. "'Compulsery elanai-y, nuc doubt; but ia of uty ovu free, viii iivoulti rentier tIi lobor ef my hanta anti train; one vauldti so .emancipatat ift1 coui. Ste di net neply. Leetins np cai tflonsly le sec the effeet of hi% yards, 1 *av 1h51 site mas frow»Iing, emore t touglivexi dtita confuseti by wvitl1 batl sait. Ho bait ipoten deiiberalel, and net frei mpulse asui itbail appoer tinklng tit It wot-aime te press- b suit upou bier attention. Etc4ryting comas te hlm mite malt but Il vas possible le isit tee long, ti pallcully. Patience mligit,'be misaat for weaksess ot purpose or ment of spir faufls net saally forgivn ubY a n-oms 139 te bai tiougitt; but dtsovering 1 utîstake, ha hastenadtle recllfy 11. 2 iromon wvetIn luscb a itumor as tit Jansrestiasa frown portendoti n-aeaP von, even thounts sillet a difihoniat te timuelt aionieth .1e vouer. 11I amnboTng ryit; IcutBe@ ft," solt, lauïhitag pleisantin. *"MNen fin le are alirsys proue le discus teir oi feelings le the exclusion of cter aet jecls of linelier Interest: but 1 moi transgre s aan, 1 promise. Have y teard ltaIMies Knollys tas again 1fuseiltalebe Mr*. Grey?"* ,al taIlite lest place o! station gi ,ip'?'-Isugbing, tee. "'TiavyM.last Haluis .omnbe;ttaj titIs lime. I1fancy. aven l@spersister la becorini exataedliet aas alsut rude ln bis abrultnese tate Colonel Mess lest aigtt." '.Wbylt "RHe bas leken It loI t ia beadt litt la hies rlvalry t.e bas ta test; aut"-slIo e-"l m netsorsbuttatlib. là ril NewooP5. no. st e baà $sote u faverée!b1««. eould be Inifféraent 1tan -ut:t;tt#tniox. Wlat doeauon tut kabjet for rny ef any valu 1. sur Om i, aio oaereteoltlyý. A mil**utslt« t e lailetau e e b aa il dvsaIsbed fiplrn-ber feue, and ezpreseloaot b4tyer sud faourplt e Ilspeas c w1.1upon msetett soi the i5rhlf*lap.1 'Ob, boy eox» bta-tom unIt li!"i, qilt, elipae an#sudrlslag htiy, tlieuUb't 01 àrçay, s trflitftlitg netit vïrte wlio et aI1 SIb. paper ii$ flattessitt ba grot , iiucl, *it li.<lnc Iurl.*vllIyo te ou posti age, *ljràe Iteet-ii1 doss ibleflea ma tn lte mass refunail rotter; A"nti e ltaI At a 1.>1=O t memeilSespéluisof avi ng caui "Cl1 rm0.iihhi l aaIgeo 1 toty' tabft "IPerception et sal ai, igag' iwk.a'f-i5t"ime m«u REPUBiAOtiiTOWIL 13F.l4«LO T14ERL, National Convention Agees onOt. Miseouri XMetropolilsAtter an UM. citiug Contest-Uig Stonin.iade by ban Yramelacn)-Chicago Net La le. bade udiatrev4ylyoi etllas tbat she wu alaï elear uer suspiclons, lu the unieontrollable rapulsfon itefatit aetlthe îhlioght titat the maretiSer sîtould' ha lbe oue to raise a memot,îal over bis omit vic- Luke a lightnlng flash, as slite poke, te case revealet itueit te itîjor Larron, sud for an Instant lha was hortzlfcd, itavlng no roem ln bfismeuit for auything save tite one lbottghl thrit Steîtien Prfintiep, his Colonel, iwas coîsidereti capable of tse dastardiy crime'of lhnviitg intentionally or otherwiso kifledt-t nuooper fin the regi- nient. le vmas aboulte hotly refute Ait. imputation riten a second tltght struck 1 hîu, taI perhaps this might ha turneti to bis ativantage,ý andtieh restrainct i hm- oel. "*Why shoulti il not b. frite? What coulti b. more naturel titan that the Col- onel miouiti present a mtonument as there v as n regituenlal subscripteonP' h.e addsd, guardedly. LHe foldet Up tae paper anti laid fit 1qnletly on oae aide. fIn bis own mmd ho decidelt tiatlite hati baiavati gcaerously luI te matter Ia net haviag by word or tglancesdonc anytliin.- toestrengthea ber 1belot lu the Coloiel'ti goût., Thot ho yshoniti put hiims<lf ont ofetthe wsy te de »fend hlm Was tiot to bce xpeted. Yet ho hopet fitatlite iouldti t roduce the subject again, for he feit Iitseif unable 3es-en to Pimulate credully. Indeet. s tfeeling o! camiaradierievhich lha iitseif 1would have stigittatized as a iveakuess, manti on thiis uotnt hesittet to ac. tkifoîvIetige, mod~e iini absolutely angry 1mwiiihber for eul)posing aucit s thing. jNot mnal lie itatiloft the bouse ti thîe Fthoought sîrike Iii ihiat thero iighl have Itbeen somo mi totâiun te îîîaltîoss. (17o laecontinîtet.) OAK FORESTS 0F AMERICA. gRapd Disappeara,îcc of Wood* that IVere Once the Nation'. Pride. ýt The maguificent onit foresti forth of te Ohio river, ln the. central part of *te Noutilera States, have largeiy dis- d appoareti. Vihln te lest five yCre n tere has beau an Increasin dcmantd 1- fer o.k fIn ite of business depresalon, H-ne especlally for such tituber as gors ýr lnto'bouse tlnishitng, inclulng plain tanti quarter-saivet oak anti imite onk. Tha duration o! the Wisconsfin red oak h supply fs noir pretly plalnly lnnteit and lu te ueaithue oremnants eofIn. d itans, Oiteo, Mic-higan anti southeru 111. enofis Ok iii bave dsappeareti, except ilu smali tarn holdings, and the great bnik of te suppl3' li thereattar corne front sou to! the Ohilo. Ot course, Stere fla eak lit ail thec Souteru States, Sbut te alluvial bottotu lands must tur- la nuisthte gteat bnlk ef the tlînaber, sud as K<entncky sud TIennecssee aud West ýg VIrginia are pairtly denudeti, the main suppiydwihi coon bc deîrived frotu the flower Missssippi and Iils tribittarlea. Ir the inéàt area of o.k tituber la the it worîti. nainely, Ihat notth of te Ohio j- river, lias beeu strippeti utile the t, ceuntry's pepulatidin sd fIndustries -d were- comparativtly sital, bon, long t- wifil the remaltintg supply test vhen thq id neatia arc measureti by our future pop ie ulatlln andi lndustri*l development? er Waluut fls gene; cherry. biret and Ma. npie ulil nt etist mauy years, aud theraý IYfore the demauti for caïc w:il b. inuch e- greater ant iyl rapitily fIncrease. It ly -mnust lie remanibered. ton, that oai il landis are god for agriculture attai ir te tituber le cut, and lfor Ibis resson lte deuudatioft miii go on wt greater re raptiity than on the landis less valua- bic for tillage. When lte tide of emul itgration sets strongly tomard tae allu- vil areas otftihe lower Mississippi and Its tributarles the. ardwood foreets vill .ml rapldly away betore t.e attacks ef ie the farmer. It la for titis rasso tht a large holdings of àsonthara oak eud ot- lia et itardweods are noir belng secu"d y, lu thte Sout. Af ter s few years opport i, tunitles for sucit inventmcuts ou a large lis scale wmli ha gene forever. 00 Ileath or a Vagabond. ea Togethar thoy llntped Imb te lt 111 it, shelter for calmais lu East One. Hun it. drea audSecoud sircet. ti as aque& bils tien whfc% mas te more rsggcd and No Esreaputable, te dog or tetramp. Ir ia on. respect -the tramnp bat the best ol er jtIL. He limpedti ili only tiro legs, ani his companlon vas 1lame Iu titree. bie Thay stood there lu thec UtIle oEîic ne ide by side, both looklng nt the mai vu whosast bebInd, the desk, maklsg en ib- tries lu a book. "O'U fty, miaber," &ai th ie tramnp, "wha, re- can you do for me frie' here?" "Wh-at la tte malter wtthlm?" os- "If youetcau discover auytllg the ainIt tetrouble mt 'lm, you'reai re arîlst. bMe frien'.suffcriiug mit pre ICe ,tmature baltuasa, ene cye'a gene, and hg at get locomotor atacits. He sin't no Beit Brummel, auer, but hc'a the uqurès partd I cicr travefleti it, anti If yci caiqfi lm up we'llpsy yesuame day. )_ "If yer caa't,," ad almost Iulemact te 011117 theatramp loweeed i&volc% 11 ,eh wan ye tesund 'flmnoegtie bay b îk, titsmootest road yer ast." te Tii. superîntendeut exailsied lte d(i se gently and then tbld ltae vandçrer titi Sthet'. vas o»hope. The wamo ittio1 wat bld outlMved lbts, umeflaces a£ o0 Wtk _ s Qd -tie tm*ip handei a icett ofa et ve mitutes'drae n $ad, wbfle Dntt mainlg a confesso, &sa lia topet (lot voulti torgive hlm fer-ail the itarut eha at cet rdoue. Themur- derar meut lu tbe galloir, vith a langb on his lips, anti went tovra vith tht*te rP just as ha utteredthtie mords, IightlY. Four allot. Reqnreod. 'leitaIeptiblican national cotiveulion wili ho hait et St. Louis on June 10 aaxt. That mas lte tecisiion reacitetiby ltheIls- publican National Commtiltee assembiati lu Washington, afler spîrfitet ballotiug lanliag tira houri. Thc successive ballots ar e iov s foi- lowa. St. Louis ..........13 14 18. 22 20 San Francisco...20 19 19 19 16 Pittaburg....... 9 909 1 0 Chicago...... 8 8 9 9 6 New York ... ......1 0 O 0 O The marufiug vasspeut fia haaring speetez.- Wbehaît of lh. contenting citie, the toors being opena te tavarfions eoulesting-dtelegations. TiIs concludeti, tce committre began ls attenoa session bebinti loset doors. Ant enger ceovt 'lokeil up te corridors leasing to the cemmittee-rooni snd aaatdltheau- nouncernelt et reaulta. Ttelrsi important question 0f the attarnoon iras the fixing ofthlie data of lte convention. The Executive Cpmmfit- tee reporteti a resolulion fuvoriug June 10. Titis mas amentet by Committea- man Lannan, of lUtaht la favor et Auc. 18. Titere %-as sharp dabale, anti IMr. De Yotnug o! Calitornia finnlly prepeseti a compromuiie heIn-en June anti August -riz., July. Thte De Yo:tng sud Lanitan amentimeitîs mare bolh tiefealeti, anti tei, by a praeticuily uttanimotis vote, ltae date mas ixad tiIJîue 16. Then caie te main coutait betireen the chtien. Titaro n-aimuet axcitemant as te ballotsà proecet, lte committco- men freinate intratet sections hitrry- -tng about t i seeking loe ffect combina- tiens. At the outalet San Francisaco se- ciret eue more ltainthlie niitcteen claimat fromth ie iret. Theo aîîoueesmant et ber EXPOSITION IIAIL., ST. LOUIS, IIEIE CONVENTION WILI.L BE IIELD). lendt was greeteti with enthusiasrn when fit rencheti the outer corridors. The strength of St. L.ouis was nomewhat grenter thtan hati been expecteti, while noither Pittsburg nur Chicago miade the showing anticipatesl. St. Lou galned steadily on ecci ballot. Sant Francisco sought te mieet titis by drawing the votes or Citicago. bat without avail. The *irat serions break occurrati whea David Mar- tin of Peunuylvania L±d the Pittsbnrg forces toward St. Louis. On lte fourtb and lait formol ballot the Sait Franciheo forces, brtèke for the.tirst time, Michigan, Wyomilng and Connecticut gofiug te St. Louis. That settled fit, aud gave St. Louis the conventilon. Th5e choice was matie unanlutous on motirn of Mr. De Young o! Sant Francisco. Great ReJolclig fin St. Lente. Thera iras general rejoieing un St. Louis ever the oction o! the National Republi. eau Contitteitan seleetittg that elty an lte place for holding of the next national Itepublicau convention. Not only those ivho wI ho b directly heaefitted by the con- vention andi its attendant croirds shoiret their luterest intIhe action Of te National (2ommtittee, but everybody seemed eu- thusiasqtlc. Il fis plauneti to itold the con-- vention ini the Exposition Building, the nortit nave o! which wiil bc fittesi Op nt a cost of $iZ,00, anti when finuaheti wil seat nt leaqt 15,000 people. EverY effort wil be matie te preseut tg lte convention a hall perfect for its work. Hotel managers were kept busy ail Lafternoîrs and eyeiting suswerfing tele- grauts front different parts eft lte coun- try, asking that roomi bu reserveti turing the convention ireek. Speaker Reeti anti Major McKinley, Preaidential possfibilfi- ties, autficfipatinh lthe committee's action, had slready reserveti quarters at the Southern IHotel, iwhere iheir respective Stale delcgatfioua mill aIse be taken care of. J. H. Matiey. Secretary of the Na- tional Commnittre, telegraphadthdlt Ireomi be reservati for the committee nt ltesarne hotel. General Russell A. Alger, another possible candidate for Pretiential bon-; tors, han secureti rootus at taeSouthern, wbich wil l*aise h the heatiquarters of te foliowving, State delegations: Michi- gan, New Hampshire, Ohio, Maine, Colo rad6, Illinois aud Massachusetts. , Melvile B. atoue, general manager of lt seflat*d P.Js, mlituait, his bMadqnafters t teUt. 8.Nicholas Hotel, whlii the workljtg forces wil!b. taken carsof at the Plantera' Hotel, hantiy toi bot bhe tel.grsob comPaufies. Already about 'haIfthIe avallable rm In uthié ilut aud seeonid elassboets have ii..n spoken for. but therefisthirn cut jefI te este for titemwds that will at- btend thc convention. Eradley Swtn lu. 1Thie largest tcod egr e cinlaFranki- fort, ]Ky., sosetubled to attettithe.fitas. guatioù of iCetalcky's drOsI epulimas 9(loveenor, WMMm , .Brâdlcy. Tite wCtite. ,tob& and 51 t tiebegnlfth of, the las ti e ercioals-et 1.15 é'loilir1 ffljuPee er. tu front ilf Ib8tate, Seuse. The.tsn,8eeet sa* lb the tae lie stipa, wu-as atduffr àcemate4 ýwtb bbuiag nul vergeen, ',am ouneuted vith trariltu0fot bt- ilg Iem iJuing (lovernors.Mowor Julien wae uSaser or eeremonies, asiet ey djt. OeA. Gress, n-to led thc-proees- siof ni1,000 gnons te the stand. -Au tu prqeesin starte l te ceaùon began t* boos on capital tiIfotzt-gtteunt *ez% htusfed Id boser eit tie new 0Goernor, * sb3 t la yrs ro it. burgit. li n-et Mr. Bayard denounetd the Ameriean protactive pioler as tester- lui lasa legisistion anti corrupîtion lu publie lfe. 1Wi. MeCali, aieo! MAasa- cituai-Ils matie a sillil more bitter attack upon te ambassador. Ex-Speaker Cclsp repiedt leMri. Barrt lu ratbar au ireniesi toua. The puepose ef lte resolution, h alt, iras avltently te gire lte gentleman on lte alter aite noteîting oiti wbice air ltaeitr ien-s on proecteion. He tidt iink, te saiti. litI uny gentleman eletedto1 a sent on te Iloor et-t eus. oieleve t litI his rase. lullon rontaineti groundis for Inupeacit- ment. "If yen intpatch Mrl. Bayardi for ltose merds,' sasit lte ex-Speaker, "yen muet Impeucit a majorîr of lte Amerit-an people." Mir. licCal foliowat Mr. Crlsp, anti saidt ltIMr. iayar& matie a violent partisan speech n-hi-b mas obvionsiy one o! impropriely. Bàyardl,bhansit.hiatimis- rapresenltelte Ampricnpeopule by saY- iug titey neededat laoui aster. rTe people o!fUtaetUniteid fitales bati io mas- lt. Tte Prositettnas ltoeir servant. [le movedtoteament bis ta-olution se ne te inclote lilnit e extenet front Mr. Bay- -ird's Boston llngland) speech incorpor- tti in ttcelicCal resolulien. MUST KEEP llANDS OFF. Ena'opaau Nations Have No Rîgitîs on Arscrican (Contfinent. Senator Cullent atdrassadth ie Senuti Montiay aflarnoon upo thlie joint resolu- theu Inurotincetiby hlui ast n-et î,rovld- iug for a leglaaivi * ulitrintion o! titi M on r oe doctrine. Thte galierica met-u e ron-ded, andti hei large attentianceofo SeatoIrs attestadti h the populat intarest feltin te aubject. TeSeuntor'a i- marks n-are listaned ton-iht cloe atien- t ion anti evitient ap- -~prorafi. Ha saidt Uat la or- der- ltaIthe Ualtad BENATOR CILLOU. States abaqit main- lta ite national bonoer w-itlse presunt ualty ant i itcgrllyit umuet hava an ai- flnmativq poley of snob unquestioned proprflalr as le recire ltae univers.l sanction et the peoei. . 0his jutigment lbe United SIstes conîti no longer tels; te proclamuation ofthlie AmanicànpolIe;, tuova alt.e Monroe doctrine. The gos- erumenta eoflte oit morlishouli talow tet ssventy million Arnena eltizean %yepes aunit la mÀatafinsg Ibst doctrine. Iseitesi ef re"nlning rneey aet iet of thé, Prealdeat ltaedoctrine enunclatet by Preafitutont.. sitonit ean deflllte ap prorai ef Cougness, andt Iusbeeoa limanat. orianee. Otiter n4tions scetle regard lb. Mlonroe doctrine as bmpoeeal lu. gWdjng lbhecenameotel gorenmet4aut'heIot* prtlcoete ite aeontpisitment oft their purpos. vý ittonit muet netreuce le fit.., 11las Bi. CulIom'a jutsnt lte tli i a ernàe ite ienation ebouit pofthel questionit eyond. caril by a Conaresioni deciaralon eofthlie doctrine. Tte sallen batni playat idfplomnacy long anugit and 1vithent mueit effel. Great Britafin lied bese, titagantinXpoliîte caquiet% eu imîlite, etc,,touebing bar pelley te reaet eoti f;tter ntu. If wu] s auay douuinata l'enaauala. Thea ttc bidixce rtna ,plain, positive teclaraller et lit 34onrgedoMtine l>y Congres., -mu Ilion If neeseyr, #'&in, positive en a toteut oe t al isl aItcomnLe içr.,:Egomt s8<U.t Warren. ain HlAiun ITmAnl AID CATHERMZ UG "Let ber go,, Megarden." Thte commaud iras tirectadtle techia! taputîr. Peter le lte execution lte coudemuat, iman maintainet lte serve miticit bas mate itfu imouâ. On lte scafluolti ha made an exteutet stalement. He saidti lit~e pIeuse several pastora mita bat calleti np- on itim ho moult siy: "(loti fergîn. mne toc n-bat I hava toua." Ris nect vag brokeen. BIAVARD UNDER FIRE. T'h. Aubansador's Speeches Abroat Attaciedin ltae use. Onte oetlie itewmmiiets of Cengres, Mrc. BarraIt, of Massachtusetts, catiset a sensation in lte liuse Tnasay ty offîring resolutioîts for lte Ipeachtment o! Ambassador B1ayaurd. Tite rasolutions mere net adîpi;îl. but te imnpeachmentt clause n-as trickeit eut andthie iriole malter refe jad le telForeign Affalres Cotntithtea olhieit I laexpec-Ie4. ii r- port hact a resçolttioî.of cectaure. Titis mas nitl tutimiitut loppositiontifrent tie Deutocrats, nue matl afttr à% lu' ly tî'iate. i hic -ltex-glpeaker Crfisp anti'Mr.iing- loy mare te chie! participatst'. Youngr Mr. Barrait matie a speech sttivkiuglte ambassador for lus atIdreasi ut Edin' Tu put 7~ rtrust lu alussa lu s Unise in maay cases. But itlafis ors. 1a trust lukIsp, Wlietî thee nman haî snom Race prejudlice las alirigit te ù a manltueretrai frosiputiesO ll ey onltbe mrong itora.-Ytenkm "Dld I naderstand yen tu -nM Warta a puuiw.t' "Date vht' uil ortl or cilfigapitir-I4n ,*$bit-Havre you cicr lo9e4i4a elue, Harold? Re (à Weil-you knev boy I ltay Soervifle Journal. He-Trudetea, dose, titis kla 7011 SM i have to uay. Have yen stood mel? beo-Oit,.please, uMY agaiu.-Deutacta Warle. Sie maya site can't afford a cabt- Expenses site mont catit, 1 Yet vitan eho malks upon thée tree* Hier carrnage las superb. I- -New Y'ork Heralul. Spencer <vindlctlvely)-l'ie au score le settle mt yen. Fect# 1 Mbititly)-l knewov enhave. That 'W - ty 701 oe-etme se long.-NOW %Tfl Hcrald. Mrm Shopleigit-Isit ïany tr«WoU1iW 7011 te show goods? Mr. Cste14 ma'arn. Bntlt's agootidciipitre tu eil tem, sornatme.-ýNev %ore Heralti. Foraman (titrougi thetapeakiog tube$ -MWhare do yen mant lthaI stuff about Turkey put? %igit editor (yelilng bffl On the ltie, ot coure.-CtieMW, Tribune. Tte glerlous charge et the LIgit d gatie, By Tennyson famonsly sag, .8 notllgte t t iticit my doctet For lak!iag s look ai my tangua. -Yonosylues Nemi. MuggIts-Tbey tll me Diona M à very devoted iusbaud. BoguI8s-. intact. Why lte sctually gCm toe_ on-n wife's atternoon tees.-PlltAs4 phia Record.Y Misa Pert-Is Misg Sîrsit 141*ô. climspeet? ltilu Canitie-Oir Wby, sie won't accomac o mnuon the piano mîthota1-- -Salemt Gazette. t Elia-Mly dearest S51.1hZ 1 eseau yon for four monthu Ho g~i Charles? Stella--Oh, my OhsdgE tciangeti ncey much aIe tnt. usane la nov Robeet!-FleedePs eter. >-W. are taugt iy eqpcricee sem That lthe girl vite dot manage taetli A huaitaad n-lth oncy ta barni " Is likely le moite a gooti match. "-Ptilaepfia. Record. t liMs. Suagga-I nundersland ltat per ls matie of vood nov. Mr. Ss -Yes; seofis string. "String'"1 what aise do yen supposte cimo e ued for?"'-Pttsburg Chrosfcc-u grapit. Gootfe.ilow-If tny dettes vere »W *tue big for yeu, I'd gine yoen o 0 r- H1ungry Hanli (gratefuliy)-Eo,, you'd give nie the price of a aqqe tucal, I warrant they'd lit. me ail rI -Truth. onLet un bu thaukful irben vo ail- te Thtlltongi me s5h11love turkey msaq WVe do net live fln Turkey. -Atlanta Constitution. reCodger-Funny that sncb a quiet i ie mastic sort ef a chup sa yenuitnu, e.main abachalor. Didn't yoeven tlw -e ef marrylus? Soins-Tes; peebape tw 91la lthe ranson I neyer marrfled.-ÉeeIq to Teauscelpt. -- ut Strawber-"'Dr. Probe itan basa t"« - ung my riteurnutiin >fer lthep4 e- rnonths.' Slngerly-"'Atc e y amoU ter?" Strawber-"I stoulti ma$ p- Witen lha came mitît bis bill mmy a w as able te rua like a dccc.'ý" ý S- par's Bazar. Bd es, Prattie (te tee visite nt Iron u eard otthe splendid ces", t- Sviftly ibas mate? $Sla. ed a nobleman, lthe baron 0 al busband)-Withat la ha barfu t deari Me. Prattle <(th as " S uecess la a toboggan alie; v ltes mighty sltppery, hoetfi sn Yen «ScIly reacli one ii e. Tou'rahtullug foier b *l. tf -aigton Star. -If 1 giv. yeur tr'end s lte hanter, "-ha mli have le no i suppose yen Wini go oh q eclalmed ltae olter ms ho. ion. "!te, t » ite' u lu las countatL"-Ild55Et l td "Have 7yen anythtsg ho sentence la pronaSncsd- MI a*e theltsjutge. "Thsa Skiln' about," aaSWUmrd nd burglar, "fis bain' ieMond r,_ taI kapt ibisitead nderf> 'b tse itolo tinta- TitaÎ!i. rI Jndga. me "Rom are mil-oce rea la lEnglant?'skedtýi ut

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