CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Dec 1895, p. 8

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41ee apace b 1t aitrss sdeona hif",& he rhhubond' en parts-for insance, the thsabl, IWy Nuget gave agrat a--baht thesorlnderW4t ed joit of a finger ring-mnust bø àest d, e reliefhghe thought. will see huit mand l he n dot.I lyaunited with binding wire efpM and he ya id so 1 llw t om o sp d wtho etgal job of solderinsl gais c tasee te, lior hoer s est llad went away with a curi- wondering What myster heéa Mhe ed. This part of the Proes aie es 00sdn h . ont pain at his heart. 09n. --- -- Mthe 4& efrm i "It'sgsold, ta I'm a living woman," Bay- And Lady Nogent, uht ln her owen tatctbp Ilss said to herself, She cautiotts lerum, was sleeping psonaute tearre, thathir t *dolife. "I lue •Î touched the parcel and found it heavy seemed to storch hier ebeeks as they fell, We "eId Olm, "but » and unyilding. "What dotes %he want and prayed that *lhe might die; thtf ertint bar We doys optiM Nigen tired his head ln the with all that gold?" bsymgh eers4th.ihti h of his wifoe eyes, but saw no Lady Nugènt was better ln the evening; awful thing that »he had heard wastrnu. o10. hwa $ilï rl*eiena. Everybody was star- that là, shteshad lent her headhe, though This wras the end of It-the kýmowg 'IÈ b ettgght-4it wau the crowd's privi- elhe was polo and weary-looking when that witha-word of betrayai from bher . the aip# Mpet 00 they wenlt home to their Lady Dewar and her hutiband came to hpste her hustband coulds be accuse d teand'I a*'bb London houise aditoasy good-alght to her. it was better for consicted, for aughitelhe knew, of mur-.onrayhW etsl a that ýcame down opon their lits her to stay at home they both agreed. dert dontet 's 9fio tes no knew whers or how. The The bouts to which they wrere going was The man Who had found lher out aned 'tore te «gst*wa m ther ed.axtlbnet of thet drawing-room badl been very poptular, and would bu crowded and totd her the shameful story haed beeau au wae", too eh tforXMlle;.verbody said -o; hot, &Mndabhe was not quite fit for much eye-witness of the fact, and he h"a worn a certainpmteie, If the repaiter does for b rea* "and stay-ia s a ai P itaookshe was not nearly o strong au ehe@ exitement jast now; se heated a re- to keep bhereret for moneyau he had ntdatet pn o uhd»o statedupwit a looked. She went ont the day after hier lieved eigh when thtey were fairly away. tob l;itetober, for money;andnow threnodeir e ospnitomuhtieon Rewas aote ta«' *,-bw >- Mr. "netion a e j as »mae, andccams Ber maid appeared absnt on the in- was this other horrorl Why hadisnot the job. Next there are various dMS• ed&l his partnegr's.eglig . a nd distraite owning to a head- at with a troubled face and curious George con8ded ln her? Why had be sied eulties ln hard-soldering jewelry with de». were lengthy, 804 sa im had h~ladid eetly been crying, agitation ln her manner. to heraand tld her the ve as the only pearls ox jewels, because thoeecaotprép h greet uWg o I gsaedou, ad nw0 *was nthing the matter, @lhe said, "Can nyoý spua me, my lady?" shle woman he had ever loved?-n, not Quite withstand the hea t. These two d11•1r. bn tou sun had ae04 .esn them' b when she wasquestionied; sellewould lbe asked. 1"1 have bha aisranemos ."ta;hdh o akolde htteculties are fairly well remedied byagnte. "Tn' o 04 7018. ' 'quite ll when ohe got sback to Reid- "What jeiit?"Lady Nugent askied, her. darktbeauty whose portraitshe hmd@seenthpasow inhecotayng"dGbeyke Ate inyor ac that o t ihaen &gai%, heart giving a great throb of satisfaction, hadt been> is love once? And eWas Ismoe th mater han The next day the went ont lto do soein for elhe wanted terribly to get rid of her dead. Deand, eh, not elhe was ativ"he ilsrto.we dae htto iduty-callsen sme old parishoners of Mr. attendant for resons of ber own. was the wife of whonsibtis man haed It consse of a suita ble deep copper 1I badn't been oÔn the het I LOrd"Nogent ad Curn's whom they boad mutin society. "I am afraid my brother in dying," spoken; and what was she-.Millie-hio pan.-A, figure 1-furnished with han- -gon e to ork. IAt's db *WthaOkt-aUy one canuhL ady Dewar ogered te accomany hber, Bayliss said. "This la the mesage; the darling, as he called her a thousand di. The pan has two lateralprojec- mountai and amee how theosa nm ot *4ell, that lsa la but she delined hier companionship. man could tel me nothmng, excepit that tiune? tions--a and c-in which move two op here in Colorado." Soe a eetilike it before MMIle was only jut back lanftime for 1 was wanted directly if I could bi Shte was almost dintraught, poor littlemiedcrs-K nd3.Tee ay unttnghfodortg dinner, andshad very little appetite when apared." wife! No wonder elhe paced her roote likebeudtogdefcifaurtrgnthlfietpkrpad la ,"the retor -aid gravely' shle did cominl.She was pale, and Shte showed a crumpled note to her a mad woman. Shtebhad the thbnght to eyn came honte. 1 don't want shrQk frous her husband when bie ques., lady, who hardly looked nt it. Wlo i er door, or nome one might have la to be soldered. as It lm only neces- obServations. Sim got ou h îlymelf non your congdene; but tinned her au to where elhe had bee. She "Go by aill ieans, Baybssu" @she sabid;come in and surprisied her in her misery- tory to fasten It bet ween the screws lope and was to report té «eh, If thefe la anythinlg answered with a timid air, and seemed "I s@hall not want anything till you comes somteof the women servante perhapse, who K and M1 as shown lnnfigure 1, with lie, WbO occopied the opst dpgde set keepJinsuspen e to rcoil fromain m iwhen hie would have back." Would not lbe 0 discre@tet asBaylibà, who the joint to be soldered turned op,ea-.the summit. Jouit as the upper ,j»b words just now-you spokie kissed and caressed her., She sabidher presently came back ln a huit and a hurry• the liery orb eut the horison ffit 1saine b"itpast that s comi n headced, and hie let her alone, though cH APT Est X Xiv. and anniounced that fihe hadt been hoaxed.L ed his fellow, wie "Ehere* yogs" r, h~~le feit worried and vexed. The next "Bless my sount amin going mad?"' "And 1 shouldn't have been home againanreeedteepsig ter" egh. eaven hlp me-, morning the shadow on the sweet face litt-was 31r. Stanhope wn outtered the ao soou:*-'she said la the housekeeper ao Ys n hrâh ons 4s adnaey n then was still there. She begged to be let off exclamation ninder bis b>reath as hoeccame room, whither @lhe went before attending or," attSu to t he cBrats ~2gt-4sesudelyto the a pleasurepaty*tatihd been ptannea. po w ue i hayaoti hehrly.t is a long way to, My broth. de,"polaing>tehesr p yobeieve in-spirtaUAr- and showed such evident reiunte t go Green Park. A man and a Wonsan; er', but 1 met one of the clerks ln the dawc la the East.-Denveir i - ~~~that he shad to give op. tait, rough-looking figure, and a petitesaeocwihimanhesqitweFr. The shadow neyer lifted. Lady Nogent creature eniveloped in an ulster. la John. He isnot in London, no 1I should ft&ppett-come bock &gain was seen ln the fashionable world as "Have you brought it?" have hadt my journey for sny Paine If 1 TednitwstrelgásWs thther world, to remdilnia other women were, and reelved hier P The tonles were rought, as rongh as the haed gone on. IVil be even with whoever Teanit«stràb istoW 4 at w Weaold bury forever ln friends lanlher own elegant resuidence; but man's out ward appearg-te. und-the, wo- -di44 some day" 2 . ln the nosa double fashion of oblivion it we cold?", there was something about her that ev- mån rephied in a tone of terror: The'door of her ladytihipa dressing- te be h o f oleigmyb he story he was telling at the 0rF. tbelieve that the dead revisit ery one remarked, and no one coutld un- .y ,, - room that opened ont to the corridor was , hel h u) tslein a i ment Was on hlimself, Ott '*ý the rector replied, solemnly. derstand. A rumot. got about somehow "ln gold?.' locked on the inside when Baylissa op. undertaken, withotit ev en solling ones "When 1 was Young In the prof« 1wydg you s uh hn? that young Lady Nagent was not happy. ,y . proached it, and no ansiver came tu ber singer with the coal .' adh,"Iwswrigi e ib h» ave, ticeentome one Millie hads tell; elhe assertied "You are late. 1 began to think I repeated tapsant it. Thera was aothler For other purposes the two clampsconrpaefraew ekst 1 gsaw la in thfie grave yeam ego. ahe hads nothing on ber mind.- And LMYadysould have to calt upon you up yonder." way into the room, that led through Lord L LI, figure 2, are used, beside lthe afrnd.lOne day a faer mee la em not nuitDunrdrenakr. nor have 1 Dewar gave her op Lu despair. 1"I conia not helpi t," the woman'srNugd en la d yngronan s e enta c rews K and NM-for instance, when tbig.musclarechp, full-bodd r iialag. I h*nae ee i twceoa d 'Itnthati fnied ellia vo'ile ice epl'eand r. Stackat llfurt downwar on te couc btnet uhoal h pprpat obeslerdu orofthe sort whose teeth comelike tw0 usave ,he retor subid, not a lit- hasnot been outstepping her allowance. hloetuou e e oe rm vssaknb osashr u o.Oftetw l moots of oak trees. b h seto nd the man- You muet taesthler in band yournelf. 1I *"I should have been foiled but for au that came gasping up ait if they would one moves in the bandie of the peu,' *"As hie ntin the chair ho ask6 tl ùwhich it was made. "Or a meus- bope it isn what she says-nothing but her accident." the faltermng voice went un. choke hber, and her hans were twisted lu the other lu an opposite lying shoulder 'Witt it hurt? th e or of a r og -o f a f in , h ea lth ." " M y m aid - " er d isheveled h air. B a ylie s g la n ceil b ,. f g u re 1 . mn o in g w i thi tig t frict on , " F eelin g ln ra t er a jo cu la r nea& , b. "-r it la more thon tht," Lord Nugent "Ob, ay, I know ll abut that," the round the room taking lu the whole situa- n that they il kep stedy the part answered, Wl. if It de't it sheÏ " odN n'.t s:al is ghost was lmake her shrink from me and abun me- should be out of the way."Imshte sa dt erse ne workto a 4)ià. he, herete hon ght to him. and the dotes. She seemts afraid of me." .ýyoug, up the bat and cloak and put them out of o. woan he h ec he raefor "lAfraid of you; that in too ridiculous." "1Just that. I left nothing that 1 couki sight. "I thought as much;gsoit-u as you • "The tooth came even hardetbm ilf. Se -Mlle darling, what la it?" hoeaskedl help to chance. You haire a good two sent mue ogf on that fool's errand. n as it, expected, se as the man gtfo ers, and tellim the whole storyr' her the day after Lady Dewar hads tried houre'.safety, thanks to mei Your maid ýmy lady? 1 thought there wvas mischief chair and putieds bimself t "Wa' yut e hshad nto get at the mystery. "*Are you in any na aldaa y esgwsse-1 sha'n't be hoodwinked no easily an- a otutrd on-l si Mr. C 'aarn m . D, lay ag rnom troubleadP nt 'other time. My lady! my lady! cantyudid It hurt? that y a Id ear""thereanyorge.", noITelieve»so. Shesaid something aboutspeak te me?"ile' lgh om nhr-.'Not a bit,'answered the smsfor adoce sd have yoUr health bhtisi er brother. h man, and strode out of then lu be sooed t a sset that would be the bhe looked him ln the face, and then, ln "it was fortunate that 1 found out thatt arme and put nome pillows under ler Fra..angdmetrin u t a et»com laoed o.I sspet ost,, spite of lher assurance to Lady Dewar h hdon.Yuiae let orword heond, then elhenet herself to restore lher rodL thmeMiue a f ing tOMM acrestway oflayig teu. And Mill- ellebegged him to give her some auey- in this--oeehundred and fity pounds?,' ln the beat way ahe was able, and preon- lower part A of the siist but ton waspuedang mUaee*,ntie w&-yo. frec A greatde", George," set sad"'I' Ys ti t hre vr en fi.ently the heavy eyes opened and looked fatndbwen hesrw (c -friends and the two ordu Re' vle bok i u o in on m want a hundred pounhds." An ike our word alWo' Ab at her with an unrecognisable glance. Who esat aboust the talée. Mdelthis ouaein thesmoklagroomd , you liranehave1 that o 'wll "Auntie," she said, "old Jabes.has giv. Pare figure 2). "1 have never tri e obe_ an sToreateingto other e sad AITER XXIII. et.betrybiartee ecoyu l nsmethensepapers," and thole hobrst Inu gure a the pan luashown ln crosselull it" *0b tomkfry o a ete oe Ahnrdpunds,,)iillie? "IYou'll have to trust me," was the re- lnto a passion of tears and abrieked out: section, to show how It le to be used Neville Nugent looked at is irlish ply; and then, after a pause, "*You MAY. l"The papers--the pper 1 Iunderstand in ase rin wuttjewairsto bmmo" CHAPTER XXII. wife, lovelier than ever, with the shadow lit would-not lve good for me to be heard at ait now! it was Vorge &ulle- dered. This la to be fasitened as deeply Isabella, ex-Queen of 111#0W1 "Niillie!"e her or l of au unknown pain resting on her fair of perhaps, just now; as far a@ my secret rea ee s osbl ewntesrewsan usband, ex-King rnio Bthgete e stte to tero face and toning down lits tIrth and win- la concerned, iIt'is a secret between yona Frightened now, Bayliss strove with the pan la then filled to a proper height stratedl the other dy that e lseilmaa the littlewyda l rd somte gladness. and me, and it la for you to decide how liand and voice to moothe her, but her eyes with uand. A bove la placeed a loyer-- thing as a divorce should sui en h dornayaompati- h ns"lo thnt aimatehr t wre glittering end her chwks burning. Oý-of salispie(ts of coate or asbest audrcupeortnbigp# lm-, "To spend, George." may not be so eaily kept quiet. Ther'sSite was in a high fever, and the waiting- and solderIng mayi then bie commence even friendly, to each otherTbl "otawr.eor e ews ae;htadrao okow mr gis ithan this matter noman saw that somie thr ald than teswithout danger to thie jewel- pair have been dired -1« ma "ceWrt » nt," hMr. Curzon repllied; that elhe had not drawn bhatli er allow- there isn't a soul on earth knows any- 'n ulddoor n sal e olyHow ongcan eed bi siear, and the ttitnogy theyga9!a 4-a« te «gylone. Yout will forget thence-hber tantes were no peculiarlly silo- thing of this but me.- The other thing r"Ilutchi ns!" An Ital: HwLang8 no aloGilili hs ac ohe a te im o te? M ,oddout what it meanesisoon. Pe that $she had not spent her money like is in a woman's hande, and may not lbe HTi lthrd andItansweregnor"I ri-Gwas the kind referred toe ytep - it's I." Millie nuaid, smiling at their othler fashionable women. Yet there was so safe." Tevarn ?" he a se e.'l just publishied the results of expert- uu orpbiaio. ee *Ie t saprise and dizSmfiture. "I've that in her face that told him It was for -"What le it?" ay my rnglaiesaveyi. Wm omnte to determinelhow- long the vital lss,'ouillaorcelebrated thean gessgigwithgountie ln her drens- a secret purpose, and be came to think "Come nearer; there may be listeners fthMs hseI tyod akpicpecneitin seeds. These ex- ofhrmragteohrdar ' nAeha udnl icv- that It was for somnething to which lhe fur aught 1 know. Don't be afraid eofethM->•• ê? aRynls kpeimcpe nts ere begun lien 1877 andhe 1878,dery bouhirs have arrived; and w Id have objected haed she confided in me, and lIl whisper it into your ea.,, w tecr.g -enteses eedpsted ln vart-d. ieps nlesnnsmd W»at rtbger no hesmk-hg.Mr Sanoptstaiedhi erscoaath, "Thn leha btte g fr y ordaton gse an sluios.gno89 teorfail prt olotrFaninot statSebrojdered dressing- "You shall have It, dear," hle said, if possible, what was the next thingsanid' ne n ed h d s ege, eedgswere an outand.lan19the ansal ex-Kingfand l rkew ise xhuo byd er point-lace cap, you drayring beis checkbook towards hlim as but hie could not; the whisper wais low . eiu, àmari "hwoeasml rprio fteapeared In person. offered c gsgstop-hier." hie sat at his writing-table. - and lfaint, and hie culd notmmteo i sein,1amri. the wo- tanoai eoorin ' h lations, and partook of lunc. k"particular antipathy "No, net a check, please, 06orge," Mil- man's agonizing face as shte shrunk back (To be contInued.) seeds germinated; of those preserved bella and Francisco are double ý«k of dréess ln question, lie ouaid, as hie dipped -his peu la the tik. with a low wail of anguish. in' hydrogen, carbonic acid and nul- cuins. Therefore hie ex-majest les ing hrself tuo1"I don'tilike cheeks. 1 want It ln gold." "6Oh, no-no!" hie heard her gasp, and" High Falutin." phuretted hydrogen, none; but of thosecu nterlt arryed in it *"0Gol!Mi dechild, yon would want the tones went to his heart. "It is not A paper In Cincinnati was very muhi kpt nntrgnmreta ahl u ined against party l hl à stedhu ro tesoe n0 t cy elit for you-won't notes true-I will not believe It!" given to "highftalutini" on the subjh e t lnived. Al mo ellthsea pre srdnbleu, coulds not aY, wIth A 0 $W*ne with her liusband do?" "it'*sea true au gospel," as heoepl .- tills great country," until a riva liquida died, but two-thirds of those worthy familiar un4ur tmitaPeit etatconern. "I doq't know. I am afraid of notes, "I have weanber. Bhe la here ln Eng- pprsneha:oi1dit1otntl eti lohllvd igo ilotstances, that he thanked God hisé e ong erge," selletoo; there are no many fo)rgeries, Millie land." airne. tmdfe lscniu kpt was no blood relation.-New ioU• teintse'salways fancy- said, with odd beitation. "I1 didn't think; "it ls a Ilie" and the slight forni recrerl bounce with the following burlesque- believes that If he had known at the .a ol o eatin- oftoec. utwhat la the you would want to ask so lmany questions 1tefurgh n ofone e o- "Thtis la a glorious country! It has beginning how deadly rnoisture ls to, - jeu ? You look so white.' or 1 Woald not have asked you for the mentor. longer river@ and miore of them, and seeds kept In'gas hie coulds have saved Cray Monac. Inone.Istetuh.Akhm n ewl they are muddler and deeper, and r'un a larger proportion. Indeed, hie says The mental condition of King justisek at yourself. Ob, George, A quiver came lnto her voice au she not dare deny It! .,, faster, and rise higher, aud make offire that hie suspects that "latent vitality Of Bavaria is becoming modh e adtglare you?" spokie, and the tears stood in ber eyeo- "I6 will not beliere tit.' noise, and falt lower, and do mure may exist for au indetinite period when though hie bodily health lisete 4 ntplead sity idear,' tears; of terror as much au anything els. 1o I hlave proot of it." damage than anybody else's rivers. It #officient care in taken to prevent all it has been for several yar had not talking to your more," hie said, gently. I don't twant to "Whon you go back lnto the country, has more lakes, and they are, bigger, Interchange w4th the surrounding me, la a belieflin Bavaria among 4_ it, heo yoùecame lu, that ski you a single question, but 1 colant if you choos." and deeper, and clearer, and wetter diumà." antry that the present king, give you the monley to-night." "I do chose. 1 will believe nothing than those of any other country. Ourbrheteaekng Wwsåto change tlhe Oub.i "Can I have it to-morrow?" thlatyo« have told me till I do have rail cars are bigger, and run fester, Namingt Colore. a a direct puishmelnt froib his llnes ha al- "As oonas a sn oth akdo o " ,, t lLayand pitch off the track of tener, and kilt 1.HretSpne a aely pub their mother, Queen Madl jiýIçgréaý«tOp14and the it.'enWilWi that do?" "---ý" Ideteub!Nto , adys!,more people than all other rail-carsl i lihed an extract flrom his autobiog-chne rrego. -*e feit vecom ot- "For thesholipigeh?" he said. '"For "As yon peuse; it la lu youe power tot ileand every other country, Our radhy in prnt, but ie ys l a ntaoib-pb.whoona a ret coudinb m"th talk to erthe milliners and gnery ? I1salltses my keep everything 1 have told you from Oteamboat colrry bigger toadu, are lihd u nt aftlhasneat.e difu- mnEprrWilhelm I, la" and quiet litle wife a peacock among women any living sou) but ourselves: 1 can hoeld longer and broader, burst their botler@ Acenity and confusion in naming tints ter of Prince Wlhelm Of ad yet." my ~tongne, ab I hare 8spoken-for * econ- oftener, ands sendiop ltherpaussèer e e hmt rt asge.cmeaRmnOthÉoUe lot* bIneé, a "Yeý-e, that's t," shesaid bendIng her sideration." higher, and the captains swear harder and oas li atn . it Bu& riage to King Maximillît sheino if, ad heheddown on hisarm. "Oh, Georg" w "You shall bave It. Aitl1 ecan do, only ta taba stisi n te tion which a newspaper correspo vri .orsma h#g*a, The veiryArat good "are to l- " '»1spare hW BuHedoes not knwr-he can- ta f d tStlslaayohrdence on the subject now Induces ir vri. estobohe t Me Ad n bwent to her own room not." onr.Ou e r bgea to take fromn that autobiography. He • ** and sas b er heart wudb 'a; " T not so sure of that," the mensad logran thcean gthrerppostathett halenmd to cried1withtreatagaspingbab tthat1thret- with a litle laugh. "It's myr opinion ho, and faster, and drink more badl whisky onthp r finc h ipeâof "boxig thedm. Of the 4,00 olw r esd o i olinate lu a ßt ofiytee, un jnw--howee- and ehe w more bad tobacco, thon those ;"-.' and to Illustratte it he gives aptast ycra e sø asssedhalftil Bâyline atthe door roued-hear from,=her ie stoppeduddenly, and Anished what- of anyother country. -Our ladisare r Als fshds hs d redsuffer from bseg #4 l@ Was the O- tof Wrecenes, ever he had to nso lew a ton* as-toe-richer, prettierdroes iner, spedmoebirdtedbueSedbleby eaused by grausme ',a01 th Pt "Co 1take an howur~e evenin, Mr blit n ohe law(yer where Moneybreak more hearta, wear shorlt- riby n;: e, I u byblue," and sobarbe which enter thé ivl f helay ' hease,, when ayNaetshecoced1senn. ~aetred e d ' el dkick 1 8 *wallyto a areblrd ueyew, thougitislanot; resettata toiaet was se. "Yue noât ge- awaty at the wes'sb an wah l e rsead u gnr ot.Tá me .system lis suggested tewrmn soe by e hsh aen in ou, Ithiyousai T'hastig towat the prk , leaving her greater extent than-all other Indiesn frlheshdthfombleo eBwan d mn tee toar adab "NI lkt gygot"hrld lnwt erfc ldl e ad.alohe onre.Orcide qalfrom y eH0w"to red. te s odsandittlenE ie s d time.-

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