CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Dec 1895, p. 2

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Ih dmad. fr h~la iànîtle h ee Lthe=%oiItyl&eLThe two eseM DO ratialglap * ltno ees t T bs in Csuothe. Admah r their pre- jiie«tI# tabne heir pesenC aiur o A0U.fIUA> ~ ",S wheo srnt, th. were hld t le en- b.4U11U~ Bés ACtVe Ul t"ic sttin unr bnds.e tO n u-ts Pr nI o5iE5 11 ite is, imlwitnesses teckaseb ~r~1cot ~ j Oab t iie. Aoreaer' oce eil>' ci- lu t OI~> V#V@hti 1 S " cd A re sitentratoer pe' sein cut et leg wit4a MO' e I" tho tat, d hayt fateasthe o eneu iiotsit ce~4 1. tlsat lprlm heau lt w wtnesses er set iiiVU5t1 ~5i1iI* heb heing ironed wus a grave outrage. ilte !u~n S.deciares «I. taet la, that under Ireat>' riglts evel "U tlStii s it>' M"à fo'"tho...Chine. were amode le sufer agreat h b~u1 y"tftt. Il'_u- adîgsity," nid he. "t thlnk.that underCh and e48 i Ii tO Ibe t e t fth. treat>' China cornes un- 111etQ - tn o hoder tIeUiost ftavored nation clause, and Iffl. t's Pe9>P4 tii.. e meu dernand damages frein the Stri ý ýa te aeni goeramen*ft. il bas been held that a .' *1k ti t th sherf! bas net evea tbe right ta Iron or T 11" . noth whlcb bas manadle a prison.! whIi!e before a court due tuptome cfilà Its taneh e ra"P '81:011 ,lai0 oite eab>' INDOBSED BT CARLISLL ling. ~sophtk âaty et li n t Smctaiy Favota the-Pr. 1n' Fa o Ir" wth 48 ther tesoe. Teanie lu 4elaté their coulidice in The. tong.ieoked-tet report of Secretary la' «f *Iimi élmlo which Carlile was ment te Congres e Nàl:tv tr C.eadpropouesteud te afternoen. The report as a whoeefaoi e 60(0 ,t.inTltheoftihe dispute of the mnet elaberate and thorcaîgi expo- ef Ilil. prestige et lbe miions eoftth. business et the inanciail ma - lb.> add lu aow unique iranch ot the Goverinnt that have been feu oed. ýp"laiuuln- made te the. public la ma>' yeams u o '0a.mbetrsy th" a.Une55. & lt especlalty valushle for thte exteaded üé- Run louphe.tint tie wll be nervations under the hâeI "The Condi- Be a or.tthe. diSt . A tien eoftthe Treasur>' and the Currene>'." ti mye. Lest niIlt - aa wa: As tetecnsld la pressa dsptches, Secte- bul pgbtdgt leù*ugua. Te taxiCalile iboldo thal litesituaution eff tO ~13 ~-ssiri «-degy moveid nt reqieretioiation fer ralalng addition- rol lâ~iwitr republc. ai revenue b>' taxation et presnt. lie Th * t. Iusr aredis-estivnts@a deficil t p$7,000111 thi îe cr- W, %f iimat" or relt fiscal yeux, endiag Jal>' 1, 11,4 sid tii ~a ee d.ested wlit a surplus of $,000,000 et the end u t hie liei anti'§oral <reatits A >er nut follewig "upen te assump- " m nit.Éot vru-asbed luthetien that lte pregresnow Leiag îide (l tiid ait whlcii ri ng spehesteaard thu resteratien of Or osamii sale th IeAuternica nsturaus efproseIl, atiicontinue wilbout inter- wl g r erenaiedd by tiem ltar>' ruptlen."th, Bg Cmse la Aceerdiag te a Washington dispatchiC - PAXU FO TIRREL.. the Departaient et Justice lias ainal U& bopes oftivinilag the Governnaet's case oinez. liegirta onTroubles against the %wldow et Senalor rilaiford, lArmenia. a-ith ichlit bu orguel eariy la January I(n rI*Premldent On Thurada>',11Te appeal freai the ducision of te court& ot ~ete i.Seate resolutien of Dee. Caifornia. Tlif case invoives a Iiitie £,ilgfer Informatitoni respucIg of- matter ot $15,000000 and thte rincipie ina Tunhe>, tragemaitted a report by te bu decideai affects thu stutus ofthlie , = sqOlny.suuaeizig*bu nt ther eriginal erganizers eofte Cenitrai a- »4éiW&ng uw01offcoicrrespeadence and Pacifie ltailread te the extent of about gr ~4gpsaag iti ti. asmc~'s t MOosit $45,0000additionul. Offilciala lai Wnsb- ne ý*,"t liot, la snbt cethe 8ec- Ingoa begln a te uspi t that tiaev have OP s aport reconnu ail tht ha ben ten made thte victli et a ajb"tnd A] te protect :»enIc citizenas agaiasthie>' are fer frein cointertable laue- eru ; abows tt* ahile their preperty unce. The came against Mrs. Stanford ne iaju ured i permen; quoes Min- ne>' uamed L. B. MeKlssick, W-ho lier- a Teuli as esimetlng the namber suaded Mr. Olaey. a-hua tiat gentleman m~ unkilIed ait 30,000, and aller waas Aterney'Gelnenal, tat te Cvent- tu »I~mvendl cases wiierein natraie men might collect $W,000,000 as princi- ho lkhwiaa have been ofr.eslvuIy treat- pal snd interet on the boels oiied to tede *4 -atus that prolien stops have ieeraala luthte construction oft h CenirailIE gujta Meur Indemait>' la al cases and Pacifiec Railroud. Atter Mix. Stanford DE Iý a~c tnitti~i c Iizn aas assussi $15,00J0,000, Mr. 1[Incigths I iitrest>' rlûts. Secrtan>' Olnce>y ton a-as te bu proceedud agairixt andt theii m,,the..aumber of United l4tatua cita- thle estatus ot Hopkius and Crucker vere MM la Tner i.nt accuntel>' knea-n, Iote busimutani>' tavorud. On the beoitlnc ýst tien. ste 172 Ammeicn missieînae fthlie case in Calîfernia, hovrever, te M ýeattared over Asie Miner and atimbers tact a-as deveieped that ;be iaw tiuder eft uictise n ubusiness, besides nu-at-iich these iPeeple were ft.>bch lcti as ureliseai Annenias temporcril>' rusidiîî net enacled b>'te Catiformala Leffisialure r, 0 ah.>', u sad he1 probabi>' the. viile outiltre yeuns aller tia.î eraIiat nia aumbur oft lies., perioas la btween NO00 eiu Centrai Pacifie Coeapany>. (-hitltat k ge4M MO. Tih uikoft tiis Amerran e1.- showing the case a-as deitIc againéit thé ,u"t latonna adite Interior et Asia Governmeat. An apiusal te)a a hilier imer ai 9Syri, ia quartera remte frein court euteu teiiiesnstaiairg oethlie de- b qur osiaten. iselaleai and iInaccessible, cisbea efthlie firt court, nad now the mat- ti teept bir difficuit aneuntaullt journe> s. ter la bfore te Supreinc Couert. Thear Dupartmnt et Justice lab appeiod tran-b »O MAKE A NATIONAL PARK ic leaitt McKîssick for additioîaatl evi- - duete and lia- buariaag oa the za*e, hat h. 1111«auFoette 0 Ouate a Rcservattoa laas replileaithat hc Isenuie tb suppi>';t, au 1Ite iaison. andi net a singe nua- point a-ltbu brougittc - 1%0 r aflenes ommsiaioaers o! New- up ili te argnment nt mot, It loks , Xbe aud 1New Jersy have taîken actionlitrke a dead opun andabaeht case auain8t te a Issv t o ltl te woederfully Govratuent on a mure 0utIf of tact. uptturneti leage of rock sioaig verwoe, ehoré ofthe .maJesitic Huai- Bombesfer lilionaires. 1 Abwul h8*sgOD tu, Washi gton t Twe pieces o! leaul pipe paeked witit1 Tbe gmera n scieof.t guepea-dur were maileai toeobrge M. s loe4 lt adopted Pullmant and Pitilip D. Arineur Monda>' ";u.,Chattantoogaa sd moraiag nt Chicage. Ta-o ives werei usiniparis. The pro- saed b>'te action efthlie postal autherl- h st sarta relervation lien and te warnlaaoth ie man suspect- Tenada, lîke that et cd et sending te infernal maciines. Thte tht itht. instance tla-e mre liding of te liai of iter etfte 'ùmêa et ta-o nations, are lner- boxes couitaiiiatg te lenO pipe a-enta ~tIWtU'i35 et t lte arkla ehave teen sîalicienlt oecausanep- 31y Ïaw-astle lcomemission, under sien and lbe selecleai victms vcuid have ofthtie Searetar'ofet lie been biewnntl pieces. B. A. Owen laete 0 e*&ciel nouae is bc te muana-ho gave s-arniaîg, nnd te postal alouai Militery Park. The anthitlies belleve bc aise. plannuaite o, edea le te euerai (4eV- ntiing of te bti . '4 - wfill ali e -under pair- -i ékttlate le-" eie cabinet itreakInit Up. adpas tn-heyoffcese'Tihe Slbaaaisla Mlinisler of Publie Works, veiS have te anmwer te l. the eorBitb brail-acdl e-urt a*«sîm.Thei. éprprpiatien endertil <eur hitimelf froin te charges coneecteai M $"a oooo, viici saimile ivtitite mutiipal scandais over te Of-et gt' ln miagoyerument et Madridi. Senor Reser .5.~oneasm 0 geliug lte maiobledo, Minister ot Justice, has aise re- co i.park andite salaries algueut, but Il is nnderstea that, in ad- uthti.,omssloncrs and dition te te above cause, ite disugrees W-itlte polie>' CapI. Oea. Campes is pur- ~u l»D" MII OzNT. aunlnta Cuba. Imsport an Insane Womau. OmnumI Xort>' Tour* Ago Authorillnotea et lcl>' boIt t S. b a PrI 1peCto. Louis, te whleh Mrs. [haie Wiiitle> vIs Sew$ Keus ago a wagoa train reatoveai, have notlfied ber relatives@tat eIrOa»bb900" da niabPattbde>' ment place ber la an atriums and puy d udsties, eun-oUte frets ter ber cars., 5lwea-smbrqtuit trom pu- .sExcte tue ii. UaIid 811.5. land taan au unÎ47, iiei, w»l bà Xser 1lUnei, Kurlea, by a express agreementat 'thaie voniai ft- and &Il liemebers f et ioeme eburdentoteet. nt>-, butte>' *«0ul trreIti'#Maa the. grewtr.d et caring fWr ber. TIONAL OROAt41ZATION MN relanai Declarelu aFvor otftte Loaroe Dectrlin-WarmDl>' dormcd ythe Public-Sens ation la London lob Hae Coutret la PhiladelphiS. Mg of Oppose the Saloon. lue national altl-saloout c')aferencc Acitlitedt- dur iii M'asiiigaoi uat Cal- lyBlatbtiat Clau-A-li Tiua-sdula> Y ' ;. i. ales, 1resldet ofthelite iti-Maluofl taie af Itle District utf(Coluamabia. 'Six- ix et-g.lizations are leludedin tehe ;ue. buit net ail oft tiesuetee rpre- led. Tii. ebjeet of lthe erganizalion ii utlig about lthe abolition et saloouns b>' iaticat, and ai ala îtmeauao! ne- tfplielling Ibis luni net-e conaliterul at gutiterinit. A au. auomeeting liaIttc ereaI of lteleagml i- as bruI iin he eniag at tte Fjt-at Congrcgauiiefa TIB&CTION LINiI3 pIED UP. ikere Ia Phllaitalphln EILep Al Strcet Car TraffiC. The greut atnike o! anclreniueanui con- itors efthlie Union Traction Comanyn>, iladeipia, bugun earl>' Tua-da>' mo- *. altO ait uines ofthe Companyîiytre priue- tiI>- ticit up. President Vclai soya aitreds of mean are applyleat fuot-n-etk. serai cars n-et-e dut-ile-i. Ttc senti- ett oftise picue l ci-n> litlte litera. Tii. compun.N aempulouyéabout 000 mun, îno-ttlrda of tibeun memnbers lte Employes' Asésoclulluai. Tii. de- and otflthemen la for a n-orkincîg you>f an beurs a-ith $2 puy, reasuutable lime )r meulas, protectiion fronthlie weatte- nd recognition of the-lt-ot-tanizatlon. etone lte atnike lu Pthiatelpisia w,.ca -eal>'-foor bout-s olai, th it -i'aastIl ut lu theu bauds of a ,îotî. The strikera ahk but lutIleplut itl hi- violene, lthe n'ai> ulement dîuiig ail lte damage. 'e policeiat-e tatteri>' tnublu te cope rt ttheuiub. l-rouai arl>' noraiîag uni- idsuk, us ena-tabru,,ni-b iiitc mai.deuds- -raite effo'rts aut. t-,bowtiaig îObs urîuaîîlîuti-arli i -. stujueul anit iooteit ci ailotrIill aiduul uidtua-tr, ssîsteu he îsindo-u, i-ut lthe t-oull>' -caes unit reukedi ail paossibile îiest-ictlou. Theai e atteulpt n-ns ataaui(iutM. Mue>' pet- ns ai-et-e injîired lu>' lylaig i issiles, anîl thtlet-ciepots n111laî-inude taiteu id lthousanas et dollars' i-utli of val- sble proîmerl> dc-st-oyeui. MUST DRAW TUE LINE. emmage from Preisideal Clevecnd nio Vecnezueilu Trouble, The Presiuiîît Tua-ada>'îrnsfe--cl lthe hele Venezocian couîrci-era>' te Con- Krisa, lransmilting, witit u rigorels files- sge on thte Monroe doctrine, lte et-t-e- ;poadene betncen Secetlr>' Olue>'andi mbaasador Bayardl unitlte Brillith Gov- ?rament, andilthe Marquils of Salisbury'» rpl>' decliniegti t arbîtrate lte question. Parts;o et l 1tesiditî'a message ring litte cutI le ai-ut. Ille promptneas las Irans- iitling te Vueneln cot-responitunce [oCongrus. unit hie eviduat dassit-. te àave quick attention theruon a-as prompt- Rd in a large muaisure b>'lte bhut ltat angluitulaseulVenezuela n-et-e mecl>' iegoliatiug fer a direct acîlmunt et seir ifferencea- THIRTY-SEVEN INlJUREO. ion Nean Milton, Ohle. Tity-sevun People a-uee injireul in lthe uireuitwreck a-hicit eccut-reul Monda>' nlgit nean Milton, Ohio. Ne oeu as killuai. Ta-ielviseoplue r n althe cabo4e of lte localrelgit ontheira-ny te Wus- t te attend a louige meeting. Theu cu- boose teck lire aflen buiaig luleacoeuit iti he passenger englue unit but-ueO up. Al the iîujulreau tahie cuboose nere remeveit setore the liantes ruacitea them. xiARD FIGHT FOR TURKS. Chriian Cretuns Repulse Thcm a-Ith Heur>- Les«. The sitatien lanlte Island o! Crut. la set-ions. Il the ulaek b>' a alrong Tut-k- isit terce on the positions occuplei b>' lthe Chrlsltas ut Vryae ta-euty-four' Turks a-arc kilieul and thlit-ss-uevee unitet. AI Alieumpo the. Turks massacreu titre. meu, ta-e omun unit tire ciliren. Vole,a Netioge'Sentint' suttilielt titi. contry' sucus te w, ver>' generau>'lt tavr oetPt-csldî'î.il Ctevelad's lposition aponlteMonroe îdou- t-me. FTe Message a-as Wvutmi>'rua-ivet b>' Cengressa, nitmany G(ove-uiena ha commeadeul lt. le London d'e tuesigi createa a profonitsensation. Yeiîthet tit pt-s non public seuee able te uapre élaIs -ils fuît sAcope. Il vus ebut-uct--. lacit as "a rensunkable document," aaiv lite Fimies sait I "a-as rt-cuinlaLonutr with blankatoatisitmenl." Foutbec iliet tSen. Intelligence reucheai Piiidetpbla et Tsusdiy nigitt lit on Sunita> the Gber mashlp Atitena, front New- York, fia Leniton,wllh a eut-go-etaupitîta, expuoiai off Cape May'. Fourteuit lires a-une lest iitciudtsg th. captain. The tit-st unaisuc end nm*te undt lour otflte et-ee.t-es casab>- d'e Britisht atlp Tuttiaat brougit te PtUuaitcbptlA. : Would KiIIlt e Czar, A dispalcit front Môscôvw maya d'ut s couspirue>' agalnatthe lite oet lit 't bias beun uneuntheit d'et-e. The iaspatc]. ills that a nuaibur et bombe- bave beei selseat, and ietasereral mate ndut omeb -ineladipg a_ preaitient nililintlathuder have heen unrrested iit-oisctlols W lt li plut. luaîped -finta u Eteraton. re d Hontoritî 35 Yeaat raie, a a-te maI4 »d Wetacol idealer,, et Buritngtia love, eommitteb suicide b>-juinaîag freti te ropper stery 01ethe Buzlegboa cieva laot, a dlqtne of 130 teet. Hlmial bi ui nous Itereste huait vertaxeai bis itle rendernaghlm Insane. Loouat I ur *20sil. TIhe secret service offtçiala have discoi ereti a ceamniterteit 921> United SIatE note.- serles et 1M., -l ite h portraitl gamutlten The. palier show-s m'eduit bint la Imitation etfsllk fibur. The. lutterng ver>'pour. Lents Bmith bas hen urnes ed et Toledo, Ohio. mur etrSbîpesuffer.- Belatedaitieare-ariving ut Pitiladu pi* bemljg evldeiime et th e esfie gual 1tii. epastw*«t he uug i.AdaIuteeas & getet *,sbr o? .Ve»a m j ae » m u4 i0me 4-daW,. dine lema a § t butt t ela të- of lgypt as a coinpetitor wtt tii. Uni- tc.i bartci. for thae cetron markpts of the erarld. At Present Egyptian cotton la .01(1 et Alexandria fur 2 eents per pouad mlore Ibm the pricecf Amnerlean cottea, mud ownat tethe superiority of the Dl gyp- ian product II la belng purchased ln quaniiWBfor Cxpor tte mUnited States, Thea sales iwhieh ten years ago arnounted .0 b)ut 3,815 baies bave incrensed, untîl froin the best etinintes itlelubelieved bhat during the yeai- begieaaing Sept. 1, 1895, no leas thnn 50,000 bales will be shi1paad te the Uîaiited States, and as these [Egyptianhbaies are W0 per cent. lurger titn lhe Aniericun the exporta te Ibis con- try' Nili reali>' ameunt te 75,000 bales, ac- t-ording te our standard. Mr. Penfield urgea thet efforts lie made b>' our planters to grow the Egyptian long @tapie cotton in titis country, holding that there amuet certainl>' be nmre portion adaPted te, Ils growth, probab>' Ihe Mississipi lVaiS>' or the Brazos River section in Texas. mO is WIII T PROXY. boaei ed.nkraux Wenida't Puy tise metcbualer- Ceapur Schmidt, a waelt>' fat-mer liv- Ing sieur St. l'uni, ans ha tI a brother ft-mer, Augusîta. Sîdeebraua, puy hum $100 fer seauuning tb. latter a vite. Schitiadt testifie-a thut bu laed enlerei tol i rugutar conîract nilb Sidenkran, be- -asuse oethlt ltterla baashtulaes, te aiW his cout-ting for hlm anad seeaire terefor $100. Schmidtsencul b ies ister-ilan as lthe bride unit Sldeîîkrunz aus diii>' nantlidt teliter, paylng $10 dOand àgremüaiug la py lthe reinsie ut a lter dte. Thte $90 aas net forlbeoming unit te suit toiloea-c. Venezuela Net Bocklag vouwn. Senen Andrade, lthe Veitezuelun minas ten te lte Unaited Statua, bus ruceireit a cablugreas f rom Cnt-scasfroas his gev- ernaseut entirel>' dipavea-ici a publia- tien ainte LondontuTimnes giriag vit put-pet-ted le te an interview a-ith Pte-ul dent Crespo. No such alutemeut, Il n-as salit, bus ut-en been inuit.b>'lthe govrt- ment. The article quacteit Presiaient Ct-cape as expresaing a n-illiaguess te nie rparution toenet Bitain for lb. Ut-tan incilaent, a-bltLut-d Sallia3bur>' is endeavriit te sahate t uonllthe long- îueudlng bounîlar>'isputte. Tiie posittion et tb. Venezuaîcna (ovet-iet t bun been atatei ft-eienthy, Ibatlthe l'ratan incident anadl lthe toîntut> dispaute ut-ela- seaiajtune. lte liaitilit>' cf tiiegovernuient for lte Urtan uffair teiîag depeaudent on n-tetber or net it ocre-i on Veticruela or Britisht ccl. Pubihitei t satemeals Ibut Senior Matinez lai in Loîîîon on a secret tmissioun tolthe Brillith Governaient frouithe goveuntof Venezuela ncte deniedal uso. Fasily of Vive Kilicit. OflUcet-Hamuinnt, biseaife anaitfle chlldreasn-a-ru killei t a nctossiuagcuntthe Danyton aîd 1i'aiona lailronîi. sava-asmiles f rom (bt-eavilie. 0hio, n-hile lta-y n-ct- as-ossîng thtietruacks le an taîcloqeit vetaiele, andit dtnet heur tbe upprchliuig 1passert.- ger train. Fit ltn ist-aiak lte i-artuge, unit ail a-une inutaîst> kilîct. 'Mr., Hum- mnacu inaitta-ocfthe cbild-n eaa-ru lit- erail>' greuitulte p:eces. Big Firas lu Trouble. Lombard & Ayens, a Newa York oil andi lumtitr firne putuu e t e a-ctltmillions of dollars. buvere dt iamcial reverses. il a-as naid on lthe Commercial Exehange ltaI certaia big cocearne lanviicit Lom- bard & Ayers a-ens interested waet-e aise le trouble. ____ Pingrree TiareivaOaa. Mayor Piîsgneu, of Detroit, retuneuitot îiay biesatt-cet cut- fane unlesa git-en six tickets for 2Z cents andi au Ibruwn f1m lthe cars twicC. He la caca-in a position 10 endeavor te regain isna-octt a lirriiete lise peaope o et itcil>' tave cjoyed toa Inent>' years. ____ Dled la Rer Varier. Mra. R. D. Pattone, a lait>'o!fcnsider- abielitît-ut->' eputittita, aîtdnan-at-m per. aouai frit-taitof Scator John J. laîgnhls, icas fonudeaitahe parleofuthur lomi le F-ort Seott, Kan. The causa et heu tuat la ucknoa-n. Junlue Shoots a Lawycr. Citiet Justice T. L. Sîseagras, ofthi aTennessee Court, lireai tu-c hol ut aiJotai ILBuasul>, a pntinent luwye eof Chauttanooga, otne out ail teck cffec lenlthe at-te Jea-clryMtIenlaTrouble. l'ire crediîcrm cf ILouis Bravet-man lte tend et a lu-a-ejew--l->'bonnue lu Sua t-Franciscao, bure flta a pelition askinl thaitlte bc Oecaut-a-t anivoiunar>' nlo veit ChIago-Cattle, comnion ta prime, e3,50 te $5.50; itoga, siingîl grades, I $300 te $3.75; alieep, fairt te eoice, $250 te $3.75-, a-hai, No. 2 red, 56ec te 57e; cet-a, No. 2,.25c t0 211e; ca, 4Ne. 2, 17ep te 18c; t-ye. Ne. 2. 36e te 37c; butter,. choIes creumer>', 261e te 27c; eggo, tresit,, 2fr te 23ea; polutoes, pe utbtsital, 20e ted 30e; tron cernt, $20 -le $50 per ton tormi puer toechoiese.1 Indinnapois--Catle, hpplng, 03.00 te1 $4.50; hoge, cheléeeiit, *3.00 te $8.75;t siteep, commusn -, $2.00 te $875; I a-test, No. 2, 04e le 01(k; cern, N1. 1 1 a-hile, 20c to 28c;e oIsNu. 2 a-ite, 21c te 23c. St. Loi-Cattle, $3.00 te 85.00ý boga, $3.00 le -$3.751; a-hut, No. 2 nuit. (2e te 64c; corn, ýNc. 2 yelihea 23e te 2-4e: ouls, No. 2 whtite, 1lOc-1o 1e; r>-., ne. 2, M3e te 35C.- Citcinall-Catle, 03.50 le $4.50; hoxe. $3.00 tet $3.71; sitgp, $2.510 le $3.75; wlaeat- No. 2, 00e te 67c; cern, Ne. 2 imixed,, 27e te 20c; oats, No. 2 mixeit, 10e te 21c; r>-., Nô. 2 39e le 41c. Deroit-Cettie, 82.50 te $5.001 itoga, $3.00 te 83.75; siteep, 'f2A0 te '03.50;, a-ieat, No. 2 ted, OSe te liGe; carna, Ne. 2 >elov, 27e te 28c; calie, No. 2 white, 20e te 21c; ry'e, 47t te 88c. Toledo-Wheat, No. 2 red,.-04c le 05e; cern,Ne. 2 yeliow, 27e te 28e; onuls,.No. 2 a-hile. 10e-to 20e;'t-y'.. Na. 2, 37C te »9e; <forer'sueit, 4.1-1 tz;$4.20 BfaeCt-h- $2.110 te $.2 5;g a-ica, N. t,O . it;crn, Ne. 2 yelov, 12elte 3e; ouls, No. 2 a-hile, 23e le 24c. Mltaukes-Wteat, No. 2 sprIng, 56e te 57c;, cern, No. 8, 25e te 26c; culs, No. 2 a-ute, 18e le 19c. hurle>', No. 2, 32e le 33c; r>-.. No. 1, 35c. te 37e; por-k, mes, 87.71Z te $U.. Nua- York-.ýUitle.'$ 3.00 te f5.25; htg, U3.00te 1.5O'isbeep, $2.00ct$3,50;ý v~aNo 2Z ted, %k le 69c; ern, No. 2, Mc teSMe; asti, Xo. 2 a-bit., 22e te 28,; - h~-bum 17 lC te 200; ems We> 01t MN KILLED AND SIX BAD- LY INJURED. lKain Steanspipe of thse New Linon Ugt. Paul Buaae Under Loy Pressura- Pecc.ilr Aliument et Western Cattle -Train Danece Boa-n a Grade. b rwenly-thrsee iutise Terrltony andl Berenty-tbree Teasciens. Ttc Unitedi Statua C-'ommliscionet-of F.u- aLlen toas issueti a report on eualu-aion in Alska, frein ablet il appeana Ihat luing lthe paI ycar lter. have beuit uslntainuui lture sixteen day ma-itoolsa with [enty-teun teachers. Tien. have aise [eu muluîalned sevun contraet a(booia, -11h forty-itine teaciters mail emîule>es. 'Te commissiene- t-eemmenis nu app- pation etf030,000forthe uuaauicg ycan for eatacation In Alaska. Oane cf the aident recemmectationa e liathi ot-t le hut lthe gevernaientit-canse lI iapt-o- t-iation for lthe lîatroluiuuuîcof reiasite-r si n feood for lthe peoiple. Neuni>' 4001 aiet- lurotueet lunt yenr. BACKS THIE PRESIDENT. Congirest Rallies la liseSupport oethbie Monroe Doctrine. Thit.leuse Iuassedat bialtuthîioriziaup the 'rcegideIo iîl l ia p t îa Neiîeztietaui -ommiission uand aimprnpriuting $100,«( for cxpenacs. 'lh. tateiit îot tuka( uî lthe VêeztilaIn isiaute dit-c-l>', li Steator ('hitauier t- irtoaieed a bill "t, -tt-a-igtipth- ie ailitar>' at-mte[it." Ti Jirect-s lthe Prusiticat to alreagthc- tisa fatilituh>' foraee cf lte Vaile-I States bi Iditiig 1,000,1000 lnfaaitry rifles, 1,1i I-uais tor fiea-i tillur>', and notlcîcci-ulini (.,00I0 ha-uv>' gans for fortifia-aiîiotis. Tht tuii o! $1,liO(0)0ls mada- iiaiiinteil: i4vaiinbl fosr lthe put-pose of the propoe( arniantent. DISEAbE 18 LIKF. BABIES. Dearanaent et Agricultureo]Report ou -VecuenrAii lment et CaIlle. Interestinat now becatîse o! (;Pra-t-ue pîrohibition faet itempîortation et Ant-iý au catie la a relpont juat isanuedyth'l agricultue]alduparlanenteoinlthe era-stul diseuse ot caIlle unditnvaestigaions of iseuse apparntl>- ideelical a-ith rubk'i The fermer itascieau" ikbtar>'-iesses t Western cattle-fueders. Titu levestigi lien shows concluiruvl>' taI l iinet tung Oiseuse, lat 5,01 cuammunicable unit 1 itl aven of a bucleriat nature. DVeuti et CaptLaBanmett. Cupt. lune Bueselt, lte veeerabie a sialaint doonkeuper of lte Senale, due at Wasilngton Wedaestay aftertooi Capt. Basselt, d'e "futsenefthlie Sei aie," spenthlm entire>cancer as a Senua easpioye. He enjo'ed the istinctions a belug lthe seuondtpage eniploed lal citamben uni the.lest oicilai oet liti oea eteetea b>' ballet, iii subsequent offici bèing g1led b>- appelalment. Unaown Vessoîs la Dialrem. A atinc-iala ite le fla-o miles e Kiuigsvitiu, Ont. "in1 beierei t le uIl Wtlllurat, abataineul off Kelicy's Islan Auohu cruft tJe four mites ubove, but i idunlit>- cannoî-be inuit oUI. A Mentit was bievlng Olatresa signais, but passa eut et aigit. Lccisuetîie Rau Away. A locomotive a-ith a train ittuctealtn sa-a>-near Mouud Carmel, Pu., unit -a haut>- areckeul. Four mua a-uneftal tajatrei unit aine ctheera -ue badli>'bc astit seattaa Fuvor tise Chticago 1Vnoject. At a meeting of lté buttera 1:ienu fi tuners Asmelutions at Augusta, Gi., t-a reseslttugaullthe -cotteil Mille# -it h ee quarterz la AuVuta, Iacluiig serea in* s iaSMoud' Caroiua. a resobnhleu w adog4çpteti'hearlil>'appretuas the -Chicii sai Out s.taIes (Tttoi Expeeltlou il le lk o a Wd sn- kt the (Ir- the nd. its me vas ?rai a.s A comproe.tslvO Digest or tNe;i ceedinge in the LegIsiaire Cà bers et Washington -.matter Coner the Pepie. 1 STATUETTE 00 ROBRET avUUX. lte nev Stalcitense peitimuat, for vti lie receiruai lie bighesl meul a aI la te art dcpartmunt aItte Me*ma Fuir, unit Sculptural ot-aunseuls amdti ite Triait>- Chut-eh additions, l Ioe wèt nette cf RoeuttBut-ns, aie i eproff tise peut Stunding ianlte fielais bam'sbeaý Hu itelis a a-lia fiower la bis haa-dc viîih. coittumplates ln dtu Tite uccessenlea, pion,, cbosir,= C~,~ at-e in. keeping alIwithte ubjeèci, sn wh-ole"i montdiiafiedul, a-s luict4 ase'di andi d'orougtiy -artl, 'l Cuit-nslias giron ttc model teohM.l det-st,o! the CaleumnClb, andl It a-lit b4exposuit l ewv inh ia Minlc Hall aIt te aunverm'I- Burns' hnirta>. "Titere's a ieak ln lte roof., sr lte haute>',, "und thlbgeistlea#a5 l 715 waats il utteniete ." A il nlgbt " os l t hb e pe p "Ceusitir, have ltat rooftUTIIIP charge it te 7l5.l-Harpeet'5 8eliel, Anceetors o e b 80 ef~U If as a resuto f lte dtsceVc erow ln a friniof theet lit seareerea- disappeurs trem unetherlilat it autiqul3 breken. Tlae seuarecire-, a-as, a-as.ix rule auvrval et -«ectei theb.Gt-eek anit ers te lte miner goeisfeta Pltlabturg Dispatels. Tbere la onu ceinfort la belbt, a ma la net obligeditutek" metekuows. Fire men a-cru kllecd sud six injured by ttc expilialon of~Ariipe ou lteS AmericanuUne qt(a tiS.Patula-bite 1 the vessel laqea t haft the foot of s Fluton streeu4,North itjvea, Ne%- York. g At lthe lime ef theatiftdunt, siacrît>' uter b 7 o'clock, theru n-e tirtï>'nofathtt0 crcav lu lbe firuroont und, tua i inthe ei-( gine-rourai. Thae maina alcaxepipe, îvici la ttrcefc tedin diaaieter, t-ns tr6ie lthe enatice to liae tire roule. It n-us luis laitue wiiciexpaiudeîi. 'The uamain stoptuval v. i-us Iiownout. 'Tie acc-ident-ii l iivetl le have iten a usci by a hua- iia lie pipe. Preputatiois n-et-e leiuîg made for ltse mailiang of the vessa-i ntIil e'eleek, but fontuuutciy înouec of lthe iassusen a-as abourd thte vu.usei. l-rîutî ubore-the noise et lthe eeauîiug steaiui tculd b4 huard lte cries of lthe meii aho liait buex- at %York la lthe engilte-roonui nîlijureai b>'lte ux-ý îîlîîao. T'nat ure of the expesl-oa wu& aîucb thaI il ra-iitlt-reîl acces. te tise le- c.alit>' -Cfr-eiiu-ly itiiuit. As quilaineu tsible ttc ste-j tuaas sturti,t r.AI- lulost iaiiltuni-otisly furt-hait!iteait mca acraunbied ip tua- iron stslrway ilaiusg frnthie engiîa--roomin d tatfeu pros4tratu lîpon lte port aide ofthe vesel. Tt.y wtet-e hitotinhothe -abi a ndait to-a- tii-es udaîlista red Iolitaetiii. Tn-ii cIer mnen tet-nibi>' nalcîlivena- toudainilaan alunout aucnsa-ions i-(uaitiai intg na-ar lthe boîten of lthe sair-ny, anadt a-ru litte uap t0the le-k. As soon as lthe sqtuanihaul cleuir-ul na tulliu-lntiy le runiterseiag the ua-ar-iîiaaiiugu possible five mua wa-re fuaiu ingrieurain-at-art-- oua parts of the eî-iarttueaat. Ittad. Titu> hiait ait heun saulaicula, tii-at, anditeir faces andi tholiais aat-ta .of the tbotiy îî-bl a-et-e net a-<ver-uyitlair cl'ulhing lookeai as if lthe>'huai be-n iatloiie<l. FATAL FIGHT FOR A GIRL. Fclice Delenz Kîlled lata nDael et Plîlalen, Pa. At Pitascu, Pît., Fei.-e flîng wals qa uteu to aiualh l'y CGiovannli Deavaiiio lin a ightfor a girl ith i-ions liey ii-e in luve. fthe>' îvîre good triuada illa il about a n-eek ugo, a-tai lthe>' iiaa-urrd lthe> net-e la love a-ilslise saine girl aund ltuat alie aias i-na-otîrngiug lotit of tieui. rtheu lthe>- lait frequent qiaurreis. Dur- itia cane of lta-m batitt-aendn'w atilellos. Tia.>' aaste-ilno( îureliniîiaat-es, but sprang utacai-ta iter. At lthe lirt- lads Di.loiag*, tslcttuî 1k-av friîu lis hait. Deslui-iio slruîck ut titi and lie deaigeai beuinahali.he ladc, bati I timbu,.u. Deataciin iuticithe stilealo in bis buick as ho rose sutî llfeur fian-Iîes in rai. sutccession îiluuiged iti hais tua-k. lDe- long fa-il deui t aIbis oiîîonent' fia-I. unit te. teiitt ouie thta. tut-led the alilette in bis i-val's treat, ieft i itta-ru unit lieu. GCROOLS OF' ALASKA. Lawmakers ailaeor., Proceedingseofthlie Beaté,Tbasdaàe covereailthe catir. range et teglmltli,'~> rein te Introdnehioui ot petitions, ul ad reselutiona le lthe passage of b1114( - tad Includdit ta-efermolai sait. . .., ai extending lthe Chicage port oet enta> ae au te cover the Stale et Illies te- cilveitlthe final ladormement etflite Berat. timntot an bout vas devoea te a speechf iy Senater Peffen la adocacy et bis bIIý, eurlailing tb. >'zpenmus Incurre In laCea- greaslonal faneraistsait prerîdint d'ut a sergeant-at-rmm s@hailltaielite place of lte censaultte Dow- sent eut b>-,lthe ta-e liouses us escorta te titeir bonae of the rupsaine of duceasuai metaburs. Mn.Cat uddnesmed site Scoute oponas mresofution upon ..cruetties aiielled te bu perpetral- cd upouithecArmunimns b>' Tunhilaau- thorllles. - 'le theugît lthe Unitedai tls& mitoutdai u least express encoursgeaeft te theýjIMllzed povers lthei effort lier are mitn te mupprestees outbtmtu et bigotr>', auperstitioecrelti agd etltu% Thte Bouse limlened te a speech bYUr?, Grow, ex-Speaker, relative le Pre*Udet ClereIand'a utterance coacernls aglir and currene>'. Bath bouses adjoeuid th Manda>'. Thte Sunale a-sm tu session aý!tmt ta-O, heurs Monda>', hait et that tase beiag givea te Mn. Stewar4,of Nevadaa, in a ric- erons snait an lte geld "coanttue." Au echo et Censpîrolten Bowler's suspension5 of lthe nsear bout> paymenta a-as huarî ia t.e reselullon et Mr-. Caffe>, et Le.- -' Iiana. callas ng nthe.Treasn>' Duar- - meat fur lthe reesenstor lthe mupemÎid5t. Poslmaster Geiteral Wllsoa receut or-, dur toritiddiag postai eniployeg tronC plp- iag postal legisintion aise came la fer- attention, Mn. l'effet affertag a comipte- hensive reselution et laquirn> steh ct-dur. The procueedinge ta the Boum * a-ers cittivuneu b>' Tai. Filait, the. aie- gale frein Oklahomua, a-be offereai a tene- lotion abat lthe Sécrelary o et i.Interior bc direcleit, If net incmpaltie alI it te iublic laterest, le report te ltheFHouse: 1. The reaseas anit causes eperatinit. if tan>, te dela> lthe appolalmunt o e ttilnt agents and lthe aillmnt etIint lande la Oklahoema. 2. Wbeîbmr an>- et bis con- nertions or reilatives b>- bleood er marrtage are acting as attorney» tor salai Indfies orony npart>' or parties intereatedartm, deia>'ing lthe openicg et tte reservatioik to selîleanent. Thte resolutienn a olpt- cd. tteprenentntive jHopkins' bill tforlthe extension of the Chiaugo ctgteas district pasi lthe Ileuse fial>'Tuesta> ailla lthe Senute aienilmeat exenmptinioxt Sit. Louis. The bill ge te lthe Prelldent, atu§;it isIbus teapproval etflthe Treas- air>'Departasent Collecter iRussell viii Ceea ibe reeing cuustome aines frets d'e iv ol. State, oetIioies eza'ept lb. City- armes front St. Louis. Tii. Senal. aid no business o! importance. Wednesda's session otftthe Honse didi net taitan heur. butl h muffiecit fer the pansage of a bilt aulthorlaing the Prend-- dent te appoint a ceommission te Investi- gale lte Neneuealau luonun-, andi op- laniatiait $100,49w) for lthe expease et the cmmission. Theu billa-as prepeneut bp M.%.Hitt anit met te.appt-ovsi of Speake Itecl. laulthe $Sate a billa-as introduceai and neturreut proviailas for lthe hicreaie of lthe at-manient ofthlie nation andi appro- pittng $1l00,0 )for the îaurcitae of lthea-eapoats neuutui. r STATUE 0F ROBERT BURNS. igi>Artlstîc IVork Couiploted b>' tcnl ptor Cairns foauBoetonsocial>-. Ilagit Cuires, lthe sculpter, a-be aon a rlulgitpositIin liasgowr as an lamînuclot' la lthe uc-leai>'.anda-bite lter. pro,- itucua ma>' wortb>' bits ln planter, mat- bic maidcther imulet-l, bas beus inlaBos- Ion ftaineîuuseh a iut, quiet>- gainluîg a reutultion foi soput-lur efforts in ail ebrarnieescf îura-tiî-ai as n-cil as ideai ivork. Of lte'bclutter phlasaelais msont ins- ti orlant i-etk, nside f t-unlte moultoe

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