t-i n It la Impo-sible te iïtgui-e the gravit>' et the diffieunies-that ba zt.isen betteen Great Br.taiu su! Il-c F-uIte! Sta es. Prei t Ctet-oani's mesaua on!ta- eccilin ou hotu aides of Coasmg'-ess ge adiianal importancte ttce dispatcheai hetween W'aisltaagtii tu! Lonon-Fron t ticLondon Tîmes. Birut tep in conrying cut teassertliaon otai the Naumim'ee doctrinre os n priueiflc <f ib t( Internaotionîaul (-ode. ltitda'ns of au sj;italîs ,of dompstic îif'îrîî 'i ttogne'i agri'î-t(t as one laiai t i suioitiaîg the'Pcihrt it bas hcn theiti' tafathtie ltritimh îîr,î's; % andl the belief oth tIe naîti-Amlii'iaatt linti> mbruail t atlintit ha' asertioit f t he 31 trir. î dotinme n t titisa tinte t bau l'ra-sitlî-mitt n ia "îilaainc ismiitie- Il it ahi shtl> 1s'1i appîare'nt atîroutîiIt.i i suppormmt .4thot), raght tif Attnim'a(tiii t.u rîtu' ýAnaariia therc M are nouiLaities in thae t'iteîld u:'s. 'his P. l.4ta rtatiiia. I%1 The ïou hon ot theoHuasa', fra'sb froua ii ,Il BRITISII BOUXDABY, LIME fflople and expressiug their' sentimnitsi, xqiigea a crucial issue for the British Go% - *=ut and o!bmngs mat the question sharp' wtetber it niii figlt or bock iou. ~TteAng)uaotiars iii the United Stts oref neither nueatsnom formidable .nopg ta teiase titis country te bock 4otn. Congres6 bas inilorse! tiae Presi' -:ot ani the pçfe iil iriildorse Congres- a, ¶ Ie onrceoe uuatriiîe îil lie asserted botb la lettor nduiiLausalrit. Itit libo eciorýeu foLr titis tine stad for aIl limie 1ha1 it megjnh Aninoforthue Amoican repoli- liegs an! me moîaarcuy ia Americ. Th! - Utpopau pon'em tat conutent tbem-, t v'e.dO5wtb partitiuniug ad oui! !oruitlg A i~t~o sia naiti Afiefi. This Wtotea'n - <b.fn1phere is tîte hoie et the "eitb- -"Eg trm et self-government; andl 1 wp' 5e L -ntgoeut tic Britis monarce lal i V *ýkv. te deitart from Canada an! the 'MesuIdies an! South Amerlaai Gulamg. O'i«' t Brltalmî hoviug refuse! te subuit 'è ~iMo le iimaerepted oelmtatiem 1s Med t*iSalospreposes te o aë,, . frme.nr la tik t. ofT.V1 i&fau.tu 1qJOitl "q -1u her own future guida ceas te the justice "Mï I. Of those daims. Norafis thlis nuprecedent- tM"ttlfqt bify th lt ti- ed. Wc have a right to know the facto. Inde of the ?ri4Wt s àaprreea by the WVa do flt ttemp)t tu decide, let tix pieoplef thet lthdi States, that the ment- our privilege to nst'ertnin the truth, au.! bers of both houses of (2ongrexis reniz,' tllus ave shahli e alLe tu judge îiittht-r thin and! that there is a maandfet nt.tî:eu Eagt's Screams Arousz- Amerl* (,reatBritiiiiisriefusal tu sibnil ber titie tieni on all bands tu î,ronotinie iitiith can Patriots. tiens (olte e ight of artvvetitio ttis continent and that tlier word gi. it matters t hat av ihkely ti affei't theit.' _______________own iuterests o'itrfîî-wtt h -'-1-aiy BASSETT PASSES AWAV, defined poliir'y tii. taty iii iri rsiîd uea'ard their iuçigltiors. îna iu; the Mou- Vencrabie Aaistaflt ioorkeeaer of h ]LO . IMfUST IVfiLUOUTI. roe doctrine cntirvly ounoIfle *quesitiont, Sotiouat enaxtu In Dcid. %vo are quite j.s8LU4uch jutiflied lit luirai Co- tIsitîte Basseti. tlle v(,irai! e a înig the cotrsÏ,. meniîili J by tIle V1rel ixi data 1t,,,,k,,prel1,f sonate. il ie-lit deut raItmda- -*toin îterfcre w t h t Wsinttcin iiiatiteiriaioîa i tt Conýress Votes to Sustain the 1) oftt, ber iLila uk 'Il t' Lit land i li rega rd tu t ecodkrr f I if i a President. in Cha ia anti Ko-. ir List.Fra ut andrid i nanin iirelatijons betwi'i'u (hitwt and Jalia. ]Europe luIn reathicus. MI nee GvngKm oeyadThecontîmitns of the mîessage ii'ai,.t mliiParncd Gvln Hin Itosy oi! d tihi ipeupile<of icontinenital iEuiropienit tihe Couamiesion-Auerican People, natiitng ini thle si i'vtîi iiir lf Lt li'î'ttunry' ,, ga"rdiemoof Party, V pbeid Grovçr bas diitie. (rîat tkslttinia t itiumdeiid,~ la the EEiferccu et fthe Monroe tiecording t, lier un aieairs. Manity iiof .' Doctrine- Nethlng ioce the War te r tiihitttitittet i itt BamsLe Deeply Stlrwed Ibis Nation- Sientteadtil i e thit tîht Ie V,î- The British Presema 1.lîibt% ui eaii!fry tii u Il sys thot t iie Paulons. cltnîh of the Moiriie liitrjate lzis tiaeu writtelin l letiti ei'r i ll tiaiiîrresxIIiiti i nvc"ainoftbe r atiringl doc tit tua îÇ're evaiit." said that it la "îoit a rinciiile (if tut rei'igiizi il i' sif ntiitg lvtr(, i- ti-rittiiîiali%% "Iii wî ti,*t iid <'il lhave Eti- igaac ilascIItiti efather of the 'Sen-tato, gui iils iat.tatle] a,1, t i«G .. Thti'L iio , ie te-m ils crtire etîreer Ils a iiitc I ii Times is i-ililar. ýt1ittt it gl idii] 1111 outii1- i4,tiîy. lie eîtjiyeai the îiltillition tof l- Totttit'e tî Il"j,îî'pliiirt tird i ni-si- ing the setonul paige niiiin the lient Ii i i 1 iii. 'Tmèiii ttiitpr.,i ehamber sud !thLe mast ofi.î'ir oft tat body iLt t, irrî tat tt' îrte iii'ii'tie eleeted iy hbaloît, an u sieijtientt ohce, le t 1s ttit r - il t' i i ailiîttiratimmil' heing fillcîl by ahiiiitiuetit. 1 Washington roiie%.'tt'eicê. it-iin'A 1 '.1.1t Cla (atit. BassEKtt %%as boiaitn NVaî'iiingtnti Wsabiatoa eoesrtadenr:'itill 1:1 i *,- tt'i :111- u t,-ti'ixistintg geveut3'-six yi ars alto. Dis ,fatloir wta Congres i vtii te I'î'jin'tthe t i trrî itii ttt t i!'tL, i-W"terniSimen iî Ii sett. îvhicame fn it Mil for!. aupport of t ithe 'ie <i-ii n,nd th e bL'titii'i , ant J~îr'îîiiStat" Conn., amid is aiîti'n nais if Iis i'tli. Aanerican itule at-tir, - lîju i'gre'a-. The % ould bé.Iii t, i linit 't t. Oit t îr tr H-e las a pnotî'gi' <of Dtiiiei Webste-r. Bouse of Ittiîrî'i.eitt tutii-s wjitîoti-ii' ganu if It it q tit tit !i. iti r, 41111111 ho si'eured thie aitîointuletitt"f ti'hbo> nentijg vi- ttiîs atIla bil aîîîrîî tbiat i f ti.. îl'ita 'rt1w -iyd the. 11 years oniasa page. )tiaîiii.' Watting ~t&t)fîr an A nerii'a a j udt . 1i nt ut lt titi, I td tti-t n tîî,d eu sbseajient sxty-fiiirryear ift'a i ae'li dl commtissiontu i iiieîi til't- tu' efini'eIe..',ofI 'i i ttlt' 'i i"îttviniis ucli 'e ane niesseagerandiiii iîtiliy' vasit botnnry btelie tr ltilataaîi itîn, ant I .11 ii tîI..i ,at-,- taiut. it u rkeejii',or assistuat î'tt'i Venezuela. Thiat uis ti'h'laaît i , s u.ttt t-1 , I tttll, rai 'irîta rus, the latter tvt'uoffic'eheing ii'ît t A SURPRISE FOR TH4E LION-DIDN'T 'IH;NK THE ELEPHANT AND TIGER WERE BROTHERS. ni! pe %ievtetouLu 50<-rnn iiug eft cal. Ilis dîuies pnaCtia-aLIIY embi'nudi, ýo Gr'at llrittîitthit to acac'aîthe t'aitei oversea'img the iusekeîtiiug uf thet' 't, itato i-s ta -idli' î 'Anrad moîrt- bluitate. te seaatimag otfte tttembars, ut iii. it e tIti- sanie cffet. c'ases utfî'mnga'uuy. ahie acta-îîi nu, ('f Titere n'as a tinte cari> in thia ceattfia> the sîrgeautatis. Eaid>- in bis tn-. a'he'i liglli tltitell a nt d lO iiIETt4lihtja asasistantt iurkeeuuir li'- a iny tait tA a'rs scoffeil rt the-iriti'at (4the tu ie tlîaî'î oi!awn revolver itel by thé eider s:tîitl P Itttes, t heun afieL l,' tnt .tii. atiut ul tit iry, Seititor frou a eu ae, n-hi. li1t , ,earimitg tif Aint'arî abiîîs hy' iiuglish lm-en oniiarel arnesttI"lfoîr dai§aniiné lk-ti" uan ve'eul' antuil tt't i, iai idt tstaniati ont $a-ate. j't -lîttor iuaia -,howî'îtvi- the prtriait taat a li'>' werv-i-ig ii krgi-s ilta in iloitlmcaiîgurcs aitnid - .ilj"a Thaais rtuit-tNa- itîîiti -un!( rt îat-r ittî 'ttîtiîly.Ho usit1%l t. s"'impertent.'îît' 'flc ighttf uit ctani' ltnuaieltaîe vl(i i,'r îmesasafi ou l'as 'i m-lt to ianat if "iatîîi iutaLai ; a "îaîît ntbi- iiîîse utfIeprv-i-' la os alui'litedIlu>' Iru-at Ilti ta it.But tat ives. na!ita i i-îan l aither lilkei .r- unitm.Il il fl5ja i$ Lus utoni to stgn al caucus Cuiiis ton the ittrt>' ini tituilet Thme Conic Side et the News. a An hum-cge girl lias lh-enaarrcatea i ft 8ecins te bet-a fa-uvlaiusattaenofthe Ibea' 1.0 --oj A en- York palier bas an editîînitîi t î"Iloîrte litntuataiy KiII Kitti-,s." Whk> btter etflhi juagmniet. M'ieu bbe allit'i novie hogia totupay the îiheii gatne hî"ui bett.,-r keep ont et il. Mes. Margaret %Mther-Puhst probaîni> niii rturu te the stage; let as boite thiat Mr. Margaret Mather-Pabst n-i retire fromta it non' forever. ('arphor bas broun coracred an! pria-os haove more Ibau doublci lateiy. Keuie- body ls iayiag matitretasures îvbare niatb an! ruat doth corrupt. A 70-yerar-oii! Kcntuckîan bien- out lais brains becamsao14-yenr-oid girln'ouii!a't arry bim. The ynnng wman'saue- m:nt n'as trinephonti>- viudicnteui, Au Oklaomoua huston! bas applie! for a divorce au! the resternblon of bis liach- eier aame. Ho show-s a ioreiy uispoal- tien ini retnsing te ask fer allmnoy. tà The Non- Yorh Sutn stiggeto tht "toothruah" enght toe ho teettbrnali," perbaps. Perhats uno; but ton- about CLAIMS IN VENEZU-ELA. eypsglaiss, fittgersbon-l, fotball antI ofter the n-ro f 1S12 Englant!d iei'" Thte Boston Herai! priîts on abi, arti- reviise!bier idena etflinternational liOn'aidce on "Hon' Prues Are Cure!!" W1hat dreppe! eut "the rigbt oft aorch" r ti thl5 country reolly neoi!s, bon'evor, kit Ameracan vesseit ematbbc hîgit mens. Sîle directions fer cuiîîg the terribue board- n-îîu reviso Ibem agoin ina regard te thle ing beuge primue habit. 'Morne doctrine betorc Ibis a'iittovnalrÂAMlnneapolis Mamun-be nas orresteil lis endeu, an itinlulait that the Motta-ma the other day> for vioiatiug tbe imtrai doctrine does forum a inost impuortant pujt revenue lan-s explains te the Jour'nal of cf international lasa r us mttevrs e- that tonathat eh as$uereilicob aail- gariing the Anierican Houisphere ari"lui; a "*recipt for mahimg insauity wtto eocmeeo. oettofmolosses, yeast amui o!! unubrelia Âcross tte chaunel the sentmentlla ribe tritt a dash et heroseoe for tbe hon- sctrcely let" serionis. FrîInce oui Ger- que." t seemis o miitaire te represasuatt mony, bolh baviug lupei-ta o Iis cou- geniuB- __________ tinont. vion- themessage tuiti tiaîui!lgçti 8 Savy lnt siu0u alarmt, as eucreacilg on their rigiî. Mr. Baur (tea bis çl1fe)-Hon- hoenrid ct Ttey oven go snoamfas inte suggest tli outo e awy lh.gà&sU. LS i05nd I"Io, ai ool hape tetaond al PP9.jt yWloklntg4 00 . ', #g-.É -bt. - i tem ere oncrt o aet îb ÎM nte- *s Bgiv-t reY tlC pe Or b eot« eo1ffl p Z a th »sais. plplug4 saauUrs- ou sma t t j, ri idij dit n-a W it bi4 Pui He ma ia os hlie Sei ab! liki dia li tbý ha i tel tii Su ai ai] a' th fi en a t! ai ln tt ai CHiAi'TEII XXXI. *W'liut a sbame!" cntei! Dialta Knollys, Slie n tua .ttandiitg il, the station library, ]y tîtnnuiiug uîer Iti' iî'avn'aOfut letue r- iit îliu l j îaîîr. îîItîi' lii r fthlar stue! lattittg îî iti Coloniel Prituaeîi il, the door- ny. ',%,tVhai at ?' naksei tue a'oaiiissioticr, V-om n vi'l, tlie pa in îî astthrust into j. baudit, attui . a îiuît t ý.gioî'î'uhinger jiîted l the a la ui ttaii, Ili ai! nousci! r aulgen. Te artilp nasieth!"nuh' letl," td tit i'ttin a i luttf-ijuting, uvhuuti Sd isaraii t g îei n i ilti the î1itrter- jadera '*,itittydaîrgliti c" u%%b') baul ade suivit iavî'iu'in the n ttttu Lma- ig ber attenitiot finit lu a srgutait, thoin b ler îiOiititniuttiterei!, toî It'le'iCoonel n aef una tiiutbotib cases îîj ii li the ieat- est effi it. Titi' îî iter il u't onlututu'- ervc t bat i t îî a au prising suia' a iinoi- île source ot inuformationt siiuiii lane een overlooukcui at lthe inqat et. 3N'hau am .eiy te he oblu' tii iroîr a lîglît nipianthe trkncss îîiieb enî'îruied the fuitc ut r Iov-'r? Froua the days ot theue roitie ýfTroy unlil noir a n'omta bau! lcer aot ie bottent ofet îery mystery. the motive or evory crimte; and! Ibis He'iî-tasie.u ai board, as tain as sbc nbtîlîîhall heeri bc caumse ofthaat mPultole Ic un ars' var-oui! perhaips rae lestlubittite. Mucb more thene n ns in Ille samne mtrin; but Colonel Prittsep, îî'lto n'aa 'aiing over Mr. Kueilys' siionimer, nana- roi! sncb o nratbtui ejaeniatuou thiat te cemmissiotter n'as startici!. "Lb'?" lho quenici!. batily, uoOLhittg nien ila gold-rimmei! glasses. 11I beg your pardon," sai!l the Coonel. tiut I muea gree wîth Mies Katoill> a t afela libeis-or ratlier innuenaloes, îîhiculi ie ivorse, for libol con hoe eunmradicted- .tlgbt net te ho aliou-ed ole oiusa'ntediv i a>- paper." "I never dii! Like the ludion Arguts, noî ippmroeits vieîvs; but I ma8suet sayI aiuk- Whot de yoîa say, Di?" "I1 om goiug te sec Jonc and talle ber [on a dri-e if sho n-iii eome." "But, my deair, I ana Lut sure Ihat 1 lire about your belig nitb a yeung tad> 'ho bas made herseif se noterions." "*Or rather hon boom mode eo by cir tamatoanees. Ne, papa, i1n-on't liste"tgl an-ont. Yeu bave auiva9y@ lot me banI a>' on-n woy. oui! you are net goiug ti bn-art me noir." "And 1 doaî't thiuk tny ene coul!d i, anytiting but admire se kimdan ne Ot," pu Ithe Colenel, more more! thon lue core, te show-. "Hon- good yen are! 1 stouit like te thank yen ns Miss Kîtex's frienîl oniy 1 have nult tce words-ner the rigit te do soe,"lho mai!, Ltin on-. sitomedvoic( as hoele loi er te tho carniage. "Then dou't botter about tbartking m nt ail," ebe utnsn-ered, brightly. "I au tare yen il la net geodulit SUail! 'iciousness diiaguised." "'Hon-se?" hoeuuestioued, smiling. "I kmtow wihe n-rote thot ictier te th Argue, an!dn'ith n-bat motive it n-u tenne!. The n-riter tope! by that menu eo umke people look shyly upon Jane, a bhey n'ouli! do, et courue, If ail that bl tai! ns true. ButlImeantecirctliser biia by shon-ing thiat 1 for eue disheliev îvery ivori!, asalI fancy"-n-itb oprou tosa etbier beau. n-hidi Coloel iPrinsei beiug iu uttor liatison n'ith time sentimea It oxiarease!, thougbt iulliitly eyhonai -"I fnncy aume gooi n-li folion-." "11 wisb yen nouI! tell me n-ho -( thiîtk it n-as who n-rote itr' sal the C( .n11, tiercely. "Tiink! Thero ia net o doulit about I ont certain. Dun't you rentember wvtt I toi! you olle miglit, at yuur uîîn dit that if Joue Knox refuse! '.%r. Biou ho n-oui! ho aveuge!?t" **le it ho?." "0Of course It is;" ami! Miss Knoll wtipped ber poules itte a sharp trot. Poor uitIle Jone! Surl> neoueIh erér pal! se i!eariy for tbe royal git beauty-no ene bai! suffered se keer on acculnt oetlber lovera' Wteu hoewnt bock hâto the readir rom, te fomni Mr. Kueiiyc sente!l thte table tit thbie paper spreadi n fr0o et bim, perun lit Luteuty. "The n-bol. tblug la lu execrable tasti be sali, au the Colonel colore!; "but aimait! bore giron my opinion at t time badil 1boom bore-I canet hi thlnkiog that lte Inquiry vos hnrri over. aui that a lillle more trouble mul bave elicito! more information." Stepite Prinsep n-as ili-pieaei at t turu the conversation bai token. 1 thought Il 1mai!been caIlle! once for a an! wn-migb forgotton; but litaI 1011 ina the Argus, au! Mr. Knoliys' eridi determlnatiea te folew amp lte don- appeored te give, wemld endue tht m ter n'ltb anet interest an! gir. lit fresit LoBs. oulife. Lýeaving tbe iihrory, hoen-alIte! hc ton-or! the mess, ponderiug that cou hoe doue te avoît sncb an ouneyance tri jolie. Ho guesse n-t a ablew lt la aircady been te ber, aud tow asie Pr ably reproache! terseif-thougit nen essarili-for haring spoken, oss ae n-et consider. itarably et him soe sitrtly fore bis doatb. Wbat other reaison coi Ibero bave been for ber ovoidane et t soit on lth a dnofetthe funeral. sudt lock almost et repuguance n-hich thle 1 cast lapon hina, except that sito asselit hlm tit n-htat, le ber gentieens eti positien, s@he regrette!? ounihis way ho met Diono KniýlIys di Ing back olene. lJane n-oui! miel come," she Iloen bjluiDg uock-4ffended velice, tien mdl 'aorlously-"lDo yen knew. I beileve eh -frettig a&bout smetitng about titis v lette', ne doubt for tisle lookul S n- t wrmi as lqnle*beolte&" A~i s~r ay"mnav "St'11àa mous] ~.éaI'au e,'M4 *as > e9.6s1 aiaturage! byr a first faliure, ani thal yot i n-n go att! sec ber again." "*Oh, yes, 1 î'ji do that mertaiuly! She can't ain-ays he se impracticable, ain-nyt refuse," answeiî',d!'Miss Kueilys, bastily. W~eil, ellebi!d piedgei herseîf t td by Janie at this jnîncture, oan ould net go f ront ber word. Besides. sbe dii! ne belieî'e tirait, eveat if Jouie prove!ebi!u. rate, Colonel Prinsep n-euh! erer turu te ber. And @he likei! the girl for ber own sake and wisheut ber iveli. "Sounie womeu bave sncb lucIt!" mut. têred Diana, rnefuiiy, tbinkiug et bou Jattebi!doui-e bea'n a sergeatît-major'e îiauigter, ant! uoîvmigitt ho o peeres if sule chaose; or, n-bu-b miglît be an eeri tîrighter fate-for MisICnoiiys dii no, like Major Larron no--'tbe titi, o Stpiien Prinsep. Meonn-hile Colonel Prinsep traike( aiîvty siowiy, bis gaze beut !ownnard iberefore il migbt bave beeiaueon 8ciotiîsly ho passed the mess-gates, ant vreut on towari! the quartermaster' bouaige. I)inn's iust wiords trere ringing in hi ettrsandoi! ai! driven every ether thuugl alva>'. *'Suîe ca't oin-ays be impracticit hie: she ca't ainnys refuse!" Tiiere sceemeilsomethinz of proPhec: in tîte uitcouidered remarki, witichtIl lia taira te apluy te bis on-n use. SI liaiti hest enoug deof te bis spoken et trerties and t-I-crimore rerottasive' tir uttered prayers that at aoy moment ah mnigbt bore discerneai bis love lu hi cyes; sarreiy aben-oit!! listen mow-, th cauîse ot ber force! coiduens belmîg ri MOVeil. Just ntt iret she migbt bave fil vexed n'îth hlm ns nitb henseif, for th fearandi resentmeut she bail expresse about Jacob Lyau; but bier naturaI gu sîrîse must showv ber thot neither ho heera to blaime, oui!dselle-ouI!, if s1 iî'ei! him as sitebi!d love! him witboi doutt during that short, bniglit porto! their engagemet-turn glai!ly te the pi, rtection et bis love. His name cota] sitielîl lier roum su mueb that n-as di tge hite attendant gossip ant i t irs that Ivoni! foliow upon tbe trocl l e'a deatb. more espeeiaiiy since tbi i an ic bai! aîîiaearedl in the Argot. AL for Lus jpart, if anar>' one tumuci! again artd revileul lier, li ouii! noue tue le rjiiyfttiiy take tii bis arme theoeelovei 1bis lite. r As lieoturuci! mb the compoundi1 umet Mrs. Knox. 1"1 n-as just going etut," abc toi! hi yn'beu the usatalgreetifigs liai! heen i changea!. "Bt ntI îili turn back vil -you. It n-ns nothlug of importance, ai I nea suie it n'as very kini! of yen 1cu; we have boa-m drear- eatongb lateij "LIt wts os ur daughter I camne espeeci 0 iy to e@e. ili youu ietme go ami! spci 0te bier aoouo? lt She iooked up inquirLngly intua bis fa( d ant ieh smiied somnewhot saai!y in réaiy. d "VoYs. I have comte tusirber ogoin 1,obcmy trife, biat îîhether I have o chai itor net I colnet say."* 0, "She loves yuî, Isa sure,' asseri Mrs. Knox; but site dii! net st>eak s8ohuit ful fauoslle migbt have doun ou sncb occasion six uWnthrs aga. ly Excitei!nt thIe prospects îahicb opened eut before ber ioughter, thott at the saine ie e rren-fiali-couvinc le that their liriliiocy -ou! ho iisploat Lelit vain, MIrs. Knox hurrie! ou, oui! i laColonel n-as free te punsue bis course i la bimdered. le The f ront windows et the Etngni( t n-ene open, and! nt eue ot thcm Jane stu 'e iooking onrt; bat diîreetly site soir Il dil sitbirtaîk bock, ouitl when he enter the roum be foult! be'r nt the ftîrtltea end ofait t I îillîthe lainid Leof the i!îo gberliond!, as titouglitabotuut te lIt. "Jentny. .'eîîîy. î lait is it thlat 0 corti e btvaerau ita t iait 'ttîoulilai Il- [li I).,"he erid, sta>'ig sou listai off i"ast site should esvi-viî' im altogetii it. Slie li'îîet! aga inisIt lue toor, aoui! it tace lîtaltidîiî'îîfronît is gatze. Ola ccoat viislî'e tatîtu î'rtî' of u ber sbourh lut siîuîî ci lua aLie iii eitrdi ubat. be1 sai!. ",Are yen atfroid ut me?" he nske!. i feelings haveneveîîa' nlten, d-tiîut 1 ai yen non' <-len uitre daenny thoathet et day I asked yiîuatu be aui>' Nvife. yonî uiy honni! ty mu ipromtise m 3i,011iare et iast!" g- "Oh, batti, btish!" able utoni!. ""iVbuit is tuer, te limvent nie lîleiLt ut My catuse agalii ? She turne! tii bina seun-ite ond hem struck an exptression thot involunti "t hol quailo! before ber giance. te ",Yoeau couirkthat?' lp "'uVbî net? Yen love! me once," ho ie gan. ,ht .Do yen think I do net remember1 gtif ye ndu!1Inover met, Jacob L the noui! ho iitill live?" He "11 think yota exaggerate," lie ren ,11, trate! lu bis quiet roice. -hleb ln' îoer sibiy soothed ber excitemeut; "bis i nt n-as an accident. au! Ibough itrne1 1 i bot regret l, I for eue canuet hie su lat- seifisitas te ignore lte tact Ibat lt me a posible wbat yen declared impossible fore-oer marriage. Jenny." CIL uO0vr r is grave?" ild "I, de net umdertan!," ho sai!, Il ,M iessiy. "Yen mut-" ia! *11 hunw al!" &soitlnterrupted1 ,OWa meautlogli. bec For a momnent or twne cther efti mhe Ieeedlii dent dread pt *à* i, say thot for tà Then, uas eav te on gravely: 1 "'At the. sam* o uel my love for yon 1i"alot diseovered that "a va". gaged, sd I accepai fuiiy, It le true, but witb ». iug t. If 1I luplored lrw.a ously before detlnit4y ise yeu had madI. i with ne ulterior metiri, to secure yonr ha more thonu my 0w. t h eard so much a5tft and I mysifpoeds0% ereporta wer. true, 1I W ,fUt a more, becanse 1 loved pon Mi rdared te think tbtye7M d lieve me, l wua motbeas t position, nor wlt t t yen froua hlm ,t*1 could offer; il he bai! bae I would, have been enttt " D wite. if b. bai beeau*v*g mutuai love, and tii 'you wouid loti if ion ar 5made me seek Yomenl1. SSergemut Lyna aI uap in og iyonrseif upon bits geMb - t "Do not let unu îek fpoiated Jane, eoiiiy; idt' even more te diacver tiaI the big silvor ring laon her the presumabie giver of lt wu n- Dispasaionateiy as ho bai ld had flot been able te hear 9 story of that timie--teidtS# b s"a bis wori!s m«*Hfed teicI bai! brou practiced.on ber, ait it she had feit befort 10 'thon ever il iappearei poef ho guity, too,orfthtedealh et ry lier coidueso commtmlete« <e "11 have ne whtrat»te auf a in wiiI pain yen. I Win e in- to biame then, lte h he deepiy as yo en LUb li carions tu knew ho* lit h. mother wiii tellyu .t ta W- *1 "i ot t u1ns"1lP d PI She trou!! have given sa .b bc kpowuuothing ltaI coul! ab ed Prinsep theleu a boeon h« er id hie î' t'os i rst. Seme slas adbeen condoned, but titeue of.bt lie despicaibie oui! moan ltatable >ut self because ini spite eft Iesm of bini stjUl. It was that wvi4é ro- lear hlm se, lent ber iaf a ýid terumei! it-shonid prove strejXt-i_ý i1s' SCIsCetfwhat n-os right. ru- "And! I wiii net speak o e, huUý 'il continuell, "whicb shonld have -t lt brigtet in my lile, anddn-os the adet. 1 went awamy sbortiy aft«rW*Xdý ist tried my hardest to forget what w esonce a pain ani!Bstume; yet te firt' of of yor saveet face, the seai eI9j dear voice dissipated aiRUMy ree bce 1 knew you were as dear te me t«À Thcn groi!ueiiy tbe impression 0".~ le on me tbat you wn-ome longer .en 'x- the oui! promise, oand tbol eveniag v& it i-d togetber-ivith me it wtt neo* nd Jeany-1 resoived te wn-eeno tai to ognin, jmat as 1 began le dreMuet Y"cess, the more te ho prizedbea ai- iîardiy won, yens mot me wtkýtb*m okL pccted bion- tiit you ball Pied~ self aen, aimest as fataiiy as bâi ýce, '*When I dii! se," sai Jane-a ivor'ds scemed wreuched front tO soute !inter force site eouid net e tee "I beiieved that I shoni! novet IlVos it so?" ho tsked, get1yIsý tei tintes be coulhave stroru se ieffi6 Ille stili, then ognia that look of di" aui presciace. tiaaged, tee. tit fett, ever lber face,'nnd ho n-as fita e' re- "Trell me, Jenuiy, n-hen yen gXlv'n gh promise." t'i! "The day yoî tlail for lte rt Ye fter yoîîr returfi front Englani!," sh tule si'ered, in a iow î'oiee. an- ,Ble(.aimL you t tbugbl lita, I ell Love,! Yo014 Oh, Jenny, ilt as yen wb 011 uittetl go c,,d and! unceneermaeii, t toi011 îîîîr iridifferenee drove me te tvii S ttt vii îtd fongotten ati aIL rî'i iNî iei ts se short a lia.bâne 'esqt itaitimtnfiigtte-1 ailai!t neves'fq r in ititî Ihavne beld yeu n i up aa. liskisacii > oit as a mauon oay hleaect ltii taî lt, oves, and hble e mi titi! nifi.'.'llite nbn es tlt b aaî'e ltin ' tîeurt the day on thcio,M.t bier. rnage shoitii have heem is tiser. novl ber W ini be tili 1 die, or umati, Jenny'. Yq ly a lnt! Do "iii one me nthlng feetha lers terirag lotihave cansed? 1I reetéd bai! feeling tif boior thicit made Yom, tii Lister tii lie îîhiin yu en w o getrai!d<vin the genereus kiaiae.o" muY seî'îîttliise; but non-, srW,:y Iii C motLinug rîuîî'to hart ne!" Sitre îistfîîi>', Mmnaettarilyaiettat free, fervor in ii t toies; but as, à ber piendaigcry, hc steMN -ardlber, she shrnnk back dig -at Ivas betîveentem. Yiae htai! net been n-tbout éffec1 'rr- îtim guiity stili. ahe cofl! MnM* ariy iownnce for thi crime nlow, greaînes .f the temptetien ness of bis love. And Is ai' e h.- cidet-he bai! not meat to: n-as sure, or he coul! not h tit se uncoscieus ef wro týti5 bai! been se much tlubJm~ iug sncb a promise.,ane non- seni!ing thteue lover te in'n tit a nager lu hls beart leathý ne hhougbt ofthlie IetJol mn- tenu teel againat ti.he . un *'Jennj', tiat tami lem1 lIes Colonmel. os sile matod à s ho- ".Thik," Siteanc' ,that In-euid give *ail 1 Jacobt Lyna te bfe . w& <o- happy &gain, knowlug arMt Il Tht door opened, aidas lms lient-y... eli itraV