CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Dec 1895, p. 4

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an t mdmade bis n-S>'Las tb. boheun ai stand- Viose te spcak ho -lont a sand ing W«b> ;a ilbefore ah. bail - %Sabt. "I bsve wacwcfIa t bis hert, 'b" k.hS nt u, talled the. neit lbé qeadU'5>' covereul mm 'sseIdovut ho beari t bh ow sor>' Iam. put.0 ,bï. Siaicitu het 1 siisllirute LAd ati'gent - o 1ber'Raan>' Loe trd Nagent, lu hte i te ide of hbis-- ~ u lsted ta ber vear>' îani poil!, sud vaisheul tommbr age; sie cout do eSlgnov; lte lme votaI ries ber tuow-Iedge voulti ,.&" s1. w-etld sas>'nolbiug of -atid bt, or ber lady% wilIt WéW*a let rouseul ber. jNgvdys passed b>, tiys of, il thie gàgd w.c'svng aIw-ayz haver- l;W heceeold. ati is ariont- ý, mtigdIs w-ahe b.sgnal camup. tmeuâ o rd Suacuit du r- ,tislaë, lb. oulalde n onit la te 1a a"i ho voudereti a le liase UtIle w-bon tie ne tht Mr. Stanhope hati -n Ila ieathhlu a terrible railvua> rMas Cîrson bat come t0 Lon- we,.bearag oft Miles iliness. fihmlnlb. hesud valchiuganti =a itlieson onthe bouse. 0 aohiisg of!thien-eau>, W. Woris 1h51 fel fr. her rb.o mauner anti a huntinet *.day, Nagent," Mm .Curzon $,W* bmud; 'somethiiu to fer *laui pountIs." »W«m? B8e must bava- - rmblsior othr"- *V4<hoe~asidecl. ret S anSby asuitb>' I*le>' spoke lu aud bis vafe - oi; there nas lulie parisi, anti - u he doetor saad gnadntiah. iaiglal té lber uoîu tob hî haste ad gtnueil, "u aire-ouIy a cladu. élUll.w-al a iorrital> - b as Put it laulo your p-laIput,'it h ie, il la ~iare licou hoter--better tebaby cornes; per- -pour li>' v omil g teo onsud Nu- ami 'lier. vua a lu& ol -5igeii e."Il tee; hbele la no romi Osu aybluag bout il il &«m," Ma. Curzon subi aime toi hlm oet bile, «0lus; bal ahe eIw-cal f" el deaat qm anuto J- tst bolul yoar tommea *andil lb elu.aIr ula lua %,,*ïtiier seet vileit ah. hardI>' dared $0 bhtriiîf. Bon. of lbheliorri- N utwagtre,; bai aboe net rend lu AhSiapaper te unlerable ston>' j 1Pà lÏlCUtroe. sd bis vife.Fedors' 9i M iawtood nov vi>'ber huobatd ud& seesd- natîcianti reluctant tu baiiwtluaItheu paieri. Site b*d beun xp opbaN tu b. dresseti fWrnome days - osg h, » alapsed tbe sîîbject. Feb*hcdu h. tolt i m, tecping bcet the.tAoU important point or aIl, lite tie »Mi, ltti. vomau Ihat asitewva.s. Si telS Na bon- %liebati heurdth tiale of1 hlmg A"ue lluliread bon-thea.moun nhoi bb 'tUl be witi thei nierable in-i tilllotmuce deelaneul tiat lho coulti have bina srrtèted for murder. 1Lodem Xu4ent sau l utuilg for a minute or tenu; the s*"den ruait bock, menhali>', le liaI terrible Uies. of n-blie hopeti Zai vife vult nover kuion-anythîng. choledl is utternme.. 'l hopeul this wouiti neyer corne to you, darUina," lh. mud. "I ut-as ftoîîseh ot ho tell you au about 1h long ugo." "I shoali have lovet yon ail thb.soute. eofrge." Millie mid., teartuil>'. "I couilu sot baye belpet i." "Perhips," lie roplieti. "Yoi nsked me1 about tbe womau n-home portrait youî tounu me iooting ah ouneîglt. Site vas un>' nIfe..Ileeven forgine ion! $lie le dt. In-as not Lord Nogent tien. I 'Was siampi>' au Australien fariner; Walter Clitlue#oe vas honeatly mynom uie. I droppeti tii. Cîtherum aud ltou theIinaine et No~gent wih lhe title.'« ."Teu, I ltnu; but bhe ra'st of lbe stor>', George. Tuur-yuur wife?'Y "LIc. anuer the sud on té olier aide ef the verîdI My tarllng, b>' un>'love for yoc, 1 uvear tiat 1 tilt not delîberuabe- 1>' murder Orunsby Vendaleur: lhwovaua acident. He vis golug th ob liu- of sîl 1 boIt dear. 1I isni ltent, no premedi- talion. jet it rest nov." h.esait. in a brokcu volce. l'Il uot ber lier lire sud ne nu>' appins; tilt I met 'ou, mau>'tr- *'Did it cost ber lire. George1" "*Wiit do yon men, chIt?." A auititen pala-esa c-sme over Lord Nu- tetz face ut bis vife'a question. tVbah wnscomiug next, bewuoderet? 1h voîilti have been better if Mfillie a- tt toit binu aIl that uneasnlier heurt, butl she shruuuk from a pîking. "I men, titisate ie lhen-wn en o w-ar. e iu îlu "Hardi>' a year sfhra-rrt, dean; anti uow neyer kepa secret fronu me agsin, Mlliii, taar. roui sbôîil have cone 10 me waith thet ale as soouu as your informat began lis peraecîitioiu. Set yonr iheurt nt rest. ati leaie me andthde police te dealj nithb ln." He spolie se checril>'sut coufialeutl>' that sibewna reauuret. Lord Nagent n-asi uot quille se coufrtable; h.e thought hil bis braiuan eolo about thut long-paît hune. There was nu eye-witne»a-o! what bati passaod 4ene Oruiiby Vantisleur anti1 iniself. W1ho couldti sb.etat n-ai tell-1 iug bis uife the forgotten tale sud tirent- enig Io ac-use lau uf bis rval's mfrderle Bah! Il won a ruunpet-up tory; nmrne une hati got bold o!ft.e fact of bis identity i witlu Walter Clilieoe, amtiu-amatiuig1 capital ot o!fl. Ibat wàas tu. Ever>tiing seeneti as if It w-r. goiag Weil. M1illie w-ss happy, sudthie dochori toiti hlm that ail wou go rlgt nov; liaI Lady Nogent voulti son recover lier spirits sud ber ieiti; and ieiboy vas s besuuy-everyhody muid thal, 0f course: but su>' uglineis or tcfect in tiheiteir tu the tiihavenestaltes vouîld bve hecu ignoret b>' sdniriug frlcnds. A unnti lsed paseulan-a>', anti there w-as sueh a chrsteains un hat uot beon sopen in bh- couint>' for man>' a long day. bouse, anti preseubs anti goot i n-aies snd prolhecies liaI h little morsel of bui- unit>' voulti groîr tu lib.a credit lu thue oItrace. Everylioty wnmshappy; there nus hot a gloomu>'fs-e ho tuc spcnamoug ail the hrong o! vhitors u tuhe groundes. A vonian iooke l iti lliough the bars of thie great gate uarest Warwvick iaile tie festivitiae -erc' ln f Il swing-s veila-u wummn, in blauk, withbn pair o! glitteriug eyes tlit aitonu' lluauugh bbe blaek lace liku stars. Thae lolge-keuiu'î nif. nu- tlt-d aont]slatke lui lu,'. "Woult youuliL-e thocamentel, tna'ntlua?" elue ssket. '"What lis to-day tOint Lord Neigent s so goeral lu hig busp)itality>', :,Th it tile ha-lu- jilirlsteîuel. uis'uni" "1ir tlu n-but. wI nler?",* "Ileir bute, li u.nania: mieal a miit vo!f iie-b-abiles; utdalud-:tr littlie fuýllun- bie lo." d ..Yi, as hlkiur," thue nuotni, ugai.], lu a lannultoua-: "buth luke at uaaylie - ould nauhtlfl'er aauîuh fro unataa> nork- rbouse brut. The hei' iidffllW al vr «aId. lutiiganly, "Wito are you, I alaould litte 10 tnon-, coming hero snd talking lite lal?!" "You'ilikuow lat nomnc day," vas te shurt aann-or, sud diwupîearet aua uttemu- No Word tf tiie udt oman' sud ber iâtrange verte came to.*Lord Nagent. * "Wliat was tht. ueor vorryiaig hlm w-ltfisncb tale?" the lodg-eprswl baut isa itewun@ie oIt ber basudi61o lie vomua'e u rionis speech.' But theb hulieti lier baby, anti haula rqueer feelng o! thnnk!uulneut bathle gol, n-askept lücket, sud tial5no0one et u %sI ai vituout heu saitielunl &ad >' Nuire Ut an thelb Infat hein vOe. g M e oHatsîge. liaI vas udersîdo, 0 à4i IIMlSMvven ate lie leftI o lef for i &QUtt wbile, ta lie tiruwus op"n agalu 8, làe - faulun. when lte famille Ir woutld r.urtu a»dIrenalu dtR te coa- mencenet ef the Loudeai season. l'-~ mun W-N w-lt, as, *iicut- wImm dareu M id, preseutl>'. "r'tnut bave « partnlu ok at tho» colts sud »Peak te Dew-urst.", Ut. dlappeared titrouugh tic ornamental gale titt »opoaeti tpon the Park nt lie etige of the lava, ant i Plitle tuiruedte toa servant n-ho came lovuirt her nt thie moment wîhb a treubletiook oiber face. It a-s a Yotung urse receutly engaga-t as aîuder-uturse. a fresb-iooking tceunIr>' las- sie ont o!f<lac adjacenit village. Shu n-ms viaibl>' n!raid ot ber lady at présent, but .Uillie*nsn-eet fitand tigontle mainer vas rupîdly setlug ber ut case. "*Whut la t Il Boale?" abc aet, seolng thuut the girl lookieu flustereti anti seomoti afraidt u speak.' **Pleace. li>' lsdy'. Mur&. Wells bas aliiupeul un lbe tairs sud hurt her foot, aud sma iya vilI you allon- me te carry baby ludoora for lier; 1h isi'h much. she aays. but thue ca'h nalk juat tls min- ute." Mms Wells vas tIhe lady n-ho rula-t the nlrery-n most puuicliliiîus andlliport- sut lierffou. but thoroiughly conscienhiolus li ber dfflls-a real tressure, liinboni Miillie md the greatest eoufideiute. **l amn TOi>' orry," @she saiti. 'lon did it alapen! Do Yeîu kuon-?" "No, my lady-, Ivat't there; hut Mrs. Wells la lu tIltI,îîkeper'a rooni mav- lng har foot seen ho; anudl1I as te be sure te ta-l yolu that il n-asit'h o! much conse- quleaice,only sti.vausblige te anmit &tilt fora itt." "I amn &froli front n-laI you sas>. Ihat site huis aprained ber aeàkle,' sai Lady Nugeut. "Neyer mindItub>' nov, Bessie; hie ls quille gooti: Iivill koop hlm tilt lis lorulsbip cone back. Tell Mra lyclse net te o von>' erself-evérytiting wyul b. don. andti hi>con ret; yeti usut'orne satin inlubolt an beur;if 1 w-st yoteh feluh baby before lien 1 nill senti for yoî-there la s gardeneur vibhiu baaring." B",sie vent bai-k villi ler rmessage, thiukiug har Iadysbiîu tliè very kindeut uilsress hbat ever servanut hpuj. Lady .Nogent sat for a feurmiuities viiere Bea- aie lied spoletu ober anti then moveul slowly oîvardth te gate; the woulti go lno the. park sud mf.lue rd Nugent. LArd Niigeuut lookeal over bis colts, aud lalkedvithi bis groom, andthien turneti te go hau.k agan, Weail vithin the lime thatlile bati giveu iseif as lbe entret the gartien sudai nonu te. A acarf bils vif. bsti uvru lias lying on theuest tce batd oeupleul. anti a rose or IW-O ver. b.- side it, as If she bad pituketithonu te takc lui and forgotte-n thean. Everythlug li sudt about thte houa. v as va-ny quiet, sud lh. veut lu atte vIc- dov of the niorniug-rooni, and o up- slairs hohils own apartmout. Tiiere vas no aigu of Milie, buit Baylisa vas sbandl- ing at lhe door of lier tireiiulug-roon look. lut ont for soute one,.ns it seeneul te bina. "'Tel1Lady Nogent 1 have cone l," lie said, and Baylisa stared t i bnaiti a puzaletl face. -lIer lstiyabip in notlilure, ni> lord," »le «id. "Nt bore! Where l heli" "I tionglut th.e -«s ntIi yoîu; 1Iunder- etooti su.. ieboanot conte in. and Mrs. Wells la ver> nueasa bout the. baby,"1 "t'na-its! What for? la an>thing the. matta-ri!" "Oh, no, my lord; oittlost we tou't tblnk o-buit it ls a long tme for hlmt be lie out, sud Mm .Wells i5n»t *aie to go and se. ftler iuu-abe has apraliet ber ankle.'* "Andi ln tiers no oneuIs t.elugo anti re- lieve Lady Nogent of tie chit 1" bis lordsbip aketi. angril>'. "Wbst are yon ail thin kng of? There arc pleut>' of wo- men about, itrel>." "But vs contnd ber ladtyaip," Baylias rcplîed. resU> frlgbt@ed. nov that he bait conslui alune. --Mms Weil& sent ot et Once viieu ahe met vit thlit accident; the vas golng te tae the baby w-heu site dit I, anti Bmee e t once. Rer lad>sblp sent Word back tiat lie vas qut. got. aud ahe voulul kecp hlm. Site "id ld ic vounitsenti lu I f she vanteti anytblug, aud oue of tue. mon smid lie ssv ber go lot the park howard te big Oak aftor liaI. We made sure ste wax viti yo. nu> lord, or tire shoult bave gone utter bier before tis" "'Go at once," Lord Nugeut it sali~se btas miset me soneblownsit Ie laqquite uufit te carry hhat gvent baby about lu tis faition. Go. haIt a doscu Of >'dn," ILord N ugent salti, bis heurt snklng w-ith ja strange, nnatcutLble dresti. "Take ever>' possible diretion l in wicit&ah. coulti have goe-snome accident mulst have happeued to ber; thon. are cattle lu tite park. and the tier are uometiuies ahartieu loto bena uiimchlvo,., lie knew vitle lie ko that it was hardI>' possible bat MiIIIe couti have con.e Ioami>'bhuinfroim eltiierecaille or ticer, but it vas a mygtery where @lie cola bave gos. te. Sghe buid met w-it uo acident lu the Park or anyviiere noar te bouse, or if aubo bati managed te get quite an-a>'.fur 14o sesrcbing wa% of au>' aval; lhe bai dlappestrcul as tterly as if te hati auatluthie eartii. CIIAPTEIt XXvilII "Witat bai become of Lady Nugent" vas the guteshion lui everybotiy's mouti, anti no ou. W-i hI. te anîver il. "Hoer Iadybilp vent tralgit tevard the bg Oak " mnid the. gardener. "There vas uiothluug t-i. mater vItiber thoen, for .1. w-das islnlgte lie baby, anti langltlng: the %vas dîfretviwen %lie came bact." "Huv wdifferent!' asatef Neville Nougenit, ln dlsmay. , -"Tireti anti n-ite." the mnureplet. "Bbc va jat luleliiug ltebaby asi f *leah.ghtit tw-as golug 'te lie halteï front ber, sud @ahe vas nutterlng sona.- thlugt iôbrseil. lier eyci Ioccd w*ad sui t stnauge.andi 1 Jui 'made bolS. te wateh leir loto,(tbouefor mth oolaéd as If "abs miit flt' lua th-bouse. aIe certloni>wvas ot. Mountati searrs ve wr. courlui lhe" clutriùi i lrections.,ud aiagIs- the cbtltuu.- round muon rose abivq troîw-îo a ui thie hvo mel et ta -Ilr>', otir# listeniug vibb stralfl4A "S for *Dnme*&%, no natter vbah, 0au-, Ia t ioiulbreak the. dreatiful uuoeit'yof suspcnse. **$hal llgb ýthe bbc lp?'sateilMr. Chteater. tihe lergymau, asathe.shadova- "No, No!" sali Lordlïugent, Inpatl.ut-1 1. l'If ve bave light ln boe, ve sha i Rot seegc e dy ean>' icu b.>'ooui, fruit lte river-wia-*« cme$ vitat n-i thoy iriTèL I stoChz-l ter. 1 canue e a'ttis suspenier 1 I - "Donit; yen viW bave no trengub for1 to-morron- If »p do. 1 w-IDgo 10theti1 "<te anti Me.It tWblà -MW$su oe comiug.1 aih atili ; you sme»Isoliht e tave." Mr. Chester stoppai out throunghelIa windo-, and LIorui Nagent be e i itoati tpon il. bads, anS tbiuabl bit-9 lerI>' snd agoualugl>' overi vluat vas pmssalngsudo&Wbat bai passai durwmg tbd, lust fe aMotât. Was It poms»ue taI Millip's filsppearauce ba i sytblng ho déo vîit te trouble sitebast oi binaoftSlu London! 1 A glight rijîtle someviere mcrmi 1 roused i hm from is reverle. Tbcy vere coming back, surelyl Hadti ti.> fouuad an>' trace of Mllie? Titere vas ne on. f rom the river au>- urbere ucar him.;the llgt iruadelsbat ceaseti, ail w4a s 58 slll nedeatb lu the calm -nooullght. and hi* demi vite, Fedora Cltiero< vas standIng vîthin a few feet ut bina, Ikng eh hlm vlth revengetul oe'.ansuthtie face of a corpseî Neville Notgent vas a brave man, but tiiet bravent us>' b. pardoned for shrutiug a lUtie vbeI broigt face ho face w-lîbh e1 deati, sud Lord Nueut rccolled as tert-9 ed etthlb. neartil>' visitant. feeling as1 kt h. e, wflhurnefi totno. Thire. Unes9 uoW ho bai loolcul upea Ihat face, wit ils bitter ueerlee.,sud Ivice bai - b. striven he thluk IL itmd beeuuyne-a*n uia.xplâlited filenss. IL vas no fsnq 4ov:,"e vas tbere, ho cou se. a sar u W ebssh Ibat bai bsecumaie by su accidentai fanlmmutater their maniewg; ani sUnar « esbr ftta-err er hbud vas ngve-vea s ring b. ba lvm 4 ber n-hon he belleveul ber the. purest &bd1 mnt fancintnmllg of crethed belogn. fBbc did o speatqm. but %tend Iookitlng 51 blu vlt ihs Mme aton>' glare. Juil se bai *he lookcd th. lent tUne he bad amen ber1 lu loleraile bwati; mat as pale bai ber1 ceees beas w-hou ho bie lookcd ujuon ber1 in ber coingu. "Federar' b e gspeti. as @o aitcnlluet ber beai.1 "TeeFedors," ah. replied: aud ho bldà bis face ai 'grounctialondinluhis aiomy.1 Wheoubholltted i bondaagalu hc was1 gUmesud a inu&teond tien. lu the mon- light. "Tes, ltze ber. sure puougb," bo mid;1 "lb. mroi Lady NugcuC Shes becu tipI out of 'ber rigbls long enoagb, mi lord." *,Who are you?" gaspei Neville Nugent. "'Youi t.ev me W-eil eaough ln the olul desys itu>'lord,".vas the repi>'. <Ilbave yoar lordahlp's thouer and your lieteho,1 lin>' koepting. 1 bave ouily toMu>'tue word. and tbey viii dmop apoui you for nairuer anti bigan>'. Tvo- aies little crimes to put tovu in lie fttnil>' ec- 11i doui't taov You!ILbinh&aalie! It sa iom. trumped-up tale!" "No. It jolt. 1 vas net a tone's lhrow- freum you andi frmaby Vaudaleur wbeu you met at lie Rcd Oak, sud 1 bave yoair4 vife lu te keêpng to prove you a bigs-1 mugt. IL wai couveWnulfor >'ou hg us>' that seh* dieti in t. atylumnt>oder, andti free. yoarslf f.muthei.tramtelà of imer-i ied lite. Yeu laid your plans niel>',à Lord Nugent, but th" h ave falleti. Tho lady inaslvte, sud 1 amn ber. te prot veiry 1 vord l'have spokeu." ",Il la a lie!' "IL la truac." "1Wbat do yrou vuant!' .m"Moe." Ilihonabl se. When I bave alfted titis matter ho the lotoni, 1 vifi tkhôw1 muci. At present 1 ehoose te bellcveIL1h an impuient frant."1 "*If yon continue lu thbt bellef I villI go vitiimy stor>'te hoelb uiresh magie. traIe, andi prov, ail I have te asy. Loo iter-, 1Lord Nugent-revenge la iveet, aud1 1 ove you a gruidge. but breati anti chooso ls sneeter. Thia tbing la ouly. knovu t.i1 mne anti one cther persou besides-your vife itera--" "My wif.! Ai.teon, 1Iam i iudebtcul lu yotu lu nsen. s>'for w-at bas happeamu to-day. Yeu liave been frigbtenlng andl insulliug he." IlYour vife in bere inu uii' topimia." vsa the curt repl>'. *With the uthier lady I bave nothing to do." "Except. to oziorh mon.>' front ber." "lShe paldit lt-ilfngy-the prie. of in> silence. 1 am villllug te h.ilent nov anti forevr-r for a tuousld.rmtioa." (To b. routinueul.) lIas Savait tlh-tbsee Live.. Whieh boy lhau saved the greetest number or! immn ilveo f rusadrow-ui In«? vas aaked of Titiltn b>' a Mrre- spondeit, aud thile vas the. auver: oaptaim Hans Drud. coomn4er of the lRd Star sleaulqp Svllserlsd. trdUng belvecu Phllsdelpblaa nd Ant- verp. I in eed t elol the. vorld's record ithIs tespeet, us, whlle qut.- yoau#, he 1usd lafl-lIe lives of eigil>- thr.e persans. r«eén'eroaii ue ltsuk- i*tgsipa. Amugit te.1boys vho laId>' rmelYd revurds froÇi lie Royal HU-, aÈune Slet>'for aaVigbte was W.,l. !irvlng siedi 13 ycaro, Wb(>. et a gregt ga, uvê bth j»i a ttle1W.telle* ah Thiull te effond lite m4 eu b>'ItvIk w-ho gas te rMcplent of a siver meua lni Docember last, Ak»tuer bOyu AIfrel *te w-uv'J irek-ëowautuucoro Ilîgne ste the Vol" 091 the Gertusu Carp-liyne- joi*6 e d tir Spragncld Prl.ouuers tua Valn Attupt te IEscape. 1 I Te <Germen Carli. The.tgaîne andi ish wardenuu of Ohio ont] bjalla naunlte lu pronounielng te Ger- ilamearp nîuot t elesou e, ~fond Rbeh sda source of areattiseaje $0 other varlitieu. Tbf'>' amythoesri .di s60" nt PMlapon otltrr utanlu, 'but ho val- Iwa about t ltho uîud and maltesthé Vrater no foui liat othur ah cant breeti. Tii. fRosh of the carpial soft, and au a gaine Bah hlit leworthless. On the other bonsd, the lllio!4' cunimssloner uefoni th. Caria. A fevum ta. agu It tias qulte the, fad for farineras tu have cari) ponds. Freahetsueil o) vprtlows. anîd theu *$t«iesup a nit illeul vth theua nîu; evertbe carp huhu4 liu ttrsîîsplaiîtcd--aud the. breed la wotuderfuilly îurlitie-o-tlaur varletien of riila lve grown raid> tester. One farmner du'laril Ibat after hie bad ralsed two avropit fron a dried-op pobd b.d. wheîî aifremt.-usîalliean UtiIedtbe Pond,. taawn of thiai.n)p bégmato hîtéh anid lat. timi. lirivt.l. The gu,îeral ib. loi semiuaIo bethit hue car) lua aregalar bo-the wuavîlagur of inlaaud waters. Tire Chicaugo Muu'dcs. Angelo1Parent! wnue lotkeil i pt) lin East <Chicago Avenue tpolice sttonî. lui- cage, Sunîlit>'niglit. the sl-ofŽuu elayrof Alexander (;Krgfos, a fruit ped- dIer. The mnurilerer claiuast,. have iucted lai self-defense. uandlthe î,lceare' jueiieti to seat tabinexulutaition. A lrawl iaits beguon ln i'srentl*m home.. "I teila fi go borne." sni Ilareaîtl, uitlie' related i1h, stoiry of the killiruu. *'i nu.%vnuta trou- ble luin my honuse. lie caîla tue ne) goo>i, a" gay he puîau-I. îalé.. Itella fhim again no 'way. and paliula bitauonît a doter. lie bavat big klife a ahiutu Meus. lvng. and h. sas>'l ikilla you.' 1I aboutlabina Bant ad ibrow ny i> revolver auway>. 1 kIsas w> wife gîoda tel. initni, 1 ana bere. Yen, 1 killa biu." Orellu Pouel, a wltae*s of the àslooting. etontirincd l'a- rantl'as tor>'. Jealousy toitd l'dwaid De- eirey>, eoiured. tu ahoot anad uuatanîly kW Dora Perkins. Il9 years olti. also eolored, Sonday inight. [Decitir-ey. 1h lia Mid. ailenmode aàinove la) shoutotmîas Bichuer. but won thwarted. The. latter li theomnuof wboiu Dcourre>' in saiti ta have been jealoue. Dervoi"e>'wuasr- Toag Wamela ight Vire.. At 0o,'cloek Susulu>' ight tire broke tant iu the.building ocuieulb>' lau Mur- gan Park Training luihol for fouluai Woiu.n. a preparator>' branca tiaf the tUniversity of Chicago. -The. bli4e ii ne Conseil b>' the explosion o f a lampi. Tb@. damage won about $10,000 un the lîuild- la andi contens. The latterlos .î(on- sisteu chicS>' of furnîlure. as thie young women suceed.ld in aing mont of thon' prlrste effet. Pire started tifteen min- utes Iter in lhe gymnsalunu. ahi,'h in 150 fot from te school. Tlhe u'a.ond blaze woa onoai db>'nmont- ie l -x eltedi>' tbrew s remed lmattrestta galnmt a etre integymitasiuiiu. The d.uige te ibis building n-as $1.0(#). jamaise. LSwan Dntal James H. swpmu. a Chicagto luonër. viioso naome has been prominent in houi- netisud "cIlt ircles, dieul suddeuly ut hls resjadenre Holiday' et 0 s. lu. At 4 o'clock bis groams awakeuaed lhis ulfe. Ho assureal ber It won nothing serlodne, and dectinedte 10 511e ber te seuilfur a phyielita. Mr@. 8w-au acused ber nlcce, and tii.>'watcbed et the bebaldeo f site suifféer .after, aplylag remailes vwhiul gave hlm temporar>' reliaef. At ti o.o- ho sutidelult uprigbt .a bit nut.x clalmed: "I feol ver'iy lepY.' Vth these vords on tais lIps b. felI baec-%var.l and died. ____ peorla Uanimete Bailîa itf ome. Peoria lasons have unltcd in a nove. meut te soeur. the location of the. Ma- oule Eatatern Star wldows aud ertuhaus' bomle and already a funti bas been sa- cd for the purposo. The. Masonic or- pant home lu Chicago is in control of St. Bernard Commander>'. Knights Tom- plar, thotugb It lis recelvi appropria- tions freinlte(trui Lotige. Tii. pro- po4seul home lu Peoria, liowever, viilho, uinder the supervision of the 3Masoule frit- ternit>' of the State. The movenient ru- Medt an iupetus wý the lait meeting of the Graud Lotige helul in Chicago. Act ot Prlsoars. Two postoffe rolape, James Couier%, ails. Conwa>'. and John Rogers, motie a deiperate attenl tlu escape frein th- Springield joli Frida>' night b>' eipkdiliig w-bat loi suppoiedte h have been a stiek of dyniamite ln au endi watt. Tihé sbuk Cansedl b>'the expls ions«ROterrltle. Tho whole joli was shaken, ever>' guelght won extluguialued, glas vwas shuttered and te wals and celis vere filleul vtala denase noké. The tdamage doitu"te the jolil va not extensive anti noléoa.> wns Ijureti. tate qe ali B1.1. Mr. muid Mms.AlberteuofoHenry., cle- brateul their golden weddlig auulvernary. Irank Benjamlin, a reident tof Rock- ford forbhfaIts enuutry, droppoêti deudl ut bis home, ageul 70. B. porter, ef Joliet. puirchaeth de goutta haIt of the Gol I RIng un MoldIti 111At Cripple Creek Colo., for-ffl000. -Thirteenth Warders of Chicago whe, lAve within a quarter of a mnile of the quarries oft ticArtesîsa Stens, sud Lin. C3ouupajy have a grlevance whlcb tht-y propose to tlght ont lu tee courts. The>' gay> that the »toile coupany,* telenet ouI>' oellroac'b«Polu aimaon iret, Cux beillAvenue and .lioehtfl l treet te thete evtent of destro>'iug those tluorouhlofrteil Dartiata fiblt' et a %VWlu ocuttlbt iljufWiir Tsi or vilii le. Carl A. Petoerson was a rctedU ford. lHe lu Éseumod let havlig the. Dame or 6. N. sfford &Co.foW au aniount. William BIset, tof FalrIfi, «tuld b - murtier bi#stepinother b>' shootia& bb. the bullet lodged lu ber mil». He.U e-. levedte 10be Insane. Tite G. A. R. poeut 1Elilabons scSuv the. services of Congr.s.nua u vartI !. Allen of Michigan te delîvor the oxatfoe on nuit Menirlal dey, Bd Camnpbell, a Mobile and Ohiole s- mai,. %vacruslied bcnesth thec cars et Mill t'repli-station. He vas auuiuaed. itad lived ti iMurplâyaboro. At Belleville Mouds>' a car eëecuul byv -the AI. 0. Fieldl Mînstrel eapen,, %vas damiaged b>' collision. GogW" son ustalueul à fractnred arua. The. govemuient secret servIce breu bits dlsceosrod a ncw photographie su- torfélt $5 luak «ne.on the Fort-Dqr 4eraiNationalfBak, of Clieago. -The people of $ohuston City' me 0 joîneti b> a number trou idJoiuulg muauilles te celebrate tbe opeug lot the' Whlte Elepbsut eaI mines nt that plaes. Cîipt. Wbecier. of the Chîcutge pe-es nmade n raid upon UJthe ak @bop of Rosenberg. 227 West lStb place, s"d fount $0.000 worth of bruns fcatags copuer îpite, copper wvue, blu su ma. antd soot Iosd and puipc. Mlet oet" brawsi as identifietib>' differcat offiIaIes nspropert>' stolen. A pereauptor>' manulaius bas been cr- derodte bIssue b>' Jutige SbirIc lu th* Circuit Court of Montgomecry Cot>' te the Cleveland. Cincnnati. Chimao&Wm St. Louis Railwa>' Coupit' enpll. It te stop Its regulpi' passemgcg1SI aud especelly tii. train buovuasu "Kuickerbocker iSetl" atIUlbS te recel,. sMud duachrg4 aufm b rallroati compas>' netDntLhbe dafmlm th« the. trsvel 1tesad frotuH W" a- pI>' providsd fer b>' ohert huas,àmd ta the "Ksigrkcnbochcr SBrtal" vais àteais tievoteid escluawlv e bluterstate passeau- ger trafic, snd hhat Illîsols courtp ba nu pouer-or 1ecforce s law requlrlag uM"e trais tbstop at coniat>'seats, 0OcleAIS of the. Bit Fouir tCooe1iaay > ts>' w«M abandon the trai reterreai te j tbc>' are fureed te ibide b>' th. nandiamune. Victor Lske, a young 5w-cdc fuemens. Arbor. wu* slot lu the breut at >'spaty of trampls noir Llneolu, wvbllc batgM w-a>'te St. louis. Yake aud bis porteur bad becs workiug for B. Berger fer dev- éril deys. Pour traps w-c la the te and aas soom as the>' letftheb.cIlhy elai up lb.1w-o ncw-emwhaoffer.d suce. Lake vwu aet twlo and ferret tu junp flous Utc train. w" wu at notion, but not uathl ho lad wobâsai use of hi@ s ailansu1. Hlm partme use<amw tb. mon.>'oft hand the tlimgebo bile doua ad w-ie bcallug biln vbile Lske jumpeul. Laki belleves Na lehb deaul. The. Springficld pollce bave dm. tramlpstuader arrest. This la lt.efameê cme of rebberysad posible munura1w tramps Ibi yemr lu hhat count'. T*b of the. vitime ver. trmpe, the othar vas Farnuer Lew-i McAfée. The îwenty-tonrtb ennami SnvemIJa, Illios éStbe Orange, Patreas cftHum baudry, conveued lui Repremetatras' bail ut SpringfifflTuradi>'. Que bundrcd ài" slxty-live delegate vere lu atteisc at hei grasu".eville ixt>' Uv« dokga voe i sttenduitce ou the.aunual c eu- tieof thtei Pomnon grange, the organise- tion ef the grange dcvoted le wem.& Twenly nov granges have beu rguls in the. Stsle durlig tii lent yesr. vIit a meinbershlp of M0. Thea total amcer of granges lu the. State la 1,700. wlhh a total nemberublp et aimnti 10.000. Th*. treasurri report shows liaI $V,21&43 bas been r.c.!veti turing lbe year trou varions sources, whih', vltb $1,200 du. froua leans, bringa the. srouuit on baud ut tuis lIme up te $3,415.41'l There bas boon palti ont $1.794.2Z~ Gorernor Ait- geld stidresseul the convention bnidy Ile urga-tithei, fermer* te or'ganse and thaus proecet their lutrec.ta as utha'r Industrllbodues do. Several Imiportanit changes ivere umade in the. b>- lave of te grange, which have iothbeeu revlsod for several y.srs. The anuuial report of the Illinois'Ril- mai and varehouso commisasion ahowe the. nunimor of railroati corporations la lb. State toelie 117 auid the nuuub.r of mlles of track 10,491. There are 8,M00 loo-- motives, 0,710 passeuiger curs anti 282- 647 freiglut cars in service. Tbcre are 62.M55oficere sud employez tof rsilrond companlos, againat 01.200 lant >ear. The total railva>' capital lathlie Stato la $2.- 265,7103,16P. or $0l0»59 per moile of rmdl. The capitalizatlon le $978568,801 con, mon atock sud $1,189.418.515 bonds; Ill- 857,M0,151 earueti nothlng for boîtiers aud $406,40,018 carueu dilvidende. The average'ulivdend ou i al stock wai 5% per cent. Tii. luconie of ail rmade w-a $21,707,544, againat 8,374,9Î2 lu 111 Tii. average gros earnings per talle et rend w-cie $17,772 and the. average operot. lug expeaui. 14,818. The ao-"sarlg fromtpassenger servic e ve 9.M,06. anti frotu frelaht service $45,248BUO During tic year 1120persons ver. tilla unti 2,M-18 ere iniîre inluirallroati *cc&' dents. 0f tlb. itlleti 175 vere emioyuo. 12 iver. passeuguéraanti 449 ver. ohês persona. 0f tie injuireti 1,448 vcreem ployez andi 155 passengers sud 400 gibct persons. fit eppçiars that one cuill., out of ever>' à89 vas kllhetuagalut ý one lu 4M0 the >ear prevlous, and, lt, on. passeuger vas@ltilledti o f cacb 5ý 2W,451 cretrid done injuret ont -4 eaeb409,88 alres a-traged: Oas- -k- erul oihIeru $90 dn>'; leits, 82.07; s-, *2.91 tral -tue , !2f. -dstationlx 1 8 1

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