CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Dec 1895, p. 6

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,.1 - -s 1S A& T OLUS le lt.ecildren'si trieU& Who lia vas we have lithoe ~~~~~e noviag. Aulhutchiei- 9 lx , allt se n t n l e s u b j e c u . m r e - in- aLydla, snd dieti about tb. jear rtraiIon ms troyen ma:y a Pretty JUU. W a e ~~ni4ht ime andi secretly *de vaable presets te lhe cliltren of bur d Wliat manner of persan ~t*U'kiottvS,Wmen subject to varia- UI*s~ad0'dt5511he iai., place or man- t lr nà Uo sud e ntlat in ful *dI" wlth a tilera»dticrozcr ezig and e torytellers la En- iai t ite anti Ameuta, givo us t.b type cf a man, witi noue lkhjguuieaof th clerie. Krla Kriu- ula rgig'jýW as anplteraatlve nome SU-~U. taCan., but ha lu. totally tilfer- Mt b~elag 'tro K'rngle le clmply a cor- - wfm e theis f b- Gerasan word "Christ XtadIen,", or Christ Chlt. ÜkOlielmas e ebhlitren'. day; iIt lte dar -when, as Dckens aays, we shonîti »meanmber the Uime when !ta great fountl- or v4s a chlt i iaseif. I11inesepecialty the lai for the friendless Young the chititrcrt ia hopitals, te laine, thç sick, te weary, *6 blnd. No chllt shouiti ie lef t aloute t Christmas dayfor lonelines wiib chul- drea amens brooding. A chld gowivtg o- p Uptitt ne ciltifrienti is not a ciilti et ail, buta premna tire ma or wonai. Tho best Chitinais present te a boy te a box of lools, te best lu a girlarty number of doula. 1W'iun tirey gel older &nd eau write letera a postolfire' is a de- liglfilubioon. These are te ire bouglît. but thcy are fan more amusing if moade t bome. Atiy gooti-sizeti cartiboarti box w-iIl do for titis ltirlîose. The liti ahotlti ie fastencdt i ti lin ttt iviuilstands up l i ii open liii' a itoor. A suit mut ire eut oul abtoultu ineh %vide anti front ftve te six loches ictig, 80 as 10 aliow te postage of sutali parcels, yet nt large enougi even to admi ittesimihlest itandi. Chiltiren citoulti learu te respect the ihi- * violat. character of te pot frou thre earliest age. Capital serapirooka cau be matie by cli- drea. Old rnilway guidles may ie te foandation anti every illusînateti piper a magazine ot art. A poste box, next to & pint box, le a mont cerviceairle loy. Hobby herses are profitable teetis atît a b matie to go titrougit auy amoîttt of pace. -But mechanical boys are more amuing te ble eiders thanbti te chiid, Whiotriches te de hie own mechiniaut. A boy ea b amused by turning b ot f thé bouse, glvîug hlm a bail or a kite, on * ettlag bina dig lunte grounutifor tire unt- happy.,i»Wie Little girls, who mit Ib. kePt la'oa s rainy dey, or invaliti ciil- dien. art Viry ibard to a-muse, and re- coifa migaI bla t 1story ltelling, to lire "Xem i, slbllbtheutîanti anti one books »Wv w$*tmfor chltiren. of witicit "Alice la Wobdarlad" le the hower ef perfuîc- 1sB EG INING at Benton City, ou I~the Union Paif c Itoat, the 1.1.- grapit une treteires to te nortir, *e. io sto tire Liramie montains, 4ta point oppesite th. great mass of 'Irandi rock andti re., calieti Red 5bil contes to a autiden @top. Front j point te the fort, a dstance of twen- mIieles,, ls the rougiteat portion of IM y, andt h muibng bande et lu- ýIImae Il h.Inot dangerous. - A be terminus of thin la ea rude *bWantM a sedier operater. Close by are tenta cf the oldiere, vhc tb. pois-s amd puching tai lin. 60e fort @"g, have lotrie 'es wlthtb tse ftaiti, orid. -béteerd aveba ol &w moti i évntwetkesgr. th A»qltî b d aoels t .bas oelbave. bmt 1r 0 ire t tertfrmahe a*bt8nliepig. Wb. mutd esngler an. e*lt~re th* toll bal lte ba gloed lI lor Tsea fteîtooneaut f t lma doue-,Win hfsème OC tht -obig i .bi&a tba n e d aais Gti eeonh- fl the rtiv.t' tb beat«u w v an wla Everybody hualieti anti busticd, anti an itour aler camp was lrokeut, anti twelve people headed for tîte north, tire cIrong- est min brcaklng te w-ny, anti the Col- ouculs trife brngiîsg tt lire rear, witir a kinti word anti a sutile for every coldier. Thte trai Icti tp a tarrow valley, andthie w-ltt gaie hati drifledth ie snow' until the lhite hail 10 meve foru-arti at a suai's pace. At uigitfali tht-y tati matie jut haif te distance to tire fort. In a tiickel al ate supîter togetittr. nli tire Ser- geant, as ire looked it vuain for tire stars: "i ssii'Injun signte baci ty te creek." "I se. titl Ju have revolvers as wrel as musiets," remarkedth ie Coioael's wife. "Pleise give me one anti extra ammuni- lion, l'Il try andti blir a burticu 10 yen, et leist." As tite gale came sweeping dowu the vsiley anti roaring arotîndth ie mountaîn base, Ibere were, wild ivar witoeps aud te crack of rnfes.In te tiarnese a score of Itudians hati creplt close upon te camp. Botir sentrica w-t-e shot tcati. "Il's oniy Itîjuins, boys; oîîiy Injunar' citoîteti tire rgeant, aitdi ie fired hie fint sirot. "1N ow, titi-, îîush ot." Tir-y laed nolt movedt tn roda iefore a rifle cracketi and o ne of tire meut pitcet forwartl, sittt tirotighiceucrt. A minutte luter two mtore ballets whirstled over te mnes -ias. Viten lire litle band wrta lhîlîen frout siglul of tire In- diatstruinels lîy tire bliating wiirl et 'Tiey'rc afier a, mantun," sati tire cr- gi-ait t. "Tliuy won't taie me prioner," whis- peredthétteColonels ife, as asirele t u the revolver. "Tha's right, ma'am. We are iteaded fer the fort iglt enough,.and maybe te red i Sinds w-hi itaul off afler a bit anti le us go ia peace. A mcrry Chitîsmas 10 yon, thoîugit Vve accu merriar oeeslh My time." For a mile or more thelittle party itreasteti tire torm. Titen came a cuti- tien shot andthie rear guard vent down. -Titi-e were seveu men anti a veman et 8 o'clock. At 9 o'clock lier., were but Stve men, at 10 but four, il midigit ouiy twc. Two men anti a womnt-he Sergeaut te mldier-operator, andtihUe Colonel'@ wlfe. The others adtibeu pieketi off eue by one, andt h. Indiana ctli foloweti. Now anti then 11,1 trie halteti, kneit down, and peering lielb.h onow-whlrl, openeti a fusillade wbich citeeketi pusuit if itit i nt vouud or Instinct muat have guldeti them lu that storm-Pnot-idence muaetitave lileld- eti tent from lire ballets, but te tormn cotinedt t rage andt ie vengeful toe 10 pursue, tilIlte report of te Searme reachdtite cars of te sentinel ut lb. font. No on. tati yetleIarneti what was happîeninug, liren tirree figures sliggered up to tire gate, anti on itire fort, anti up to the doon of te Colonels hbeatiquar- lera. Tvo of te figures irelti up a third belween tuent. As hie peeret ln te Ser-a geant saluteti anti saiti: "Col. Dawson, I report myseef, and I briug you a Chritmas preseut."1 Anti aa the Colonel uttereti a shout cf s urprise and ruabeti forward vith out- altretcltet arma, te brnave 1111e voman feu inte tent,andthlb. lvemen saab down in their tnieke, andt tse wbo lfted titen up wet thefr fiugers wilh the blot of itenoes. A hantisouse merry-ficeti toman, vhc li lir yeara olter-a Sergeqit cf infantry wto l"aPo a bit-a ]ene grave la wiich aieepe the colder-peratr-aclblg moe * ôan~~ -"BOTH lMm, STOCI>. je ilie mIbrtu'reant eeubs l 5 ei aÇ"* OWai bail-. ea' oal t l, antiuima a ti l brut o! litra trIae h lbe aiev oru nh"o q lseeever aecatt m ul ey u1.pu * v* 1,maka a mmoeauq la htu*i' vanter knov vie bit yon in the ucck with tait bard snewbafl?" *'Yeu bel I ti," replieti the man, eiack- 1 ngspeedi f "gW ye gimme a quarter ef 1 ketch lus ant i nsnghim hereT' "TYep." 'Gimma 50 centis?" "Yen," eald thi driver, lifting bletvitlp tnom ta.emckel; "but 1 tic't give you auymoe'n ta." "WeU, git tha money reauly." *tYOU baven't get the boy ltaI threw th. suowball yet. -- "Yeu, 1 bave. Tht boy la me. Dad's alckZ anti me mother ea't sel yenk. The Ivins leatee 11111 ter earn anythang, an' Il I do't hualle thara von't b. any Christ- mus Iree atour bouse,.il tube a Ilckls' any day fur 50 cent&." ' adthe. naayel ma% la a lcms "u-,*ce,'v-n edwIt@UlteI-l.ed mm E t*5vy Be aSrcur Parlor games 11k.elthess, draugbtisdom- luoee, etc., are toc heavy for Christmas. The boys and binae wattt more rohlickiug, hlp-iiip-lmurrai gines. A committee ap. pointedti t provide deslrable umusemeul for a weii-known citarity in New York selectedti he foiiowing prograni. Ten heurs werc spent in aelecting appW1,opriale ladoor gaines anti pastinisoe, eno eue then ne more titan wete aetnnhiy needed were tieciieti upon, says tire Ne-w York Mail anti Express., If tire chiltiren eau get out cf doors titeir amusement is easy, for basebail, ieap frog, bride anti seek, andi ther games suffice, but ladoors adme- thlng skin to traie ganses'is$wanteti. In Ibis ciass is a game known as *'The Country Circus." Il consiste lu making ridera, lumblers, clowns, strongtmen, etc., of aillthe chiltiren and with Ibis impro- viseti company giviug a perfe5!tance. Anotiter gooti ganse for the houso la called *"Jack-of-AIi-Traties," lu whlch thosaeugaged muest perforra nome work ln tite partîcular trade te whieh titey are asîigneti iy lte foreman. Iu titis game on Thauksgiving th. boys andi girls of an institution iu Jersey eut anti seweti a lot of carpet rage, matie a lote of broches, anti sphit antibuntiled caverai corde cf Wood. "tThe BoyHrunters," ln wic t litechul- dren learu lte namne, babile, andi peculiar- Itles of lte entire animai kiugdom, lis an- other gonti gaine, anti "Robinson Crusoe" eue of tire saine kintiand value. Ail these ganses are active ues, require consat movement, and are meant only for the tiayligbt. l'or lire evening, gaines l.e boisterous muet irecirosen. In titis chas are "Anagrama,' "Anîhors," 'Histery of Our Timas," and siradow pantomimes. Tite hast nameti, bowevcr, are the iost popuiar anti cujoyabie anti have ao lu- creaseti in favor luat books written cspe- cially 10 show irow te prepare anud per- forni tht-m eau b ireai atany well-stocked book store. A Financlal Transaction. "tSay, misten," saiti a boy who bati mat overtaken a minket wagon afler Duran- lng il for four or fi-e blocks, t*do ycu kaee agala ant iinuoceutly pleadei: 'Andi, dear Sauta Clans, please bring papa a race bora. that can vin somelimes.' That u'is hie mothe's worb, I suppose, but Il went. I bongit a Ire. ltaI uight, loadet i il tiowu with boys lie boy iad acieti for, anti then triinmed l with lb. tickeltat tadn't won lunte races. Tite unique festooniug represeuteti bundtretis of itardi dollars taI hati been scattereti lu 1he a rice-track 'skate.' I bave net piayeti a horse Ince thît lIme, anti 1 have matie up my mmnd thatdI neyer viii agaîn. I'a a delnsiou anti a enare." Johnny'e Wee. Curly beadeil Johany bail a lear drop lu hlm ers. Curly-itaated Johnny couldn'l epeait vîthout a elgb. Andthe bChristmas preparatloue that ver. ,round i hm everyvhere Rai Dot titi ieast offet upon bl$, mla.- choly air. "*Oh, vbat's the use of ha nggup m7 toèk- iag" habevould smy; 0"Tiean uotlIing 10 iook forvar te 10for me on Chrilsto">ay; 110'11 eraloli ne off. Ieprogrant vien hi hitle uop his teant, For Ilaty mi" a fireplace, and lheyheat - our dit by eC«lSa" -Waabltowalsar. a Chrlutsaa dobuzh Ides. If lb. platform cof a churcli or Sondai secooi roona b. depenoegli 10 admit cf il s tdtie chelstnas aa'ch can eamlIy b. made by an amateur carpeater, vrltes Florauca 'Wilson, la ta. Ladies' Home journaL The upper part abouiti bave vires stratcheti crons, 10 whidu i1"Y b. tf«ealaiiiah baock boagit, tine femtlng' a oli green. The fram&evork shoulti, of course, b. vounti vltli evwreguta. viole placeti about îve fte* frein thi waIl, eothal behinti iî may bl i ug the Chrismasme.hlls cf rai nadyalov Immortelle at difféeant laughlisby ropem cf aves'green. Te. ballamai b. made te, hang at differnt angleby uaint fine picture vIre. Let aachbebal b. vorduti, mo fiat taey may Met mto ring ont bleu .0 omougocf "Gloey te 4wdla tt ibgat! - For alûdaMy mehool festival, a pont- office vhM-m caqi bll- upon laquirsn mgbt lad an eaovelop addugmuud and a ka uulgee fautera.f ont"be m w - tY7i~î MONROE ~I1ssJuasJ.<v-.~.jpOmUSItU e-. ~a -- ~ - - - - - - - ,.~ ~ --- - - - 0-clu' Pn~nrTCF,FVrl..Nn îJuitil a that agalu, and reniemtser titit we Ltignd le ivery %vtrl of i.' camre tinte G rt-at Britaiti deities the Ni-h- tiont lat whlit is a grievons thing à It>- of the Monroe îictriite. The Vuiteti coiitlittie te great Englisit-qmekig States ttîw mutttakeiw t' i i stetif îîe'llîtoilIt s of tli orid as beng other*ho bc; onet.fitntlwiih. Preaident Ct'ieliltti iri friu-ndly cumpetitors in thie onwa asks <'ttigre's te nake au it pitriiitifitiittircliofiriliizatiî,n aud streuinous a fosr a jîtîlit-il Icî,nitîissaiî toiiluvestiitiiî' orîlîy rn tis i n al lic arts of p ou hliai f îf t his t-titi ry lte lin-rit s tf t lere ii ic to aiarnity wliici a great ar te cînteitîiion ctî--riitgfrotîttir li- ýcat inviiite ii eqta ,lfaiit whc tween lîritisir Gîitila andtî Veuezaîî'ia. fli ahîîîsst;ne cnbuis;on te wrong aaL tiraICtttit i statilIi iti tlitat G reaît iait-, ttithe enuscîluent loan f a Britai n in riglit l lier tlaitistitlie dtci i ii titia i sel f respi-cet aii bnor, eui ttt standti i iti ilie tt1ht'ld bty ius:if lt tthin-iviichin h iieldetl and defentied a pu missioin of th itiitedte t5sîtti l il h u1île*s sa fet y anîd greatitîtsa luit trent Britaina -s laina ir' îiîftîutt lei(iltOVEit CLEVELAND- atty attienîrîotht e ttipaîîrt of G retit Bn lai îî te eitfrt-t'suihclcaitîts l riv iste u' re- London Ediltora Ezeited. sintedti iî argts l'y theti' lited Stattes. Lîitiîi-i edlitorea tre literaily frothing 1 Titis in thei'essenîce of itreeidenut Clerc- tut' tiiîitli. Thte utîcsage cf I'reoldt iaîîd's aitesge. Cle ve'landîl ta te Wnezuelan bouasdw After reviewing the i-nrty delails of the t1te'tiioli lnîs ii on ilieut the e3400N Cottroversy anti referriug te Saliiburys e ffe-t %n hit a red fiag îîoutii have go 4 tiuinclitation tu admit thte force of thce(ilrait'l ituli. Quarts»tof !lit have bas Monroe doctrine nnd resort to arbitratioti, ii utd on violent diatribes againat t* the President sitys: M.%onroe dotrine andth ie Amerlean od Wiliiont attemit)ting extendeti argu- tentit)t tttiihuig tire righis f Ven.aase ments lu repli 1t tese positions it tttay ni tot a glint ef justice or eqlty'e mot be amies to suggest tat the doctrine li' discerneti la lie attitude aosnmMedfl upon wbich we stand la strong antia sounti Preaident C'leveland andt Secretary 01l"' because its etîforcemnentinl important te our peace atîdi nfety as a nation, ant ini A Bicycle and a D>o«. - essential tô the lnlegrlty of our free lu- (.olug 1u¶atise avenue on a-cable tg stitutions and the. tratîquili manteilance lat5tnglit 1 henrti two or tiare.e "M cf our distinctive fonu cf governmnu. It maions cf wonder anti aurprias , wa Intendedte 1 apply te every stage of rear phattorns anti went out tomeB.è14 our national life andi canuot beceine oh- ît was ahi about. oleta while our republc endures. If tite "Yeu cau train 'ens te do a. balaace cf power la justlY a cause for csn't you, sonny?ît Inquired b jealous eapxicty meino t he gvçrnmeuits ttco fabyiiovsrdn of the old wivrîti, anti a qube l gscyleaithadeofrh absolute non-laterference. noue lte esccea iestec h r~l Io an observance of lte Monroe doctrine "Y"i, indeetiv" wathe cf vital conceru to our people andi their spouse. "'Sec, i cn ct even goverrneut off." Here ire vioieutiy oh"",~ Asutng, tierefore, that we may body. properlyiumeut upon titis doctrine without 1 looktl doser anti saw tlbat a regard te "tlhe sate cf hhinge lu which dog vas cîîngîng te tihe kqu we lîve," or auy changed conditions ber. vîtir bis îîînd pava holding or elsewhere, it ituflot apparent why ItelontabuanIcofh > applioatlon may not be lnvoked inth eaofhebclemw present eontroversy. If alUuropean pow- ra ftr iyl et er, by au extension of ils boundarles, legs ver. vz i faites possession of lte territory of one ahoulders. Thre ctar s of our neighiboring rqpubilic againet lie passeuger off at l9tb etrg4~a wl and lu deregation cf il. rigiths, It in djctor, whien thre you-*n gter tilfiienît te see idtY. fote iat extent, such veut skinsînlug off lu thre Enropeun power'déca not therurby ail.'m th lad ivas atel tsmîît te exteut iélt systeng of goverfimenl -sngrad 'ol te that portion oft iIs continent whlch la a desse utr atîtcoii d thns taiez. TlaIinislte predse action adv u aehmtw~ wbich Premident Monroe decicreti te bce lngton Star. "tiangerousute our PPaC'e and eafely," anti It can#msake neo îfeeie'we ho t'e The End of Cil Bnrop&au cystem la extendeti by an adi- At the baIlle of Mora lxl vanice oent ier or otherwise. potence of thec ieavy n Practleaiiy, ltae principle for whlch w. against Iaineti foot odlW contenu lias peecUiar, if mot exclusive;. re- strlltlugly apparent. Tini 1- lation te te Unitedi States.' Il mgay net lthe Burgundian kulubt% i bava been aduilttad la no makhy woIds ta thse olti, chssrged thse Sl liNa code of International la,, bUât sduc. -, -lblternotional counéelli, eewnation la In valu; lte reigu of chxi aaxtitled te lthesigittabelonglag*10 Il, If Tiennvt wnd jqoenforsh.suuot b. Monroe dotrine Th" e nt m Uicnte r- -l flWn< v. n»,iati j4ladt1zdaI, it bas o"wa ai h l 1w, ~ ~ ~ a kjli»U-I& ns Comt, cid yeux. ltsc Ume tago. Agi, perbaps. bas madie jcu slow. But JourUe of rule ase owa Anti 1 cotbeI"a ml: ev. Yon are popular no more, Ail yaur tiolmphe bera are gons, Witb what triaglh la left te ye. R ad you balter bototniou. Learnlng frota axperlenes, 1 have promise mach, Hâte you. whenainother year ban flown Peuple vîli condoms ame, tou. But what matters luit te un? Years. lîke men. muet ceame and go. W. are taut vlh promises. With fulfillmeuls we are slow. A Race Track Fiendi Cureti. The fellowing tory ine bld by one wbo for years vas an lI-velerate better on herses: "It Wou Christmsas eve. My 4-' year-olti stooti by my knee lu hic 'aigily' Jnat before beiug tucketi in itis crib, and lu hie Infantile -manuer wac praying te Sauta Clans te briug him lte treasure up- ou whicit h. hati fixet ishicheart. Wireu h. hat finsheti I asiedth le master of lte houne. what cheulti olti Santa Claus bring papa? Ha bu>ved hie litIle heati on my J4 i _______law the questi)u te whether or flot *e prfm th o.the justice of that code of Message ini Support of h M n to bc rIglit and valiti. ro2 Dotrine.The Monroe doctrine Oinde tilait in those princlpleli of lai la %v mhjch are bosed ilipon the ,very snation shallhavé .Il&- NAY MEAN RED WAR. tected and il t madims len- Of course titis Govcrnmcait m confident tliat under the ungt doctrine we have clenr 'rigt Ail Foreign Nations Must Keep doubteti daimts. Nor la thir ie Britishi reply. Tis Gove O'ut of Americas. tioéîsctu tehie Government of (J~ _______ in a resort to arbitration as thu mnens f aettling te question, t$ gal.abiory'a Refusai t t 'Subtnlt the thtat a vexations botindary ig Dispute Io Arbitration Leeds e t tren the two contestants aib Strong Words-Preeidcuet Cleve'and terînined anti onr exact standnlutid Telle Congres% Thtis Nation Shoulti tion in respect tue i.cofttOVeruY' be matie clear. Une Force If Necemaury-ProponscIto Itiil b.cseen front the correspo Menti a Commission tn FIE a Line herew iii aubmitted that tisl pro Whlch jolbu Bull Will Crasei at iai liai been deeilned tsi the British U Peril. ment, lipon grende wtich under Ilb cunistances aeeni le me to b. a satisfaetory. The inessange of President Clcvchand tu The course to Ille pursued bytlU Cotîgross îransinitting the correaepondenee ernnsent in view of the preneat IPteti Se tcretary OlUeY and lALrd gai- dites not appéar te admit of settOte- lsipnry relative te) the Venezuela botîîdary tGrent Britain's prattnt PrpIt@ disipute crentedl a r.i ti nation iin Wasii- never thus far been regard au~ ijigton. Aithiitgl the nature of Secri'- bic by V'enezuela, tbongh aur adJ tnry Oltcys vigorous commiiunication andi of the boundary whlch that en of Lordi Sitttiîrys i enseers mnd becti deem forlier advantage ani 7 flirt itvii.trttiy fortitlî in te tt- into of her oavn fre. wili canantof iattîl I'rc-v l-aîîs frîîrn W biitec t objecteti to by the Unitedi State&*.? ton Plinii.îîî tr'Wis stili a grv'ea uming, however, that the a 4~ pupularr t ii. ii icî i uligt howthe 1V.enezuela willIrezuain unt-U~4 I'rcidît n toli1-a nit lArî l iii dispute bas reached sticli a stage tii rv's ni -ftai t) ublt the iiteinat! ,r i1 make it now Inicumbent upon the arlbaiîtt it i ratiotiignd.11 %vis li .ienci States tu take mncsures to dat tu ~ i ev it ile-bt rest fil (t engrc.t i titiivit h sufficient cerlaintY for litaJ wns rîtui n thii tii lrv unathe stretîtit. tion n-laI is thre true diviinaliMa*' Nrtwlîtrc n a ' a tti-r tc.IiPlittei-nldis- 1 t ivec t the republie of Vfnezuela i4J sent tfronit ti- rjiri >otit-li.rlaid dow n lBritish 1;iaii. suggest that th. e by teI'rt--iitt. rîtiti the contrêtry gress nnke nu tideqtunte as,,,.prlttoê t here %Nî a tmi outbrli-t tofizt t riot le fi-il i g the exp-ngem of fi commlicin 10 e b thla t inis lt li cL-t iiliy grittifý ii I laîplittetiby itie Executtve. Who chall te li the.tii. f iî-tive. lit thte iigiiicl Ithe necessary investigatinand Unitedita itest Siltîti. a bttouy titet rîîreiyI upon tire malter wvitb te le&#t exiribits en:io itci eny occasion, tlucre delay. wrîs îitiiesse-îi the uiiaralcic sptectacle muet Wight If Neceea"7. of haniltlapitî tiutîtelvîliiîtî, wiili N-rus Wlîe nsuei rMport .le matie and accepte& the spotiilttits ixprt ,îitioi f li p- il tîil, iiiniy opinion,. b. the duty of tit prov-tl tif nîtii.! it vry S.-nttîr îîithotîtîtUnited Sînten te resst bY every me" regarditet> îîrty. Othe lt'îret-tstîhe ilit s-in ils Power, as a wiilful aggressiOnuo sageN az s cus'.od i.dil itierîlt i f'itue on its rightti anti Inlerests, t.e aPPiu lite îî%tir titi kel (»t- i! t ilt i ,yfv liat t i l-vlina t ion by tirent Britain 01 auY laé- wcu-c iirt-iîtrtoi îîgttilto iiiiatl-rtatk, iii the or the expeise of governineutai j*ridb ciii of tîtîrcîirtî lit ii grcntthatl tion over 5ny territory wbich, aller Wa of te l',tiaii itiitg th.t' t'îii1tii.3 îeigution. we have deterutineti of rlgh gatiiereti ant i tag iiti iutî T htu"ie $ ielongs te Venezuela. spngleti B:tîtiir' andti *'Mly t 'jîttrI- lit màklng titese aecommendations 'Tis o'artt"atfitll> live tu the reputtslbuhiti ) G trnt ritt snliai ot-tttiten-rt th ii t crretiandnilkeeuly reaiîzo aillite cm the ilosîtIer ie ît'- r ti sate(tîettcrs t ha t uay follow. clitai i iti' a-tl-1 1,N ai nu riaion. î Atie, 1 1I aont. eî-ertheless, furu ln My euDV4' THE MONR.OE DOCTRINE IS STILL IN FORCE.

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