CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Dec 1895, p. 8

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s e 1 0 ta a ai >3 0 es à se e- -S 1. ti . 1 w 6K'U3D [»ina sVUih vO AIsuSbfi POrL. I 'rgzstonsdocating ho mnianLabor and upasdby lts costitu- of"LsanlWil b te pmIt sataeAsu4Belduukai Vroducte a re f no, Persialor pivate In connecfton with the organiza- *omnd itssMiatined by moembershipu. ç.- tIiWui"ns d tii, distribution of its W*turi iedns. s tor ~M.mb*sh là k nd lof%crepo«ummt = l:sTacif quseio.Com. Ilend qpoatl ad reqtt fou. fb u'po~~f ~heAnmsn £oonoie.t. ~AFINE LINE Parles, Picture framos, Clock 8helvea, Boom moulding WB te, Paints, Vanishes, SGlass, Brushes, Mattreases, Cotas, Springs ~Gam q sute. Etc., Etc. WSnAC HEATH & SONS W.ddjng Carde. vouId lx. a-, , - F sho wIut& l .hh V-OU. J-Ms ýjrarum zrowa FM *la thee City. B5u#sl -eZi n ffStpur 'oya. <peelutaFluer,)<,t Mu. A. Tweed in vltlng ît Mra. S. l pm la a ew days Cribb's. 0f bernimOher. J. J. Knoll returned, 11T say frern .lab"s returned fron the la!Dy ajal voiy eutandreprts T. R. Calne waiu a cailler 11ints- ba Cyafine nechasing Iudians illtMody buao.Eider T. J. Holiaian wfii prem nta *"1&"lëigbing disappeared Tues-FotHine SudyronU , o! haW .geveniig. twm.sud entter», but thse amali boy .lire. H. Quldeufieid hailh ms ~ellte ia skating in ftied vitis fortune ta> Y-l a4 fracture lher arn y4aepresbls.hit Saturdaly. She ta dolng isicey. Thec wrter la vsry sorry o heur of Thie M. W. A. boys'amar raklng great teanoaIieso .Hn !Ln >*anraonsforther IstalatonLake, alo Mr. Grahsam et the mame chfies btob are C bc public, place ia very iea. 1mnetegplace aI the Preaby- e~i3shurFriay,evenflgJahi.3,96 Christmnaa Greeting sud'a Happy ~ft Bebieernuoeey u pepaîngNewYear toail, yeeditor sud faily ano erara n te bie gaven to t iDEPPYDENT. 'Chitmsa eve. The chur-ch i. lu a t flourlubng condition and ae in thse Severai loade of fa' bogs 9sed peut the entertainmnent il be plesiuag througis bere Monday enroute for the to à11 who attend. City market. lýike Villa la gettiug t10lbe .The entertainnient to lie given inqct bplgpite ae the Presbyterian church Chriatmils Thse IND)EPENDEN-rtla authorized night wiii be pleasing to bojis yonng agent for every periodlcal publialied snd old. Everybody ts invlted, te iu the worid. It wiii paay you to c iii attend and heip the rnerry makers on us,.asne e an save yon nauey. enjoy their Christmas. Fred Horsuberger bas moved mboWA SW RlH tovn and a*y$slie hais gîven uip farma- Miss iYary Hagerty is bome onaa ing and vill enter labo aornehiag that vîsît. aE> ýrds à larger field aud a better chance to increase is earthly poses- lits. Waddell lins N'en visiting 'elth moins. We wlsh hlm sucees lna ay- lire. Balfojur. tbing bie ray undertake. Mrs. F. Taylor lias lcen si8itiinglu We are giad te tate that Bey. Elgin and Chicago. Thoren, ýpator of the Bethlehenm Mins Nettie Seter le visiting reia churcli, la isnprovlng iu health. His tive8 lu ibis vicinity. illnesa lias been sers and long sud hie cougregatlon bas missed hinm Miss Amy Ames bas returned te exceedlngly. Biev. Newton Dubs former Waukegaii cIter a weeks vieit at borne. pastor of the ehureis bas filleil itbe Wadsworth is ahend of!lisauelghbor. pulpit during the ilînes o!f1ev. Mr. ing villages lu eue respect. Ib bas a Thoren. matrimonial paliper. The O. A. C. last Satuarday eveniug The Literary Society wiii give a waa weil attended and the program i peciaiîy fine prograim ai the Broya proved te De pleaalng snd instructive achool house Chriatmnas Bye. Several as prsdlcted by tihe lest veek'a i8sse goûe t osiiside speakeirs are expecid. o! this paper. The cule! featture of the evafug vas a query box by Llzzle - - Pettis. This exereise vais a source of WARRENTON CROVE. muchintbé and being thse last number Pà tri 'k Dugan la very ill. ou tise programi the mutitudluous audience departed uih happy smillsa Philiip Sheridan ls home on a shbort to meét agean Satarday evening. Do vatation. not missibis ncxt meeting; it la going Edwards Gibbons vas lu the elty a to be good. !ew day lati week. Mabe Miler as n th c4 Thu s- Miss Viola Edie vlated friende in abe ilr. i lc .yTm-these iiy a few daya recently. daiy. Oo. Chevalier is able te lie about Mra. Dr. Knitack Win; lu the city after a week o! severe Ililess. Wednesduy. Mrs. Chas. Diasiier, of Waukegasa Mir. and Ms. Miler were lu ('icaç o Sunda3-ed vith relatives here. Friday sud Saturday. Jimmie Clarke, of Waukegan, spel Jacobi Seig retuirued to hic lhomîe aut unday wth bis parents bere. ichfleld, Iowa, Monday. r. L. Beuz sud daughter Lily sisent E. B. Sherman, o! Grayslake visited e 1ev dayai lu thse City thie yack. 'o,'al Irieuda oeue day ai vweek. Miss Nelle Devil. of Wadsvorth, vimited friends here eue day ast yack. John sud Chaley florenbc.rger aie Harry and Grace Spencer, of Wauke- visitiig friendesu Bureau Comnty. gain made a plensaut cali on friends Fred Horeuberger bas usoved iute hers one day asat veek. flie flat above Horeuberger & Antes Ater a few days vsit vlth relatives l'tore,.lMr@. Boss sud son Charesabave te- Several Deerfteld yonug ladies are turne 1 te their home lu tise City. vlahing UbitaiSauta Clans vould l)ring E EET thean "livc size 1 douas." V RE John Meyer and James Adaîns vere E. Frantz &"C.). recently recaived s at Racine, Wi8., Saturday. Jack te- >ci5- of hominy. turned lu hîs nanal happy rod. J. iyons made a flylng trip te thse Mr. Ed ltitzentusaier. of Long Grove, clty ealy this wvei. sud lira. Jouas, of Deertild. vere F. Tulley viso has besu Alck it ii marrie' t aHlighsland Park by Bev. pueurnonia, ln convalesclng rapldly. H. IL. Thoren, Dec. 17. Mfr. aud lir&. F. Rednoud viso has been sick lctzethaler viii apeud their bouey. *Ith pnuunenia, ta not quite as weil ni )on lu Mnnesota. as hie vas a fow dasyu ago, but va aiU , ira. MIaMie-or' m'alli, o! Ang tala i'aâ pa3dy recV-Oiy.amd s Zîsmer. o! Everett. died Dec. 14, o. te be eut amourim. cancer and vas bnrled Dec. 17. Services C u , Uttle burg bas beau lu quit. a were beld et St. Pauls cisurcis Bey. W. lever ef oxcitment?. during tise pai Th. Jungk eliclting. The decsased vweek, ail casd by àorneones pet vas born luG(hrmeny, Oct. 5, 1@3j. vol! roaning &round lu tbe lmmediate Thr-ýe daugistersanad oue son survive viz'aity. A numbalr ethisnting partes h hr ive been faed u.d ordon te try tc, Tise lasa seies. af t Paul S. fj. msillb e hoidTuesday eseaing Dec. et. A very beatilful programme o! son:a sud declarnatiena bas besu arrangeul sud vilu ne doubt bc render- ed in a creditable uanuer. The liozeni MlaisOctetviii De beard for tise fir .1 lime ou ibis ocasion sud lise c aurcis choir viii add t j-lthe. pleasure u! tise bearers Dy suitable seleclionu solc s, dviettiansd quarteta. Nt euuy the car&, bave De tiseugisiof; but lthe eyas nave net beeu fergeiten as a large cbriatuxas ires sud s greal quautty o! teautiul preaents for the faiitul achoisra vilDe aupîy suficientb b keep lise a;es busy. PwolitoteRelicu in Vermont. The Rutland division efthlie Centrasl Vermout rallroad grosses thse saon- talua lu Mount Helly, summit station beiug 1,440 feel aboya ses levaI. Near tiâs tation, vison tise rallroad wau building, tbheitu"*aof a large Amercan elephant vere dug up. Tisseaire con- alahrel tise greatest curiositîe« ever toisaI lu Vermout, sud are to-day, or vers very recentiy, presarvel lu tise iStte capltol0buldlng. lu tise uprna cM lection of venders rnay ho seau the seletoas of au immense preislshorlc visele viieb as found u is e tovu of Charlote lu IST vile smre eues- vloo* vere beiniaade. Ties kele- boa W tisai e a visais ai leasi 15Q0 fel Aalegagils.1%elsplace visons'it wat tenatule' sxctliy 150 foui ahove tise pret lerel ofthtie se. Thse Latmss Ovgauk Tise organe« llarissS ai Fribourg' are tisa larget Ja te vorîl. il ladan. 9"»W 1 te sia tise pipaefthtie orge. ai Iligrealet power, us trenindloqa1lm tise vibration fi ceuses 10 it buildin. ise EasLU71 ota»anlu 180 t.01 bigisatI 50 fefoutbaosd; it otalua 00 pipes teW uomb"lg csiniaet. urer .frou -tise grol tsauf partalu~euasG. t Tievwe l m <lsareeta of Paris ou is ai tï$INO00 t&Yer. Tise .4teqtweeelg~vits ydnnte, tise ~eeaest aatd Des m moe, cccst 0, Ch'~ar ,ntto ou fst', Mo day. a nl Love Dcv l0ad ot toolu le FÏas ul alter * iau o.ut mm 11 t o loe.. -- - L surround end asot thie aninai. but tisa voit stili constb~bb lu-ia*aW.n lu lisasparts baving roesved no appearangt Injuries aithougis severai experienel hunIers bave abet ath1ir. Tise suimai meera o te a "SioesWaii How 1» Prevent Croup. tersing te y",ng uotisera hwt guarid ugaibit tise dumus.-Croup la a terrertouyeuag'msotlsersand 10 pont tisem oooenisling thse cause, lirut aymp- toms aud Ireatment lu tise objeet ct lis aItem Tise* onigin 01 crup aa cemmon oel. Cildren visOC r mubeet, 1011t taise coid very eaaiiy sud croup la almo.i msure, 10 follov. Tise arus altipteu lan bosr.uncs; this lis udon foiloval by a peu rrougis ooagkwhiei l sin MY reoqfizel su viuii evq« le fergotten by oea v ie bosaitMtTise tium. b sutlavison tisa ieit 4 AmS beouse. ho«»m. Il Cism- bodaine Ceaigis enudy la freiy 1t b6y e roup vini soon I~se., IranýMer tisa croupy -og sudevelo, W tUvill proehsit Use b ak Thora te no dânger, Iu g~n'tisS remuely for It contains notb togJaIuxiesu For sale by F;- B. LoveilL&bvuiend G. C. Robert. Wauconda, *qttoo-m IUoehBld... Tiser. usàa&0s01el>aat la su»51Ohio vwàs te uas v ousliD e addlug Inuui te tujuryafter bIse syprlenlaWasb- 1 gion afeu' Isye &go. Ut la iocaily .., a êt b",home. as "011Houest 1y," beeanas '.ho *.cosstantly re>*teahug ise maem au 'fleeçbylu the besti polly." lafer ta i'aea pnbig busies eànbseUd vlMwpit5P..per, uliMe rat-' ries ilout in ab 1 4boistanac- 'ftuem ies v*dW aLsingem mi s a auI, gaissg tg saisolai, eugmd bis clotis- lug. Tete Mianlea, ut te'iieW tise etty, aO leq~ t'a lu-bm tisaf ho liI 0 bslaei-fra- veois, e «m. sut. g.wth 1#seja i raveit sipon tisa suercisaul ta ie badlelt bis- usy -lu eeveraI tbsai1Ibave obgel ,my trous' ers sud iete«Y podekotbooi aftie ho- tel. . Tou wvýili bavq isimat mas ntil 1 e, nd pt t e.mmey wbnet sa s Tii - *t.« -d bo x;.ý iel, 'comeilendaq Cba ýeot hat vvi iiIbave rnsddy. G .ýiêtd Anus CroÀkhite clienti lati ely lu thee City. Misa ihole leasea la vimltiug ber aunur4. Fargo in the City. Corne eariy and takre alvutage of thse grOuni ainls at the Furnittire. A. M. Briggs wili start uext weela forNe M Naxîcoeb penul thse inter. mrs. 9017Y Blove sud Helen fiatit speni ilat Banday wvhs lre. (loodmaus. Afine lins of Parler Furuiture ln sots, or single llcen at tise Fuirnitture Store. Mfr. Beaeley lé hear frout thse West fer a short lime siaying with hiesmon George. Lewis Lltchlield sud siater Mary are speudlng a week vihS friends and relatives lu tise City. 1fr.,-sud Mrs. F. C. Bbaddie fonmerily of tbis place are rejoeng ever the arrivai ef a baby boy, bons Dec. 11, '95. I bave Juat recelveul 12; blbs of Washburn's Superlative Fleur wbieis I wiilssii on the iracistai$3.4') per Dli. ltO5B"TF. o'. The scisool entertainnent lmat Fnl- day eveunug vasa a declded succees. The bouse wvas 11Usd vitb frieuds froin far sud feur. Ai enjoyed tbe very mucis. The Suuday scbool acblars are preparlng for a god entertaliei Chritirnas eve. A beautitul lree wlhi aise heip te lutereet the people. We exteud a hearty Invitatiou for all t) core neud euJoy 15 vithuns. We uew have two doctors lu tom ii andilu a third le omilng. WLat bave thse people douc te deserv.- s:îcî an uffliction? Borne ef theut yl have te laber otstide tiselr profession, if tbey ail live lu thia ssaiutby li L4e. a. iMiller'&r sou, Marliais aud Granit dealerai, viFIiquonesyou prîeca on application. Al iheir work'lu gaur.- anteed atrictly firtït-eluas. They are doing a loi ef vork la Lake Ce. They are now fluiainlg a large Bani v Granite Monument te bie erecteul lu r W. L. Converse ati[vansioe cern -tory, alime a very handsome oue for tise hlai' Etuser E. Barnistabie, of Grays Lake, vise gel killeil by the Wls. Cen. R. IL. Sept. 3rd, laît. Auy eue wisbing work dons in thia lines siossd write nes for H. MILLES & SoN, McHenry. 111, DIAMOND L.AKE. WiVu. Lernker'o youngest chili WIlile bas tise scariet lever. i',tc-r L. Jorgenson clos 's bis sex.ioo fcr a twe veeka' vac.tlon. Ie etnbag liastaopped ona accoui of tise wesiber. Ne Chrisirna celebrasio hure ibis Ed Bi.s entisaier and lire. Soi hia Jouas, , o! esrilld, vere uniteul lu marriage laor.Wednesday. Bert Wilcox left Mondsxy fer Vaipas. raisinte> attend selsool uane yeaa Ths iiterary lstWednesday nigisi deci led That youth vas tise baut mode of lîfe. Flou r-Echart &r Swan's X' XX Best la thisentou eur, cheap at V. Satuer J Bron'. Wm. broctan *and mi"salem Leniker vers niarrieul ai Long Grove last Suixdaiy, Bey. C. A. Start k oMelci aling. IAKE ZURICH. Dou't misa thse grand concei. Nov le the Ue te pay up (Id 1 flai. Slocur's miii: lm now,. îeady te reelve ail youiregrisi. In bise ciretit court ai Waukegan. Weduesday. tbe jury avarded Fred Recus i. mat aim ef $720 le: the cigisteen ihsmd o! caille visici vers kilied orrnained by tise E. J. &E. B. B. July 19, 'W. A Fianann uyotang man reuntly callaI te umse sgirl vise va ida vlith dipisîbenia and vhillstisera tise bealtis oliler quarantiued tihe bouse. Nither o! thse young people seernesi bhe leasi bit verniel &;bout IL. Ses large billes lor tbe grand, dance to lie gironr by tise "Ea rnet Baud ai Flcke's Rail, Nev Yearu eve ing. Muie by .Chicago cre1 enira, vi;b hirp, th. applauro visen tisey put ln ther appewaace between Il iseo. Arnong thse vho vers casle 1i Waukegantis w eek on court business va noticed Ah. B. Flîke, Henry Bille, RoM erySp, E. A. Fioke, Wus. Spunner, Win. SBeris, Joisu Biains, Lutt ~r CiiDor&i George Siafer. D. F. KreuRer, lobas Ounningss4>.Heury Sussefer, Fred Xlee»"d alotur, Wm Saitduisu, George Neyer snd Rena'y lipp. Tisere la no question tisai tiasIxu< pzuumsvte eqai to the but papa r ever publh.bea la lua"eCounty, lbut it vii b. gruptly lipprovedad u upa aSU .mottmvluveget Our ni v cyiiudou r eàlomeetu lu r ino o~. Ail 5evtype *d a moerim equ*pment of «ise13eW nitelai viii enahblo un te tur ouit isesutjôb Ps mii sg akt nesuolIa ss8ue.. tieilte i fE nEit~isd you vitlieaglaSJ. To &il Thase Wbous lb ay Concern MX. lorro~in"via is t tibrgis- 'ae1 lnini et«-o' V81aisshe peper ,o SU - tbhoms suedi4tiu*ragardin ;thtie ilie 2siixssEiise, "e-woeoýitil' mscl éLit O* 3IijI '03 by alilsnooîng bimst »M b iset frqueut trex m-di tise reuart 4b" he voiuA tak ise isaW. lite. 1 boire VrIoeeum te peve %ha .1 "y-, sud LiaI 1 ur.vl b..>d bej alml*u O tim pet o.iter-asbeiug uuiru*. btiuso3 tas imysof, tamiy veu" te loara hUstlinlu Is oue., [Passmbe elsça Oa, but tak. the oe lbture i s u " tl-ls gua Ma~Iê~ii&i'ui , tta # rbttOu '-"a--.-- Anything and Everythirig'. Corne a Se TIsGreat T'HÂVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE LIN£ OP' COUCH ES in d ifferent Styl Rockers and ffcCthairl, Center and 'Extension Ta 1 have 5 of'the 1896 Pattern4ý.. Hang Up Vour Stockings - We'iI Do the R4i W E ARE NflW iiBi'ARED TE) SHOW CHIMTIUS A VEIIV CHOICE AND LAZGE ASSORTU"ÇP, SNSIBLE9 USEFUL AND APPR . 5bhristmaâs Pr, Here is a Part.ial Pint. First an~d foremoat se are able to offer ,you meet any styl. yeu may deaire su MEN'S SUITS.OOVERCOATS and ULT From $5.00 to SIê,élV BOYS' SUITS, ULSTERS and REEEERt From $1.50 to $1O.E? A CHANCE F r you to secure Silverwarc aud bonsehold orsîarents vithout Ca With avery sale we give coupons wbicn eau be exchanged for standard Silverware, Bronze sud Porcelaia Cleeks, etc. CUT PRICES ON Groceries and MeaVi 22 Ibs. of Granulated Sugar for $1.00 6 Ibs 'of Coffee for - - 1.00 Drmed Peaches, per lb. os-.0 Dried Prunes per lb - - -.0 Seedless Raisins per lb. - - .5 RoilIed 0Cts 8 lbs. for - - - Apples per gallon can - Tomatoes per can - - - Corn " "- Round Steaks per lb. - - Pork 'Ctïobs do' - -D Sauîage«O - -.8 AUl other meats in proportion. Quartera delivered at:wholesale prices. FOOT WFAR' Fargo's $2.50 Shoes for $.9 AUl othor ahoes at a Big Discouuit. 50,Pairs Felt Boots, cheap, while.they,ý Corne quick, if yon want a pair. CLOTrHII4G-Overcoats and Suits sold on orde whôleàale prices. HOLIAY <NDIVS: Finle assortment of Gh tbi"fectlons, tbat wil be sold right. Rm ýF. ROUSE, m-Roc Chamder 8u-!ts,, ON MY FLOOR. PRICES FROM 1.95 up to $31.OO0; Ail the Above are Special Bargains for' OC HOLIDAYS AT THE R okefeller Furniture &Stor _-WlLL KNIGGE. rt a n it 1, it It ýt ;e

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