CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Jan 1896, p. 3

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uibst coleCt~'i5 4 mission te union. LONG-EXPEOTEO ACTION TAKIEN I Atter yearm of triais andtri nbulatlfl. et varilîta kiîds.tah ernerges trom bot BY CARLISLE waddîing clthe ud becornesA a0V tomber ufthlie grent galax>' of the talle jeaitI BdatoleflccivdatHsOtl inluthetUnion, lu lc ropresenled b>'a ton>"- feald DdatBe Rceled t Hiffl l lftb star ition l'oc national fing. Tb*. Pcbi. 5-Ineceat FixetI ut 4 per' Cent. formai celobration uofte ovont andthetl -New Securilica lu Beasa'the Date inauîguration oftilit! State officers lok of Feb. 1, 1893. plae Mutday lulikî,t Lake City'. On En' eelpt of the nons that the Precidelg'I Ausonl . siooooo. îrocliTaallon had hoon issuied, gains we specuation cotîi'rniug the amounî antd iretI aud the cititous gave the may wasti elanaclur ut te riou nd iasue waat net tu a senst'r> of jtîifcatitîn. Mnd> 5 et rosI ivhon Secrottir> Carlisle matIe a genorni ltttIiidy anti thonsadit of PO, pîublic a tircular on te aubject. The loan filerom ail ov'r te netvS'ltaIs JOIU@d v.W ho a "puîîular" one, aud the ciniular iith the îitizeiîs of sait Lake ln celebrat' gives notito taIte Goverument vwîî iug lte close of Utah& fort>' yen of s-,Il $100,000),40 tbirty-year 4 per oetil Probationi. cmapon or regiâtered bonda dated 'rb. 1,The inuîgttral exercist!s prtipa' began at 1811, for wbieb purchasiens will b. re' o8 iî',v. hei the cantion nt Fort Doug9- qired 10 psy lu gold coin or gelit ccrtili- las». tbe gîlus of lue l"irt Rlinit cales. Tiis la the firetIssue b>' the pret- eut adminisratiou of such a large arnounlt t bonds aI ona limte, ail tbe previous id- sites haviîîg been for $W.,OOO.OM saecli. Trho cirt-îlar aigu conlaîn»anauintimation of a possible turtiter issue of bonda ahoulil the issue ursasle of an sdditionai oz' dit- fee'ont furmat bondl for the maintenant'e of te grlî rosonve lie aulborized by the 1mw befumo Poi. t5.'Te circular la as tfoi- "Tréasur>' Deparluienr. Office ofthc _r EpvetmaryWashington, 1). ('-Notice ista herî'iy glu.-nt lit sealod proposais wlll lit' TIIS OSE XT TAniDitiACL.~ r l-'to it the llce outhelite Srerrclr>of te Tressîtry. at Washington, i1).<C., utîtil 1Ulah Natitttal <î "rl voýry avhâllul 12,'c'îkni. ,tl Wediteaiay, te 5th 13the lite andatiti th ie tîtir instruments of l-ertîari', l l.for te purcijase tif of noiise aî-tilaile lîeralileîtit- 'beginatifl c!ic liti nilrt'd tii lidollars i$ loo)U,)4 i> iitfte tl 'sfetî'ii t i s. I'ho ta radetom' of Viitî'îl States4 lier t'ont coutpont or reîtc- d st il ut loîk. lodthetIi'Sixîeuh Eeg' tilî'rî'îl lioni.l ii tittotfia tîi if l t> iet , Etle' IS!zets lufauttty, 500 @tmrous, dollia»t$7,44 ansd ntilliiiies off litI&unt att-Iits lttiitti'. b'ullovintt came the car- as nia>' lit ili'ired b> bidlera. riages îtui th ie ttate offielala and 'i'hî' right lu rejecl any or ail bilsile inviteil gtietsî5.ttithtiti'ltab National retors 'i. (uantl, the Gratnd Arto>'voîcrana and ai 'Thti' hitinlwnili lie date,]on ie Iute"day 'helt-ci' ioities tif the' (it>' asau escort. cf i-'tbrîary. 1>07i',.anti lie lataale in c. i The exorciles nt thi tlabernacle wers Valiin> ' -s rslafter titat date, sdai ii hear ver>'simtplte. TIti"opiiteii vit mnietcb>' 1 ittri-it nt 4 lier cî'tttu per annula. un, Iti' leîband froînt Forîtl I)îîglnsm, Ihen a c:l tiquîarferly in coin, but ail tctupons ni.i.- priyen >' 'ifiri 'ionff. presîdent 4 riîtg -,ilandl ttafore the latI day of 1'eb- of te Moitra- htir(Il "'lite Star-Span- EATTLEFIELD 0F BULL RUN. TIbE IIISTORIC GROUND SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE. The hlstoric Yorkshire outate. situaloal William aide was soid 10 Dr. C. M. Ben- eu Bul lIna. the final batîielleld of tbe nett, ut Washington.Ilis liante does fnt star, v-as ecenti>' muid at public anclion appeau in the Waahington directocy andl aI Fairtax court houme, Virginia. Six bhe la 001 kuown fo rosI relate tmeo. The Iiundrea er a &Lai atned on b1itremainden of the calale wamasoid te duRfera aides ut Bull Run. in P'rince William anal ont indinidiamia. ?uibudy bas an>' ide& F-airfax Coualies, -e-ne muId. The land for wa aprpisse lb was bougbt. The iand iying on the Prince William ide brought bas bein lat litigatlon formInu> years, anti ou au average $46 au acre, the other about t Iis sale vwas aumale lqp<er oftheb court lut. The pri-es ranged froua $3 lu $25. Threo earaeleîS pssa suiodie 'lite part oftheb.battlefield ounthe l'rince allouipt te bu>'y or pilbuseofnEàapark. rtarv. 9. Iwill bodetached and pur- chaaora will lhe required lu pay in United S4tates gold coin or gold certificatea for ,te bonds awarded them. and ail interest n,.eriied thereon afler the lot day of F'o- ruary. 181)6 up to the imte of application fur deliver>'. l'a, mentstafor the bonds muaI ho Made at the tresaury ofuthle United States nt W'tashingltn, D. C., or at the United $-tates sui-t reasurjea nt New% York.Bots- 1an. IPhiladelphie, Baltimore, Cinciînati, 4 lîttago, St. Louis or New Orleasa. pr illey Mnay'ho îmade nt Salitirant'igco. wit .-xhattge on New Yorkt. atnd ail bidls mut 'itate whait denootînations ut bonds are d,'sirod. ani uhelher coupon or registerol. en ttiNit îbat place they v.iili e paid for. *'Itynots aymn>beomadîe b>' instal vuetit s asa ollowva To out y ier ceunt o po r-ceoi1t Of notice of nîtoptatîce uofhbit and 2) lier cetnt at thte oud of eatch tell Iday. thereatter; butt ail arccopld bidl dirs May' psy the uhole antount aI te dante of the firsI intalîmnent and ail those wlo have poil] ail inaîalimetsta reviously aîaturitîa rnay pay the whole amouint of their idasnt an>' lime, nul later than the tuattîrity of the hst inslailinent. -The bonds viii ho ready for deliver>' on or hetore the l1tb dey of Februar>', 1 891)( -Notice la further hereby Civen that if the issue and sale of an additlonal or dif- feront ferai of bond for the maintenance lof the goid reserve shallhobeautborized b>' law before te5th day of February, 189, «Palot] proposais for the purchase of sucht bonds wll se be reccived ai the sanit ,lime and place, and up lu the ane date. antd upon the same tertms and conditions herein set forth. and sucb bidirwill be coun- sidered aa-well as the bld. for the 4 per cent bonds herein rentioned. Ili. G. ('ARIBLE. IlSecretary of the Treasur>'." CORTEGE CUT IN TWO. 18t. Peul Express Train Ruas Dowu a Funerai Carriage lia Chicago. Witbont a signal of warning. an expres train of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. l'oui Rond cut ltrottgh a tuerai proces- sion et the lPaulina stroot crosslng Ii C'hicago. Five persona were buried un- Id-àr the ruine of.a mourniog carrnage, antd -wo women were no badi>y.injureji thal te>' mn> die. The occupants of two dbh ler carrnages narrowiy escapOli the mara late, the horns el eng puled op wiîbln tl few teet of the oulboltod train. Part of the funertal irocessm, wet tou,the vilouruers being nnCOnseiouia of h. 'fact that sorne of their nultnxbcr had- hecarea 1>' killed. Whether the liagmau ce the eagîneer of the passeager tain was tç Ilatne Was fot IeÎme&. Tb* agmu cqa e a fieiltatmI o gied Banner" b>' the tabernacle choir, thé reading of te Pregideuta procelagnatlon, admtinistration of the onth of office. (;ov. IVeli' inatugural atîdresa, "Ameilca" bhl the audience and the benediclion. The L.ogialature was caillilui apeclal seasâiotiat , p. in. lueII a litte for thé rî'giila r assion. the îuti.t ilttotifailins te jîrovide the lime for convening regua. larly. CUBANS IN CONTROL Whole Island, Exception tie City of itavana, la In Their Ilands. lu offect. thoev. bob island of Cuba. ont- sidi' of the cil>' of Ilavana. la uow in thé battis of thetttshtrgonta. Tlicy bave net antîihilîted lte Spatîiah torc-es, nor have thoy rîtoî the whole art>' in an>' single iticbed hattlo. YlotIhe siltation ia colin- pletely intu tlî:- anda d sagocotuplelel> have lthe> outgenoeraled lthe S1îauisb thal, lu ail apîîoarances. Molrt inea de Camnpoa' arm>'tigitt as woell bc iii Spain for au>' check il ptuis upon the movernonts te aud freof utMaximeno imez's limy>. The lot- lor's progrs a s hoon ascconîanicd wilh cunitit acess8ions lu bis forces b>' vol- tinteers, anid he bas captured ouough horso. ridles sud artillory te ndd imý monsol>' lu the effective s:rongth of hig men. lie bas Ipraî'licaliy carrled itis hast of operat ' on viith hlm. sud bas îtsualli euîîintermarched over a wholfy differeni routte fromt lIt of bis sdvance. nppar euh>' countiiig with conifidence tipoL li ing upon the.counîr>' as ho wenî. There ita utle doubt resu>' ftin lu vans that he will gel as much or mon isyrnpathy iu Pinar dol lîlo than he did li rSanta Clara nad Matanzas, aud thte gen erai fear la uow thal, after sweepinj over Pinar del Iio. ho will corne opôl Havana fron i tee ypaI. co-oporating lu ai attack witb the forces of lbe'lnsurgcnt wblclt bave been eatlof Hayona for sei el'al days pst. The sdvance of (-olle, abeyond Batabano bita cul the Uine of tele grapb andI cable communication witb th Iematoru part of lte !Blond upon tvblc t-Campos principali>' rlied for directing hI forces lu Santiago de Cuba, Puerto Prit cipe and- Santa Clara. * The. authorilies no longer make th A aiightest conceaimeul of the aerloua vîi Il the>' take of the situation, endi there ai à. soine wao, do net heuitie te1 rail aI ltt leSignalait geiterais and the troope andI mal abitter erlîcarna of tbern. Thome bas beu )f great tesrt lat thé ligît sud eier oMI le pîr of the cit>' would b. ctit of b>' a sini et dciui rakd of the Insurgent force..é& E 2 'ldsg 01 the cil>' oualit In total W1a leýnos lor 4be. useon wowkli of ~o te seditiotaitle I111eif s* s' a uta fli a ut tisritiisttiis ln I rfyr iU: SM M IS A S m -, i. I.NA P s'hat Il la. Stý4meimelq. aizetl with a fit * _________________ tf iîotthttry or îvith the view of having lits ee'iit.r frît', ito iay relire 10 the H0W THE AVERAGE MEMBER 0F 'oiatrt tiIîtr loi:1 t-ottanitle room .VI- CONGRES KILLS IME. iil is olt-rt. ltîîd ilimh off lis turri'- CONGRESS KLLS TIME. lii i itîîîî-aauiutî tli ptolIa.' 1*I-siiîît-.i iiit IJin t -li-rt- the iinttiîî3, or A 'en Plictre of Ilis Dol y Lifc i n Il"ati i :11rti' rlisil îtthle î-trridlirs. sepO Washluglou Tola SFtorie., and la aunitaloo i iint'tg aîeît. tir Ilt-nia>' -ti f r t a til - î t i l ,a j i i ' i iti tI vi it h lèlcorztary Worko. iiiii'ttîritti tho rriIlIra ini mi-eponse t,, iiil. -iiiiiii tuti-r ut i. Il 15 sel- The Dal'> Go-iid. hit tult l ioio tt iuyatti'tltiit ii tthe l'asiiiiigtaia corsiespottitOttiO iiii- -f iio- iti-t i n tRome e rag ei" n'îhi-mt ti..f ii iiin Nlii t tailt. Alle-r tîîljîuîîmn-, bi -'A- (ittgit ni is ut ii. letIii--iti r t-t.i ititotitor mili tIlite"be liglit î bis si'jt iii îîîîto.îîîîî 'il is ta ltît îmoîînt h oîg- k Shavi thte élightitto tii .Aill h1 l'i- i~uitiýavea il ozeti îe- I p. ~ hrttahii Of hbardîl , litii 1wdy oIle a ave fî>'y d .' womk lit fîre th in. 'l'ho,' iiitItt'r tittil tf Iti-i' flerttooii ho nia> l- 'ut % i îîîha'e îîîtîî- g it-m tîîtil ittriiitîg. lifte-r iltter litlet ing Ilidoi.'The tnt ittjm ti ti i ite.i 'îitro. tit osonitig lna rnî'it 'tevol v.s .11) lthe îtiri.r ititht tii-aites. naonlitafhlu le n Nîitiia. ilt ich -i lttlti -tit r't a t iriItiiit'tlirtiî v lu e îtsily b l î ioi , i ttltitttt i il htoîtit fielîd ln content- fi has îîîîaîîio d i tîtin t i Sii-IItiilitiil t g itt'. t borm . .,i a-t r :1, i l> t' tt. ' tîttîttut sd îiîtussa' 'n"' 1 ailt,--'lt"'ît.- t îîiclin, tlti tti' itîttl lobhbies lart the M oornritlet uneletioni a ve st'ilg r-.t:tl t'îîi l ho do, bat the aork t ris ivi'til uit.. ntîtite ta exîtotted t ibll il ilie aiiîtti-i itt. ['he Aiuîirupia tîloist tîîîîiî iii'. :, l signîal usîîrk sîtîl Ihosi' îîlîîrtiii.t-- a bau tus apprtopariatlion his titti--titjiit întmuuîîlufrou a llor, lottitit i titt tbere ta bai rdIî an>' woîrk inut sîgiilt t i h.- vomoruilit a-tii bl au-e tititi,.tii1l--s- îi., gîtIf eampaigîtiiîsntt'rii , Ihei'> la i,ttii '1t galiuns. [Bills tire satuar'nsiaiit bo.i -litIIfl1 t-or' tî'uu ut thoîin deuai tiitI iiti iil, - ii r -IlII!J likely lto eroiCie sny. Vl'floitut ti%, r Ihrv nia liera itilte e îmocit-m i- sdait- titil a doz-utor uittit#lthe lt',iilti itt d fau b ith îbtîr ofut okitîg tit f.r i1 A politar. Titi'ait-rage utntier tif thIlii- ," sample lt-lime t tiiîk tii-t-r i-t n Ilitt i or Il)i lt id> ut îrî'îa îli t iitIf fui il~ -sroer. otir iilvot' lu silicaute'r gît ini t- i _________________________________________ poin i-r. îledhies nul liavIlfîi- t i iii,- atttt oîîîîîîiî- itf -;i-soit l iin the tit ('ailu îîîîbloîreI'2Iiitik ut'It i u i,. haîîîîî-s tii lai-t' Ieis i-iti tti ittii- -1 the titi tsorkiiti ç-omnitteei. andtit i di- - TH'E G. A. R. CITY. nul ahirsyti have (0 gî the ii' Capijiti :ii ai] Thi aerae mis reafass aimi1 Velertais of h ie Wsr Fosandinu autTown a i.-(ek l ia oriiti ti httîfoat ititîhi, In Southeru Georgia. ,utîniig'a imaillaiî rugit aroiid. i hn'vteeltl -fteCanlA-yo v.ill co uasl-tift îylt'hait ildozn uý%i, t-- Republie atre agiii"ntiarlaluig laroigil vm ers. eta I ildut iii tst .t - lit lte lthe> tre t-tnilig on a itoatoful lottlensA il thli e titua osuxct-t-iloit treI t '-tuitOu.. hy loca parer o bisownhont poit'ii.- tartvi'si t tilî l a iltyin the lheca larinubs u bnît' gi -t tt i n--iltii-n u tuof Iti-Staîti. Thirt>'-iive folhove liu-a h utc iii.kiIpromtKI Tind î'tr'- t'tiofi ii iri ille rolil ig laitlihave intb, ant ialil>' it>'sotet'of liei- lt-t lt-ttinshae -e .Nlosî t o i tiilaitor hîavee li l it'al î -t- i i v orit ,t i o'.'liilv i ' tu îîîîiI-trn Monteofutivttin rcthtire sututtlhii g ti -li titiiit>.ft iil îIIlt.lîhtta looke ni) t the d par m entiiir oI- uit. lo ist heii- g mta d m ade lookelut utn hid t.itt wrlnai-tttiatir% il ' iit îl'ytht' -uitui'etif .li'fft'rsiituDavis at-iere a tti ti iii e îurk iotmi lit> .itIi'ietii'fail tfliit-ltttttinIî. 'lT'îtlouy lie aîî tmti ;î î- s il tti'rt-tii>' tilt it, malle un ut e ii-in a filleoanit!ail tiftthp% i' ;- i ; ?î , i.a- u îîtItiîl itii f 3'(0 1t iii-i il la ingis o'n 1» th- '(Igr"tnni'e s eul-,b- ý- 1 i iiiiîîrî'asu lti .01(X) itofure raphr. povidd ntCoveiansi i hot-t!-ti if thie'yeî'r. rApilr.thimait id eti tlut orilt he o sj'iî -iiilt siî'ite as licou laid off î'ou-oing Alfît-rendsii-slt-I tet-mss ne ut-tutlut.kth' tiiiiit .ia , -i rThe treets ar- lioing grad- liepr-cail hi'. hot,'irI.î fue atîlhukasi- t-il . i1- iuit ini. î .l a va tom atipl>- la ingîtît a ti'-r'. altt oi hnt sotnIt ftr tit'i'-ioitl-il b>' aa yslni tif a rtosia n day. If lit' itutia îîîîîul î'î' îîîoî'Itiîîg n tii iitt is%-:lxtut iuît'niltt fîr lthe set- thoe('api t. l. ail Ita smîîrning is îrk it ii 1' t t--tiiet tin nitlif aft-r tieti'u it of the shoteed ndmnoh if l oli t-iir ,t iti' iui.g tntl spriîîg. loit te Interltîîî utIi i-ttfnlltttito 'iti"tttie y.oolii not lit' held tîntk. bloiv lalo luIhi tiIif titere i. nuto metingcir tttti iria b> t-r 'r ut thias ort lîîîanîîing fisllstt jli. lt' -v r iiitii ria tr iee e r , hor ofhioarriRI n theCnpiol Ii rer tî .Ii 'lî't ii' î -,rnî-r ftiIhe roaorvnliou and hoaetrlr lasirt-isn Ihi'li 1îl s rib KI g ÉJi'c-rîîiti l.o ii)jput up an>' tellora r> bidn.lier jtî-edfi. bIlndredm of 8MI n hl; sn't loi fo miglin int'Ile lîaîok't nitîtli tf'rîîugh pine lItoardg hava g55jissil Lnte5451ttt 5astt bîgi.lîîoîitzii i-il tigàet hi-n. sndlthe immigra nIt At the Capitol, tri- rttiiugitig il. Bat lhey are ail io-un 1 'hat î'u t-rilit'eli.- hît lpa me liti vitt i'utclanttidii lre oroiigbly i n t he u' 1bis s nriatiiantd lthe Ioun iflit ra> tr is ie-tiirei'if t ii,-xrr urm unoii] ti .. giautulîtil lîla -eiagJIel'5.Nî'll, Titi- i)f tir a -sd Art>' itilon> w-ts itheet'to utr. livi t'he aaeuueiit ttranut-- utart i-il% lt I li p l"itzgera ld, a îliont . prini-ipal.'t tst'inii the blitîttit. tittffli-u. iti trii-y jndIî-aiîiltalialtiof ln4iiai x,11,4i. i-bore the it'ti'ebr sltîouonbis ivtir lu th, It'ti-1tiltil- li- tIhe oui soidiers b aillof thIillousle and ge'alsisi eî'outl itinilIiit îîî if t ho nldin usit Io. The .unorulintiit. Il,' May -gî'lfront taiw ii ustoi i- tttil t-wir i-a itéaigna jail elliug un .lhitt a thuzinti oulra. Thèse hi' uNuahl vthi lttii ttii ltilage anit ie>- t-ut ot preasda il itriîg lthe sessionuti tlit'eI lîittîs. ~ î i tandu%%h;,i(ii- tnt-t' -îîlîinithe tva>-ut lac ii] tot ba ve'a î-erk. lacea oulîl lane Ii) ituiuititN li i t-- 'l' litm vr as s i i ry- lros- sus us-en ltiinuas lie rond thlent.boitf. As il lenttta%it h ii jii f t'es elt'rntl iafor a hotea tas l a,.1 ntiti f '1tit hie liai-k n iii retuili ditl -ittgi t,.il îîî-igliîlîrs int i util,] (-fi- 9 il itia tif îht-mi ot ent tsa ndaîîllie t'thrIb-tt Utlti' 'il ilt tit-rittiio ilu iltus itro>- tuar tut liti îî lgot hoittI tf li- lnts iîî raîttr. Tiii-tftt r11,i, i iliers utflt rcotitny reit- If thiii îîîîîîîo lias an> hbis lie lias renvoi atltii ititof 54<auMi. Chu' lut beîî ask,îi Ioîttfrtldiii-. or sylîi-it lie ha,;s utftal iii Il i, ~t.tefil litoitigritogottî- hadll ia tt'itugrotiiier prehtaru' forminst, lit' sulurdîlioti ti itIndîrîîîîi itizger-aild. halids t themut hotît' of lthe t-lt-ml-a t th.- Il is ta îtrt îttrgait tzed iotnoîmtiti 1 d'sk tir' fantslstht-utnutthe moeptlad-e desitt tandila-iai91-11i il ittfSigiictie'e tî lin led fo ibiills it noueteI ue t îriîîg lthe tui' fiw thor Siih. ,i-tiIt ait fur fle Wes t. . dit>. If lhe bas a bill or eolution i-, NIîIIIIY tttli Ioa i i - fi tiion ilUtInI . I I I. li h vo 0w itIf"luminîîionsîîîtconîfsent flihart- itîtsitl. jiine'i ttio- tti -i.Tht'>'coule fîîr isî'ry' fi'ie 'iti l'ie landîti tîta l y > i-tii i-rt- il ttliti)- lîîîîg lo-ti f îîtu' und the ybost fruit -itl iniitii- t' il t. Sparku frontlthe Wtres. d 1 uo-as t-f ie lt, ion titi'-iii t-lt ail Sauita M otii t-e. Ci~l.. tatduitti I otîlt a itll force.1 i tii sigit ttill it-i niî- i' Cu (impînn ' Cheu'ka filrs. $.t.It ai. IsAI it hiattt i i is ii itigrogatiilg $2ô,- ( 41 ii i ir ..f S.Il. 1hRt tiîuîrk. hIci.brut quoa îi@ t -t tt iti ipitir antiti.1. .1. liai-. 'ohi tirdt. ut i-e lt-%iot i ii liii'lin therh>' of ltse <'bCit-ugo Si-ut i titI Axlî h uitis>. itlis the tittîr-It tif i(tir iuîLdy, Inuuklvn, y- theno lias eitî-i t-tiiiilrtîtiti a Anered roe of Mt. Itjlt-î.oliii tt tat ttinedtl ldealb ui the ili>a fti iti ug ti i -rîiflxiîîn. roiAssisltntAttitriuî (tti-mlNoehel of S ILi ttNt. TIaE 1x TUF. <'oittiil. Illlutiniin rt-ily fut tll iieîtr>'. "V'su a tii-t-ild turultg th(-lnurtung houn, lho onde-t uît>' itilîî2h 0ttti ns tif t i i iir b. cx- larora f ait' t hi' upeaker before the Hzousse îumiîîî'îIfor'm aptt ili iti tiilt tmilleusa-. lumevtu. fît arranage for recognition, sud if .uoru'hîtllo lîiiitIli- .iiîtt Ail l sncbs a i uehts nttut-ttdlu Ibis ho tailes bli canjdidai t-s mii aîhit lu'gauIlt ira tus. ri fte a io usaneIns ftane.ý "dmoe V la bot»Me g ICTORY FOR BOIERS IN '11! Eaiêt TRANSVAAL BATTLE w. jameson 1*urrenders-Eenanlof Mis Forces Now intprl.onetl nt Jo' mannesburg - London Instruuction@ Vlarcganded-Paratiek to Venezuela Sontht Afriea Excuted. The invadin>' Englisb Bru>' la lbe Iransvaal bas hos'n disatroîîsiy defeateul - the Boers. A score on more bave been lied, many wnounded, andI Dr. Jarnesoil oa prisoner aI Johannesburg. Oue of le rnosî impudent acta of aggnession ever -rnmilted evm, b>' Britiah arma lias thus net wilb swift nelibulion. The dMalle are mner of Ibis lagbo- anus finale utfa bat was intended 10 be a 'lbianl piece ut bravado, wblieh sccci. ight uatît>' but a'bich tailure would nake a crirne. Aill Ial la kaown in the lovertnenl mesaeuger, witbt dispaîches rot London onaleriag Dr. Jarnesoâ 10 re- reat to the Chanteneul Company's terni- or>', neached Dr. Jarneson Wednesda>' norniug. Ile pocketed the Qnccn'mano- 1rs. to)d Itheateaseuger haconicail hstIa à@ wobiâ attend to Ibet. gave the Com- mand 10 bis lnoops tb saddie. andI manda- d. net on tbe bock lnack, but on towaa't Johannesburng. Ah 4 o'clock lu the afternoon b. enroua- bened the Boers et Knugenadont. There vras bard fightîng unlil .undown, anth Ie British Iroopu miaffered sevenel>'. The fa- mons mrnakranahip of the Boers was no ua deadl>' than in their gailaul defense agaimt the ssm e-nom>' fifleen yensa&go. Twenty men, incliding titres officems wer. killed. andI fifty> prisoners n'ere taken before Dr. Jameson surinedered. -A London dispatch, maya: The world The" 1 P. E.rPAUL KUx correspiondentb. w sion of Great, 4 Britlih cqleubeta or lb. otbs5 ut1 own interesia, ou BOIJTH ÂEFRICÂ-N TER1UTORY IN WHICH TnE TE froit -everybod>' concernwd eseept Dr. Jameson. Noboul>' iîl b. louder la pro. teatbug their Innocence tlIn tb.Chartered Company' and Coci] lîbodes, but neooy> will beileve Iheua. Nolhlng wili change bbc popuian conviction Ibat what bas hep- pened la simp>' tbe ovcrtbnow of a boltI and recklesa plot. The part Ihat falect was bbc prornised uprimiug ot the Uitland-' ers ln Johannesburg. Trhe revoit thene was expected 10 begin bbc dal' befone Dr. Janegoun crossed the Eronlier. Hllmjuati- fication was 10 bc : "The Boers ane mus- DIL C. 5. JAMKAS-, OOVEROR GENEIIÂL OFMSH>sÂNo'At AND er than water. W. will marel U#to ib rescue." Even that excuse would b. sentimnental rather Ihan legal, but il would go la South Africa and il îvouid probabi>' go lit Eagland if German>' and other couatries dld not nmake 100 rnuch fuse about it. Hence the wires were cul and Dr. Jaine- son, with 700 men, dushed lna t the mp- pointed lime 10 carry ont Iheir part of the plan. The taint'hesrted foreigners la Jo' hannesburg failed t begin the itabllion, and Dr. Jarnc.on'a rescue cxpeditloo bW qnd, *hicb thceNag ié tw. andluM*~ Twent>'y raraa'S Boothl Ahicmet.64 Bo0devren ostl<o ttné th. provimnt" buMg Souh Afrea Cg la at iatitude 10 d~' bas iteeo eoulb#I Neyer wars rosms glven freer i-si. lIa. bon andth îe cape oi bail ln the butelts selmure or t.aTitoa7. aid Lobengui14 ln*tW&gatSt Ibis saIne defeateal Jans paraUied blet on ibe.tem T'h. Issue 10 wbbcl anil tbe eartb are gs'adnsily whebber ltIns bashan I cibi>' preveatthl.e «tinabo miaon-bas becs Pocclpitel aet or JaneSOn, a411gb-ba nE a type more paîleuil>ce ht'>dcy ef plracy lIan la Itla iinconcelvable t11t*1I the colonies aboulal Pet Mi stop the South Aian 0b PrIvaI. icîters prove liaI lu contemplation a montb bcrlaln's lamenationsaran The predicament etfthé emmaent ls extrenel>' aV on. band lb.>' bava 19 wÈ and pugnacit>' o01 hs wbo have aever femreat alengerneso of thé tisa by' bound 10 the parent SaI hand, tber fce a brl"Xle posîbiliI>'of Erç let no one Inadgme credît Iheir c-mag -M steadineu analdsI1 berg Paus andl onIb and la bleue bUttin$ calaI>'andI aemtsluw Afnlca le nith **a., bbc>' lad thé, 'USl Staî.b an" Il o TUE TYPICÂL "LAAGER" (EENIEPOGT)ý AFRICÂN WARFARE. Mame a horde of lawleu freebooters. a'inrevive Preuldeat Kr vadlng à friendi>' State. Sued la the for the ÂfglkaflieM-i trcapc f the situation ln thce>yez of Martins q4 ,CnSulfrhael' h. Britiahbymve'ment It in l ajg motsel ~sairead>'disavowed ever>'lb1t go basItc >'gthe opgoly pan>'. through Ils directors l eeIn ~~,tu .tsb>' no m«eenertain that thb._trou- ffl .~~s tà 14e bMTransvaal luant aumn ad. rt, Otqu Syogt aIirocDthe lotSlor£* lm

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