CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Jan 1896, p. 5

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4elves, Mkets, . tab's, chairs, TU£RE. Picture Frames, BOOM mouldiug Paints, Ois, Varnisbes, Glass, Putty, BrusheB, Mirrors, Mattresses, Ibo zoom»e lm tegae dy et 150 ont. For of Utàcd md lu L.*ki aiect The iu beloug t, sort, grov. ometiies bY 1Ui deveiop. La the chli aluns lu Its trtatlLl in )r a houri ýY." Theme. às aimo; ther ce unie amp mental aud .î differrnes usL else an(- tLe amSure heigLI ad Ltily thereof. oui' for Oiii rt, w. and Pu andb wom, on? la 0«t utigo, one 44 ou@ enthuui. un iuIIueuxx% . Keurd. K. W. Blord eols o! a&, Ah. wtât 0 hm. wtat a f-dvigeofti What a dey teachel 01 r then uhat Y. WLat tI tired tay lt ehiid W&$ Rabbis lail. elve.? T%«p as for iLec... we Lord. W* vagueli, the i dael of priv- a new light. Selartiofl ta .Filled viii rus bis stop. k to humlie beeres God, h. eau wai. k lu the Ces- The O;od-like deniiy, back à urne. B .A. T. Pier. utmosphCisi ot m. And the peramint Land &cos stînoe r s they went n for us all- a bit andi gave t expectins, court aivmye - prepareol fer d. Home ou* .gaîsbhug a CSpr d weit map- aredesi striai »storate. -lDu ram made oui r churebh It l s the beginuiug ueh, Dow andi ervce. qIii how Il Was open te away hlesshng ceie 11. "The unIe ait that om Guei prée- d ccording t ni we-re set fre L said timougi lion. The con- leih answered ihoot the judige ha aise vîmnes. And the que@. to tear up tite ket. Let there u the heart as ;oherwise v. eîves from a i ciucic. The wIe:. Th~e lady ber q<îcst after e would met ho aIh sud tempta. hlgh mark. Mir. 7 of lbe dcwk. rk once became e. how ht was Le hourg Il usa Th elock. rua- by on. tick at a m took courage di7 OU viii las idy Selseti MpM& oart, sud repeet- mu. te people SmI ndlm. Leara 7a8t. Jeas watt- -gu emred «r las. iifant mon- ef. e! msuhood. iaL of the era. y wtiî us, Iovhtim g nu Lis heart of d hevy?" they utle Scotch la"s evy unkemupt a n," shessld. lcant o! surprise, her! "'Having dl Les unie lhe 00, Cots prings lorîits. Etc, Etc. .AT.. eHEATH & SONS Pur Clubbing List. h1acmdtion of sncb of Our 2!0e*BirObecrbers as desîre &0 ~1 oter pblicatiou for the kjes"r th tu" INDrPENDENT fai ýoZJTE.Te followiflg area ~e More popular newspapern ~3hne. when more than one ~gthe amunai to be paid for ~ofes eau be ascertained bc de- .V p j50 trom ihe pries named r lab rates. . bli.hers our Clul Prioes. Prie pjul. ee kly .... S1MolS2 2 ô a WP 44go 05lo y 4 01 4 M Zeitunu 2W39 i-iuna 2 1, 321 IWmbD. . Ob. 1i l) 2 - (,id .. .. i u 3 I a ..........33 4 0W 4 t= Tabie,-- - x IFW 50 Il ý» Lait ny p 20idial n IS69 luta be abovu lst, cati on c 1 « mmas u as i n n th c)l 0 lve «uCh iulsrilcrs choice( 1te Motbty, Rcfk Il] eIau Fsrmer or Wmumankin<l, Mfeld, Ohio,"a a premiîîm gmat hwo pey for titINs1)EI'E'50F2' 151yeur. trictty ('iLS1> in A1%all 7 DIAMO)ND LAKE. rj Arnold apeut C tltIas T.Imin. of Wuukega ilspeul ILN 4 Y, br.. o.X itpheili old :34hol et N1 eyer 20. e meai.s folks lire report mIml HIze o!Long 4(-ro% , ~jOur eity Tuemday. . Leukers ichidrcn îare fua' ~ithe acaret fever. ikooIresumed Monday muitlha sni uac n accoolit of alekucs. ueraters are ut iwork ilu Iiiram Barttt's nc'w hotn>c m ircoIiiflîeCd ; ~~olIwirerWgn illthis tlocal11 k. nd Mr#.- Chasm. Nlver su ViudaNs viitiiig retativuii1 «thCe o! ab)out ses euty mo-n lre lut1iIg the le h olise- things R~. i5 ul thiit on e (if oir 1t ~*on1 be iiland the "(Y mi bae a roud. Coule à l1tsenthater aud lotfr1 yemaeid froin thoir hloutY-ou pstied down for life. IJIowi8and Goodînalmî resîde, are being jinîhed lrI)itlyv. Vilcox sWho wsit nito Vlpti d gchoot came home sick dovn eitb the nîca'ýv hId og8 to a xmailîlit Wavo. T- a wonderfuil talninul ssiK >5ç4î0 -CIponids. i M.. er plut1 the 1)itr Ilt 833(1reuesv0d ho >,nhullj'l léd!ty sBnnîty. i&tow the <etrau r o! Maile Und (rauite M ,ba overy faclty nand ttr,t la whom he iho auxiono to 4uritng tbe dîuîf seison oîmlie lower plieeslsimosutnii lmfor ternis. y. LEITHTON. imr4"lEs: 'oe ththe tt ndo-r>A qiogr owu voluntary act1 o1the teanmer -'Progres, dot "Knowledge thorefoi YnD. That we have Pl l. u tbe skill and exper aud desire that hE b<4th1e mutterings Sbtvm icotinu. 10 col v~p ot4es snd et smdl A 1....L..Jil &.in» L i a m"gone 10 1 jgnw fî a 'srs. ~ LS *.<t,'. ~ Ntt imr f bMi:waukee. -BouîSmet in,na «ow" it hi@ wfiag Libertyville fi tendu. LibertyvIle1llnls reiden vagil l.caIUPes LAI. Colby & Co. are lmviuq a _______________A leY, Cob' oregor clearanlce pale of good8 lu ail dopart- andeMbenr ment. I.e Offic Lt.RTAd YO R.oa d anp m w a ad f Mi« -Amie Hardee ha@ returned ofieatRadnc nBra-Apc on Cal an, bone bitter twu veeko visit with City D E EU 1 way, opposite Publie Park. Pina ne. îe fte friendâ payment. H .£go .70 t..lMepast yack, visiting friends let Libertylle. Illinois. re.00a , P.C thA 11,k So. Baeuysioood.m eB OY *& C Boye0.602 Dan.Xc ick&.16, Hnry irs. Sarah Taylor bas retumned to Dr. E. H. SMITHO H.0»P $14.05. en kppley lier home lu Si Louis after severalA EN W H V G A N R L an e e bittl tcwd and inonthas i8it witb relatives in Liberty- A EN W H VN E E A DENTIST vab for 0 ev. amounts ba ville andi other plares. Office over Love l'aD rugStore oun1th.ear from ibeir W. D. Clngman, chief cîctrical CLEARANCE SALE IN ALL .- s Ive f1 Os red. insiertor for the Northwesiern 1ly., gOUBSSoI.n.gdt... ÂL.0~ report for the month and m lie of Evanigton, were guest.s'of E A T E 4I.. ofNoveinmrandD<cmbire. j. W. Milter andifamily New Vear.. Libertyville, Illinois. November report 8shows amounmt o . 0p11 fOwteosnro band________No_____._ 4th, t»0.62, Nov. 131h re- C .Ape snwteonro celved Joe. Boebm's 3rd Quar. Saloon Miiiigbt a flne Mtrgan stalîon with 3 ie Colr25 misS M. ALICE DAVIS. Liceuse $375. ltecelved of F.P. a record of 2:17 which la the fastent of ~ LnnClas2 Graduate of Americas Cov*ervalorp Dymond Y-Eler efund l . Total any horse ever owned in Lake Cotit. Dress Shields IOc Of Music. : . on hafld $1143.62. D)ioburseme»t o.mereeni ogh bsslnid 7 pr Mens Hose 25ec VOICE C~~R~WDHARMONY 11h to Dec. 3rd, 8M80(, tenving net aninml frons H. B. Tbroop, of Nunda Ip.Mn n osMt.1 T"CX» or ~balance ou hand lu the tremsury o! Chas-. Combs, chiest son oif Mrs. 1p.Mn n osMit o Voe ULUEAN AMO 1$12.72. The Deember report shows ('amphîî,,*îlias accapted a position as Mens Cotton Shirts 25 c Libertyville. Illinois. amount on band Dec. 2nd, $812.72. draftmiiiîmi in Mitwaukee and after pay- 6pud aion P ne25 ' ________________________Dsbursement Dec. 3.4 10 Jany 4th, ing hi,, înî,îhar a visit bringirîg a ne- 6pun C ionaPr es2 $61405, lesvlng net balance on baud n'amli"" tir hfi. ltta sbon Onssard, all 6 fi ~ Raisins c Miss LULU M. 5. PENNIAN. in the tresnry of $198.67. Mlotion sulît tîmîr, to maketheir ho)njo- Maur Home Made Catsup IQc TCIor-Appley anid Colby th1e treiiurerkfit; l,'Ilti hm prosperlty. IpudS oigTpco1 reports be aecepted, appro ved aud1 on Smk gTpac VOCAL AND *4.50 DELSARTE thcdo ie'jred te pr Suptt. C. A. Applay o! the Cnty< la C' IN1 RUENTALI. SYSTEN 0r Motion Colby and HeathtL PO-Farni ho-gan >cutting tcn-uch ieie on Pu È =USC... 1I... ELOCUTION..- mission b. grauted Trtg lr Popes ILîke, Moîîday; and Tîîesday < Fn4ct65 tamveheir oue story trame building they store.i1 ver sixty tons, the largot BzT rODs. mour ENÂBONASLE PRIcu& ta the south end ef 0. B. Bchan<3k' days s Aork lu thai uine, erdone in 2 large boxes Parlor.Matches 25 c rULb.rtyviiîe. Ilinois. lot whlch adjoins Trlggé & Taylor'& Liberlyv iii,. Thay exprt to ptniut> Mexican Béans per pound 2 c _______________________lot ou the emsaldi buidiig 10 be about 100 tous more m ich y il ithe PA L antlndfor a porlod not ezeeeding c'OîitY icu hueum8etalts nimosi capaciiy. 6 packages Mince Meat 25 C PA LMAC GUFFIN. fumoUieid aeieO.C2b The S. t. 1Pop company o! Chicago, 2 cans table Peaches 2c a Presîdeul then sppoiuted W, H. vas awarde tige contraet for the con- Attorney and Councellor at Law, Appley ma Pire Marahall, subject ta struciion o! i systeai o! wster-workéï r NOTRYPULIC. the approval of tihe Board. Motion for Tur-ner, thîe price being $28~400 r______UBIC McGregor sud Coîby, the appointint The lplant is t, constat o! stanu-ýpp, Clearance Sale of Overcoats ilPeia attention given 10 ocion sun§ad Le conftmmed. Carried. Motion Heathi puping oit! mo, reservoir snd nsv con'aanin.-----------------ad Colby 11e COnMImttels On Investi- mites of îmuins.The 5ysqi 5Fto b a d S is tw oe al rc s OffIe wlth Lake County Bank. galion o! Pire Apparatus be dis- completed hoJmîiy t, andte Fourtan ut twh ls eprc . î;ka.+uatI~ lliois tnarged. Csrried. vii1 soitueso hlîîai tests. A firaman 's Liberyvile, Ilinos. MtionH" ad Appley -e ad- toirmntieilt îît e beld aithat time.- 10 -Bos ilaeCak baoi iiimi.U nderwear goes at reduceci aRalph Darby's Barber ShoP --------s ui 11ebanea-oc S30, Ou ogeltfrema11 diorkeuttin Lfe or fai deaOur. Tays ucs. G on al uepart- 80-in now tocaid In- Ku Klux Open Letter No. 4. sLip one or muore- car tots atinost daily. » T OS UHUEOuîr buvers have gained mn enviable a4 Wbere rou ma alySys Lai 701r wondered lait week, if W. 11.4 given have regular etistmaera trointe to m e t t u ed p ie »i -nth LtM tyeof the- up t1 he BP. &Bd lefI hlm ta buffet ftteeu miles awny. Fariner. aven ta -i 1WLtsiSY alonle, the 114. of human sorrowa? com ho-ma f romu McHenry county GirortotiaL dIvllTPliS. Îhiinuch si wnthe prospetue tt aý awasnre of h0fle» CA LL0T-DA ou ____________ interest shonld not be Cotlnually Wm. Hammersmhmidt reports the 24a ivemeh ral , L bertPia-le, fi. curred h i l mmi niaI er o- ub nd the highest market prices. W a p h3 e b a e W.H.APLE , enimnhavaeiigsîtheytwasiasvokig ik car. orseerl M iaties 70aaiaited unieu t11e-current (f public drainage veli on Ii tarin at Lombard o E R. îe needed ImprovementIs. W. desire weeks an elghi imîmtî tite tis been pour- ston B u c k eat flour _00, * . . UCTIONother rnitis than atm ly 1h. muiei ing a four InchstireallI luto bwtte voi 5@ ..mmunNE R.-tylud va erau okfre mnagdie.boxae ulsq uni rospotil y t 2 ave0 tl Libertyville, Illinois. . ecrmn szooaEdi ere sre lu mui ag i l. drei oOPPtare s 1 y t ." d ao ghdmuhepreid u~I very ittie Improvainent until men harnes lte drains mn the Niagara FallsDB 1T W Rvig hllmuc eperene i Àe-coule ta reatize ihat vicions actions are Ptau. A waier sîhuci coutd bc placent LARGEST AND EST STORE TO ut tioneering iu the pat seventeen Yers not hurtfuil becausetheyara forbidden, iu the watt casing andi the drainage ®r1ialpreparad to attend salon in a5J1 but forbldden becaiiie they are hurt. froîn the slough sîomtld do the Test, TRADE AT IN CENTRAL LAKE GO. Lai part o! Lake and adJoiining Connuies fui. If wa giveawaay tu a 11111e vice, fnxnishlug powe-r tii gîve each fariner [. at very Loy lstes. Satisfaction Onar- howver much va may diapise il, Ibat etactrie llght8 inIi misarlor anddmnuaa o! suteed. Civa me a Calil.ittie ihtig vill oontrol us in the end. dilh-wnsher in tie iktehen. The i., -lBa whàt you profess. Seek ual the fsruier need ouly taîke adrautage o1 ' 8 b E 14 Love virtua for is own saie.- Vice Pet rOOgter, cmnid get on the front N'T AKEmusi Le demartedl for its ovu inheraut tance anti eros veortflic iyý fotk» on COUNTV asenems; even though il May bring cueine.Wei(i uutu BAUN K great reward. lu our humble opinon U .AK.... i is aiLles that mankiuid no-adamore ~ r I I &C than acriptuira. And ha vho6edaily iberyvie Loca. Wright, Parkhurgt&.t us> e n nxample of probiy sud Haud lu ibe neya so e ecan print il ilinis integriy. ivn houigh bcL vse Ctothiug g itu Itcouke pries ifor Libertyville, Ilni . the n idjoa ue hvi niv i a sho t las i s Il tads efre hejudgmeut seat o! o h- àIo suItHwiâo Providence.,ho- ctisseti Fo bi eryI o uo ih gal. I- hace r m. l'mntiuo. W si heîivfor em Isues IteretBearing amobje oibeP:Te charneare.5. Certificates Payable that ltus protaming neigbbor wiit be $ a -ukanoî htisw a epl atnw ae on Demand. Pae,îe.aahraluilruL Iemys -i days, and that is what we give them. îgo ttis not our deelgn thls vaek 10 <el R ieduced prIce 911dva meute Bargains in quantity. Bargains In ~.î Dr. G. W. ALVERSON.with specille evîls; and atlerai'afev at Cohby's. Nov40ib>the i,- eto Luyqaltadbran inp ce OU ted Dr. G. W. ALVERSON. vords u the subjeet of charity. va goed gooda cheap. ultadbr in inp ce 1r physician and Surgeon. vil take up th1e Fair eection. Les than a mnoith lii limte annal store is s0 arranged that we can kftel %o f CLOUI t lIfc. a. m. Aryon,fair raada!, oneof hoLse who Lake- Coumty Faim Etemýtiý,imi-Who araeeyhnei h es n e OFFCE OUR:1 a'o'5a.ndWtogp.m ea cevery ittla good In any onaetse w o o aefrofficem. eeyhn n tebs n n Lrtv Dibauasaso! Womeri sud Chitdreu axcapi yourseiP Do yon maka mncuehathhodto. rcre 5specialiy. mai those defecis tha topic of your play o!furait thromwlids. . - 4 ail~~~~_ a 'cep ese r . Iimmy irmt. tu t~ybes.t in- the -mnarket, and we LAKtE ZURICH. ILLINOIS. conversation; intesd of takiug pulsuie iepeci lii ______________ ~ rn eîîng f v.rtes ulh ~oui Fur. et v~et IIatîu, former are selling themn at the lowest pricSE e ' IF YPY--ýZED... ~guiity o! saylng an uuklnd thing tif to ctlose ihe * aitIMrs. Pmotiio's. Fut adeadNtawy îsid i-onstu o ealianothar bo ls absent. Il but lovera Mitler, Caer & Hanby lbi.s otd in ageeritu, tok ity-.(sudof oere ru do eed)yoursetf lu your owu estimation,as carloadîs of cowâ, freshi nmîkeri andlag rit Insok o-rt Blnes wetili s that o! your anditar. Whoba ngesdurîng this fulaitd îinteiir the W inter alne ,bou.t t. spek stightingly oif anothar antd are SURti ti aving coisginents.InorM aM rktdp tne w F ur Lap Robes, .~hy~tîhfaîîilto ohors leveî. tany subscrlbŽrs ar gmuimîg iL have great bargains in front qd1arteri l a!t Rkon but tho-ir owu: adiior substantiat encourgleit niî-y fromn the very best young beef. Oum Lire H eavy Fur Coats ThLey May btestrklgbt. white pou poursel! renevling their snbscriptimus. Tmore îs~~~~5t~b Oraybu utelnaa iraa eevel: ait. Weit maire the futurei8smre prices on corn beef--sweet and nice- bOrt tho-s Init o he Uni f ameb Andi hy our ankihtiugt. thair deeds vorthy your patronage. " "unFih ose ,rh eayo lh.yu bud o ai utDo e8hw.,The editors 1Gw high hre-utsteed i *f rom 3c 'a p*u dUp. Fsose teosesthe finestOOk dispaYe<l Y A thelime draws rieur for the Fair look frlght atm pasindresof hoge and smoked meats always for salit al H.rde.t.rngIASR Fev man lu public affaira ael; froin ied tLe buggy lu a badty urocked We are selling chucks and plates fo ge&L.Odoure ai bty.promuitîy sud mare view o! good o! thoir Country. hemp. Our boy CharIes sihieni ca liîl ubtantlallY. EverYthngai reVresented. vhatever tbey may pretansi. Faver las8on sud Le more csrefuiabimit hii- 4c per pou nd. balf etilun Publc' affairéa c vlth a view to iisg hia horsn1e efuture. 10011 the ~~~~~~good o! maukinti. W. know that ietvl aahItygon iy thera are many offices of trust Ith bet vl. iimlehatmobY gre adinîi3 A muet s Ho -are teuded with very ltlle remunera- wtalhmrlamopor aiî> T R . ' G S & T A LO R ~~~~~i~~~ tfsanl u.>s~~u inytta r lld urging to the front a loe1,H rse LUtity.tonethyal7le. Why? I businessplace. We have rau8in _________________________________ Lecansa îLehonor, tLe tears o! happy prud0f oùr towuaud ettizans. TUer -li Ify rHossaesenshblty, tUe boneat applausa uta are fev coimnisties the esqnal if this aîi I orH re ae greatful people sometimes repay the as a destrable place o! rtsshdeuco-. and or rontEtwl cure, the andetietiandthietrialsaait, T IN LAK t'lt oo, o dntEatwe 1iug <«pol those wlio accept such officas. The scheme of indreaising the nil nhrb. I c ~ ti asd ydsa-Bt when you sea mo-n stiaudsiring of delegatea lu the ex naionaîiliR- T est -iU 9 C IN Il , li, t s cuse b dlarg Be aumb o! mono-y to secure election pubtican convention ta accordmii thl -xî.. ~ r i lca attieded stittu nither com- the vota cast at the generat lecotien lin hîîm Sharp, o uneven p'usation, honnir unr prestige, untesa 18819 l.a&gain under dIscu8sion u cîi O Buy teeth Sloberin ,for aootb. the privitegeo f weariîîg a niats ith Lavor in certain qnmsrtrs, o-mis- biobriglrge badge andi jaradiîîg un front of sasa. an exchalîgt. By tiîi-s plan îtiîîu the head îLe ~theGrand SiltadLeoflieiently e- IllinoisvwiltL e eutitied inoigity % < uowesG o l N l e 'itt 1T rowing th eamunlerativa Non May safely say thatt nsteatt of forty-eighi under the oys temiL u n e sC a ,M l» suî.m tha Ued o ihos i -nluit Axac.tiynov iu voguea a inof thirty two. n rr Fe sa h1*

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