CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Jan 1896, p. 1

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OURÂIMo EARGODT>~L TfFTRiTII4'~ ~IhI'utEIPRICE 5 CENTS PEU COP1tXýý < .C. PADOCK, Publigher. 1.5,_n_____&,ý, Vol. IV.-No. 14. -Libertyville, Lake Cbunty, Illinois, Friday, Janu ary 17, 1896.1.0 inA ane idOMING EVENTS. GRAYS LARE. OIGHTON. The INDEPEN DENT Sp iwll open early thim year. Amn u8a' hcg iios Ncl)"Rsu asvrllots for 'T E M D L ADVE1ISIO RAES. Lake ColyF1EeclUVdl~ eoM.m liré. Kuebker sud Mr. sale ut reubonable figuireB. A75LU .78I .00 RATES. ~ deI CI U t Fair EeOf-WldY r ,'i ne wero Mr an Tem pera nC Tem ple, I ~ ~ ~ ~ , 16mWIS 1i lSq 1 sl inhyr ayF b 5,' . an. VilIini Mail i4 passîîg a qui et 91aIwîtiiO l or0 ll 1 121. 5a 96 ndyMa.S.9.r« gri t Mill la runnlng tl mor4 wliiter 'sit h i rs e. a Slebtl2'I~I~l~ I 16 gpeviorMetllgY lgstatd ayluorertogind ail te Matt Webera fed ml is runuing WAUKEGAN ILLINO 1 1 » 1 3 1 4 5011 7 i 11 To0 C u u s- tIid Y Ma. 1'96. feed broxuht there. ful ltia t cap iadty 50 linaheis a u hour . ~ CIli8It303 160>1 12 1 l 1 1 Townl fditorsJj0tifgTuey liât o1 yugePl u o of the We hardly know- wlîere we are at, 140060010011001 > t85 I4~ Ii 31 '~.. odoesi alon are hvlng a gay lme the chinie of the eddiîîg Itels ti 8O0r lukain onI01010 tie pondte iccues of thre, t k D ue r nii- A r n u a l uIas#* ~ ~ ~ ~ 11ou idtlfS foTrn is o n Metsi-oYdy B 9.M~ M jMâde ttri< , . M. Cosafliali a former resident o G te on ta pe isfrfr v ît illage E1ttion Tueedy Apr. 14 9. tie ctty ater a short viiit ai om e. httod laët Sîiiîîds.y. 0fl Ne e Ue for Étri ind- Seso leiot andyAr 8 1e f0w has a good psOitio on thftbr aze smïn IîtrciL~ A rS l se=b1 oboo E 1. Can is o otd mae-> b nort saide. ruearch and readig up *Cou s iU W U II . L .j~ . t 0 p rla inc for ir sttu ie nd flfli -ao ncem ent , 80 tise people w ili know M ejr. tho a I hM r. eUDick o n, i f F o a » nnla anisoO l."s t dI s n w' i ul l à t e e1a1n 1ebfefem ubseouent Insertin. Whso want tihe offices andl be PerParttd another (druggis . mai ]ole Iço! îsl mnlldEt .fIe ii s o nFi lat J fe The &buve rates include advertlstutg in aà 1 to nomutsate and elect. iettail n1. BuilbtiiIIVie lioO t Foc~Lake Monday Spendsiîng tiseda ps1p v y~er. 14o es.tra ilt fo hal- ing in thse drtlg ie. wirhi graudma Nelson.- Entire Stock of Medium an Hea l la» vipMlaverti5ffldnt Jo ib yrithea ae NwAdetsee Niglit ias been turned into dlay ini B{itra Fox is pttssiîtg a pleasantWegtG osa les ha 1 O *n tosadpabie.sofaJob rintis. tir N.Sew Advcesenetr our littie village ailice the atreet lauliP8 wtut.-r anid considerng lats at1vanee WegtcIsatls hn h 4 " dD". M t andA rlo flt i O - i C R h r i n Bi y e , e e etc. La b cf put up and tise citizetis ag ,ýrt.i~ ..,,t. s,...t . aob oiriti te Ci. 0. oD. anaa caltai)eet t rube williîam Simca, our gî'niaî ruait con sale prices. You can make yo I ~ahl dvmitOe,10 ali n"t Ilitg au oP40t M. B. Cob, co.- Animtal Cleariitg euoe ea as t -ube * 8aîe. Messrs. Sherman ansd BlUel pltaftStUYl etigu ieacnîs selection out of over 8w «ai Copies 5 cents each. 25frs Sauer Bros., Long (irove--SItclal day last week at ts Bicycle Show in: the rond icommhastiouira. -~SUo@l~lO~Pras S.5p.Y s le. Chicago. They report a very fle lîîa ioie l diîg a risiig M4. C. PADDOCK, Publletwr. Ti1,eEEDETwilb pleased to tti8l)ly of everytinlin hfie bicycle bists ~s in lis Justice Couirt. TIi tîgs publiait h aunonlicemefits 0 hue n camte omeasion. sei r lecmiglu ~ 1200 Suits for M en and Boys. j Wan te. L.ost. For Sale, Etc. candidates for office. Rates very rieamoti ina dDtkrhv su iiitaii T lecteit ('Ire itid, buf.a le. L t tise pe ple kno w w at YO n Mesur. Si psn su e- rh FOUe ti'VSARLE-tt la h)a . s, foluz-year want. cùatugeol their bdarditig places andltire ortn-t Ilancoida, Jar). 18. 90 v rcoats and ite s B» iold coIDt-Engiaht Wa w l broie. i tow togetiser ut Mr.. Halls. The latter Fricil, l'fannsseti a Profrsriitaîà lotOf-"axahs rallier ant vasîi tinie tha't tse, iolitît t i, fîtruishing ii t Se a z-lot~~~~~n ilr .. xr E ICO ,Fýre l Wt ~~y to reeci' un( former whol huit o alk a uile il itues .itlti'titii t h ca sov rana is..5 Furs.-T e Iigleut îrtes uja receipt fo.r yoîtr tes i l be ut,1 a re4l lia Seiool in ltaineville, li - 1)o.e G;&ige hni a lt he oo ste r t i t oL w s o k B t o r c s o ! Fu & T ehg- us-V e ti 0( loos lii Prr an l ta tse mis oî tn for Eaw Furm by CI Sepla M. B. Clv&C'~e sr us sri sgo xrie nt~G 5 La e ni I. 4ý-2ù)~ day, T h rsday l n S ttia tii E. E. O atfltati5 'a ar ot j ttt nortît of! prittiittim il the L bertyN ille Fair a iL m e R c B o t P c s o fl ~~' ~~ ' Felt. ELE 4 CoIrtr Itllt aocked %%til 1701 ilk fait found at ol.~ Sal Bile-Tu IaDPENDNT o cit s.aîîdhua ilt tilltit ! ttotttRiXt- '(.rî h Ii 'Ii, randzcI atd gat e m9Tax « for 189 . tise calta of tutu k daily. 1V e muploy a a Sî tc s t r,r-fil Settiers of tiis vî lit-t Sise te prepared V turn t the be tn fu Prlnting - ustal aud lte people lire kickiitg. stetrlc - îcetit tiesok9ie trtujtc g ýTise coliector'm books revetti -tise lîuving acaptcit! o 2-50cow5. Ettitîr ;IN (aptaiti J. B. Brown is"r E MD L - For Sae or Rn Hail acre iot en followifg rattes for town of Libertyil. Mr niMi .B ligiey w,r odii.ltH u i agl ffiv sIon ! a treelt terty ille, w itl Stat e lax ou eadli $100 .. 1 0 .2' tule 1 Hig htlatd Park, M oiîday t ot Abhju' Frr\ ', Ilo epe ts 1 t k e p u s s - ~~~. - ~ larg, mode h ouse anu M s en- i C fsî ta otca s$1 . . . . .. t h tei ie Imter ai o! te infant so li tif ! ion abo t iires lat. _ _ _I f h t E~ I ~ -~ dieotilar good w ti ciatru a-u Tou............... .ts. Gtal1owy o! thuit lîlace. rs(Il Heury i-tîr- OU lackamili s N U5 U £ 4- e,« good ba . "orp applv t4 lise : load an Bridige lux~ u etîcl $10. '~ 't-lis !.îrmerly Miss Lairaete Htgley 1 et lise il lt ,ii Ro ré interfere. 1w iliU ~ rildn Vilaeta n spî$00124-rltîhizik.1mel ;o Fo U ST Th iis Ex chsa ge , V -g t.- .-.c t i h ir said bereaveinetit. R ouert L ami ILr w ho rec utly a iT e p r n e p t l Folk11194T- he ih ( ..3 Libertyville 2.211 B u l i g o c e tip le t a "s S a lo oin a n ti ' 4 Bro w n . . . T J -1un a ) u l a n !t a m ily io o k a iro n C isic Iîgu r 1 1 i -. u p e n e d IL a e r a ie îoS.resi<1eflue witi Pt le roundsanaial .; C. -ý B1ae t4hripî Vo Satnrday and., retuirier A- 'W. Fox'm NtiInrr- li s î ere il> Washington St., akgnIl ;r'. . eon efllac~ ie h ,etepreseii 3Bttefet .8.11 tntlay eseifg acconspaxtiud iy ls frtih îW trî' ii sslie ~. tenant iss estgaged oliser us itess, ô* Di mo La tisotit0er whio ltad beeu vtaitisg iser ttrtt._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sil a a chance fo he rigisl party. Il D aniel Lee e 84' k1.tigste Mn. fiwirley. Wile tisere Atigust Siini, r ir ontil I. Mai - Fur patculaI5 ap tut. . 9 Rockefeller. 2.0:1 Mr. L. attettded tise lusitallatioit ot tise uerchaut, asrriît. thriving lii ný B.A. R. ICE ke Zuichi. 111. M'tiiers ot tise lttstteliCutmP Viste M. a4 bis stan-It Mii hur i cait befu-, ~ IN L «Me 0 -.1 -. A. Saturday evessing. A bus bo LdrayWatit 1 ti tise wmnttso i Partner Wanted witis 111,00cashsGRE.o tise tacuhers o! lise Grayat§l! Camp CULOtomers. p *lI~ O ,.~to n~et wtbme n a eambîshd aso entovr iuclndiig Mesur.~ en Switli and ransk Howard eý o.a ucoeult!i Newsopaper sud Jobs Cia' Dayaî uf eirtdio ie Wcs, Harvey, Lenr. o ics entiy jotted th,,î Avons Camp o - rntn B"-- is at Lbry ie Tsedey Beai, Jini Shermuis, J. iVultibtiTit and Miode-s woodtii,-ti. That isrigistboysT le Ulm W l: in. A C. ~~~~~~~Pad-. C. M. Brown wab jei tise city with J. Murs-je. Tisey ars-lçed home ulyo,,nprat-t skoffhi dodÈ, abliaber of tise LxAgL COUt(T stock Mosday. Snnday am.reporting a very pleasaitt i o coul. Nonxhn Brwn ws oulisetuic ualtinte with tise Russel nighbers. BOY W A TEDTo learn ise lrut 0ftise ftti.O ut attiday evenitg Jeu 18, tise s ptxrcistt'e tî Irr ulotg ru sisft* m d o b il bc 15 to 0 . J is s n ot S tt Graviake aichool wilI give au enter- Antd ngagecd ur îttig caspenter, s otu uca 111Fr f age, atrcty temperte. en. s;pent nuaiy witis Geo. Daziel. shali'a Hall. At 745 the folloinhg in tie spring Farv agons & u gis oegettic, ]Bd ttyotta. and have fair Tise Rleadinsg Circle met uilth tise progllîli suill be deltvereil. C i Alonzo Fttx rrý-littlyv sent Wu Con-ýA ellucation. Pày accordiig Wo services Misses Stafford Tuday eveîiîtg. Sog .......SA..CaiTlcilt n lrhsd ieaon go redoedaiil rootin s fstas isRecitattioit Ellsworth murgalro5d - lamis skin cout; tut tîr tItilla tur hîni, u> ~ y.atiared, atd promotion as fait as isis waa qite plasaiut gatheriig~ Rut'itatlont...... ....... Mande Totie;ti e ii'd r rfi>ta>ets __________ut__ the homte o! .lau. Daly 'Monîhay Dutet... rani autl "L illie Saltzglver balance ui! lthe %%ttitvr WIGT & SN $ Flair SocretarY. cveulng. Recitîttioti------------. Pery Leonard W R IG HTan S ON-is ert'.îliicrat 1 hsoeby announice myself a eandi- Carl Lattb, o! N. W-. Unis.. att-euîed Recitatioi ..... .EIla Hall buhîder %hio rcvil retVed a fine I ukeConty air H C.PADlcî .citation .........Besale Strowas L.ibertyville, Ii claie fr tise ffice ! Secrear3t o lise tse pary aI Grnge Htll,....t...... ---------------- Eal1Ttu m ooti ésîdetîc for icît ltrWi t5 repas-ltZ III Prli ont ar . .PDOK iluhig Jlotîii------Bul Leoar tt i l usv io tlNt ittg ltl wieal' Candidata for C etr. A lotul oft yoisfg peuple attettted a Maboi M urgtoyd ie ailgv-yttui - i h Bel as aog carndititC - rnitok'- Fansk Fichier, bui,-rittetr tooi kackw~ îpse oSpl orWnsl I beebyasstoUtee elfas catd1- socialin DotttieguiGeorletf ietall ~ ~ leu date for tie ofce o lector for tie uvetuiitg- . Ditutui fiaitie lW'îrg t!e Aiey istidre t4 Supa y rtei îý 'revu o! Ltbert le ubject lii the aiiPr Recitatjcu---------- enue Mraroi irst preinituut ut Wornil F-atr, ta dotutg' îLepubicau, caucs . F. LARs. V. A. Utîsalîttei sent 10 Milwaukee -.ectatofl-....lesse L o-gtsll ttsueu ttt uIt 1 ýatoutt aih s Sunday 10 attendi tise futtertl of ! S, ..... SI------ Rolland Mîurgalroyd it tVo Say il, lirti i -I ýoI i r miiil and H a lf a y S w M icon r ale- H ia p lace sas îtiy t îil t ay i Ieci ut tt- . . .a C a l eie L onga la tg is It it l iiii u~ titii iit, crea if ry ,Ar c l u a me n n t sa u s n pply uon frSale. Gsou. Ditîziel. lteciîttlti ... Entmta Mttrriu 0itllstiigeriit. 'r. ~~ ~~ii1~~~B It~utet .Franuit 1Wiie Saltzgivr Thse gi-anti sotetril lirlil Lt thse resu-GriSesLmeDanT eEc 1 I îaoinw prtng as8 t 1. ritîg in tîcceuit o! the, futieraiti r Prot. Lester 'S Soilo - -S u itrgatrtyd i iece8s concîdu rut g th I -1d iitlgît - fourlog e; r t ofle : st, et. 114 21 lI~ 'ttt r c h fatiiily ; ha the- -- - ýyn auttl bt d a l ruaus; abolit r- Lt. n, pr s n A lw a y s g e t o u r e s tim a te b e fo re b u y in g y o jÜ lit, iua~ ti.r it.,t lît Ntirs. hthglu'y îttd Mrs. Tiosoiri ii ait eitjîtel tt'i-r .- i g IIa e ' Waen i. H. Clayî vio I bvi tililig Rer itttî- --.i. Lilîiatt Pîityit aisay feeling tiet ILutri r1.ý i'eîitdu l i g a e i l Hit H ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~o e a n d tisre e la n di o u 8 ,u i llit e tn îlu V - x R It os b kVt cih N% if ll 1,ri g---( . . . . . . . .Giris t. utît rtet Ift r gu i ntg a n dl h tt L trri S r ý i u NIii i . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :- - r Waie St. Ltberlyi'ill v y ds tile ed tii Hampilshire', luls. H is plttce NN il i 1,-r e Iii-ttttti Mi,. Htinniet Britteril Lultichl rOut3 ai cti tail i-r pae ui reo! F. P. y ntd. - fileil ltv a frtendt frin i iiiemi te \%i, so g L ..... [C-oit r , (lit pntnli n iIr r u ) ler I d l L-r a O Kat tIti îîfuie a ttf ta t l hicv tîtiiastttgi- ti he ni.tttlitt -âie h,-4 i l iii,, tN, It t it" t i hav ai few Choe P e IntilM. aiiî ir-.. Chas. hialittiwît. Mn-. s. G. - O dc iaB a8fM sti ti pa~rt tof tIh. enttiuiiifart lernt i the patuI -Ot.Ilr i i'ti banLo is Broze - uriteys- Higlu.y. 'iset tatuaily iliv t tue cvii-syl I tI t itritt'.w 1r5s tifelt isotui lelltt ig tti,, iîiii as winttitg sanie, -al p00h. ofil itiittoty tnie-titli. Lu 'iL. Ta» . __TAE___DUE stan - - Tse CicaO WeklSS Fee._________ AXE 0W UE. ~... - Seasonable Goods. se acere.Tcmypeso wo il scuel Te hiaz Weki Fis. I su iec at .1. R. rad-ier*.,., Iluue' -uIv1LQUENTINS CORNERS. 118 ~ 'L vr ieI1yu t%.H og Cari Prv :.. L.. Vt lit' is Ijttite ili sîttrtttait t -)III 00P MIR~ nS TIME, lînt the fiame uewoubditri r and rmt) $15 tush (,). Hadlaý Frt Fisie isàtkeii ttrtr ,r, ît lIlt ka igt M .Dtlu me. we wiil mend eiter tise Sttis rlare S Fricz Fis tîikgtt eît.i IeyNcirliýi Weeily Inter-Ocean, Times, or Cîrtîn-! tuxui, tont lis Itt sf'u' nit A mes ~ t oe ai hc May eltoose, for one year, ! IUTF tiitEt (iltuli ______ _ Trisere are sestalte oi Lt ar., s a p r e Ji t . M I L T F L l u t r e a a - d I o Pap rs or niy $2. I L ...cîtolera lu tisis vieinit. 1W e C i i t> t'tplintil at we do itot quote fi tW11 a, ofEN That you can buy BorntVo F. Klîîsesciiuttrit aid ie ti l z )(' il'goaaealmre ipat iue,- '; To &l rld or.. vîîtn soitiers wtlttin î' w hoil Mr., r ew useibrsnwo1Mi.nsuanoi ws in the, aitliVvtceSiCocs c-Doeti . alananitiîofî îîprofitnsdeat ponutîg o poft n ir m ting -eek on business. Iiiii~~dutgliter. il tlîtng it-u- -aane wewl Ons h olwn n e er, Ilici wltî'n we aitnouîice a reduction of 15 to 201 Ai' I L u n - yu a r a e a r Mn î e y e r i i i s L u c y o i t î a n ,s i a n d J e w e l ryai i l a C l e} ' i r e d K o t it t c i t s i t i t I t i ' i g r- l e ' 0 rom ntoe Ne Nifrii tises Lak Mia Luc Tidygttin o!ii Waitgtti iioi, - 0lc tert lit liaisi s aie iît (is'ahrîtlnr Iahê NuTs wt.eklv lkiett .50) a gueat o! lira. Feezer tîtta seek. lin Chiago t DJP.rlî'w Here u t îw lu us for relialtle IOur creatnery isi duitg il gio Ouri day ~~~ ~w =:LOkprIx John Jeffers will hatve a crloaud tI! gouda:Ii c nitneîits tetiîg -ru ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . lat .at y.te cowa ut Grayalaie fon sale in a lest L îts 5iet giiifuîiuae - mii ce t e l e w c s epa.irur marr IlB a g a i John t ~ I o r for o ly 2.Kus cu i ilsg ld fl e c s ,O r a g i C o u n t e r 0,' acas lu a( . . Dicisuu, ut!in A u c io nr v sîî ng eittîv ti st ii.' îî~ uîîy iîsî tît zît. $ 2.0 1 igasu lt er'i a l ongt~ s i g o w th i ort is O i o aded dow îî w itli M ei's, \ om u ' , an d ,

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