CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Jan 1896, p. 3

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epowerl. mrad t"tt Oblein pra- lodle, at ~ ver would le of Iti - iready pro-, Vrk ta dea JI t abe.- ge one, re- mlwaet - inexhanat- se out"lis -ould bard., lie preweat il te faéte-' - Id be abol. auit metia- York - W04 iany etlacC- âWarc antid ted Jte lu-- the, clîleis - and eep t the Niag-- v-il] la Uiea New York latlng jaw- lis nter- uiver of the- aduit Capa- 9,000 borse cost more wiay. The> >Uat ia tel-- rer of th Itu.-North wed. 3tion as teI re t-ouate?- a>n for lbe la-giimate' 'aeof the ai devotedt ileit batik Iy arreseei h vIolatIon i pt-avernti les et eui: ment, Mr. rely a" ta thse Qfk*rs je cotantes'- bis Pommes. butaon the plirpose of rettng the q currency. aan's bual- i-ra and ex.- na-w ce=- n order te hoid of a %. tburough-- 1ways been thts bogus-, -oes. esct danger 1. He. bàd notes Aima,< -k lia tràde 1 properU., tant agente a-il thetU.- M of ta-n set. t-y (Janir of ladies' là Dot yet aIn. wbea - .al yester- at the pub- une titave, d the neek, id. -Take, bis bocor. nu more- *t Le off your asider tlaai honur," te- ,i thse gal- Ige Bacon. < y domess- tha- laîrgI- iened tb il the nle*~ hsba~ q ta- vaibn 'ra aw ch Ln m 16 a prtu« COMPILATION 0F ILLI. SNOIS NEW& - 3 %r4o o Four Me. Baud to Have Bo, elray* -og an :iation adCo Operatton UrÈcai by Gos'. Altgetl kMine Ioer. Pardonei, IL. Altgeld paniloneil John L. Gaina - - Vaaiet Caddill, John Heatheot and - - Char-les Joncs, 'as-howei-a-sentenc t-cll 'the peifentiary ai ,Joliet for the murden of two mniuersa aitar-il lows-aud Dizun, N-ho wera- killi duriîtg the- riot at Utle & Co.'@ mine ln Taxa-va-l Couaty, Juna- i, 1@9-A. TiheGo'ernor iaiys: "If la avident tbat, f the- doteadnts va-t- guilty, as ehargeai, tu t dia-sen-tences va-e o n- tlraiy inada-quata-, ad, aousierlng tbe tactIltaI ficre was gi-ou Iexcieiemnt an1t **rGag pressura- for cous-leilo, the-shot- ies of thelatlent-a-tisoil voulil suggest fInal jurors mont lbava- ail smmedouti about the guilît outhîe dafoatants. Mince - ~ the conviction thare bave haen nomie ne i-hrable developtients whia-h ahow con- ii lnsivtiiy Ihat the me-n con-ltf a-s bilnotL- l itg tudo with tht' iliuig ut elîher outhîe tino men-ntatlhe mune non with îhe <astuc- ionut any laioîel-,. but tinlas ofar Lit- tie, one o! îLe aistnei-s o!thé minae, vasrt-- sp,- aouibia- tor ait thât ovvea-i--ltlaara-that t ~ day. This alitai-i-s fi-aanaeibeattenat ef hlm brutlarnEuIdwtad Litftla, who tasa -c V snu t tthe tum.a',darat roni a unnaliat of otler witi"sss.'Abouti1.45) leaie a'~ o to! tha-tucoul]lilunersamnat]labair latail 1% asiarnîIlo nt Bartouville I lu eaaiî- -i bomte tht- pirdalivd ti-i ners. 11r. Ga-lr un iitai the uiaita-utiary. % s -taiit at-II whefa at-osaut-a-tara-atoa. Tha-ra- usl,, -xt-use for iiaatitatf lai'., lut ,auiie linma-s the- praat'aa-atiipa is tata grvat lu am itIa- % ta-ail. We wa'i-i- lifauatag aaisl a siar -- i-y verse ihan thea- t-blislasery of 1M62. T'ne ni-a a f t dLii) naîtt-ca-pis-a-tht- tra-atîaa-utthe-ia i',dl ltha-ti. Tht-y ani- -tansiioreal t-iatth tnla mut- a- -h thea-mie that <rawi the- ast-" AlIge!d fa the Feroiers. At the- Farnî't-alistitute nt ai Sîtitgfield, Cor. Alla-c-l]asaka- as falluta s- "The ata- etrashutaieha soa-ttatil ia diroa-ing logis- ilation sudii i al ther matît-i-s. aidhi' aliulJ ha-pais-trtul it a avanciîag bus oas-u mut-resm uttat hl;a Lw. En-t-y tinie a eats,iiatittataka s placo thte la ta a-t-ii dtence ait greâier ptoear anal the- indit-ial 1s*4Aat-ad.iî the a- ckgrtound. TItis toua solidâttion bas e, taka-it laace thal thea- littla-fatot-la-aanal ruit-autaila aalrarci- u nutib-enble ln ail thîsîo'tldaaa udt -v that i, the- largar -attaerla arsta-able tai lake aara-uttoaf u -ta-sduat ursire anal fte ninian ot-atizatiauis pa-î'lsb. Nia isea- r las ba'an tiîiaidtua ibis acounti-y l to stp ltIl ereb t-%vans a t itti taha- liastr aafthIlia %vorld aubeantha. tai t-a-a of auI at.-r--tha-1 ,princes o!f ta iî ,,tatî -It ila[.,Itlsula day. lia ail luneas, anal iaa ,utr lime.-. iai- people W Bvlbat-k ttaa- landarest-eh.-. >o ua01-i SLite gus-arlant .-iat sa-ely ra-ty ittn )Our 'atate shoulil Lite a ullar, - iags ss atu îa A'- taxation. llauuiaiat fiait lluira- lae-nmadte by nmitn e ui-tt-lchua-systaîr ai tatxuain, a bat lu no at-ait. 11tusat bal lîy My pi-ad- et-ess o e. <iglii'tay. but lho met ssith 100staancse..%faneu lr,-msntitu tLe gi-nta-i corporations camelouai fi-antu Chic-agoin -order. su tba-y salu tuai--rusie this a- Baut the inaab ai! tht- matît-r usas tht-yt -came tu sec thant thet ai-v as not dastuti-i ed. 'houe meta teîit--itanta-a the ara-at caî-tu "raidatlon». alda1w-y aid not o-anut ai t-a- vision utfatelai lat. Tua- îaaly %us-tas-la :ait-cot-uentataioni i by -ont-intatin. 'Itue !ai-naarnmutsi ianize. luao'l i duthîe s@âme- itlua-ua-cnt usaitk in tIi,' national governmeol. Thae intet-atata- -commerce law wus en4a-ta-at for the put-pua oi-la o! prtolcftng ludhtidual shippons troua e- ti orbiltat rates. This lawitslut lt aaing um a-atoneil. W y? Bei-anse il alli noiatf suit îhe corporationis. Th-t eii ri-saotita i -- fit-as carieici i lttaitht- a'aderal Court. ci ,Oune Fa-al-i niga pnlled a foutu oui tfpi Ita andl another dilaItht- sain. ua-,athîe ne-i suit was thai the ata ia-ie-aine anduleot- Il ta-r. llasing killa-d Ihai an-, the salua-N Iniges fionilin iltpfed-rtivê -poaintîs. analta lhey made a 4-ndga-l to 1.litai the- bai-ks aft lu tha- ahner hall tman. Iahi îot iay the si jiaiges vert- a-ruîpt, buf lha-y taeeap- G îoiatcd t lasait t- ct-ii-uiaatiiaas. l'un i- tala-er hearal iof a leg-atiau utfat-na-ts vc geiug tluhNue Ii'tt-flouase tad gatting tlic fa I'rasida-ni te o aint a l-Peral juaigeta th asoul w-utk for tht-l t ita-rt-il. Tlt- sato- eai a . v of ur inot.i lit itats depu-taîtsonuth tola- la Iag classa-s. We t- uulaintofgef aloiug isitî eu o ria-tporationsa, and (Io net tiatt ta dat c- ,witIaout tht-r, but thet hitt ton youu titi-a-il lia-ts tu do inlatu puaIt-at-atla-es in tha-ur 4t -- pla-es. whi-<-a- yoîîcata vapa- usith ttheiiu. la a-Th iwlI ilapetaupon yiaursolvas atoot- Thefai-mers are st-y bahint in this mat- ' M'uta-r. You inuet look ot for yont-sels-s ha- firat, y organuxatithi, asudltht-aiyou ill i lieb abetefomaet t-La-e gra-t quesions." Otato News tas Bsief. t Gour Algelil hans issiiet a proclamation ut offering a rewsral of $200 for tLe a-a-si pli and conviction ut Chai-la-sIH. Smith andl la ati nnknown mata catît-a "AI," who at-e lu wanted aI Milton, Dautaga- Couail>, tut-the tce znnider ot Edwut-d Oit. sel At Pawneea, hut-glara onfera-ilthe bank Pt a of Loekitga-Brothers, pretiarea- oblots-st1 pen lte batik t-aIt. lanuovung about U ta- Place dia-y tenchad a wira- uf unalac- on -trie alerta, sait-h unas Liug put iu lb. i beuk and stanla-iàlarit gong, st-it-h aronai lhevillage. TLhe utglars ied g - - eaving thein tuols ba-hbad. Th tl -Tomm3' Dusa-uLrny, a chili rasding ai t Fi-cebarg, has a stonalnfuul amont f ut Pol £ër one of is yearm A Tseek ago the. lit- ad i: felew feil atidbrioke bIs ut-tua but saIl ohi mot4ilte tbis para-ts about îLe aciden t. s 'Tha naît day wbile pîlag ith potsdot- t-t -hts aye va-a injura-ilby tu ex plosiota. De-ga apfile tfiInjuries le reniaineil quiet tor tlt tira-e day., wLen tht- intense pain aItos-ee 4.- 1oa ot-sao.Madtoraaane la - 4t~IM.. bit R.f4 dM5 ae u MUdqdMatiand, a 2-yeae..idchl Was folqasd desd in bed at RentMber. îlazdli B. Maurtin, a fermer na-ar Peors, commltted suicide bly blowing out hi$a bra1ns. 5 Charles W. Etton, bîîrned in the explo- sIon at MeDa-rmaîd's t-haitn factory ai -Ruckfor-f, ld dead. Jracob Frits, a crippied peddla-r at Fay- etterlle, aga-il 56 years, @hot hinaseif ln the ha, destb resuiîing lin a short Urne. Mafflu Rohn wasburieai under dire. tous of loual in a chute in l'eabody's t-ual 1yard at Chictago. Hie let-es a widuw qnd 1four chlldren. -Dav-id B. Dewey, vica--president of the 1Bankers' National Batik of chicago,- de- livee lau addies. bafore î.e Young men of Ruckford Sunday evcnaug on "The- Etc. Ment.. of True gut-a-es." Nevius Post, G. A. lt.ý of Itokford, of wbich hie was forma-ny aàtuember, attended the meeting lia a body. Mis. Emeihie C. Thomeas, waife of the Rev. Dr. Hirami W. Thomas of the Peo- pie'. Cburch, Chicago, dicil nt ber home Sunday atte-noon. IMrs. Thomas wa@s taken ili six wea-ks agu and a-laminot rom the heginning uf ber si-kua-s reallza-d shle sioutld nava-rievolver. Ht-r <bath was cauis-a by peritonitis. Capt. J. 8. Jac-kson, ut Sala-m. whobild ha-enparal-ed fur naore than twenty yeara. <lied. He a--s a momber tif the Stat e agslature in 1lSàO and Lad fila-d the offes of c-outilwt-la-i-k andl State's Attorne-y ut Marintun ry. Ha- sort-a-J flaroligbolîît te civil war ss captain of the 22d1 llinois intani-,- vand lwam a prisoner ai Libby prison feu îtta,îths. A wifean sd aaghter survive hlm. The- laitar, 3frs. T. Il. Marabhall. i-4thea-taifeoftthe- cashier ufth IleSal-ni Nationaîl B ,L The - Mount %Veruoiaîialt ' aaitToriuia-s anad cit!za-nti a-ua.rally nlie i auilloli no ikeai nie i()-ar the ecii-o-of lth' Inîdiana (îîttracî f îtuiny vs. flue ait>of o! it Ve ~rnon, ni%% poud-ti]ing !ui tlie- i It a-ilSuta-es i ltt-ivt t-titi-t nt Sp)rieigii-1îî. The ornaliiiti lir.-aan ted o a sfor *Ii.2 i.Th iti n oitit liait tn asaih 'iau Sit), %% aîo ii aitlioutt st andaing on-r for ",m) nd itvioui-bers for $S5l in iakitîg .atotalij f ~ 3124-S6~. The suit ln fîor *:25.t a nîoînt su il cila-i trilie dlue - in t hi ut-igitaal i-la ini. ta nti -ach Ilt-v a rnmias-at ta rue-nt t %is afour ttîotilie- ait îie-iiartgeof iii tha- oatiginal i la i1n. The- fight ofibi'itlp Slitîi. sup-risor- at-large. u a-half if Pa-oria la îhp At:atîlit ý%*lljattaa tl. Allaen. a tliirtu- i-oi- letti-uttt- i aif t-nil i-il a t l'a. na, li Allon pai ing ai-k it, the- trcastry $Il.0.frr. îai h oVinalloser sudilabuta' tue SI.- --$Id) gstuar i ît-asî-ribt-d by laîw tii,- lt ,il% this lîlnt has-i ttn On uttt- efait- aso- or Mlea-if e-tsand naîtùItî1litlias tatia-lthe anuy i-ha nge i n thei-i ashtui lit ra-tainitîg * tat-r a-a iait ofail t2i\a ilaata 'Tho T1 iiil a ua t- il iilit-petil ina-il toa l- liait Alhi ilîî-(-itý-em.,Lry ci-a tialsatiiiîî fiai -lot-k hare, t î)let-atîrsi îrt-î îîîs to AI1 la-nir an aaii-nhiig.(fir Sttparvisoritiit la at111Uîîîaîn as luiffiltat Illia(il îniakitîg th-ut aluscurgi- t18oa. Ti - tlîîo action aof tht-ena-port C 1>I 'îun- -il. thâit - is inlilivtai lelainleiîl i il, n lonîg daaltaoui louai battu' that the- tularoia.Cot- ur-ti are ta, sait ia-. Tlh- îî ata-r bmîi als a thirît- l-an contrai-t r'illifle i-il'tai omalîttaith tia r lte byirauia nt a rate of sitia<'h for th iai' lit-- , 1le. PS eai.h fair tho na-til ls-aad $50alfor ail ibosa- that nuamber. The ('mitaiil clainie tha t thiis rate ini eiairltianut. antdt asseailt a-uaalitiaa -mlaowt-riug aà îpa-v-al mi- tee ti airait11P an onilinania- fixing the- rate- tnda-r the lsta taîte ut V441.The stat- -t- iimaay alainas the-' att-nlanot aila Pabl i,, as thli-r i-oaatrat tmias alsle Il- ftor its passage D'ad Caunlat blit mlaireid 1>1 i-at-otaativa ltgislatîiin. The Ailinant Gint-rai bas i.isued an air- der jaros-iiing that any Otfileifi a tht - i ional Ihuard whl> haaa sor rt--liiha't-tafti'rt ans serve as sniobh aiticer for naît la'a 1 titan tlirî-i' Ytai-studl Las bonoriably ti'umi- nat taa1his sa-tv la-e, oaîn ltll-ltitlu tht-I oomnaaanfi-t-n -lhiaf oîiiaia-e his allten ù 'bat-a-aion a nulltîitti- Aaju tat tolla-trî - fil-a, li a-kuon nsanthe va-lt-au roll.a Iliois Nation ail cus t-ai, aiaisha il tliou-by lie-tî eii tled to o-a r (in il--as.ii n-aof <-art- aoîi> the- uiiaotm aif the raîtk la-at ha-l y hîjUla anal for caustat bts inejaît-atabu- stiviketifrotasaîd rnul. Asat Ailjt. r a-n. Bayle laataa'a an tarda-r al-î--îing the- -suguton of Thaîîuaa L. Iliariigailn as cattalta a (tîLîljîa tant of thti'sa't -o lîl i- aun'. XIlinois National t tat-,i.ano tot te t-a-tololoandatiou tif the r-gîrnaiutal -Mtnudea-nailîiting Orlandao %V. Koat- -y lus suica's-ior. The Supriî-Coturt as asked tb de- lat-a the genîaral ini'ot-loration lais of Itinois uneutastifîaîloîal anad livtalid. 71- taiute nota' ln fiat--oivs îassed by the la LePgi4laîtiir, %îitll tlae Liaitl pros- on that "ail tacts and tParts oft nets in inflit withtie'@iProt-isiotas aif thisa ait are- âra-by t-alaei-l." it is claluiai Iis &at scrltuinati's bet-a-eu n a îaaoîy otgan- aid pior to Jtily I1 95.the idaté wtht-i 1e sitatute bt-aaine oîaaraîive, anitouen rgaîtiiz-d atter thaf day. Thei former, ainiy enough by the- lîlter Of tht- st atuta i-. aconip-ila-d f0psy $1 for t-aih $1,M0) aerease. But thora- la no tîrotision for a ,ampany orgaaiza-d Jîaly 2. or on nuy sîth- Luent date, say for $1,OÇMI. whieh coin- >ay on Atag. 2 iabs to ilîui*aae it d t-ck lu $1,000,0i00. U'nder the olai la w att,, cr4eusa- for any amount ra-qtira-i a te OtT aly $1, and this provision o-theb olil law, i la in aintainol, bas-ing not îlotn reîwalejn rY the na-w lats as regarda a conlany or- h anize a ater Jîîly 11895 lan5h1 lu it--or. th lac aIt-avlaw la alsô -atta-kea% asuneoniti- ai tiOnal ha-sase it fLua dlarinumnatea bt-} sa-en old and nutw cumpntlîe. rThe lo- -t-tnce t îe dacisin l gi-nt. if t ÂALL DIE TOGET PÉTER. HOUGAARD KILLS MIS FAMILY AND HIKISELF. -AClalcago Dane, Goadeat b> Reî'ei-e. ln Fortune, Titns on the (;as» %V ita- Me.Wtt. snd (bIlatcu ia uleai.t a-de la.Added. Paf. Soya-n 10 Death. Peler Hougnad kIllted hinîea-if stife andi fiv. chillareta lu Chicago ,Siiiiday tlglat. The iliscovery %usmmade 1,5, the-liti Mionday. Ution forcinag open thfledaau,r i tUougaardso reaalde-uae tht-y faîtîttl ta' wbole family aabysiaîed. lf-iligitaral lia-Ii e-idenily wite ile l ial wet-eta.Ilhyxiiiiia anad then, truiug ou the t-î-siaiilug li, jets, t-almly laid doitn and staila-al Itîs mII deatb. Hotagasi-it as à Dane laving ai 7:lIj SlxtY-dir8t gt-a-et. Ha- iriates la-ta-r fi - frbuil lellîng hlm st'hhavoas g""'ng a, do, sayiug he wss despoaade-tt ajial Ii- apoke ot sotie diantaînais a-ia-Il thii wuuld fini lay his sida- whi-iîtlîay î-,îîarî'l tha- bouse. Theat- ter,. hialtt%-as%,rai tliti lu Danimb, was ra-c-îlt'd bytlatu.rl tria-ail Minday andi ha-itîiiîil foril îLe laolite ut ils cantents. .V tlta the polit-e baoke ore-th te a .irs at ii modest home t he-chili o uila lita-n ii et-cty rom. A hbonne diig. haItii ii iJ[ tha- tiinuta- f ut atlling gai, tIi h -a ia tha- offici-. atndlnia the- tairs it..lih,- i-ý chaii*a-i- aions,îtthLeelateat chil. A ii tha-re ha- reaaaîad until baataît nia . i the oia-i-i-a oittht- coroner. Sa-t'a -iara-son lay IL-adinl fte- lii- roomao. Froi nt-ey je't the a-ga s a flooiîg tha- riailis, lîIn tisitý:lai a -- liai] laing siti -- ii-tta -aiîli- ta-il 111 lai ft-rontt-iil i a-t-a-fiititilthe'taaia'aajI 'î htiaai- i ls %ir e aîli tir-ar 2 ,îa;. inftantt, thîelita'fait-ut a. it tii lî is tt-il V iaaalg îtaiîast that ait its laai et-. llîgarlsai-iti--a -tiaui-l bill ai it i ail tub s tai-a- sias lai'ai-i'fli la --I., i.St al--l. liil a o tiaiing rajiili a tile hoai>-oaitliata. titi- 14-.a-air-ma *-j, Hhl-1 alait-- isttaaut aatiggla'. . L .-.1 Ilia -il itii-t-aamius inth iha-auI- -u,îîiia ji-nitia-, lgîa nai aii tht-l, î i i FORAKER ELWT-EO. Chosen f0 Represent Ohiola i the Uitted Mates Senate. J. B. Foýrs Lar has bt-on oiecta-d hy the. Ohio L-gisiatura- to atîceta-al Calvin M. Bt-il-a-il, titi' attaaof thlie-Untited Suises. The iajt-lias tliirty lItpublicalas. one of w homn. Si-uitotir Porter, it-ams nbsent on aî-î'î,ît iýf a' i, itils family. The- six DIt-,i- ra iii itiilforait ar. Brh-e. Tht- Wiîil-a- Vlliîî l. Canla-v. of Met-car, J. iB. t'OitA gR. a-i- for Mr. Croit. OUV. Buashueil ai i aa uî. a'l. X l i a -yw asa-ta- it-asautt. Foi- k' î nîanie %ai ra sea-itiîl Iy Sa-tator job I a- alil an, aif Tratanhut l, anduii'tottda'd t S- lt- Aalph Iltt-tua-r. afitt i na n S a i- Ilysa-il li-esnti-ulMnr. it-ice aInaa- Ina fitlaatîsa-b'i lta L- na r-tauildi i i i -uniî-a n iota-. AN INTERNATIONAL BANK. luatîfi nuttr Eckeala Speak-a lu Fat-t ofait Great Projet-t. I il.auie )aîialitua-tuu aîkig an - aUnetof triait la -.îuvrif lii teai %va'iilaga a aI'li-au iligri-au t-u l atat- i- iTlia t-a- olitide.i iLlia ttaUgaanu] girls, tuao-lo d tutail tLe IltiIgl -uaai 1-.i a DAmot babioaioo. lat i in tht-eii t auult il <-- alIta su-a ,îai nia-s anduti til-s. Tt i il alIl -i stock at $5- Pft-tar tMtugaanal iami- lu (haagai trotui55)hi allta 'a ai ua- De-nuiark tîso i-tas i-stgu A anan o!fii-aia- litltua aiýl1t!Ia aa govr-rnmen tî'fi, 'uitt-a- andalmtubitioin, he suas ai Sl- anteaor uaiaitaua aa tportion,. l trtta-'ted fl(btsg. Ha- usas tillai-a r a~a ul.aiiutl-. t-a I a - ut fi-onaissu- thet busiasîîuaithoda ut bis nats ut011itu iiugtts la1i ai ,a- îînoy i la i t-y aîulid Sut ht-sit ta-luth-a is asmabl Viit. i Sl- latfat un ait, llthb la nace. He etgagi-a41inau f'atîî t-a , t: u- tht- t -i nuu-uia. ttI iai twi t h su k-aa Eiliilut l i t taCat i~ li I a - - aIIbheestat. eluta-aI i fi bt vsicut->'. h lp nge. i n to lisainua-tt Ifua l ,uail . li a l t-t- tutop-r . all'fitttn att iot. Io, l ias ha-a e bat -atrit-iIlaus. Ii a al I- I lile L'nited and boasw la ii u. t luit n aine k nuit-s, lu St ateisa ha- sail -1 ala a îîaa l ige wllb flakes n"oui tfft-mni-e Il lis saidul lue tîSunthtAtira.11t- aa tjo cuabjs rIltuî ua lat (Le rtouailtatt-ot bis li - iu hotu luuauîu- îa. e Ila a1, a î;th Enrq- *J foîrttune ta as stilo lu>-a swi na(ll(, i-iluit lar laaut- la- i- -- . Ail Hlugaaaruî tN asapeuinlit-s.ta i-suail f Soulla Atai,,nia -ii . aa - ibanllel iih-u aa tti-i- y suaa.ît-a>-.. But tIl, a oérlu - uth I .ouîîha ilad a c a-u ten- tu-, t- vi l.,uuuu:î ...i - -a lg â ofe 1/Itttu it p.laaili uua la a - auissue q t-i illaioi ll ii l" h1t la an tud i i -lul o i Il !,_ o e - la ahur laiiks ili- ',aaI aI-al i iin I atailu' il 'loiuili lî aaalaI , . lala-uesar lu thfIai' itttual St-tla- -~ WOODMAN'S DEFaENSE PLAN. 'ljini-ITUE ui'totWAS COMITTCD. i îlot but-Jet bisVife wilb hi@ trouble. aid tPua ulL a st-a-ua-uledhîîîîy autaiC-Laet-tub. La-rt- nais iet louaiandl atin nth@ lit- eP cottage. Ha- wanttbras-ely Lalln su a ttîompf l u -ata-aoak, but if vas <la-ala-a it. Hua business tteve-rsos ainiltLe tact ual Le o-as Prau-tiî-aiy îaa-nilomss and ua- abe lu bld ni ~ipoyrnant, so îaro>-a-aou otîgaarda uluui thaftail-l, su1 nu n -htr ota i ta-apa-, iie tauseaîoi th-al. ha- pa fc oîtuadliltte tuiaa lilt hbuisa- adti à ca-ut utfuuauey. o-ith tIae excop- un ut nmne stinil Duniah coinsu. O>UR 0F A BOAT CREW MiSSING. [i*Bi@ippl Rit-et- Steamer Sinks and Passenger e Nrrowîy Itceea. As the rt-suit of the sininz oait he aamern otgo un tLe ?allaaiauiipi ris-ar nI- Ple ib-arei-a msiîag andîlare ataoiu b at-o droasnei. Toout Lara vae -t- u na-ai, but taut sa-iotaly. The miaaing. 'ho. namar te unnow, aret-cI-e at-l L ufthdia eck ctev, a bat-ben, fbe lal milen and a- routabonl. The- injureda s - amsHayss ut Plttgbukg, l'an., andi P'b. Brothe-rs, ut Ciay'Citi-, 1ti. 1 ne. bOgtiank 0su idI'that t bers vas§ Ililslt boue the dIistèasignal. Molay - paeaga VOtt«« e julehesi unmaos- ChleicaguCunscrebusoui, ' aitiQuit hi Dipuilul$ lttab.ti li a ih uuliaaitit $uaaa ia-a'iah. lit tlwliti and atla . i a a ý!- I1a-usa- Stalas. lis bill pt-ai,-lai-a ar- I-a, ý .ioan auf a boardî-i of bufîl-.îa i ,a- il Ig, ai six tuîielatri i-ala- t.- 1, la ai ui Wuar. 'itfuutthe- utii ,lî -- th- a-a-t-toaitthe- at-tua> lliai lIa a- a ai a , iait aivuuiaais. orle bai-i u n îî a i, a au d llai 'Oî anu attorn-ey-s. Iiututacluilai - 1. a t-Ivi5 *7,StlO -aah lier .anr. IlT- a aî a at tui lteboasru aatuau ilplit,, aî liréaiia-ifor funtlliaalauaî.litua i lu ai thirtY- -futur paits na-upu titi g ia-la-anausd eîeiln r;.îîî-al iai tht- till. h a-lt a-a that ta-woutk or tnttiti ur ij. '-l bIl iIn immealiati-ly Aundlthat $. 'f a it Itlle auni shaitllat-as-aliahia-fuît- ta.a- il t i,- fiat-al ai-ar 1,iaaiilg ,.jîuîîî- :tuai -- ,. milîliton dllars shalb tu- îii'al lau aag lii' y'aur laagituting -lue put, 1517. i'a U.3ka sint diiriîug tha- foiiotaiutg 3î-.r. ai la. a in ettbe st ie-iiîg oar fu-taautii tlt--a sar ia- ahanpai $5lmîtsî iiiaIli-aipt-o t-isithe f bi an Ia inîta lloai1bt-'. - lli lut-ture j tnet- iij»-i. I>ecisloiu la Aginsi Pl'a.. culitîClt it ual ilia ha.inîaa lalaai1' alt-liin intu hea-a-l-i-utth.u- l'a ît-lla b)oauttat -oui Ii 1 laituy ag~ihr' I a lîlali 'r t'aiilfiiii (î'it lr ( ,ie lua -t Ill3, i ,, Iail aI .iiauasultig of $2.752.isao a- la luaitat au'01111nm i-y. Thtea(la-uit t-Il 'i- . , uî l Co 'ltipiiiytJlistaa-iiiu-a lu aî-linIiaîln 10 1-i'iit'-t- it Oa d iîs la ,,fila- ala -ai t ais-ct- 2,OJ0,0tsialia-gu-ud i lueý j,, Nebraskia Fiatnere litsa-traf e. NIwO bt aiîîd vi atîens of Boyd l UujtX. -~aiasafraàa - m-l. g s..iai ad -a au ta r h u n i i i z e a - u p e u p l e s v i a u t le y s a-k ~ a' t lu lstî-aaat.That thea- shestd ssyiuga uof ?2 . lue the S-otch or the- hrîghî Litsaiuthîe Irishl eboutai ha- t-u-uIy collecta-aigis-os litta criau airttisa-r Iaprova-. the o. caus a (ar su rprise; but a collecstion uf t oluaila thst hum ble h m a-a nM A hy s s i ti a n l i t - n i - tba . u t t h u s a - o fu t h ,l e l b da p o l o a r e b a - t e r t f L n t a w d r Tami lugulgeof eelditur. o th au-a-. Aise, for tLe thougIL', .01080, > Tantu aaguîgt- a! l-elnait-loir- utflathe Man Wh-bufiatgui fo ask whelher or- Sanscrit, Soutîh'St-a Islaund,('Lina-se, aiul brida- usa-i SapoLiu. The Scotchpr-v IlHottentoit Solaaîutons dot-s a-ille cuttiosity. recor-ds Lia case: "le hae tir-i a knol idThe Umissi'ontatie havert-ounîîd ut a aia-aasfnnî Yourongue >-e sinnu bonse wr POUW et 88 oRel ais a Prtinitatule fnsk. il da-ir ea t)à-l" ,k dot-p ato the itlionua uftihe- Iangtaga-, telils it ih unarriug acut-ai-y flue ana-niai ton- Coyotes sud Catti. O itna-y aiftt-elpeoplela-,nda itaoduuaig A nos-elsthame tor-maving bigs oO t -. the taît-igna-r itto lhitanîuuîr tlougîu of trot h îe drus-es ot coyotes lt8t Ite te boflu baume tad tnualoshowslimai tern-I the iegon hbaLa--n btItupon l>W-- ( I li e o u t h o s a i W o l o d P i t h e u n s a-a t-y - ta n a - e r u tf (G n R o c k , W a a t a. lIf e .. iv day expre-ssions. plac et!L-lse on tha- necka ot a zs - It la inupaissablelt-t-and tha- voîl-cullaît-ie uuedtctt labsh-da4i pt-att-at-tif thîe Chiat-se %vtaioîti - aiau resu rba ofa-n elu bs-an. lb. aa3 , hat a hom ea-lie exista unn flunt tlow a-ty r s i a u t c r h kingdom aalich tirais thaît of tuaay imot-a- WOf.3' thîe two muntha mInés cis-ilizea inutriies. No 5uîomuia, nua de- helled lis henda La- bas nut blott ? sodaunt uf Abrahamn, couala a-tlips. tLe gIs animai, wLil, pnevilay bit traie prov-et-bsai! the Chiot-se. Tha-y ai-arageai ai laast une a-erar out-b on tt-ade wifh a la'euttt-as andl thot-- Coyotes anre ba-coming moe of ai ougbna-sobit-h lutos-t-stht-m tu ho mas- a-s-ciy sason uta ariraypt out Wa~ to'rs un that s-boul. The- baser bute outhîe yP l o tte n t u t . h a' b s o n s u u e f l a , In g o n as ud O n ag o n . d as p t o 5& U s the inaleiitndeuf spirit of the Bt-itou,'are e eonat Is teen Tin!afa ai] t-rysalilizt-ainliaulair ontiontîl pnotatrbsj. tîo-Iat.tam usanda uf 498+- In E-:olituauad n'ugty olîter coiittrios t lai-e a-t-aspent avery ya-ar i- ,wuîia was fuanma-tly i et-y iusl faut a timan w-ar un tleb. aast., but ivllu 1111e rIu ftu select saiterl--l alis uittll, anai suit. Poison as-alied fui- a lime, bu*,k liuon Post igus brintalli.a îaialy ou-r bi@ nov thie coyotes reftai.l otie-b f<t .hol) door. It t--uia-i. notver, for an Amania-ia u e 10 nabînoîriaîta-tht - -~-Polson-ilcarcases of aIer e verbe ut tht- iot-la en nMasse-, anud use tha-n about for their conaumptlun. T e for tat-oa u asntcemet. N a-as lui-a-t- way uf kllling tha te l by abi vbu ride on tlie tla-tatt-airuaa, outpaple Iieu, -andt! Iis la a faeLble, a-ad W- wiao in lî'sj tavrot-taIocaitlears 5h11jog ndqaeman.Oc&lnj aîong in flue slowt-st-ecars, aetsnfat- inaeuît m-n.Ocslaal vitaflue litue andaiwhita- pt-ut-a-ihawhicb realdenîs ofta-district combina- andi pi-atlaim the mi-rîiats fsuipoiio f0 tLe a grand round-up hunt, diving - w'ot-bu. Et-cty otmnibuts lu Londoîn and i. i-ut-wr te ete o muai a-va-iy "tram t-ar" ii Eugland i - ooe otat h-c-aanu llarby adonna-i. aI-andilâaughterîng tha-in liera-, and The'y miaula- heir fit-eI appt-stanc. ou the ta the ouly nuea utofapprecha-hI7 Broadway omnibuat-a, va-e gatha-roi out nhng tia-r out occau&iouany. 10 oj S. *vrr4,000 pagea o!fIba- woildasolla- o- stepcso ga OV _ tiono, andl lvisted lu sui the t-nua-. Ianygon a-Dtkutrywu--sg< ut thareaia-bei-uni easy rec-ognitioa in numerOu6nd imiti-oubtesumo as, t»' tht-lt net s' tos, nanti are ootirely orig- oIes. The coyotes are Diamr lal], Lut Iba-se are asstupninfed hativa-aniu- adepti ctkep thla-ves, aud. iGg et-eld commas, o-bit-h lt-taaglamionut fagnripu-rudtefr antiquiti- lu Ilonu. To-lai- vo ara- îoai~ gn-tpu nuu h ai u thal t-a-r 20,000 ut tht-sa- hue cardsaraie diaplai-cilin public coni-tyauct-s cart-ying A Great Flnantgos. t-en 6000,000 passeugora dsilv. An oit!na-gi-o duvi lia Georgia- Codasa-i thoaigbt generally realîirea laiely îeîîung surna-lbng et lbis pading ta maike il Inte-llgible- lu the masses, 3maI as lta- stomaL o! the but-sa tion as a pronpa-ty bottiler, anld muet he dishendutî-,t nih Lai- lumaka- tLe quit. pla-sa-il that ha- Wau wief tuat- digest reaulil-: haut us 1h pt-os-a-tLe l lesaIt!: "ls. Lough fans oIe la quite othot-talse. Their paaîubariîy la 5 o uI - r n a - a - l i d b o t - nu a e f e y b a s e p a s s a - i l 0 c t - a - a ar g i o u at , a - t a l u e S o t a n t monter as boing tlt-anho es-t-ty minai. Tha-y ondet- culti-atiun 'ca-p'hbut 40 ha-lt their story taith a dirctcte-» andl on 1 buughl de groun' for $75. pat:, Lrevlty whia-h ieases tLe publia-, as tLe paîtof! 'e"bu II e diction>Yari- diil tbe-olal Sotch ss-mn- of Cp bu 6.DaIb "Tb-y airlt-u-stories," sha-sai, "Lut me a-r mule Lut-$0, a-n 1 gin mmba uncu' short" Tut-na-aI ul-l the pat-alIfut- dat. But I swa-pped de Muie cg @tory- ut Sapoilu, f ha-yofta-n acquit-e aew a- mi e eol ol te h o lufa-reat. W~ho resaIs tle adi-la-eBe Ps-a - satra-n deut. togu fe-ol 1 oos t'k tient and ioui sili ave lînint a-hdten,"gt 11 iaarbga O~Ifns'i wilhou an lunah,- recsuat for th ea-nît-t-a dat t 5fa- La-je*a up a-n diad data, wblch tollova, nul to fret os-ar bouage StURian ait, Ise got de notes on de cla-mainga huitdahi t etasili- wifb Sapollo? on runnin' ya-t, e-n da-y's Mosly pa-i4 Andl who t-an t-api-oas a stuila- vhen tLe , 9 apoionir at- i ic tres the a ientlan cep' 'bout $45, a-ae n a gitin' 'long utber sand tha-inmpatient fn-ina dofylug fthe st*otUa wa-ll1 I ila, turde». yer pt-us-a-r? But tha- mother ttil l c bat-k fîmes. 01 tuatsa-, Le say, eflt*Ik.> lak is 1 agwan tôta.a-rijtMan3f0te m'IetImum come-whatameva-t dit sa-b--en ha- ay, funder, Le di, dat «, sici a-r tnont'oua gooui fammuear uita-t-ha sawtah mlx uap, smne wny, - - de nashinujt debt. But don tue U«, nuff lt -t a ta- dt- o I fo ln' 1c"n - k othet- tolksa-s depts." kI <ht f ay kndtobe y houa i wtb a fit-m gi-aap ait tihe th' the paît hais bande on e accept humtiy mat! rei-orenlr wn-Icht-h îe isloinofut he agM stonei opandmot!suthui-ougtaty atae l that l May for-m Ilsvery and muscle. Onltibs conI t tablty o n permanence. At lhe , t- ima-lt muaI ba expasivea, Il muea sooufe? If siebolltov the- adite. ont- ta-the- pova-r otgrowttL, Il muat be intier "The pt ralls the ketîle blat-k" pilahie tu na-w trutba and takes a nev »trn niaIainfr Tue potgasys hein usIlsloffniut-m hooghts, wiltlng t nui-te - >ui'li amut-h me." q7h e unit-traitafoi lu atack difficulIles, te suive - ofte wL os-Id Ois expressioun ln the CaalI- probletm. Thuo nI>'con l bad an phrase, 'aWha-rc vili thotu go, Oz, ILai tu pàtrt oe n otj t l au t I n ut l p o ti g h ! t-' A li m o t a l n a -o t a ît ' 5 m l l n w o l y < . t in s ose -s a p t-a s-trb h u i th <a-tla it-s a c ap a n te, an d! p sy lu th e u tu gt that 4fti-u orbil a fout a thing, that da-ht Ih osses lu the peut. lîe vilido," nil.d ith conflidean-e i tLe gaoil inil ýfthîe publie thea- sIs--itiser utfusaie mvyls Une. Sapollu put ut ilin thia futrn:Th hldlla ireteq "Fori-bd a fouI a tim1 ail that le viii TePlad-pl imatt do, 80 a ay foi- ta -tiety: "Doni use tha-flC atot-y oP0o Patient lIttU Sapoio-but Ihon you'-e not s fiauu'" whu ad ha-en ka-pI afler aco 'A tout-h ut nature a-ithmalceaait theandat! gala lu le&Mta a mnui worlil akin" surinas outifîlattha- quaint 'bonolit that "A na-a-ile. thoîagb naka-ul ilth ail tie test utthlinehi».> bisa-i t, ttule. ollara.' Who tau hat-il toi-cil onaa- eiaver @atR-e a--leto'ihoul rota-i. At tanIta. broko down aM uta IlU? Who fats lairetogitiza-thlb. î-- t oI M"Gry ut-e Il gga-ahg cf 'e niai gîvt-ra athe raidIlMseG->I . o r hi- te po r, andil f tht- be p which is IL. Fa t ra a 5 it bm .m o!ls a-ta-tywhot-a-gainied-tnom îLe humblest uf a- poor- amsistants? - A po htN Slang ut-verrin eau . ntoutila-il it-b po b£.l4 ra-v otbial phlrases. It sa-a-tas n ît-a na , a o ti know w tat ifl: .5' a utl i la teîy a local furta-il ýtua-s- Iliggl fiickonlalubsfaeqg preese A tnuslonî but poputar ilea. Xeasm ou toi-gel -WItb, agai. ta'ia-ta genitai aua st buta-ikeeplîng resîalledlanMany faai-res, flac ie -sh- Neombb "Ha-s a vert polI am-an n t ta.esa»~ Inoe~ flt-jbr an CRISP,0RIIS 0F TIIOUGHT. BOLOMON ANDTUPPERTWISTIED TO SUIT A MODERN TRADE. n Rh. Wtsdoiofut h- Sages sud the Wlt éutftha- Masses, Et-en fthe Work 7, Mismonareu, Are Git la the M i- They ArcaPouched Upua by Author» and Adycatîsarw6 Wheth-r Solomoen ins-anfed attl hiipansu- si-La or gatheneai thenu roin many surcog w it b a it-r alses at p erm anent ivrth than Mr. Tuppianr Oxet-ciseai in Lis Inter compendium us and aven yull ha- an open Question. Sui"otoa copyt-iglilriau out long hefora Tupper'a timie, aaîi9iotb are nov poa-Lealu Pou witL lmpunity hy ail elasse, fou m a ut hora tui adva-nîsers. But, taken by tLenu"al-a-g, proverbe va-il rcpay cana-fuI aiudy, Studeuts of t aflnolugy fiad lu lb. pi-aie raih the diffa-rput races thecia-ara-t proofs of tah -r-itebcat-acfet- latims for f bey art-ahe sLrewd-iast andi yet Pmont lItimate expressions outhiabn ily Judged hy te Compai-ion oft fia-, burn-ly sanylugs ut wiIllhe tonilthat ail nations are ut une kinaire-i, poaseslng commun na-a-s, coimmn i apitain, and sekina- aimilar t-alia-t, froni toit ail labor. (On the- ausutla-st sheIes uf our libnuiai-t- may ho totînil coliectionti ut ail tua-pros'- t-ibs uftheba-difiet-out nations, quiteaa largo Protaurtion ut the- vork has-iug - sutes fionuhe ihauart-t wi-h-tuissçion- hold cIeanutes eêt at-e framed toIl>t4~4- bouse buds the trIwal.i daserves rea-oguallion 45ý,Wto Housa-holilsayings. <a theé walicil buildings, fnl! oft N qiae laciklg lna maur Baisé Wea bt-lia-vathat no rfer. houaa-keo1ing t-an L9L: -S- or a-yen lia the- Bible, excepé woaan m'ho swepî the hom luit coin. Shakspeare raflai sa, b t c hether bew a n d dmo t n l ti- lai but ody el ysc 0la e ' a nh - s e r ' i , n M-9m U GAARD THE ,I)

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