CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Jan 1896, p. 4

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- er end wate by,*te m emt1t~for UMa" Wardolgoi habI- AbU 11 111 api yan thoughm. boir hadneyr bem a URyday.aa uelfe vlew- mot deais taetag ammd toUd al. h. CHÂAPTuR Ili. . A wiatry son iii sablE one alter- bier! tien noom he Vebruary whes the. awlj ID-_dm etately home sud imtmt.riII aowlyin te dlrseelof otthe Vowet Boue. Until tbre. menthe betore George Bey- r era bail bieu second liteommand oft8,a d Bengal egvalry regimeut. Au a ubatera I ho boit earî1ed, and, tbough hi lwi e b s otiliredlt oe. the aulversonry of their li weddlngzodur, ah. lert i b au Infant oa,do whornerged toea tau br belorecap-Wr Stain Severn begàa b iirua.that il wa necesaal-y that the Chii hN O îUd ecaPe*t trou the horrufiés feit of the Pl"#m. iles le ment hlm te agaiAtr a lew T years atm prepara±ôTy sebool. 1*0 lad hall gene toa arrow. Then a somia <died-a and man whorn ieborbneyer mst-but Wbo hat nevertheiens etihm the PrOj>rty 0f Goret Abboy. Il WLa s lesdid estate,Wh heavUi mortgaged. George Severn'a tiret W tbought wn te clear off ai t the deite.Do To tii end hie bord devoted ail bis ne.- Il! lugsE hall reaolved to let the Duwer m lits son wn now abroad with a Ittr. ba b.d ar met once mine their BIruart-. RAPTER 1. came home tant ight lookimg dreadtully îng DOW twelve years back. Tbey were edr.matic semon wtt Pei white and tired, but when ahe- heard that uttier etrangera ta eaeh other. -The Youn ug loe and amusemelitl were Mima Ada hbad mt corne lu ah. "id éme'd fellow wuasdlaapbpolnted et meeting uneco >LU, when eouethlntg o wlk a lii.wmy tomDe. If ah.e couid "0 gowmch oaier and graver thmn the tather me rred tbaitbe whle cliy bier coMlng. 1 went wihhlber through tbehe liremembre; wbile the eider mam lok- ' into new lite. gardens, nd w. bl iont got fairbefoMed inluvain foi those traits of expressioni attractiona etthe theater toreman- the ,'ruwd. Wbien 'the pour ynig ih îd heen s6 prenof utbefore. i tiret yer by the tambloli- lady smgw lier miiter lyiitg dead, she taint- Ife won proud of bis on still, for few Y I ben ti. deut u twO 94 l mi> ai-ia."peupîle nmet (liailie Severn without be- Iaughtei-a ut a clergyman, The tesinion>' of the tiotor followed. îlg&lnpressed by lis pleiaant nanuer and 4mtah blid eft tien neaily Then the faces of 41we apestaors wore air îîtindmome fae but tb. love 110 longer l ided tallentlnand goodloutre expression ut mwed .-xîettanci as the 111194 bis fle, wu% î10 longer al"I-soffilent. - ;port-red theur quitte ail coroner cmled out the nain, ot "MNiss On Ibis partiv-imar day ie new tenant te bhey played throligh tlb". Wai-ingtuni." was expeted-Mr. Bowyer ly nane-an der acrowded lionnes. Alîstralimn iawyci-. wlo wislied to 11eidetr aâni alwaYs ucied together CHAPTER IL. the lazi yea-s ut is lite in thb. o ber- ti la>- Elar.a nrrgtun A Ion'mai-mur ut sympathetic emotion counnt-y. m mell and slut. and pertecily rail througb the rooni a. the door opened colonel Severn wsiked uver go that b.e Wh liait ibat requireil syni- and EVaine War-ington entereil.Ilier mlght accord hlm at leust a tranger's m ing: the j-oungei-. Ada, youuh and loveliness impressei ail. weleome. H.elîmd b.d the houge put a iti the brigtest Possible An eldeily gentleman wbu bad taken thoronghly lt ortier; anti the. treigbt ve' deep lntei-est In tbe pruceedîngs started sbialng tbrough the wlîîdow gave tbe col n;tre tattby holdfora-ai-ilegerly and uff.i-ed'her bis chair, place a hume-like and brigbi lokbt irurs; and, owing to tbe and the coroner pot hi@ ist question. A vehîcle driove alung tire rond. topped t je former aeqflaintanc5- "Mime airington, eaunjun tell me the et tb. gate. nud an old nian aitepped ont, ey Infllentlal posiion-tull date ut your aister'm engagement tu %fr. amndîoi-ned to uffer bis assistance taoâsou. oa their bouns, the attenl- W&e-&l" une mallde. Anr elderly wummm, apparent- lui -olveil were moes iosf100. he looked at hlmf for the fust tîme. Iy a superior sort utflîosekeeper, grit ont, d teouB thon thousui-sally and then aiowly suriveyed the jury, ai- and afterward came a taitlala girl lu i- gtt! maetressea. Gerald Musi as thougb challeniging the mau'sâ deep mouui-ing. [> oft ibm wealtbieat glatp- right lu spenk tu bei-. "MNr. Bowyer. 1 pi-e-.turer' al Colonel80 ueçy, piainly and pliltelY "IAsot Frlday, 1 believe. It n'as then Severn. peasainly. "I ami Colonel Sev- th, irton tor- one ut tbem. my muster told Me." ei-n, andti Itluglt 1I wuuldi corne over tu ab or a long limte wanUs ab **And II came ripoui yen as a suni-prse?" sue if I touldIn-eof alily ise." n In love aitb? On. day y, 'kY.." The Austrîulian %%as please at the si- n Dely was satinfled by bi "lis attentions wei-e. 1 believe, ao tention. u-Lkîîu%îleîlgiiîg is alîpreciation "el ,lebord beenu ccepieli by equal, divided that nouune seeis tu in fiis rejly: and dîey turiied owai-d the ng É.have known tu oi- a h iey wecie espe- bouse. The youuîg girl still stoul alunre, an- ai emuei b>'thisaum- clally Intended. 'erhaps you yoursel util dihelîouîekeL.ei-brire iito ber-hi a acrey ied awar, were ebso ln the lui-k?" ieveiie witl i l,îîl îîgh.I t*~ raleanend to the Tite bood rushed to the girl'a face; 'iI)inîg aguiî.%Miss Fitlen? 1 don't a-l evt't5iviýafeeling ivun thon ahe said, witb imple dignity igiior- believe youî Cir toýi t -r. Buwyer bad h «.»l thrill ut horor. îngr the woutid Io ber modesty sud pride: goue lu. hle'u bu î'aling for yoîî di-b , Oot-hearted Âdaa-whoae "I neyer tboîgbt about il, nor hid Ada, reclly.' toi ejibitbal heln crowned bi, tiîî--tli hie spoke." "l'il go to biiii n,)%" s@he U:nwt'red, har- iu te. aa ounnljyiag on "You lisapprovel ut the match?"* iietly. antI m a tsny. i e on-ngh l ltepuli ti wonlil bave bWuniater a amuse- The huîîiseketîs- watt b.d ber a h.ite »Ott white germfenituwet leu thlng on my part, don't you thiuk?!" aent. til bua tiom thast ttickled &lie reîurned, evaively, "soecig that 1 *'Ycs. 1 auietrnly rght." aell mut-th er bffeut, Whili a Paie hait- bad no pow'er- tu pievemti l?"r tered tu ber-self. "Site bas got a sf-et-t qpoaler uiptnrued face and "Then a-bat woas the cauise ut yooi- a sci-ret thai weiglîs oi ber night and i ler belle. >e wat dead- quai-iel un I-riday iiighit'" dii,.andii,t îulîl rotin ber If foundt, t tii. hulrt; adthe. pistol The girl sîmite uervouely and bit bier andlini this quieti Place abe wiil be off beri- tué the cruel o10.1 lay ouI>' îîp. guard. tSlîcshailuevei- atinluinîy hues 0uf ta-ai."Was il about Mr. Weai-e?" if 1 îaîi get aî chance tu oust beir'" >,&l u~ tlwimg '"f declime te tell 700 anythin>' ot a con- the s-rewe t-llir timlips uieilier and M r'.o*ledtowd. vernationI t a aatrittly private." ste liîîciîcilier bauds in ièHu-e dteuiina- rt a-au the firait whoe aald at lent, with an effort. "Anything 1 tion. 1'ormerly she-bal been tnutllsitited 9 i tabe. ~Ie tt a out na tel YOu couetel witb my siters mistresutfi-. Buwyer's bougeu, beiîiga égé, .fmg ooleldely zooil- dlth 1 wiil certainly Dot witthbgid, but ot niiiettion ofufobia. ie lbalt been a bar-- tir *914 exreaulva oye.thai lthe convernation reteu-red ta oc-eured a maidla lu Moiitreal, where Mi-. Bonyei-'a >' ýq q c srnaw. On the week go, and bas nOthing lu do îiih it." youngcr brother tirei met ber, and mal--ih .koo tpmi ed ta drive hlm 'IThig pigtol je mid to bie yonrs," the ri-ic bei-. le bâtd llved unly a fen' yesra, h- -litkh bail rrl,551 corouer obuerved, touching the wespon anîd bad léft lber weIl pi-ovided for. Fi-unir _.51Bt0, eihalldal- au.lhe spolie. ithe-crowd ut neel>' dventnrei-s w s-bun, siter.."Yen, hIlanmine," ah.asented, efi-er a surrouiidedliber nellechose air trilliondo lu' b«W thila?' mm aked very alightinsupection. "Wbere did yon namel l'riolo. They werie marriled, anul iis11ltg*ut.mall pistul ind Itr' a aloi) th iter lhe bscouded, tnking nitb il ~,efu1 Ailn close tu "Nemi-the place wbere yuni- niter was ibiler a-bol. fortune. Sih. wrleu t helb R poeUgmu- abraukbu bck founuldemI itantight" brother outlber irai buesbanà. Ifean- hi î1,**mb6'ym of palm, tor The girl mare ettrimi elplesnly, the anel by offeiing bier the situation ofti 4îi0aý that bail robbed palior of ber tacs rendered yet mure bousekeeper, wbicb elle gladly acceptel, Pl ses~htnutieamble by the crii-iuof u ber paited and ah aile idboom wiib hilo near-ly nitre W4~mMaho badelleen on lîpu andliber lai-k be-ringed eyes. years. wbeu, atter a eer.Illiien, Y' t~ip~ i. ro Ielga ".Theueiano doubi," he declared, gr v e- throîigb whicb the lbedui-set hlm, Ni-. "te -uqt-an, d ball tai ly, "Itaitilwau the Instruîment whi,*b Bovyer deteruiiel tu mniketais -ili, and el it,êt court. When the ex- causeil yoor iter's death." stîinîuoued m lawyer. Doiig tie inter- i ii-~~hemanager ut "Oh, no-no--no!" vieîv the housekeeper eept nois§elessiy up c ý,dà ht the. ta-olaaem She brad fallen upon ber knpee, and eai-s. Vht eah. eard aniîly repail c eogW b>' bimi aohbed raiher than @Poire the wurds lu a ber foi- ber piatience. -1 eM . TIi.>' aee par-oxystobi-u-uir--oi- won ilt ar Thre "ru Harriet Pri-lob.She is My slstei-- elderly gentleman a-ho hal offeret!lier a in-law ai well as my housoekeeper-tbe ao'teertifiei the chair came ueatrer to ber~. ouîîy comection 1 bave lu lbe, a-unI ar> threw up "Yeu uàbt lt-mîsiaid It*"lhe saId, lu a tht' otd min mid: and the a-oîan %vent btSiofs on., sell i, baidlIon' voîce. bat-k lu ber roolu ireotbliuig wiib excite- jIb leg4 spokena tta m "I muet have ieftIlb aitheb.theaier lamitit. " ediâ tldoea. 8h. nightr' ohbs igped, in a whispeui, au- Atter that Illuema Mi-. Bon'yei- realizet! ;PU W est ithînga an'erlmg hinm, PeCtbaPs-or was ih meruly a bis fortune witb the Iinention ut returu- be-e etdIn the Prompt adoption o1 hiaeailigetilon? ing ta him native baud. Mus. Pilo e-au té iaucel their en- "Yeu tartei '{Ou the iheater tu- compauled hlm tu Sydney'. On the day a remeil>." gether?" reeuel tiii.coroner. "Whr, befure lb.>' word1tri i the olI 'man went the. coroner, and a-k>' iIIyuu .ýai-it'ouitoun business.. Mi-. Pilo riecelved a bya platol, "My milier wbed bu waik lhrîugb the letter froutahlm tb. exi day, saying that ~. Mqe slece u hegardons. ble bail been unexpeete<Iby caibel away, a silece l the "Anil you retumol to ccompanry ber?". mmd Iicbol moneyfor ber expeumesonu- il ILcb oroner once "8hSite mu nt sak me iu do su". t, iei . sould write taulier. This hoe dil tol tM" 6o0 'the table in "Amd 700 were the 1itu aeei- ibi-e montha Iter. but great ivas the aliver' ubervel the coroner. bonsekeeper'a ilgusi lu finilthat abe nu a Derristgu: but there are "Nat-Dot the lamî 'Iboe whisîircl longer ruleil alon-t4hat a Young lady lun mmi-bet me bte fitlu hoaradî. ileep moninin>', lotrodied to ber as hoave, il la the, ler lighit figure sayed reel 1k,' 1 "Mie Eiieu Warle-my niec.," bal been ij li te dent %ilon the amd fro. and beî ioveiy eYem a-ceruiaue a-lu-hlm during ber absence. Sirice theli li tlmehe iel Il Impioringil tlie man a-bu stotî bfuro lb,>-bad travelel about togeiher, ahuni- b>' tbe explosion bier as ber judge. img gaociety lu a way tirat won mu-auge bo belone a aeek "1 beg or liai-Ion. Mliss Warringîtin," lanjoung a girl as Misa Warile. à o sot as 1 ieh coirectal, "I shouid bave sail tii.- last Growimg mure uuea day by day over thpi e b manager, peusou a-e bnon' ut as Yet. Tluaî, l du. the change of affaira, il b eame a livebyt a-asouleed tpaoa I bave îno fîîriberi quiries t.)a î-i.. musn"-cgot I-bad lie br wiether ibis girlt lguhtheOoccupants uf She turuiel tu leave the ru.)tii. Axîit,,- might nt aupplant ber. Wuld elle sacî- lie' wre oor ber slow gaze reatut! lit t ý îb et th ie old ma'@ moue>' atieitdeatit? Wk' rio .tsoa v.ha s."Fresh*Cows & 8prin«ers. HUSlMTSXO0?X 9 #Mt ypeu a basket eve r> & fo- ith. Ibothaakeu hima-ltiiag6l an d ti. We have on hand a no vre. Ubertvle Illinois. Ùtoc rose teImbu. hie.leave, fieling tIat Ly of Choice Minuesots. and Wia- balm ogra>.ecs o oan consin Cowu, and am- making -Or. j.ý L. TAYLOR.- 'I woaler wbat ClaSe wa-l i blk of apeofal inducements to tMit buy- office at Re*ldence on Broad- ir h tpresent ad' tm hon iei ae tique ,in the way of low prices. We wày,-opposite Public Parlç. a- blé breath bard. *"Wiat aould m"o take caillersand bull at the.hbigh. ROUR-? 7 a10 l. M. 2 t04d nd.tdoui8 . lietChartier,' 41 la keMeieineaitheiiDow« B oune, est market price, in exchange for Llbertyellle. Illinois. a& Priolo was aupeantiedlag coolla frosIh <C>as.- ragements below, Uts! lir. Bowyer idsi alec., were matel tosether beforé ___________ Dr. E. H. SMITH, ofnteformer booblmg db>'over a vaàpaper, 'tb. latter, seatoil on a Iow L IBEBTILLU LODOR. Né. 492. F. & DENTiUTa . Dol, tarng aitheoglowmg embers. Sud- A. M. IiaiularcOimmuu0aallOmaid & th offlceoverLovêIl'BDrug8to"e il> dr@Wpng blm pmper', h. atartieil ber 8.turayu utfacb rnonth. Vlaltlnu bretheru .. -- --.... taklag op tbe poker anddibruatintgII:oorlmylJweoomod. W. M.Hiluava. .W. Ro0unes:ato 12 a. i oià p. m. DAILL. ta th* fi-e, nthat the tairn-bik cmv- B. K. Baoawii e. i lato a-hlch sahbai hen gaxinE was LIbertYville, Illinois. itroyed. it Bavez the Croupy Chîldi-on. _______________ The girl caibesl Elien Waril ooked ie p SEVÎLa-.V ., Mi-h,9'181. MS . LC AVIS. Do yu a-amiauyihing, Mr-. Bowyeri7 e leCabo- Ga-aeo Àe .nCmeraoj "No, mol"-te.tily. "Wby dom't ion u aC. iiueil~»n ut dl me 'uncle?1' h make. letelitalât mers comiîîg m tind rap m of MisaC. : : : he on cati me b>' in>'formai me." Of Ilinb. .hiYi-ut termsj M" a v IE - o- "forgot, air.lit innot because 1io md tht r hirehave VIECULTURE AND HARMONY )t love >'ou. No parent coutil bave dons lied of cmI-il' Dm'a Cuugh Lib.rtyvible, Illinois. ore for me ihan you.'" Bmedy li nleno vi. -IA "Nonsense, châit! Wby do yon go back kIt 17t]7 For mal, y F. B. Loveli,- __________ that? Here you may be peaceful and Llbertyv eomand(G. C. Roberts, Wau- Ms UUM.8 ENMN emada, ngglats. MseOr M -B PNIMN 'Peaceful," ste reffle , i -tb almont - .- eccent ut sr-oru-paoul -i h VOCAL AND A LSO OEL»#b" .tant fear ut letection bangtng ovei.R LIS NTUNNA YTM0 e1 And huecauo1 i happy, i-eySorse- J. Hart vlîrted th.eclity Tucada>'. ...I...i ... ... £LOCUTION. - i ami1 arn!" 'Remormfuîb!"Misa Loi-a Cremîin apeot Snnda>'ai ami? var=opa. MOSTRZAx SBLE l'aucun, 'Mly oa-n aiter!" mithe cried, pamnionate- home. Llbeu-tyvilbe. lilnole, 1"Oh. ht -uuld have been botter Mal Mi-s. Win. Sti-tink iilts Ct'hicaigo ___________________ tayet!anul met the a-oral." 1aI week. 'Do yon lanie me fui- lb. part 1 bobk There are.ovur î,i'ty biurderx ai the PAUL MAc GUFFIN. yonr escape?" 6 "Can 1I ei-furgel,' itée aid, "that lt-e ibtouse b.ite. Attorney and Counceilor ut Law', readful day îvheu, atlbI unerred anti Mrs. J. Wiutturs la îiaiting lit-r par- NOTARY PUBLIC. -rHfed botmse ut my îistei-'sci-uel ecut DeKalk. pt.e 1 came doa-n lu the iqni-y? I bal hi;r-li attenion giveui10 t b'ola, u rnds befure, but noueé<-ame îu me bun CGeorge Sflelcirens mut- a-lins. la Cuui-eymnelng.-- - - lr moirua-. h tm 3-eou, an lîltar ilianger, ueîarly ctinpietc't Bovt Iîiotiiu's ai-t' cewt ak ont ak 7îu miuod by me. and offeu-ed me lbe Iting the ppiastering. OfC îhLk onySrk 'ma ut es-ape. 1 biena yole furit .very Mi-. unit Mr. Heniry' Thanr, tf Libertyville, Illinois. y, aveu-y buter; hi la onby aitiures in Evanstoît a-cie gîleatstftiieti- nle- i-y bitterneas, thai i wisb the end bal Mrse. E. Stitebles, 1ai a-eek. ome then!" a h ab'Ba erSo He, a-as watilbg lber lntently. trying Among tittse fi-ouibei-e Who attend-Rap D rb sBrerSO rend the trulb lubei- wid"-pen ieai-letn eîl ltaereceptioli given liV Miss Anna -làmua locatein t- ye. Ever> day during lthe past eleven Wliimo-e ai Grlbabe wer- Claire- HcZATH& Soxi; FUmuNITtia STRE, mntha thte question bali presented itsebf EtIwuti-t. Misses Lily Dort)ly. Ida Whe-e yon eau mawatei cet mOur hl minba h een dismiaaod lithout a Blin-tg anti Maud Edwards. Shaving. H-ar Cuttlng an-d Dreoethfl ceisive repby -Vas »ue guit>' of lb.he -la lhe Latesi SQ-le ut tbe- rime utfn'bich @se bal been mupected? CUBA. TONSONI1AL APMT. *1, tou. remember tbat day." lho sali, iematrâ1 olsarte lwby. '"I bad meen yuu onee befure mui >NI iM.1J. (ti i-lI l îîte ii.vtk lbat. B lvematiy-It!,iwlbey'on- M le theater; 700 a-ere a'ling (imintea. Jobhi b)niva t-ciljbiieîiàai-e ionithe RlhDry i~tvie adi 3-unracting louche-I me as 1ibhti gain. -uver been touchel befure. Titere wa Hteni-y Colîrine>'. of Chicago INliN it- WA. H. APPLEY, [re thon thut lu du-a- me lu you-a e-i-a îg aitli lis br-îtlîîr Francia titis necbu. nîbîsuce-faint, hIlalit-ne, but i-ecui-iing ain anti agalu to nome une 1 bal knoa-n Miss A. FiiZtzptici, tif Cbicago.i. l ... AU T O E R . ild-aul loyal, yeai-a ago! To bei- I bal lthe gili t MIima ,Je&tît-Cttiu-ll j Lie ythe Ilno Suigbt uniy sorrov. A fen' laya afiar a-eek.1 betvlIlios bald accu yonr performan-e 1 beard .Jtbnu A. (aie et-îîtiaineui. a tiutnilr Having bâti machi experience, in Amc- vebti ahappenel. i made frienîs a-iltiff-joaaili, une uh Tiioatta Siîoneex-îng ith Ie pesât evenleen Yeurs. e cluief uftIhe police; siel managel to evt-ting. I am prepared ta attend laled la3aMY - present ai the cooer'a iinqîlu>'. aW-it i-. asui Mia. W - H. Luîîuci tpart of Lakeanda adjoinbug Counîlea usne vague idea ut expiatlng my fanit Flgin'acre got-sta of C. b)iiuî1iii )d t iver>' Low Ratea. SatistatiOti (kn.- blei- by hei ng outuse tu 700. 0 f counrae a-uas a nier. chimei-a, an hllso; but fanil>' over Sîiîîtay. Unteed. Gîve me a Cmll. be Wboie bhi'n.- at rommuiu. You Miss Esis-Ita (,.rac'e abîo la tt-utbing risiel me and at'ceptedmrybelp,anul lte Honey Laike schlt.uib.tiitctlier e next moraulut fount! nn steamng aay iparen-tts tiver Stindn>'. AK 'roue Stydney, umugpeciedend ulnfol--l-L K a-ed." 1E VI)t 1T. COUNTY *1i remembei-"ahetuhiapuret! - "Oh, the -11 'îlîîu .uî.î , fl-il ,* elief 1 feli as land gu-atbuatly fadesl out in .èl1(P r dBA K . . . ) sighi !" 'ltiiîrNdaîy "Andl oua h suai-cet>'appenrs st-ange i v -îtu- - i.jt uîî 'ijihi Wright, Parkhurst & COaI tme ntai-at,- pot iithe old man, softl>'. shotrt vatctation. Liber-tYtille, Illinois- Thbe resemblatice 1 spobue ut seema l ;roa- duily- - Yur pr-escrice la a pleasure ' F. i'tluiit ,uu %% le,, liii I i -t itî ' i chuk a tIi io me ahîvaya. I like tu waairlu ou ilt it'I tiui11 x151tsi,(< wt'i'h. iý -ou-t iug about theî bouse. anul lu kiiontient vîiu-îgraii. Issues IntereSt-Beariflg vuai-e buokiug aler nie as a Iaugbter ,M. Me iurilvt'i ltbulei'Ittli eriiae aal migbl. My' one alsh mow n' lolusee yuP etfca a a l happier. 1 suppose dinuler ia mearly fiiiMt.Puant. liughiuat wti lienîlîlhison era d ready>.'?"lhaobgervel a moment 151er, nt'tvy wt-'ib,î-il ai,-. Congnîitultian.o era "i w-i ueo," mal]Elleu, igoiug lu theare. li ît'ie. __________________ ucîr. jdei, . buuiçstî'i, luhavig i-î'îici his fain. Dr. G. SW.< ALVERSON. As hieu- ingera dosaI round the nha s-afbot te) k'ave' il. Wr ai-e stîrr- tt te Iuoi- amaopened bastily fron lthe oui-t--t-i flits .Is'iîari-. tandulail wlt lin luî Physician iand Surgeon. aile, and Mi-.. Pilo tacet! bei-, a-ith a l uue ait dellant expi-easion, a tborgb aaeu--tc-Citntuf r' OFFICE HOUAS 70 ot'bcd .m ag bei- iight to be tliere il uencbclose ut i.4corne troulbe te) write toai-eta- i ituofloenand C ilre . roxirnity lu tta bey-hole. tii-es andI tituda tîttet: ie n âmn>'duo iossu omuaICîd 'I came lu say diouer la remdy a-heu tutti bave thelime. A barge nuniber ohfla speciait>'. ou a-mb for Il," ah. mail. oui- sulscribea ssent e ILDEPEtDENT LAKE ZURICH. ILLINOIS. Ellen Warde's intelligence a-as ui--ustieadutfn-riting jetterae, as thait givea ____________ ne- by fear. She realized ai once that ait lthe oewa-s dllamoutt better lu tu-s. Pilobâtal been bistening. Hua- nan>' respecta. Il wliblte far- cheuper F Y U N EDa ncht badlsie heard? Afier aml, lteirlthumi ariîuug ltt-crs FY M D. conversation ftuihe pont len minutes bal (and outoure-,you do neetil be-eo baamesenougu. Ellen -triel luaneasnur. bat-self, hut it -ItKnocke Out The Giu. V/inter Blankets, itîle succeas. No argument conld com- Huutuptureya' Specifie "77' buntuekaotl bni the nameleaes terror that bal maIe tht- Grip, '-hi-eamatmp" a ctutc. ]Pri-e FLir Lap Robes, the pasi ebevan rmontiem en bard to bear. 25v, tfo- sale evei->wiueie. Teconviction n'as rootel 1irmly lu ber Heavy Fur Coats nindti Iat nmrn day, by nmre mens, uho VSC CENT. R. R. TIME TABLE. vould ha diucovai-al and compehied to __ Oramnything lu the Un. of battu. uland ber trial fui- the niorder ot ber Goîstu ouRT. beavy or llgbt TOU s>ould met fan slier. - - un. au. i . n pm-ta l te fone Smiok impleyel Iy (Tobecotinel)-Mc bI n miii 5 3 45 1(0 Due te Big i810eve.. Fou tlhnga inunintate big aleeves have îa-ayed men and worn mlu unatou- tluig degi-ce. They bave tuarnel more manufacturers' plans upulde hua-n. made gurmenta dilded>- cottlier, and, as if molcontent a-ith tb.t. ileir de- manda for deparu-e froni the old or- dler ot thinga bava entaiellte pbotog- rapiiers' studio untit te bas been obig- t-I to forowea- ai styles beture fiI- loa-e-. Nu longer lu there suflileni roon acress the cal-I to pbotogrut the ait- ter, bt i t muait-be toi-mollengtba-ise lu provîde i-oom to "ýtube" tbe aiceves a-itboîît teducing the hxe ut the face. The original pitotogi-apit ut a score or go 3-e-arsaugo, rnotînted ou a cai-tiabout lthe sizeof ut ordbmar>' pbayiug carl, certinlb3-belongs o th ieetuuî!ea uoflthe pu St. 'Mlai>'pWple tink Ih a ffui thtie protogi-tpher,' sulti a a-eit-kniown up- tua-n arthot, -ho flirtilalipic-toi-calu titis shape, but it la umore lu a bu; lthe big aieaces thave untte hi t aneeessit'. 1But peup)le tîke ulllty, unI e-leuî hf tley tio tbluîk it a faI un oui- puaritIi.->'gis-e us t-relit for being utever. au I atm aimietl.«'St. Louis Repptblt'. cmrringtou'sle iunder. Lord Caringtn, a-len toi-I clhaber miln, somtie-iade mistakes, a>' Vu!uit>'. Ai oneof lthe draa-ing roomu lat year ho ftnmounced UTm. Wbniser- mamie as Lad>' Whaternuume, mandthem, mmel>' 5eig bis rl, ailo Atitakiata Prairie Vhs Luithton Ilockef ellei i(iuvl Lai, Lakti Villa lollss Gra-sy s Lai' Roîîbuetello Letihituià 1'ra-le Vit Aptakisi- Wheellng Chiago *Daitî- ex F, Stoip mî se f) 'M 4 eW Ro19 uta Mg te l Ir,3 uOIN SOUyTHt. ar. Loni. 84 3i7 7 47 S 4 47 im(2 F;451 Iri -w mst9 ilà 830ii m821 tly îo signal. 4 tF i tai 5 35 t, 45 a. M. 1a130 t2 45 1 14 Fi-t. C. M. & ST. P. Ry. TIME TABLE. GOING NORTH sonituti oniy a-..ram. g.m. p.. M m.u ('huiafi. 1itve 7 30 9it0t 4 05 0 6305 s30 Shurrn.-ntllh 852818 4is56 6O09 7 23.9 16 Deori.1ittIt34 102M350Q6 14 7 27 921 Etemtit M 250 tit 6 06 62att t3s927 Iioiittuit mt48 1 151t2 61537 40 9 33 LIBEuTYVIU-t. t0 45 550 7 tw a 10 arnicton 8 5s a ta (humn-e- 9t(K)Si 5233 ed2 Waîtaa-orth 59l10 5 O33 si hlusseil iii tt9 118 545) ni où <OI(NG SOUYTH Suuday amui. a. ar. u.m. q.m.p ut itiic-ittm5as5 5917 41uà@ Wudsivtlti m 59 - à727 t07 (titi-ui-i9 ut0i 6 I3455I13 Wairutriton 9 16 , 5 38 -IISBTYIJtI.tE C 10 7 tii 12 30 4 55 itondouot ai7 4 2 0404t6si 5e n21 EverettI e -tt7 N) Il et n 54 5 8 Dueteî 32 are tant2eu2 60584 hermevî11le - 6 3085(4 12 56 ea hCblago. ariive 7 £5 9 15t1ta2a1 47 00 O SUNI3AY TRIAINSI P v. tîbert .0a-4:0hn rjodlt6pl CHARLES KAISER. 9, blo do«ue replg meuh'. pmroa Md a substantllll9. Evei-ythingmas roegeulml Horse Dentistry, A If your Horses r Poor, or don'tEat weil it is caused by diseas- ed, sharp, or uneven -t teeth. Slobberig, Throwing the head, Fretting, Indige-stiore--, are also Caused by bad teeth, The Superîn- ~ tendent of the Lakê Countv -Poor Farm understands the busi-, ness. ItwiII pay yQu', to have your horse's. teeth examhined. - Al horses examinied 1l"d of charge. ýWI hgto Il a-elha. l miser. i =a ail i t. Sani .11e rende petite, a-i iha se'mn tid tiiem t -e". den wd bIol Hte Is 14 hps>d W0 --ai eii If W. taion eïrWuI

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