CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Jan 1896, p. 5

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Broad- Parlç. 4 to 8 p. ML is. ig8tore DAILr. lois. fi. NIMAN. bELAR« leu or CUTION.. -FIN. a t Law, y Bank. lois.- )or Shop mE STORE, la OU me ouAm J'e l M rois. searn re g Culea tcok & Cm.- Nis. RSnkt. es,%.s tobes r.prema" - tistry. -.7 Ses are .at Weil d iseas~- uneven. - îberirngi head,.J gestion', 1lby bad- uperin- 9 Lakw Farry ie busi-, ay o horse's. Id.'-Ai ed f re - Look at Theseà PrIe Then corne and see the LIti..lle Locas. ERSONAL. Riandilthénewa so we rail. pilut it. Mrs. Dan Lee lma anlong tho le sick Clothlng f0r' holee ieus for thia week. Y a hor tlexjJohn Aetin slipped a fine carloat! shorttlIfli~Atof Covi to Chicago last Fridey. For the very late"i Shocs, ciIllï", iia. Laura Dilsenberry and mother That is what.-people want now-a- Mr-'rotine. e~~ a lcaty t.v r wee nthe big city lat Saturday. d ays, andthat. is whatweg eth m Te days are gTowing Itepipsli ha t riay Bargains in quantity. Bargains in longer-It la almost dayliglit lit 7s1 dugt quality, and bargains in price. ýOur 'Bargain in Cloa wl l'~îsi Mn.Juo. Austin baie been snfferlng store is 80 arranged that we can keep -Y stockOfbeloa Oit a il .severe soreth lroat the past everything in the best and most The tee honeZ2.ut Our pp1csant Roy Euh i- s honte On a vacation. lie heath co diio . O r ro eris retown are being filled. thlsm'seek asti s ays there are lots oftire girls at the very best in the market, and we Reducedl prices d aIl deprîoit F. E. Clark woid în alte a goo.l town are sel ling themn at the lowest prices. ut clIYS o -fh tie to -ti. cllectormilsd suggeit bis nane for Fruit, Candies, and Nuts, -always a go U . .1gves s mi Mortain Melody of Mlodly Station, large variety in stock. camp,. f%0lonlpn Hall. to-nighî i hi,, rea wîfe. s havlng takesi unto bila- In our Meat Market department we pla~i istss al Mr. Henry Morse after a tbree waek8 Jewelers throughont the coiintr% lire sivge wit Relitie rheuîniatisnî la able t0 have great bargaifns in front quarters alenterlng into the bicycle humiieîs. 1w out again. £Howard among the rest bas begliii l'elleNnméleî la borne rous Mîyille,8 from the very best young beef. Our ma ucturing bicycles. Wp He thînks of locatiîsg at Mssouri prices oncorn beef--sweet and nice-- Mx10 Ba bs ut dddto hisVIle. iiIgowa.Esiu t] isfom3 pound up. Fish, oysters lîppiniga whiehhbelssellingat 25veit ofi slghito usi3end i41luday liis i l ule, and smoked meats always for sale. per package. Suiokers Bay itf ille.gîan.Eantn Vie are selling chucks and plates for youryimetblyud. l a- t.,i"ii 1) esolil %wliehif to Libertyville Wednuesday 4c per pound.sut cot from 1Dow llgiii n retwîeaxlebire * .~Snpt. Appley anid force' ent 1610loti Civago. are vstiug Heniry William.,s T R I G S MT Ur~of clear tee and tored it ln the coîuftyiausî lfitisivibytis week. *RG S & A L R farta ice bonse, conpleting the job lu s ii(iauis Itlree days last week. flow ila tiat fi-r iîillml a llee b u seC hticycle _______________________________bnThL: as been the sete o t>!rin ' ve\l1iIiis ad atte5rie i5 liss Monde. pleasant ca-eings enjoy-ment liiithe t. ý I ho . l)wal.t isit isiî î ek past fwoi ieekm. Heru oit! and! youiig 11I- ,vfefrienîls. SThe rnter Ocean hav joned in the cxhilerafing xr Is the Most Popular Republican Newspaper Ail who isonlîl ik'ý 'to joilil tir, î'iMra ee at ck ai the West and lia& the Largest Circulation. romonly are ivifcd t) attw"d a iiiet- ring for that pnrpos *ý, f0 hilbelli lt F ;iý1 îpper, saicsniau nfor the' Wolf ITERN4S EV 1.AIL. Max LeBeans scigar store iicxt Moiti t li îFr H use, Chicago, lg a gîist at DMLY (wthout anday)$4 juvciig u t lcock. the II ii C. R. Sherman this wcek. DAIL (wihoutSunay) ............. $.00 er yart. EB ii tan hase for repairs itu bise DAILV fwlth Suuday) ......-.....$6.00 perye'ar The Methodist sovietf-Y isholdillg I iop.tiiiiiii. %cle rude b'r (isnther ah.. The Weekly Inter Ocan- $1.0-0 io wee. Coalmereti lite br3 .I ~ Plma odsc FER TZAR .............. ...m.. -nanifet andl il im boped rauY înaY Iý 1512o (eilej:i As a Nevapoper THE INTER OCEAN keeps abreast or th. lIme. in ail lrongbit to think more seronsf il lr.11~,.Ilig.wî îcdîiî respecte. It spares neither pains noir *Zpenin se Beer-ng futtrer. ii-itiis . i ý i ile feliing a tree rut-cul A,&LL THE NEWS AND TUIE BEST OF CURRENT UITERATURE. Armne Camp M. WN. A. is eijoyirsg Ia 1 % - ti, lJ asiii-. lv.îMîitler . '1513 prosperoiis IgrowtfIu plt authresent. lýilrti. * New memburs a-e being adt! lat eVeri- L A 1! >em t av od T' haW eekty nU S iîeeting antheflc"11111) i8s heuîîg alîi XII\ cuisl hsesiad As aFamly aperIs ot zceied y AMa.nauigead hy ils etitient c d gýo o iîsrgiîîîi, lieu lbe tradet! bis oid Asiafictri. tpe ts Nare Siedby tnylIiOiit iNidilght. Of course lbu _______________________________________________________60__are____________ mberedt, a Mnt - liait to gi % i ,ig btot. ealis oehtz ffltrs o@eh mimbqr of th faily. lits Il( r.. ilsî le.ICShiai ab o bas beeîu YlD Otrw8iEPARrXxNTàIibe verytbestofltskind. IfsLITER- Thse Goolt!Teîipars Lot!ge. ufLibyer- %'îaiiugiia il, iers l srstî'r*- thet ART E PAP mueR aned-c taiYvileloeh Wridri'.c , tighwoo<l liat Satiîr- pia t " 'i Y sîtrrned to bis hoine 19 ta aTWELVE PG AEdayc aisteNwso h ord hvwbcre thev aili atfendîthfli niet- lit Elilîî.Ni-i1.4Situday. POLMTCALLY ITIS REPUBLICA!!. ansd gves ita roaderu the beneât of iîig o! the Coînty Lodge, ablcb bolt the ablt tdscussions un &l live political topirs. lit in. ubàshed in Chic-ago i. esaiuuea Ia ii.Thse a li-~ ps i)etl akie and te tuaccord wth the peop!e ofthe West ini bth poitic and literature. Io(g sii e!bycnttor ttîu iik~iî. i lise lake Tîiesqs, PNLea«»remember that the.tince of THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN is place suit! ifs rncniertlsili ismhuing i îiiisg Il 1tj, Iitakun bolne. IDr. OLY UNE DOLLA lPEU TZAR. Address reisuîorceit ut ainsoat evcry meetiug. Tzo loyl i i., iîii!, lier nsedie-ii i>ia THE INTER OCEAN. Chicago. Fsur. fit a:dSîl1 ~t asformser l1in _____________________________________________ls th.4$1.00 landi alido 3 uît7)c C. M. Sîi 1- iiusleft Monday for eu acthtiouf, ~Mrs. Protiise's. Prairie VN .1'-. 1oe i.le bas openet! a 'TVO PAPERS FOR THE PRICE 0F ON E. suIriîitaNîit foretuo ber s tusssiir Iîcaut b ~~ X ~~~spriug. Se, fur a-e bu'e heurt! suverai rprraok ESTABUISHED IN141 iamusrniisîisueutinii coisisefihin mille Msrriuîl. lit tliiI ý E. liaronage by tisaI tice ,ýSoutie sav flat w. E. Mille,-Rec~. H. 1,V. lii Wakogan. Ill., buss iiorî' vw<.larnd soîtiutbu a sîirdcdjTii irasy. -lais. i i ~isMabeA. at secon rsdfsm. Ex-supera istîr C. (,. Bitiliey. î,f Liw51t-i liii-. o Louis D- Bilkicy l isikeilof ai ig alsjo NIarren l 1iof. îiirrrtii. Mi. Heath- ail caipabile Melk. We Illii'.I'ir. Charlt-a Iiîî îtake1st îusy-. pluutv Ofutheît r goix i itler, isai tient-r B ah i. e Ic is legulis 111inie practiu-.' lie fa wilii îe noii ask of volitteer.. Thîe s llit. iss,îke.loili. i sto lthe couit- finit iili tih uafrsrsîhralv luiNethte ail-W %,u a e l l a isii f ui i ., IJ ii aps . N i ît h. not ott(iiîîthat au inortaisls 1l e 1).sN. Nfiior% 1ýt i, iii îof u tifust 1îî.1t'arth are runiciîhetretl 1ou r IirtIl- h,ý,,in t pi duî. tnt birs etîrriiigbore ftîîî aMil" lait iii li.. -.1 -rfne a pl it IS7 * lis vork ut lise oiîuii, e tnt'~lks u ettiii ia îisabc iiifi tnt bs hossefuI .! onpirî wil! taulse Iiii iii ii ( Iilaîyenuréling indail lis fhîir beaf bile ae are in ii ittîr fl gîi i iro r lit Ou ()Il clotiies. it iiaturaiiy sets une (.iîtioway îlreshidtii, i îjîinud member. We have made a Special Clubbing Rate lîack a littIe ituteir caiculations. But Mr. F. 'S. lciitîi j ;ijiliter, Mrn. lut-h a-as the way H. B. Eger fonnd l i4,eç. ut Noi'ititilî.. \ i1iinibeir Way with the "Old Reliable" Prairie Fariner by Iiisseî! bisaI Friday eveîsitig Jan. 10. honte front [)et,% er. iié,i îiting a few which2wieffcan furnish it aiong Nith the (on t'iîruirig ihomet. About tlîlrtyf ilayt vIih '. ; qa l i i-îîî-î Iaw antd bis frictîdsa untneigbibors hbat!taken r;.î -11In. tibiad po2( mstasirbm 0 f o renuirse bbilile was grsI iîsll-u.haN- -t riui n '2yrsolti. Henîry provctl eqilal to i ii, *fl fIsc c he mergeney unit afler the tirît Nîsi.Lv.ljni'iIî.I ;111uit hum An- ONEIEAR FOR NLYfi igbt bat passsulibu rade thouue there lits. %veut te. Jeffîrsn auraik luit Sf- _________________ __________________________t stertisu. rîtîr hua to belp (ilspose ' ul iîel -îîî,~ I1< if the niaîsy gouil tbings tbey sth îtalliii3 l IIuîiîi'fue Our Clu bbi n g LL. liîrîîîsgtiît 1heim lu est. At a lite prh lltll% ete - A N S IFor the asecomodaîlio f sucs o! oir heur tht-y leff a rhing hlm nsany Moret' su havii se nolfor-gii o i i iihoot! PBEPAYixa subscribers as4teiri f0te) ers o! ut happy ifu in osir ssidst. iriî-k.. tllke any titler publivation for tbe >Aveordirsg t(i reports, the Chicagos Ahout ttiirty lif tlii,a îg friist!s o! cnlng Year Witb the laINDENDE'T ut ails it Nsiîisiîissblaudt!Lukes Rairoat! Linnsa nt! NVtrde'sii i i-r i iviteil p h'en yon wait alise%%met agRE ,"I) BArga. Thec fîîioaisig arc a CiIhIIIaiiv itg oii ihîl ssystein o! dcec- tii their homle F IIs -veniflg 0f ur tpair 5211 few ut ithe Moîreî' puilar icanpapers ttrieIiîses fronti Fox Lake f0 Chicago. ishere thcy erjoyue -a Iiiîsra itu ofHarnes, o r' r o an d! m agazines. M Ises, nmure h oan o ne ' Tise r i i ll n ul n s roug h Liberty - g aimes. o! ail kiiiît. X liîsîls wlas flie uid set, yoiiut an (t)ho la f~desireti, the amoluît tii bu palet!for ville,HlfDiiv WlielingDet#llusle.Park aurveil aheun il rtiirii to thîeir better thsonrail ou tbe extra orlescuan lie ahtraiiiu lie te id fîge, Nomr, eol Park and !Maplewoo.1, se-veral bouses %Nishisig titiîîî i-Iitian ductîng $1 .50 froîsic he rsces nuaetl aiflh2;5 uiles o! trauk. Thot por- tri Marly happyi3-i-vttriiîa li tIse RUDOLPH KRUSHA nluunr club rates. Pubikeira tîlr Cltisistio iiOflitheine' aithin Chicago uify îîîtaslîsn. RUDiLAWOLVE.ClieguJîîîmaiî Pila-s. Plies limita aililiea' tIevute(t. Work wiii Henry- Cuter atftiei tieni-uusral eîtTaly 'tdala.. . 41.) a(m)begiui, 50 uay flhe ofieers o! the rouît. îMeetinîg o! the saafulimenrt if giiil. M UTOFM.. £cNUU110c" ' inter Iiî',-an.ra-îskhuiv.1lii 2a1aas soonu s grîîin iîsu c le broke si in tite utSpriuglielllu it wiî-k Tley prompt attention given f0 ail kilît! ,*ili'laii ii 4110k>tflicpriîsg, thei'greatur part o! tIse txedth Ie dtae for tht Stut ifiiir foîr o! nor. oot a-rkant ..ia- Ri'ev. uj.lal!, -_ I 4 1:right out ay ay suiig aircîdy bhu u su tise week tif Sept. 2N tfi>(ki(t. :3. l,0 pricea are boundt fu nl. Nemwî.i ekit __ .. lii -u *)îrt't. Thî'e onspuny ailI jrobabiy il conts sin tlie circuit iiiftiig hirs -lt Heîahît. dalit.6 h iVî a.. i411 4 0 lie lectrit-ity lis il Motive powner, sud Indtianapolis thse a ek îmeiis Iiiiunt ______________Tmi'.-M.wisklîiî... s .. 1(M) -2î Stsatts Zsituîsg. ý2a .; ai . i5 i lu oa genu-ral freighftl îaasaenger St. Louisîfll oowini auk. Ih13 su1080 mîu,îî 11"s219, :1(m)bnîuriiems. A seietle o!f iffeen traina dpecid tteluboiet! a Fut Stock andîi llîrse N^1iinaI Tribunne, Wasi. Db t.. i 11, ' 45a < (a ay turirug flhe unmr is platsnet. Show in tise îîew Culiseiiin. (iisîgi.. Pri,,lth!.' a:mx:.',, 1 Thse mains lint-mai!! rail froîn CIiesîgo t1e11fyl tu(.T 1Saei-us lasie . iiK, i4ustu Milwsauikee, a itishruscli hues f0 clearet! $84N)0 taboieeuxlicîîes laitvisur. A FIN E LU .NE Yo:khaComnaiý1in (inîw ~. i 7 1"5 1-5 3Meleiry frîîîu Foi Lake, from Wil- pnîf .E aI -sts î-î Carks Htorse Ri'.i-V a 'K I arth'ttîMaildisn. ett. Theuoffleers o! a pleuaunt surprise Tiie.itsty ta -rusîîig, Seienttf, i ni r sitin ... i i ii i fIse ciuispsurî art' l'rems., Afredl B- .îJan - For severnul ytr4 lt, i s 4 4 iikiii ' ai(bta it'lrs 1M.h thcitl:friaht'ti fruit for lthe Christnsatrîî-s Harper, Wee .1 G..B. Greens; Trîîa..Frank Boa- lftflic three cuurcheaunî thtie Siiiîu * * * * ~ I 'i ilsi liiiil, .2 a i,)i- i n:îî u -Gini--ii slîa agter, Assirew- J. scbooii seolurs e cîîîît'l nu it %%,fes iigi s Aaîî i i-as, Fui uni-rTooi ii T het' ciiuspiruy Ilias si capital fi etbe îu lt' t dru fniutii's l>eiçi -sti< F~Asiîii-r . stovk îîf $tfl,000iiit. Heure. Ibnshahippy occaîsionî. A liîrgî- s l a 4sfL li '. îîî-rîiti) ll - Àfo n th hu i i'3 -. îiit 'n tuiatio ia tw e arse sîl sîs î e) ýiîu aa i s l 5 Earles, sulitn uesIli tts- L Rio sf u ru e ti rsg ow-lis ia 'iii t ti'i îui s iv h ir MAX LEBE) MANUFACTURER or Fi NE HAVA!A WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ... TRY -IlS LeBEAU'S STÀ A. 0. F., ang, BLACK POQ r GO TO LOVELL'S DRUG STORE FOR\7 >D Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals>'q PERFUMERY, SOAPS, COMBUE SBrushes, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Bracea, Fancymn ~<Toi1et Articles, Books and Stationery, Dy. Stuifs, Glma, Paty, $ PAI NTS, 01ILS, VARNISK . PATENTMEDICINES. Family Mtedicines and Physicians' PrtscriptionsI carefnllX Coonpounded at ail houi 0. L Gods Carefully Selected. Only the WE HAVE FOUND UT! ____WMAT? The place where the Leading Wh' for 1896 are to be purchasqd#, where you can get a First Wheel made to order. REPAIRING! Ali Repairing can be- done same place, and on the shorte sible notice. C. R. SHE, Twelve dollar suits reduced to- 9.00 Ten El7.50 Nine E - 6,50 Sixteen "Overcoats di ' - 13.00 Thirteen di " - 10.00 Ten dollar overcoats di " - 80 Eght dollar overcoats di " - 6.0 . WVe cannot eut the price of lothing ini two as sonie do, because we 8oý- not ask two prices for it ini the first place. For a short time we wMI sell yon good serviceable lothing at Wholesale Prices and gnaraniee lhe goods as represented.-We have no s'i<xlîy or trashy gocds and leu, can always depend upon getting valuie received when you trad9 wiI& M_. -B. Colhy &-Co. $2.50 Pants to close at $2.0 Duck coats to close at 1.50 Overails to close at'~ .30 Heavy. Jersey Overshirts close .50 Men's Suspenders ,lOc up Mens Lin nen collarsI 3 fo r"25c 100 pieces decorated dinner set 10.00 Tribune Frames -'.25 2400 Parlor mnatches 13 10Obars Soap 25 8 lbs. Rolled Qats p 21lb.can Baking Powder 25 1 gal. table Syrup 30 1 lb. Cal ifornia Prunes Five Cts. 1 lb. di Raisins Five cts. Have you tried our celebrated.BuckWheat,." Flour M. B.COLBY&GO. -Q*ý

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