CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Jan 1896, p. 6

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CHAPTýER XXXNII -(otineti> Aftti a shiort star witi ber mehher sie 4eteemlned te reluru 10 lra Dca. ,tite -dimcoeryae. iatimati, harlug matie un Siethemle iouseunobearable. -Mueh. taikti niftly anhler naT back ait. Passeti severai people on licemtt.g, &ai tIl ey f ram Mms.Dene'm bongo- Ian- ahe orertooli Mr. Kuolie, mie urry- :Aog home. An impulse sh i ilinet n-ait la dellue prompliem-er tquicien lier btege anti lajr lier bandi upon hlm arn te attract hq tatt ention. 07tltyieep la thougit, ha tii net notice ber it obce; tien, wien site apekq Mie »S.e, libe put up ie glasses anti lOooltiti -dot b em- ln nome eerpriaé. * "NWyMisa Enez, 1li aI yen? Sure- 17 tiIs la veny laIe*fer yen to be ouI. Ther evenimgsare rery cMdtianti tamp." "X bhave jumb beca to sec My motion," aie expiain@d ' "Ah. yen are ctaying stil i tbliMins "VeorliereSent, Ye." "Site la an eîeeedingly pleslug tenu- *an," ,ohoceethe<bDpoty Commisslotien, n-lIAi norewtan biae dinany pomposity of nmmer. ,"suàd a muottiloti frent." "I t' Iongit 1tulinon- tint," saiti Jae, lté tenus ceming te her eyes as mit' stmbeted,-tte nviryiug gond"eusx4p bai rechlvet ever ine sic ehati Ain 'bert lirst and tindMag If It wo* lieb *exteudedte, qber noit -ifl wnere distov.- er0d. BotrMr. Emollys, n-e lslieti ay- ting ppracblng lo-entcuiassn,etiiy &W sn liedI1orîlot roc, Mr. Kuol- Iv »cnlUveti Jatue, exciteýdly, au hi iti e mu etsn."I trauteti toeasy someting Alîen-ahout n-bat wn-e-r. Ialklng or the *Win the gold-cumineti glses u tre btUWqltteureaupon the gir'. nwhte, face, I al be gisdt 10 ear anyîbing Iliat * gronay further ligbt upon tint is.Wous murder ' lie aneti,,ieok- "*aenothlUt t telcl yen abolit that," $-*r eply gIron la .& Ion- vele;*"I 4 wr n-tUtI eassu re o at the ans- ', nvt- 1 * IbilleYen abareti mdli béa t I meite you lest, la eulirolj teidtioit. i11on't linon-bon- i" -j*abed Mr. Enoliju. - w ir have ne reason 10 tJer,~5ouy you muaI allon- - 4 MI -w» opinionansilthu l Y*îs-1Tlut n-s a s.y lime %W Mm* pir"uenf-e i.crime - c*cntpurand nôe en- gileaciI m i tirely inu- xt la ladis- tolitik a dobeitd--to a ladj- tt~hare mnêalgess tp ho atrair aie 1 Kuo a aques- .*'fpWBlf. tion ~in aI fer vomlng back., - - lot me stayrn-mit obte beggd, hier love- taItenty f ttheir *aitiare n-na mare la the simple biais Who n-ma notlung Et not 4h4aer usiled a graeetîml raA que 'stions Oc conditions, CP-lhte sl'ayt, if youm Ae tteeelt of -i re sin. 'The ne- Jtie te 4ud en Ofeuepurejulluence tan b.conîti - by aa effort, anJ thonglifulS ot M h"1tishedt t -fuaygur On-m lips"' he o'? q ensn- oney < I ber iteati sud semefing in *" %livas full of detcnnîina- hil t 1%1< t te, eiin, - aarelY len coulti net a~dcltY te uptuse a an - <'Wty intihe leîperîxeti »dmud, ntite, "are yu'î - li oYt sie cuntec-qnestioneml. sPlteena, lear-tilaine4. 04 fo sm. lime 1 bai-e My duty. le maie publie peuexresst o me once Prbàsep's coinplkivty. 4f not ýt" smSIretfetTroop,-r cd loviy, n-atchlng l*sldeliglit ach evîdence it'ould lie Irong agalust hEm. G* ho ieprovebils Innocence? Could sic p'ore Iltfor hlm, iithetît bersla ber tlionMuttist p horrible cioce be that upon lier of parent or lover? An lnqulry muemt ine"tmbiy brng se machi te IliitItut wnashititen netr. -"For 70ti alte, I1n-eulti lecp Il secret atE," n-ispereti Barry Larron, lunlier "Yon eulti? Oh-" Agaîn lier speech wnastmayetiesu Bbc met ils glsncc. It n-au impossible la cennoct eititer sympatty or pity vîti te bard, steadtsct gaze Ibal i-sfet on lien. "I ouiglt te bave sali 'mas n-lt's salie;' te mmi. My meuing dlean. The fate et more than oee tepentia on Tour m-ply. Corne te me even non-, tItih atreti in your heuart uns I have rendi It lu yenn oyes~ le-day, ant i nml legrateful tor the baîf ]oat nh e nbetler thon ae broati. Myj wtfe, I promise yen, "laul bave ne cause for sorron-!" Eut Jeaneouly oshîretiandti Irai-t an-ny, 8h. couti not erea cunaider the adrisabiiity of n-bat leolati urgei, u groat.'ras theiec-PulsIon eugendcned by hii tom-de and nanner. Toevon- le love nani touer a mant wiard trbam sime fti luke that n-old le a positive îrrong irbicli notbiug coulti maie nlgit. -If tint la tho c-ondi<lon,-yan muet do Tour n-orsI. I have fio toar but that ('<l- oîueI Prinalep tan lgil bis on-n battie, ex-n aguinst suci detenmineul malice," sihe replieti, braveIy, apdt trned te leare tic room. "Yen- defy me?" ho asioti, inlom-epting bter, anti leoking don-n mcaningly ittern face. Il-he retucucti bis gaze titiout flincinc. Wtatever tear ahe filt muett le te- trayedt im n.1 "I de. Allen- me le paso, Major Lar- ro.", A moment ho beitatei. île toIt tbat <hils w6tld tih lentasintuervyiew irithbem-; tint lie bati playesi, anti losI-noiol I hie sîsie. but i-von lic poer tiendlinens tit st been hic betere. Anti ho loyed ber sel' The tvrnptation nceailedi la t nt lIat teste ail the -Id etretuessa ta faren-eli nighttlie. Hoetidmicvrn issedi hcr--scarcely erra claspeil ber Itant i tt moe. tan ordinnny terven, anti she tva goiag from un noi tomroce! Pertape lb n-as hen pure, pale face. tmiei titi ail its tinuing preltinestiti prend to., that nestrainet i hm; or, perlape, be loveti ber belter <ban te hinîseit linon-;at any cale. i. dren- licklplitel>-alimesl eereulj -te lot hec pans,.anti ste tidti nl coi guMs -hat matinesi ail dbeen lu bis tiongits. Sb. speti mcli te lier otru roon, anti teunt ira n. Doue n-iting for her <hem-c, seateti on thce edge ef tic lied moaiing the non-spaper. "117.11, deur?'" sic saud. ooling up, smliag. "ls the 'bati quarter of anulieur' erer?" 'Thani heaven-yes. Oh, Nana, io la a rery triieti man!" 'Perhapo you have net quite unatio- stopd i m, Jenny?" 'tiniy 400 'eil, I amiafrait." But te eIder tran, whim, n-Itanut knuning it, felt a tender piîy still for ier former lever, n-ion yeb sie nelther lored non regrettedti. llelber beati. "He# won neyer se black au paiated- not eren se blacki ae 1 tancy te 1-1eves bimaieit te te. If yen cenîti have cariJ toc hlm sufficleutly te marny hlm, 1 lbe- liere heotreult bave proed tie bosl ot hibantis," ..Oh. Nom, I uer-r, neyer couti! Pi-ose cay ne mure about il. la that to-daysd paper'i late ernuj petr?" "Net mach. Except-Yes, tItis may lu- tercet yeu-ibey are moviug fer a tri-cii inquirin mbtic murdeofutTroopor Lyma. 1 tiongmt it iveulti dune luthat. îîell, atyttieg la lietter thon ail tioce hinîs audinnuendos iaI <hi-y have bteon m-ntiiig lateiy . 'on'ticen'hole trull i witi tuti. eut, tic murrlerer til b disconn-red, amîd -mrty, m-at Es il, Jenuyl" F"or Jane liait atien forîîard nîron the lied lu s panexyijni etgrief. For te tiret ine ince <ho fresh i- quimy n-as inooteti, Mrs. Dene aloverî honselftu te lievethbat tiere nigimî ti aometiinu in tie rumors wîhit-h hatigrm, about. Nue coulti ual but suspict et itr thec. n-as a lillle <mîth in the statuantu that thc Quamtemmale'e taigtter nr-n- -something oftIhe elncumstamiu-oes oft<he mans 3deaft: if net., wIy shenlicie baie buecu so»gitaleJ on hoaring <mre %,i§ste te a nen- inqniry? CHAPTER XXXIX. The annunfcenent in te Indian Argils mvichbaildse0 atted Jane hati aise prave vry diuc<-ting te ltme Deirutv Commissloncn timmeif. 1He hai tholiglut taI i.oras n-ochlmg seo<iietty, anrd jet already St titi leakesi eut liaho ireas n-omking, wiilcte10a greutel entt mirt cestrlct, or jaighl even rentier fumeîlohie efforts. Yétt nho canit bai-e se nimide public tic Intentions îriicbh le bai pur- poeely liept secret, only cîîeaking nt thon! le bils banetian anti Jamm o ueîTint the latter troulti not bave sipai-n of it he toit -omiineti. She iras toe depply touncrneti in tie uaten Tttil eft utati nandon or lgtty. Onue oter perso, entiai. hbilto thon! tuat panagraph mueat haveo fhi uch ter-u rible import, mas seriouxly disturbeti hy it; sud tiat W'a Steeîumr-m insep. He kur'w <lit Jane pousecc.'J arrme linon- cdge ou tue auibjer-t, andti t il nas this knowIedge wiclciladtalticmir-, oeanti dosîrayeti hic hopesof utiniriîg i-r, tor mirbile et lbarri. Cnrlnssoly eneuîgh hr-ntreir-r(I lu catiloui Mms. Douc, andti gito ti rrrstmatie Jane But atten ailthIis IroroirIun uueeB- serT precaution, tonrn-hi-iilihe tollon-eti lii tard, il mas Jane bemse-inimo came lu a moment aflerînant, hem- face fi aiedti i tle haste sichuiti matie te jein hleui "line. Demie la ont, but sIte wit I bo tck agau inhoWt ùdlsty, I <uni," site ex- beWbgiÎiiblîîààwhec -1- "Thet vol hd kllled aob LywnY"ý Tiie rorda yen out; but, now that site heard- ler own v*olcoe ajreua lnd what fu>so long ah. had ouly whispaed fier- fully te ber heurt. It6Vhole ebormity rose before ber, and alliewondered bow for A~ moment iii. coud have thoughtit t pos- sible. Site feu uopon ber kuoes, Jer hand atilflheid ln bis, the. tears atreamtasr trom her eyeu. "Oh, eucon Ienever torgive me, Ste- pbenV' "What Io there 1 could not forgive you, Jenny?" lio sald, softly, la the low, on- ressing toges which, thougl i srange ta ber se long, helt i t their puwerful Chart. "Tel1t me why yeu suspected me?" h. anked, geatly, dravlag îwoe chairs to the, fire, andi aeatiug himmoif no u.turally la one that sh. coutle met well refuse te tek@ the, other. And lheu mthe tolil hlm as mucb <nf the storY unabb .coutl, thougli the evidauoe @haiaitm once beieved coudeiuati'y seenied misernxbly weak, told thus ta lNo face. "I dld not always belleve it," abé fin- [shied, apologtically-"ofttm the spE- cloe seemed aslidiculous andi unfound- ed as 1 know tiiemta teob.ow, andt ten- thet-" He walted quletly toMr ber toecontinue, looking stralghtitotie tiiire, notet atier downceat face. "I conld flot bear the. uucertainty any longer. 1 wanted te provo IL out way or the. ether, and to do no 1 went te your ungalow, when yen were away, and serehd-il "I*' know IL, Jenny; I wae there. 1 saw your' An ejaculation of disinay egeolpeil ber lipis, andi @ho covereti ber face witbh ler hauda to bide Îls burning crimeou. 8h. teit io- ashamed, as though @lie could nover meet hisecyes again. ýWlat, oh, wbat muet lie bave tbeught1?' "Do't ho sorry about I, darling. Yovi would nut bW if yen kuow the comfort IL bas licou ailt tus time te lho sure that you loved me îqill, impossible as IL muât oth- ýerwisehavb swemed in the face of jour deterînined coldness." "*Yen saw me at the ¶riting-tablc i' ahé faltered. "I saw yeu his whnt I lied wrltten un- derneath yenr îîhotograîîh, and Ince iben it lias been a huudred times more dear,' lie concluded, warmly. *Tho.. was se mach 1 could net understand lu jour ho- baviar at thât finie; but that, one ait- important tact nt toest ,was ellear-yon loved me Tlat wnssaen I cared Wal<uow-. Yen wouldn't wish toffrob nie'of that knowledge, Jenîîy i lt up your face, dnrling; do't look se sehameti." He tvas standing lieside hef'cbair now-, bis band restlng on lier sitenider; sud &ho looked up ie bis face. "I ought not te lie a4hamed of that, Ste- phori net of lu% ing you, 1 uiean, but-* ..Ail the rest is blotteti eut, forgutten!" ho dl<lar,-d. "But-" she rppeated, nervouol>-. 'Dont eay anythlng to spot] it, dot. Lot ns talk of eoniething else. Yen noyer spoke teny ono else ef yeur suspicions, did you ?- "Ycs; Mr. Knollyo asked me a grent many questions orne Urne mgo, and 1 amn afrnid lie gathereti something from niy ansers which madeebila tliink what 1 thougbt thon. But directly 1 kncw thnt yen wero innocent, 1 toli liîm so, nly I amrn ot sure that lie belieed me-net Quito stvo, at lenat." *Nover mind. Liet hlm belleve what lie likes. l'orisps II:May keep tâti off the right tratîL" Then, meeting Jane's sur- pri"o, confused glance., lie a&led qulck- ly: "Tell me liow yen dlscovered it was net I." *Don't nek tme," saiti Joue, ini a 10w, painetd vuice. -ItLa in ULotoeterrible-tou sad!l (To lie continuat.) Mr. James J'a yAli ved au a boy arnong the Berkshire downq et Englaind. "A niarvollona expanog of sDingy turf," lie colis tietu, blowu over by the inost doudcous airsa ant, Ibough treleom. fot wlthout a cèrtan wild beauty." Ilere one of the best-.of lits juveuile sports w as "hoep-buatin" a sport et wbich te w readeru are llkely te bave had any considerable experieuce Ail that Wa» requlslte toe eJoy tis 1j.Istime was a bîgl i wnd. W1e took our itoops, haIt a dofen Of then semetie, te thie top otrithe tiret bill,and started thon; tiien, after oee nlnute's "law'"- more correctly gruce-we follo.wcd thon. But we nevet' caught thin env. by mlsadveuture. Thoîr speeti waa lucredîible. and fur sîîrpassedl thaCof any bicycle. Down On ll andi up another they went, ap- pareutly at the. saine rate; andi when any obstacle, sudh as a rand wlthbhigli baniks, lnfrt-i5ed, tbiey surmoenutedl It ,vit deeî-lIke leapti and bounda. A more graceful olght couiti baMily lbe Irnagineti. I bave kuown a boop te mun lve miles, and te stop enly because It arrtved at a 'bottem"'-thè lunît of the dewus lutat directIon. Itwiouldh ave nRegdeda race-herse te evertake thein. W. got the heopu trom a brewery owned by an ulicle ot mine, and wben- ever the. steil ef brewing cornes te nMy nouttils, I.arn, fer haIt a minute, a boy aggln, captons, carelms, wftti my foot ou the. turf andi the milti west wlnd lu my hair. pites In the Cagondar. Tb* figure 9 wicl came Inte the cel- endar on Jan. 1, 1»89,Willi sY wlth us 111 yeml frein that date, or unutl Dec. Ol t 1ALMAGI RELATrES )R. - fORS OF THE MASSACRE. lte Turit Places No Value emtisi Lite ofa Chriallan-Berolc Wor k et DIs- stonaries -Dut] eot lhe Nations te latop Perseen tien. Our WeekloAermon. I<trwac appropriatc titat la thc peence et isWashington eburci et the. ciiet men ofthIis nationanuid otlsm nations Dr. Tmlmage shoulti tel tic &tory et Anme- Bimn massacre,. Vitat n-ilhe <b. citent or gondi of sbs. adieuru. Donc cmn tell. Tic text n-as Il Kings xix., 87; "Tiey escaped iuble the landtiof Armenia." In Bible geograpiy tiis llte tiret lime that Armenia Bppeamg, calle t ten iy the sainp nanie as non-. Armenia in chiedh & tabilanti, 7,000 teet abest<le lerel efthte au., anti on one of its pealie Noa's mcli landedi- tit Is uman family anti tanna theaIern-cc l IIthe earti, Tuat regien n-as tb. birtiplace. ef the rivers wblci -fertliled tie gartien ofEdten n-heu Adama anti Ev. liredti tere, their enly roef lie crystal akies andt Ieir carpet the emerali1 et rich grams. 1<8 nhaitants, the t- nologlets tell us,,are a. supenior type of tue Caucasian race. Tir relEgion ls feundet aunlte Bible. Tbeîr Sarlour Es Our Christ. Their crime sn timt tiey-n-ill net becorne tollon-ers ef Mohanmmedtilat Jupiter of spneuallty. Te drive Ihem, fron tue face of the earth le <ho ambition of aIl Mehammedans. Te aceomnplieh tItis martin l no crime, anti n-tlesale massa- cre la a malter ot enlhusiastic apprebit- tion anti goerrmental ren-arti. The prayor sanotioneti by bigiest Me- iammedan anthoriîy anti recîteti erery day tirengiout Turkey anmd Egypt, n-hile slyling ail those Dot Mohamnuedans as in- idels, inaua- follws: "O Lord of sil cren- lunes! O Allah, destcoy tic infidels and poîytheisus, thine i-ni-mies, the i-nemips of bbc religirra! 0 Allah, make ticir chul- dri-n orpbans andti doue tht-jr bodies! Cause ilium foot te slip, give <hem sud theur tarnilios, their boneeboltis andt te'r n-amen, tboir childrcn and <heinrielatives by marriage, thoîr linothers anti thoir frientis, iboir possessions anti the race, thei r enîth andt hein land@s as booty te lie Mosioms, O Lord et ail crcalureal" Turks at the Otti Business. The life of an Arnienian En the premeace )f hase irho niak- lat pcayer is et nu Zom-e value than ttclhe et a summor in- sect. Th'é sultan et Tunkey ils on a thonue irnperaonating tt brigandage anti asenssination. At Ibis lime ail civiiize-1 nations arc in her etai1h9 at-empta et that IMebammedan'grverumont ta tiostroi aiElime Christiane of Armenia. 1 hear samobod>- talking as thotîgismre new <ing irne happening, andt <at lie Turk- lsh goverumment %ad <ahi-n a net cuole of lnagetiy ou <he- stage et nations. No, un! Sb. i. etthlm e 'aid business. Over- lookiag bon diabolism ef otter ce utine-,, n-e conie don-n t<oaur century to indt tat lu 1821!tbc Turkisi goverumont slow 50.- 000 anti-Nloslenie, siEn 18W0 she sien- 10,000. sud lu 1860 site mIen 11,0U0, anti la 1876 she sIen- 10,000. Anything ehort of the slaughter of theusantis ef buman beings doca-:not put enongi ced wnen -m bercu ofpetabomination te maire it -ot Quaffing. Nor te <is the only time te lias promiâeti retarn ni.tuhle pri-meuce ot lie taraiips at <ho mentit of the Darda- nelles mie bas proatiacdth e ivilized na- lions,.ofthîe earti that ah. n-oulti stop hem- hutchenies, sud tie lalcraioni-l auti hem- ispheric tance hum bei-n enscted of teller- log trial she saym, n-len &IH te pmsî ongbt ta porsuade uns that ste la enly pamsing in ber .tcocitles to Pub nations off the tracli andt hemi ri-imme lie n-cmk of deati. lu 1820 Turkey, la trealy tit i lissia, promlsedti e aileviat. lte- condition ef Citristiesa, but the pr&pe sw'as irolien. In 1839 lie tien asulan pronilseti prot-c- tien otUle and property trithout referene te religion, andthti promise n-as brolien. In 1844, at tic demant otaon English muin-, int1er plenipolentiary, tue sultan deciareti, atter the public exoculion of an Armonian et Constantinople, thaI no sut-h teath pen- alty stoniti again be inflicteti, andti ho promise n-as brolien. Inlu 15. at te de- manti of forolga nations, lime Tîînklsb gov- em-mment pnomised protection te Protest- ante, but ta Ibis day <ho Protestants n' Stambout are flot allon-odte < liilti a ehtreh, aihugh thoy bave lime tîtrts ready, andi the Greeli Protestante, n-ho bave a r-hurt-h. are net peri-nnilmd te mon- slip in IL. Ia 1856, afler the- crineaun n'on, Terkey promi»edt hat no one sboulti Ire hindedtu inthe exent-ise et the- religion ho prufesseti, anti that proisef bas be-mm irokea. la 1878, at the mernurable treaty ot Berlin, Tnrkoy pnonii"-dretigieus lit)- ertY toa il hon embjecte in over>j part of lte Ottoman empine, sud the promise iras broke-. N otoEn aIl lie cenuieis tas lte Tunkisl goverument liept ber promise of mrrcy. So tan from any Improvernent the condition of the Armenians bas lie- came n-anse aud n-aise yoar by ycan, aud ail the promises lhe Turkish gororumout non- makes are only a gaining ut tino by wbich abe isla aing Preparaîlon for tîmo complet, extermination et C'bisianity from hi-r bortiers. Blot Out Mohamnmeiantem. Wimy, atter al tbe national anti conti- nental anti iemispherEc Iying on <ho part et te Tunkisi goerami-ut, de Det th, n-mnshiPs ef Europe ride UP as close an in possible tete palaces-et Constantinople andi blair that accaneti goverumont te aluns? lu lie Dame of -lihelernal loti let lhe nuisance oethle mgem le wiped off lie face et tic canthi Dewtteeperdi- tion tramn- hidi Il amoetiup ini Me- hammetisuisml Belvcen Ibese outbreaks ot massacre tie Armeniana Buffer in el- lentesn-rongs that are seldon if iver re- pocteti. Tliey are taxeti benrily ton the ,a îirl - lae .ssi -all-u -guir~ ndtsds etvillages 4"tt«ed! I oaug iflOhi pttJuplis et fbrwé'eied, Wn-i ILc I ar thon t rWttd i uthieroiue and set où tirer uMte,,, l.the oetsolebin bpnr tiat ave c ces«.laa n-es Itehuried eut aud bayonietf!ir jes goased est ad 4diant i yngItui eemlin the ailpir! The. sangiteg' ut Lucknow- an*-Oswepur, tla. lit 185l7, icipsetild istles Thte n-oet senes oft Oe Frepet evlutien ln Parts madie moestelerablé lu contrat! In Many retiens et Armenia the ouly untiertaiters te-day are tie jackaîs andý lijînas. Iiany ofthtie cliiefs oethîe massa- cres trere sont straight troun Constantl- nople lti e thelr work, anti bavîug retuiii- id n-ire decorateti bythe sultan. Ter&Iait Murderers »ecoratid. To four etf<ihen-orst morderers the sul- tan sent silk bandersîn delicate apprecla- tien et their services, Vive linditi tien- santi Armealans put te deta or dXlng et starvatîoni Titis mesient, isrlle 1 speak, lI up anti don-n Armnina ait mny pinoe, freemlng, Ia lhe asies et theïr deatreyed homes, bereft et meut et thelr houasieldu anti an-altlng the club oft assinition te Put tem ont ef their mýscry. Ne wnter <bat lbe pbyeiclmnm et fliat reglon declar- eti that among ail the men anti on-emubat trere dawn with n-onnds and sickness andi unden tlieir canenot one tranîti to gel 'relI. itemeinter that neacly ail tie re. ports that bave corne te us of the Turkiait outrages have licen manipulatetiasudrond- lfied anti sotteneti hy tic Turkse ti-- si-Ives. The story ls net haiftotld, or a hundcetith part telti, or a tionsantt part toîi. None but Goti and aur auffcrng breth- ers anddsiater. in tint fareir landi know tic n-hale s<ury. anti it will net be known until, Iu lie corenations et beaven, Christ shal tlif t te a special titrone of glery thce henoes anti beroineq, saylng, -These are <bey who came out of great tribulation anti hadthoinraioes 'rashet aud made wti n lie, bloatif et ii amb!" IMy Lord sud rny tad, thon didaît on the cross suifer for tii-r, but thon surely, O Christ, wilt not torget bow muet they bave sUt- tored for th"e! Itiare net dent in impre- cation, but 1 nover se nîuct emjoyeti the imprecalory sutigs ot David nasince.i have hi-anti ow <home Turks are treating <he Anmenians. The tact is, Tucl<oy ha& gat te lie dirideti up anmong other nations. Of course <ho Enrupean nations muet take tie chier part, but Turkoy aughttle lie compolledte t pay Amerlos. for the Amen-. can mission buildings anti Amecican school bouses aschan sdestroyeti sud ta support the nives anti ciilticen of tlie Ami-ricana rtmned by tuas wholesale butch- ery. When the Englisi lion anti the lips- aian hear put their pows on tbot Tumkey, lthe American ongle ougit te put in its bill. Mlaeonsry Herous. Whoa are th9se Amercnn anti Enghisu anti Scotchi miisionaries ina are teing ioemncd among <ho mountains oif Ar- menia by tic MuIoanimetiaiîs? The ne-0 blest mon audwounn <is ide af t,'aven, somne outhtbomn Who lookte bigicat honore fnt Ysle sud ]Princ-eton and lier- yard andi Oxford sud Edinburgi; nmornfu those tremen. gentlest andtmnt Christ- tucucti their liachmi on luxnnious homnes te spendti tiir days in self-expatriation, say- ing good-by te ftler snd niotiter anti af- 1erwanti good-by to tbeir on-n chiîdren, as ciccumastances compel Iben te sendtihti little.ones te Englanti, iolamît or Amer- icm. 1 have seen tic.. toreign mission- aries lu <heir homea aIl &roundth le w'rrî, anti 1 taamp wolIdignation upen titi liter"ryblockguardium of torelgu corne- epoudents trie have dopreeiatet thi-se hi-tpacsduihi-reines n-ho ari- wîlling te live &anddie foc Chist's sake-. Thet ivilI bars tite highies< <icones En heaven, n-bile ticir defaners w-Il net get ni-ar enough te Cie ahlning gales to suc Ihe faintesi glint of auj une ut the twelve pearla 'mmci make ut' tbe trelve gales. Thtis tiefammiion et missionaries jEs sg. men<ed Iry the tiiselute Fngllat, Ameni- can anti Scotch mercimets n-ho go te for. <ign Cilles, leaving <heur faminlies lielinti tbem. Tiese dissolule mendiants in fton murais tint lhe Pure hieueholtis ef the missienarlos are a lurpetual retmnke. Eux- zards nover did blieive la dores, anti if thero is au>îhiiig <bat nigtîtshiade halos t ia the wteo lily. Whmmt thie 5W Amer- 1<au minsinarios have sumfered lIte Ottoman emPire inve 18n 1I]cave the ait-hamigel <o anueunce on thé day ot jutig- moent. Von n iii cee it reasamimble thmt 1 Put ao mut-b ompliatix on Anicricamum iu thme Ottomran empire when 1It<o] yoîi tint Amont-a, ne<nirhslandig ail lime disat- Muttages nantitl, basnet art-er 2i,000 alunitm in day ar-hauts in that empire and 315,(Jt)(X)hiltiren ii ht-r Sabbat-h achool.i, anti that Aiea ha basxpemîdeti in tic Turkish empire fer its 'letorment ovor $l.xJ, .lias flot America a riglit te lie heard? Ayo! Itl nl te hourd! 1 arn gladti <at gm-nt indignation meetings are hoing iclt i al aver Ibis country. Titat pour. îî-ak, cownrdty sultan, whomt san- a foin years ago ride ta uis mesque ton worshim. gîtardeti ly 7,(M Oarmeti mon, mnuny of tbem ronann<d on pranclng charg- era, tilt boni or these s8ympmchetic meet- ings for <lie Armenimne. if net threugh Amont-na reporters, thon tbrougt seme et uis 360 nires. What le deonitthlm? Tihere ougtt te i. son. SI. Helena te n-hiciho coumît be exileti, white the na- tions et Europe appoint a muler of tItii ewte 10ean eut andtire possession of the palaces et Constautinople. To-night ltia augnet assemblage in the capital et lie Unitedi States, in the name eftheic (ld of nations, lildîcta tie Tnrkigb (lovera. mont for tic tiolesate assasnation in Armenia ant iinvokes tie luterforene 0fl Almigbly (lotianti the proteat toer.,n sud western bemulpieres. ,Iaw-t Armiulna witli *liWofUQ ecunie*tal protection veuld bo monfumetital feelbardLn"ss Tite Turiali overumnent bis possIble wsy itindereti mula Now where la <bat sugelet . Berton, trie appeared eon lie of Ifrederlcksborg, Antietam, sud Cedar Mountaîn, and <atie ef Frencht and Cerinen SUDs et Paris sud ln Jobnstown Chailerton earthquakc, sud ires, andi Russlan famne?,It ParatlvelY ef little Importance German emperor decorateti ler Iran (iroes, for God bath deemi d< the .lgbt of ail nations wlth a 1gZ, neltiier time uer eternity cas dise, lu a Massachusetts village, s1We ber gfrllioed to hils City tW ses W crament lni the patent olfffice,bu trarti went forth from the doMe Datent office with a divine patent, sud Scedeti o (limmecif. tehat wtrpats absconîti toucit andimi iOrrofettheoflond andi ire and sudi hoapitai Dy lier preà"ne.& Clara Bartomil Juat as Iz ex , lifta tie banner etftthe RedtiCress»& -Tibe d Ceea. or Mercy. Turkey sud al nations are iiii respect aud defend that Rtedi Cf6 theugh <bat celer et cross doem net, l opinion ot many, standi for Ch lu MnY oplion It dues stand for Ch Ity, for was not <ho crossi underv mnt of us worsbip ced thi eo file Son of loti, ced with lie bat' that was eversieti, ret i vtithtei ponrcd ont forrthlic rsom of the wi Tiien laden, OIed Cross! Andl 'Clara Barton carry il! Tbe Tucls Poeut la hoîind t., proteet bier,am chariols of (Id a r 20,000, and ther lotei are angels i ( delivenance, &bd wouli. sil ride d,,î,n at once te roll and trampleunader <he boots oetiheir vw horse§ auy ot ber asmailensuta. y tie $500.000sIe seeks lie laid at ber téeul Thon may tho shipe <bat carry lier -a' ', Atlantic snd IMediterrsueun sea ceg cd safely by hlm wbo <trodlaue as pavement hestormoti Omîlee! Upea. incarundutined iti martyrdoin let lts Cross be pientdottutil erery d village aboli b. rebuildeti, and ti ves of buger lbc ted. lanti evcry vouai CruelîytYb e ied, andi Armetili. nlth ue mach Iliery <o serve (t un-n way es in thus tuhe us lande tie earth wne. the descendantset* Puritaus sud Ilollanders ant i uset" are free te worsiip tie Christ triocB <o set aiE nations free. Dioctrine of Helpauneee. It lias heen said ibat If n-sgo oatse e ta Intertere on âuother continent tien. wilI imuply the right for other nations te-a_ inferfere with affaire on <bis contlneut,- anda se ori ne doctrine bli mpandlaai, No. ne! President- Clevelaud exps'erme /he sentiment of Prery intelligent mmd p«es niote Amerien n heu iii-thundertsti fg, the WhiteIloie,,,a îarmmlnt tb Ùmilntli* thai there is Dot ane acre or une inch 010 of gronnd o~n tust continent for ny trX Atlantic gov.-rnmPn-iit <r,-cupy. Aib <bat doctrine ive stand non- sud sall forr cvrc stand. But there la a doctrine -se"mmjeh itlghb... thon the Moeuel czine asuttheinvite are biglier thian the. artit, sud th«at le doctrine uf hnmsnitarianissm and luve-eo tby mnd Christian bcbsfeluess wbkkté coid December mldaigit. trîit land is taultitudinqps chant, sa-ki-nd W % tierds. Witerérer tier, la a wou< It la our guty, vbether au IadildualW or ». nations, te isîan t. Wherev" i he > la s kuife ef assassinatinlittet Il Ils o«i'-, duty <o n-aid off the. blatie. Whles'sem mon mie persecuteti for their religion lit le an, duy to break tht arm of pb~ r.ý ' -bêhther 1< b, tbrnst lz*h.-fm a PrOtesI*' 0ont churci or a Catitollc catiejial or s - Jen-ish synagogue or à isu o se. W1e ailirec9gnize <tne nigb< en a smna uSe.a I If. going dlutn the ronti, n-e md à re4imj mallrenting a ehild, or s human bm» rb-~ sulting s roman, nie taire a hml antb content If n-e are net coivards, andi tbao,- wo be salit in personal presencé, iteaem et unr indignation we coine te velu abt! tîventy tons, and-the harder n-e pgakb the villain theo luder ouc conscience a. ' ilauda tin. Il u sîecase mc do ne$t h our banda in our pockots, argulng tit if o-e interfore wlth the brute, the bruts, r- might tbink bc rouSti bave a rgit te l-W - tortore with unsumd se jeoparduze the. Mes." roe doctrine. The Ark of Syuvrtby. The for-t ia <bat <bat Peruecution Det tAâ* Armu-nians hy the Turks muet h. teçped, or lied Alnighty wijl curs, ail Clisite- dom for Its daumablP intiiffecence s»a apatîy. But <he trunipet ot resurrectlemi in epeninif <but ou oui-etfttiepeaka of zA.- mila, this rery Acmnenla oet blh n-rs ape4k, iu Noah's tume the an Madeti, se« crtiing te ibe myti, un somne thlnk, b«t according ta <Jed'a "-sy Po," as 1 k".~' and that it tracatter a long storin et to#, daya and forty nights, caffleth lbdsimîqt% sudt tint afttortard a dore wti t ~W~ tramn tiat ark aud rpturnied wn-h is'u leaf lu ion beak? Even se non- timpeJ goos sailing, net over a deluge eft -aias, but a doînge of llootite ark et Ait eý nian sympatlîy andti it ark, lada t Ararat, trom its trimiton shall Dy the dffl Î f kiuduesh anti pence, le lind tia ilmi feaf of returnlng prosperity, n-bu. aA14. mountalns of Moaletu prejudce, pý sien andi crnelty @hall stand litts uk under. Mcanwltile n-O 'oule lii. "t. eli;- er ail the dying grosus ut ail ttie IO victimsetfMobanmnedan opprqeo" a- Intane theiembo oe preyer <tht-à meve the carti andi the beuvens, ituadiede. et iili(o o f Chcistiont' volces, Aei

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