CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Jan 1896, p. 7

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end %?Iii Vis a s AfiL bat à. doot', te patent, i f. tu heal lie aut 1 ezctd r Mercy. i are P=ea. Ried Cros ea mnet, lât for Ch id fer Ch m underv h thi. but' wltk the. IDm6ot he w- 7he Turklahâ êet ber, me ), and trir tory to ol ants. ay it curry hoa b- ani 7 'Adntuof ,sdo le the~e oter ntostr, eand expseaJ viii Btd o i~ adfflai.t oeg vr as fl r-t nitin t r'l' - seir reaions ite5 t on tn uals.r,. O valad eo rrqa, ýhiom an d o rheaebeas un to vl ha r conscinceré ua o noytrs wusn arum i ,ardu tse Mev Inauhasop, rseh aId hruta- ta etqd rarcIle1 anis. Dldeag s ter peon et #0 lnmofwhicbw , 40," a I kUys ý g catonEW tor à souqe vent .i on alt aa ~lSIîé> se fnov -93 eid, bnd ttis es lae etg abut, te aro nos Aosp sar ladiths tya riht o W - >ajudize, the do nd iffasa ill.* t aof tii. eio0A ;' eie, lii 19"~ vhelcea, Aor l., - à oft "Ole Wua hoe nk actt i tor tii Çt'd5 edrwtii ai a%#»h s"a Dow ut«e Jesm. , ëd botn tbsu ffl -' teg et.acaeîo' teargof -ip ai" ail" tidsOhe ldyat ure evr d jrýiUe#worst Sciofula trs ila It la ovei' eleven hundreil o»d mver faled exceptinl two came tlwmdehum«e). HaLas nowiluhis ome two hundred cerifcts Ue,, au i wn twenty miles of SSd ipostal card for took. ~~ ', Jo always expertenceil fro. bote ad apeiectcure le war- 11;te saule with thé ivrc Wsis la oseil by the ductsben aud alwityudWsspuers la a wek «-the stomach Is foui v qps.i l ri ehoge of dietever necessay.Eat you CAOnget, aud eough OfIt. tal'eSPOonfuijn water at b.d. ~ by al Druggists. K TOUE DEALER FOR SL Douc..As SHOlE u5VJ&PJg 00 dm saeod a&We. oe an ijbe or et'gÀygN 800 STYLES AND oWIffTRU, ~ oeonaae, mu'row. ~ amlu"« loyade la ailk sali m $3 ame« ~alu lalb.word. $Lot lase flametandi ontehbo. t*alwdearr fer our Bs, ~ U55~~~ yund seto lac- CL ~ wililas.l Usa o resIetng about tbree miles out 0f < ColoS, N. C. His home la oomewhiat lat.Ichvoods. Inauaninterview ' vie M r. .Godfrey, acr- epoadeteft l>e Telegra m an! Blânda IlTmea.. Mr. Rocher, on the. -f1s7tiof Juiie,18, said: 1I am 61 y"s o lmi, ud untîl i wae nlgL r unI 50 years oid Ivu.' ailvaye r- eU and peart, ilian for a long wK:le, andI until 1atFebrnary, 1 suffezmi vit Indigestion an! coîtîd not est auything itardly ni ail. My daUSbter. wbo lives in lte clly, seul mne tseaof Ripans Taituleq, toI! me boy ltotaetheni, an! they have completely cure! nie. My wlfe le nog troubled wlî thîe sUme complaint. and bas wrlttau dangliter tb sentInmremore 0f 1Mr. Itipaus medicine. 1 vent yen to tel .verYbody Loi I gol cure!, for Il la a blesslng ta iuiuanlty. {higned> h A-. ROCHER."1 m oel by îruoga.m ar il sui 10 lms-uoeara, Bs loS. am]H is u. * pr. ie àspffl &W u d4Usmî la,. »Mard te the duties et am acter. «Dnlbé illustrated liy ornelitti. in- cideut told by Joseph Jiefferson, wldh occurred wblile h.was living on b& plantation ln Louiffana, Baya the-Orand Rapida Hlerald. "I badl beeu ont duck aliootiug," $nid ,Mr. Jefferson, "and'wais belug paddled alowly along the Layou la a clinoe by my Mau Friday, a colored boy about 18 yearu 0k!. IMr, Jos., wlU Lecrnad If 1 ax youn oinefin' saad John, the col- ored lad referred Io. "'N'o, John, wlatIt ir?' ald 1. "'M'bat does you (Io la a t;howl "I told hlm It would le rather dift- cuit for me te expian wliat my partie- ur line of business was. " WelI,' naid John, 'docs you awallow knifens? "I told hlm 1 badl no talent ln that w ay. "'Wel. your son tld me that you swaliowed knives and forksa snd lire, and de Lord knows what ail, and 1 Le. Ileve Le was just foolin' nme.' "I agreed wlth hlm. saying lie was quite capable of it. "'Wlell, dere'. one thlng certain,' suid John, '!ion dont net ln the eircus.' "I aked hlm Low le conld bc cer-, tain of that. Johin lnrst into an lui- modernie fit of laughter, almnost tip- ping the canoe over inl ias violent mlrtli. -Ob, no, oh, no, cali! you can't fool me on da t. 've aecnyou get on your horse; yen ai't no circuit rider."'" . nOlitan Tin Peope overlooked the Inmportance of permanently Lenelicial effects and were aattlleid with transient action; but now that If La genéraiiy known that Syrup of Fig. willi permanently cure habituai constipation, well-lnformed people wihl not boy othar laxatives, whlic t for a lim~e, but finally Injure the systent. Thse Soerow of China. The I ellow Hivier la slyicd the -Soir- rew of ChIine." Du ring the tast cen- tury If bas chantred lis course twenty- two tîntes. and now fiows mb tolic es'a tliroighi a muoîth 300 )miles distanit front ha of 100 3'enrs ago. Ifl s eiiti- mated that lis floods In the present en- tury have' cost China ,EXIM. of liv-e. Tîmber fr onth iliAfrica. Au wood Is iargely wantlng lu the. Australl:în goid fields severai teainu sLips are now engaged lu carrvlng tint- lier front te l'ailiie coast for us'e lu Australian inities. 'J'lie steamalultue carry froi ,î N. 5.() o ) 2.4- i )fe"ýt Paulit. T'l'e ttl lCaliforala îLue andl fIlr. lu matir nations t lias been twlieved that au iiudlrîdual bîten by a dog uuay cure hiaigelf by placing tliree of the dogs haire on the wound.'ieien le expressed ln the Engliali proverit: "The har ofthte dog Fi good for the Vife"- ALWAYS liRL HOW XM IWONEN DO 1TOUKNOW Wh. eu BoyThey Akm Tborog WeIl1 New TWI C B 8ûw. (aRa.L TO OULD?5AD1 1 don't feel very well; 1 amn so tired a&U the fimie; 1 do't know wha là the mat,- ter wth me. Yon Leur îLes. werds eveu'y day. As fetn ces701 * meet. yon' friends, juseooften aie luishe word, re- peatail. )lore thin Ikely yous speakthîe mse pregnant. words yourself, and thore la no doubt but thet. you do feel fer froun vei lacet of tL. Uime. There la a cause, And - There lae - remedyforall that la ce?- lied by lhoae vardas constantiy spoken yvoen.. 717ydZa Pinkhamn discovered the iource of nearly &Il the sufferiag endurai! Dy the sex. "1Women's Complaînts,"ý - the&e Ivo arords &Fe funil of more misery te women than any iwo words that can be found la lte language oft he woriil. Suilden felnlhng, depresshon of apirits, relaclance tW g' anyw ere or te do aay- lhing, backache, "lbe&rlng down," andI kndred symp- tomâ of serions duainrbance sel- dùm magned by your family phy- lactautly mon- tinad by you. 1%ii. rasely l found'ltesain noble vomavie m iii cauae of &Il your misey ame verked out tLe rumedy. AUl druggUSsUha». I. SLydia B. Plukbam's Vegetable Coin- Pound llathegnéiat blemalag tint aval cuma law e a.lvu. 01 mEeing vomen.1 Better use, them if you don't use Pen.Gve your tired arms and acinfg back 'a rest, somehowv, when yoWre scrubbing -Ani>d àudidea?" 0f course. 41 But when a pemsnhas cleaned £*gUàemO Na". 1% mmted iiitht 1 Cm? t t0h. Ciy et Parla. The people ef Frane. are lu a fever Of Joyen excitament fbn account of the necat anrival from Itussia of some splendid gifts froni tLe czar to the French nation. The principal gîf t la a mnagniflcent vase of glorlous propor- tiena. It stands fully tpn feet bigli vîthout Its pedeatal. The vase was lesigned by Alexander Ill., andi is Ideaushave bee carriemi ont lu îLe lightesi detail. Its upper portion la IlE VASE. eut ont of au enorious block of cholea green Jasper, speclully selected front the goverument minas lu the Ural ninuntains. It vas eut and modeled et lte imuperiaI rannfactory ai Peter- Lof, under the supervision of Prot. Tchijoff, who aise utodeled the bronze figures triitli ornarnent its sidas. Thege represent tvo femnue beude. one typlfy- ing uiuea, villi tLe eJtaracterletic lîeaddrt'ss cf the women of iliai coun- try; tîme otîter rî'preoeuîing France, wilh thme plrygian cap of liberty. Ailtliteor- namtentation 1, exccuted lu gaI! bronze of a wonderful quality. On thte f roui of the body of the vase 1s9lte Itussian Imperial double-lt nded eagle, on the other thie arme of the city of Paris. On tLe Intermiediate pedeetal le tLe inscrip- tlon "Cronstadt-Toiiloiiu" Tite vase resta on n beautlfuly' designemi base made of reil Jasper, the sides of n Licîs are enbellislut'd wltL lte conte of aruia of ('ronstadt and Toulouni!n the dates 1891-1893. TitI8s uperh present Las ceet ltme fussian government nI leasi $GO,- 000, tih do" e t Inelude tLe roi of tranasportation. Il weighs about four sud one-hait tons, n! on Mailsea- counilthe floor of tLe Lall w'here Ih vuli stand Lad toelie strengthened. - AN EXPRESS TRICYCLE. Aiready Adoptemi by Onea Express Comspany fer C@sail Parcels. Nearly every day va hear of snme new developinent of the cycle Idea. M'a notlced reeently the application oif Il Wa ertillery service, sud aiso to Lospital service as au ambulance. New we Lave Itlnl an express vehicle for the de- lvery ofsmasil pareels. The accern- panying cul shows what the uew vehd. FRn lAUtEL D5LIIERY. cle la Ilke. Ib is sai! that tLe Unied Slutes Express C'ompany is now pre- parlng to polîIt lu Immediate ose. The machIne- if tve mai, emll lb n ma- chine--w ill cost a good deai lem titan a horse, wagon sud itaruess, and l dopes Dut have to lue ted sud groone. The box wil!L e 30 laches lu leuglt, 28 luches In wiIia nd 21 incites lu dépth, and! on te topt ttTlie a raillng to, tod extra packages. Titis machine ntoy Le pro'e)lmCtd as tfast as an ordinary "safe- ty" ut er a fuirily goul ruai!, and! uno Otal an au0dothe wirk. Alraid uf' the I1eapons. A story la tout ut an Lonest old n-haler captain, w ho, itavlug given nu- Iutentlonal offense ity lts bluffuesq, -was choilengci! TO a duel. At brut Ls sîoîîtiy rt-fuscd tu entertain tLe Idea. ucither tvisimg to Injure Lis opponent aur to Le dîsabîcl luaseif by ona wLe n'as aiready notortous as a duellet. Be- lug îlresFed, hou eter, lie aii lettgtiu cou- seuted. but, avalliig hlmseîf of Lis rîght to sele'ct the wueapons, ha sîag- gercd i tlsiolet ohponent by cltooslug liarpoons at a distanîce et tlfty yardà. XI Is almost neediesq lu gay tai, unter the cîrcumetances, thetilre-eater crIe! off and bastily quitte! the district. Changed. He looked ai ber earne@tly. "Ton have ehangai! since ast wa met," Le saltI. "Yes," she answue'etI. "Thus ed onea vere cauuing se many runnways that I thouglit i would edopi a pair of a more sonilir Lu."-Indlanapolls Journal. At thse Grand Restaurant. Water-How yl you have yeur clams--on the half-ahelI? Wenterner-No, irea; l'y. got nioney enough 10 Le a" swell as tisa naît man. O1v. 'ema te me on the whole ubalu or nothin', by gain -Nev Tork WorltI. uirotusor, lu your dangister a good lpuaakeper sa wll as alegrnatI vonà- -27bim-i'.b . ttSuted a co Îiffstla belng aywiteratloal1 s$Ôcked wiil, various apeci me 0 pume birds f rota other States and lands, UMeUr the direction of a departîment ti the taie gante commiîssion. A fow days agonauuber of Mongolan lheas- an, whlcLhbave becu Iîtrodueed in seyeral Pacifie ttes wt lunmch Esle- ceags, were reeived at the Leadînuar- ters ofthîe comumssion. Tue bîrds are to le kept in confinement and tite ex9a distrlbîuted lu varions parts ofthîe htaie. The eggs wilIl le set uniler do- niestlc liens. and the youug plieisauua w lii, ai the proper tite, lie set t'rec lu the forests. A consiguimeni of lr- giînla quails and sharp laîl grouse lW milit on Its way te Vermout Lw he used for the saute purpose. Ghoute Are Paie and shadowy, May thosé who profen. te bave intervlewed tilen,. Whether apooko are tallow-faced or [-t. nortais are whowe blood le thIa ana: % lterY ln censequeneaetfimperfeel assimila- tluîî When Invalide resort To ilostetter's iSiuii5ch Bittera, and ose that unequaled t-ut peralatently, they &oon "pick np" lIn :Trmngth, flaih andi color. It abouTd ieha nd ilso t,, prevenit milartal. rheimoatic and kl- Tn'y 1 ui ans. and te reuoedy constpation, air-k b=Uahe and nervouaines.. Twln Sans. The t-ar Alpha Centaur ite nenresi star t, the egrili as- far as; we yet coîw itnsista, as thLe teleocope shows, ot two usiu, oeeof wLich la five or six tlits lirigitter titan the otber. But re- èent oî'u'tosby Mr. nfoiertz ai ilie (.aile u01idood Hope ,Observalory Lave led hlm to the conclusion thai the Iwo cotapoîîeuts of Alpha Centauri, much as thiey differ lu brIgLineua, are reaily iearly eci mlanweigLt. Togetiier iiuey are ti.aslieavy affÉr ua.n. Il Soens lui fmlow from thase facta ibat one utrtie in Sangs la loslng ils Ilglij, and i hie course of agesl may Le- couic (111N a glgantîc opaque planet, whiile ils ,ipaîînnuiîl stilîl continue to blaze %%; jih'.oior splendor. Carri, .Camo a .CraI vith TOCA T Ai l'I'CATlONS. &4 they camnot rru'i uetet l le isas.CaturnhWhabtlood or s'on.titii.,'nal disen., and Inla 01er tu cure il ïouTiii nuet e tiiî'rialrmailles. Hall'@ Cat.rnh Cure 1. akeri1iiurcrialty,ad acta dlreetty onuthe blont d n niti, surfame. Dala 'atarnh ('mre k" net a quark iedicine. 19wta r scrIbed by one efthe t stîîlvslIan»s lha ise ounlry for 3eXts, and l à regiîiar prescription. 19 lm coi- î'oed of the bout tonica knowTt, oombined A ih h<lie blooti-.purifors,aelOUM dIrectly on the mtic'n.s sifue~leperfmct camiazlon et the tlo lngredlenu lb wflmetpreaues suah won«. derfîmi resuTtàInbu uring Catozrh. &eil for les- LWaoB1tah. free. f. J ('11 N1N1& Co.,.Props.. Toledo,.0. Cclii by DruggL L,, îrce 7,br Polite Japanî..î' noysa adGirls. "lu Japtili 1 % - iiiseveral aclîcols," Pita s a V-iter ii tii. Cincnnati Trib- une. "anui1 1111i1tadiut I neyer env Su-h a uIli-(- lot ! lilidren. Their pin. Uluocs lew * nu luiifid geins fortem the admiration of :Il tie atranerewlio sisil thent. As si-n se I eniered the Dchool the IIite1,-,, and girls atood up andilnclinied thiîir i ýails Japaneme faili- ton t0 sainte fie. 11 i nswer ta varions questions tLey ropi wd i illiut baliful- nase, but Yvlth anu air showlng Low thuey appreclated 1tie honor of beiag visited." Week I.umgs are gtrringthened, Plen- risy lPaine relie. ed nrii Asîhunatle gqmp- tiinie aubdued îy tir Pl. Jayne's Expet- turajit, a sovereîgu rtnu, for ail (3eughs and Colda. The 1ev. James L- îoa widt'ly kuown nnit-ersalst îîsîister and for souete ure the old4îst gr:îluate of rnfte ('ollege, lias just dl ia4iiiliford, Vt. Every trace is but, aiI RsIt rheum, itîli. etc., 1 C.idenij i*.11p r S,,ap. 1*tiilli-tir and Wl..-k r lire," Blackt or Brown. Z-Ae. 1) cspalrlis t le o ffijr i i i gf i r, of laz- lne,s and Impjatience; i t aoîýs a defect or spirit aud resolniti, iîl ,doften of Louesty, too.-Coller. TIall's Haur Itenewer cr10 r-i the natu- rai food and color-iat tir lt il hair, and niedicinal herbs for the -alpî ring gray- nea;s, balducas, dandruff andi.] s oares. *'Tbought you saad leur fi.n1 were a uni t?"'"I was rigli h, i ai.t, r.too," answered.tae defeuulcd oiî, ' iit just one vote." Piso's Cure for Cos~itiiiired a case of I'neumonia aft'-r iwfiiifin. r d tor gave up ail hope. Ni. F1'MI i ruites, Cuulowingo. Md. Onue of the liardest leqsosî',to larn la that we are made out ofthelai- i idf of Clay as the People WC don i1j Ikeu "Brown'e BronehlialT'ro< lus' au ii(f great bold ouly iu boxes. Avoid îimitations. Men ili flot lIre rlgbt ule.s t1iiy liret belleve rîglit. veinfla cures.Treauae l i 82»tri.1i irottirfgo lmt cases.Bond tuDr. 11»n. soi Arci., i w aTt. P t=lwl.alo=01 BooTaieTTîO SRU? eaae mt. h ims.reaiaoitu.ui- 51h55 painescos Wl 5ese*rnte a hmtIeu. If's your moncy and your dres thet yoùwant to save, but you can't save eitber by using cheap trashy binding. Pay a few cents more - and get : Which lust as long as the skirt. Look for "«S. H. & M." ou the label aund take ne other. Ef yoor damier wîli uet supply yeu, *4. laid for sampisa. Showlig labels sic! mais- riis, t the S.I.& Ri. Co., P. 0. BCoi 699. N-U Vrr City. 5 10 15I Vears Vears Veaus IST. JAOOBS OIL. Zr T m S T1M UN PAWI' ialned wa t*it' \ GO'OD IMING - PU5HI11 ALONG mi Oeaotu In Our bottin. OntY. boif eamimr. 54-aOur ne, .DOSa E.trami 00, Neow tort. S"dILOndo. "file that Works Easity Works Suc- cessfully." 'Tis Very Easy to Clean House With- SAPOLIO 111 nrmmy neevWa I Oui, kept me f rom hal quic4 oenumptlon.'-] I. D. DARLING, Ha Ms'lov, N. T., Jea 10,1 FOR >Ure. Wh we Al )D. US] ne Yeu Wash? OP Course - Doyou Wash QUICKLY? g<O youWash EASILY? Doyou WashTBOROUWWY? Doyou Wash CIIEAPMY? You maYIFYOu wiluse SfitTA ÇLAS I5 Trhe but~ 'purest and most economicul - Od ,,Sdeverywhere. Made eî1y'le

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