CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Jan 1896, p. 8

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ýo do Qoods at RQUSE'S! Why? Prices Tel! 'Washburn's Superlative Flôur,.ter bb. $83.40 4 Gallon Keof Fine Table Syrup, for 1.00- Teg. Dust, 7 lIbs. for -- - 1.00 Dried Peeches, per lb - - .08 ,Z)ied.Prunes per lb - - -.05 Seia.â Raisins per lb - .05 Roll ats 8 bs for - - - .25 Appies per gallon can - .35 TQmtoes per can - - - .08 Con 46" - - .07 'Rouiid Steak per lb - - -.08 Poürk 'Chops "'« --«'- -.08 Sausage s o.08 Ail other Mats in proportion. Quarteras Deilvered a$ Wholesaie Prices. 'x 0- 1 &R Farg@Ws $2.50-Shoes for $2.00 AU othehoes et à Big Discount. D'.ANORUSR Mon's Sizes a Pair 1.59 Boys' do' as 1.39 ýi.ffING-Overcoats and Suits sold on orders at ~'whoIesae prices. ~J~D~SFine assortment of Choice Confections î f. ROUSE Rockefeller. HEÈREWE ARE:'AGAINI AHigh Grade and High Arm Machine with Steel Nickel- Plated Attachments. Ail of the Latest lm- --provements. 7 Drawers Highly Polished and SONLY $24.50 Warranted for 10 Vears! nie anld qat one of these Machines' on. a 30 tria(, and If it does not prove satisfactory, you turn ft., býe, ne of Chamber SWts as iow as $10.95 up teQ. ýCouches, of ail Styles; in fact i have in àgytKilng you may cali for in the Une of Furni- SA fuit line of 'Jdertak ngtoods always on hand. X Id. -E,-Rockefeler. ol,,Wançondsa eaied *ad A, J. King vent to =I*g util vWest o! 1«edrove of ~~~~i pCh«.@d, pei ,4~~.~wih er aunt kob45al e .Thursdlay ?totWeleh vas clled totaied be funerai of &y bo<b mornlng sud 0r 0fetthe Hait Day 'ç% ers: A good at- Le »r*d Bhoiâdie, vbo v« troan Miciigan last mt4g, ho le visîting bis ý»lo parents et Dlanioud «bt grade -tsmily Seving Wokal aumoder n.a s equel to the w e e Furulture *Wus nev'bouse le very am ar love viliisit ue aie- mon as ha bas b"s ueready for R Etlinga, Montana. ffldS* -ehis aunt, Mrs. bdilutt vcek. Rei t A.uAdraeset tb bau tenvery ili the Jp e aise very litie eA bewtfe's heaitb. Dr. S tlia olcoral)isl . eÎOa oelgbts, vieil- tMé bers. l estyak. 'whUpent a ew daye a t Leug Groealast HALF'DAY Bey. Stral.u preachas good sermons. )Ira. Bizenîbaier bas relusned froni the City. Wlllie Wellsebbad hi& old job in the City lest week. We &U fbel sorry tbat Prof. D ubea lis loftiRaU Day. ba Henry Engleberryba finiebed bis contract at B. Dlckinson'e. There vil be s large delegatiota frout bere lu the Vair eleciion. We like tla er J. M. Foota preach religion et the store evenluge. Alfred Staucliff bas bis colectors books and le ready to recelve taxes. John and Henry Seboeder muade a business trip) to the eily lasi 'week Wedne8day. Hugo seeme luo have au attractiona (ver ai Deertield. lerhape the editaar ilîl gel an order for wedding curds aler a while. IIov la Il H-. H? Real estate bereabouts -le hoaamiîig lu anticipation of the ele.-trie raiia which le bo run on thie 1<1 grade. Rai! Day viii become a city yet. John T. Ayres bas been very slek thie baset eek vitb pneumonia. Tuies- day he Aad s relapse sud vas so lau> 1hat frIands feared hoe couldti tot sur- vive; but uiader lte skillful treainietit o! Dr. Jno. Taylor, o! Libertyville, lie ii improving and va hope nil I IItîl through ail rigbl. DEERItELD. The Ev. Co. offer 1.25 par tordl for Wood. Mise Sarah Altes eipeut Sunday at ber home lu Nortbfield on the prairie A parly eelelirsted Mike Horen. berge.'s &,rth iay utaisnierestdeuee,st Tburaday unfiernoon. C. B. Baston ban 70 odd boar iiuag borsesi. Haeiilil ake tbe cashmiixl 8pring for bie grain, haRY and lataur. Geo. Partaons bas resigned Ahis )Osi_ titan as ulgltolarator ut tii station. How le it that the choir of St i'aîtl chureh dont 111ttgauly more? % ' bave mol heard thena Rince New Yeairs. Are lhey on a etrike? Of IRUMrvIile Called otn Several of our yuîtg laie are WOW se agent for a tbînklasg nîght sud ltiey Of s> at a good - . tAnte tbcy are going lo ava'e ut titeir idemade s trip) lu Leap Tsar party ai Wheeliitg Fui>,let. 7eella4ngteu Keighth Tar-r£-ra-bou-deay. Don't be lit a Aurny lu aceît ground- W lther and daugliter leuseromors. Tlae INDEPF-EIÇETu viii z»lwoviated at A. keep on improving ugît serve Its Prgy la auon th a teoneyb.tter ve no a »Ion olberd.Ileirte ler e ve faoriesvan le te vus ha by thte Ber. CyniliRoss, of MelCormick, tiate -a1npr#ae perly Univ. viii presit tAe suljeci 01- 'rd-Waebsaings (nea forcigu missions aitbe Probbyterflu fi&w 2'caa eveu It ~chnrcb Sunday erenlng Jan. 26, makin Irm , W Y. dai sepecility o! the neauls of ou Soa a tase te Aiterîca. uB ra. Vm ery et P red Belrtov the damIer aud matnu- *êeYOUMg couple'$ facturer of Marbîs sud Granie jMa -mete buaeveyy facîîîîy sd js.ap- writ6oi i le x as auNi m Friday, JaJiuary,'17, 1896. LÂAKJ»ZIUUICH. Take in the o mikqufflde bahl. Mir. John Koffen le on the slck biat. Ray Klmbley bas been stoplng iu Zurich, A poatooinspector vas in tovn lest week. Rlght lu It again, Zurich brass band, let ber go. The work of bervesting the tee crop in lu full biast. 1 August Meyer, of Fremiont, vaq lu town Thuraday. Yen wlU min It if you do flot take« in thb a nsk bai. Henry Fisher viii remAlo on hie place anotber yesr. Considerabie tee inehlpped from here te Waukegsn. H. L. Prehm, the ail around business man, in kept busy. Ras Wm. Bueecbing bongbt the Anguet Graber farm? Frank Clark han a large force at würk on bis Job on tbe lake. Wm. Buesching Jr. le workiug In the~ Quentin Cosaere !actory. W1e bear ther .Ir everai candi- dates for the pe ne The Metropolitan 1 String Band le meeting wlth great, favor. H. G. Killman le erectlng a barn on the old J. Lltchiteld farm. Chas. Sholta le stopplng vlth bis parente and doing odd jobe. Skating seeni e tble the greatest sport ansong the younters. Fred Holland nov takes hie mlik, to Quentin Corners, for liciter or worse. Fred KucKuck vas taken euddeniy iii lest veek but l3 much better now. George Meyer Who vai kicked by a cow and broke hie ankie, tin lmprovlng. Clark, the itemn, wviiput oit a niglit force owiug Vo thto rusb of ordere. Our blaeksmith Wm. Ejchman vbo bas been on the ieik ligt le about again. Henry Swermusanl'as ettled lui Zurich again and in worklng at hie old trade. F. P. Clark le shipplng 151t0o25 car- loade of tee dily, beside8 filling hi.4 ice houses, The Ela Fire Iue. Co. re.elected their old ofilcers at anneesi meeting last Salurday. John Dickson bail a bad fl f rom tbe ice elide, receiving a bad eut on the eide of hie face. This litie tovu eeme to be visited qulle often lately by Governient and IUailrond, detectlces. Il le; rumored thst Wm. Pepper and H. C. Hokemneyer bave purcbaeed the Lakee Corners factory. For a tiret clan hair eut and shave. Cali on our new barber John Sprocchl. Satisfaction guafaateed. The Metropolitan String Band vent te Palatine batI aturday te give a concert at John Berghnn . Jack Hane our popflar butcher filied hie tee boune Isut week. That la the boy Jack Wbo holde bis own. Severai ear]oa$ of cattle have been ehlipped from bhere to Chicago markets by different eotureoentlyv. C. W. Kohl vwars aemile becae thie is leap year; probably lhinkinug the other aide muet propose. Chas. Wewetzer Who bas been visit- iug in Ibiti neigbborbood the past three weeke, bas returned to hie honie tu Minu. Those 'wbo are gullty of epreaqliug mimeellanous sianderone etorieashouldi be punisbed for their conduct, accord- ing to law. Jacobi Herman 01W harneesâmnake le doing a flne business. If yoti leli arythiog lu the line of liarnieseei. Give hlm a ouîl. Everybody wli have a good timie at the grand masquerade bail Satuirday evening at Fleke'sHall. Ticýkets ouly ;)0 cente; supper extra. Luther Clîfford took the job of 1>1<w- mmîg ice for Mir. Bronnuelkenip; the ive lu be used lu -fllhug the Lake Zuirich creamery ice bouses. NOTIE. For Sale a foul blooded Holstein i ilîl 3 years old, apply le Hsaav FiscHast, Lake Zurich. No doubt the next tbiug ou the program ittlibciea Leap leur Party. Nov boys. look ont for the girls; they are supposed te lbe on the proposlng qluestion, you know. ý We nov have an experiencedl barber la tovu vbo bas corne te stay witb hies mewly vedded vile. John viii make mauy frieuds bere anti beiry people ahould patronize hlm. Our brase band bas beau re-orgsutzed( and in sgain favorlng us wlth choice munie. Webope thcy viii nov stick together bud make il a lastlng organiza- tion under Prof. Walz'Ieadersblp. Fred l<uKuck, colUector tovu of Ela yull soon cai upon yon for the 189 taxes se put on a &mile sud get your shekels ready recelve hlm lun<due feran d tati hlm t0e ail around next year. We have just lniaugurated one of the Greatest Ctosîig Out Sales of Winter Goods: INVES Tli 1ATE ÉA GO-LDEN OPPOR UNSPECT OUR GREAT OFFERUNG. HIGH PRICES AND HARD TIMES MUST GO; nothing can stand befon . our agnficnt nw godsandMarvelous Low Prices. See them Afit you want them. Price them and you buy them. Wili quote prices onl a ffl of the many bargains we have to offer you, which wii be SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. BOYS SUITS. We have bundreds too nialiy o! Ihese, excellent brigbt goode,'neat patterns that vs do't vaut to carry Over, if ve eau poslbly beip. No niother wbo thinka mach o! ber boy sud vbose poeket book needs cou- hideration willfilu see theme positive bargai. 15.50 and $6.00 suite are seling for . $3.350 Suite are seiling for.................. 1.98 Wooi Suits vwiti 2 Ipair îaants ý..2.98 $5.50) aIl ucul . . .. . ...... . .. . 3.88 Ail have been Cut, Corne Early for these. Ulsters and Overcoats. Nice Chinchilla Ulater, fine liuing, regulariy soid for »0.00, and worth Il, for this r4eie$1, Black Irish FriseeUlster, substantîillnug, an boneatîy made ceai sold et $16.00 for tiIs saleI Dark. Llgbt Grey and Blak Irisb Freize a gotid ulster .old for $13.00 regulariy, for Ibis sale Theee Coate Run as High as 48 ln Size>. - BOYS' ULSTERS vllb large coilarg. We bave 2 afew iefito close at- ... OV ERCOATS. A. dandy Coat-Kersey-lu @talorm-Hea% i Fariner Satin Llning. Silk aleesu' liiuugt- caul libe beat ln thae Counlty for. I1 . 5.00. Melton%,.--Corat anti sec thien], aold for $160>51 for thiesale . .I..... .12-50b Many other varlettes from S4.50 upwards. Pants. Collars and Cuffs. Alwool pentei3morth $.3, for.. $2.00 Gloves and M itens. We vont <n-arlook your need lu Ail wool pente vorth $2.50 for I1.75 tbis Uine, aundsa,«ffer * lot of AU wool pente vorth $6.(O for 450Geood yaru nmttengat io. 15ansd25,. pyliecoera . Ailcoo sutavorh $00 or 400 llned drlving mitts,varranted Er iea olr t....T Ail wool lants worthi $4.50 for.. 3.50 iiucksikin, tbat we wilI close at $1 25 AIl vool i)aaats worth $400 fir 3-00 A few iesther coveredtît lîtesudM e n's H ats. glova-s Vo close at........... 25e lotufi Derby Hais aulne tuit Men and Boys Caps. anuoy' ods bigla as 53.00 bteclose ai 9 Menan B ysCa s. Everything In men'S adbys The s(lery laet styleis. goodl Cape tAnit vere $1.75 red nced to< $.1 .35 C loves and Mittens marked value$2.001asd 1U.25 f<,r ibis Caps that swere $1.50 reduceilVo I1.10 way clown. saie. Si.... Causthatwere$1 -K) rfI.- t- Qý.A Une of .00 tu a oaa nt. .... unp mt er e.UU ru aceute. 8C Caps Ihat vere 75c, reduced bo. 63e Boys' Pants. A lot of beavyvool kuce pente, splendid value for 50e Vî 6oc te close ai .... .. . 3 Alil $1.00 and over wool kasce pants tb close et Boys long pente at.. ...... 76e Goud black and bine heavy ch eviol panle at ....$.... Children's Underwear A lineofo! blidren's Merîno uinderwear for......... ......A1 9c Clldreus vwool underwear fromi 25c up accordinggtu, size U nderwear. Me'st4'ndlerarworih 12.00 for $1-39 Mens Underwear ariA 11.50 for 1,25 Meu's Uuderwear vortb 31.25 for 9e: Mens Underweer vorib 11.68 for Tac Mens fieeeed llnied for .. 39c Hosiery. Boys' Iren Clad Hosa -cautt le beat for vear ai........ 2le Everything ln wool Hoalery marked at Great Reduction. Ties. I yoa dlidUt gel a prtty tie ftor 'NU8Inne uc àaYonr chance. Wba bave a semai lot of Holiday tles ihat moîd from $1.00 tu 11.50) Ibat w-ill be elomed ai.- An' eiegant hune of dresmy liesb that othere wouldask you $l.ou for we are eloslng sti.......... A big asorîmneni of latest chapes sud lin Dejolnevliles. Pufla Teck said fotir-n-hamsd piatterns linaajlk sud Satins, ai .........4o, A lot of 35 sud 25e îles ast. ...C Mens' Suits. Coma sud sec our suiti: pricesa vii bce rigAt. If big variety, sud lmv prlcea. vilI more ibeni. ibey viii go qutck. PREMIUM OFFER. __Whenever yon lauy aiàytliug froi 5v t(, 1.0<', yon We're not slicing thinge in two. We never gel a ticket wlth tbe face value of your p)urehase- marked on il. Wben your purebaises asoaut tu, 30 yon gel a& Iîad our goods marked high enough to do that. bard wood, caiie-neatedl. Imrior rocker f ree <'f charge. The reiluctions given i iere are lîonest reductions $45 you get a hard woodx rocker, fàaucy curved-milan and represent our profit and more thaîs out pro- baek, pluah ecuahion scat. $60i yoaa get a aaaogony fllusbed art roceêr, sanadlenther sceat, a veluable, fit ini sos lhcaIses. plece o! fuaniture. Save-, votir tickets. This offer' holde good during this sale as prevlouely. AMES & SEIDEL, JWAUKEGAN, I LLI NOIS-& LE IT HTO N Tca the teacherg of ailtriet echool Na>. 6, alilas tAe Self styleai Caîtailî O! the Steatier 1'rogretim. RESOLVED: Titat wse tAc kiekers of district No. 1; tlink ltat tbe caid vaptaiti lias a vheei du hiebeaud) Ihat is ini aeed of reforni anal that li8saeiiors (sehoiare) wcul neyer reach their desti- nation tAie land o!fA{owiedge, until tbey get a new captain. We vould advise himns o bire a mate so that vbau be gels lis tired tspeilehle viii nul bave to leave lli slip lu charge o! is littie sailor8, tseven yeare <aid. IVe alco tbiuk thAt a captalu that viii set the exampie o! coeittg sud smoking tobacco lu a ship sud ailowlng bis sailors tut play carde, le not capable of beig thie captaîn of the Steamer Progress, or teaclier of a district echool: We sîo nish that if lie veule bo practice deutletry bc would go to coilege or bave au oilice li some lovai iuetead o! praclicing au our eilidren. THiE KICKERS. The Quack Soolmauter. Ttae caralain %f the streamer progr,. A salllaag for he-iandlng Knovledge; Tlîlnkshle s adenîlet. Though be neyerventolucolege. Our ceitaîngoed and true. ladoftor somelhlng nov- Who thînks It le no harm. If bie patients o! tobecco cbew. Helas a docler o! man and beast; Ha> cures cllblains sud corna- He doctors bota lInVAhe ves and eat. And says "'ai the klekersneed. la borne:' If you want to : leeri istrick«. obaeaSocisl chsw Cail orna lie cajtain of dibtrlct No. o. And holas aushow >ou coret hlng nev. C oa,. te obaye a utiatelan Dow. loef thé lrsi day o et l ai. - ItgausNo. FI-'X iLAKE.- NIeS llv Ciiiitaîata. le liig s-aa ita ('latgo. Ni s. A. Twe(a ln a1 b îaas lraaîttlie r vIil ta oBoseobel, 1Nis. Nlss Alîe Uraîger. aor Liglitaaî. vis- lied l'ricaads ii thlis violti ity lIte kci. i'hleriT..J. i ollontia i wilI ît :alat Forit IHill india y itu-ainag antiti veua- i ng. Tîhe pIe social et Bert .faltnsoiac Tuesdlay tsvening wIvotec<a .lasuc-es. Os-ar $5 vas reailzeti. rThe uîany frIends of lDavid Treulacl wîlIl be pleaeed ta.aer tîtatlite lm sW> mucii lu love wltlalte boutAi tAct be lias îaurciaeeed a plere of lanid tîtere. WhAie ve regret lies departure svp hope ht leofot forever, anti look for hlm Aaek wlth thliasattlug of lAc bîrde frein thait sunuy lînte viere liasewaiadered. Jan. 3 a lînden treaelxty feet bigla vas traaispiauted froan Huekers grove to C. J. Pattersou's grounds on IngIue. aida shore. Il took four btornes, tsvo wvagons and nine man lu eccuanpllsb tbe test, sud Il vas raleed te an upriglat position by avlng roes attacbed :-- the top o! the treansdvas pulied tilt mueIL4.4eaie as a wlndmiA le ralsad. Junior Epwortb Laague.-Otitcers eiected Dec. 29, 189, for ou@ year: Superîntendent, Mrs. Johnson; Preal- dent, Ane Galîger; Fîrel Vice Presti- dent, Wilhe Aiveil; Second Vice Pies- idenit, Floyd Culver; Tbtro Vice Preat- dent$; Le. Tweed, T"ut algperautta WHEELING. Miamuite Ttiley visttd bieesituaa y. Albert tadCharlie MJeson sisitet inl toii Suîlttay. Mr. Poley Aad a îîarty ont frouat Î.e city laoking over the bnevery ltainea. Mr. aud Mrs. Enîtl higisait tire vee happy oser lAc arrivai to! s 11111e dangblen. TAe Leap lear SoeIal C'lub) bave, Y tickets ont for their grand da-ueè Fcb. bl aut Masoti Hall. J. B. Maan 100k a btîeinesa trip to tAecitly Tuestiay froni there ha visitedý hie sons ian Waukegau. Lizzle Behm i ent lu MUvwanký0c Friay morning svbare sAc viii visit frieude au Iindefinie limte. Couil Vernons I. O. 0. F. bcd a publicelaîstaietion iet Ssttrday oveu- - Iug after uvlhitbey lielti a bu~ sud dance et tAe Chicago Mous.. 1 g rtook of tAe bauntiful repent sMd ~aued untili remindcd of the approace of Sabbath moru. SPECIAL. FREMONT CENTER. MI." 'Mary Delulelu, of Chicago, la vliting ber parents. Mr. Orgoodes famlly araeu«etertalnlnX visitors fionst te City tAle week. Mrm. Adams Beban, Jr'.. epent lagt- waak vîtAi ber sîster, Mrs3. Ueo. Behim. at Ubt'j.tvUie. lranbôIsI'etnp, M. W. A., wil bave,. a publie Installation of officers Satiar- day nigbt, JIan. 25. Mm. C. C Trent apent f4unday m-lthL ber gran4deildreai, C. J. Lyon sund fans- 117, ut OSmer. $2-98

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