CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Jan 1896, p. 2

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>NY NE R TODÂF,,TUg . EBVCENTRAL TRAIN MAS A NARROW ESCAPE.- ltàei remking of a Defotive AXIO -4141wela end Tunkey Put Another gola the tii Lo'Tatii-Baivation à*iàe *metion. Flaw il tasteel ^Xie. 1* p. amieigers on an exiress train on Je ent»dral Bond had a ulrrow theeier aigiit. As the train out oi the Elzabetti statian the. oftetwo test drivns wieelof th. smapped iandi the. eavy engin. %ras Tiil. liwhich lu about eight ldisuter, upped off close te baddrIver5 a"d invetlgton an oudi uw la the. steel, 10 tati ~svyengin. b ano ne ue ows WÈ .pdbdins Ixponone-flti of the. Tmtrain camated ofeten iiesvil vamssssen carsdmlii ruasR Ua tin tws.*y-twe Minte@ et express W iwtbeut stops. Raillrad mnser 0 am t the.mimaelsu-am-s thjeRe bk d honia terrible catastrophe, fer, eld smeleer sai.i: Had that satai altu lrSiuami while the. tala .~iilua lis m ira C (lti to hsthdawbr dse uring whicii ft mora mlne a minute, tere --eoers --!orne t ithe mest ter- klaa ccidents ttbave ever Rtui"section .et the .ouatry." vEtVOL? UINTan aumMT. Sesmier. wiiI Wthdan e hoiu eupowt sif Booth Gons. jAkXUaay memberset itii. Saîvatuon Ar ýàwnvwgrauslyProtst « sansith. of Commander BaIliugta Bl,. i lldraw their Inm scai support if heaa nioane te R.reniain. mlliuembers aviSisenti a naal- gqifl tte AO&uL..ft at proves ý or esanes viiib. aken te ite'aaiâ* laAmerica indeltendent Nagihh domination. Bailuten ail lb lavitesi te beromee its leader la auteti that h. ceulti iardly ý, u la U ete .assertion ait esters h14tendon at h, ehaug. e. la, iipbgw ibtheRi polile>' te oemaiîdet severy iew years itlaR l'af Liat Enanieil Booh, Rhe 9-stae in LondVoit, wheta Iargely Me ferRthe eiders, bau been in hi* W w n tesîr er; bils Mater, u***,bas boss la charge in 6 yliS an sd the cmmandier- r4seam .Public meetings la i bitgantanget. *4~iv Sinaut Boesc- Stwil. UMailGazette A*ar tat an offeu- heea con- *bds atiTuuiey. The mrýdt cotatnople anti bW*bowet* AurejuPasa andthli qbbm tthe treaty Ru declaredi M tblta ons the Unkiar-Skelessi Wat f18M IV wahil Tarke>' ,& lth se rràt ai nsu intgugte th ue ii 44u4 s Vrarhps mIQ *. iselai C NwA4 t is ethat Rte t' ymuet 0 a *- ëWingte the refusai ý ý_ t0 rc«nl it.l. ie is hJ.itabassadon, H. «uni- *11* ethe it.sultan andthiat tFatee avil be,îsicided ln KILLIU IN THE WRECK. iPqtu f ugincou the Little ueitif fit, Newv York anti St. eXVMîsac. Lie Little bMiatul Rail- qïkodýfor>'miles front Coiurdbu-1t tilIsa Clark A.Trimble. angineer, tere Wa ers mnan, bath of Cu- 0;. -; =athe prsous vere kilieti or LAit of tii. car, vere vrecked Rie' leepers. iàVea Out i NexononOdora la dire troublie at tie Lester Park t. »)uu, on account ai a borribléu ainem> ail Rie pupils have beeu "»- la eonseqeence. The. heaith Went bias examinai lie building i, bt cmnt furnlsh nu exîi)aualit>n P Icisae et the ooa, vhlch poa-ý - té ltracteristics aoftiecasing %ees Latho Toile. a "sulit ef ex-Con. CanipbelIls rt- 4qMrsance' bofera Rhe prOsecumtinig ^F4tCol=ubua, Ohia, lu takie ,ýosources aifte Informnationî sit m*",ifs charges cf 4curritphtin r4glula.ture, ta irs set f tbfe argenit reiîreseuhatioiîs =_- oblof aithe. United hastest RAgaIMeW . Terreil,te 'Tut ri;- ---Mx -*M RIRheostates u se--ans Ob s A ÂienIlesn ia (rot.u jgdhérlute relief ta tiie suff.-r- E.Awaher, a Chicago atist IE was abat pun aiment lu- rIet Thuirula>' igit b>' a hlgh. Mâ M , te atrsets ai Webéàter 04 *Wamtomietc subunb aine miles 0etlouais. W~'sMa~rs.aators. t" ]b7glaulajol~ essi on. ~ .CamwAoWS ArtRiumBrawn l~s aes sonate. 9lia 8W.rmnnthlb. if. of the mi qWsft' et Quting, eatnmihted soi- R_»*o rtalt él ter lic ofies ai Tor*. gbc bai lbv- ;e.tle viti hem hushanel ci,.sd bsn uicide le attrib- - « the lâtr* wla receuteth War Departisent in Waah- leton, ha#. ordemesi AdJi. Cen. EHonston ta ses thatth.eiFloridaeililla b. placed lu readinfes to teirelthe field AR a 2i0- met', notice. Sîmilair requesîs, Rit lu rit- itorteti, have been sent buaRIte govemnOrâ of oRter Santheru tates. Tii. steryàt became generailly knowu, aqd 4 eau 9l great exçltemeut îhroaghont the Seth. Gov. Mitchell and Adji. Cen. Houston %veretsaed lu regard ta ilt, but hey r.- f ued la taIk. ten. Houston bas sent telegramns toalal battalion commtandera lu Rhe litat.. Major Turner, let Florida battalion. bas recelved several mnessafes fromu the adjutant gênerai. The. battalOn commandera at J'ensacola ad Tamupa bave aise reeelved messages froOt Cen. Houston. II insataed as comng f rom Rth. executive office tiat th Washington au- thorities hrboaveon tWbelieve'thet a diluiaOMrng betaveen Spain aud Great Britaiu for h. sale ef Cuba ta Rth latter. andi liat th United States in preparlus te reaist h. tranafer of the !»land, aud liaI the lliag squadrcu in comiag t.> Anterican waters te b. resdy for th. ver avti the UnitedStaBltes that %viRevita- bly félUow thes atlempteti cession cf Cuba. Dispatciies freux varions ciinl Floijida report th51 Rh, troupe are gathering. andi thbat th.anar lev-enruahigiienthan Rhe day ai er President C.vland's Venezuelant message." WETLBIÈ'S PROCRAMME. Wiii Net 1,11ev tii. Potiey or Cen. campe@., The aleget pragrani ai Cen. Weyler. the new Covetrnorieneral or Cuba, bal% mée..cabisti irom @pain. H.eailI ual toi- leur Cen. Canipos'poil;polltiealtr bc w1Il b. au opporlunale; avar ailI b.e âi surered viti aa-; he vil l beInexorable teavards spies and' Î- - - rubt lenient t te oe 9r ici -ta f arms; h. ,$l .tÉi evrtuesta lii aen efficent blolade t<; prevent tii. iandini; ai arma ansi ammniution irtmthe United Statea; tliat be viilnal b. sanguinarY. but viii deal Justly. H. saus biat ttîo montia ago it voulsi have beeu easy bu inffocate th.avrebelioin; nav it nil nul be so easy on accantt f Iitrenti. Bat he promiiseu .atlsfactory resutts u inte fu- hure. The sanie diapetci reporta that 17000 mesnavIllieb sent frani Spain, bc- ginniug lu Februar', avi tara obatteries of monotain srtiliery. NE NO PROTECTION, Dse"n.Wili Cv. Mietei Amertesu Couspîratonu Pain Tretmeitt. The. New YorkVi orîti publiaiez a dis- patch freux the Boer Covernient imuer- mallon department, datai at Pretaoria, avilci aya amoug ehher Ihinga: "Amer- Icapu are ln no danger whatever. They have na neeti af protection, but are ahi, ta take cur. of thhmselves. Ten ai hem vie joinesi bhc revalutlon sud the no- call.d reforni eoînmiltee ailI, vitb ma- jorit>'. motly British aubjects. b. trieti aartiug te lav. and Justice viii bc don, ail vîthont repeet of natienalit>'." Te BalllUnelen S,«ed tOrtiers According ta Portsmouth utiries the. tiylngs siadron, Seont of et ibatile- sbip Revente, fiaghlp. Hteur Admirai 41- frai T. Pale; tic, battiesahip Royal Oak, lh. Amt-ess cruisers Gibraltar andi Tho- sens, andt h.s.cnd-eiansscruisers Cha- rybdils ansi Henniaine, togethuer aili Aix 111rst-classilerpedo-beit destroyers, astema- blai et Spitiiesdt Inoon Frlday. Itla reportai that h. destination ai IbIs uquatiran. siter leaving Bantry Bay', iré- land,viliibc Bermudas. IlIla toubt- ed wiethet, Great BrIitivanitisenti ea~h aliemleioRtw *wuçvkau vi- rset this tbme, %!bleu ifë'>neae8ce lu ,force suffieet te overë&ômo our-North Atlantic aquadron aimant cetinlî voulu jbs. regarded as a hostile dentontsratio certainly not ealleti for as long a dul;lit mac>' bas not 3et exhausteti ils reàwtiru-cu, lu h settiemeit aofte differences lbe- Iveen lhe Unitedi States teidt reab Brit- ain. The Bermudas, Iyittg betu cen CO)1 anti 700 mlles off our coust, wtuiul tffuuud au adimirable buse.oter-ioti i gtiîîsh suy point traonste l),Cod<1dot% ailui Kev WVest, aund nhile the isitis ireIpuit uà lie British cmlire he -tn ofe a Poavertul fleet there cectid titi lie regutrubtu, vît iuidifference b>'lte R1iitilut-,v Covrtumenft, uclesq tit rcs-cil. e %%s*X plainai saliufachorily. TIme ,Lrit ticpos-ti. Presîdu-ut 'leveland oit I-ridaý iia specini message conter.iug landttig-at, n vbich lh. gays: t ie-n18tIo i un li.î h.eReaiof1891 should be o iniien,-l as flot Ru appi>' lu suitg brouuc'ltt t.)rt,v,t title holaund% certitied or Iîau,-nied ,,I;il count ai railroati or otiter grautus. 1'c- gpectfully urge tipoi'ngres.seetv ei ien bu the cuti euggpated. iii the najust; ment ai dieu. griaiuitsna> roeed %uttilt- oit lbë.- Rtrptasllion oa abar tluroii-ht lapse of lime againsl the riglît oh reecu, un b>' the Goverumeiit iin preiper tt- Ask ]ca-. Adolos Allen to Recaigu. Th'e disagneenient betu-cea the -tula, tors of the Flirst h'resb3torian ctlurcli, Washinîgton, Ier. T. DeNNit tt aud 11ev. Atiolos Aller., bas bei-tu ocîtieti by te cburch sessiont ctllitug ir NM. Alei's resignation. Th(e trotub)le greav- oto f a plaî t 10ta ve Dr. Talutage preaeh 4nndây îîîoruings as oeIl a>sc-t cingst, Iowuc n-bhls coîteagite objecte-I. Dr. Taltuage norn' ouipreach tie oun Suni- dey._____ Oppose a Thitr Terni. The New Yet'1'MId lbas houeS tie inam»,rs ai tbe DeuS-ratte Nuapal:e t3ommiihl.oon Pre aii a refere»Mc the. iolloving resu . "lFor Cevelandi antd a third terni, 8; oppusecî lu a >thrd lime. 9; for Whitney, 4; for Mrrison of Illinois, 5: for Mtattbesa-s o aiindlts, 2 for Vice President Seeto,2; fOfta 11- ver man, noneaaullîaIta. Chicago Politicien hicat. Alderman lFrank of rai Car,1so, died i ita>' of heurt dîea e l de- e«aeol vasuninue eCiaacer lu pailtiest Hot ouyai amunIc1ipal but na . dien. He serveti one t enu lu Tiie celebreleti ight lie in'de te la tIie afiemeNi Patmastr ni Chligo bis "miles lonig petition', matis hnlm nus. Thein ib les Detroisi. The Mayor Of Sun %lUgnel, Pemu, selueti anti causeS Ru be bunîtie lu. the publie square ai tue cit l>' het.Bibles and stoek ai Rie local agent ofthRe -dîeiesU Rible tlbnenican te Edacal. t -Ohaileo Tinue>', an ~NRjKA~¶ CC ITZU<8UN- -3untor Cuit et Fhonda Wanto Thoir Ste1eaue or the. BI.od of Thoir Csp tors-Death of Goa. swing. Prom- Ruent tateeaiu end Lawysr. Cati I1 Betigerent. Gaban affaire came to the front lu thc Senate la a new guise Tuesday when Senator Çall read a telegrain froni Key West te% othe errent oi American cltizen@ by the Spalsh authorities. Tiie tolegrain lu as follows: "Marquis Roti- iques wau taken front steamer Olivette lait Wednesday. Louis tiamallien andi son also taken et havana. Ail Amlerteati ciiens& et thein out of grasp of Span- Rab authoritles." Benator Cati offered a resoitilon recltlng th. arresta nd direct- lnc thé. executive autiioritiefs tausucer- tain If any jusî cause for the arrent* ex- tled. and if net, to deumtul their Immedi- Ste relas.. Senator Hoar suggested that the. toue of the. resolution was tau ImPera- ive. Senator Cal snuwered that h wilsh- ed tao know orether lhe Amertii flfag sfforded any protection to iRs ctisef5. lie referred tb the arrestu of Amnericans lu Cuba whule itizena of other counnrlea wore uot dlsturbed. Senator Sherman pointed ont that sucb a resolution night give the Senate trouble in otiier case.. IR shauld go to tii. Commilîse ou Fe: eign Relations for approprintlecobmdr.. tiou. The resolutlon was not.pSYIped. Tom KWING le OO0!lk Veteran Ou...MKets tissu lu New New York. Cen. Thomas lRwing, ex-inember af Congre«. frein Obla, la deati. Cen. Ew-. ing's d.tth wau th. resait of unares .reçeiveâ e$#Zew YQ#.He wu» mpple of th. 148rm of -EwRmgi iitm llwing af New York, n4 sbirti ln Lancaster, 0., in 18"à. vas admiit- ted te the. bar in Cincinnati lna18h4 andi wenttaRoKansas durlng h ireseoilstrug- gles. W'hen the. SRsRe af Kansas was ad- mmitted to he Union h. va. appoluted chief justiee, bat resigne ta t enter the Union army lu the civil *ar au colonel ai te Ilh reginient of Kansas. B. rase ta the. rank of brigadier geenr ansd uf- terward vas breveted mnsjrgeneral aud iiad comment] of the. D*tiaî4int f tihe Missouri. He ivent toWashlgtoa ln 18M0asu assistant of Seefftary of h lu- terior Browning. Heo went bmciita Oba n 1870 sud entered politRes. H. was a member of Congreus irons 187-7 ta 1881, and in 1879 raun for Governor on the Dean- acratic ticket, but was defeated. la 1881 he veut to New York ta practice lau'. Gen. Ewing had five children, ail grown Ut). Mrs. Living inastiil living. BIALTIMORE la8BEAWOl]Y. Cruiser WeaRhsrs * lyphoon-sailore Wlanhed O.e.board. The cruiser Baltimore, whicb ha. Just returued Ra Americon watpro_ afRer au absence of three yeura, encoantereti a terrible typhoon ater leavlug Yokohama w4ich issted iopr ays, andithe. situation vas often extiouely criticat Twa smil- ors ver. wasbed ceîtiosrd. (pRi Daly, said tii. ut0Muores th.eIpc#ée.reu h. lied ever se digbig long., - eucesst ses. Tii. c*ptalu had slways mâd ospicone about ithe seeworthiness of the Baitlmove, but the. manner in n-hieR, th.e ruer weathered the sabr bas (ha nged bis opinion. FIVE ýDiZI N A VIRE. FiremnuAra Durleei luthe.Rune inl @t., Lou;a. .Psnth,. result of a lire ini the building ut Ne. 415 Broadway, St. os.!l. 'tIi"wday nigit tire ftrempa uer,' buricd iu thp ruins. Oaa nY lines. foreninu of truck No. t;, who wax taken f romn the buruiruz bildjing soon ufler the ire stsrteol, badly Kuffiwated aud! eut. dled ile beiug taken j îo Merry Hospital iu an ambuilance. Tle lea.l are: Milton llnriy, Capt. G1nuîvilhý, .% >neyIMunes. James Itboel.y. - i-tamiu u.The total l%,ba1 cawsel ly ire titul xntuer la ettimated ahtsiiJ<,firly in , ured. Opeul> u inte Race. A Washiugton diisîtot-it uciyst "h)rutt Itiusteli, ex-niarshai tuf the District .f eColumbhia, antic-ose per.suitîti friendtiait Coul. iehener. fsrtn.rly cl Indianapoliq, andi poiitic-aI iuiiur foi- Harrison, hurt- lee inic stnr-ciuunbs-r conîsultation for tu- atiys jsiuuuitg the Harrisun coi- lîîgit. ExplosialenutRctiio>. Tht. mammath gas pumuping station ai the. Oiio auti Indiana Pipe Uine Cent- pany, localeS on. Mile soihaf.Itedkey. lad., expioedt anti caigith fire luestia> eselu nt -à o'cIock. The siock ofthti expiosian- causai buildings ta uiiaké sud uva>' as b>' an cartbquake. lav e nm vere kilieti antifritîr ureti. Gan Proves Iendly. A terrible explosion anti fine ut Newi Haven, Conu., reaultet inlunt least one deati, tie li un> of four persoa anti a ,prop.ty lasoi $100,0w. The eseape trotta deali ai h, iort>.persaus amployeti lu the. building vas miraculous and ti 1jl possible tiat the boies oi sevetai beýys nia>' h.founti lu Rie nuins. Loclvlii Paver Compùw Austlgue. Ths Louisville. laper Company. 111.5 a tissa of easument in lie Ceuuly Oenrt Menday agiR. B. P.',Famiul-c vas amate swa4pàào. « The liabilltiesuara plaed et 52,0.Tic asssethe b.atlorneyuî au>, sboutire-cà about 520,0w1. The cause ai Rie asigumeuh, as given out, RlaTunnel limes. BEnt:sh tip Eniven ta Bas. Son Francisco hilpping sud lusurane mnafean that son, nisiap h@* befalien tics Britiuh siip Cndgoav Forent..$lhe arrivai off the. Counbilve r Jan. 4uimit took a pilot aboarti, but h. fate @ie caulti gst lu vas driren te sea. ince.Riencv- [cateen days bave elapsed. Tragedr et Eveqes-atie. - -~WilimSteineeker, a a rernnent busi- ness man af Evnauli,, md., aI -1m o'ùloek '4onder mcmnisig $bot hilmaif lbrouguc the headt avIi revolver niler having wrecked ishim bre, fine ajiahtjiet date b>' an explosiona ai poavder. Stein- oeciir was a wlipç>ver. Tamspa Oua aiRea lRaldsi At <lîatapegs trs>ý, Cet O ~d At eIkatvq ato4 l'e Wt.f ID ýCHINES!. obllgatlettbol uthew 4r thi enoe>mar- ket viii bu dlsurbed or the reasui7 15- servre Brut diminlaieti nou, eau say, The. bumiqe sworld canneR huav as yet bow fart iorelgit questions may upset csalua- iotis, tiougi there seelus every teuton te expeci pesceful sttemeut. It eau- .et know bat mar b. lhe.tinRiez on auy Important das a ofimparte a mat hence; viietber Importa are Ilkely ta ex- ceeti exporteansd draw ave>' goiti: vheth- et lte tislcit of reventue wili continue, or inbaf other taxation viii h.e levieti. l"il- ure af h. Senatethus fer>' action upan Bitauclal messui'es propaseti liy th, Preuident or thoue pasuedl by he House affects unfavara'eiy aIl branches 6t business. Under sueh adverse cîrcuni- stances lb is actually enicouragiug that sWxenk*e, Ru transactions &%il resuiting commercial dbuàâsters havaeliai beeu grecit- er. Bot four large failtre. aithîn a day or tvae Indicate tRat theesanie condition canni coninue avthoat mucii embar- rausment.". maE PRAVED FOR CUBA. Unsumi De,.oistnutlcu ut the .Seiton of tlifonne on Yiday. Th e Cubau sentiment fotusi spaulane- ans expressions in h House Frida>' morniug lut a mont iunuuai mfnuer. t vas th.e"*Figltug Parsou froni Mchi- gan," lb. hanse chaplalu. via consei ,t by asluing up bis dally supp~lcatIinsin the, iallowing monuer: "Almîgity- Ced, vo beseeci Rhy guidasa", especiali>' au ave lif t op aur hearts for the slruggllnuCubant ta-day. and pray that îiey mci>, If hheY are ight, b.esucemfua in their attenipti, aud may atîr nation do everythiug for tin it cauti vthoût comprantisiag IRa diguity or sacresi duty ta ather ntiann. This ve aak lu Christ'@usinîe. Amen.*' -Et. beAed Jnlahed Rie last iard lter. came rrein uhe,-uleries aud the fleur su explosion of applatise, vhicii saept every an. off hsie -t. Speaker Reed. aId stager thtihe lu. forgolta pounti for order. andl lie enthusuasm vwas peribted tu expeud Itzeli. il vas signiicant ai lb. lemper of h. flouse, andtinI.taken as au Indicen- tioui af lion' a favorable eommiffVee t9i. an the. resollfonu rec<qziziuig Cubas jel- lî ailI b.e treats-d. WouId Not Eliichi Rie, Mc.ory. At Omitha a jury reudered a verdict of suicide lu the case ai Minss ityster, thie Boone. lowa, girl, wio n-us the. cause of lier faliier killing Bunker à1cFarlaud lu that toava receutly. Tii. girl leit several letteru. lu oue ah@ stated that uhe itti tietermlnedte hokilI berseif because lier relatives waubed ber tn saveur that Me-. Farland hmd inteudet Io ukill lier fabiier. and thon sure bu front going tu the gui- loirs. She riterated thal site WoeilNie- larlanti. anti vould nul heamireh his .oiemory even to sure ber father. lieuse Thronih wlhh Pela*uson. The lHouise i-riduy isasedtheli.pension appropriation billi, 1teit. consideralion of aviich iR hiddereaiun entîre aveek. The. pension bill as passai carrnes $141.- U,»2, about $50t,000 legstsian tiie poil- teste. Tii. billn-as passed i ffty dsys attead of 8117 previous pension appropria- tion bill. Nfislonay Ouvai Telle of Rie Extecu- tIon of Rebei Leades-Doahh o9 a NlemberaifIbthe yai Fnîliy-Fear-i fut Tale front Turkey. Pive Menu Deicaded. .T. 0. Oswald, n-bu arriveti at Sun Fran- cisco on tii. steamer Coptie f rain the Orient, n-as an eye wltuess of tIhe extwhl- fRan of the lire nmen ehargeti vith haiing been ingienders lu lhe nihussacre of vils-1 sianaries ahi Ku Cheng. The. executia)n eceurreti at Foo Cbow lu the. preseue of a vaut nunber of Chinese. Only tventy- four Cattcasluîis ituessedtheii deatli scePne. "The prisouers n-ere brougbt upoti lbe gratunt inluvooden cage*," muaid Mr. Osvabd. "Bach of them anas eonveyed to tiie lent. viiere ve ver. sitng."d ti t them vwas read the dent I warrant, alRer hie identlty hati been esté'blioed. Thi. cantiarlette rend te varraul, stuc-k an arrqv hrougb if, and inued lie paîpr th lb ackof lh. prisoners' coata. Âfter t bis. he doometi men n-ere led Ru tle- grountis avier. they n-ere ta die. lire jeatches ai tuîrf hmd been euh, und Rn eaeh Intiention a man kueIR. When altrou lu reuinesa lb. court of mautaians, accent- lianieti by the Britlith naval contingent andi h. forelgu consoaur officiaIs, emergeti tram tbe tent aud tcok up a position lu front ai h.esuvas. Tien,smld u mi- pressive silence, tiie crimes of tbe cote- demn.d nmen vere recitedti h the crortl andth le pmtilty vas pros-laicueti. Tavo solticrs acted au expeutiouert. They> stand behinti the lire men, each prinouê.r haviug iu eati an a bloek. At a gîven Word te exerutioners advaencedt. Not tbe leat aigu of leur îrau visible on the faces ai thie vretehedl ('ines. vhase liends ver. foon to fait. The averk ot the ex.z- eqloners vus rer>' raîidly pierformeel. With one stroke of the eafictI. en ati-s severeti froni the Iosly andtiRîtjugIttren-- secotîts the cn-e eg ousummutei. Thte exes-tlbiou has bati a great moral effettont the C'iiese, uîîd i thjik if ailI 1* a loîg 10n eoethaeriJm-*b.W urelereiuueinter- feretir-. oihthe niistonurtes." AMBRICANtS STARVINO. Mission@sWere iturncd. and Tic.7 Are Forced to Eut Grain. B. Argon, au Armeiisu reident of New Britain, ('onu., in in receipt of a letter tram a friettelici Armienia, Rn vbich detalu are given of the awvil massacres pertsetrated inl the district of hIanaioot. Tlh. letter. auhidi vas ser.rly mailed anti c-une via P'ermis, says îbuît betweeu ciîî sud teu thousaud iAruienin have bs-en iauaaered, andi upavard of aote litindre-d 1tbousaud are starving anîd dpstitute inthetti district. linon- tb. depih ai sevenal feet. Sanie of the Armnetîlns bave takt-n lu eatiug grain. 0f lhe 3M1 viltages in Hlarpool, fire bave bven sas-keel andi butrn- ai by Turks sud Kurds. The. reut are oceupied bly the. bulcherlng soldiers. There aer. tavelve American missions lu lie district, luit eight oft hem have beeti buruai. Tiie lires ufthte Anerleaus bave beeu spared, but tbey, with tb. Armen- lau., sre iu great avant. anti in some in- Campan Reireti. stances tht-y are starring. The Spaai hCabinet bas tuaniaouahy IRESOLUTION ON ARMENIA. tiecitietita super»seept5. tien. Marti- a., Campios anti bis lieuenant, Cen. P'Boer Calioni Wants United States Arteicnis, aavîug te difforeuccu avich ta.suptport Europeau Pewera. exist betveen them sund lhe politi-al par- SntnClei rmReCmiiea lien n Ctiba. Lientl. Cen. Marin lunaavw in Foreign îRelations, reatortai a resobuhion comand ntia Harnua. in Rie Senitte Weýdnesday relative tuthie ccemu Eniperor Willam. Armenian troibes. lb retites tb. provia- At a nctitiis of te erman reaidents cf ion aifîth reatyu- tf Bertin as to religion#s Stlitabur>', caîital of 'Masionaiti, a tes-. fr.edom sud resolves that il is lie imper-,- eîîtiotî aa jitut-ilcI tontiemniug Enîpensun ive dol>' of th.e United Mtates te express N11iliamue iui diutc-i tott resitit Kruger liepe Ihat tiie iuropean'povers nl brilu lts tut, it-t of itcrterqnîu-c ib Southh Ar. about lie rerrylng out ae l *e tuepî, anti ric-in affznir. requents lie Pretisut tanimlt ti _______realtion ta Ithe povers. Il Suerts tint ArtisI ic-rubaer Gilman Des. thle Setînte snd Hobp »"14 uport Rie BiernardiCiitu.tRie utee curtoniat l'renflent luneoing eI5rcis st u efiigdits Sttttîlîy tuurn)in bu litheabout an allevaiton ,~I tcu Itutîtle of bis falhet- utIota. ex-senabor titans. le aoked fori toOn ou .httiie-s Anit-il, of (a uujuharie, N. Y. Ilits lie. resetlution. ls-verni Neastors euggt-"t- dgiarli tu-u-tthe rt-suIt uotion ttack Of tY-e,l tit 1 tiieresîsîntion shoulti go over,auni 1iîut)d fiver. ib il s su ortsrc-d. Fatal New tlnveniFine. - An exploîstion of gos cicu trnedTu teuda> PRiNCE HKNRY DEAD. int te fit-titnJ Flrank P. 1lagar & Co.,1 Nu-ut lot-uqit. tutu. One lutîin tai nsl- Victoria'. So--Liw Expires of ctaitirl i-il tiy thii,-xluhntuioil, to-o others! Africain Fever. îost them lia-es ii intee ,re irt Tih eo-es of itie deati(if iPrincet' lt-u fi Butteunberg nus rereiv ttOhsborne- Feet Themr Falînre ecenti. lioune, Isie of Wightt. s-arly Wetiuesslît.. The failertii t te Goeriiment h 'e qîteen andîti rncess etaInpe.a-ri' lon ut £4,(»5,(«is b eit keeîcî>-thtrouglu- lîrostrateti nitb grief. Froni tie feu -i- ot Chile. tails rcuired, it tippearà thnt tii. prinuce - - liedî a relaisa. ohite on bord tbe BnRiiit MARLKET QUOTATION5. c-riiser Blonde. on lie-rn-ay Ru M.%aderiic avi ti.h sic-k mou.n. lu5151e of thie effosrt-& (ubiego-Oattie. commun Ro prime, oi the siseciai sirgeon ini atteutisuce sudt $3.50 te 55.00; bitge, shipjiing grades, ofth le shRîs's sulrgeocn, tIie prince diec ait- $3.00 ta $4.M; ahep, fa-Ir Io chOeie, $50 1 ) oucloek Tuestia>'eveliing. Ru $3.75; o-brit, No. 2 reti, 58c Rua10c, corn, No. 2, !Se Ioa 30e; ouRs., No. 2, 18e Death lu a Ruasiea Thealer. ta 19e; rye, 'Ço. 2 38(- ho 40c; butter, A dispatch froni Ekaternoslav, capitalî cboice creamerr-, 19e ta, 21c; eggs, fresi, of Rhe gorerumeît oft bitlintme in southt 10k Rn Ise; potaboes. per baishei, 1&e le Itusslia, gires the dettils of a fine tbtl 25c, brouta corn, "20 lu $50 per ton for occurred inl a tiienter tien., causing large paior ta choice. bs ai lite. Tie tire was titacoveree l vifle Inidianaîuois--Cat-tle, shlppiîig, $3.00()et, a performance n-as golng on. The upec- $475; hoga, choice lighh, 83.00 ta $4.00; tatora became panle tricken anti matie .1 sheep, commutin ta prime, $2.00 tae$&75;: wiiti rush furth. exils. Forly-nine bodies avbest, Nu. 2,10Me Rta0Me; corn, No. 1 have aireati> been haken out. A number white, 20e to 27e;oanis, Na. 2 whilte, 20t: ai pensons via, are kuairu ba have been Rn te Z2e j lie tiealer are eaRlil misulug. 8t. Leahis-.Csittle, 83.00 ta $5.00; hegs, $3.010 ta $4M-5; wiîea-, Na. 2 rai, 163e t> Newi Penît for $aini. OU; corn, Na. 2 yelaav. 25e te 26c.oat-e, hlamars are ecarrent ot gréatIy bucreastet -Ne. 2 n-ite,, 1e ta 19e; rye, Nu. 2, o ctis-it>' lu Carlist clrcl,-e, wiere il la hop- to 8;1ê. ai hhat tie reverses wvieh.heSpanisi C-inuclnnati-ýÇatre, $3.50 ha $4.75; boga, farce% bave suifferai in Cuihaanti thefait- $âqp «taI 4.261. she.,p, ~caota $375. ur. ai Cen. Campas te put dowu the, lu- avisat, - Ne. 2,'68c te 09e; cern, Na. 2 surrttetion may nons. he Spanisi people mixai, 27e ta 28c. oubu, No. 2 mixeti, 20e agalaul the Coverumeut oi lie queen re- R. 21c; my. No. 2. 38e e 40c. gent anti afford an apportunih>' fur Don Detrot-Citlel, 52M50te 55.00; bags, Carlos or Don Jalme, bis son. $3.00 te $4.25; sheel,, 5200 ta $3.73; anbeet. No. 2'rai. 0&e ta 70c; corn, No. 2 iMn.. Beakman Waats a Divorce. yellow. 27e te 2)c; aats, No.. 2 vile, 2le lie latent acquilsition ta the Fargo, N. Toledo-Xheae, Na. 2 rai, Osét~ a 09c; 19-ycar-olti daughter oi Peter .1. Conlin, cern,. No. 2 yellowu, 27e ta 20e; aats, No. sîiperintendeul oi lie police ai Net> York 2 whviihe, 20e ta 21c; ryc, No. ?, 38c ta 30e; 'ity. Mmns Beakmun as married at lb. clo»p seesi, "440 ta $4.50. â ge ai 13 years, sd the grends for MI-awake---IVbat, No. 2 gpring, Wte divorce are saiS ho'b. non-support. ta 60e; corn, No. 3, 25e ta 27e; oa-ts, >o. ]Piatdr Via. ou fila Muscle. 2- wite, 10e la 20e; -harle>', Nô. 2, 33e te Mev. .p. Wim', aifltheCfrarcil ocf Brkc; m e.No. 1, 38e ta 40c; poni, mess, Christ St liaailIun, Ohio, iOuWl 2 PUCIîte $10.25 ta $l0.î.nmtiAet ri '0 rtig l -- BtiffalO-Ca-ttIe, 52.50 ta 55.25. nt a oi' hvtietieRtndrb, 8.00 4a $t50; oéep, $2.50 te 1".00; as i. sa>'e% treav a tumbier after hiuî. avieal, N-o. 2 red. 73e ta M3e; corn, N.. 2 3el lr, 1cte 32c;ats, No. 2 vite, Wellington Cpture@thie Vote. U2se ta 24e. At & Aupapalis, Md., thei,elaltie lic , N«ov Vonk---aRlie, 53.00 ta 51.2; bex%au i, Alt ues*ennetet Congresunuan U.angta la t-$ jobpqes , t tO 4 -I. W ,M*on ta siee.Cbne .GII- 'à -4. 1 X ena "An Mr savon oft h. 31 t eeuu ta b. ln captlyity. "I vent ta Landan u st X377 man sîti, *wlth the. two big 1 Juno and Madoc, and tittaê Kiraliy, for is show. Aitu.»,«S they ver. Weil bébaved rgr. ta get uniail elephantu .end l~tt beauties, every eu. 1have moyeN 1 picketi up Rn Hamburg. iLthq worth $25,00 0. They aesr. i».u P a haifta te welve rears oldsuidl tht.. sud a hoit ta live andi a b hlgh. The dnrllug af Rie lot lu Ruth. She Ruate younugesg7*4 suxaileat andi la as geutie sud as a kItten. The only. t>el#l uamned are PI lot anti males of lie berd. Tiîey'at~ yauug fellown, welgh about. pande enci and have no agre.tR .ach alter. "We had theni ail ln a great box a between decku, eaeh chalneti byAI foot ta the, floor. Everything peaceably and quietly with theai the 21st. wlien ail at OdCO vs i mont vicions truamp.ting. la the. end thoeu 1 knew liaI somethtiu glvenaay. I cnlled iny helperau of he salloru, apened the utaitSi faund ni>'seveu lis lu au oprr Pilat andi Albert punineUngeneii. lu th. Mast a pproveti juglstyle.k were bath oa, eanti vetore I eacli other vîi tlilr tmuru a terlng avay wlth thelr heada, > wc could separate theni tii! e db eti their Ieadu together tva or tîrnes and madie a noise that benrd nIl aVcr he sbîp. IVe bhS tuke pltchforks and iIran flod te araie thora, andi. even tliangb by umnîl, It Walasno e*r inatter. ll ave wouldti nk we badthoraenilau t(ieY voulti break nway *gala ai crash tIleir ijeads togellier lu a5in tliut vonit make the. stall tremble s start nil lb. others trumpetlmg ag0 W.e lid a bard Ime oi It before vj tlien chaîniet. Thelr filbt ast nd madie them sanieviat dypel«4e, thlnk, for a tînt. the> dîi cet e&M est, but si PIpiy suappeti theï thd*s at enci ather as mach au ta say: *7 Jnu wtt vIR 1Doiet Rime.' "-New Ito Mines. NOVELTY IN SKATES. Tha Pueumaiale Rad skcate talcalIventIem. The pneumatlcrend skate lalceui& Invention lu Engisuti. Tii. neav à l% suce, anhicht la reail>' au adapta e-, thc prîneile aiflthe bicycle R. the fashîoneti ralier-ukale, eau pracRlcali>' any ardinary rla'asioS path. iI lafunnisieti aubh W baji - anti piettma hietires, and Il viIKuli-D Inventor viii ceni,. ta nt prînciple ai geamed cti tRn.andthau f anthen Inereae.lRt.reaemblance e* bicycle. The nea a"ate vil Laho0-- prove a ver>' formidable coaupfflor tO aIl allier fanse ai wieeîlng. *Ince w L% use ane eau comb'.ne al l te pleasur*et rapidt ravellng by menus aifanVu aivu« exertlons, viit a ver>' tai»Ïat ei prellmnary trouble anti a Uieretjt TUE PNEUtiATIC SIOÀD sKATE. nominal expeuse. it Ru clatîmeSRtalt. skate ina>'b. safel>' used on bath aija anti dovu grades aseaveilla* on the 1evel raond, antiti vIh ver>' lîtle practlee* a speeti ai len an twelve miles au M tcon b.cnîtuincti. It la ilhy prohbeu> that lte nea fartai ai skating avIli l camne ns faihlauable ns cycling Rhtsl anti Il seents cleur tint s prospormu future avulaRitte couetarofaiuan e- terprise, posseing suci abvlousTud*au- bages front n commcercilpoint ai vlew, The cckales cen be foidet ion rreilug sud en b.c acil>' cairetiutde- ti.-arts on 11ke a untaîl gnlp. Vegfeterlan Boots. . Vegetarian bools; are naov advertsedl e-.,- the uppens are mati, ai "pans cg1ý uni, the, sole@ ai clouel>' watcrpnpoed fiaz beltlng. Ta show that lhe sklssl« siaugilerei animais are ual neeeMryJ Rie vegetanians sa>' Riot 'India mubb%àý ,a gutta percha, steei anti Iran ans) bten - nals, anti brassa cpse, cainero gand caRton, -elastie antdiwffl~inivaow "d > list, eork and shmnW,, ailanit, la even bravut paper tand wax,"a te tpçu the modiern myslery whlch aWtin astet>- the aid noni. oi boot or oe-Lu. - Teeg*upu. French Pools lmpnoaisaiB. - French bookmakers vers reeahly. viaient>' attackctin lthe assmbiy bI' Abbe-Lemire, a Cathaile aoeliu de: ' utyt vue upake oi the dentoeaiWrei' tedt ai Rhe "Parla mûupai" workig clAsses, sud askeV te them put un end ta. or nt letaixtt Gaveruent ditauld flot profit l As t.e Governtent receives a >'ear ironi lthe 153 an matul anti charitable Institutions tiraw 000,000 iront the sanesaure., sembi>', while auting lie AbtWe' sans, voted lluadavu.-Niwtov tq; Misas Beacon Hil-U4*r I but 1 cannaI remhuibpr. -il

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