CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Jan 1896, p. 8

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mJvi'stote nOw stoCkOd up for the spring trade 4,and get prices. I'nage to keep a fine and e. on hand.» You can. VIS find from 4 to 6 bed room suite on my floôr other goodsiln proportion. .Couches, Rockers Is'týries; Dining, -Ktchen and Odd Chans; Chil- *n's Carrnages, Extension and Center Tables. U>Rc *or ftdrtaking Coods always on hand, Combination ,ýktCases, Wrlting Desks, Springs and Mattresses Trunks and Valises, Hianging and Stand Lamps.. WILL KNIQGE, Rockefeller. féopie Cornean.dQGo!- 3odo Goods at ROUSE'SI -Why? Prices Tell Washburn's Superlative Flourper bbl. $3.40 4 Gallon Keg of Fine Tablé Syrup, for 1.00 Tea Dust, 7 lbs. for - - - 1.00 Drled Peeches, per lb - - .08 Dbried Prunes per lb - - -.05 Seedibss Raisins per lb - -.05 Roled Oats 8lbs for ---.25 .*"les per gallon can - - -.35 Tomatoes per can - - - .08 Corn - si 4 6 - 07 Round Steak per lb - - -.08 Pork Chops "69 si- .08 Sausage 6"'i - - -.08 Ail other Meats in proportion. ,Quarters Delivered at Wholesale Prices. )OT WEAR Fargo's $2.50 Shoes for $2.00 AUl other shoee at a Big Discount. XTS AND RUBSERS, Men's Sizes a Pair 1.59 Boys' 66 If 1.39 ;OTIING-Overcoats and Suits sold on orders at wholesale prices.. VNDES-Fine assortment of Choice Confection s Re F. ROUSE, Rockefeller. gireat 'Reduction .. . IN . . Winter CGoods.. Mens Feit Boots at- 37c Boys Feit Boots at- 25C Men'sbest Rubbers over-feit boots $1.50 Men's Camel1 Hair Shirts or Drawers 63c Ladies ail wool Veste or Pants 54c Misses fleece ined Vests or Pants 23to34c Men's ail wnol seanless Socks double heelsa nd toes - -17c Mlisses'and ladieés ail wool hose 7 to 20c Alilàrw-pol Flannel 20c eayard Ail wool Hotse blankets 76x80 u$2.5o A nkte lot of mens Vesta from 75c to 1.00 Prints f rooe 3 to 5 1-2c a yard 7Tbars Lenox Soap 25C ee AU.. OTHER GOODS AS CHEAP, at 'nlin Pfnnenstiei IVANHOE, - - ILLINOIS. ,ýýMILLER & HAN BY. UCs$pINgesHorse Dentistry. - . If your Horses are * bve on banid a good varie. o, rdntEt e Cb Mnestaad Po, ront a w 'ÇCtwo, and ame making it is caused by diseas- uaaucomeriçaTo fal buy- Ut.wayof oyries.W = Sr nd! kOi= a l.high- .Iprice', in exehange for ýn blle. A fev day. ago Pi*ed htm about $1 en- Santi vue prumptly MObey by the proprieter. MI, lie b.d ne mouy, ePfflebaub sait ho vouiti 3wgtor, oved every Caitcîy. This vas j.»*le anti he forth- 3141i lt 'vas placeti lu sahemrchant until ldt*.ecdd. This.vas as thau, thé propriebor eyI and gave the debtor aboewl n expoie t l tensperabure, il the sur- ed, sharp, or uneven teeth. Slobbering, Throwing the head,- Fretting, Indigestion'ý are also caused by bad teeth, The Superin - tendent of the Lakel' Cou ntv Poor Farm understands the busi,- ness. It wili pay you to have your horsÎe'g- teeth examined. ,Al- horses examined free of charge. Ciiarges Reasorýà$ and Satisfaction G a.. c> eti on friends bere one day l" tweeL. Mfr. and lMrm.Chas. lartieti, o01 Elvanston, are vlslting atZ. H. Cronk- hite's. Unlit, busy Ilunig bits tee houge, druwing the tee fromn Diam'ond L.ake. Frank Roney', of Wauconda, Ishippeti ano1thOrer ostil Ive stock front this place Tuesday. Lester urdick and Dean Aymnsley called on friendsata River Vlew onle Mlii Hutchînton, of Lake Zurich spent ai few day. wibtirem. A. m. Brigga lit week. Bie returneti home Sunday. Matit.LUI la staying a few weekm ut ber unele, Thon. Cooper's turing the ilineSe of ber sister (trace, who bas the messies. George Burhute huasgene home te Trevor, Wls., very 111 of typhoiti lever. Dean Ahyusley bas taken bis Pace, ati George Bealey's tiurlnghis Iiness. The wiUl be a Mlsionary enterteinu. ment at the chape! Sunday sveUing. lEverybody la cordially Invited te attend and asolstinl this gooti cause. The 1. 0. G. T. fllg social last Thura- day evening vasi a decideti suocesa. The proceede whieb are lutendedte t go tovards regalia amiountedte tu39.75. Fred Hoicomb la agatlu able te Oit IIp, for the pat week ha bhm been verY fil;,but vlth tbe watchfuj car. of our Dr. Reeves wvi!! soon lie among us &gain. New ample X carpets ut the Furet- titre tore slter Feb. 15. Cqme andi gei pries on the lateàt style 0f Carpeta euIt te match and ses et wtheut any 'vaste. Tbe Kingx Datigiltters 'vill gve a Fair ut the chapel. 'Tii urmsav eveuiug Jean. 30. Supper iii!!llu ,servet'front 4' uutil 9. EverVolle(come and bave a go0(d tinte together. DIGHTON. 2trs. Frei! Boîver bu, ibhe grip. Rtobert MeXil %, "b ii a boss carpen- ter bas beeu tiinuig sente oddt jobs lately. Mr. willey au oid employa Of the St. Paul R. R. i.spedn a quiet winter at home. Prof. Ptanlueiî.tit,,jVisited t b is ifltlîer's lu Freuit s few tiysflirat of Co]àgresseuti l-!tt in being isiketi of Ru rePnlîîcuîîandidate for vice- preidet. The taxes aire o hlgh in Ibim towu Ibat you bavýte limhupon a latder tu psy ibeni. Anynnle ht at îug, PntrY b sel]wl!! t i 1uWtheir antmge toe cal!ou The wsdi !under tii. management of M'ss Renu Sel01o!Hainetiville, i progressîng iceiy. Mr. andi Mrs. Brovn», of Haluesyfile, took dinuer Wth posimaaster Sime< sud vife Tueedày. lira. John Da"el hose bealth bas been Nxery 1polia uehbetter this % initer than uouai. Tite tance ai Si Mese'Auditorium Frîtay i"'ght v». veil atteutati. Music bY Stoflic's stria»Obud. Postmaste !J.¶ýed, of Fox Lake, cal!ed 0on friduinth]ibisvicunlby last Satturday, cofas. Éùu Aex. Juin DeÏqIn«latug part of bIs sitock -ut îeW r wlhdentands agreal deaIïwît utin.. Auyoue 1liZbd of. a geo tcher voldoVr4hésa«Uon On. Howard ha lu masié«oIiat piofeaaien. James Dabm &bdnti tly ssem te ha getting alo.I nleely be is tile girls assieing)t é i.lte hoesework. Two M,-Igt u 1Ak6 Co. anti eue I)ri8siner. - Ara 'es Liglior flot flatter lookalch ot nx pig The à0ÏOa Îâ raMe ai Mat Weber's a." a aUsoose The lneky nunlior on the herse 'sfiseldi by Katie lRons. Den adobtng ohmpopular Stone. mason s" PUMië létrrstands raady te gin. u.4timàte lu habis ne..(;Ive him a eali. Dal*1i &Laxhîn. bave the contraci to il1118h. 10e bouse et the faeiory; tbey are *lmieraandi n douit tii!do a £i.EV Px bas been spending a fey drolxu lté ite iy 'iti, mesdames Brovitfmnd Seeber who are danghterai of 0. *. X14 ofetGrant. methima BtoJe's son Joscpb 1010io l výVXrIté * wAI nflammsationaofethe hiPiMO~tis ne btter. Ius sado neése Yeu*Ag»bbelt46 e8se ffcted. It Lis xk *hote as rentet i Alouzo »~i~Jeb ons. for the coming kaumuter baob.xengýagetilu illlug la. tLe pait xbi hé auppçolile bnlagolng te two lêe -0te tie WosieW Lake roeort. * 4u t peksmaeb o n ,,-lr, iii ha an eyster supper ai *0- Ih*4efàCe ,ot Richard Tovusanti TuGay .' voniuàg Jan. 28. tfjJO~ 3h. eteit ut Port ÉBullcbnrch. «I' yPersOffn lathe.Unitedti S tie muet Cgrdialy Inifilid to attend. È.ugqsey Stevemsou anti James Larkin wivoal ttliera et 'Grant, seem te lie eýh X9 themmeives au Wai! as Coulti ha dfopmd fer peOPle of ibeir agen. ftliyolilti oaîy subecribe fur bthe = Z~0~Swi 1 thiak their bapplnes Gu BA. Ot!iî Murry, of Vole @penti btndiy *1 iib li. lQther. Wiil Lààupiere, of Elgin; vas a cillor in ~l recentiy. 'O. Veu ýreturnet borne front theê cl3Y the trat of lb. wçek. ,#0" mller, «f Itolfeury, madie a f b1~Parents retunied 15 044MOU vIte Lad snch a nana e t 4w frein being hilleti by a vtOl~. 43U .llait wee.k le mprovlng IZAàUiyda and i vie, of Fox Lake, are ltlflg aietRaugbi Br s M1r. gnyder l-ia.ot f afly recuv, red fr 1i 8 IO IIg U Uée jb 0f liv e n io n th . d f o Bomore . bfarmeran Loge aretitili 'dylmigaUltbe rêmedle»Prescribed have .PrOveA umeea. fumon Pros. have #est aeydi, Cliariey Deveiliaix, Raught %by at-e more that are e0eeted erlous Wbit.e, of Elgin, lim ar.~dywhlob ho warrante viin 40reMnhlera. lie eaied un the far tlahrnh thiasectlon sat week. Ne Beys tbis disesse la neot the hog ohiolera. Lillie Garnet Fisher seeond daughter of EM andi Sarahi Fisher, was bora Aqgusti 28, 1887, died et ber home neai' VOte, Jan. 14, 189. 8h. leaves tthr, utother ant oùe. sinter te moura ber erIYdé The uerai service. as hel ILth home Frlday Jan. 17, a linëge Itumber of trientis andi neighbora 'toilowed the rematua te its asat resting Place lu the famUly burying groumd. near their home. Re Y. Cook offilateti bis rem*rke ver. interesting andi ln- strutlye.. Tezt--Beitold 1 corne qulck- ly loip4 *ht SMet vbich thou hast that no m"takethy eo". e3 hapter Iloyers ver. t e gluts o1 ber échon!- atesandit ber teacher Mfr. Rubitard, a beaut1ful wreath froas Airs. A. J. Eayanond. Thie tarily have tbe svm- Patby ef theur frieutis andi neigtttbors IVAXHOE. Formers are blnisY filling their ice bonnes. Wensler Deiz has taken p)osessîn)uI of the Dean farmn. Mrs. H. D. Wels is speudiug tihe week wltb frieutis in Chicago. Tbe school are planning to reaiter a i-e progrent ut the 8chool lotuse Fr1- day afternoon. At the business maeting tlunday the charcb votedtot give Bey. Alger a cal] for the comlng year. Miss Miliei.Hutcbînson. of Fiairfiel(ti spent latt Sabbth witb lier cousin MisMblHulbard. The goot cltlzeuubip feature lias been attedti t the Y. P. S. C. E. and wil herenfter bold regnlar meetings.I There iu te lie a fareweili s ja(fr Bey. andi lrs. W. L. Diblile belti Fr1- day, eveuiug at M rs. E. A. Dean'@ nuder th. anapiclea of the Chrintian Endesvor SctetY, to vhich ai! are rordielly WAUCONDA. Alvin P. Smithb departed Baturday for bis home lu Clilton. la., after vlsltlug hi. parentâ Nicbola S mith iln Fremont. Mi. Smith la an, expert at Piano Tunlng anti ha& beeu tuing andi repatrlng piano* anti ergaus lu Lake Co., vIle bers. LAKE ZVUCH. H. Scebader vas et Joliet Tue«day. Louis Leauke vas in tovu Aionday on buminese. Raymond i Kmber!y lM sojourning lu Lake Zturich. Leave orders for fur mittevi!th George Barker. Slecnm la doing a rnahing business guindlug fb.d. E. Sebade, 01 Barrington, called in town liai t fthe. eek. Chas. Steofelusentertalueti guesta front Chicago tiis eek. Mia. AmelisK*ekuck returnedti t Irving Park, Aionday. Chaî. Day and i vif are visiting at theLe o f M". F. W. Fox. 1fr. eracblaog returneti to ber home At Plum Otovie, Tueeday. Oui' brasa baud la maklng great pregrees inSes t.reorganlmaion. Hokemoyer andi Peppor have pur cliaget the Lakes Corners creamory. Tb. Quentîna Cernp creasnery ice bouse vas lfeti from Lake Zurich lait week. George Greber ofters th. olti Greber farm for sale. For particulars spply to G. Grebtier. Word bas reacheti bere of the desbb of Jake Wlenekey, of Palatine h.c'vas 'veil knewn ber. The Ela cornet baud gave a tuask bail ut Hartlett Hall Frlday eveung. A large crowded atiendoti. The mmqtwîrade ball was s grand succeu utFiete% Hall, Baturday even- Ing, JTan. Ibili, '96. Everybedy report- ing a goot ime. Il. Hîliman bam receiveti severai car- loada of lumber from the north wbicli lie offers for snoe ut 1ev prices. Fat- renias home tInde. Priza .awardeti at the ma,8k bail ut Fice's Hall,- Saturdoy evcnlng Jeu. 18. For bte be&t lady costume 1flse R. Wieneka, gent P. Renrghtôn, pnizes ver. aise given -tothe ivo bemeilest nes. UmisaAnelia Kuckuck sand E. J. Heirnrdlnger captureti the priza for the beat waltsers.,.1 HALF DAYV Josephi Baker, e!f'Wheeiug,'-as liera Monday. John anti Henry Bchroeder left Mon- day for Vaiparaso. Barman Ho(Uer,>ot Evanston, expecte to e a v lls al *Inter. John Johinsen bas beuigbt a uew wagon andi la dravlng gravaI bu Hiqh. "Woodi. Willam liane vbo Lad Lia Ieg broke laut, summer viii begIe s'nrk agate about Apil lit. The Electi. B"iilvy Ce., ha secureti aOl the rlgt-ef-vay 'lu CokCe. W. are arse ti1ey can gel the right,-of- vaày hçeooZ- mbon Mr,. C =W0, Our 8 i'Anu Is now in Full Blast. Wç offer o». Entire Stock of Mediumn and'Hé'l- Weight Goods at tees thanWht4 sale prices. You can make y~~ selection out of over 11200 Suits for Men and Boys. 500 Ove rcoats.and Ulsters.- Several Hundred pairs of Paint-S.' Lowest Rock Bottorn Prices only ' found at "TrHE MODEL" Temperance Temple, CoId Wave Expectedi1 Prepare yourseif for It by getting somne of those warm goods we have now, on sale at reduced prices Special Drive:-Men's silk plush caps worth $1.25 now 98 cents, regular sizes. Ail men's and boys' caps, gloves and mittens, Ladies Hoods and Ice Wool Fas- cinators at a big discount to make rooni for spring goods. FOR THE DAIRYMAN We-have Milk Cans, Pails and Strainers. Pratt's Food for Horses and Cattie, Standard Food for Horses and Cattle, ground 011 Cake, Etc., Etc. FOR WOODCHOPPERS We have one and two men Cross Cut Saws, Buck-seiws. Axes, Axe Helves, hanci made,Wedget, Etc., Etc. Large stock right prices. We self the celebrated TEMPLE PUMPS. Long Crove, IlIi. V. SAUER & BROU FORT HILL Chas. Watt, of Chiago, viitet lu thls vcinity rceuiy. W. W. anti C. B. Combe visiteti rela- tives in Wankegan over Sunday. Chat Thonson sd if. vsied wyuL relatives lu Waukegan ver lunday. Bert Paddock Io sbpping a ine lot of pressati hay anti strav tu te cty. lr. F. P. Davis visted i vtit ler daugittere near Gurnea anti Wsukegan laet week. Chas. Tiomeon contaniplates attend<- ig scion! lu Chicago, 'here ha il! taek. p the study of pharnacy. Will Combe Jr. andi By Paddock returneti tu heir secool at Valparais, lu., Tueay mrnng suter spendng a few days itb heir parents ud The Modemn Woodman are <efend- anis lu s suit for denages Iled lu bbc Wnnbugn counbty circuit court, on Tbraday, brougbi by Leis E. Smill. Mfr. Smith ante $5,000 damages us a result of hie iutroduction te te goa. lb lallnegatithatwheu e 'as tuiiaeti the goal 'as lu a very festive moo,' lavlg hm 'itit abroken houldr andi oter injuÊtes. Il ie urter allegettht 1Mr. Smith la permnaenty disabed. Sithi la a Promnent rei- dent of Shirlànt. A exeange sys: Young man don b worry if you have ne pedigree te, brag of. Wibh the righikeni t s,%oman for a 'vie, yenty eco e îefather nf the preeient of te Viteti Bltas sd grantifaiber et a t»ri' rate nevupaper man. Weu w. gai the lems o Society anti erediy intoharmonius operaion e salal bik more o! the pedigree aheati of us tbn beinti u. Whai yn can de for poaerty ught Io bce 'orii moes ian wLet Ancestry ha@ dou. iQr yen. But bear lu mind tat yen ccet gei theri bebnti a cgartte Four Ppera for only $2. Teofa l l, or nov ubcrîhrs, 'vin »SY UP arearges anti ne yer le ýav*ume, vo iiiturnu l b .hefllo iug em l d eyear, mu eekly Prie.m ta A man nameti Moon vas pretnsg with a claugiser bY is vie. Tat. was a liev moon. The od ansi v 8o overcome that h. vent on anti got trenk. Ibat vas a fuil Moon. Affl hen b. gt gober he ad but àà cent. eht. That vas the last quarter. WIS c N OR. METBE IL.Iau . a.a . a.Mt. P.Ml., C.8a onSm Fit. 3 46 u 0> Su 10 ms" 435&T OUM A tk!I . ilt 900s 5 Prii 'ew m 9tlu 9 n9 807 2s L a ittt o n 2 .5 9 4.5 5 S14 i s * ' B îkafui,'r S9 -30 ti 4H 519 1217~ (trans Lak. e ni 105 à 3012 1 Rlinne 9e5 i35 1»M Lke Villa 951ti liai su 12a*- ni. a. . I . i n. LaCeVilla 4 26 7 laS 130 Bollins S4 31 -71[j !rt. 94ayL 37 < 7 47 12 obe&94 8~cerlî 4 d7 9 02 12 tno se& S4 51 07 il45ta Prarle Vie'v S4 58 la 12 57 s Chioago s0 w j10 Fm45 '1)511>'exuept limida>'. m, Stop onty on signa. C. M. & 9T. IP. RY. TIME TABLEý.". Sbicao. L 10e a 4 400 lu eerfett 5 t0 29 506 41 70 .ondout 410 5ses 1 Ou n9* # tonut 545t3819 3et>' Russell (arriv) 18 s GOING SOUTH auey jitiaselî .tn a.m. .a.q I'5 wadsworth 59ta Tt Oumnea 510 * Warrenton sote gs-'- LraaartTVn.x.a6 10 7 n0 12 SD 11t Roudont 6 20 7î0 1240 i do ôfl 852 7 58 1209M0 6m esa e 90 8 04 t12 58 e4, BUNDAY TRAINs l v.bertSl. s4:W P-..Ar.Rondeîsa.5 _ *1ri'lle905..A.0 1. ~ ~ - T 'I Washington St., %Aýaukegan, llu: 1

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