CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 31 Jan 1896, p. 2

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IN EGGS.. WIEJLATORS MOIWO. LOSE1 tho Market. and Every ,-tupeumoua Vrgerîcu - OnIy Provsience Cau "eýrmAre Bitten. ofthe.Amerlean hou bas Itwas iver between the Sgebiuo of Chicago upeesla- ý~laers' Union, and the I#vctor. The. cod stemage iutet an attempt to corner ~,are or sil h o nt tous 0 bt ofe pocket. Sonne deal- fus lu Chicago by the drop é-wolli raeh M20,000. Score msu. 'mOeImIstorage" eue are 111 ot*t a domoeanam r prac- sbl at flat price. Car load OU gnaticelly offored Wed- - tuAul pointe on the map at Mlocieua prke. but the lest Itu retura were $1.25 a case 09. Meajuiefresh oggs e~ U te 14% ceuts, but effare ,ensa er. fairly rollng in ff éloaod, The. nes ad te -Iii uountry that the cold hi.. vas eeklagte ocotrol môseet and apparently everty ïufir country made It aM- PIe 41 ua the. dangerous #*M hbaramI ent'up the logan, p* at Ionot prie..." The. 4the. weatiier ivaz favorable, go was soon won. lu Chicago of Mod torage eggu bave on ê case. of eggs iîci peut 14 cents a dosan, iîîluding ogrÉlflEtltesun rom laut uprîng. inis ot the year the sitock *Otcaly exiauted, as South- dg ta supply consumera. The r b#.a not only stnrted the gge mnos-ng, but las brought MNrlinga froim Missouri, Ka- RNebraukg4Arkansas, Okla- Izas Thougi thl icehouse" Idbir grocers Il eser the city 1 are flot te le compared it th irrivaIs, andI cannet compote BY FORGED NOTES. '*(Orcbauta and BfleCs âdOut of 03,000,O(0O. WM frontChina tellIoethîe laeforger@ on tic IslandI Iwo00 of Jas-a batik cotes. acîga acceptait torgoit no- vere placoit on tiem. ijiolaand pounduetfergomi »nte« have been diecos-- promâniest Chilese juter- 1 pacod caser arreut, la- *t Chia., one oet hie ealthlest lb ava. It lalttleveit by the *t4 forgerlus vere made in %weCh.Mtoaa atis- ofe ~a rest t of' rabaye, and "tin eceru have beau ar- et c tl baume. thst discount- p*p asUy hauirsupt. Neer- .1 =-Chions, mercianta of r*eea vietlauueuh. MIA AND TUEKET. Conate*tinopI. that an En- >w beliaeedai Constantinople e enteateoexista letivoan Roma erand that ly its torms Regela ed te support Tnrkey a certain rsas the passage of the Dar- y B.raitsh fot. Ou the othar xu"drstood Tcrkey Ias agreed USneaIateoecupy samd pacify hopositien ot France la re- in uaderatandieg -letweean Rns- qt*cy la mcci diSeused, andI it lui certain cirles that tic re- j'.e enatraned te gaparate ber- . »n nathie tatter'@ polie! be opposel te French interauts, ~*&y* (6Rehief Except fFOm Outoue lias wirttea antien lat- s4tueulau question, la which, lg1ug te the "murderous iickeit- * -Sutan, bisabaselute s-ctory fflem. sud their unparalleî.d liz' esys: 'I cancet - ii. e Tt out oft his ylarise, but the mttar Ahîugiiy, te who M'sroY fervent prayers lu be- <Li. teotamr Catalonis, 3à onton. vth ber siaft - la titude 47.50, Ion. ý0 Jan. 22 by, the.Wite Cv)eý whlci resc-ed New *A <ablegram front St. - - celved Tuesay, ne- ic.anoala bas leen toweit wbr the steamer Braun- 10 uOhlna Upbed.- kW Rarian, Braver anmd io tuprine Court, bave rea- W49Mio la the Nortiern Ps- allp ease, ltoldig ail the th. Ueofthîe rond te le rud Jeukiau' court ah Mil- lia d.cIaW.n gis-es tic Mil- jarludictlea oses tIe ctir. i atter o emccelsbpe. gaeek h Canug mie san, lat Klug I«euelek q4dvanseee cnngly paralys- pW'u<emovement on.île part «W hrby treatlug the bat- d.slao ahostages. 'rie maous Cry crîtical. der Ambaa*dcr. èj Vkdwluu F. L'il, tic Assist- ry et Stato, has been umen- lbngio oaip la reaentot ---ite the Amlassadorebip ivIsslsutfinatters un- io» <ermauy isocit o clasc -P04. Ïk eméutsetWUÏ'IÎimu a~Tbeir ."pbn;*"ta com oea. AuxZiba*sm.mberaet1 iesMalvallôn Ar- MI are"vi»Iy protestini againast the removal of Commander Balliegton Booth. N'otice bas been recelved that inanY et them ivol withdraw their finuecîial support of the army if bl l fot allowed to remele. The auxlllary reembers ivili send al ocam- mous protest te London. if thet proves itbout effect mensures ivill be taken to declare the arniy le America indePendelit of ail Englisb domination. Ballingtoni Booth ivilil e invitcd to become ita leader and lt lu asserted tînt be ceuld bardly refese. In answer te the assertion ot beadqnsrters lui lxondoe that the change lu sboply ie keeping wvith the policy te mos-e commiandera every few yeers it is pointed out that Bramiveil Bootb, the chitet ofstaff le London, siho lu largelY responsible for the orders, bas been in bis preboqt position tii-enty yeers; bis siater, thei. zarerW*, bats bee len charge ln FraNet ifteen years, aud the commander in India tee years.]Public meetings te protest are beieg crranged. AT LLEAST BEVENTY LIVUS LOST. PIre lu a linealan Cîrcue Theeter Causes a Terrible Panic. Thie officiel jesestigation i te cacese of thir ie isbicI dastroyed the cineus thenIer et Enkaterinoulas-, capital oethle seutharu Busulan governusaut oettn nanme, las nct beau able toesatablisi tIe ree caueetfîte disester, ishiel is bc- lie-ad to bas-e rasulte ite icbs etfes-en sesety livse. 'Te insi lercsinsu avilu by an ectres, silo appeared terrer-strick- en on the stage donnag a ehidînes usat- lace. Sîmtrvte lns bs-ole audience loto a pacie, au tle tietar imnedlataly begaui tu filiwit îu'isoke and dlame. A terrible rush sias made fur tic doors ofthîe build- ing, but only tn-o out ofthîleiagit exits siesc open, thc others liasina bean sectre- ly loqed on accouet oethIe cold wietlar. -'ha ion roof of the building collepsed. killuleg number f erasns. Tic vltiu us-ra nîinly ciildrnancd ln addition to tiose bernait. suffoeeuli by the sinoke on crusbed by tIefi' al of tic roof, matuY mmcc tranipied te deati. WROLE FAMILY DRt>M NE. Wagon and Teant Swcpt Awsny %Vhile Tryiuîg te Ferd al o iemStreasm. .Naiss ne-jrecels-ad inl'ont Worthu of tic drowuig utfami ertine faiîiy in Prai- rie Dca iuonk et thte edrimer.,i lnauulhl Cotunty. Josueph W'ickeu-, %w-e utc îc ls- childece atteesîuhed te feu-iltlue suneam n a covercut mwagonu. 'The mî-utur liiejt the wa-gon anud tecuuî uon u. 'TIe futierut- temtîitttho unumonshouue w-lu occ cliululoui bis back, hut senk uk h li'bîttoît anî tuh le andIthi c cilul sieu-p droîs-uci. 'l'ie moter cialditeu-chilt rcuuaiuuueliih wagon uchil il î%vas iinrtturied aundici lu iseco aise drewneut. Auuutlueu- tuculy ini a second wsagonutîuunet back le tlîmue te ses-e tIemsels-es. but could giîe 1nu as- sistance tu the Wlckeu-s. F-hups to Bs ArMud. (capi. W. W. Ker, thc attoruney nie represents île Caubans in iiu-r causceut Phmlsitlpia ced aise tie teanusîlu coin- psny, ed ibat icreafter the steamuers sut the Hart Lice uying betw-aen Plileutel- pbia andI Cula si-lîliec armeit. TIse Hersa sud ber companion bouts are te have boîl b0w andI stern chasuru. TIc Captale con>- tinued: "I cm toi(t tIe Sulnisl autiori- îles bas-e saisI tîtiIf tley catch enaefthîe veusela ef the Hart Line ln Cubue waters tiey iilI meke it lot for thie slip. We are net geimug te gis-a tp tice West Indian trade, anîd mse kuow tiare are ce United States vessels ticre te lrotect ours. WVe lae-econc-Indeitutego lutote cprotectiîîa businesu ounscîs-es. Tbenearan lots of w-cil traînait young mina rVu o0r nca-l train- Iug sesas wbe wotiIl1 ha only ton gled te gt a position' wbiîre they could gaie practical axperlecce, and tIare unenou bel- ter gantiers le île werld thaut they arc. IVe au-e not goisua te seek trouuble iiti tIc Spaniards. bot w- e unnot affurd te las-e 0cr vesseus c-aait eud do cet ms-ct te go to thIeaxpenue ot tic extra ceaIlIaI ivoult le used lun gettina up teain te nîn amvcy fron a Spanisi cu-uiser.1Ihlie-csecuî Reime ofthIese Speelul cruisers, aund li my jîîdgusent a ('uben vessel otfmsva mnned by euun younug Americauîs vwlll lias-c a pit-ie viitlîe Spanili leet, andt tIare n'ilI buemuouich lîiza moîiey lin tut make seme et cor >uong cmen compaura- tis-cly îseatiy." Mob Trie. te Lynch. W~ebster Gros-e, tic St. Louis suburi, nas wildly excit es-en tic tuagedy, mshec BarruarnA. Atw-aten, the youmîg Chicango crt3is-Isho bunul ee te vslit bis betruth- cd, w-es is-ylait iy higluaminenu. One et tie oubera, John Schmidt, noondeit te detl by the plecky Clicugoan, sîlîl die. ThIe ollen thnug, Sam Ioster, a col- orait oz-coui-t,wms-li led tic fatal idiots, and Pater Schmidt, ms-be rrengei thti tu-dp inte wiîlelMn. AInater n-asu îsîus- rpactingly Iu-aitandI tienulhinu, ere iii rcutody. At tlair examlnatlen tbey tricit te escape, aud only determined action luy tIc oficers pras-cnted a moi trom lyncci iug bien. Drumas Esery ChiIImite Patcty. TIsaI nt a pupil w-ns injunedinluae hlaze iviiel tarîtdrhîursdny nienming on the firs fon eut thie Dedge street sehool ut Omaha, Nel., wasu tat Offie Doc'cs, a 16-year-old boy. Ofiei lt ili head du- mer le the fine drill. Ha heuidles ticuruini te kp thie childu-en in marclulua onden. Au :Ulnns theaaenun-es gis-eut le lurr-uie- domsn te tle princlpel's effice, gui lus uhuunu and, tatîonluîg imlit eeu- the tison, pounded out lie tunes while tic children manchoit eut ut the building. Auxleae Mother ICItI. lernecif. Mrm Emmna Worrnen, th i ie of itue principal owenr et Outing, couiîuul edsu>- cide la au aluartnant os-ar the officues oit thc magazine nt New You-k. SIc lait lis-- ed ah hhe HetA lMajestic us-thI er liuiand and les-aisI son. ccd 1er suicide is attrib- utei tole cxiaty fur the lttera is-cifure. Deee for $1,235,044. At Philadaîplie a dec-uec msas uneret leture Jodgee Dalles eud Butler ic tle UniiitdStaes Circ-uit Couertfcr $4235,. f44 in tas-or et tic Central Transpocrtationm Comnpany agniast I'ulheuias m Place Car Comipany. TIe an-urni made up ot $2,- 522,000 andI intenest tor Pieveci yenrs. - DuuhtîCescersi Cianire lande. 'rIepliait fthc Duluth Gîus andutWter Company mes puu-thasaibt hile Il arman G;eacral Electrie Liglut Comuinuiv. By maay thls is taken tu enuuutliet heu stock lawsimply leen trauti-rri'ul in thc hope tisitiheity'@ sUit te cnuil tiec cmpeny'a frauchilso ilIl e droîsped. Pranc e Ot. Madagascar. u~cdtit bYth tere~ THE BIG ROCKEFELLER MINING CASE.' involves Troc Lande Up tn Mnesoata -Turk lui Affaire la Coagrens-Teut Case lein zrr ouettes Near t-' a De- rision-Suttan lîronglit te TInte Vithe te tie Little joheny Diepeuted i e Dienv-er. ile tote Lueitle Johuîny gold mine of Lu'adtsile, CIl., is tie subjecIt ut suit licil i tic I'niteul States ('out rhly Mici- nuel t curnuof- et httie. Monut r1'ii, uithi liie riulu ler suis b ti>uther uciluî.er'lofthti Caritnufuîuîîuh>, i-lusrs a haIlfiterct in tl. i- te ucthlut luist ycar mi s ruîl itd itli 2111 oîittitit t $of -« netonl1 s îîuusîpro- dii. uuui guI (at ilh- ruile- uit$*tit,00() a îuîîîîîu1. Sait is lîrîuuglu! uocihue gaine groiuîuul thut i-oui i-leuIl.l the îînuru o e I Emmina minue. uit Asîuu-îî. o dihigîsge $4,- 04Xl o îr getticg 1iîuisessiolis eta pnop- vr'n y u> nîeîs o1'riiirScutiuuu huai ticeu-re w-us luis gradc amsd th iuuîiiiaîicg tie peor oi ni-rs io s-Il for a soiug. PRAYED FOI? AISIENIIA. BlieindCiaptain of thme seateiavokeg Ald for the t>tuîiessed. îles. Dr. luilhuoriu the in-hlud ebalin of Ciiuguess, îrc>î-r uloqiuently MoedaY fer Bltu-î-licg Armniua. -luuîr tiec euy of our îgoly," bulrayl-It."iii Icinît ofthti îuffleîuiof Auisuu-ia, uhî.uîilieit, toutured, îîuir homees iun eshes. lhimmenancd vei- ulu cud chihutnen siiuîatheticedgceofthti swsonut, tîcir wmenuudislonored. Arousa anuitunutethIe pîîecrs ot (Iristeudont, tIc qtiuuîu, thue czar. thekuiser, kiegu anui prines, tîeir uiuishîrs andI people, tînt tic sultanc snl lie foreu-d te ubeatie bis louîdy s-eu-utandilsta hiyle treitied rage ot hils anaticel aoldiî-uy andI subjectu." SUGAR BOUNTY CLAIMR. Deciaion la Suit Fied ittii Deterînine Governmeet<U Policy. ThIe Gos-cu-iuuit las fied le tic Su- preme ('onuut tIeUnitedIStatesthie luepers li hie tînu suger bounty cases et A. Il. Graycanilthie RealtY comPauY s-s. thie Unitîed States, tic tiret Ies-olving c daim for abot $8000 sud the second for aibouit $50, eppealeit frolu te United States Courut fur thbe casfëw1oisiana district. Tic deiisien n lathent iîlIdeten- miue the pîuuuuîy oethti Gos-animent in îuuu>iug all clailiuuîndar the suger bounty anetftie last congre«a. 'rbay iare de- iedul guiust tic G;os-rument lu tht' bu erc-rourt. DEATH IN A COLLIERY. Fhtty-foer 3Miners BEnnemilnanceEx- pleelon. A teru-ble explosion las inken place le a i illiîu-y et Tylorutoien, near Cartif,. Wj'iles. Tlue ubafttu ere ulettanaul ced tic ws-îule loue ivas ulaken iy tic ire- iuîcuîlîus <oiusloe, tesngac sene et w ld euuitu-menî. Flty-tour miners ware bulciis-tlii surace wben the explosion teck placie. Tii ls-abodles las- eemiracos-erai tu-uis itue- î-uîliery and twals-e men nu-e slîl ruissiuug. itescue parties bru-led te thc aiuo crb.hut ilair workises-eu-y decgareus, oîm uîg te ie tact tual tic pli islon tire. Turkeir te PsY Cash. U'nida Sam ba brosiabitIch sultan te hune, and theré lu noie littie ikeliboosI tha int of het i.Anerican croiser@ iill bas-c mer preetice la tie Leanet, iitI MNoiccimedan towas au largets. Durag tic Armenlafl debate BMonday iu the iîîsMr. Htt et Illinois, chairman et lie F'oreign Affaire Cemmttee, anneune- eut thai the Tmrkisb Goverement lad adl- iîîî'td tIe justice et claimus for iudaumuty jii île Kiarput.ansI Marai outrages, and wîuld psy the suins demandait iy Sacre- tcry Olney. These suesanouted tot about $M.0000. China Admite Traulo. Tic Chlaeue Geverumaut bas eau-ced te oencsthe Weut River provided Chline is alloîs-cito te ain tic terrltory ceded un- der îhe Bus-mal-China convention in 1894. ThIe ciLles et Canton and Hong Keng aue gtusted outhie bey lute ishici tic wVat River emptiea. The nes occasion- et neosuit*hi satisfaction le Hong Kong. ThIe tradeofe the rici province ef Yunnahn lad legua te ho dîserteit lythie scîisity etfticeI"renchinlu 'ouquIn fron tus nat- urel chanuel sImin tic ris-ar. Cburch Pae Eohd at Auction. H.H. Ludlow & C'o., ef New Yor-k, nter power et tie vastryman eof('ais-u- plsicopi lCisrci, solsI et auctlon the pais la tiat chu-ciikeosin as No. 197. ThIis ha the first turne in Nec' Yerk*tliat a pais las beau odisI oen uauctlon for dedt. Asters Brne About a Trace. Thie fallune oethte James Coleman Dray- ton divorce suit te corne te trial ln thse News Jersey court of elencery las ocea- sionait much gosseil. umera are tiat tii Asters have affectait a meeting letws-en the estu-sugeit coupla. lit. LonusMay Builm a Hall. If the plas et a number eft he Iosding 4ttwsao 0'f nt. Louis uar enemafuilycar- It ivas durla" B- e. te mû. New York Port Ôof ier fieet rival, the Cunardor Campanla, tbat the Amer>. tan liner St. Paul ana ber nome 100 foot lntii the white sandit'if Long Branch I"ridcy nt mdnlght. fStriee differ about the (eiine it being declared anid de- îîied tiiet uhe, ton, rmn agreund, but wi15 able to release tierseif. The stranding of the St. Paul, it ivaa lened wbe ler pcsseiigers arrived in the city nt 7 o'clock Saturdîîy evening, occurred at the close ot a seventeen-hour raceelled off on neinciiit of the heavy fog. Th:ç s lu uebed for both by Captain Walker of the Camn- puaia and the passengers of both ships. Wîîtlkér came near going asbore bimselt off Eiberon, but ivas wareed by tIc men ofthie lîfe-saviîîg crews and dropped an- elior ie tinie to save bis slip. It la possi- ble the St. Paeul caneot be loated iu tume to gave ber. FAITHFUL TO PILIG1ITED TROTH. Miles Ins-olveel, At St. L.ouis îîuiiîîîîY, il, thie Ueited States ('olîrî ot Appeulu, hetore Jîrdges Caldwell, et Arkansas; Thayer, et St. Louis, anud Siiiuorn, ut Minncesota, argu- menîts w pre hegîr in iitic greatest case il, sente respecta tînt bas es-er heen betore tic courts et J. t0. ltcke- teller, lreideet oethIle Standaerd Oil Cocu- uîanîy, is thIe deteîîdaîît. Thie amouîtîlii- vovd s a eprxinintely $1,000,000. At hie trial cfthie case onits ru erits ie tic Circuit(Cenrt let Duluth, Mien., lietere Jusige 'Iiner and n jury, a verdict w-ns gis-en fer itie jleimtiff, Alfred Merritt. Jr. for $9W0000. %Ir. îte-keteller's interestu are reuiesenteel by George W. Murray, of New' York, and asseciaes. 'rIe îlaichiff ilu reîîrecrted by A. A. Harris, et Duluthi anîd associntelm. iu Augut, 189X3. tIc ,%erritis, mshio lied the centrellina irtereat iii soei on, micles ln St. Louis Ccuty, Minniesota, valîrcî t a $10800,000, wecît lao ientcc iitît Rtckefeller. Merritt iii ils original bill clîerged tiet le and lus lîcrîiers ms-rs- inveigled luto the deal hi tic tratîduleet represectalions etflRocke- feller ais te the vaillîe oethîe properties lie eoiilrolled. lia alleges tint iRockefeller reîireslected is cines te he In a presper- cmis, divideed-îîayicg condition, ishercas the eortraryw-ntie case. SUIT OVIER GOLD MINE. Clulego-Catila, ceumeon te prime, $3.50 te 3$5.00; bogs, ehippea grades. $3.00 te 3.50; sheep, fair te eloica, $250 te $3.75; ms-ent, Ne. 2 reit, Oic te (Le; cou-e, No. 2, 27e to 28c: eahu, No. 2, 19e te 2ee; rye, No. 2, 40e te 42c; butter, dcho creainery, 19e te 20c; aggu, tueuh, 15e le 17c; potetoes, peu- lusiel, 18e te 25e; broin cern, 12c te 4c par poued feu- peor te douice. Iiiuianapois-CnItle, allpping, $3.00 te $475; bogu, choica ligît, $3.00 te $8150; sIcep, cenumon to prime, $2.00 te 33.00; wheat, No. 2, (15e to 67ce; cern, No. 1 whilte, 26e te 27c; oatI, No. 2 wiite, 22e te 23c. St. Louis-CatIe, 33.00 te $500; hogs, $3.00 te, $450; c'beat, No. 2 rail, 06e te (;&.; cou-a, No. 2 yeilow, 25e te 26e; onts. Ne. 2 white, 18e te 19e; nye, Ne. 2, 35e te 37c. ('incinnatl-CatIle, $4.50 te 3$4.50; beau, $8.00 te 34.50; slcep, 32.50 te $3.75; ivient, No. 2, 71c te 73e; cou-e, Ne. 2' mixait, 20e te 30c; oats, No. 2 mixed, 2lc te 22e; ryc, Ne. 2, 43e te 45c. SDetu-it-Cattle, 32.50 te $4.75; legs, 33.00 te 34.50; sbeep, 32.00 te $3M.; ivicat, No. 2 reit, 70e te 72e; cou-u, No. 2 yeltiuw, 28e te 30û-; oas, Ne. 2 sibite, 22e te 2%ci; rya, 39e ho 41c. TQ1edo-WVbeat, No. 2 reit, îlete 72e; corn No. 2 yelloc', 27je te 29e; ents, Nu. 2 smita, 20e te 22e; rye, No. 2, 39e te 40e; clos-ar seed, $4.40) te 34.45. Nfltwukec WiWat, Ne. 2-spring, Gie te (62c; cou-c, No. 2, 263e te 27e; oas, No. 2 wihte, 2(k- te 21c; barlay, Ne. 2, 33e te, 3'; rya, Ne. 1, 41c te 43e; pork, mess, $10.50 te $11.00. Buffalo- Cattle, 32.50 te 3$5.2Z; hogs, 33.00 te $4.75; shaep, $2.50 te $400; ms-et, Nu. 2 rait, 74e te 76e; cern, Ne. 2 j7aîîoss, Sic te 32c; eatz, No. 2 white, 24e to 20c. - New York-Csttie, $300 te 35.25; legs, $3.00 te 35.0, hu.p, 32.00 - tea 4-0 aitNo;, 2 red,-7octo 77c; ceore, N. 2 MnIt Stâ u nts.. MW"tmWhlIa Me le AM"AîOAN ARRE8T5D AND SEN* TENCÉD WItMOUT TRIAL. Tranuported laton ecaon WhereSPeedY Death la Sure-Awful Revelatiosi ut a Wichita Trial-Flhbustcre Drowns -st. Faut out of It. Constaecy fer Forty Vearu Foltovemi by Marriage. Ucusuel coustac>'bas ecded le a wadding. wiicb wivasoslemnized et Gil- boa, Ohio. 'The ceutractina parties ivere George WV. WiVegis-rarncd Miss Aunat Kelly, eci aged os-en 60 yaare. WVien yeuîîg tlay ivere engaged, but tic airl's parents opposed ticir maringe beenusa0 Mn. Wisagis-er n'as poor. 'riso ieeks ago baer tatlier died, aed, ticenieller les-ina heen dead ses-anal yaars, theaeged cuple. wio- lad continuait taltiful tuecciotier, decidad te menu-y. For tonty years Iiay have lls-ed clouaueighbora. 'rie groom iii is long lite bas made conisderable ivealti. andI tbey nilI cois-experience un- internuutted love andI case. Vîctm of Plottera. Uns-ana advsiees say thât (sen. C'ampos' rau-aIl wo-esbu-ought about by uolitical in- trigue. tien. Campos retosad te reuigîn, but pleceit binelf lu the bauds efthti Spanilsb miniutry. The respoasibilitY wsin throien on tle latter. ThIe greataut difli- cuîlîy le tic way <ut the gsecesa ufthîe Plot isas the quceil rcgeut etfi$pain. 'This ex- celleîîb isomen la a dcvotad fnicîîd et Genu. Camposivionu slîc regards as an tbler ho lian. Uer coenît n-as neesseny bî'foen Gen. Camensies old be reuoned. A bolil struke wnsmeule te secere this. It w-aï represented t iitlîe quecuu laI tlic 'litu Ot tic captalît general waa n luancuger froni the ias-lani)c; iluat lus cIcr anditteru acity îveuld luneSent hie froin as uidirug or yieldiîug, auud tIi" iuly site thing te di, te get bi, lm ttf thile 'uiy wSit i>reu-ell hou. 'Tie faut isas ignorei t Iat lias-aria w-n pertctly quiet. tlutltiene nere pIeu- ty et troop silhle cuill anîd Ilînt Get'. Campes hinuscît rcîsîrted rue diserder. 'rie qîreen cocseitc-d to lus reunîlluni thie eliemiesaofthtle gemucral triumîubed. Driven Out by Noxioua Odors. Thera la dire trubhle ut tle Lester l'erk sciool, Duluth, On aceount et e horrible mmeîl, and cearly aIlle pupils lias-ve b-mu ivitidreivu in couisequence. 'rhe Ieelîl departimant luns eusmnied tic building ccretully, hbil une farulul ne explanlion et the presecce et the osIer, ishici pos- *esses thec cbiracteristlcu et deenylea flash and lunitia ulîphuir. Monnument te 1Phut heridan. La association ot citizen& et Somerset. Ohie, iwas iucorporated te recels-e soli- scrugtions and ereet a monument at tint place te île late Oeil. Philip ti. FZieridauî. Somerset ivas the boyhood home of tien. Sheridan. ____ Pecaumnaa Klullnig the Indiana. information trom Pino Ridge Ageaey, le Senti Dakota, snys there is a large eronoct of mickiiesson lie raservntiuu and L bat msny ot the Indians are suceumi- li;g te the ravages et pueumeula. L Yang Yu Prnnoted. . Yang Yu, Chee minleter at Washiug- iton, las recels-ad uotice etis promotionu le tIe presidac>'ofthîe board et sacri- icial ssorslip. nue ot the meut honorable offices iu tic Clulcese empire. Te Cotonîze la the Mexicos. At Sauta l'e, N. M., the Mexican acnd -Guatemala Celouizetion andI lailroaut C'ompany mas iccorporaed te operale le New' Mexico ced old Mexico. Capital stock, $10,000,000. Mr. Runyon le Deami. Ticodore Itonyou, Uniteud States cm- f nssador te Gcrnuauuy, expirait suudealy arud ucexp)ectedly ut Berlin nt 1 o'clock Monday muruiug et heart tailuire. Utah'@ NewSentors. 'rie UthILaglulature ln joint session electad C. F". Cannon andt Arthur IBrown- te the Unitaît States Seate. XNAREET QUOTATIONS. Vindiuctivce 'panclurde. Ads-iccs frem Ihavane itidicate tint siuiîîcthc resigriaticri utMartiliez de Cecm- pîos the Spaiisi uthorities are actina ii a bigb-hiacild menuer ton-ard Americce citizeais sîisjiected etf being le aympe.hy w-itb theie Isîrgeuits. htecently llcnry ILise, w-ho demiis te lie a neturalized citi- zen cf thc I'îiitad States, ivas crrestcd art P~uerto PIriniic as ea1îelitieul gsuspect and w-as tironini utî a dungeon, altboîmai pro- claimirsg lus Amarjuan citizecsbl. M@1 reqîîest ihiet (Consul Ganerail Williams hie irîtormed utflisejîligit uns denieut, aud %% hieu the le tste<amer left for Cents. tlie SpIariiisb jueral settlemeiit le Atrica, Itise wias îlaed un boaird. Tbheiiturtilinte macn atenîpted te nake a sceiie au liei-as lîlaî-ed on tle veusel, huit lie was ken-*keu dîîwn ly the Suiceisi guards and h urrled beleis- <ecks. Risc had ie iotrial, but it lu unerstuod tlie auticrities uirdered lim cunfinil a et 'uta for lite. Transporta- ilion te Cente rîcîs menas deetl, as choiera ,in rcgiug tItre. SAYS MURDELi AS PLANNED. Jormian'. Bennatlonal Teetînton3> le *Willauunue Triat nt Wichita. At Wichita, Kan., in the trial et F. Mu. Williamsee, clargad nul inmurderina Henry Il.LeeAnerd te acore tic lntter's lite insurauce. 'Michael Jeordan, an old selitier, sus-lre tiat WVilliamson a pprenîl- cd hlm least October. a mentI letore tho cérinie w-au committéd, and uoiggestad tint lie knew w s-bre $500 could einsity le made., WVilliamueii tetd hic>inht le keîsofeta nomnis-bo hîclî a $5.XO iesurîre poliu-Y one ifie eofI.eonnrd cuîl lint @sic would giv' $:,4fl (ifthe iriscrance le a mac tiet i,11î1lulkill i hl>.Wlluini tîîlîlJordan ail thueaiuils if ticsi-liciie. caut Jordani r-eu feu iio-îii ti u urt. Tic tlu'cry ot tio. Stuite lies ns-is lip n t Willinai- su sonîcn%ýteut lii a divorce, frein bis nîte tintaie iiglt eîarry tipoicr,unîler agreemnt that ticy w uîiuld aftrivard kilI Lu(-eniird lo etthe icstur:ni-t on bis lite FOR A pEACE. TRIBUNAL. signatue* WilliDe songlet toDectur- etion Publletsed in Englacd. "lhie tcxt (if a decle ration is pubîhl iedcî il>n Lonidoii lrging th estalishmient uit a pîermaent tribiniecofetrbitrntiî,e tir ail tie Beglishi-speakLing cationis and sut' gestine. I at the-giuseriimei>itmgis-c effc-t lIo tie resîl etinms on t lus stijei-t<i (ii gre'ss in h1>02 ancd theIfloîuse eofîîîmîi le Th1. re utecleratien in is irui hîY mîîst if Ite hîreiie-it -itiri-biuieni' n p-lgle îd. It iiie h'senit thi, hCaGres I htritain eandlthc Inited States tfor signa- l u r-s. FRANK JO>NES KILLS 1118 WIFE. Decil et un Ieaeiy Jestousesnban et Swan»r, Aie. At ivus-ne.Bloiniiî 'ciii lv, Aie.. Franck joues, sulierin ni enît îof tle Suarise coal ('Comnylîli- iitics. liol an d fate lly woîi îd- cd lis ivifu-. n bî'atitifil Yuuiig us uiiîn 29) years ot agi'. 'l'ie cupîle were et borme isitl tîcir tusi sicîlî-ilîlrcn îî hec.itl i seul, tlisy q uirr(ýel Joues liwing iisanels- jealusof utls mite. aîîd il is relorled è ouîîectcýd lir utftli-ingg nîntrîle te lim.lie 1 ieiztd .-slîî,gunî cci shot lier in tic nigît breast. Jouies bas leretofore steed Awny wlth tie Tunk. Mr. 11,-phurti iihep.), otfluIwa, lias gis-en col uc cf ini iiîidineicîfithîe Anînîeîiîîei resolio n îîîcctr dliscussionii. mt nuîî-t i ia th l eiiîlîil lugivi' thle Tiirkisl cil îî iter luhs lîasupcrlsaneîd enîd ail diîleîîîatl rela- tionts uili '1'rkey. Mîr.IluIt. chaimnofe tlîe Foreigni Affairs Cunmnittee, re'hukeît M'îr. Iltiî-jhinii foîr bis exiraordiiicry lire poiculte ses-Irilixjiiviihire'lationis iil aî atriciiitl, sumir.'-eî îîîît ni, re-lans w ithitlîît iînîir r,'rplicil Mr. leu- buire. 8it. i'cuul*s ulan-es for ent-rtiuhîng the s-eheu-cîuofut hle rend Arîy oftheuIu tu- lîlblu- eutxt cuuurenii-ivucutnasi-tt luuî-k 'ruedas- b>-thet u-ii-ui ofi thle Western Pisscmugen Assoiatuul. uand as il rescît ofuthle uirhitrcni stand tcl.en bly thînt rail- nîtauil1 o,-t.uî)pu I, u lis e Lt ionuîul u- -a Il iih ueit ot 18111 Mîum> buis-e tiibe alînîuonîd es- tiluel>- fuTh e s-iai lii>il uuss s11)0oua senexu-da> luit to ail hicekets. Pronminenh Coterei Macnl)end. James Edwn-iiCtampbîell dieul in l'ore- noy. Ohîio, out pneumconie. hie wis 28 s-cars oit. lie wssa onu-e edihor ofthti WVest Virgimuin Buierp-isu', îublislieut ton colorîul la-cile, iru Charleston.,nud liait minitte-uutino books etfîuueucs, "Drittings anud Gcuaiiicgs' uand i "Ecioca irem tic Casun anitElacmNi-ure.' Lose the Ceai Contrndt. 'rIe Cook ('uunîy ('omcissiohierns t ('hicago cauuus-Iu'ttiecocntreet miiith'. Keueick & Co., is-uo are diaeu-u- i iti dehinericg sluurt-wisugît ceaI te crolin- ty"s dependauu, ts. euhd tiiwitbieli fu- ilen paymcnts te Iluat firuitced etppintait c eoîcmittceüto lîreseut ticeilcne toee Grand Jury. lîl-Flemi Expedtmme. Thie steamer J. W. Hankinus, bouilli front Neiw-York ten Cutin on a fiilibuster- Ina expediticu, wsm-aabandoeeut niseaoff Leurishloand Suîndey cigit in a terifie gale. andtoethtic176 mcii on beau-t ocly 113 an, accouruted for. 'ren arc knemvn te bav-e bacc trous-ed, auuulit is belleed ity-tîrce ollueru mea nluke fate. Sprîngtld iGea I. Sprncafulinluticlea ce ad Apnil 293 Is tic time fixet by lie tllinois State Ceni tu-cl Consmithea fou- holdingathc Stctelite- ptullican convsention. ThIes-utc on the location stood: Sprncgfield, 13; Peon, Il. One blauk ballet imus cash andt tio muembers et lIa commhittce w-are absent. Patniot[e Vemuezuelai cW'oluen. (Cnu-cas wis-en heve orgauuized fer the protection etf 'ceuuui intenesis egeinut Ehîurclemu aggreedlon. 'rîey niutounce tînt tley bae -eaieablisad c boycott egaiest Erualluli goods. Frer Tromublin XMcedonia. 'rie Tumkisi Gos-erument lias h-jken $(X),000 frein the offictais pension fîsumi ith wsihici te umept urgent utato require- * mts. Mauser rifle. are te bie gisen te *h -à etm - a "h .ta lis. New Y'ork, Jan. 25,-ýbe aew meati opens admirably. For tweàty-five yestUe 1have canvassed the stylos and apeclAl- lecs of tîvo continents, yet 1 ces-pr saw se maey excellent and bealtbftl novelties te lghten labor and improve teste. I never aw s0 many creative intercata being aireil t one time, or no uîeny excellent upecilil- tien te the fore au tbere are jout noew. A Mtadison Square mantua-meker, who la the lîighest autbority in London, 'aris and New York, tliîîks the present prefer- ce for Louis Seize styles wW aeauguritî areige of crinoline. Ileaven to-ws al- mont any niethod of relleving womea of bhe preserit weigbty draperies which, de- spile the pertect Itedfera ripple, ivilI flop about the teet and swoop tho atreetse o unwary microbes would be grutefully ivel- comed. AIl thingu consldered, the heop will be a bealth tactor, and the firui s-ho makes eue cf tentberwelgbt braideil vire te teke from spflue and stoimach the friction ot tashiocable skirts, while graco- fully preservieg the contour of the figure, can soon cont upon building hi. catle and retiring troni active lebor, fer "there's millions le it." In Mr. ltedfern's method otf lclshlegi fiashienable skirtu, velveteen bau eutirely superseded brnid; and an oreate panel revered lneaIt te left aide la the latest innos-ation. ThIe manufacturera of a aew velvet hindiag have etruck tbe keynotâ of universel requiremeut. It lu ot âe grade and comp nesleaIll uadea te match the meut eapriciousaly tinted fabries. It la so tient and etyliab, se easy te ap- ply, and outivears a sklrt made es-en froc> the strongeut fabrne; and the fluted inuido hein tacing lu jouI tith thieg te preveut contraction whicb migbt accru'-tinii ,ît- ling on the stiffened jîiping cord and se- cure the grncefmîl rounding up for which the n «ew sels-et binding i. celebrated. TIte best retailers in esery American town andl City Bell N. V. B., and itlal recommended by ladies' tailors ced dreus,a:nkes fnt ss-ery compasm-lpoint. Hoivever, aboula any oie-ofutii lady readers rieurr tu or re- molte triiiihis greet ce-iter cere te securo a uîret ty utl it itr 1îlcted pie t riy. ht ber dlropî a line toi.thle Klii rmlitcdt Me e e ii, turiîîg hof tNfi- Yoîrk, cemîcg tlî'î nieriietit ftrîî whormslip 1îîrchaed lber N. V. IB., îr Ithe dûtahr wh bldnet yet addeid it te lis stocik. and she w il reei vi furtdier datai- ncîîrgthc N. V. B. sel the lirets Ilt I souveni r i bhiI 1une for niy uin iitii 11<1 u %Itirreay'sare the best, and lthe ' v are lut ni>i and old te ail driiggistî hy A. .1. Diimen, No. 2 Barclay lIn-et,.New Yoriik. Plaid stu, kirgs for gi,16 ng. Ccilinrg and teninis havse lonig beec i n trill lant ide - but îîlaiîld suîkiings fer home. visiticg and street toil'tu amarenîng imliirted bimtry foîr sîricg nt Lord & T-iylura@. Ladies wo hlaivc tried I îimare in ecuta- Msic ov-r Bîllh îi erleuis dres steys, w hîich lias-e ncecr auj, under sprîlg, and ed- jout thieles tu tRe figure i-ll glus-e- like lîrecisiori. Bu-ing double, they render tieceM suau tandl meotb as iii a tailor- made budîî-. Thieiîe sayé are streng an,] durable asuoeillas adaît ive. A set ut oui) dnzi'n, ci-ultinîg Iii i ii y celnts ettretail. ivill de dîîty for ses-eral dresses, ahi sys re- taining Ilîîr riiive shape andI tresli- tens. lu shoîrt. iliough tbey enduire long. ticy never cîinke uld hunes." and a ger- ment Px) stiffu-ned reteins its symmetry lonîg after thée tiret glosa lias woru troni the face ofthtic abrie. llis-ina sef-iîired the lieut sîsys for tia mucih oilraîîeiedl modern hudicu-,, the ncxt eonsiderîîtion lu a Corset îîhoihwill keep it» shape unîler the friction ut constanît ivear. The it. & G. ducs. Ticeinakers of this perfect Kt ny liai the lices in Anieni- ccii costsand are repîdly disîîlecing toreigii braildauin the oldest mercantile boiisg. Tliere lu alunys "rooutaet thc top," and le the taie oft nuny rival saps, ladies and pih sivians isho liai c tî'sted itsq nierits frein ai ery sai îîin ît aicordthe îîa Inioet ref- erelice lu Sanadlîr. This latenut claimant for comumnercial biiors in made only eoftthe plîrcut ingredienîs. It utimuletes skin glandts tue ivaltlîy action. pres-eits impure î;ecrctiius. thiirîîîîiglilycîcucues the skie an salpa and u î lre'i*, ps tic deplet(»4 ci cý fur tuie îv liste eiîteiled by irtuet bat lîing. Besiilîa beiîg a îîtise;,t i . it asno cicr-rcauldy renmedial tir aI thle is6 go rng c blei lietes iflin t tenui- mcc lîh îlieilîr te. Wbat more can lie salît, ex clptiilin t 1 isill gladly seuil e seni- le te cii),reiilu-ri s wo, iaviig lires-eh ils ticrils as Ilhive. i-nui tien urder direct trui e i SA-N-A-t) O l Medical Coinu- pîany, 10 V'auîîeîî ner sircet, News York. Tliatn-minds nie to e ntien borax. wlîiî-h, as a jiersrnal ulcanser and purifier, is ofutheicgri-îitest impoýrtanUce. NMrs. Elira IL. Paîrker, utfIKentucky, tiheivell keoi w riter uîîîîoliugehold totilcu. recomuieedâ il tfor the toilet ns iveil as for tbe bouse- hold and lîiindry. cnd Mrs. Parker kntis-s exactly w but slip is taîking about ishen she becuts the lHst oft racticel nids te latuor w 11h borax. By the w ay, if aur lady mrelr ofthiîs laper isacus a goosl cook book I cin sendid er eue whleb, ai; n guide te inany wliilesome and excellent feod îurcîîîratiorîs bas ce equal. 1 will likeivise seuil samiu!es efthe new cottun dresu goodu s wici are -fine as s11k," it stemp be inelosed te pay returu postage. To inethers et boys and girls and babieca I ivill scy that Best & Co.'s beautitel book et styles for sprieg lu just eut. Four ,rents iii stemps senît te me or tbe fine w-ill acaore it tu acy lady lu tuis countvy or canadat. SIDNEY EARLE. 300 WVest One lliidred andI Fourtaeentb a treet. New York. sîlent Cab Caîl. One et the latesit Ins-entiotis In con- îneellon witlî the electrle llght lg a si- lent -1, I l Ses-erel clubs andIbotu'la e ie l- ie

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