CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 31 Jan 1896, p. 3

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five yeatr id speal- 'er SaW ÈkO tivalties ta . 1 jadverT eing airait nt specitil- il Dow. A r, Who ia Ion, r'aris mt prefer- nangitratit ~t-QWs al- Womeu of whicb, de- ?, will flop atreeLte of efutty Wel- the hoop the fiui ht braidel omacli thie hile graco.- tha figure, bis castle or 1'thare's f flnlshlîîg as etitirely te panlel lthe lalt 1 ai a neav le keynotâ in of ânie e ta match abrics. iasy ta ap- even f roui uta,] insido ta prevant nU. ini !)fat- rd and se- for arbieh, 'raled. Th,: au tba andl 'ommendeti -ar, aboula iir to or ra- <T ta securîs t lMniînfîîî' aming tii', chased ber ad not yet s il recai 50 V. B4. and h 1 use for tas are the sotd ta li 2 Barclay -Y(-illug anid 3e, visitiog C importad Ta y lors@. re iu e<'sla- lays, ssîiî'h kg, and ad- avil gtiîve- bhey rîndar iii a laîlor- slrong an,] L sel t oo retail. aili alays re- and fresti- nitître long. andl a Car- a yminelry aurfi front sys foîr lte cie, thé, oeil b will keeît of conîstanît c makers of s in Ameri- dîallacintt meîrcantile le ltop," andi i, ladies and nierita f romt alun of tiret- -st elaimant t only of tie oiates skîn enîte impurs es the skîn leted 'uticmQ y Irutueiit Elit iàeT i- it t ti'r aI f liant temui- laura cao lie seuili a natal- g proven ils irder direct edical Coinî- New' York. ltion borax, snd purifier, MIrf; Elira recomuienda r the bouse- a rkar kuirna about n'hen cal aids la isay, if nun inis a gond n'hich, as a ad excellent ai. §of the new re "Élue se ,pay raturu s and babies sa beautiftll tt ont. Four or the liin titis countvy EARLE. Fourtaenth oas In con- gtht tg a SI- green, a-l- 1<0W SPAIN'8 RECALL OF CAM. POS 18 REGARDEO. T'he Voteran Spautsh Genera laI.Su. »e.seded by a Mau, Whos la Deeply Hata,] for Mat Former Crneity on thue Ilal, situation la Ferions. Cuba may ha fre. Thea recalof Cen. Mlartitiez Cttutjuo il Ile SpanitGoneit ment and is retiuîratoeitt ly len. Wey- ter is a elriîng indication tat tha situa- lion on the ishiuîuî] hs crîtical and that lte itaurgelals are trotuger titan te Sîiaiii antitorities ilberto admitîed. On ltae outbreak ufthlie rerohution it n'as inlimated by SpaintaIt the digtrb- an(e ausi-t mreiy local andl Ihal a fen mouthis noutd cee te enîd ,f taetroubla. But tae ravolut ioist s gaieii t cri'îgth arary day, andît llucîîSpain decidî.d tii seod ber veleran anîd îîîîst exiîcrieic-el Cerieral, ('ampoto ltaLe eutnuland ut affaira on tieiciiiîi. Hae was gîrcut absoînte anlhority tu c'al UPon ail thle t roiîtuî neeled aite] eaî'r iiine ite lravest ai,,] tetlestnt ite soi- diers of Stin tuhai-c b,-i'tt seunltiiltea il- fortIfîtnte iiiiii] cid. ('tCai npas nutun iii ed taI hié- iiilil qîtil the' rî-hîî.li(un iii thrtue nutiittlie t],lui uvil t l'llIfir mer robl'luuîî 'f titi-t, rs i- 'i t bis anitl "it-it tts ti--iriîg - r' csrded as î-î'hh fuît itilu-it. fuI thi li h i' moults il t.u'î Cul il. ('iiuiiîcis bad ale Da lnîgî-s in Illeihii'i uîtrar.Yliii. ý "WMr IEUl êan r eate bÎ"a tb*n Campos againat the Insurgevatu, led by lhe veterau warrier, Maxime Gotues The latter ile one ai the ablest mlitary leaders of bis lime-a man of trounarve and astuite judgmeît. He bas led lte In- srethe vitrioîîly front one end aofIthe islland t.h gates of Ilai-ana, 400) mlles distant, snd Ibis in the face o! a sol- diery, greater ilinîîntbers naal dbtter eqnippad titan tbe patriots. W'hen Weyler uleet als umha nUll meat a vî'lerao, ne- qnaiuiled uot alune aitb tbe science o! %varfare, luit mitb every panas and rond naud rantage pioint on te island. BUNYON' PASSES AWAY. itzart Failurethe Catane of [ls Sudden end Uncxpcctet t>ath. Théelion. "Teodore Itunyon, tUnited Sîtas auîtýiaîeîîdr lu (ermany, expira,] iii Berl ini suîdeiil,'and inexifledly Kt 1 o','lock Moîdiay nîorîî,ug uf heart failure. Mr. liunyon had] lîî-î!ii ontewb-at feabla hélîcttifor nome titut' hast, hlit no imme- diatel>- fatal resuIts iaere alîlicipate,]. No longer agi)tItan Inet Tuesday aeuing hal n-astPrettelt at ut diîîrîcr given in hie hioîr hy ex-E'mpres lreterick, mother uf Emnperor Williain. Li.sî stîmmer hae land planncd tlu mîîke an extpuda,] trip thîrotîgli Nîîruay. but ou the advice of bis îîh>'si4iattlt lie abta nîoried Ibis trip, aînd ia- stî'ad saclitlua rlsbad,. arbre he took the i-ire. Ile sîîb8coiitîly wanal taAxen- ctlii, .in Saizrltti,,f,r litepîrposa o! tino ail i l iin.Si nie liattima, In-i oiaîrli-lias nieil tifccied ornat actiaily n th lîî' 'h-trgiî-J'Tflei ljtieýs oflis office, tîtî-îlai,' bl iliiîrîî tlîaîî îstally anar- iTi iiaiTi T11itlof ti' -vin mtTli at ions lu t-tri,'iîaffiaire, ia ul it a'moîre or lest i/lit t' t -I tnuirenls tai-r,'a ak inug h 'aia.forc- ing teur ss ut>.a(.I %%*(4-k l a ttith' it-a ri- ta tht' polutiI t ttilIt.tîiatia "ilt-il Camtpos -uoi thItîitlr la iiiiM44ais, li end ii t hi'e '- Iiii i Vtt- iCt , ashiý-it maulath.,iii ilitiya a<asi. lias tîuîuî btthîe iuutg-ieinuti-aul oft t p'sîp tunaule triTn- h. ile>- uIsl teirusay ,,i-,r ix t u l1-it ii-.t tofî- st cai, litta 1>('uttcîsoil îî i ikagit ap îii-tad asitiuîîstikiuigditanteuid utlic- aItan. "Tis .cI Ilehiht h,' Stîtimu sît I uen tuleat anti it lias matous, il acdidtlcîna change of (;et).' . cii 5 mitus e ri nale,! and G( n. NNie lura miaun asho ailp binicel t nîîtoruu ta dîtng titi-luet rabel huot tn C<'ua f-r is crîtelti8teatihiinted to Itale bts pla(-e andîl âtI îih tu-uniSptatn lii day. Cen.We trsu> s that l ieailinut follthîe utore or es iîmanitartan tac- lies a! Caumpos, luit aili mt c wnarfîîn avit asarfare. Witb elie and pereons îiiding Itie insorgeiitîsha nl la einexor- able o luthiose nhol h 'dîwta-hiir crutm ha aili abois' -lenîs'n,-,- lit- ivit Ct uoni- endearor imu împîntîu'elyto lbhlockade t cornet as to prevent the furiher importa- tion of arma and munitions. Gcn. Wey- ley maya OintiatieaUly that ini bis course he crUl he mercilesi, but mast. He is of the opinion that two mnintbs ago it would bave beeu easy to bave deaIt the rebellion &adealli blow; nowv le fenrs ilt wili ha more difficuIt owing lu the strengîli the move- ment bas gained and the losses tuffered by the Spanish army. S~pain iii still settding rein forcee, ns to C'ubai. and suon 1S.M01 more meni nul lettre Spain for the sent of war. At first it was supposed that Gen. Campos had resixiied, bat it la non' known tbat the Govertnmeut rcmoved hiio, purely, as ('ampos hlisecif says, be- cause hwaas fot cruel euuugb and spolie :)f couciliating the reticis iusteud of butcb- ering thet. Ifc non' believes that Cuba la lost to Spain anîd al lbroîîgh the politi- ' f' tcai parties i Spain, who thougbt to frame a policy for the isaud, ignorant of the ronditions there existing. The polticlaus in Madrid wantcd a bîtcher in the field 4 end probnbly bave secured one la the par- *>n aof<Ian. '%Weyler. O0eF the change of generals theO (llm y a- ut ît,'u deu thelItautenlitun anti iare outhlit diiloitic rî'lreenlaliuec (ot ai nations. 'hcNdt)irt-Ilunyou wan-o ri nt Sitar- ville. . J., Oct. 25, 1822. Iliagnadualed frnnîYaleCo<uluge in 1842, and in 18441 saae adjiltad la the ban. ln 18M ha n-as made city attorney, atid in 1851; cit>- cuuncilaur of Newsark. N ..J., a position ha retaine,] unutit 18611. aiten ha ber-amaMay-- on of ltae cil>-. At the onîbraak ufthlie civil avar ha n'as place,] in command] ai a New Jersey brigade ai volunleers. lu 1865,1 le su Dentacrate candidate for Gos'- erutur uf hic Stata, but asas ual electe]. In 1873 ta 1887 ha aras citancellur of News Jersey, In Mari-b. P1S9. hecaras appoint- ed b>- Presadent Cleveland LUitedl States uinisten la Germîtu>, and aborîl>- utter- rn,]wfss Made arnukaccador. as HARO HIT AT TURKEY. ,-Hepburn Urges uhal the NMinîstai' oi 1 he lPente Be Gis-eu Paesoporîs, Ttc national House M1onda>-, afler an ixtiereing four itours' delale, adopte] the re'uoiutioius paiusad e>-theî Sentet' ast taeu-k caîing unthue i sti-euignictury tu the trntI>outBi-nii t lu, iuforte lthe re- forme in 'Tîrkea- gtiarziiiîeail to lthe('bru- hian Armu'nians, anud >1igiiig lthe stupport uit Congrese anth ie l'neiu'xt un tue noist nigrus action lit, otîglt tale' for tite proa- lai-lion and secturit, tuf Amcrii'au cilizens in Turkey. The hIotusc ontuîîitoe ha,] propane]somne resuluîious on lthe aa înujecl, but il %ýai as eeuued adviîsable atter the kteta ta reeultutinrnecieul thel*tise tu substitute litent for Ibose îuru'tuurcib>- Sthue cinluttes'. n Q iiigg, utfSc'eYork, alto Lad charge ufthîe rosîiltionm, umaide an albe îuresentîation ufthlIe case. There n-as a dispositioni onlthe part ut sottue utflthe unenulers ta go furliîîr titan thue resolu- lions di,] and il tr. leipuiri, outIhua,plro- posed to giva the Tîîrkisha miniclen bis lîaseîionts and sèvOien ail diplomatie rela- tianes witit Tunkea'. lis rî'unarks denune- ing tte Tîrkishu outrages an(ît ciarging thalttoeaon-î'rs sigtr lu the Iroal>- ai Berlnowaere auttited front puiilicat 'l an,] othor couciuherîîtiroeutn muiniaining lite "alance oweru'-'inlu astern Europe wsere nereivedl iith great entbîusiaam and aI une tinte itlIooked as if the IHouse might bhuacarni,',]in lis wa>-oftthinkiug. But the counsel ut Mn. IWtt nuio to take rasht action, in tte course utfsahicit ha poinued out the dira caucailuences that migitt rasuît: froco a ges-arance of diplo- matie relatious initit a friand>- pow-ar that itad tuitille] ber treat>- obligations tineu, -preralle], and lte epburn proposition ie was overwheim!ngly deteata,]. leMn. Baila>- appose,]lthe resotutiont %>n Id thte groun,] ltatJi uotîl, ha improper for la us ta "Insult" the parties ta tle Irat>- oefetBerlin b>- iollmatiig that tha>- bcd nol cana-iad ont their obligatiuns. Mu-. Tnrner ,y ut Georgia taak a simitar vien' and] Mr. g Grosvanon of Ohio chanacterized the ras- 4) abutions as itneomplete, inaificteul and -f unwortby," and raqueste,] the cammittea to îithdman lteta. The>- iere finluat> passe,], hoanevan, b>- a vole ai 143 la 2#3, ,vatter a motion af Mn. Baile>- la @end thein lu lthe commiltee had bean defeatasi15 lu 1W,. i-Il smas reporte] aI Philadaîphia that aGideon Ma rsb, ax-prasidant aoftthe defuact i-Kaystona Bank, inhase st mbezzla. ýement» areckesi that Institution, la back lu *the <'117. Haeled ln 1891, ahea a price *i of$5,000 was set upounamb>-the Cil>-. ilI vas saisi Mambsh as beau lainltheMIII Bye hompital andsilaiabout le srrauder- hibumelt. 1 - - ' , "1' IlïtNIs INCfOTS. SOBER OR STARTLING, FAITH- FULLY RECORDEO. Chlcutzo Tot Swift foi, ..n FmmingCton Maiden-Waukc1it:.î M îî, ijleugarale Act-Qnircr Ucicship i I ,ipIicatlons in Fi. clair County. PItL-ht of a Cointrv lii. I re(la I larrieloit. Jii .i,-, wi th lier oncle ou a furni titie,éi o mit fron %îîuîgtîî vent tfi iii ,tiiîrdjy Il, buy liriacu t a ffur lier ls ~i lue ami a non' ilr,',. * for lierSif . I 11; l uiisbeýd bier 8 slîoîîi îg and %%i- o' oo reu a state St reet Store ' NI'lien eli ig lkiî colored tboy seized lir "1,... i uand disapîteared inithe <ruts il \i IT Ii r arime loaded %nitMia eikages se i i ipl rau il. but aras toual t t i tch si the iithiet again. 'The'purge icolteliiîil-îI1 -r T .,îtroitil ticket toe)l'tlàiiigton mil li>i U .aHIlt ho money Site lind sni datTier liiIoothle pîtrcbagem. l're s a et 1 .7, pra ut age and %as it t aIsse Tiikîîý,iî het tu do. Sitc begzan lu cr7 niiietl I/îTir-- Pd lier othîe ientrailtî '. ~ ,e lier stamshe reiated' h, Sergetitit -hIert Kiss<'ltîîîg ail Illîe înciiilînt fInqli t to the îit * . She ititîo iiithe 1Il'ii, i ber îltrvii.if, ll imietili ll ei,'rT :T ' renîiîîî'î ini tie city ltîr iiigliT. I Tt - oiîly l l iilîjîlit" s ti,re tii-r t wuîll emi.gîil I-rî-îl.î tegged lfor ;i',t anoce. **li. aitil a it lillliTtie.* eti.1i:, . surge-t it. ":eli .Il ce i' l iail btad.I for yîît.- Sergca-ti i isilîitîli-uli î inuthe lbq ilidremt tend îl Cii rtîît l-. scrilîtiot iuiitîitte letel-ths. iti îîaîiîîî Ilinself %li tb a -îiîtilitiîîiî if 54) " Iuntles t loîtie minuittes s.)ti;bu1 l raiecî. andîl liii t gi ilt, lleiielutr iil girl. Ait, i%- estitis î iih o etlI.,il" lia" o l'r '.Itu lw (]»])t tend hei i rii the tltii. t,)-îi tb. ite iilaiit i -1:,,- ivas gît,, a eti îîr i-rila i :,ii-klî y n-i 1, tilîr.,i;',,eli î- i, d li riTi.i-t, ti geillît iii'rr. Ne- G3 îu'labaîn for the lind. Tlhe iiiTtitiia tier the blind tiiliL i villeI lia,îmg tîoî-i aei.iur-e ,,f tide tii the StaIi. '11wlliteit addîition ia atgyri uît sitiiil. %i. 'letlias jîlslt hc il voi-îit leti-î nl i %vas ,ie,lt-îîd ast vi'tîng. I t i., 50 li 105 ,7. f-tel msze, . % a2%îîî eiii The tmatti i!! ri ,îaîje48 by 78 feot aîîî theiut t-ie11ftii-,f ed u tttoi lrîîbrard- orerlaiilI %, Ii htîa" v fet. tend ,iiitop if t hai tf i, ,, i ) l(tiiiî-lîd aa lt,. Maitle 1tî1i lier, . ttl T Ii 'is uîîîriseeî amîliiut-teî t1ii're i, ,iî]itir ofif lîu tîîr rietloI .p. 'Nettntuig fic,'Sidi's utflte rutuituis a genîle rus' in nli- flour su thea iiuren u-iîU fut Iii'in danîger ut runuing ,ag:iIjat the talal. lIn the nreut lte drill roumi an'eliai ian-gie di-isiiig rootus-une fur te b c anît] une for lte girls. 'Theso rootis are Citphlit'd siih Ico-kt'refuir the' uniforis aîud arc itle,] asitb cii-r> -oit venianre. Tliienele a spacions gaîler>- abova, The Logicittlunî' apripçiatiî 1, 4M or tohe buildinîg,nd flint soin bas soffi-cil lu ereet it. ctipl>- teamint butandi ventilation appanctus andl part of te -ym- oCelle aîîîîiîanî-cs teded. Titi' at i-a mue tee iogîlaure nul-i-tlIte>- asli le a--k- dilu a plrotiria le a su, uamffimieut for ei- t~rit' lugiîîe. 'l'iî'a' ir,-ouit uiîedi uThith. ltu 1ttts, buitlte teicuî-rc tattIviitoura %ýuî o tittîleutnt i-onîaelit-i,ît %iit it iito ,xer- cigs e a' ,iiýgbid. 5 'uta-nestvilL, fuir- nibit an apîîroaic lui ttei'lîîiiîiîg.uatd il satl l e tîîed ctit tIt- roin I uo ta uu - lVnn"at n Siare Of the Fortune. Detitisitione seetîrn'd ait Maseoittaît 'ring otI aniteiru'stig elur> ut aîfornterprion- itinrtui i D r..1.- t'.liari-rt, a t'roni- nienît îlî> it-uil i]iaUCoze 3 ua'qî gi,, isei tttibu1ttuiiii ati llii i sfi'. il> muuîuîuîhctna senîi t adx sorveuvoasc îritreil. 'The<div r ,,-'î %s utc uuîtrrî-iedîînîuîbcnman,anud te ducor ntutrriedim tîtur sa-antan. Sarcu>eanrs ago Ili,' tot-itr dits! Afler a short tinte t hoem tvilt uothirig oni- e asu lctî d ouithe pila rtesunt il SattI rdîî> .Il apîîearc ltaflint h docior's uidosa- a-tuo Te'îxan, sature site uuunieîi a aaî-lthy rnîchmaun.'lue ltier died recenîtly. leau- illu lerI-geproil-rty 'i'he ottaheu a iiare î'nd'avoitnug Iluînk thte aili, antt di>-dl cniuuiigîî.theti- rsa wit ut lr. I-inricsib e vlieiotatinosasgîiuimte se'ond iueaslia je nuîîn tlue %taathiy Texaîs tiduai- 'asn t>ccpitaieul Iy n Tra. Spenciuer Il.liraiteu, of M'aiikegnn. rom- nîiîîu'îhsuticidiel I'iiay lu>-placiug lie head on theiaxîlrîîaîh tracks, an aîuprucî-iing freighttrin iîeî-ajilalinug hint. 'Then- gineer oftflue trai sas lte man tyiiug oui the tracka, tbut cotild uîot stol) ln tinte. The ttpter liait utfltrilen'c iteait w-us eut enttni'ly off anud bis face crtîsbed co as tu hae uiirecoîgirailc. l,.ieras ideitified b>- marksn e i hicltnils. île aîmcaîal ut fantil>-. cnpfloycul as a tanîger lt theî zinc nuînks. lie was aboîuît 35 years aid, Slcadia-i nu iisîhitas, a nd l au tît ben drinkiiig. The a~cteted teory ila liaI ha rumiitisl usuicdeu, the uni> - iosun reacon being uesluind(,t'tt-a'causa,] tu>- ar tinîa. Suinte liere licenue>- hav' futtîct, strhking tls itead otheIcrail ifinti'iuntoing unconsciuse fitalc Newe lut Erlof. Citicago kurbers bava dacîcreil truce, and abolis are again lu open Sonda>-. Frank Shunt. nge,] 35 yeare. a etranger in Decalnn, die,] at thte uit>- prison. Siotar hail $2951 on bis persan. IHa state,] lefara ho dia,] htintbie hante n'as86 Brie etreeaL~ Bufftalo, N. Y.' Hie relatives caunot ho locale,]. Short bas basi race-lianes lu lte West. lJi-. Hei>ry Hall, a pi-anent resldaul ot Doanwuzltf ia tanner. Saink ea se IChicago sehool tènebers sueto ufil op. posed a reduction of salaries. Edward j. Norton, a fariner of Durand, n'as kiekod to death by a liorse. t C. Ilig, of Xenia, lias been arrest- e-t oni a ,-iîiî roif oîeratiîig au illivtildis- lîlery anîd eî'hitiig whimky illegaîll> A. (C. andîl 3lirnis tiatiier, cignrîîîakers. î%îrî' a rri-,iei a <ntics- îîîîn a chuarge oft uL t tiin TitiOii,ti ii, y fît!see ,Li-uses in ONv eiiu ',,ro, NK -ilia, uliii ches dicîl at lier home ut t iîk. Si,,. tooîk îilitoe ofutrougit 0it rats t Y iN Ia tiLt' tor iiciu e for thLe ro- làif if tiitliarhe. lîî fi, i ru, i ft A l d ina it F r a nuk L a n cr ut (liicag. ii i il tteuclly oser l)tt ieule 'Teui'itiri- t 'uiîîitiut ('uîii-iaid uTair ii il% , ta iiiîs îtteîiiîied. thii'tNicoli. fat tiir if Hutgli Nieot, the isii tîiîiluilplitr randîl manager of the Io fii tl. "I le'liioed 71; eara. Il teleilra tî'd Ih e guitîuvii edd iug t hrec 3ellirs agi. Cov iAit gîtl lias issîted hie requ isil ion îîîîun theiiGov,a irtîîrîf New-s'York for the ex traitio of util.t )eîî ii'. iited t atchi- î-îgîî fir 1jiitaeiiig il toîgî'ît çteek and un- dler îîtî-îst lit 1 tii il Gov. Altgeld lis restoreil the rights of citizelisb ti t lrniîau Lamnpex, if Nashi- Ville; Jolhnîî1'. Laîfi ît u ldigeaiod' an ichttta rd Nt iuî's oft Piîtifs, w Luho ave sers id tiiitiitiiry i ts Geosrge' Giritanit îlîl.Thtigrooi2i -but îlciuitn ulitirîtif 'ftIiei iiluity titi] 11îi bridei e hîI lleiilghtî'r of1.1111 T. 13,> en. tthe G~randiilA nuut of theLei'iilîselected Toesday, aY'tîiiii ,nduliîrsifay, May 12, 13 andî 14 ilixt. ils theii ilttîs tîtîîi i hi-h lte Statu -iiIîîîîî'îtoil lie lIubert :iirii in iiexlpert tbridge '-iiilitar uof(liagTT 55 lasfuoiT yinuttg nt * h iîtîl ini St. Jiisî'îi, M, A otte -jet i n iitIi,'rTiTii Il la %va ui lîd TIlottghît t lii. ail.-eof :I iitalists tritîî t iia iianeii )e, a * ftor the titrpoîse oif T'-tttliliîg a big i lîîr.'The ftil i and uiiter-are' saits' -a Ten ac're's if gnoi î îl in t he trtard*m dug .lai k. aNi iii h al]pa- i 's îr lt edi'J f iiiw îîauîroîie in illtiu t se %(ri- fouiutii. ai s iiiuigi p ublleaiiic lrtunatlui('hi- t$14.75 1>- Mnr.liii-getisil. a uiîtl M i sellllt uiiagi-ra andrit luîir uIds did nirt lairii ic. lite uuabouit $.00<. iIhutbil oe thle s Ietnuy & Duoihitrl%,is - oîuy i k $,; I W * ' i -sacutof7.lttie n- î i arged Tailt lI. ti nIrer of Nlittt iii i'Ti. as lur 1i it]i - .tri n L ii a ,îutî utîIiiiiig(, 'if ii-1t sgraunteil to NllIl tstuiîty tb) .1i.klurtnitoi. Titiss ie îîuua trie-î lit t1h1w Tînt ufthle tCiucuitiC'onrt, ai kî-î I uuas seuitt-nieil tut tuîirlcî'u >i-lrs t, - ,-ituitiary, btiîui Inutiti Tati Sgi, - i The sentimntucutt-ltsîs lhuniolt t' inrIa ot the xurunuuîs îrîîu ini 0I- 'f Ille cout, as Ntail tir, tl iii - iil i--i u> tce -nimer, lrougt nIlîîtutl oefu venne. 'J'aîui tIul Efingtau)ccuîmîl tlionî rî'l>,rt îit,- i t&tutPierron, a entait sta- tio î otîniitii ti ilen-est of Van- dallaî. ai"1, 'tiuîtcjchoppers arbu acre -i îîîpuî il, i iooda got on a atirce. Oneu'ouitlw :1-.i.tilt-r aoul,] not imbibe as freel>- 11h. -T iesira-i. The>- tinaiiy stritIe lui uuît iii hlotbint andliteld Ilin on a hli ti- Ný,t satiefied wnith Ibis, t the ' v ,,,k. i ,-1 lit pokerand ruhîcît ut Uii andt lutu1t- I-ti-k. burning deep fuir- nre *4iunutail,- atndufiniehe,] their fieuil isb anîrl.1)l'yvitak - iiiiuîaes and flour and srueniag ut (-ii it. -titre lady. C'hic-ago iii-I. îts i. as'. jîîst nwon a notable auîî, Ii i a ili anabte Ibent ta camîuetî lu-ri ti't unflrthe intenior Ilii noie1 usine'ss -"1,Iltleu'marchants front Indiantapoiuelit t ('m .Toledo aud ather Eastern pinit.,. ,uî kn i-inltanior Illinois points b thini,- trtit- rois roade. Thte IlIlintots (Ceit ral.h îu I- iliii esuifera,] more frouin the euiniluitiii Iii sny of lthe alter i-rîoes ruade, basui- î - 1 -I imake a gen- eral redltîiii,1 i lui-tas-lleau Illinois pojits a nu l i, nl i I i e Lte Cicago ment-hauts i . itut-t t'teût the com- liti ioth tle mq lu- jI îi ' Trut ipohistoit- aide out îlis Stuiti- I t iittîîartoodth ie otiter Illinouis rutIii-. r ilt -hhIis' the exaun- Pie set b>- 1h,-Illi,î . i ruit. Daniel ('une hT itI IiJohn Dilhon ilt Justice Sl,,t %N i-Il - - z t tilWaukeau WN'ednesduî-. (tire lhi-- t i i -led tb kilt hile ciauny, Josephîitlai Lu r, t i, ; ho lire]thea stuot Dillon ijttniîii'iI <i. t i - !i Thiu-u andi ne- ceirait the- ftiI ti i Iti- left breact. Ail tbree mcieni-Nu- 1iii iT living near laîf Diii. C('t, ciiiIl. ik- r îutsOod tand adjoining and luail "To i r trltle about ttîe fenee. l'arelitaît :,[ uies thireat- ened ta abot Ia-e.StIuBacker auîd D)ion uttet ('iretîtuI lttîi anoîher ituarret abuottlit te Ilii t1tI, ansd P.gain Core ilîrcatIt-' '- t Beker. Oit Mondsy Bacher it&(i uIti lai-e Cota urreste] foir hrealeiiiig t ,il.îI hlm nd arasinluilf Day. C'oreiii îlîug ssith a sitgîn and revoîtir tiiI Ie,] for tiacker ta -orne ontu u t tfiil î hvre Iha 'ns, but Baeker wn'îîum'it il,- tu-ar va- antiai-aide,] tle aîîgry flur, r 11 r e h-drovo tlWaukagzan and sîvur,' uîîîî - iru îlt for ('uraesarreet for titreat-îîiuo t.i Liii. Con- stable Itie. arnege cil ' ndIT i~Lhm tu iltîl, huit neglteei lui svnI-l ii i tii. It ceaue Iliat Cure ha,] a iti -' n hie iîaeket, aud ss'itatk-cnii tt i- r fîr a bearlng ha puiîted lus rt it ii i resi aI Bacer, kiiiing Dillonu luisTtiil(aCre' anas at once disarmed aîîul tuiku i tu jal, cîîying ha ré.gnettesi ha uing Lllui lthe n'roig minu. Dillon, as-u sams iulhul as a hacitetor, aged 510 ycuîrc. Diiil re le abotlit te sairioagle, aîuu itis il au utc and famity. sud cdaims tliii- t" 'îîTu-r- seumta,] b>-Backer intuil lie - il imi iiiii na longer. liets ssai,] luhavei-iugI>lu ds- tptsition and ta ha eîîsll,-utiut'-r l'ilie out-trrence a ss'sol nut li It l,,T t i iiis great aiciteuteo liter,tiîtd lit hi-st tliere usns taîlkai inebiîiig. T'l'itîtti lrti'- uu lîlaîne,]fortem earelcssitcesiii îl,lh-îu uug ht tao go unnscarr'ed. Prstonuayne, a Younug tî ilaliii îîîî s stîîdying las- at htacktord, b e-uu -unig- ail at bis tandlady -Mauiday unoniîg uiiurl abat: and killa,] himéelt. Hie fitliir, Charles PaYua, la a aseailthy- raîîu(-h,îuîtî aI Autonilo, Cota., laud toruerly liut ru un Rocdford. Nat Qoodwlu han brongitt a tihiel suit asalisst tbe Cicago Tuibune for $54i,issl *iaptbiuSIt his. £lhreraasG sdrich. article sshich TO BUILD AÀEWM(cm.l OLO WAR VETERANS GO)ING TO) The anIt national THE SCUTH. Grufadt.' 51. Pofitha A Grandi Army Colony i Gorarg thîe NVsea Passeuger W hlich i'rui, es to Be a tigg Succa-nlmk aestsa~ i s Artu> of tha Republie, v I.nirtitu Ftockirig lu wi a We.t- I icagthe tplace Of meeiI cr11 Rush. tion fruîiî St. P'auîl aas la- lu *"arguea it out","sud t 7~ The Firet Town. Cotumader-in--hîlief o!flt* A Fitzgerald, Ga., correspondant, n-rit- of i theIepubtie ivil1lb thein, in , tifhie itew G. A. Il. colouîy beiîtg arn P'iiseiîger Associaetion foiîîlteîur', ays: The men ho fui 1aîdLaIed out for a igl a t lowed Stto,-tui înt he sel-a are once more Co)nmatîder-lît-ebief Waiker -mrtirihiiig thrîîîgh (»eorgia" But the c'0""cil o! n-artir10datammine peole it this Sta te do ntîtl ook lupont te net eYiramîliietten Iaball e h ts. lîreseuit invasion as iîîî stcît consternationî -'-t t laîcampntnwhieb as they îtiîlîon liaIt f er lbirty yeura ILouisillitîi ilias votad Ial be ago, for îiis is oneîî(If pîeace-îta invaders 'ampinutntshoul,]he hetd la Ut, bave Coule' tulise %viriîlte o iada,]. Theicstipulation, hoivever, n'as mad.0,«.1 n.unJemcuel -oiuolnize minmlers of the G. should go Ibere onty in case a a t19 A. IR a inte Soth bas rndîe a finie atart rate cîtutd ha obtaine,] frot ta h*P ard aireadY IFitzgerald,. the' "metropolis" The Western roaeds bld for the 0f thie eOlOn,iias a population ut savi'ral otflte (Il.A. IL. encomttmeutet tboîîsandî. by authîurizing a rate or 1 eftebth. Fiitzgeraldt lm in Irnin (îîînly and not foîrlte round trip, iaitb a se"p fine miles distant frimthulie spot whtere At the samle lima a rate of08 .Jfc~,tDavis n-as ,altttred. The orig- the rouînd tripi to the TKuigbtàa unlIl, a ot tIi s ct'iiliiitas tic uaprovîdea ~conclave ta ha hetd Inte m - homenil) n amilliîer clinte fir tîhe seleratîs Aliguât, aras grantad and a , (If th îe l-'-iiral arnica. Titi' lrujeci elart iraitlathîrized. Comma-t oit tviiiilFitzge'ratldt .-aîpesionut- Nlkcr andI prominent citizenaé iirttc, a tu ti- tiihi- rolie '> ia ier If In-i- illînilia ily toîk issue he lb diaîuapiihis. ATltact 4,<55< rcicrais las-o imit paco,] cuthe G. A. IL. ex put ltoeir iiiiîiin lt,,tiis iipîîrti tc. a nît every effort bh e esi the Western Association la acion aandildeail as fairiy alth t4 aesilli the Kiigitîs of Pythîits.' %Vilh (,lie excepîtion the trîck.«. Grandi Arîiy of te Tepublfrý itîlîldttrhtg lt( eaît ten yeams- tbtse.] uo n tbirty-day yirait. 'I lion w aas lte relnjnionheldin u t A similiar dispeuteli.tank place et U4 ilhe Westernt rondîs refusing te è iii, sa ith lte nelerans. Onlyoni~ iaî 1,îtî 1nIhîy ttîe railu'oads , FIT.1 101 E N II G.A.le COON.î!vi-îtilstil uit ta kent on lte quasl Fltt.T lii S. VSTitit (iA. h iO i is la utihetlîirlr dîîy lirit. If lu uuai li-TT iiiiuiuuhi-l li ~~ n] ii ins ea mi'i,îîiîte îtemoraiiza;tlon i IIui.i l Id u iin tilTieiir t, ,, m ,.', .Nesteira terr.tor> aud a rkh 5 Maikil a tiut uitabuît It;lmSS iiersiT. I t-un lte' scatîiirs. as-as ut it ritendîlî- i)tii ltir >I i îiuîu ÇJS '5 NS ON HE SEA._ illiliitgrallts lsuîîi liot ihît liai-k nîui ilici Thi- ltnt-iig~eic . ciru' tuila -uîu îg lu> luîuîuulrî-lc atuîtheuit 'ine Sinb.Us (itLong ile*-*' mitii, ii f, iitil iii i-rtli- -unt y r- i niti t if, te ilre ii'r . W N . IaivkIJn.: Uh iii tuîrr. ut '.tte.theo Missii- frIiiuNesa yîrk iio iltîa onafhb cipu ,rit rr utuIli, le ,->Ntutiiiua xlîih i s a adona,] aI sWC fl-ii'iig frii Th,- tiguuts if Nu.rthvi-ii lin. 8Iilittîil Stîin a t~ Th~le îiiiigi tiTlli:a a nîtuimil-r "utheii- Ifutthe 17it;utel n honnoard i-uahiluili,' 't -st li-firç.t .i' Iii,> ruitlruîh i'e ai-i-Iiîitîtc, for. 'len are u ruuui z gimt, raitns ir,' iihiiii,g t ýli ai o îîî-îî iroii.-acrl. and it ein eld iiiitains nîîîuii theusuîug luuIî--. i )ftvt, uii'<thi-ta met a lke falte. - Tht, :.iiiselt Ti-e ashî îioii rrîuIve uieT'ihei'II l as vit$ ssout125 tous a< h~ 1t siîî iii,- îa tiîrt ' Ni> ýs alut h r i î e uil t nt <ýetuîtelunk. Me.. lar. turuîîî Iiii u ii- i 1-:ltî,t intai-i 5 I' a i utyi'ars eligage,] in théàt Tiir-lir n iiiigrliunT, ai I- atuii ilt ii iathe, - ultas slite ad îîros'od au TtiirointheTtî' Itik..ils, Niiiusius, Nih-ris ableliv'l,'ltiifor a longtinte 1&1&-î kit i, im uTaje fiunîuh, mi as ,,ux îîîuîhî, Ilih, he Batimolre itlrtîir. Tas-awee" n04g jîîtu-ý, fnuuut li- SeuletIf itWtsutîgît pitrese'uijlg insaif uic a Mn. Tià4 UTu-S- îa-uîîî- uir i. i-t i-r> mile tnuuuîî thu, i titîihIe ou-nas vith anofalle, a fa ur iis iiuru-rf heu)jt iiialIr>-t.u ,'fi as sed tu lîîy the craft forA ilif i'-luii uiTiiusiiiituriiuithiif Nasw'York. Thara was uW ilu--iuuui.uu.t~fias guiu,'fîur ie-* ,iud the oitîa ,' lte pries'. and il did,14 1riîuîl Arin> uiidilittiuitat îus ut yiitiigto iii,,lîîg iig t iconie tLe asner,-*, and il îu n-uit iiiiii, men %hosi i,îîuîîîîre'i tsiltul. 'Ieana nada~ t he, NN.ýia% iv ijuuîî'îhil. IButI i,1, cuîiî-rs ithie reihunigilug ire, but he ntaI cru'- initluei- iijjýint.v. Thei, lie'usiuui iis t. 'tien a local slîip yard came TIlt G. A- Il COI ONY AT FIT7IuEPiAI 1, GA. hîurenîouî ii ie,-itt> aill exceed $ît ait iutlubill. ecin-was aiea tua ut, iaiiiiî 1îhiu. iuhiîiî, ihîîicîîîu ud l-T. (tIlista-leii see'nîd tau i MIisasourîni i' îre -î-i ii >a iluise uf Ii fu irî lin aste, for n-heu th éTiud uuh otiiig înuî Ta lit) lîî iiit i' co littarin. t treatvtti tîrhîug libal sItea li-Y sis-liT lat thef, îliin inteir Inativne creatier c mn su !dpl TState-s iaNt i, i il t, *ttiltisaiemili titîl0oîutîas a hgîtire, iliiunftî li, ns ialiiiit afliirihtut ftrtitr cuit 'iio-,. tîîk-îî iiNewavYork, interq ilî i %ie. '[luil-ii> c. î11uî-ui îtîg uitlige. band l ut in nascgalberait lu res la aIolustil,' ouit fîtlîtutil i c.illi uzgPt utn boatrdl. ilîir intention belq urtu liii->lotteiseit thi-r tutut-S ltuita uIltle t 'the aît mii >- tyand figltin iu h. hadlyi,> i l,, le leiuitiui the lii - 11 Iii tt'otf lte vigilance ai tk* soriu.iit titi'> inter a lmoure- grui ii(-i î'ttliu siIiis il trass cannon saorfi mill. îuîîîîuuîuîti,,iî Ibat cost *21,000 Tii- -iol ii>has blîîgliît 3.5,f00acres ani]îîî-%ve ir,-t akLeuî afely on board.' liasn ul si T. s opiooliiori-. i'fte sa î - tigli t ahi' suilit',front that partcc tuîîutîrs iii t-e i- uliruttiveou' îuîuîu>-gali-i 1,.,- i at i.Woa. Uniosi tItiun t ilit -01. thîu i.hua <i îr. ii-huis us tr. titi'bout wsi-sunfit for î-îîiî-s thlu- tuthi ' %furir îr-u->-ig aoil grîuîl iiu, Iiit>- tyl'cplitintions hn4 aIl iîug t lui' iuirtru- t ui.t-it3l>outsi andtiiit. timeui'finril lioruîugl axainualfo 1-'x- t)vu. Vilihuati .t. Noirli,-i. it fGeorira. hîîttîîîî, four %ht- hlai proc'eaeetah so1 iî tt e TndIiothtî- vî'îîTîtîy $3iil)2utatt, Ti î he-asîerrîen(]ofLutJonug isit at-rue. t ý iii thtîîugh c' li c uitfi usst t sil sbîplruîttitil itigerotîs lansd] gritdetnt iliiru' nthli-tlouaaîîd acres sottie ini lie asa t'r. io spila el ta ex-e a iu off four uitity Rie. in-s 1-uiTdii tut eak galasi Like an (OklahîomuaTown. ft aluoii- ttilîvtthin lweulr1' At îrî-aî'ît lithe uTo-il siii' reseiblî's aiiilit d tri li e tlutilie -amal 1 ()Llaiiuiia ('il> runttthri'ihirt>' di>ý, aftu'r lii-lît! oiland,;uîtuts a-i-e t hro pn.îs îuct- lelc u]e"Bail Wig NN'lîile rut oth e tlitil e tiin. boaurd ebtieks 11gliTta tigt chianmpion, Jaj*. are grouii n o tucte îîr utflte reservît Jias itîterniiuiedton malle one mope titîn, ttiny are touîd ctruîgghiig thirîugh u-onîiiioîî hiinscift tî re-enler th.4o tbe foreat fuir tavo miilesa. At itiglît the' betuirae eCai n ulijue Ibis effort n-oods lire i u tinte d bt- Yh>'litige btutnires of plue Itigs aruuuîanluwicilite setters as- The Irai-ct anîd ipiiiîi sh hlie u-tlîuîu la loeataii is a bighi, rn i ng rilge ablot tn'enty-five mtiues vidle sud 150 muxiles lonîg. emle ud îcîtas lite tîttxaîut lt,' roliuiel in teiittheglf allati in Fcouli lu (in ia lu Iboedgîit c heul n-leafiid pllu ie.Tturly iîîu u fac a-t t e lns' pina. Thoe ofrîîteioe ust uturlotrihtue itk. ThsanImeulaiin ,rslnot îot mdeahi t WITP XG impression ou itt. ThIit i8 unult utflte tsuy ctaaclr s cuultuo l sotitlint'lttuînilergo a course et1 Georgia, but iîluîrk. suuuewaaresemi rthiituglui t-at ha îsur<iaI oîud5w Iliug the lprairie euil, î-xî-îît ltît ttis lias sRue- huît htaaugcio~à au irait pallie, wsIîi tl idati'a a filefruit lx,îierfutriid, ltaIina>- Pent-ile salI. That lte lîîîîîî iliiraise sîîlendid laviiii'tîae uselue bs ef'a Tb fritilbas been eahuNitas uti luî' stietasutIiaf î ta -isleacnipple. T sonie Connpictut ti. ,thetuî ifts. and ktuî an ch lampio. broke hie aiM l coton>- of l'enn43ui> iatis %ti t)t have set-aiîh Oweîn Ziger, and aamnoir* lied on tlb. setrîîii tgi lfute ritîge. m a tutransverse fracture of tt Ail abo si-eaautti' alt,)Oi> Iheiih-eefirtu "Itit& Itimpropariy treatesi. y in Its future. '[ber,' lire 7î1ttmeut- turuitu,]arondtha fracture, troune anaud chhidrtnuu reai-tnialte uîtii mtueî. Ever>- trai briigi frecti arrivaise anutlite popiulatijon ha groî iîug at the rate ouf froin 50 la 200) a day. Nex moîtt ia railroad usiii ha ctuîuîîjetis u tuahecolouis andl by sltning liera is uti hieanihuer. Tilit, ,;ii Inl uuqueatiootîhîy itiine u lte t ititl 'îetîltltîfui. Antesian î as lastr. Le %aiti-. al aî depti of 110 fret. The'ltnatlenaRay U ,.trn V1 aa'iithe ltasuccesaifIlhe cuiiuy n sdeuait- ut rate,] lthee wl hoa great nias initi Raid, ta, the ra*pisi a tram lte n1<uryas. bas teems lruve a The * othe me J.""- Thi - L0 U iI*19 - GEN. 'MAUTINEý

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