CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 31 Jan 1896, p. 5

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PERSONAL. Mrs. F. B. Mason i8 down wlth a ,bad Just Whatý thé People H .PDlOEno N ap oi H-ave Been Wanting. Friday, January, 81, 896. theMurae were iiiy LIBnYI1LOOLSt No. 492. F.& Miss Nelle Triggs, of Chicago, apent A. M RedarmmumUoii5 4thlest week at tie home of John Austin 01 rda. f h month. Yletln&g tr.îh.rn Jr. Geune Pure Buk ha lu ih 'rdhM'eomd. W. ILRAH . a .Stafforil ahîpped a car of Genuî Buck heat FlouBright Br,sec. 1IHET. from the buckwheat fields of Minne- EnBa~.~ pickles froin here tu hi8 works lu the sota. We guarantee it strictly pure Libertyville Locals. Mr ad ra. Roarer leave dtîs place and the best in the land. Also a car Delightfui moonugîig for an evt!.ilnoHg hladmakeberfut e he y willl of the "Big Joe" Flour which excelis " 1oli Mfr. and lIrs. S. Woo4l, of Wyoena, ailothr band. I yo tr itonc ~ price< for Wq., are Inaking a short vigit at tile al ohr rad. e . oo the Darby Brothers. you wiII use no other. Sherman bas inu5ladi es l of ~Aasurprise party participated in by Our Grocery Department is' full of thel1896model. Itin a beagty. ailbout twenty of theoung people was choice stock and we are receiving mrs. Pr We have abeauty for eeIg more every day. We are headquar- $2*o 0') i_ Chas. Austin was bit by J. Bosco- Barga ç( I wIU cloce ont t bals big St. Barnard dog laid Satnr- for goods in this line. Mnysok 01CI i ~amnd below r-ost dilvlaceraiting ls left biand lu a pain- Our deliclous home made Sausage Boed pr iaI eatnît Lweradlr.CN.Drd goes like the "red hots" at the worlds at Coby's. New la the time tu boy >tnrtned tu Chicago. Monlday. Mrs. D. fair, and no wonder. BeefPork,M ut- Fon BLx on0E ewith 3 «r marly friands. pein ekwt e ton, Fish and Oysters always on hand ace tulno Lbryil.J'loh aslewf tr or WE want your trade and are bound 'liithle ~I'borrwed the, nioliils uatig for populiats, deeri to gt itby ivin yo the bes of B f. . French kindly returo n gr<'.<hoppers. toge t ygiig oute et fsaine to auabor.1 Wali,< eý Combs re-cently visited lits everything at Lowest Prices. mtslo W,,@ c dene ii your gooato inotir i the ciy, as he frefluent1v' advetis thm. Cnjienc la eün dusai,,lalways returna lookitîg as i tagious and beget ecustomibre. lie eujm ý-i thesse visit». __________________&____TAYLO R._____________ F ur, feIt and vlRtfre Bev- E. A. Milligan write@ us that prlces $1.00 and il1.25 0 and 75c the colitn iîîplated concert wil have to tu close them out, a% mroîîtne's. 1 be indet'îitîely pustponed on aceount Jauuary lias beoa a delighttul iin '.i ftwo a01blie perfortuera. monîli; but hardly seema like mid- Trlgg, tý Taylor illed their largel J uic an S w e t ... ninter nithout eltlier anon or extremecooler ttîî, week wilh ice frun, tlel Juicy and SweetNEATputIn nrerAil va, ) ton4 If your ae nneed 0aa o nwi petMills hn i ....TENDER, NE T !oretorf ProeaoldenireFî .W*raklldb at cost frum non titi .FRANK JohnuCI 1;<har.5, posttuasiter et, and good to eat, are the Meats you get at, cmmtrî&a 1 lgas fn freight trmiiîîlîar Autiocl, Jan. 23,, wlebr lgm iIeutli. îîtaiatariv. the New Market ofi photographe hçe0 ibrtyville usaluer ii'ihl niNUe t MA LLO RY. reduced rates"~ any n tcm day. AUSTIN anyRY iwlierelat sroe f TheINizpN DNTWil b pland t ýparalysis Su t l a hithouglît iii We are not competent enough butchers1 publieli the announenianta af ail hiave hemrh.ii U a fail rhîch 8ue' to cut Porterhouse Steaks fromn cows e'andidate pole Ba hteeyraon receii'ed 011 tlw ,* Saturday. She ij horn,-as other butchers say they can-but W.nt. uf Dr. Taylor. if you want a good savory steak, give us. Next Mond&Y nightit l the date for There are nii '-%en politiin o the regular monthly meeting of the the omee< .io ffL .J trial and be convinced that we seli noth- ct oni.I a se n atr okn. le of iveUGenoJ. 8 ing but THE BEST. <of putblic intere8t, pay yonr respects'Martin, .J11 I irrîrîr. Jude .S.' ta tuât honorable body. iMCarkitn . îiR . JJ Brn. Wh. Ou Pics reawas igt..WANTED-A Situtio . ycora can chouase tmtiii. r at the ovn O u r ri c e a r e a l w a s ri h t .. P ior o f sev era l y e as ' p ra ctice, u h o ' tion ta be lelî l ,i Corned Beef from 3c to 7c per pound. has alan hlad 1 rii...4 localizigand prooa eing. Address Te etur h ing hies oflea8ing Ail orders promnptly delivered at vour Pr.bx3: iot~ ielt't'il i ng bis t, ýo pleasautf c h r e . .The 1. 0 . G . T. n i le t Offl ers for 'I tLI [ilamily»X T-nO ýcage..the ensuing tliree InonthA, at their like the Pepel' < iill keep Our! ragular meeting satnr.lsy, Pib. lt. present home.,,t i ake stock in BflAI ~ ~ ~ ~ AIl embers are reqnested to henv lyrunor8t' theii' ar IW P!La~rT presenit. ADA M. (Efu~ Sec. .1 ADOK e.I Butter On the Elgin Board of Tracle Ira. C. B. Shermii,,, iîcrtalned the ron as o active ai 2o cents- but Yoiug Peoaples C ini. last Friday saverai factorias refusa(itto Bell ai that eveniiaget lier lisaiiîit <n.There figure. Ont of 40,620 in 2,020 Ibm! nas a large iîiuîler mi it ana extra Dr. Charles Galloway. ras soldaet 20 c. Thîs la 3 cents larer good Uime Ws enjoy.r- luacit Young Offie oerLvel'sDug6otlian a year mgo.i lady ifrattendane îrtîlglit herklna Oing the gang and rot ouI iliat lirabasket provideil for te ,,this nltb Rigthoon ndtotots t ieamusement znaile ulji1th eveaning' BOU" 0a i 1TOi3 A" 4 5TO .l. brigade. Letà hava a ltile practice eîgîanma mo e-aUkuo o rto uie aur englue ýetranet a, Libertyville, lîlinlois. inlae af an ernergency. What's the: We ara pleased to sec ' J un-s Triggm a.use of a machine, if no one under. ont aitain tho' lbe las fo itîp and noeo iy stands hon tu operata t rIen atre'a cune. Ha has île pîstn> rîady sud s Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. cornes? expets to begin work 'r ihie lDew Office over Trlgge & Taylor's. A Ira-cent staip la non raquired on brickblkabou to Ascmu',,t îî l poo -noaIl -leaiera, sealed Or unReala t thîe bnlîding9xsfeewitt.',îrerom8 to 10a. in.2ta 4 and s. te, s. m. home offie or ouî-oftown OMe,-that rnigoMlaue Aeadoa Bealdence on Broadway opposite Park cnan rte mle. rnei lîntitîg on CMirl .a îîiukee andone Lietvle cllinors luunseaed envelopes mnay ba lien foîr business. Libetyvile, îlînis. sent for ona cent. FredBai a anje su main- Mr. Canîpbeil ras the 'i -titi of a Pre Bar edeaer nd enuploaset surprise eaitlis hte97a Dr E H IT , facturr 01 Marbe Granite Monu., Wllcox Ave, Chicago. Jan. 1Il. < as a D r. E. . SMITH, mente bas avery f ty land i rs-clae geile reminder a! the 61utailiuit N'rgary DENTIST. rorkmnn hom hls nanxions to kep af lit itb day. Among t1h ineny Ofic ve ovllaDrgtoebus drig I a sal nanh n guesîs ras bla ruWie's aut. Mr8t S. M. OffceoerLvem'sDugsa.quoa l rer p 8 snon ibeanaver. Stone. wel knorn ln Litîî'rtvilla. BOUS:m o n & m.and 1teoap. m. DÂLIT. Wiehl1o 3tf A sumiduons supper ras; sert-A îand The Gooti Templars niIshtu ezteud gooti nmale in attendant-e. All h-ft ai Libertyville,Ililinois. besrty thanka B tev. (G. D. Ifanvar salat'e hour nlshlng ieir hlutita for the kind Inltereat ha took lu their 1mare happy>3 avnt.. Gospel Tauiperance meeting Ruiidayi MISS M. ^AICE DAVIS. avening;slanîoth6 Univermslisîotty I satuld~aeventng, Jan. 2.j, Vii. 'mas <raduale cf Aserican Coservatorp for lta useoai Ieir cdurci niih ~i the occasion o!a very Pleaai i .sud liga furniaeti. I. . f.eT. at lte restldenca of Mr. ad& reln Of moic sudligtq urnihed 1. . 0 T. Bauman, oafLlbertyville. Their frt'îîîia8 o, - P ar rom Present indications oune otaltand neigitbors bavlug planned tri git e VOICE CULTURE ANS NARMONY ho led tu baleeat 8i prlngr bat item a surprise on lte sixiethli iii- Lierynil. inlaarrived lia ail its glory. no milti has versai-y«If lMr£. Baumans birth(Ia.ý,i __________________Illinois. ___beule eather for île pant reek., number of tharn cama tetîr aid fitla fine, but it remalus tu be seau as chaared tem to thea adiu. Aftti'i ta rlietlier itla8flot a fore runner of! very pleseaul avening ihay took titiir MWISs LULU M. S. PENNIMAN. smre rery board ninter reather in the 1daparture leaviug a fer testiiîîîiîl'. - RACIESu or - near future. STe hope nul., af iheirgoodiniU d hearifelu wiiiî., VOCAL A~ND A 11.1110 TENIB TE Weduesday Feby 5, 1 111 ho lte for Maily returns af the îîil rt' m Uni.. ELOCUTION.. annuel meeting ofthîe Lake CounI;y ocsh I Agr'l Society. A Farmulas Inatitutel The Garvin Pamily of Mlnneeîiîîti'.. BUT rMOD. XOT R OxàBE Pae%&abouldi hcoarganized ai ihis meeting.! risited Libertyville toast raek giv iilg 555 MaRon. SIT SAfiIALE SICs.DnPaga and alter cotntiea have theami hree very finueaniartallumants lu tîi< Libertyvili. Illinois. andth îe statu appropriates $50-(141ltO Gooti Templara' Hall. They also gav e scli cotinty thai lolds one. an etîtertauelnrncn tatheb Union chîtrîli The adîtor rould like to sec tle Snnday aen'. rhlcb rW relu attend- PAUL MAC GUFFIN. Pair Association adopt the rasolutian ad and enjayt by every one ther.'.- Âttonay nd Cuncllorat Lw, ffered et îe lasi atintel tmeeting ta Thase people who etayed ai boni.' Attoneyand ounellr atLaw ebcvated on titis year, whlcl cals for dont kuon nIaIttey musaed anti the NOTARY PUBLIC. thlealcectiotiao oe director fromta cach naxi tinete hey bava a chance tht-3v 1 Stiial atendtown of! Lake euluîty anîd ne lapa boller coule snd hear them. Mr' Bpca teton givan to Coletilons and thare uil hoc a large lmehatp GrO wars sikfraayo ' Coavyan-in....................egl tered andti Ilquîetin oided w- naaabtubc nlth them ula Office with Lake County Bank. beflore tle new ofilcera are lce. Dg. gtrPu av h' We notîld like bu saoC Geo. .1 Ioh appears ta lae a naturel boru oratîîr Librtyile, llnoi. f Fx Lke lin.J. . (i, ! 1gb. eserves great mention tu regard to land Park antimaneronts otiiergond 1 hiseadlis nh8 hich rere fille. Ml-e' narkara Dded totBarberrd tutd0f1 Myrile la also a fine speaker. Mae Ralh D rbys Bri~r Sopcourue ne noluîd lîeî'rfîlily at-r-rtpthîe Jesgie sand Crace gave a Sfdnal ulet -t, non Ioeead on Sprngue St- ertyai entilledl 'Dow-n iIn the Licensi-il I lst door eut W. C. Triggs Shne store, . Saîtî,utianidtrac requeBted by ar-veralL Whre ou cen aiwrarset e our Preebyterlan Church. 'to silîg lb un Sanday night. Shavlng, Hair Cuttinu ansd Dressing. Servies lu the M ni tîî11aiil . ni. Dunt' in thm ]Latest Style of thi' anti 7 p1.111.îîbjr-u-t Ili ol niîig -l'c-.' Tîurî 'nas gent-ral regret ail tlroîîgli 01vmatriaS1ON IA l asvTiS . thig"ue<iiluth.'îe district two yr-ars ugo nhen tht., Ohi to a ria. In-ti ti 'ie OtLG. D. IllIt vEt in111, 'r. electiorî iii f es linwed that Geoîrge' RulplitDarby, - Libertyville, 111. - -~------IL. Lyon. utfi'i'ahkegtiiîî, hled ieeîî tie- Haw ta Kaao a Situation. ft'ated tanlbis. rut-efor tlic legibstsîîire'. ler radv btiitrotv lu aitiîîiîill la aîîdtll aiigîvitîga a bu te in, 1E YOU 4 EED uîîî, tir railhoulrmtitîl.'N11,11ît-t .ilnl )ipriety ot noiiiiiitioig thlri& 1( tes-' (and of coure rau do neati> aiiircuîoîlaiît tiînlatd iudon ct, t t anî(tîlblîts iet edouan ullîie iînotuîi allaie a tuenit ut it. i<, it îîeuvrti3. o1 pîiiping in Boone and Mr-Hetirr V1~inerBla kesThmagh not a word Iwv aud .,t ,.>r i*, e" ttis 8the. votera tiier 'argîitgttt 1).f itike ke e tust îa aid <ver F ur Lap Robes, yournelfiif4pensablî toIi,,,luanile Senafur, those fao countles tntghît ii wl semany ofthile'opposite kindtinuake auraeifo f- liua ntalvcr-, i H eavy Fu Coats tefore le wîfu part 'vitît yolî. .Thoseeient-e in thtertunud up thtir etd Hea y F r C atsYoung Men nîto atl the eock tlusce <tes hl iaturplta ruile 1fr. Lyon Or sbythlngin the line of humns. the very second their working hour is âliei a fan' robes. Ili vielv of the heayorlhabi. You shouiti net fat] P l' l nu gomutter wnIai aatu cunteat madle bY hi, two earsagi, toiau he insMo*dtal&Y byOfaffirethewor M lehoilunimany people non arguetat oaoi ta tii. Olie the nsac l at--w hh a cal oujat it, alis year le given tae no nm ination the zmtamont tey afligitI ltaitritahn an eleotian lameaauraîly certain 'a~~ fot ge Weprv»4.rho ,.Lyon le a reproseltali- ~ Q i a w i l ir _ _!*-O4prfflud vol door, f ree of SAUSTIN Door ~I*otb of Eger'.Hardware W. H. APPLEVI Ubertyvllle, Illinois. Uainig lad mach expertence ln An<- tUsmioein the wpat evoneen years, toattend saies in an, »dadjoluing Countie UO ats aisfaction Quai- LAKE ,COUNTY W,,rigtParkhurst &Co. làibertyvi, Illinois. Issues lnterest-Beaj-ing Certificates Payable on Demnand. Wheu you irani a uer &et o! Harnes&, or repara on lte olt met, Jou «a tdo no baller titan mil on, WUDOL.PH KRUSHA, loMPS attentiOn glven tbail kioti «f rork. God oriarnsd Ion m ce aebounti to vn. FINE LUNEJ ONE. .eURNITURE Earles,* Clock Shelw s, 'Wall pookets, Ipape.r holders, Boôk cases, .er tables, enintab's, jn chairs, ~Chmbesuite..> lsirftt. Pictune FraMEs BOOMm nouldinig Paints, Oils, Varnisheut, Glass, Putty, Brtisbes, Mirrors, Mattresses, Cots, prings Etc., Etc. t.» reputs- a Journal [tlaims te articlte m e to $ba irrn. Evezy îpremuffl amu. pii. -eminently 1 bis faim- I tmâtemof ils .ditom a1wtobes>y, »e tait Do rithout st. bd, Erlgbt Chlld Ldge,_ a fer et A5. li ta ai thinga ils MOUD, 10 popular roc. go b hich put, theme iubecribers plions orne M amde te ta. Do n" Tall your they Mlay lest loca- illarription al circula WE HAVE FOUND IT! ~~WHAT? The place where the Leading Wheels for 1896 are to be purchased, or.- where you can get a First Clase Wheel made to order. REPAIRING! Ail Repairing can be done at the same place, and on the shortest pos-. C. R. SHERMAN, The Best Place,COÔUNTY Lumber, Coal, ilFec Farmn Wagons & Buggies, IS AT WRIGHT & SON'S, Libertyville, 111. ....Jeweler, W r é~ Always Prepared to Sttpplv your Waufs in Agricultural Implemnents,' Grain, gys gid Lime, Drain TiLtý, Etc. INew Railroad Shoe called the LIFE AND LIMB SAVER. With it ralroader wlîo is caught in a frog, or switch, erau pull his foot out of the shae instantly, thus saving lii lift- or Iimb. It adjusts itself perfectly to the foot and( is the nost comfortable shoe ever prodnced. The soles are of tluree thicknesses of firsi quality sole leather, the uppers of the beat Durham Caif,' than whiclî there is no better wearing stock on earth. Wr- pronounice tlîis slîoe not anly the best made for Ilaitroaders wear, btut recomend it to every one want. ing a perfect fittig, cotufortable and extre.mely dur- alershot-. Our SHOE STOCK is one of the largest ini Lake coutîty, auti our aim is to give the very bet wearing shoeýs for the price that cau be obtainedi. We Are Closing Out Ali Winter Goods at CUT PRICES,, comprising Suits, Overcoats, Caps, Underwear, Blankets, Shirts,Pants, Shoes, -- Bargains in ail depart- ments,-- ail GROCIERIES at bottom prices. FREE DELIVERY ... BOTTOM PRCES ... Me B. COLBY & Co. trying 4o igtrawberry es are at w ell liseas- neven *ering, head, 'estion by bad pernn- Lake Farm >busi- y you iorseps 1. Ail d f ree niable i guar- mý LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS.

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