CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 31 Jan 1896, p. 6

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-Y Reait sa tn rPaSsi sftly li the direction frani irieb ho bLadjuai itou came, anti premently bcnrad ier volce ciii- log ta tire gardoen coolies, anti Interraga- tlntg item i tumn. Thenh' airees-uni atoet an îLe thresbldIltt lie open tionr. ",Oh, Nons, are jon seon rny ring?" steasakeni pteousirlu inber exctemerit, enly giring tLe curtosit possible nodt t Colonel Prinsell. '*Na, dean. Have yna lastiti? Wirr did yau Lave it Iat«" 111 took ioff i-bite Iiras irauspiantirs those etttinge, anti laid Iltiownbesîde me. 'I'Lcn miren h ment îrck for it, il m'as gan"-'vith a dsinnssot accent, atm) & magie moi-entent ai bon bauds no ex- prosalye ot lonsitirai Mr. Doeetit Lui laclinen ta smule. Nt se colonel Pin. uap, wn-L ooketi sncb n picttre ai gulti tirai if Jane bat not hn'en ton prececupirit ta notice,miro musetirai-e fidinihm ont. -Il nia>-have relileilama>-,"lie stitu gesteti, awkmandly. "Lat me go anti belli "'Oht. no, thaîrk yort! t au It i tet mysoif," ansî-eruti Jane quicki>-, ant i nî off. Butinlu piteofotlhon prohibition, ire foi- loivet. WLen lie came rip Leoi-as stannd- Ixig tarlng blatîkly ai tLe ifloti ring witich siebodinlutire palm oi ber out- sirelceeti arît. "'Ah, >au Lave founti h!" lie reixaket, mii aun avortante air of cheerfulness. "F14otîndti h, il"osrerpeatt't, tenrt'ully. "Oit, yen, 1 Lai-e munît it! But-but-" TLexi ithia autideti glouar ai Itope: "Pen- hapir lbas talion n to tic mater. Thero ls a pieve ttîl missing-ilt iigti irhai-e roltoti mia thet' -aoi, mIglil ntot?"' sic gaiked. cageni>-. tlCetainly iL mnigît, if-;f il mas a round piece." It n-s rount." Sire ooke t itewaster 'viattull>-, but ditdat attetript la eanc fr itiet'un- dertoot mît>. "You prize tLe ring a-ry niucir?" ire qttestlouoti, serchinlgî Thre eloqueince af ber oses talt i hm hom mach raîben tiran ber nords, wniceL iere commonplttce enougir. "li mas a prosent, periraps?" Le ment en, Inqumingi>-. "tNo. ne, I ogiri h myseli. 0f course 1 kaoi it i-as only ilier, but-" She toppet abruptîr, no longer aile ta eonceal ber iurpatieu"e o tah alune. "Witt yau go in anti tell Žrrs. DoeotLat 1 arn comiag?" airhe asked, impioringi>-. Ho turnon anti ment ai once, but as ho anteredthtie trawing-roonl Le coulti not beli4. meeng lber mus hi. kaci upon tho glir1Ss, and ilîL ber amu hautsetiug axibuth e mut n lber vain orîdeavan bo recorer n'iai mobeLad lait. Ho almasi ne- peutet thno a ihior at doune, antdire toit til more peitont when a little Istor Jane cama itn. iookhng so tesolate ond te- epalnlng tiot Mns. Deue invountanilî ex- ciaime : **Wby, chilti, malever ia tire[matter? t tantestooti tram tire Colonel tirai >ot batl fout!your ring." 'Not ail of t-a piee is msing." "li caubcLeincpcetd' niti a ittie gem- tie ourprliWn tirhe otbe's exaggenateti griot. "hI cari nover bic roîlucet." "lThen h muet ho forrnti. I iii offen a rewant fan l, andt t i il iake tLe ser- rants more cager la themn searci. Yav miuet descrnibhai-ia îlike." "I1 can't do tira." "lThon, my dear, bai- con ivoeirep yau?' "Net ni ail; i1nmrst look ton iti iyseli. Do't ho offentiet, Nanaun ver>- grule fui ta you ail tireganme." Sire md blusireti anvivitit>-thal Mns Deue Latoetot change a subject cvi- dently enibarrsm.ig. "Colonel Prinsep came tin aaîum itfn-n moulti go ta tLe sparts .bit a atonoon. SLouId joti cure about il, leunuy " 11I witI go. ai coturse, hifan wiin t ." "Bat ta jour cane about i?" 'l haie sparts," tiociarot Jane, vicious- Iy, mlndful of tire gymikhaunantI ii- Mie bat OirsI mt suni bat ber herot tn Blephen Pnasvp. "lTien, my dean, dun't go. Lita- la ta, start taho Loret," suiied'Ni n. Dune. "But jon u ntaiDt ma>-lit aîîays ajîl m.e yeougiri ta go o.oui, uild you like ie ride Selîi «r ,"Ob, Nons,maa>-I? lObaie not ititen mmu14nc e me -cnt miSimla!" cniet Jane, exclteidly, ahmost forgtting hon trouble. *"I tii nat kua rani -uee tafnt af rldln," asId Colonel Prinsep. "Anti jau don't kuow Selimt. Ho in not like any ailier bame tirai ever mas.1 can trutai b.", ,.Ail tira snie. 1I@hall net lot 3-au gi alque, Yen ara houndt t go ta tire gym- kirana, I suppose, Colonel Prinsep?" -"Na. If Mims Knox iii allowi me to iaccompaay bar 1 shahL e tieligtet." Anti, for snie eamen or alLer. prhaps ta prove bi- utter iras ber Indifferenco, 'Viess Knox matie rnoabjection. "rirey startot cari>- iritire atternoon, iaaking siyly benutcing inru hnemou «Utng habit anti brout Tenat Lat, Coi- Pnmpsitting Ciectin iis satitlo, y gluneing in bis compuniorra ti- as lire diit'otrsciripon ei-eny suit '(iough shie muaI lio in n drenin f bils voit-c, tLe saine, yet an t one. Knî-n lu othiigoai tint 1"irt mre stinging tironigîrhie - ' Lirri atent nncorîsciontsoa 'eianti obli-louts nf lir tat --it t -o uy nI- - #rath ati ccenct tecre for ~aeffort toa mpcr un more If' hamont ton neate. At presleni thora mras a chance ai is settling down li Iite a quiet canton i-eboia exitomeni tu hati sublieti. But S8lm, i-La so seldon iI brako out urus, tieterminodtielaharo a d final ilixg. Puttng is beati Letireen hies legs ire gave tii-aoantirree violent buck- i lumps that suceoedeti in tiiodging Jane; al andtillthon ca ir lpped ddam, hon arma u tigirtiy clauping iis necklire tood au meekly as tire lanilLe hbda ays been iu considerot hofore. f When ber emeort came aip, Le fouiraiblerF flusirot anti tremhllng, still holingiatghe bi raina, lber bairt aillng about ber Inlong- an nilicent masues, anti glinting la tLe sun w like autumnn aves, a lIundre subtie rn shîtes oi iromu anti goit. ri Ho placet iis hant upon Sellr's shin- t( ing îieck. b "The hanse yruo irstet," le renrketi,a mui-irwatiehotricdte ta ake a cYîîhcal n smaiie, yet teit convincee nos only fool- v ihlhy tender. i ",saolinover tutn>-gritgagah,"a dectareti Jane, wmhL ecision. -'Ah. yattmutsinet say tirai! Selim nas only rush.,rnt vicions. I moul neual ire fafuir tucundemutan>- anc for a sîngieb Slite gui-oeaan wiiglarîce imb irisafore, u nnndering iflien-onu pleadirrg for iimsif d or only Selimt. To aviaiber cruthur ho a ttirnrtdandt tok is lhtise tramtlite na- tivt' n'ira as holding il. Thon motnt- inut. lehodratieln.- quiet1>- b>- Lrindie. 1Ticeainter mon tint lionllecoidi>- sûee- cd ta Lave îcsorvcd n special ratiance tan rire girls bit ittclisas rstic>- i-rvet softl>- ehinni ber; thero 'vus, tb, a f gleou ni hach eyca thai mad mt Leen thore betore. Ei-rything looket brigiri anti beautitrl tirtai aternoonu, ihought a Stepiten Prnsuep. but îîothing go biht, me enutittîl as iis wmilin sweetherit. Aliter a tme ticir relations greirleas sînoies, yet aise legs fuit of trenrulou-. deligi. Tic>- acre talking as ordinary - aRCnliattanlice's utighi bave taikei, i-hon ai latithle>-reacmot the h ungaloi- gaies.t Thuti Colonel Pn'tnsep saiti, cîrneatîr. anti mithouri connectian toaiitbey Lad iteen saying before: -Jenuuv, iii youido ivitt1Iaumigoiug ta asçk? W~il veua sk Mrs. Knox ta tellivyit lie n-hle stoabuttJacobi Lyna's ici-a A ltterervaîrsly site promiseti: anti tien put iehrnband intbis ta gay ."gooti- * b>." Ho relinquiseirecon soaner thon r conntes>- filihave tictoteti, bot itooti looking nt hon mitir genilo gravily. An alimnt luafllus tree niti gracciol golden potiswaaiet above honr; beiinti a grop ai bananas trc-twa tango, mlk eyet bol- locki meeu onking a mcii, andthle tiion- ing .awirr-rnof tire aheel a-as tLe ouI>-a soundtIhat hroke lire tilinusa. A maman mur bler face almosit itien b>- a silk- emiroitire i(-uai t al n'atcbing tirleur tram a lithoe distance. Tic acune mas ni- tensely ludioan, yet Stuphen I'ninsept tfourntiis thougbts lnseusibly evertingt ta bis Englisir home, mur ls tiaim flower- bots anti aell-koptwaniks. In tant'>-Le coulti lmosi imagine tint eciu utanlie i-as 'nalking utinter the avnietuof'aichesi- nts& ith is iabride, pointing ouita t- r0 r oscir tamilian spot thu>- îassî'd.9 *You îvax't corne in«."aketi Joint',tinur ily.N ".No, Imo't -orne ia, tiank you. Gooti b>." CHAPTEIl XLII. Wiren Jarre rient lu aiLe founi a ntlt tramlirn nother cautouniug radieur start liig ils.Tic qunrlenmtt'r iai lien go unwi hti Ina. Knox Loi calic in ii a doctor, n-ho pronouiten- t illt' bcani a tter bnt'ukiiig-u of aiioalîth, tnli'tjît i .-on ia lonrg residettî' ititi n lrl'. id3 ri thaltte ouI>- remutyiett îcnnrtl nitr ivas a yeor's le:îtie oEtîglattîl.@ "'Tbis. of course." w rte Ml-t. hnox, "wiiieh a serinîrs per-ttniara I-os: biut1 ive mus-t grrtge tnthi mg t mli i il cv-ore -ta un yoor fnliîn'naunLt'tt-i iii It d "Ah, tirati ie t-un mnelt- ligain!" siglioti Jolie,fas asite pli divtmnlIclt-tien.s i-Slire carcul>- krnon miletirmr tlin glantion îarry ai tLe dun-ision tli;ii, iiiioiittced; enîhetirer lit Roti](1lliu a rn'lnnf to go or i.groat grief. '"0-lo ii tl lle '-.1 nketi Iteseif. "ltai-c Iitita. 'n ltIn ag iheth-i on sic rigiri cicr sm-rlit-r l fs ace 1 agalu?'" q_ Sic tironîgirof g-iltg htîtînît' lonce.j rl mueb as %lhe tieanienl tient' ti fig wmu * honr tather; ilion ganîiig ugîjai n îLe1 letton ste mon'tint %Irs. Kntx txpneusyiy * desred i îe aorili net.t hrtt-iilier visit, wicn lu any case iiouiti Iclit au ndtiini Il a ton- dayî. r- T haie ai days, item Jatte enjoyeti thuni! ai St ephen Prinsep. Ni InO canne every day, acarcely eognizet ber n thIis nom mont. Was hi inhi-olit>- or h itl-saica aor tire if exciiemont engendereti i>- tîcpair? Masy le tira lasI -njettîru nias moron tira >t trulrithon site erneif hieu'. 1TLey nover sari nai Ir -tirer alane. go t i-as thue casier for thnt' 'tlonel tg ket> o taeiis rosolution. lie tintfltnt matie ber i- sgala.An outsier motlt Lava thont thieni moroir tinnl. arie Lermati mas 0 otten remninteti of tit' tinte mires iWen- gakgement Io Jat-n-t, Ltnu ms-s a 'secret lsihl. sîrti al uneonsiciotisly @she mas learn- lng ta lai-e one tu-oin it iadteuctaiedfti aet shshe beti uroeer mort'.y. 1, One day 'Mn-. Dfln t'aketi ber tat'e- t- maiîtnuitirlier tînning te year ber par- 1- culs WtItltl14 t ina>: hu ireotuthlie toiplatieni fi-tutlit-r bravieh. Yoti arec1ris gond ns yan have almaym - ineen, Sliir i 'n-rd ,gratefuli; "but It d ta ny nitt>-ta go îîirîrtireni0teip Emy "<-tht nul-lIrehe reat reformrnd mounat ahave bt-un yanrr ainceto," eotlfleted PtireC'olonel, uîh,'n Le beard,6f tire ffen la ndt ils refsial. tf "Initeet, I dear't îhink <rau John Knox Erg, ~ ~ ~ ebu Itm ua s~~n~ *yen, Ir ahe Lad »-t at that mnserit beau boïar comntiag across'.sttehpatten. Site shoo& her head, not dorlng tu trust rerseif tuaspeak. "Yo-i igtit marry," ho hazarded. 'tNever, nover!" "Why r ho askoti ber boldly, bis eYes etili fastened on her face. Her lips quivered lni sucb ovident dit- tros that ho couki flot press the Ques- tion. 'tAJi girls Bay that," ho remarkcd ln-. stead, wîth a totrch of incredibiiity. "Not, 1 Lape, wlth such good reasan," sLe replied, with a dlgnity o fuit of sar- '0w tat heouasllencod. Even wltb the hope ot consolinw ber et last, he lied no rigbt to pain ber su, T'his was the lant day. Mms Dene's stay at Alipore bad dons ler undaubted gooti. Sho was iooklii botter andi brigbter than îLe bad laakod for a long time, ince ber hushanda death, in tact. People thaught that mite was alrendy camforted for- bis lots, snd began ta wondcr if the outld marry agaln, and if se, whom. Sanie sucb sopee- alation iii. expresaed in the of Barry Larron, and the thought entared, ie bis mind that, perbapa, it might bu for bis ativantage if $lhe naried hlm. F~eeling terrlbly note after bla rejoctiexi by the quartermaster's daugbter, and un- able te carry aut hi. revengeful threat rvltb any hope of succeau, ho fanied ho migbt hart ber by se înddexiiy tranafer- ring bis attentions that the woirld ho foin te douht whethor they Lad ever serlously been afferemI ta e iît. To da this lie muest manage an excbange ta Hattiahoti, wbere the detacbment was, and where Lt would have eve!y opportunlty of matur- ing hie plana. This for two rossons- first, because oven lie would lack the ns- surance neceuaary tu a ike love ta at. wonian under tLe very eyes of that otb.'î hoe Ladl n0 ateiy wooed-and secondly, because 'tir. Donc beracif n'as going tu But lie waa 100 cnutions ta take this decisive mo'ge until ho badl îatisfied hixu. self that lie woairi receive a warm wel- corne. Not that Le doubted h, only Il 'vas his nature tu caiculate, as wcli ns tu achome. Sa it hnppened that, wben Jane andi Mns. Dene arriveti ai the station, the Birai persan they saw waiking down the plut. feoa was Major Larron. Jane drew back at once "I 'viii go and get your ticket, and se atter your luggage. rerhapg ho 'vii have gone by then," £ho suggested, nervausiy. Mrm. I)cneassenteti, andi 'aiketi onslonop. Major Larron adivancedti ta met ber, ini irrepreac-Laitie morning costumre, wnuL a resebut ini button-bote. Tite widow, i1-1 tironghit, miight ho mare critieal than tire gi rl. -1 huard yau 'vero going to-day, andi dlii not itisir yen ta leave 'vithout saY iiug good-by," lhe hegan. "I don't tii, ho,îe% un, il wiil ho long beture wo uteet agaîib. '.No'" querieti Mr. Dene, aen quietiy t hat, lia ý iehongt been certain &lie mugi care for hini atill, now there was no barn nier licîneen thein, hoe migbt Lave read irdifference tn ber toue. lie. %as thlnktag ta iiseit that report irrd sieken truly; @lhe 'as looking very ittil, îîeariy au pretty as wben the ivas n girl, andi far mare interesting. *1 amn comlng ta Hattiubud; ta stuy fur sonte tinte, I fancy.'- Sho looketi Up ianguidly, snr¶trtsed. 'lau l i d it very dm11, I amn "I do ot think ao. 1 aliways like Hat. tiairat. Do yeu remember wben we met tijure firsi." -i rernomber distinctly everytbing con- iii'i'ted with aur scqoaintanee, Major Larron." She ws ooking loto hi. face smli, witb ..cb uttereoelduesi andi dislike, as tLe gueaeta bis intentions, that hoe'vas ai. moet couvinceti of Lis mistake. But hoe would not admit it yet. 111 am afraid you Lave net fongiven mie,- he sa id, reproachfully. Her eyea 'vore al oblate as @lhe ant- swered scornfutly: "Fargiven you? WLy, I ami grateful ta vou, mare grateful thon I cau exprese, for saving mie tram a niarniage tint would bave nmadoe e retched, and giv- ing me instead the nobtesi. kindest lhun- bandi that over woaian Ladl. Tiranks ta yen I have known 'vint perfect bappi- nets ia, andi thoîîgb I possesseti it for ira short a lime. it la enough ta, sweetcn tie remainder oi a lite that would othernisu ho sud onough. Lheaven knaws." The Hon. Barry Lanrron twirled isi dank ninatacie. and tried ta look unmovedl. "I don't thlnk you bave ever %ior- stooti ne, quite," hoe înid, a littie awk- wardly. Mrs. Dene shrugged bier shouiders, not attempttng tb conceal ber contempi. Tbougb tLe hlidsaid as muc eb be oîtt Jane, the hegan ta doubt it nawy. A mari wba laed acted with ou, littie siucerity andi delicacy af feeling nitgbt bcecapable of ,pnything, the thougbi. *Well. I1imuet not keep yon longer xiow," observeti Larron. "We.shaîll so0n meet -at IHattiairad." But lu Lia awn mind tbat scireme wae already abandoneti. ITo be conlînnoti.) Prayer tus Wam Time. Etiltar F. W. Wooiard, of tLe Cari (111.) Times, was one ot a group wba were swapping aotoes at the 4thanibra. The drift at tire conversation'Was upaxi Incidenta whIch Lad lmipressed the ar, rator@ -vbiie bore turing and after tire war. "I1 once heurd a remarkabie prayer frour an aid negro," aitl Edîtor Woolord. "It was aitithe ttme Sher- maxi batl pushed thraugb Geoagla, anid overybody was 'onuing! hlm constant- ABfl4ELECI4 A RASOAL. BUT KI'EW t'OW TO FIOHT. Rer. Dr. Taîssage SBhows Ifom God Bômtimes Briv a Sa traighit Nail mih a PéolilUumaer-The bicalaged Cty orobhctm. The Lussan. luaiis mrmon fon Sunday Rer. Dr. Ta-i- mage iaak for is subject "Tira Power et Exemple." Tira toxi selociet iras Jutigos W., 48. "Anti Abmmelech took an sx in bie bond anti eut tiomn a baugh tram tire trees antituait il sud taidi hi on irIsshani-e dier and altDaietaheipeople tirai morei mur hlm, W1irat ye Lui-e seexi me do niake1 baste anti do a. 1 Lave doue. Anti ail tire1 people lken'ise eut toma overy maxi iis1 bairgi." Aiîelec in lua arne malotioraus li Bible bistory andi yoîtfull of profitable ug-j gestion. hlueys are black anti nnconielY,1 btnthiey tell arbore the racku are. Tire1 sak's rutilai. ideoua, but itgives ui-1 17 marning. Froa tLe Pazza ai My smini-1 mer home, aight by nigiri, Imca aigiri-1 hoige fifteen miles ai-ar, net placedt tiere, ior ationment, but ta tell marinons ta étand off tram tiret tiangeous Point. Su1 &Il tLe ironhounti ennui of moral dangerj là iniakot ivti Saeul anti Haret anti teia- hoatuand Jezeirel aud Abimnelecir. Tiroît' Lad people are nienioitet in tire Bible flot Onuy as warningsi, but ecause tirere more tometirnes isles ai gooti coxutcinluthiri lires mortby oi imitation. loti otietittes drives a very itraigiri ail 'iii s very paon bammner. Takinir a Cil>.T Thea rit>- or Sîreriren Luteta hotaken anti Ahimelecl ant i is mon aere ta do il. I sec tire tuaI rolling np rtramtireJr ex. cileti minci. i hear aine souting aiflire captahîrs andtihie yell ai the besiogens. Tihe sn'ords clatk sharpîr an the purrYtnrg shicitis, andthie vociferatiou Ofutwta anriies la tieuti grapple is horrible la hieur. Tihe baille goson rrai l.ay. nti as tire suni is ettiig Altimelccb anti bis army c-ny, '-Sur- rentier!" ta theutn'n fo, anti, m'table langer la o as. tire cit>- ai Sihcii talla, and thene are pools of ilooti ant islsevereti limite, anti glaxeti eyes. looking rip heg- gingy ton more>-taiwaanenver shami., antI tying soliiers, a-itirohir heuti on thre lap otfurther or a-uc un ister, mho bai-o cameeott tanrlire luit officesof ikintines anti affection, anti a gruu ro!ls arrosa tLe rit>-. stapping mt, irecause tht-no is no allai for it ta rosI. mgotîil is rire place of alLer groans. A ritY woîioînted! A ci>- dying! A cil>- den!'anil fotr Sirechein. ail >'c wra knen' tire iorrntrn "t a sacle oani. As I tank av' r-e city I c-unr li n >- one building sisanrtinigandti tiis ii-' temple afllhe goti Bunîti. Sanie soldin-rs otaitie ofthtie it y in a tomver. fanding tIraI tirey cari no longer derti Sircciern, noiw begin ta loak ort for nneiron -n1ersorturi safot>-, andtI utC>- l>-tuta imtempe of Beiti. Tirer go wibthtre timon, aiut it, andt ie>- suy, "Noni- meare mu te. Abint- ieir ba@ takon lie miohe city. bat ire crin- uet tako Ibis temple aofhleitit. 3-trc ae mmali ho onder tLe protectionuoi thr' god." 0 Beritir, the goti, do yaur Lest nom iontheeretueoc! I >ooirhai-o os. phîr thein; iyotî Lare handa, ieip tirear; if yon Lai-c tiuntierboits. itnike ton tieni. But Loir shall Aimeleci ant ieisarur>- take trsepl i erih andthie men sa-La are there fontifi? Wiil tirer do il ii umorti? N ay! 'sill theî ta h mILt @Pear? Nay! Wit b iaiternmg raimrlieti »p b>- bundrati armet strength, crashint againsi lire mals? Na>-! Abimelecir manches iis me o a0 -moot lu a omOar. With ir a hema wsoff s- 1mb ot a troc anti prt.that uib upen irBsomu miouiloer, andt ten Le soya ta bis mua, "Ynu do thc sanie." Tie re-ue obedient ta their commander. Tirere is a stnttggle as taeirLo shall bave axes. Tire 'viole mooahaful aibeuding irougirs, andthîe crurltjing, andthie hack- ing, anti tir ecutiug, until oveny one ai tire hastiras salmitofai atroc cut damu, anti not aniy thalt, but Las Prtitl On iis sironidor juaiss Abyimeleeb siamet i na how. Are tirese meu ail armeti iii tire tree iranci? Tfiere ply cames, "Ail armet!" Andt ie>- mur'h on. Oh, 'vial a mraugo army, min liait itunge eqnip- nient! Tirey came rip ta tire foutoth ie tenmple nt Benit, anti Aiimelecir takes is limb of atirce andti troirs i daan, anti ttire ts pl.-toon oi uoltiers came up, anti thej, tiroir donatirir branches, andthIe secondi platoon, andthie ti'rdrt, rntil ail aroonti aboutth e temple ai Benitir heme le S pile of troc branches. Tire llhm-heanile-9 look out f-rn tire %indoî oi tire tempie nipou 'vial seea statem childisir plaj on the part oi tirir enemies. But noua the OinIs are stnuck, andthie spank begins ta kîndie tire iruh, anti thoetdame cames uit ell tirmougla the pile, andthîe ret elements loup ta tire casernent, anti the woodwark begins ta blaze, anti one an af ilame la tirai-n np on tier igiri ide af tire tomp:o, anti anothor an af i anie la thronamurp an tire leit side ai tLe temple, unibItiiey champ theminnluitipalmes naetiohîe mIil nigit sky, andthie cri af "Fine!" wihim anti "Fine!" wthiout announcos lie tenrr, anti the strangulation, andtihîe dooni of tira Shmeieat, andthie complota aven- thro r ethtie tenmple oi tLe gati Beritit. Thon liera iront rip a shoot, long anti looti, ri the atout longs atiduiartlry cirestm of Ahimalecir anti i. mexias tiroy îstooti amidteilre monandthie dont cnylng, "Viodonj, rietany !', The. Tactiles Uset. Noir I teara irsit ram this auhioct tire taliy aofiepexding upoitanaD u oran ai tacic In anything me Lave ta do for tii wrît air for (ut. Look over the weaponry et Olden iimes elineh, Lattleaxes, bas- ergeons-_axitishow me a single 'vespan mii micirAbiiel ..rathli. mon cain oeagobutir: ey mar iaw1,M mmwiwaeî w.h",#e 1. And go tihe'calas et sin stands.. Oh, mi frienda, we wil neyer capture tIis worlti for God bhi any keon saLer o a sasmr, by any gittering lances of rhetoric, LY sny sapping endti niling of profonti disquisition, by any gunpowdery explosions et Indignation, by sirarpahoat- IngsOf i wt, by bowilzens ot mental Etren.gtirmatie ta swing sabolli Si-omiles, by cavalry haoses gorpousiy caparisaned paNing tLe air. In vain ail the atteiirtt5 on the part af tirese eeeWasticai foot soldiers, htajht Lorseiuen anti grenadicra. My t r.exds, 1 propose al difforont style ai tactica. Let eaone go Iota treforent ut (lods Promise andi invitation andi Loir down a braneh anti put h a(n bis siroul- der, andi lot us ail came araundt Iese albsti- note iniqîrlties, andi thon, 'vitir tis pile kindieti hy the tires et a haiy zeai andth ie fianies oailaconsecrateti lite, ire wMli um t hemn out. Who t steet cannai do tireomiy. Andi I auxiaunco miaou in laver oi any Plan et religions aitack tirai succeeti- anY Plan of religion.s &itack, howovor rad- icâl, however add, bowover unpopular, Laireven hostile ta ail tire convoxtioali- titem et cinreband ti îto. If ana style af prayer does not do thLe work, lot us try anaiber style. If tire chureb mugic ai ta. day doas not get the victory, thon lot us niake tLe asult ith a bachiroode cha- rus. If a prayor meeting ati Li paît 7 in the ovening tio. nai succeeti, lot tus hav-e one as early in the niorning ns whexi thre angol tourr< wresîixg isceir taa mucir for him. If a mermon witb the three au- tirorizeil heatis does not do tire work, thon lot us Lave a seonas itir iwenty Leadas, or no beatis at ail. Gospel Ivethe. We 'vaut mare bearriln aur sang, more' heartinbcaur simsgiving, mare heart irn Our prnyers, more heurtlanin rirnescir iîrg. Oit, for Ibu ni Abimeloci'. imard anti mare nt Abtrnelec's conflazration! t Laatton heurti. There ta a fountain filloti mIL bloond srrng arttstically b>- tour bird. pert-Led arr ririr Sonda>- roost in the gallery util 1 ilrotrght ut Jonny Lind anti Nilsaon anti Surrtrrg, anti ail te alLer warbiers, but thore carone net one tour ta my oye, non one imaster eoton ta my houri. Btn One night 1 %vent downu o the Atrinic Mietirotiut nreeting bouse in 'hiliutei)h;ir, anti ai the close aif.lie service a black 'vuntan in the ridtleofo the audience ttc gan ta ing tirat irynn, sud ail tie audi- ence joaned in, anti ne uere flooteti sainte tirree or four miîe9 nearer berrien titan i iave ever heurt ince. i saw un ti ri>- titn eyus tîrat "*fourîrnzin filletI with bol red, agonizirrg, îrrcriill redeniptire anti I heonilthe crnison rplashote itânaie nLS 'e ail wnt doitn ui:der il. lFor inners pliiogoted eaDtt ,tit floodi L.ose ail thitr guitty isains. Oh, ni>-fKneds, the' gowelctin not a syii loia;il is ui casqiiatn-> itil intot ioe l,nrs or ille science ofa qnrlesp! Il is bood rn'd tact; il isnwormertuheorietinvita- ion; il in lesit:itg, ttouuddug, tiyirmg gooti noms; it is eotilocs'-t îîK'h fI ligbt; il .à rubestent mitit ail sunimrney glai': il 'ta arborffefent mth ail aweet ruade. 1 lxrve st-n lIre sun ripe On Mount Washngton, andfromntirhe Ti¶top flouse, but tbsve, vaa n beauty in tirat comrpareti mitir tre tayspinig traonounLiir wheu Chrisrt gîves ligiIta a sl oni. 1 have hourd 'arep3 Ring, but t.lre no unusc lun that (cerni iîared wiith the ITire of Christ when ire saiuti, "Tir>-ailrs are tor'givexi thue; go in peace." (looti nois! lot every one eul don-nfa brneof et"thtreof ai litenad mai-e it. Let ail tLe vwai tram Mount Vaharon ta Sbhe be iefiliet i mtirahetosq- in.-Joy. Gonoms! This bonfire ofthtie gospel iraîl conmmnetire lent temple af inant mii Ilumnetire sky wmttb pors- lypic o>, tatJesus Cbrist came tul) the morldt ta mue sinners. An>- noi plan lianiakes a mean quit iis sin andthtia pros-raies a wrong I amne asmach intuvor ai es tirorigi ail the doctors, andth ie birh- ops, anti the archbishops, and the synanl,, andtihtia acdenilcal gomnsen of Cbrii' tianitY sanctioeotl. The temple af tierit miutscoulo dclvn.anti I do ual cure how dit rines. Power of Exemple. StilI tîîrther, I lean r tra Iis subject tho power ai exemple. If Abimeledt L ad at tiown on tire grass sud tbld is men ta go anti get tire bougLa anti go out ta tti', baille, the>- mauttinover bute gone ai ail, or if tiey Ladl, ti oulti Lave been i vtirort au>- spirit or effective rosuit, butaiteti Abimelecb gara with bis amu ni anti huma tiown s brancir, ant i mth Abimelech'si aar pots il au Atimelech's sitouitier. andI marches On, thon, my baxt su>-., ail tire people tidtihîe snie. Hem nîturai tint n'as! Whiat matie Garihaldi andi Stone- malt Jackson thte moat ms-guette coinr mautiersai Ibis century? Tire> alws>-s rode'aheud. Oh, the overwbelrng Paner of example! lHere tler on rho' wrong roand. Ail is boys go on tire wrairg rond. Ilere is sl fatrev rbo enlisefor Chrrist. lm ehldrcn onliat. 1I«wsaw nome oi tire picinre gelieriez af Europe tiraiLettone many ai tire great marks et tire masters-îLe aid niuîtena--there mouli ho soeien four or tire artiste taking copies ofi tho pictures. These copies they more gaing ta carry iitir theni, perbapi ta distant lanrds, andi I bave iireught th.iî your lite anti claaterare a mnterp!ece, andilit ln belng cot>led, anti long aiter yen ire gana Il miii bloom or bisatinlitire ironies oftihose, iro kueir jan, anti ho a Gorgon or a Madonna. Look out wht yau sel. Look ouit -iai you do. Eternit>- wili hear tira ecira. Tire Lest mrmon aven pnireie la aàiroly lite. Tir stutic laver ciranteti is a consistent w2lk. XI yoi !wani cihrs ta serve Gai, erve hlm yaur- seit. If YOD 'vant atiers ta ahoulTdar 1thein dxii!, ebonîder yeure. Where Ab:- .melech goes. bis troape go. Oh, eiant oui îfor baai'en te-day, anti yaur faanlly wmli 1c--- -fie- --uandi your business &asa- godes abt tr at el tier lai the prom or, in t W pet ln aur atripon sitawl, bantileti uahate, wile thS teret in tir eaot ant Iil ut looks grean andthie blae. beUti make upl 1Yant Lave lalD sa place tirai tireaisanti-Ca' begîru ta cran-I aven jouI WbiS kuam, my brother, a-borti6-1l matie taglota the mei? Non' oi a Christian la a man on Oire, fon loti, ant Ifil'our pulse ardu sixty limtes a minute ethen 7«,: allier themesaund talk about i thel if jour Iuse dus nt go »pt* on elgitî miron you cae t-5l Christ anti binaien, iin bectaUW not know tire one anti have a pOOT ai getting laetire othen. Whicb Bide Are Tout 0*1 Suppose in militany circiesi on t*0 ingeof baie therolllsa u a tbausantimon only a&-tu t tire regiment ansmeneti. What there trouldti e in the campf tira colonel gay? What bîgir ta 'veuit Le amoug tira captaiiue, east anti the sdjutantu! Suppose W94, ta Leadquantérs that theze dellaD ensedthiemnisoîes on tire grud bad overslept tlremaetves, or thre mas damp sud îhey meea araîdio tiroir foot ti-t, an tiraitiey Wt~ cooktng rations. Mly trlitis, tlid nroranmg af the day af (loti baille! Do i-ou nal see the troopa? Ye nat ail tire trompets caiite* tire tirumis ai boit? Wbicb sidae SW On ? If Yaren on tiere igir side, t6 cavairy troop, tla aratiiiany Env wvirai garrison du:y do yen helougt allier 'varda, lun-bat SabirmtI you iech? lu "-bat prayermeiç Yaîr exhon-t? Ta mitaicnisiiiyd detlare eternul liberty? To M1100 bronne do yil tit touncc tira ruches of en?~ W1'itl roken beo f maole Youe(r set? Are youdtoig notbhi8 it It-tsittle tal a nrrrror wmau asV Le a tellonier oi Jasurs Chinst le, nolirrr? Titot bide tLe horrible front thte sugelao. if >ou ara dolngitb ing, do notlelt tieren i lad has it tirey ciiarge jour religion wil~bs#* taIse fate. [DO not letytrcaa treason Le Lourd amoug tire martys*Igo" tire trono, ilie- the orget the, 5net1' the t,;âce antidurrounre îaur betraysI ttnant an- fttr wîit h ie>- sgorlns4 May te eternal loti nous. us anl te O' tl'As for m> soit, 1 eel imoari be atttrit-nlli tit'nuand enter Ireaven es- Il t1larve accompl)ialied monetixg more t"-îe finn the Lnrdt lti Iongirime. Oh, rutrt'î, bo,vse ift!y tire ima gous byl Il st-t-irs îo me us if tLe >enrs bat! guIxied sote uit pawer ot locooi-eakinti-et îjtetidutle-trt'. Oae Pofo Refuge. Stillforîlior, I1tt.arn trai tis su the, danger et taite refuges.Au Ba these Seýhcitczes gatitb tira temirpi thoughi tht-y acre mte. Tlrey '-Berith niul tale cuare ot us.A niay hurler down ovea'ytirig ei. cunnot batter dowxiblis temple whs~ are nt)r lad." But very sooxitls.y tire tinibar cran-kliug, andtihte:p snothiered nîtirunioke, sud theyr bly dioti. t suploacerer>- pensam audience tris umometi lae0 sntie kinti ai retuge. ItH ots oW ttp kl tLe ta-çen of goati mar4q esU i s!tahi e mte in tii reugi." 1bus ments are atiorneti, ihe steço are 1,~ bv ed, an the 'vaîl are pictura o um suffering jon hava alleviiti, aail *tbs beiroole ion Lave etalaired, and ti il'i fire hftingu yeu bave ever dosa. Up la- that tai-or 3-on teel iouare «Je. But heur yau net tire tramp of yaur inRar- tioneti sins ahi aroundth îe turner? They Lave a mail-. Yeu ane kiulxadI tire conihuthibe matenhul. Yoo feed t*0 bout sud tire suffocation. Oh, mralme loup in time. tire gospel declarlsg,"By tire deetsofi tire law saal]Do lesk 11110S Le jut.ifiedr, "Wll" ansa>-, "I bava heen $*irvj oui oi tirai tomer. Vherea iali 1 l Stop tato (tit.tower oi indifference. try, **If itis lamer 'ta attacked.hlm a great a-hile bofore htinu talion." T fr-el ai ouse. But there in anuALmeva mur ruthlosa assut cumixig oIL sl ant Lis forces are gat.Lering àroaud, asli- tht'>-deond ti tit iycv urender aers-y tiig. andt trciclameorean~vur oreith'w,, and tlej tiroir tiroir skelotan atm lu rire wi#durî', anti a'th tirironIra s t ey beut ugaiuýtitIre door, anti trirrle 7u ane lrying ta keep thicn ouI yenoue e trcShes ai jutigmeat kiutiuing, anti ery Seraei la a torcli, anti ever>- mauntàmn a torah, anti over>-ama atorcir, ant i le tir. Mv. anti Iyrenees ant iimalaye n tala n,- lire coul, tuai-n rotider ati neddWe.W tire mnirminti broatir of a (ltodmule- tout, mirai wihl became of your refffl ofa lies? "'But," mye saima ane, .. oraare emâmg- ati in a rory mean busineas, driving' ae tram tomer ta tomer." Oh, ne! 1 ni-unI teta ltIujof aa<Im mltan thtirinover hbasbe#hr and av L)e takon, aiafa Il tirai 1no aài cou @cale, oi a buîwark tiraitirai eanihquakea cannot bntige. Tine fers ta mwhen it u"Ys, "n'à refuge, aud untiernealtir hee are tb iauting arma." Oh, Otis >oursdt Troati dama unccremoniouslyoe tbat Intercepta yen. Wedge tiare. Thora are exiaxgir iouxits i sad per'd aller yeu ta maka yq Ms-ny a min iras perlirhet juste toewobis foutothle atm- banni on tbe lateir. Oh,.gacet ti1 ana surplus second baye yau Quirk, qulrk, quickl 'Yasl TDi a l Casi," bu arras

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