CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 31 Jan 1896, p. 7

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vile Otbere anti pull Ultfti hi- blade baud ireligions il ave lalin go l te t u s ver youl WhI tworld? NoW. a Man on Ore, ni- puisa ordi tute IvIbn pou' not go upte S ,-ou conae to't*ti. andi have apuer lai-y circlIn o.*h rollsa cetip Whal bigla ta -lte captains, end" àât tîhise dellal on te troau 'y w-cie ýfaidà ir tbsI tsi-y W.I- IMy fiends, ti napets cl heave* I? Wbich aide a1 a the igt aide, tQ* whal arillery p O iv at Subsat m-'t prayer a bat peiitenialU do,'~ iburty? Te wtSt0l nonce lthe iches of eu boni- Of SoIivW t von ting notblad usar or vola haness Cl-mst bite the horrible" Ifoyou are doin te worîid Bad Il s.u* r reigtion wlhbk#* )l Iet rau- c0W5di**01ý smong the aaarymn I# îey fui-gel the mU*4 iwner- >oui- betayar 'iiicb they agottiS4 USE a]i uti rouse un anl te n> self, I fiehl 1 would b. u ndui enter hi-aveu cu- ipilélteti soinealing more ,,ritlituaI ougbl me. Oh, Nift!y the tisa. gai- byl s if the yats Led galaeti of loc-omotion-*- kiud -et 'ofa Refuage. h-na rioui [hLs subjecIt Ise refuges. Au sooésa sau Ctat intte teuple ci-c Datte. hi-pj icari- of ns. Al M n ibis temple- Wb«* lut ver, soo they i kliug, antitd p sruokae, aud t1he wt,âe i-ni-iy itimet la tfl fuge. liai-e yeowp 't, tsae arw ve aiievlsted, a"al s*fe hava i-ver doue. Up la. round the laver?, The timi. Yon ars kludlhg matei-ilI. You sl w * If uct-adlu. Ob. may yos c gospel deciartug "Bp Ian- &al] no Blank Uilo ay, "I bave beau 494v1 Pr. Wbei-e sah Il 1 Me-r of Indîfference.r i-r ta attateei. Il t i-fora It ta taJen." ad ut thara is a. Ablmaiea*, sanit coming ou, De9i i-e gntbaring gruau, u uit yc-j suni-ri-uaq e? a mui- for euri ovattbl9ww, theiz- skeltwlon aras la %vith tbei- trou Blats ti-y tour, sud n-bila pou are 'lu ont you see lte torhes itlinc, and i-very SaluaS ever- mauntàîn a ton-ta, lui-ch, anti nbile tbe Alpe id Ilimalayna ta ut, Mj, i ri-tder aud redd«È. w- .reatb a! a Goti oulpo. jecome of y0ur rSSUga of rme oui-, 'you are eaog- P-an business, drivlnq et mwer." unt ta [ei-h yen of a<~~ 7 lua be#h and navas tIl Ibat no saàii ulwarktbatthaj ual badge. Thea il »aYa, "la Qed( 'rnad thee are Éh4ý Dh, glins ioursdt wcrmouionslyav yoa. Wedgepu e eugh boutaI of yo ta 1 make poq i periaheti mgt; o foot on the utM- it ah. Oh, gCet îIî<trjg. anti bava rou ta la srmy, bu a o »M ~ It in .»tai-m. 15 IyOuth lu at vieogecsrofut- lae atheateit fiou te bIot by STousands cf voluulary taa11o etsullering f rom arottlsallf en a4ns 80ti-enacicus. poslinely per- .2»*»UoDIcd Purifier. AU drugffl-ls. $t ,Vbi4doclybyC. I. bon &Ca., Lowell, Mass. kjýP4dwCdS c ladies *rite us thnt "can't find good bindings iu Ifs a asy enough if yen lIgltton -bavîni - BIAS VELVETEEN SKIRT BINDING. Look for *«S. Il. & hl." on the. label end take no other. Ul jour amer willI nt sur we will. a". tg the S.H. & m. C.. P. . a TqkIr** f Katucky, gMati-s: "For pi-ai trO'etsd n-Its Indigestion lt VeX7 bati foi-m. Mly appatîtc poor. andti StlImes i suffered Severe headaches. I aîvitiI Tabules ativertîsed lu aur tu papi-r anti sent tLe Mml. Sflîil two boxas, wbîcb I usesi.T IndigeslIou la a thlng orfte My appeltita .8sientîil, 1I is headachiea non-.anîl ana gain am.RIpaLnaTaleili's are tl madiclna for the stomacis, an alwaya keep tsinlue[liot, MDgned) "MR& J. A. BAI[BEF "'Shat-puburg, la bau bes> natm 15U -t Mo faum " DAM Nesiw Ywk UUVLIV250 w r EW YORK sp t a.55y Qessufsa ft oui-bottia eaIy. bug WraPPecs I-sOu uop. Poadu ali-at Ce.. $av TaSsad LoAdos. retwaltn tovitand uaactinlty.atot 155- ticsnand appelîle are ceanet dby tiifUne hoe.r vicitaise oveises constipation, bîttoueês. itialarlal. kIdney asui î.uîWtIc alîhieutsud ner-ouaneýs. Gen.,Gontez. Gen. COntez. tue li'itler o! tise (uban, tnsurgenta, ila n udîy lu repose anti ne- tien". HlI tasîcutier lu1Ituilt, not over 140 pounda Ini ta-cit. niiott hi fe t seveu liniseiglil, and tt-aglta.s an ai-- muta, alîlugli lie hils GO put-aoll. 1lus fac, ls a tuhtc, lis liit-anti îiustnclie ai-e trou gi-ay, lia cleîk boues ai-e pi-onu- Inut anti lia c'tln 18 lit-ti. liicool, cal- ctltitlg epes 8ceiti uit tii-t toi nbsolurc'iy uhteuîure you, andi tisaî the face brceaks- Int a rea4eîur!ng sîtilte. lia kuep ta sîlif' front a aaouiit '<civet lu tile bùit war, but lul taesaile lie las iuîply a part a!flthe Iorge, or. raier, [lie bor-ite ta a part o! hit, for lic nover seemt o guide IL Studeuts of Bowa'otn Collega linve mIni-led a co-operallve store. AIl tàa otits anti antis a! tise taly nacessar1es a! alutenta n-IlI ha bouglit wisuesale aud soIt procticnllp ai cost. AU. AT sa Ont FIunaiy Remeued fre, Daugr. Basat of TakIng a Friend's Âdvice. Titi-e are Ihonsuda of womi-n te-day entirely aI sea, to, s1peak, as far as ipl y: LIei ailîntan aeconcai-ned.qTi-, are Overtaken by à andMaýseafi-mal. s0. 699 ..wcompat, ta 699 Nw V ant isenti for - Iheir doctor lu aIl haste, lie usnaliy r tries bis anti tuat Vithiont ail aI sea, sndt ee [anal bis pa-ipa- becaue itias rt-ad lier . flic rg 0fIa raadlasmi tSud-ut pi-ps a ad y is an t ls th e v su a eta d c ry ut I eas rn- itiai vomb. here a es use nirTh fooinas sud v a h ow s tuah fe r 'lle oeta rala , ats lof a pe ftn ouens e v. pat feeilg csest a ppenaauisn da che, beazn-"t1hualp er i- kfraln i inn in laoton 5.1 Itma rmnetpyi the Sas i anxurin e lgh ont- rdm eed p.~ eratasU hr a ednyt .di-s canclt of th mb.vas ai-a sul Us. oat lu asaireg-, neoac fe wban a os fria ti e n fesv b Cmi r ban brcommalpi-I eal oin noupe uinehrutmyfranscol-cîib r meC~" have te t n ecmedala updAt met atbi hv lwy out ele. 'M >, ~ JÂThe dctÂasawFakrdP. tlaiver.aiiy uand aitrc asaniteitf-r Cut. aunm, SBstae, Sors '1, .-Tbt, &Hai EXTRACT 'eau@ 7", iî Wý pU sau. lève ot Tet Bec.Iai.3 Âeusnd Tt was formiely belleyod and tanglit that a volcano la a mountain sendlng; forth tire, suioke and lava, thIs uciîig the senne of the dellnltlons ln geogra- lubies wieh are by no meusaiiltiik ted. Modern Investigations have-, titît ever, changed IbIs detiulîlon, ciliii tlng [the word mounitain and nadling 'o the IliaIof substances ejected ic ie iy Important one, steani, for steaim la nui active workcr andi eau by no mens ho overlooketi. 'lucire la an apparent rî'ni son for assumlng volcnnoes ho be nutn- tains, silice they genernlly bullil al) <-onical nuounds of ashes and lava. me- tlnlng ul central chlminey for the cicr- liôn of fresh voicanic nuaterlal. A vol- cano may be an orifice lu tie surface of a plain, Ilka a geyser, altisougli the lat- L cer are flot classed wltis truc volcanoes. Tbey are comparatively local ln tier nature, the waher belng heated very lienurtise point of ejection, witile tise volennoes have an origIn for their lava z-t very mucis greater deptisa beiov file eni-th'à surface. Then, mtgali, ftice word mountan has Ilself recvlved a modltied definltion, and aven a conical peak wlth atam lsautng from Ils apex may flot bhaa inouitaîn ln lise strict senne of tise word. Mlonaîn, accordîng ta the lar- est authorltîca, la tiipendant upon gi-o- logîcal structure, and flot on helgbi, and our Blue hîlle are as truly monu- talns, allhough their summuts are but (M 0feet aboya [he sea, us the Hlmalay- as or lte Andes, wllh forty or fifty timea the helgist. A mounhain la ne longer sîmuply an elevatlon of land to 2,000 feet or mare, as was formerly tangist. but la flic record of fa certain goologîcal pi-oces. lu is 'Story of Our Planat," Prof. T. C. Bonney de- votes qutte a lîttie space to the cou- slderallon o!tishe volcano. "TisaI a volt-tno la i-ared px-actlcaliy by ana ,i-cliltect," lie mt'rites, "ltha[fle whola c-ollee ndth[le mountain propar are fornued Iy iycu ejected nînlerlal, la now, genernily admitled. But tiîs opinion la uoalwaays favoraby reg:îrded. Bc- foi-e [lie tays of Serope anti Lyeîl the ejected malerlala were generally sup- Ikised t1a play a subordiniale part nul1 a voit-:nuic mounitain waia leld le ha l:iigely due [ta[lie uplieaval of lthe st-uta of thie eni-tits crust in a conicat foi-ai aî'ound lthe orifice. In lis hy- luotisesia obvlous ditllculf t-s exl@teci. sutI-ias ut'i-aestnng isowv the beda [hàus uplîlfted cotuitimaintain their po- sition i ien tise Imprîsoneti vaporq aud lava liait escaped fri-n beneali."- Ilnîpy Tiougits. Which Shail Il Be? The ('oiintes de Castellanie, who was Mliss Auna Gould,. iad a bouse party re- centiy, aind [the ladies' big si-cri-a were belng JHbet at by the men. The counlats. tlien annotanced [bat on tlhe folluflig evening ltey would have a dance, and tisat bial! of tise ladie wouiui wear big sleevos andith[le othera ano aleevesi. The ladies tirew iots Lu deuide wislch tihay Sitouiti weai-. 'Ple foilowing evauing thse sleevelesis ladies liraI enteredth ie drawviug-r-oont. Aa tbey came lu, with lace and lisiffon aroundth ie low necks of thisai- odir-es, showlng tise pi-etiy sisoukier lhues andtihtei- urves of the bust, a moi-mur o! admiration greeteti Lliem, ainsi hey fait comforted. But whau tIhettull sheaves app-ai-ad tise waiata itoked f80 amaîllandth teliteada so wcii polseti be[ween tise btg, wîug- hIke oleeves, bliat tise matn were dlvlded. Thle res'it was [bat no teclaon ia ari-ivet a.t. la Olden Tim«c People overlookaedth ie Imiportance of îxirmanently henaficiai effecthannd were atistiidwîis transat Iaction; but now tînt Il la genei-nlly knon lisat Syrup of Fîgs wll peinntently cure hiabitua] constipation, wallinformeti peopla will flot buYoy ller laxatives, whicb act for a tUne, but finally injure thea aystem. Il ta n mi'îtuke 10 conclude [but Goti lins fot-anken u,; becatise ave may lie liaving a hurd lime. Frontl, Frolie, antd Business. Thle init anr frozen ponids anti latkeea avar i-non-fields ut plaîins aud opi'ý crulli S i-y labeilv clutigedi nitb fi-ual anti fine particlea of fruzen niitter. Il la the utust penetratinig nay for chili [toset iin. Suttian wttrxutb, suttaîtchili, aud seere colts. Girls nudt boys skating, drlviug for ptt'asui-a or business, suditnîru at work afield kunon-tise tiffi-reime in teuuii-rattîre. Tet the yoîingaters aknite aîaay anti with mnoutb Opaen lilligbiuig take it a dose ot soi-e tbroat. IDriv-ers suit %orkuruen th-on- &alte ni-sus anti ai kuon-the ueit duiy fi-orssoreliess anti stilfuessa n tasuitten chill menus. N,îîv the best tbing lu do wheu iouiseti la lu raib n-Il nt oi<ci- viith St. à acobis Oit. If you do, yu cul nol have aucra Iioat; or if you are stlff anti sore. it inili cure by n-amiug the surface ta [hz-o%- ont tise chiti. Itlta estilîîntethatît seventy-live revo- lullons have occurred i stce tise estabs- lisment of tlie reptiblir. 010Rswird, igloo. Mis reater of this paper n-ti liebptea.ed te camnal bth[ers l tuast one tii-cdet dIses. bhat science bas beau able ta cure lu an t Is ýtageSand tuat laCalai. Hall's Catarrh, Cure si 0itsnlypeaiqys cura kuown la lite medical ratrnty.Caairitbubilg a cansîltullanai dIa eae, requmes a effstiltitional Vrenaient Rails Catarrh Curs la taiten laternally. acting dlrectly on the blond anti atitous surfaces of li .te yln! I A Arominent Illinois Man i-as a Remarkable Experience. T'he Stori, of the Wouderful Change la Mr. Sise herds condition. Pi-cia he Pantaociiph. Jtotiitiiîlon-, ni. Mr. A. A. iSbeîherîi. a prtimiiient aud responstbie citizen of Lytit-ville, MuLean (ouuty, IlU., m'as taken dîîw n with rbcu- uu.itionn about tive years ago.lHe suffer- id witb terrible plai ns lit his hiq a 'idîlit tintes, when lie wsa able to lki, îvid fiill devraw heu t i kviwithi the se-ci-e Iii.lie aioe hall v.ry spvere pains lu tlu- région of his hvart andi at tinmes tjii îgbt lhe surely Wl iiild dti. lie tricd a mn uber of good I pi ysio:i-isunîut coulti get no permanent re:lief. At [imie ie he was down i bled and ecouit it toin hiioseif ithint hellp. Val lit able toeîvurk any t,, arounut uai tliiig for ive vears or nmire. But nul, his îîcighibors andi frienti; lire surpriseti to 8ep iion atout andi hearty aud able to work. In faût he bas wvorked ail the pie- eut sc ason sud worked bhard andl feels ta cIl lie ha a number of mn ata work lu théic voods Ibis summer fgetting out collo-or juaterial, anudl ne bas not o niy ovrdre,-ii thedr work, but has wui-ked wiu b tiîpnîitl the time. Seul.e tinte lat fili %vhile hce%%a, suffering soî his wife'a nttcen tieun Na. caliedte t a %votaserful cure of a case of rhriîiuatism b y Dr. Williams' inuk P'illa fi-Plale Pe-ople, andi wbile iu lley- woitb ioneday 8he stejîpeti tutu the dru; store tif 3ir. IF. H. lit iandi purchased 1VVo bîixr4 ut tiie pille. Afler he cin1- nienceti tiI, îig [hem the pain@ lertt'bie imbs, ali.e-pains dsappeared ftrum bis hi-art aiicil hp egan to improve at once. Hle rcli iri fully rectimment themn to any One afflicitii' as he was. M.r. [liii, thse druggist, sai. .,ifbave 'c-ai curtomers using the Williams' I,1.k Pilla for l'ale l'cople for the relief aldiire of rbeumatism, amoug whuîn la A A. Shapherd, vitiose case bas been ()neiC 1î,îînual jiereat, andi Pink Plls bave ,uir, prformd a wonderful change in liý Il .i Mon." Dr. NNiliariis P iink Pilla Contain al the elemi-uts niei l-ry tegive new lite andt richnuesato i. Ilooti sud reator- abat- tered nez-vts. ' hey are saIt in boxes et 50 cents aî 1-r. or six boxes for $2.510, andi zaîhp bâait of ail di-uggisîsm or directly by niail f r lu Dr. WViliams' Med- icine Compatiy, Sdîrenetaty, N. Y. GOLD AT CRIPPLE CREEK. And the Best WNN y te ct IThere 1, Ovetr the 'Santa Fe Route. The fabtiloucI 'r.- !,gn!d miuiug district of Crippie (icrpi,- ,i> . is attracting hanu- tirets ut people. hi jî ring the rush lîti fair to be euîi,rt., "bat there lsaua abundance oft9 gil I ére us demonstrated beyond doubt. To resets Crip1î'i. i-ý k take the Santa Fe Route fi-oui *.- i ýr lKanas aCity. The only standîard l c' 'nhe direct te the cnmp. Thi-oîîgli ,a sepers cuid frée e hair cars. Thi. ' t Fe lands you rigbt lu the beritf id îe Creek. Inquire ut ta.ri-tt t-k agent, or end- dresa G. T. ih i; A.. A., T. & S.F. R. R., monaîIliiîî k Il.- k, CJicago. Ouly a trial of l'iso,.i for Consump. tion ta neededt[o coli i, -i thât it ilaa good remedy fer Coug. A ýstbma andi Bronchitis. If youn waut a reliai, i. te that willi color au even brou unIor k, and will Wpleasaeandi aatisty yon riy tinie, use Bîîckingham's Dye for ttiw 33 liakers. V3Tq-AtWi5aatop1,e isi- St, [),.ii11..0,% _@r N~ofo ils .1-t ci1Y 4.,a r ai ,tt te MOZ ua. Mssd leDr.tieMiA FtMP iciz U Cam te9. btisl 118e0<lreatest Medical Discovery of thse Age. KENNEDYS MEDICAI. DISCOVERY.I DONALD KENNEDY, 0F ROXBURY, MASS., Ha dîscoverati ln ana af aur commun rastre weeds a remedy tisaI cures cvery kindu of Huraor, fi-rn the worsît t.crot ula dowu te a common Piple. He has tried it ln aver elaven hundrcd cases, and nve aie ec lti tojsi-es (bath thurider humai-). Ha las n\t n itas Possession over tvo hundr-ti cetrtfiatrs Le' il vale ail within twenly milc, of oston.a'Send postal card for book. A benefit ls afways expet-ienced from hfli iist botte sud apeect cure ts u ar- raultd when le iatght quautity is haken. When the lungsaraie affecctd It causes shooling pains ike neetiles passing thi-ou h themr; da ame wilh lthe Liveci or Bowa[s. This Is causeti b> tha ducts bcî ng stopped, and always disappears lu a 'ek after taking it. Read the label. If tie stomacli Is foui or biliaus Il wili causea uuaînisha feelings aI fitst. No hnge of du-t cvar ncccssui-y. Est tae best you,,çan - git, ad anoughaofi h. Dose, ona tabiespaonuuîn n-star al bwd time. Sold by ail Drugists. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR W. L. Douc..s amineh lb. WLDouglas Sloeuad 83. sam whist a gond sho. yoe oua boy for OVER 100 STYLES AND WIDTme, ~ CONGRXS&, BUTTONq, "sd LACEI, made ta ail hinde of t[btest saisi-ted t55[B55 by aunied wrk- mesa. Se mahe sa" thonam " tho, muhettui-esla lbhevoeld. >lerk.h lptj u lie ctou Ask y-oar dealer for ou, S«. et. 03.5o, 0.505, 02.255bitai-s 03-50,05lasti LS ., frboys.' AXE No Sti iuTýE. if jourdeahar yna Ce.npth otiad 0tc niY, enctoaiajg arýe's t 6 oetts topay carnage. bIStat, tyl ,ldt W 1,1J ksue st wi t )u, ustomDept. n-l i tr order. Si-ad for ne- h 1 raatialal tug Box a R. W. L. 0O3Uc LAS, irockton, Mes*. to 11 il-ltel 0 F 1 u m ro Bc. VslUaWi IEN ao m. Ob tJO.i? W E a3-e èaBs. -maS ui ts xIISr Yla Use at ont ST. JACOE If yau waut to teed trat. ls heallng il e W THE RIIas-lm U Zf~'xNSTOrE .O<.astg PASTEcokes for tgmi-es 38 I a cueait odlfliarXlU-. - TefW ~ Apiuile Ani pl Hi-e.. Propo.. anon. mass . .SA. rNruare dschar iae no use for any one that haô not sen&e enough to, chew The Iargest piece of tobacco ever 501d for «ehe 5.and . ih5 cent piece is neari ' as bih 9jadg- for Ï0 cents: PEARINE Keep your eye on -E R 17 > vn f~ Pearline 'lads." '$ vehifs her use it alreacly, you'I! find - it hr and there that wiIl greatly Shelp you. And there isn't a man, - - womnan, or child but can be helped by Pearline. Ail these advertisements aile meant for the good of Pearline, of course-to show you the best and easiest and cheapest way of washing and cleanîng, and to lead you to use it. But if they do, they will have helped you far more than they will have helped Pearline. You have more at stake. Ail the money you could bring to Pearline, by using it, wouldn't be a drop in the bucket to the money you'd save by it. SedPeddlers mand tome scpus grbcers wall tell you "this (s u gaod «1 it Back adi h rgoe se nds ~ you smtbing i]ae fPeuliea h. b. «'IF AT FIRST YQU DQN'T SUCCEED, TRY te sson 00 M.aI It's ail rlght to let the littie girls have au early introduction to N SAN*TA CLAUS 50WP îî wiii net eaSyzmoktiscircloUclt~ ean but n-han laae yentbe cam ofthe bouseisolt camelisep n-ilS kuen- haut hon-t etta esSSma. The are s gi-iat msany wamen n-ho have learucd a leason ofe coomy s"ds cleanlînesa by tise use of Sauna, Clans. Soid avMrpusar. Made aly by The N. K. Falrbank Company, - Chicago. WVauted to look afiter renewals and new sub- ON Uhe 9rosi1entiàz/ Offce A striking article in lthe Februamy is&ue or 'Me .Cadieçs'P/(ome J4urna/ Over 70,000 Copies Sold TZN CENTS A COPY. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR FOR SALE EVERYWH-ERE 6 IL IL IL

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