CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 31 Jan 1896, p. 8

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- « -1g f pri.s. Mimn f d4 t be 40 ôor find from ô a0'bedroom 9, on mw1w o r odsIn prop*_rttofl. coiÀa4", es.R~kerss .,stylos;-Dining, iÇitihn atd 0O*d CbUr;h- dren s Carniages, Extension and'Center abls - <m «erto*king Goods always on. hançi, Comblnatiohý ïérCases, Witing bDks, *prinus and Mattresses rrinks and Valises, 'Halgl!tï andStand Lâmps. WIfLL KNIGgE, yRockefeller. I~pIeCorne anàd QGo >do Ooôds at ROUSE'SI Why? Prices Tel Washburn'a Superlative Flourper bbi. 83.40 G alion Keg cf Fine Table Syrupi for 1.00 Tea Oust, 7 Ibs. for -- 1.00 larigé Peeches, per lb - .08 lbldPr-unes per fb - - -.05 gStO1s Raisins per lb - - .05 QXiè ats 8 lbefor - - - .25 Aoli"per galion can - - -.35 ToMétoes per- can - - - .08 Rout"4 Steak per lb ----- -.08 ,fo*k Çhopa d« 16,.08 'Abu ôt eMeats in proportion..0 Quarteft Wilvered at Wholesale Prices. ~Ot~wgM Farto's $2.50 Shoes for $2.00 4U otbrtm at a.15Big Discount. dLtS AND RUSEft Men's SIzs a Pair 1.59 Boys' i "661.39, 4THIftG-0OvercoiLts and Suits sold on orders at whokkeW*prices. Fne ampse tâtent of Cholce Confections .-F. .PS~,Rockefeller. 0'0O -KI.HERE I ýé-Yqu ever see such Bargains? Cotton 5otten'. full weight,------... &sup.ndrs per pair.............. ........................ f.edOa.ts 9 pounds for-------... B-et 6ooking Raisins......... *àbrýé 60ap------------------...... YetFo>am, 1 pkg................ Shoes at 50c and upwards. 9c lic BO0C 2 5c 5c 2 5c 2 c ,ting and Carpets sold at Wholesale Prices on orders. ou want a Carpet, it will pay you to set my prices before buying elsewhere. VOURS FOR TRADE, A. M. BRIGGS, per W. L. BERCHORN. ýnReductflon Winter Good* Fett.Boots at -37c Itote at -25c 'àt Rubbers over feit boots $1.50> CamW Hair Shirts or Drawers 63c -ail wool Vests or Pants 54ç f4ece ined Vest. or Pants 23to34e ~ii WOOt seamIesb Socks double ae ,WoWdls ail wooi hose 7 to20e I'F , tannel20c a7yaiý'4, %prse biankets 76x80 ofmens Vests from 75c to i.Oe orn 3 to 5 1-2c ayardt ,noxSoap26c PR GOODS AS CHEAP, at. mter aà we&val itli reiatives Mud fred, uG544.turned ta mlie aMaaymrlg Mr. Mud lits. Grdon, of Chicago. T nt a 1ev ae ilatj=rpaet r. Mid t1". M j=e la arens âtre. Rlebardmon. GetOm= =ke.Who hia heom spUilag ave hvtier ab.uerMn.= ~twreued home SUi- day evenlm. Be-v. J)lbe and bmlly, of Ivanhoe, amitr.euia 11* ocde neeIy toffd et Roy. Ooqkiimm,4 mtsted Tue.dmq mnlg0for NIgastota viiere 1he7 viia ire. 1)1, >1>1's parents a lev Miýut.>,,, Thie 5unav' venlng luuioaary progaze wa oewied ont tb perfeeMaon The tm pa e aulorelVa mission. 517 von WOle»*yimterestilig. h sone ~areoteios mlowed a demi of prmciUOe or coold flot bhem rendeèed mo veiL. TeKiZ4)aughter e bob!thq4r JJ.Roua., Wednes. "aY.1. Wl " à O .5 .1goo& attend. ance, Tluromy .venibg viNiocour their ohurc l fui viare tbey wliiseU tiie artiiem sthuy devoted s. xueb Mtention te. The. *Ork la propebulmg raptly. iU you ver. face la face villas'pro- apeoltive cusiomrWb"at oWfl Meny to masuve saief B&w the omâ t10 ln au dvertisaent ta our U1<1ud. Peewold aie glad ho dwmi "kNiYOu if they kmev iow you' 0Ulibenft tbem. Urne thie 1NlSpEID~ mh Readlng Crois Thie. next meeting ofai êryake Teacher's Re"dng Cirele WMiib. heid at Rtockefeller, Baturday, Fob. 8, beginalng aI 10 a. M. Literature, Eugene Scribe las Ikule. Anes. "Nathanlel Willi is amie lb.s "Payoology, chap i.,.N u d : .~c' c.MIU....ilbeeker " " XIVM. «T. A.Sipn Ei Arltbrnetic (Eleniflls '1,P. J. Jorgenson Exz Hiutory, Revolnutiemsy War '1 W. S. Welcb Al l nterested kta'RioadinsCree worai cordially invitot. T. A. omou, Bec. ApTA*IkSIC. Rob. Sehley in Wpobéd a"a. Scbool has elossd on mmeunt af dlphtheria. @s.wQ ' Qute 49er ou mr in aieodww> au %mDffl m» Tle -. àA. C. meiÉ 'IBtwa ev.îihiq, vasau zellg eus.Thait tendanÏe vau go04 0"d tii.delmt. =te qU65#4 a "elvd Tha" thanés ran"wsprcitby mii. A ma EWho stqps *sIv Stisulaa 00 lO*hriltm a hOVe poaeleaiy admit. "Oh* -he oth iý uuteo. at UM, 4 la Ir. aver-. toesdf ta but a. nedna lKgv liup Domcmatie ev ooiu ybc.. jh oo4uwa u aow 1à "hai ovner of th beamon Wàmek'l vmpffper ta udrtbem 1I110016s...4iie 0k Cut boebx»mcN. -Xe hean pelec Pouta.r, a gool euorf Correspond- etau d firat-olMas olpboti on lb. rOIed dla Ithe - 0oo.This.paper vii eontinue o ta uenesela populm fayor. PrOm the manner la vailolithie Commisslam or ldghvaysbave con. duolel tlamives.ln Our tnla theb tm IcdPAYèe d1hose whe are bottr t" tojej" t# ot Sing momerof ha; hnoabl bdyJobhn Caroan at teomiag spnng election. EVERETT. Mima Mamie6BArler slsitod taie City recently. The vlndov liglit in tii. depot hms beau replac.d. J. Vauglun-"aeaylng trip ta taie City Wedaeady. M. Melody bmdied taie canioad ci malt lest veek MuMsao Mmd ve ba> to -ee him oui bond veu hereuftie. Taie C. M. a st p. Ry. arc distnibut- ing tles &long theïr limeomMd maklug preparations to gat the. ramd ta condi- tion for muinmer trmifie. Wni. Eaker aiéa reulgaed haistua- tion vitai Eu Prau &kCO., taeseek employment la a vider field. Biny s yhe Caai*t bees bou»e. Theai-"lwysguial im Woodmma bas engaged to write fumwu article. foqr taie I»Dzpxjoeui. Nov subacribe a upapnmd enjoy bAu vît. AU lovera of the' tUp toe plume bould attend the. Laar sar bal! t Wheeling next Iaturday seonlag, & Cbicago Orchestré vill gracm the oealon With a...h .made. A very exolMUg mm.aýway oceured rab apw aqo lent Fiday nm » atefflor nhi auaiTiere t la e eilment hlntaies. Ernest Geo~. 0* Utphusa*Park, id atlSIiedi 4mut e SetI ossuloemmnt bie 1usd of eolW,,*.ssd urkeya, 01 Mho eBOIIa ghybr.d aMd butter and eui -l~ tu hi ae mud vainabis, tUaon otr.> BScotch cole andwagn bflmShepard dog villi that gsaBla vag vo Jakd wGon h" m ltufl IblPMprt for mom JabeGlasIL. 55511* 31h $or poiL.Thl m umima vent occar.d term at tba cq.AStaa'jeu.M then. la mourn- taie ofvenln it 4m«rtau lIe re4ulvea. bld hlm go4 Thie bèad bya member 0fÀ Sho le l "ierly HALF DAY been, voe sl'p »IIItmmdrencared Proffensur Dube la itUUin-& amouru- a few choeS e a l ineose, ng conditioni. they show me im eut. it i o1w tochro 1 HnrySobrooder bas returned home 0li u érice ml i àp iw k two otI 4m ValturOur.-aidai. Ils-ag ii10 Elmer Muray attended tae .ums.e. died at lfUfbf.uu.l e . ake 'nrioh. ta, irettS~ exagerP h la ldai li MIas myerla visltlng littho 1=1 7tUgOe1 chlld ofi lra Sarahi *a ufferimg elth Louie Jahnson wheobamabeau very diphthlo350*WIaime nt sitei'#W sica vitb lung lever taie pait six veelia MondB7~fiaêem o tiiers 0f "Ibi. le ont &gain. lamliy nSo u l thedoctr'. lMrs Thie 2 -- ~-tube lwoi -à*Mh 41qSlf ur, tai oânowlar occured IiPmsdeJeu. 28, and lbe bSnrDyOY7 loI vlth tYPiieid lever. reaas o t4 10toNcrghbfeld for intier- Hoelia improving under -tai ecAreof Dr. mient. Taylor. Btqxdaow ning, Jan. 18, Adolpai Wm. Wells seeme ta bave nmre ai- Beo&eéW, a YOW1g Mau n h, ieeu>10 trlction aven at Everett, perhapa taie or SM iFl pI w~» as s dn kge editor will got au order for vedding nov ugu Ul lo Jocab", fai m NMaTexrr-xî ys ae tend ng near ZsMU. 9Stoue.Tae pit hsbt o purcase a m=onuet Ibis spring rec*àily boMM opeued muid the dyna- write P. Bairatow, 1ukegan, vbo viii mileéuebooe bulandled by John Ayres q note you loy pr mytailnu in ail serm u nesMade l1h neeuary hlm linoe. Wo*rk ýe cheaper fur oM«er. l try lhe experiment. T he nov than et gay othlpme. <liti> pIt, 1.4 uesoe e uccesatul charge mXfl ti yrAmlte a a u f uie The Hal Day Social Club viii ulve tihe fnl taimvb for an*thbsr harge. a Blard Times parti at tihe Town ill, ~ 4eomdcsuaed laie explionmb! Friday evening, Feb. 7, '96. Musie by "th, urnngdynamite mWay.Prof. OSiii ~Chicago Orchestra. tâffuian .&Iear the pît ver. IDance tickets 59 cent., spetaor #s1l hocked but mot burt. >Taie ticket@ 25 cents. Tan are reapeetliy taatm5. vee t men ta Bufalo G>ýve hivited to attend, vitti your aid ~cr itermeit- lothen. Linos. 'WHEELING. b.:= t~rSaudfeXar. OAtk,~ Anothon incressmutonti Wheelihg. vbo..r.....- 5of5S.Tant la riglit F-Don't jet them geI W ahead af you. - ~ elppefret tTaiehcago Rouse, ast Mv -Aesta rost? Saturday night and report a fine wfiè wmý 1»m >d te "& ,.. B. F. Stryker vas married ta Mima. .efl- WISC. CNT~ ~-. i 4T6LS la cm o40vn- I s'w moU s es & v 2 soupe BOUT«. a Se.m-a 4b.m tes 14 lismm Ametia, WiSl 1ma wedineaday I. m. We a&U viaiboeugood nckai uid a lot of obidren. .1 Hello 'Vala anotlier b4 rber la tovn I hhoac M Oat yon'weuWdleed another obuj io ~nsbusinue Sblarush- ig-pâsi»~eder Tb$e hap é"ea pu%'&la sttung rely neatmmdWê ao~oU t5gilphave ~~hldtbuii's teirboat TAie authorlhies At Wsakeganbiir get out m's a~Obi annantlor JO@ Badlier hb l s boeu en u simcatl nigait aI l aie solgafair Be b. <on. or lieeorZtmiàyvtmld ae=ui bhe f unerai of tir. Dluôu F. sciamidl ba* aIbis s#bop uoveil dovu ta Wb"elgSud my" It"bholi ready tga40o amy 1. of crpenter' vorkthat nmy be brougait te hlm mis piAilure tnpsnimga"sud ai tmA0fr.-, pmlluprcmp>y attended. Joua Eéli *Mrun3buuy vila the, ~êiaAnn-u&I Is nowin Full Blast. Weatte Entire Stock of Medium and . Weight Goods at Iess than -W sale prices. You can mfake selection out of over 1200, Suits for Men and Boys. 500 Overcoats and Ulsters. Several Hunidred pair s of Pant Lowest Rock Bottomn Prices found at "TIHE MODELOP GLOTNING 1NOU4 Temperance Temple, SWashingtoin St., Wau W. are Here for BUSINE And We Want Vour Trade, If Low Pri coupied with Reliable Gooda, a*~ Promipt Attention te orders, count. Try some of thome good things ln Canned Gooda. Good Corn - - - 7c a cati. Eariy June Peas 1 lOc a cai., Pie Peaches -1- Oc acafl. Fine Table Peaches - 15e a cati. Assorted Fruit Jams 1 i5c a cati. Strictiy Pure Honey, home production i n Mason's fruit Jars - - 30c a pint Guaranteed pure Buck- wheat Flour, ground to our order - - 3c alpound.. Just Received, Fancy Lemons, 0ringes, an& Full Cream Cheese. Three Specials in DRY 000DB: Novity in Dresa Goode at 1l5ca ý'yd. Havy Denlms4 plain and stripes, 12e. a-yd. '400" Sheeting 6c-by t*6 piace5 1-2 ca yd. We ssii Western Washers, and Wayne Combination Washers. Long Grove, lu. V. SAUER. & >B< Drugs, Medicines, GhemicaIs,.ê, >14PERF UMERY, SOAPSI COMBU, SBrushee, Trussea, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, É"hile s Toilet Articles, JBooks and Stationery, Dye Stuffs, OaG ffl y PAIJNTS, OULS, VARNISHES. PATENTMEDICINES. compounded at ail houo.. Goods Carefully 8.iected. Only th, DIAMOND LAKE. mi"sa MaIe Colby la noc botter. Franki Davidson ha@ lh. mesnies. j Bert Wiieo la siowly lmproving. Goodman bouse vas plaslered liais, week. Miss Barbara Book returned ho Chicago, Sbut.rday. Chas. Bîlinsail and ullo -a-eat Oraysiake, Bmurday. Onace, Anna, Robert snd Lji. Lini are sU repôrted sicai viath theme@Mies Farinelubbed togethen and fSU" the creamonry le. ouse. Tbey expeet 10 keep cool nexl asammer. Lest Friday niglit a parly of married ltal mrprised Mrn. m m RmBa , Rause; an enjoyabio lime via bsd. WlUie Graves Lampman at, Zoiflion bas gone ta ails home, et Wboled, Indien&. We are mrri to loés Win. tiXr, Jongemasn vini bave a schooi ehtertaiim à ithe uighS of Wauii "y. ookout for catedil 'e Itla h me t rouble to vull tives Mud inonda oft«n.~ nMl bavee A~ instesA af i rllageu4seI sil tise nova e d M mUa mmmy respectsU l viii 1> limgVidie GOIEG PoirTE > il S'a su. ce 1, 1 C &te O*ING so#u",#Wt ýe

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