E Xl£CUBA. NAn AtXIOUS TO ACCORD il- ELLOÏR!NT RIGHTS. OU o *Va.4 Tht. End-Unela Cei uoit-Btieti-Mat O,giUbg"9 I iattke ut Cilcago. $eii .ito, undtCuis. Soatae Comnsitee on F4oreign Rec- âîds'sd upona s uabtitutç fou- tia beretofore reporteti on thie 01 the'-cogiuidon ot Cub~a sud Morogaéu4ulorted Itta .4" .Seuate, It met wltdii full approval. 'T7he Io in 4àtWshpe o! a concurrent Aisztepoateti ileluas tobwàl- 'aj~l» the Snate, $h. House of v . sconcurrln& talianlatih. êt-Cougress a condition of puble -egiètu hetiveen lihe Goyernmeut o! Ow l. Oovrement procdihned 4e-u.-h» .mslatlIIed b>' force - fr le o~pî f Cuba; sond liaI - Satea of, Amerle& aboula atiet neitralt>' behween t he 0I4igpoiireandst accord te eaci ail 4W Otalsoft ligirents in the ports and beitur' of the Uniutedi Statea." - Senatar t gauve a otionbat b. wauideai up Ithe ,ýW se s oon as hocouldaacure the oft$ . thei Senate. Tii. Foreign om aie. avoted 1e maire an te taire op the Caban question in Moae' us spen as ti. urgent deficine> 49 mreolution for tihe distribution *Pffopriatlon bbiise eau be dis. . t 3d àX9C«spentar Kihis - is Prtiy adma inuelle ip* fi a revolver uere tie W1t~Iue Riciardi Kiattke, s tes &Cilcago, sien'is entire fea- 0f six; thon, lurning the. revolver upen f, ho committeti suicide. Wbau la the vicinîl>' borst loolie oAst>'Wetinedy mou-sit, lie>' eVoir corps.,and as- unperfieial a os howed liaI eaci of KI*Ït- Îlc#ms b.d been siotthirougi lie MO thïhi.himuef iad ded in a manne". Noeévidence o! strug- gau.anti as utpt> cilorofoans bul- uelt udcate use of taI anistielie tii iooliag. 1ýiattko 'as de- Th t.Timemberq of bis famuli> anîlsd bungu->. Sinte.Christmas 4 inouI o! wark andl he endeti ~eisJusl as relief n'as in sîgit. a'maruing bils nert-door ocîgi- APbI Schidt, calieul ut lie cottage iteJoifol i s liaI i. bed foura frKîstîke. At tie smre lime ileuarrlved on a simibar errnnd. -tn at lotohow muci tuaoun torei bodies rere cel hu ien UONJs BELL IEBADILX. £.mt of Issue Puiscribeti SeZvegul Timpe Over. (*4bhlgti 4isp*(ch: The public geta _*«M tl.00O0ta, $,000,000.ofthie ffl,0," Opopular ban, aud th. Piei-- 'spt Morgun' ayudieatc secures thece -*sudee on- a bld af 110-0877 for $100,. ~ 9~O0. Scatteuiog bide ivere receiveil Un btks -sud lavealors ibove tiaI fig- ne for about tie aura fi-st meahioneul. Tii' ýbMr9an id bld is ont tic cominatioti éing engineered4 iy John T. Stewart, Aiuseuh Sage, and a hait dozeu trust eom- paides under their ledership. Nat les than C125,O,000 n'as bld for iy lieue oeucerneansd thiju-cuatomersse thie -«ulfortu price. o!110.075. lie total nomabet' o! bide n'as 4,6W0, reprceutiug 4total suipeription of P~60,000,000, nol iuntlng a bagua bld of $100,000,0 f ram à Michigan dacbar, andu antier tram a X'*as bumoriut tfi- $16,000,M00. Tic ý*eIîio realzed b>' the Governîneut for w uok-ilsae ivuI ho ver>' close lui 3% 'ýeçuiîi. TbeliMorgan bld isnirdctionally ibôè'e tali gur@-about 3 7-16. BUILDING ELOWM< UP. 4beatr. od Satina 10 Flalil Pou- W-bll experimenting witb a neir flas- i~t Owder huveitteul b>'Geai-ge Law- a Ciengo piohograpier. 1'. T. anue doyý, eaused an exio- h W'e - dis buildinîg, sovere- ëred Dununlgand lira. Lawvrence, the iaPioltMPher, and siattred Inslu eveva,utruetures adjacent -Studio. mhe ezphogioA -oci-urreul iî la h te secondi star>-, -tyere Dun- uas iugag.d It makiug paivuer used 4;g fiallgit hicures, Hea thie wr ofi- ut n i.l *soq was putiug ilt .ta mh Menlâ1udted to cotain tn'a eut vu 'tiout apparent case tie AzOS i ruiER1TILL n m. vetsso eandi equa Att Devaita- -tin..o h. Taxas Ptood. Volt Worth, Texas, dlapatch 50>s: . *teounta lb. Buaxas River uîas ~ihiagauinlch an haur. Thé. eveo ut $slAgttlnà, near Hempstead, lu 1>crevass, la tort>' feel xiide - iîdîr, sud tie ivater la ovis the surrauodiug coîluhi->. tiivalil.'r ith b. inundatesi. At ad Velasco lie river la silîl ilýd footng tbe Valley'. -I nab- ùounty lie Yequa River lsqut o! and ?uousands e! acres are »ëMdolbe casof! peity rations wilibihb.dlayed hytIlie - 994'e Ou FlieuCoînage. c1*ue Oornltlêof a!tle Sentne f rport fo thue tau'lff billI.a Proevldbg for'the freec caa fflis ub oliÉW v lmenuueVenezuela i id Armea.. The banqiet'ef thie Nonconformist Un- loalut Assoiation at the IIotcl Metëoiie, la London, was thte ocosiou for au ad- dm" sb> the Marquis of Salisbury'. Iu the. course of blist emarks hoe s'td iith zefrenee to Venezuela: -1 bave ibeen keld 'uP @tlke deiouncer ot the Moiwoe ,doc- trine. As a Miter of tact. ithougb the .Monroe doctipje hi mio partof interna- tional law, auy dispateh tuo'.%r. Olue>'. the Secretar>' of State of the United States, supported it as a î,de of policy in tbe strQUiges'and mnit distinct ternis. But when 1 Istatod ii tint dispatelh and toit- erate non- that as a ride of ilic.y ie are the ejtire advocates ofthei Montroe doc- trine. , Weiean the Monroe doctrine na Prcsident Monroe und,-i;îôod hi. (Cheers.> 1,9i tient sense voix will ot mijd any mare coliIiiicf4] upporters tihon we are.- IHo tien turued ta the Armenan qnutiou aud he reprascied the religions ,ounnuxitirs wlti Iaboring rnder a istake wvhen tue>' aupposéd that Euglaud fmd bonn] iehrâeif ini honar ta suiclbr ie.Armniiaiis. whihî ùeanustu go'lu ta:arwith , hic sultan in order ta force ltinto gaverul the Arme- niana %voil. 'Tie speaker 'rp.hifided his hearers thaïthte reforma qwhicii thc sultan hall recenîly osteepted, sîthouigh ver>' good reforma. conlil not hbéxpl-Ivu o produce good kuvernmen:Çui two montîmu. TRiEASU1tttY TATEM3ENT. Jeunsary Shows a leficit of Threc and a "ait Millitons. ILe sîstement ot the .floverutumeut re- cMptaud expenditures for Jaiiuary oliov the aggregate recelpîts to hâve heewap )roximatet>' $20,M37,670, and the expen- ditures 2l1JiSlcfa% ing 1Ai ricit for the moitb about $491J~and for the Eevenionliuu of thc preseut fiscal >ear about $18,8i3,M47. The recciplte frout cutitoms duriug tie month ofitJa nuary ii saant ta about f1.S,9i rout inter- nuni revenue, *1, a,41 nsd troinmi*u- ceilaneous soutrem aboutI $1,815,4 ô2.'This la a decmepeo about $,0. in the receipts trai ,customn a. uijnred iith Jauiuary, 1505 and au inerense ot about in 0,(0 uthe receptsainrum Iterniql revenue. As comparod u'îtb bust uouth. there la an iiicrease oftirver $4,000).00 L) i the receipts front eisteras sud a decrense of neari>' $1,'15Q000 lu the re-eiptu tfrom couanud a dcc.ease of neari>ly .ii M0 lu tbe recelplits front internaI revenue. The pension payaients last mntiamtonut to about $9.9800W0. a decresase f ront De- cornier of about $.8i00 S1GNO OF LIV1ELY TIADE. llopeful Reporte fos- Spu-a r -om u.iu- neleuen IL. G. Dan & C.es Weekly licien' of Trade saya: "Thiougi business lu aili wailiug, thero are soine signas of deinitii impuovement. It lu non- believesi tintthle fi-st payuîcut for boude îviii cause nu fair- tla.i presutre, ansi the moue>' markets are casier au reapecets loans on euhhteral, tinugi tic diflicut>'o! mailing commuer- ciet oans stili checks operationa, but arge maturities at the endi o!f.luuuary n-eu-e met mai-e gatisfaetoilby han n-as expecheul. andl merehata ansi batîkers repart filat the. signau promise nag'aad aprlug hi-de. No hurense appefrs as yeh lu thie deintt for tiç' principal producîst, except irou, anti steel, anti nneerilauy as ta congres- :s10 1 action atil affects bath industu-ies ad"miîerre, but tie inerease l in quir>' and tii reporuts o! deaers are deemosi assurance of large tuado eoming ivienever lie uncerbabul>' la uver" DECLARES FOR PLeACE. NationizRtons.tioh'Tuadi, iteda Ou-cet- llac tbillitiei Commnercial Boul>. The Nartioji*aoard o!f'rradt<, i ils clamiiug àe.sdMiln Washington Thursîhay, b>'a n aiiiii risiîug vole, directesi lie presideult o! ttb board ha peud theftalIon- ing pence 49nuimenlta the Associahetl Chambers of Comumerce, Londlon, En- gland: "Thue National Board of Trade a! lie Uitied States, tssoînhîcu in ait- lilai metiug at Washington, sonda gi-cet- inga othle Aseociatesi Ciamhmer8 ot Coma uaterce o! Gieat Brilaju, reciproct4ing aIl tlic fibndi>' sentiments u ttiresi b>'tic Englih comnmciai hadies. and expresses lie earneat visi tint commerce andl relig- ion, retîrcsentiiig flic greauu progressiive aîuîicirulizitug force-i out hic oi-d. na> lionoratîl>'aiet-itcollisiotn ietvectiIlie Exugliihi sleaking nations n-ho, mure than ami>' allir, rt-ireent thc sentimntu: 'Icae ou eaîtl, guos i viit t nen., Taugle inlHOaaqicrdam. B> a tiiouniuuîs deciâepiio! hl Liatn SupruneecourtlituaIboudy'îfaits tIa-c thic ppu-rtiusii ut-ut neti of l8t'., i-caflii rîî Ille decision outihe mnme ct-adit 'titag aimide thei'aîitortbouuîncnt îof 1891, andîlias:î bruugi t ilhua -iera tiain lue n prmrtnIinu-it etf 185, ivhiehitildet-tares tluih le ont, legal act silice thîat date. Thue di-cisalat s !ar-relainiugifbs effettuandI enals tram a bAdy camîioosi of both flepuilicails and,.Deuiocr.:tsu 'TheDeuocrrsîieliegi luture utof 1,tullen'lng lui' eopsîitlttiîîu- ah requireentis ho enset nu aip4)ihioiticuîit Ian- eveF'>' al-thi 'ear, ltuseesi:tunac nihiil n'as attackcîib>'lYcthe eîuîbicani;andi sel aulde i>' lis Sipiîue Court as tut-îMtit- tltuliît, fhue latter body]> holding il %vas un- fair inii is pruovisitons hecatise igave gieter eirceetltiou lu salune poriIontsut tic Sînte thati taulihers. 'rie 1)mociutie Lýeistature utf181)3 usteeiauîther aii sud flicleltiîhea Lgisluuîure of 11h15 rcpciiled il auuîbsheitaîcul au ntehulI noi an'. Tuiuî turu ivas atha-ku-d b>' lie Demacratsoauthie grotunsi Ibal ih viaW lalcul thc provisionsa ut tiecronstitution in ieing elloeteil ait a flane betore ie ixthi year ofince thc ahportionluput o! 18143 %vas Ilassesi. This contenîtionî lias sus-. tainbutheicSupreinc Court, hut it faiedi ho cuncode huec Democi-atic position flinI the Iaw o! 18913 nas operotive, holding lisI the saine abjeetiauns îviiî'iîobtiaiel «gailltthc aîîrrtiouînî.uîî o! 189exist E1 bo retîder vîîidlthe appurtiituliieitOfIo! v yî'ars actuire; tat tie Legislature uit 18941 îîg auîpet(i'ti--amidter lie ionstitution, la ensect an appuirtiMmuetiuiNai, huit thc court iaving met tulaI eai-Iasiu au umcati satiluticual. -i-iti-iie tîluhialuc bau ta tlite laîv o!f1885 ta 611-1 .9a vliîu ncmeut. Neari.l luuu-u-d the WronuîgMati. At I lt't>-itil. h alliigztriatcoulbe 'cgtht-i(! 4d o u îire NMtîxfiellt0aut Iluein lu uîaxptgt.. 'ltuî- i-e eUtînhie 10o tai E "'id , u itiil t hîe nid o! ait lu- t cretlt-r lu'illC dti nid tu mari-y hie gii-iP)itheiii- lit-st luth uî. J asehouas tgtl'îîîîîîîthelc nisînke n'as tus- fi"i %'%as hi i-iitui a>nned intotplacef ani se( ]yc3 li-il. Republcaus RBute Loisiavilie ule iLoiuisville Cilty Couneil elitagd Qeorge 1). Todl'h Meîubib lu>,eéý ON CRUSOE'S ISLÂND. SHIPWRECKED MARINERS FIND SIIELTER. Fc3r.ît Sferince of theo Crew of the 1'arihia-ItHarrison out of the Presi- dentisl Race-Wliy Varnhipub Werc Not t eut tathie Dardaonelles. Cruaneqcu iandi'Povena sShitier. 'r i h1 ou) 'N a f, iatu Callao, brouihîtoluP'ait 10n'iîend, NVssl.. tuwo ot the ivoix', StewvardlU'hatte tîîiil(-)i- Mlil-heu. tfromu lic sbip h'nrlhisi . il'i n-t ntesurneu t soitseverni iveeke aga ;») sailesaouthiveeh o! juîan Fernantiez Islanîd. Tihet'slsain aud lirst oftt'i5 hauts reorbeul Juaun l.eramîdc ezlanîudd f roli era they won'e tenke ta Xaliîarîiiso b1Y -a Ubileaui mau-of-n'isi. Ticsec-onds îîîaite'u hoast 1ad a sovere tinteand iwax foutnien la>- reniitig Naiharaiso. Foi- ais ulsys lhey uuere ivitheut n'jitei- sud foods.' David Jolies, an Ameriron tactor, nio a a-liaeînser, becamo insne auîd wiu lieud doivu for lîva da>'s. n'ben he îiî'îlsiedl Ss biebd ut sen. Theeaoller u-lausaluiaut deupaired o! .xeacbiutg short' anud oe ronsidcring the aulvîsa- hbl t iesuuitiug to ext-cule nîcasisures Wht'u a uitis spruitg it) andi qtiikl>' car- ried the bhast luVaijiaraiso. îvhere lie î-rcîv ias lakelu asiore, unt-oîuseous aud iiueri>' deul. t<cport'ibumoi'ltPi-evenlecl a Naval Deine eîraton b>'Unitedi Maîtr. A dispatt-i fi-ouiWauiigtcnui te thc st. laines' Gazette tut iAiîduutsaYs th cacr- -cupoIileul ut lbaI papier bafi te itgbeat anthority for nauouuieiug tint the en- tent-;. hetîveen Ituissa andl Turkey la knonuet lhc State Deiîaitment and bas mad a Moast important efeet lu ioodifying tie laintic adminisratian iad tire- Pari-euhta conîpel Tiirkey ta pa>' su lu- demnity for thie damage doue tu Amern- eau liropert>- iu Armnuia. The corre- rîilenî caveys. hu spite of deniabu, lha is aIble ta a4uiure ilie i-casers of bis paper Iliiîîlianaval deoionstt'atieu ripou lie part ilf the n'aishipu a! thli'ited-Statca ivas liie-iar-id. adatisi a îîinelt meeting ap- l'rauves]thli itlir'>' afbriuging pressure la beni- îpou Tîrku'y. lic aiso says Secre- tsi-y Olue>' enleredi lao communhcation iiti Russasand Great Buiaia, anklng thit if liey woiuld appose action of lie Unitedl States agaiuat Turke>'. Great Rritaiu's i-cul>, lho ua, nas favorable; but Russia intai-niesi Mr. Ola.> liat aie iiiefrrcd lieue sboîuld lie no naval dent- ousîration ah Ihati ime, as Russia n'as uegtiatiug lu brnig aboutI a resturation ut arderil u, iiko>', n'bbci countryI->' . De Kotzebue, IRusu minialer 'la tie 'Uited States, is saisi la have intormued Mi-. Oluey. naiId ta>' an>' ilidemnily i-e- quiresi. Tierefure tie prajectedl demou- sîraîbun o! tie United States ivar vesselsi in Turkisb i-iters n'ns abandoaed. SEVEN YHARS TUE LIMIT. Dselion of Ou-cat Importance 1u Pen- Sion-soukers. A mesure ufthle grecteat lotereut ta îîrnsiauuors nas putthrougi lhe Houa. of Iteîresen ta tives Tinu-uday when liaI boul>' doplesi tie repart mate b>' tic Commiltée 'ou lnvaliti Pensions, il iras reeouuoended b>' the cammillee tiatlaii li c'assof pension cintasathe nnexpisined' absence for aeveo yetirs o! the saldior ivotul be ail that was neceasar>'ltii-rove unhe tin s deaul. Il uas salît thia n-as ini coniîfnih>' iiti commun miv, anti wioiîldi nnmci- rtaIl tîrînoses ansi iuateti:îll>' asubutl a great man>' ahplicanîs foi- pentsionis. Uîîuer lhe i-iual o it toi-ce ah thie l'î-îuion Bureau, attiugh a soidier inn v nul hav# been icord fi-oui aituce lie wnna--loe. this cannauot cansuderesi a priot etflis deati, andi bundreuls o! cases are luili up lu tie Pension Oflire an ait- ng surîttiirota. i Bouk Cauhier Commit* Suicide. (ilililCi-George Bar-narti, o! liciri- Stanîtix Natiunal Rani, at Route, N'. Y.. ie (lî:îd bb>'ils oîvîhatîî, ansi the hank s niutul, peadhîug an exsmintian o! ils affaire axderedth lcBRai-ilo! Directors. Mr. IBarinard n-as 57 ycars af agi'. lic i-u ti-tiIthie bani oustiiecotumut cren l875 lie- inu axpainteul lashicu-, andtl 1us il Iuat ptsiion mince, cujayiîg lie i-anti- îietu-P antd cubeem ut ai]. lie uvos also itustee o! the Romine Savings Banik. lie lzî,l cen-ou thi e <il> ty ofuaLitauMay'or, si-t traI i hiuesnosueperîisor. tCallcoller- tir. andu bai lîcîtiothuci-publier ihceq. Tic tssu-Is o! tie Fart SlanwiiNational Blil, a ne $150,000. __- Nebraska Farmers Au-c Guatetut. l-ridwy thei-sei-rt'tary- o! tIie St. Josephl. Mu., Commetrcial Clubiî i-c-ci-u a draft fur $103 fi-un Grand Islandi, Nei., te s amne beiug matie>' i-iliinhereul ulonateu iy thc joihers o! liecit>' ta Neu-akn draugil aufferers lan181>4. A lictci-aconu- pauinlustic draftI ays the tiîruiers uvia uete helpetl in 1894 raisesi goosi crapu lit yearun sudiluteudesi ta diseharge tliu abligationls. Tic moue>' use sent as t gtft. net as S boan, ansi lIe retuuirn vas a surprise and isla smething unprecedeuled. Ilaru-isoma Out of lb. Gen,: Benjaminu Harrisna itonelanger a candidé fo to-hie Repnhliean lDomination for the presidcney. Coptaiuu John K. qoird>, ehai-manofai-tic Indiana Itepubli- cao state Centrai Commitîce, callesi ou G (e.. Rari-iton atI Ihîianapolii Monta>' evcunisg b>' invitation, sud tlbexPresi- tdent ianded himu a letter in n'iiciho an- natînceul hiat h b s e îlt Satdidate for thie puesident'>'.and expi-esuet a uisi tint bis osmue bc etalpesentesintah le st. Louis convention. ____ William iH. lnghieh 1lit. Witliatm IL:Engililn l ylng ilangerous- 111 a bils bhel ln Indianapolis. A n-moi agi Mu-. Enghiis adt attlaek of the grip, wlieb requlteul in congestion <f lie mucous imembranet o! telia asusatges. This hbail oanie ranciîh eller, wheu bu- flammatoi-y rieumnatiani sel ini. ose aur G. Murray te AtId Cowen. Oscar- G. Murray' las rosigutedsi uvice- pregideat oftheu -'Big IFour" ta o ome oîîeiatiag lreshient atndigenicial umanager o! th.' Baltimnore aîdiOhiho, i catnection nlti .. K. Cen-en as reitenî îatd Esi- îiard R. Bai-on as chairuian a! tie exocu- tive cotmillate. (Md Landnark Gone. tehibstorie i"irshCUnituirianaChurci, omi ,'Meeutii,-IueHill," Dorchester-, Mass;., a familiar lamdmari ansithie 011- eut eburci in Ïh i tic-lt, w.. dcslu-a>-d byflîu.Tic oss la estimated at $3Uý00O aILvUe »ND BILL PUU Mfeasua.. Will New Go Dack bteh Houg.. T-e canti-ut over tie silver baud bihlla at an eend la the Seatle, Iliat body baydss Pnused the free #!&ver coinage subititut. to lie House bill1 19turday b>' the decil ive vote of 42 to 35, a majorît>' of seveu for free ilîver. Trhe bill was a substitute fuor the Houa. bond bill1 aud jrovides that fr-onatih date of tic ant the muinIs of the 1i oued Statpss shaih ho tpen tu the eramage of silver and the dollar ubsil tic the lires- ont iveigit and tinenes.s ad also tîrovides for thie crtilleatüs. It furthcr provicles for the coinage of the seigalor- iorage non' in the trensury and auîtho)rizci Imuliediate i@%lue of certiti- entels jpion tflicsnue !iliadvance of il bcbg colued. One section of the bili pro- vidles tint noianak note of lesel thon $10 sisil hereatter ho listued, aud thase ont- Standi'ng of les, ambonut shat] bh itken up andi eauceled au raîîidly asno ib.Sec- tion tour providea tiîat tie grecuba-L-u aud trensîry notes shall ho redeened iii standard silver dollars or in gold coin at the Option of tic trcasury, and the green- baeku, n'bcu su redeemed, saalhobcimec- diately reibbsueil. Stockuaen liumband Water. The large sqtuckru e ttof Pierre, S. D., hnvc under cofisidcration aI jîrcuont P. ph-m for iateriîig dry ronges b>' tiran'- iug a serbes of dais liearonsathe guiches iin iocalitie.s îhieihbaroelîitherto been withoîît nater duriug drought selisons. Duriag the drouîghts afthie pau on' wycîirs thc abandounieut oft ny ranges wherc the water suiipy depends; on the smialer streanis iasulicou neeesunbry. As a resuit the ronges abolit the uater boes bave beçu greati>'ovcrcrowdled. This as cous- cd1 causiderabl ltinasnsd endiensdispulî's îumoug rivai catie owners, and tie sitlua- tionhoahnticugîligravnunouserions thâtt aome remedy bas hecoine absointel>' nec- pisgn*. B>' danîmiug the guiches the sur- plus water suppi>' of tie uîîring samd cari>' nommer ivili ho so-ed, furnisuiig &al am- ple suppi>' during the reutider ufthei year. Tie expeuse will ho consider-lb!e. but the bonefit. il lu lioiigi,, wil hoe Suifficut tu tull' reps>' the projecturs of !ibe plan. Leu@ In Two Millions. Prapert>' îiîh on euitimalt-îlvalue ut $2.000.000 nus iurned enrh>' Stnda>' uioruiug i l'iiladeiuîbia. Tlhe big eeveiî- star>' builditng o! Chles Il. lhaseltieu. Nos. 141; nad 1418 Cbcatuîl stu-cet, nad thie adjoinig tive-sior>' strurtuire ut thue Bapthst Pubilicathon Society' sud tie Amerienu Baptigt Hisîorical Sachet>'. No. 1420,wiere deutraiyod. The builulimgu dam-j agesi b> fi-e and wativaluond flling ivalla were ticheur- eor>' dry gonds hanse o! Huamer, Le Boutillier & Ca., Nos. 1412 sud 1414, lie dîvciling hanse nt 1422, owvue-Jiy thie Wistar enfuit-, sud lie Iloi- tel L.afauyette, ah Broasi sud Sausami aI reels. Rangs Herneit by lheUir. Matlieiiuc lessiier, ut tibhsaiihnrg, 0., n nielani-ialy plaient nt lie T'luIî Mallnse nsylutu, comittesi suicide in ai lueliai- manei-. Sic iras sitting lim a chair anti bn gante mniner fasteuod lier lmur arounî ici- ueck andi ta lite ck ut tiechrair sud leauil toi-nai-t. Wien toLnmus ma mia- ies tatou- ieo-ns deaul. Heat>' Tt-ado iluAsatratha. A loi-rifie tarauda, aeompaniesi hi>'flood.i, oceurreoT 'firesdti' i)Nor-thi Queensandl, Austraiha, altendes itîhi gr,*at destrut-- tion ot lite sud propert>'. Tic rahtali dîî-ing tic laruaduo amouinte,] ta liveut>- siix iteheso, andi lhe damnage ta hiu-alitrty will amounu ta $Zu4J,000. Naiî>-persis n-cie du-aiveul. Many Situdeuta Are Caux-erleul. Geai-gec Ih.Suith Callege. Setlala.Mo iu inthe fi midsl of a ivudîtciful ri'iigjoi revivai. Moiutuay ailthuut four o! tie 100 sudients pi-otccsni thiianuiy. 'Tie sioutiîîg anîd uitginxg o! Illie îuiuîilntloli -n i-nul Ii close îi-ank andl aii-aise tmeeting ,ousa hîu'it tli tax-. Wili Not Bau- ielva Lockwoad. Acting Su'i'ietary Reuynuolds urderesi n suispenionî uftue aider uluubau-nii.- BerNs A. Lan-ccod ftrtractiî-ing beore the pensionuuî re'au. %Ira-. Lai-kioot i hns gii i- îsiai---Il, ni sie viii Iretunud thle feu îll-ged la have been imii-aîieily i-- eioed. Navy lalie PotI an Wsu- Vootinz. Tich-e iiNewok 'oi-lul uys lit a lvai oiiu-ci-'declar i-c hite ntuion it lace thie iai3 on as couiffltec a ivar footinig au is liossille in fitnie î,f pîîe .anuldi-itioli- t-atehi' i t ilît 'ilîiteol stîiies i-au do ini lie iv»' o! a iunst dieeseIi-t-t. The Se. PaunIlis Flosteul, Thecii-ai-er St. lîllouit he Itlern- liitonal îi ilntoîu Il iiuu slini-. a-lit-l îx-îîîttinslîtiontic t,' anîtiar otiLonIug Braurli a veek logo, liaîs héec ui tneul. MABSET QUOTATIONS. Oicaigo-Catile, cammon lu prime, $3..'» lua $5.W; baga, ehiptpiîg grades, $3-W tla $4.50; slîeip, tair lu clîiiec.$2.501 ho $3.75; uical, -Na. 2 resi, 45e lua467e; coi-n. 'Ço. 2, 28e- ta *1c; otsu No. 2, loe ho 20c-; rye, No. 2, 41c ta 43c; butter, ehoice ereamer>-. loe ta 20c; eggu, freh, 12e ha Vie; potntuesalier itîsel, 18e lta 25e'; hirounii-arn, 2ecta04-ler paounsi' for pour ta chaire. Indianaioli-Calltle, siippung, $300 là $4.75; hogs, i-hove ligit, $300 ho $4.50; sieç'p, comun tahoPrime. $2.0 fa $3.75; ieflt, No.2, (;Ge3 ta USe; crn, No. 1 white, 27e ho 28c;catse, Na. 2 whilte, 2.2 ta 24c. ' St.Lus-aie $300 la $5.00; baga, e3-00 ta $4.50:; wiueat, No. 2 ted, 7d4e la 7{ie; coi-l. No. 2 yeilon', 27e tr 28c; aats, No. 2 whiite, loe ta 20e; r>-e, No. 2, 39t ta 40e.- thueanai-Cltbe-$350ta $4.75; bots, P3.0 ta $4.50; sicep, $2.501 lu $4.00; wheat, No. 2, 746c ho 78e; coi-n, No. -2 nixeti, 29e tii 'le; oahs, No. 2 mixesi, 2'c2 ta 24c; r>-e, No. 2, 43e ta 45c. Detroit Caftle, $2.50 la $500; hdgs. $3.010 ta $450; uuîeep, $2.00 ta $4.00; ivient, No. 2 resi, 75e ho 77c; coi-n, No. 2 yello', -28e la 29ü; nets, No. 2 whihe, 22eq ta 23e;r- ryp, 4le ta 42r.4 Toledo-Wbcat, No. 2 red. 75ec ho 7(;e; corn, No. 2 >elon', 2-7c ta 2Ur; auo, No. 2 white, 20e ha 22e; r,-e, No. 2, 4lc ta 42c; claver seaul, $4.80) lu $440. àlils anke-IV'in, No. 2 spriug, OS- ta 434e; corn, No. 3, 27e ta 28c; oaîs, No. 2 whilte, 20e la 21c'; bai-lt-y, No. 2, 32e la 3-1c; i->e, Na. 2, 41c la 42c; pork, mess, $10.25 ha $1075. Ruffao-O(atîlc, $2.501 la $525; hog%, $3.00 ho $4.1M; Feep, $2.501 10 $375; n'ieît, No. .2 i-euh, -Î&tu 81c; coo, No. 2 yebiow, M2e te 33c. ont», No. 2 n'hite, 9t4' te26pi FIRE IN THE! BASEMENT 0F THE REVIEW 0F Ti4EIR WOnK ATr GILSEY MOUSE, NEW YORK. WASHINGTON. Damage la eBliglut, but Mly >'Ladieubet.ie4 PoccedincuetfScoute andé Xither Feui tiwnatairs or Becs,.. Hquose-Btlle Pasucé or ltroducetil Hysteaical-Chinene to Duild Rail- la' F.ther Brancbi-Quetionu of Mo- rondu-Lino Cannot Enter Pckii. ment ho the Country' ut Largse. Denseo Pamoke Cause. Exciteussent The Leuluhatîve Grind. At New York lire tint starteulin the An animatpd debate over the question drying-room lu tie bnsculent of the Gil-0f takiug a vote nunlte pouding silver- Bey House caused great excitenmeflt nflODK bond bill elosedt the session ufthlÈlen- the2-24 gntsin the liouse, may of *hl'i te iaîc Thurada>' afternioun. Nkr. stcw- became hysteri lal1, white othors fel] downri- art deelsi-oul ihat it mande ni dIfferenceit Blairs iu their efforts ta escape tramt the wileu a vote wtts taken. or wiotier uny building. The hailiiays wieofilled with was talion. It was al "drees parade" amoke, and there n'ais over>' indication and Ibiione" lle added tbe sismili- tisai the building wauld he coinnflmu catit statemnut- Iat the pendib livu The fire vras discovered whvitle the gueste ameudment would ho germane àu an were ath11 asleep). The wtcimen touched amendaient te the tsriff-.thi> sand Ibat off the autoniatic signais which communi- ivheu lhe latter mensure cause bc-tore the cated iith the varions flours ta alartu the Sonate hocn'ouîl<i ffer a silver amemdmt gueula, sud thon bnrrbed ta the neareat ta test the Senatars on their choice b&- alartu box and turned Ilahtilre alarmn. tween tarif sund sliver. Thse Sonate ivent Ou tie arrivaI of the engiues lu Iespnnse mb executive session andti Ien tooli a ta thie fi-ut algum the smokat was te thiek recels witbout nu>' exact understaitditil that a secondidrnir was sont lu. la a as te tie tîme of tasking the vote. The shart lime thelifre n'as extl ngssished and attetidaiiep lu the anse n'as ulitu. The the gueula iled bai-k ta their dpartmiputu. repart of the Eleciions Conîmiltee la The total damage willi not antiunt t. maire tavor of the sitting memsber, D. B. Cul- thon$5W.bei-sou, fraon the ftorti Texats district tian$J00and agasinst T. il. ])avis, 'vus adopted ]RAILlt0Al> IN CHINA. witiaut division. Ou motion of Mr-. Don, - litho <[tep., %Nasi.> a resahltioui WB» Ansiserîcanus hould Not Allow Entre- adopted requuesting lic President to pene te Ot Attend oft hen,. transmit ta Congreus the repart af the Tie Ciue Govet-umeat bas at lengtb Board of Engineers au lie fNlecittuf lurned Its attention ta the canstructioni canal. The bill ta ameud tbe uependessif ut railroadu. sud, aerordiug ta United pensions act t rIM)se tain u onululci- States Minister Dëni>', has appoiuledl ing ividows* M-lains seven yearu of uaci- Chui-Aiea a provincial juduge ta supe-rin- Mals].admsentreslîouuld ho demed .uffl- tend the building of a railroed from tient prout a!flite death of tbe soldJea., Tien-Tain ta Lu Kou bridlge, eigbt miles n'as Possed. The spanker annagasied th* W'eut of Pekin, n'birhisi as ucar the as- appoaiuent aorlii- Wellington (Rep.. cred previncîs of royalty' au Chinea» cli- Nio.) ou h -l osinliîte ou Latter. and quethe wlll permit the rond tii approach hMr. Bel.kuap glhep.. lii.) ou Itailwvuisand at present. Tic coat ot the seyent>' miles Càaas. of rond lu ctimated lat$2.000.000. Il lu The Scintle Frida>' spent mast oft1he te lie fiuihe l isi ane yenr. Tie decree lime sparring over the fi-ce <-ulage mes- ordering thc n'aik ial&requibres Chinexe tirc. 1The lloîue cntieiteditla routine nieri-innsta Iofoui istock cumpaniesta buîsiness. Muit«t fthesesîison %vasdevaled buiid aliter rajlironîls, for tice(loverrument ta tlie Distic~- t f('îi)liàti1apopropriiation lu deleriniiied toa<xinde foreigu capital bill. The ru-gular ouîîîltnas made ho ami foreigu i-ontraI îof tic roada, alîiouign have ail tlic' eipî'uîses if the District ter- tiere lit relias o,,taeîlee livili ultimatel>'truitueut paici b>'ticeIDistric-t, huithelei- yield liese polis, ivlien practieni triail ion male by Mri. I>e Arioid (Dem.. bal; hovu tie nmagnitude ufthti untier- MIo.) tu effect titisn-au ruileil ont on a hnking, sud the lau-k ot aht, îvu ta tiit ot rder. The D listrict ill erril' tic inexperieure of the Chinese mnisn- le1.MI ~.3.2 cs t htntliesoin gersi. Iu tis <-nue tlîîre iili ho a great 5pprioîîriateil fthe uc rrî-nlfisalaiyear. field for tîîreign railsriad enterprise, sud Tlhe Senate Snîîmrîty i loird debate an Mr. Denti>'. wio bas ot miaopîîorîuîîitythie ilier bond l l issunîl lassed]tlec mess- otfuî-tiug outIltle jre-i'niiîeitability out tre' hya voit>' ut42 to'> 3. .ThI iîse did Aniimm-îains srail rosl i anagers an u - o>- min ii ofug utisru a it,'. tutlors aliîlsIo.-k iidrurges tisat, TheiIîîuseo ahi-t I l, tn t ire îi.îy qaljny lhiis ma rket sliauld iii î iii'alloived ta pase, i iiae îg lu 5-ru-s rf a mî-îîît uiq',,tu l iviitlout anîîeffot, ilîtu Enruîcan bauds. striki' rtr i ieti Id- o f Caliul ibia aju- Proîlriatiîîîî bill i-:gii iatîhîrîlir .tiîîue agcri- FRUIT 3MARKPT GLU'rrED. gatilig $34.9)(M)tfor Ill tiii uaît-iate,' of - ~~desltiîî ute woiianîl î-lildrlrcmîini ariolmu PrIces Reccivecul ifrdl>' Puy lhe Cont irivate a jlt -laitailaritalisjguntitu,- of thipmenti. Ciin Ilie Diiîtrii-t. Prei-umini Clevelanud Last Deeeh-r more frîuuit was exl>orttd sent ta'u gresât a rî-îjuet fi- :ii aîîrii- front Sicily ta t iiei- îted Statles lian, iver ln ufor w8i îl if te tlla lia n ivi-ti us uf iis-tirci thla t îuîait,îhe i'a ggrera te he- tCie %«ilsei, liir; ioigilts iiin 'i lîradu. The ing 375,Mu) boîxes of igri-in frumit, 1lti S 4i'Ite did il inig if isu;,irIaiiî-. ot %vhicî-i re 'irangesî-. t iitt'd States T'l'lie fia iii lii îîi.i. t ar ffibitl tuerged Co'nsul Seivmii iir ail'a lt-i-ina.o aripai-lu frontimi uiFiiaiiii. t îîuuî tutti-t-iniiitle sen- thue tau- tlu theStîlte 1>eîarit ilemt, se- ai'riie- Tu- ,andîîlil t lia ln ri': ilvu-r soni- cauas for Ille ie lrge exporta tiloti b>'the Mal tuse itiiili -Iiiî-4,,11% an iiiii :tyrer u t stimuli u tih ,snesreicive-ul but aum- uin e i uiîttisNoi tia ite acioun vas mer tirougluthie. ligi tiies realizeul in 1tsaienuî. iniir )liksiii as rasaeteil tic I-n itesi Stateîs aud echien' eu-e. Nu' ihi Ilîîuî and. Iltlie h:,lani-e ofI.uleie-- the mn rkî'i s. h,u i in A tieria anudîEn- sic,,n îiu tl,'vo!it. ilicii 'l --iiit i-îeIey gland. are giitled, itnd tihepi-lies ofien ire- ovai roililritiii lisf., i- î-iî. alibset- ctive i r et --nuit suticiertta lu vier tic t'X- laijiliharnitale iel itil i iiitu Ile ie s- J'lise. lita> ayiotliig of thie rutaI1 tihe I t ai C'luininl. fruit. A crigi>tf ai-anges retenti>' soi,] in. New' (tnt-ans biîgit tram l, cents ta flow H" sîhetineil. $1l a liax. Shiiiuin thile Imenutie t- î- A Dletrioit jolplîîilîe iw-ikguI i t iluîc. ThI, u-i iii î-rî,p i s i-t-vlar-ge'.luit cri-,l frntu- 1 asu ti li ii uriori t uvin, asil i-bit-' i-t lu 'ns -i--rt laihat yiî . r e rttited th tî nau tilt, <ustîtîlt-i- n'as aIII-1 orange î-iopî is lt-t liait lat >'ii-, huit of kntia ît a bllsnu.a îmîîkou> d t e es- ver>'fatir quinlit>'.ta- befure lie si-ntIlle gauis. Tue PROORIiSS IN NICARAGUA. t-ucralie nuit Ille gouda smcre sillp- - ~ptd.'Ih llie jobini- ai si-lt a Illank toi-ni Goodi 8howvinu5Made luIn reuient lf-or a"lin,, osu iatîtîlIi u-:,uof ut ture Zeluaa' Message. ni-durs lie ivoti ul n%ài- sliililg la gis Lewis eBaiker,. Uiiiii-tb Staîte's niuster to hi>, as the ttlilii'-uîomîiieru.ial rat- Nic-araguia, liass 'pîîîîîî u.îlt'lii'Stni' iDe- ,,g couiis]liii iii'liariîîd iroîlghthlet i: itileit ex irao-it. riithlii.ailiîîual nies- i-lui rî,iuh-t <s orIformatîi io n l. Tie '------ *tu*of - 7.lui -tla -gua sn a e te lent iiii't i ( -ia ' . - iig liink ibas lit'î - t-itii-i ut-il, tilld ot as tif Nii-ai-ngiiia ndi tt-enteial jirogresttiiloiîîu: macie iliriiîg Illie t-ar. The'hrisd- . Q W lin ailntîn ttîf aist-ck il a vin car- io ala ta laat gei- ihiin tiîhile t rendu-v i >'? A. A Il ix c tanîîgeturîîlf oi-. îu-leu i'nisitî-iîhîtlt- lw , oi report s iia t Q. %Vitlis (ilietiti voiti-books andlt n- lic i-i Jaying it off ai ai ratidi rate. Il is coutils? Ail île waliI lirhsi- tililis. 1îîroîîoîseî i 0ipijithiiisuriplus iiilltuii Q. Wlit ivalite1:1 vC 3<111lis ru-tiI es- ice bu ildinîg cf a rilui id toi itauiet tat'? A. lites itha :iîîl-t-e yt'a ns :uo on Laîke iiirigi thIîle'At lantic n a ueh +(1-y Il îtla andiiitheut-r.'iiiiillitit ii ea ni- Q.Wlla do 3011tu a ,iit tok ac- t-i- ta te ic i iiiiiStates anîd Liiîirp. IcuuîntsA. Ail l lit a:1e disue. o hichis 1 et'xiîiiil Il u dilunihoudei tlip Q.Wt:t o iio-ttii. ?A tic coinierre out hié rountry'. Q N1: l .uOv nIo ?A Nat Iriak.Ail noies litat a re nliai tullawcIil. Itusin e" etu il Q. Wli:it otite-r seuls arei yuu owlug? rteîcgi--at tuiii-Iisit-r hil> ranahl 'st'ot A. (Jrluhie lu til Ard. dbuiîîg uh u iess ai-t-aiding htalite fig- Q anyo bv nigt en sire's foi- lasi year'u uhiraions hraînrnlt- Q.v1a? A. f Onuseeunl t- a e Lad. ted t h e Sînle Dt'îartmnulby ' Fited Ivel AOesvltýgtttiý,i States (Consul Grilinolat Manceetrsle Q. lu lucre a caeliniortgagt' againta 5s ui>- 'euiall cross ebanuýei hants Four stoi-k? A .Nol tuativwe kîîcîvof. arry siat full cargues îanî efforts ufthti Q. For sbitmuanitlire 3-ou insureti? etnujilny ta at-net the Inidien sud China A. Ail w'c tuit affoit l a a 3 per t-t-tt. trade have beii aitended b>' disoppoiut- for. ment. Nome references. A. St. Peter. Eohd Robbery lu Kansas City'. Shost by a 1. Dfla. On an oîîilyiîîg cii-et ahKanuss CiIty Tues<iudy iii bronul davliglil C. P. Paul', lonuis Lezohie uns 1hot y i'ls own- cashiier of tic Standard 011 Company', log îvibo uquirrel iiuntng lu the ivoodéï a-aurobhed of! 1t75, îvliiei hon'as tak-iniig aaI-tehobeth, iblasa. Ilin d n dou- ta thc baril. Tic bighswayman n'nu John ble-bnrreled giu wittuhlmi, Satd algb)t- Searry, 22 yearsa ldi. Searcy n'as cap- ng a squlrre! lilgil up lu an onku, Le- turcd ater au exeiiîg chaseansd thie tIletbe go anc barriel, batil>' uusi mono>' rerovertul. ug tlîe sqîircel. Standing lte gun Presideuîtiai Boom for Harmnon. ugainst te troc Lezolte began ta c-limi At lie 'riarman Club Tucsao> nigit ta sOcut lîls qua-r>'. ah C'olumbiusu,0.. .Jolit J. Leîtz, a ilat-m The dog. wbich fro ic le imte ar Uta