CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Feb 1896, p. 4

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Pbma* *l u slmn la thé 0f a m~w a Anthe apaeity Sl -eayeffetS viii b. -the l Isoas mproved Sunique and varied benadded, ilim 0f a~sdeailo ~' v Dl. ov Cyflader ~~0fcder desgu ompletes the mev ~g te tson the t ot = biloo tAfmu sud 'fUi Iproyed ~ b41h tgandar tg th. paper M480OI 09 nf nornmtlon and JAI. . WOIOI>AN. A Narrlow Escape. John 8.fbup8suiwvanmovina becm eSsai di te UMy tumo,.& Usprsev»a ribted d *a m otle 1UP telb. sd., arring soyai iet O.OP, nos midamaged. WARREN. lia*aliashooepondentî sullril* gOOM o q4ite .mm 0G. p. e 1 ta il ou uhosick UOUV eu eRgllmid 10 ie lber trouble. à4ide KImvWho tomela th ie 64mealpo zirotbas the 'whôoplng =Awlioïs, o! rand croamlng, 'W~b~ Elepa et cfWlmetb% camo pk#41 v-#50boed the party caflaisnKýÀf vanston, University, ÉDas hmbis StOlkB aven suaday Mt et coursee Sipped the iight M~Allen and Isola Shapard, cf VM**#o4Vibe.8aithe Bhgpand hoine nb eilàî oeemetory association, fQ* vit4 Xt. ClaIesWiibun, lob. 5; ~. v5k~h.Olariai Laa.b, lob. 19. O~ud*-Wtikun, peni Ssturder h.8mdm#. hM brother mand mal t'~'warren. Mi (euoatoauber, nmd. a flying ,#l t 0luo Moet Sahttday, 10 moat aa eon no bor,emnouto te Californiea 11Mj iwNovrki. lTbe Party cf youîug people , Who 0511.1 oiMr. sud M"e, Wili 'iaý n OVID "v ngnflong 69, ot a remînder 01oW Iervis, a beautif nI onyx edock. Aihhogi the veathor wvaso cun- Plràda ht te ."Pleaeeclub', èlpeÎdProfeer Watsaon, Dot ta oe ýpruay eveing 1maite pialy for their Party at Orange Hall, a îurnber ef t Ung People report a very pleaant, The Geges Lake chuib aid oclty, aset wltbMun. PreizanM1elojest v",kTbuiuday. A largo nuinher of 19diWs vetoPrenant- The ravIvai MMestingal et ibeir ehurch, for the 'es for r 8. eeke have beau relhikbie attfortY Persoiîa have ANTIOCH. SJ. IL ýugkina la reovering trom ' tid tarot , a lias'je"bbleos haaiîjî romiains abus 6h.. nne. Tb* renîmInsofMiss Farrier, of Lako Vi%, w eftoburied boe. unday. - PaneraI of Peter Thompons father. '"Op vtrm ibe bouse Monday 1:30 8M.Spafford 1h ah lavoumvood, sisglug for 1ev. A. E. Burrovti, M. B. K CLgg=8'M ad drugglitLarbIn tookinlà tegothisvweek. & 11éleil wu .bora te Mgr. sud MJIw &tatsanday. gbitmetenrampa baya been led hore durin the J@M thliy daye. Mr itmi" tÏa sinli mong the living, ltgardiama cf reporta tteicontary. tý2 4. IL. honni tooli a trip ln Liberty. wMiOl,,Wednerday18, vent Shero te Seo bat appeed. ht'~lêrlymilthestorem are puttiuîg lu ~'ees iii ye. viieniîy nmre are ~- gwuak ho ide iI ummer. Idues hohefurniturea»ma,-fmoue e diýAbVMIPince chemnher Butte, largo ~ ~tIimsnPlaie glea, for $10.( 0, inst *~ ~i~ M.E.revive] Servie wlll con- *Ba Nus oeeb, under the'chag of<> QSUrLents misied by Bey. Obappel, ~ smot Tnemday evenlug ombs.Proeat. A petitbon, bj pipei« canera, On ~. ou Si.,for a Bide aaig village, ho Osuera, 10 drain 8t., keforred 10 1115 peao*odto t."t Doetr-.ouatul,.bond le glad if ymouldOIeIt181 ir imo euX obuteas-! donlt fed ofl oa4t do mout nov. Th ber matd: mNUs., plesas cOmsh Bir* 1 diii Ibis rmoanlg.-Motto p~er Rie,. Xoé e Objeet. FWa 1 our mnt expenalve caot, ui. bm*ubqr *Oi ltmrainln000bIasmuch s "IIon put ce plemly cf ultremalne- dot «&M e e pie'-h kth Omof et Nlshi Dessine, *Amg the o&urs Wh bave mrv4 tas Che 8psnlsb srwla t3ubau arIo s=of oR a"Ba asne, viRrnk" Us sgeant. "Oa$ ef hem, Itl eaid vas kIlsi a few veomc-xhne ne orvalats Powarma hdesnsad iw omî.rI&Tornla mts>4e lugl tu *0Woaldnieer &an a boom- grov* ie rl, b i. phBbla nae« thon tbe girlWhîo basbeen 'aniahlti abmc&-*tcbisou Glob Itogu1*rlfIwglr Iler Etben-AaOOdmthe young man le"d a M r i lt M RiUrend-l aboli y be di. n, ratedret rtwail very vee.- soemi ouna lepy OU Mbesdij' sMont hein' hIac gIlastueas h. toved ti~o M SAbis as te otiiot t4 "Y«u""t ar ter hO mi vllble ln de dark. ~J I g la g ethu*s potl Oie berpbawqUu, rapisOMis Flpp~"Tat s .omeUîiu veola utAttend te wite onM fe er, gr ds bave It fotever undona.- Ioda.. TIsse.emis Arà" Botter thon On% Naui.-4 tell ycu Cousin Sopby'a babyp las agirl. COnpatanc.--Ani I1 nyen Ites a bol. lgrnon-Don't hoe tupld, boti cf you; nobody kuova vbat lt'à golng te ha; itloln't christened yet.-The New Budget. A usele.. Exhortation. Spuda (tg Kilduft*)-Corne aarly and avold the rush. Hunker-It's no une te tll Klduf that. "Why not?' "H' à football player."-Dotrt Frea Proue. Rfer ]Moral Bonnet, Mise Lucca-Have pou anytbing te go vtth .Urn.nov bonnet? leweler (attor strtotlp exarnnlg t"e floral monmtosty)-Wlar, brlng ibIs lady thiiurnkMtng pot. Amind seci&m îbasdor, ".les r'aly dimçoonl'" l Vue.rl or Corntoaael asb. laid own bis pepet "Wbat la?' Inqurgd ieis vl. *,Ter me mnomnY Brst-clam, AU"arI bLet dit git ter b. nothin' bigbaVnà fourth-clsam potnters."-'Wlna ton.Star. TO. P> l meir Contreo3f. e mli ho kuova. 149 ha knovs that annoymai c"t. ont; lu te the oneue b onu 1 ioea't know."-Detj'oî ies ré,plsa. C Au' eD t et t stle SWb .éI Nim a Ine-Did lt.eigta 0 111501 lu the gardon of4Mn Ni. Neanltali-S cosu.160.?e1 neot Adams sud ]Bye us q» >WB bloonotg-Nv bYork J. Boas vimted hlm nosn Chleagb t1dm veok. bed Dotcntemplâtes golng to the City 10 work ibis aprng. ',SupuévIsor Suniingiou, boardad the train hore Mondai', for Waukegan. H. C. Neyer diii business In tbe City one dey lMt wook. Herman Kublanlihan engaged 10 vorý for hlabrotnor-in-lav, Mr. Gomeal the oomlug ummer.1 0.0. B. Joues laIt hore Baturday, 10 oeand Bundaky vlth hie faufly in Elin. Mrm. H. 0. Moyer, lae ntertining lier brother, and femily from Iowa. Bey. H. W. Canons sud daughteg. Clara, sud A. 0. Schwormnan viitei Chicago one day lImtveeli.« Pof one veok ouly-, a 25 cont boutle ocf he lamons Metellns, frae witii ovory box or Red Hat miove Pol"al. at 10 conta per box as A. G iicbwerman à Coms. A vory flaiteuing lbiter, from the elpreoe uperenteudent, vos roensy rocoived, by our agoni, regardng th,. incerem ocf buinesa during the put lev nionths. Amoug tha othor freight ahipmenitn vblch rbocatly arrived et Ibis station, Was an elelant Noyer à Weber piano, consignedt 1UmseCie Cans.& Died-at ithe homeocf bis mwn, John H. Bggae Or., Bunday monaing a4 noven oock, al; the ripe aid age cf @0 yeare, loua six mon"lianuisromain vere interred Tueaday,in the Latheran effetery et Falrfiold, of wvbi oliu- gregation ho va. for"."Yoyam à £salous imember, and #zvbiob ea.- tery, ho bmd .duag msuy a grava. The large fanerai préosom" iglgn thet lia vasloved, mati-wpoted by all vbo kuev hlm. We ex«td <Our aympathy to the bereavêdtwufnly. HALF DAY Rorman Helig4 e.uck child lhBorna vbat botter. Ueo. Mimon, 01 Libertyffle, vas on our mreet. Tuefday. C. A. Memuer Je sidil siek, sud OUf duty, but in lowly ianproving. The regular -hi" perty itwltb 8. L. Trlpp, Weduesday. - Mgre. J. A. Matounhmbasbon vheting her brother, C. e. Emton, et Deerfleld, for the past twva veeka. The beatful spov tell in largo quantities Sunday night, but meiii ot enough for gond lelgblng. Nr. Sprague hmd a cancer removed front blII p la"SSuday, and le d oing 88 weU as eau 1te expeoted. Spring leciion hla fst approacblng sud oute of the candidates. are doing con8iderabie lsiklag. Hall Day people knov thatt he nov rail rond la oouulng, for tbey eau heur an englue vrhIaUe every day and nomne- tirnsheur the. bellripg. Ail. StamGif, Our tovnship collecter, who ul" befn -V«r7 ",0killi îphohd lever for tMe posé twu eks, las on the gain. k iristhought v.'gould Dot escape taxes ibis yeur, but ibero le no eseaping ,dmath and t&a." Our llterary aociaty meets evory othor Baturday nlght ai the tovu hall. The debate, lut ai$turday nigi, va. very latereating, the minîieen aide olhould have voi. had ha baad a favor- able declalos of the three judgem. PRAIRIE VIEW. Thora viii bc a a-bard ties" danîce, at the Town Hall, Friday îslght. A fev front bore attended the Leap Yeur party et Wbeelilg, and report a good tirne. Thera bas biion a decided change lu tho veather, but no impruvement lan the ronde. Julia Loomis, of Lbertyvîlle, ta staying a voek vlth bar parents lu tifIs place. Business le reported good iD aillis branchas, lnclud.lug the blackemith, and tiDuer vbo have receutly located bore. Thora vill be nu jack 0f candidate for the opmiug aprîug electlon, sud tho 6*1told you mo' foliov, vîi. oon ho board. W. ]P. Dlckson, la about 10 ehlp ilteen horsea 1 thie oubveat 10 prepare for oarly cm&Ipagningr. Ho hasrecanly added caverai gooa onos, to bim already superior string cf trottera, and pacera. -Thiorn la A great demi 0f mcknesm ID ibis vlcinity. Mr. Uprague, and C. A,. Mdem- orre convalascont. Bert Wilox ia not Improving as fuma ie i îends vould tltse. RUSS8EL L. Mr. X. D. Marrie, cf Bvereif, made à fiyiug business visit to tiîla 10n lent sunday evoning. Joa. Burke la on the sick lisai plesent, but hope to ao hlm around again soon. À numbor cf our --sport%,* teck in the ltarsy, eaithe Brove lool houa. 1ai Tueaday ight. AUl report san enjoyable aveaing. John Johnson; laie vw&" repairer cf ibisplac, bas antlned biofie luLO.Colbya co'.,store. ho aceps PROM 1mtbm obyC ole 1h1 iaB e " 0mmett asn Ooobmmw-Wbma ld cf Ine tpow. #iMd foiooekeobes? Veugglb.-WON, 1 bave boa ta doses "OM 1 but hrd knovw blé la buat WMy WIhhbu tul th.m a% l 8"di »M tehave, Mr prefeene-Ex. Aeoentatrt. Um iQ.vesful bmsklg Into s pro PoO-MWby de To« upesk aolowr Mi. "Immacue .uio>u as afrmid or vbiay urmmotbe,.0p," àias Quiv, reaasurngwy-u7oo sud »ot b. aared. Mh. vo't yake up mntMl ou ams ttru."-New York ,=*q i . oetleo that I Wba sMW Uet e f«tta D4.lq-w.l1,Wooat h. sbccked? q 115--o.1 Wbln% halO l tmkes. A Bleguat.6 Oh2*e-Y oalsdugtah bas Consent. e0 Io mavy m«a-r-l'd liko ho, kn. v IChioela a»Y inantj ln youah 010 Gentleman (emphatIM17iy>-Thore muet be.--Tuoth. VIsat Viii BIsari, *Tbm la on. question whlch boheri sue la coeaecjtim wthle emalpadon et vomae " .red Glandera. ."Nase. st»" ffle4 Guminy. «"ht *In1 the noi vommn m isa bot crollai' button regsm under the buroau?"-Deitroit Nreé Preon Very Plusible INaseu.' "Rot' your mener, doIt.Nov, tell mie viy yr oqmoureUl muero *rote me elteeso lettes about that con- tamptible surnT' snid au exasprated "'m amure, lr, 1 can't telt, ir, but If roult excuse moi ir, 1 tbink it velu becese bventeen lotters didn't feteb lt."-Tid-BIta. Il vonder," sald the man wbc bai liseu eut for the evening, "vîy mime lriigit vomen marry msoch blgniticant bumb.nder "Wlam," she sid, edmrlrngly, "jou are railytoc nuodest; yeu u.anly de pormalfan ujustlce.-Wasblngtoe Brbber-'IbeWe'a sgood joba. I'fl md #bat latu dge. Don't pou tblnk il ougbtt l o Berawler-Ne doulit about Its going. The. oniy question te about Ia eomlng baecL-PhUsddpIiRecoti. bsndnîstu--'A ledlesomneingo fur d6« lest. Shralapun,% lss. Hl? ot hmd e"7r o hvw physO petahaveilooY Ibo xqd i mane.-Pmn' ai ha m'êath w Oleoblbmgw Il s4mous or hblm.Wbat 4d be ohythe pgm*m*oo." aye a Offl *uOit aNero terribly ýA. Po T. L, %heAme<rica Protective Tauiff L«ag" is a national organization advocating N Pto"sciq to Ameican Labor &Md hndustrjas .xplained by ita constitu- tion. misfollowm: tii?, f "Luagu. hail b. te proat miolff It by s a aif on importa, wch h .i siagsi.l osAr. miosn ndusal "çtoucts = 9let '. oaiputitof .1fouilao.'* Th".evis no porsonal or private profits i connectcon with the organiza- tioouid it isauatained by memberthips, contributions end th~e distribution of its publications. Our Pretfflumj' The IIEPENVENT la aD2IcU aubscribers tshould lhave thb*4 of overy gootî thitî'ghg end iu vlew wo bamrasie field, Ohio, for a supiy nof tg) ,J.iith , il.two grei tl l'armNa 14,-ansd MWomaaki _V iniitAlvitee' iietrilier tu tuS Farm News. For the Farmer and Hie PFan Thii inonthîfly bathga ned I 1e tioti iaîhly on Its nicritm a& eB" for 0 th el.itttriîair. hIt prmitt.uit titsreadura sueuh artI4 will b li i tieil amsistarle go Ill ltir diii Iy Work in lthe fsrkl di-îîîrtmuel oflt I#1tartin lerepfa orchaîrd, fieIl und gardon; tbegl5 ary anîd the . prlr-itta pro4ia the. Imerfor the ffarIner tand hw Womanklnd. ~~~ltD .asdsn wsoo,..otiaUea, For Woman and Home. m.THD111101W. * Wîmaa kW Une of t-iIti t., tIp t elleh s hra M. lin. c tgîttioas lit c ili ~XWl~~'~StO5i75dîPsiI1lH5Ô0 iiii ai t l it t it h s -Il îriglàt- FOIFIH b. potalmor qusi oc i,. roteau aft rd t oc akoi44- Weddlng- Cards. Wotnui of the DIay, ete., are a f~~ itsiiittrîfttitig dîj.aitnients.e- For Woddingsatuionrery .,f (Il hil-Staen~,îsille and prathîtalinluai t fg qnaliy andvworkinnmlii' ' i a tutti-' "Able. BiîghtI andi clotn" fl a ai te the INI)ECPB.NDENT 1l'litifitg <0Jiltandti tît*%tihe-reaatr lt ic W. challange ootnpeti'lruîils ii huisasati îtig w on.en. vWOU asplain, printti;ia,. We r. ii fî1 nlab anythlng <,.ttgrtuvod ortil ..ý1< v, 1 Samplo Copies Free.- aity) on as luw fuit litms ILecll ij- "1' 1 On teount of lte exipie 50tu tainod lu Chultago. I-ît-tm,. e bnîE»~Tbiabeen Put,11 guarantcue I.ttî.tu ilieîrs eau only be mient to.sboIh4 w lit) pxyup thburr ubscrliIs< ehould reteinbl-r thatiil ti., tii,' -T olti anid ew suîbutrbera ai"o .Jet type bbfore ilrNaper raitttlt 1-f'i"jý.1.faitlliitàtuke acdvastag4-ol h. Tel" You yl greatly tbiig,' l'y la -tu Imfrieli abouît if, 80titi itbg your copy eariy, Copjy for al: i- c L u r i, u addition to the hast i heroafior be in ou otittîillilhu ,.t 1 paît-r in the uatie, a yeure ube than Wednes<lay on. m.m. S'-ut ýillvt- la ugret ljouîrnal qtrf national' vote Thuraday te uwnttg ilt, lit. ,i î ton. nova. 'WC ai ètcmplttîitii'.11l m"r Thnraday atrtîtt, -- I st i - -----___ reach our reuderilo ithii j i 1. Horse Dentistry, If your Horses ari U LPoor, or don't Eat welI i it is caused by diseas-i odal dscng or photo., cLutkatrre p We vuise, if pateabia nor- , t -ruco . S. anut toref aîi oua mi% Ss. Atdu.u, O.A. SNOW&CO. Opp. PAITCIOfe.HiOO.. melIon PATENTE, n"-.00., MI ilsttiuWT. SN ag Oii"MéSs »Ma oeturte p-tenta u lnrC. 5VU~ bacout bh usita. t.rnht httr a aa.gen fr.ffurl alnt t361Wtitou& i. e- ALy. 2<i ed, sharp, or uneven teethi.' Slobbering Throwing the hea4u Fretting. Indigestio tceth. The Supern~ tendent of the La Countv Poor Farrv understands the busi.ý ncss. ftwîII pay you, to have your horse'9! ieeth examined. Ait horses examined fre of charge. C'uarges Rea-sonablta, efld Satisfaction guar-, r a-ieed. The Intecr Ocean Il, te rMoý.;? lop~u;mr Pcpoihl'can Nevvs4paper oi the 'vý,cst and lia.. the~ Largest Ciéculation. TE MSIv NMAIL. DAILY- <without Sundaý >................ $4.04) per year DAILY <with Sunday).................¶$0.00 per year The Weeklfy Inter Occan-- $1.00 FER YEAR..... Asa Newspap- r TIIE INTE 1,<(EA'I k-p- ir- %,t .1 thý? times ln ail respects. I .n~9!inrpisurcpn~i ~.rn ALL THE NEWS ANDI) HEF BrST Or C-IW'ýENI' LITERATURE. The Weekly Inter OcearL As a amily Paper Is Not Excelled by -Any.- ~f~It has something of interf'st to enrh Ênýmb-r or.the famlV. Ils "-~ YOUTH'S DEI'ARTMENT ÛS the very hest ofits kind. It,-iLITHa. ARYPEAIURES are uneliialed. It ia a TWELMF PAGE PAPER and containq the Scws ofthe Worl4.L POLITICALL' IT IN REPU BLIC.AN, and gives its readers the bonefit cf the ablest discussions un ai l ive poîitie.itopics. Il És tnb ished la chicag0 and sa n accord with thc peop e ofthe West in both tolitics and literaturé. Pleale rermber that the prieu of TIIE WEERLY INTER OCZAM lu ONi.Y ONE DIOLLAR PERI YEAR. Âddress ____________ THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. TWO PAPERS FOR THE PRICE 0F ON~ ESTABLISHEO IN 1841. y a)' P m R1LtE iAaREZ ruisiîtxG Co_ IOc.i6 We bave -madea sr-cistl mý:1

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