WVEýAPTEU XIV.-(Continued.) front ber baud, lite rond if tliroff again. Abe setnrned rsge4 wara etailiu, P"i' l bli is, W.rdltce fille, aBilau fmas taîkît nie oreybright-4iethiug llIý et esoute nighfbi etoe, nti1Ibasten le assis'e yen liit ilyba î t ie ow.rerwastdiloi-,norebriht-1 iot 1n 4 .,fear froto' çib, Anyf g 9y. Il tbàwabe hall dunc for songeilime. Afler- uve even'tolti me ironider ga'i - titin ~ waal~len ncntovent,, tc a-r %i-111i guarti more jetilonisly thoan uy- set tqMe fie hati aîttuiinet b <-~ lýret tof nu>' osn. 1 oîîlY îriab I ni tttake 1 I ëlSevernte 10 ay nfbngc hat slle t iebite n on uysef a leavq.0 h-- 1 u'ly admittedth ie tii&'t yvol' rae, t. ~ u~~t.aeUut.ehY ':AIt-egrant trot Citarlie.r '4indîinqu e0a'mr Colonel Seven," ,* she as-ree4 nîe.iliaIif uns lla birtblay oRai eggiag ' "Wimt>ý»W &agt l t is salit illIîî-îi nt' rtoslaenti i lynti bit k1 al aîd' ,n wsyat sithitt busigbf. Iiliulat tut- l l ttxttt'tedly'Fe he'fIE -imel Jum. mn rrefr-ievahly mere il t o Itt-otue 101 iegottoi t-andt Iis bis eo iig oe b bP a t4 1hati been au acinu-as. Mai t>'ag'c WVe aref0ton ew tethe couiptr>' rd? &Miio aj t ir ilttless le Loeeui Ite,'celeirale t fi thé liguail my. as 1I asrei1 j w e1 cultelfl eft u<fbut, sîotjlti la-le t i do. A 'Yéî ta>-s at t'.t iq Impossible. 1 eau oui>' Ibrow iuîy- uittIclii rte me back. W~ill yoe beieve naïf upen pear geuerosîty ud trust 3«011f liaI I uni airmiulalaxiots toeaxilangeD 'MI tit as n-il as yôu pessibi>' cati aof tute sYetes(eft ban ftor tht' qîtactuate oet oussiacerely, E - tNt2." teAa"sîa i nrheee i r Sesiptithe note Int ait cel e esitlnal riit te the Deirer Ieîe # il directeil if. Att eprîrtînity Il ensitii steutli e glz)ilif mYy c.'coull aeccouai- iê<tante oner Iboît aite expveec. A fitti>'me,btî1 Ifeui illit tee Iutclitu e nal nins rieifrn eA ib'tt ba of hiii et. Iibelle Itas tiM. 13owyer'st baset 0f(iop'trs _-îDlifruit; a iuhutëei ept- iîealth la iiuproving. Iu<1lal:tatyon >ouîn-a Ing tim, b ites emptieal the coullenuiber- self are weol. ntil are mccl, nhichIl'il1 self anti gare'itiluite gotte tutiîke back..lie ver>' soong, ielieve ime.- venir sineere .Eêcaname-r came îisaf-duy. 01uIlle foi- trienal, (;Boiti,"SEVERN. lèiolg ntornimg, about the Utie a tues- "Il. SM- have bet-ome qUife a troquent- ueugrr usutal' caine frointhlIe AbboV. tr of thteuirgi. i-bit-la fer'ertuiiJi reasons Elle irett doivu the rns>milibshe met 1 ienicruv srivil iffere-tt ey-as. If tue>' î~tbemagsu thing, i hait rolitale t ta1oppolsi te ex- * "f ire eo t eiIur fur me«." ite aslid,, tru-it', a t tutiet i uii-tel i ci ttfun i t ta. IIa stoppieg short. ý>'crer>' as tntiasho hait triet-he statge is "Nmiss"-louclaiîîg lus lnt rsse-k1 tL ow ua lle to le." teily.'"The ('olounel areît 10Londionu yeg05" ',' ii te isIte reul i>tata-en the huart, terd.y; but 1the btîler suie] as heu' ité'ai, nî ras eousicas c f aieitnteiiîrrout et gned your leter ou sithlignout îers." Ieiîlernes thaI st-t ilit,' blonad t-eîrsiuag Itoiping. sellehurle>] her futc emong the troutghietr reili a tdi tutu,-lier cycitis ewet-sntelling flemvera. One magulficent drt'op, iliîeîîgîî notua coulaIt ce iihut lber bhite Illi> raisetiilsalîrut abeve the ret, <-3- i-s tut ihe beîray-at. Fa eliîlshlîî nil Elien took if inlier baud. aas a itiesauf îhiiîg anisîvaet; but love 5Whtat a beautyl" asesujeti, admniringl'. n'as futr, fur an-eler. Stiloieissac nre( "Stewart mn>'. t's the iiggotlie lia.sltiii ithe nuys of te sitrltsabei over reagret. The master isawi ith1e otiten uuuuisey-shue gare awn-or sheurt îina.-ak-( dai i'heu 'tiras on in labud, ant iehosaiti, ca, tîsougitDot ecti mcly uusesughl Nowir 'l'on inst endt bst oth 1e Doa-tr Houëee, all ras a nenin, uned riita ircuîau's1 --tise youug lady tbere in fondtiof'fliew-unuerring intuition kîîeîr Itît the mune1 ers'"laahoae leter n-as lu ber baud-noi r pess- "I wmli carry if mygeif," allé aahd, anti cd losciy tu ber bon, nis' lu luter lilas- mmiefl oihm ti>-gOt-i. n-j ýas lien lover, sud beloreti.1 Sl$hg sighed, anti laid î'be lorOl>' bloson imotlyl gaesî lier check. Thetu aaetber - tartled byylier emba action ornme sud- CHAPTEI X VI. dea titeugit, .elnfaut froin lie, anti, "Here's ealer fron Severn, EIit'n; waîking tiO ralpidig, bIet t teirither on lie'. baci, anti eoning te sec ls titis flîr- tise groueti. -Doon. Sente Australien -a M. W~rüy, i - ~- nsatiit--is mith iin; finilieiratts lu CHAPTER XV. bring bina, tee, if I am avell eougli tuene A ftom niraIugs Iter, &s Elle-n came etoeil r"And tiraer." el nuh." s h -et lien 'soi, Piloeege il fmise ie, anaieî fieneuressiDame. iont about the sacte os ltasal; but ut Un - iaîi lsa ioletÊa b> enerigt At r oînl eoul? uk- gw. an4cslss, munsiber dîsrdial Ialk ail anme unte frou te lue ciounttry g«y bain gàr% lierý-se unusuif au ap-cilii never bonnieelb m ill lie.ike a pemace 111*1 for-tlisentEutleu bneath et Australiagi ai, keen but exlail- *eamly recogulÊeeth 1e prim isousekeepen arat ing." Who aà ordinarily seen *m+lu - the h te siîing-rooui leokeil ils beau stiffest agnimnt, conreuttieaal atÎtir. irlieut Mr. Bon yen cntert'd abouitI fouir *'lm a~lafi the mater?" crieti Ellen, ilu 't-heck, le enjoy the Ireat ln store for .aaP.tse a dratful lgis. limg. l lattitbeon the suljeutIcf is -oua Tu aI ersation al day>. vefr let me se-- o tntardly. i ec e -ruiheure] outbuie; 1the mext Iiiit f aI btldih11cmutElen t alun inriluntar>' cmîressenua'uîu 11 - .a tl èlt a . le m is a puz at i ritielc l ie <oului net buat Lwe i-oiseio t, tl'er t .rdju aoupai lie héturneal to itdivate is frienau. b~%~s. i'eiou<'o~ttgdosi f0brek- Mn. War--a cotiiitryinaitut f301 4.oli downtr rea lie uttl "*No, Ves toc ern-cul. i sa-usa-eu tle A mucunentar>' pauetie. iuîugtaieli Mnr. feulirBoa'xe te rtascii silt>' 1 saulti Bosa-rn sias titcri :g t-lt---lie liai* I latcma. 1 mulat hare an bour'. auleep see'n before thie lark-lookiuagz faccuti 1e d Iares." tlu sligbt figure o e fl i-uag îuaaîi iro- Elle. tok especlal paias liitIerer>'- iteeti. tfalf mold be lis vice au, if Dot miier *"We met about on>'curtr cee.sltn 1 tsai, Duai itisaI t ning; but 'M. Boa-- mas on mv ir bc roiInle,"cu yee came doisn lu n cross htumeur, anti tilîneul Colontel Seernmi "aeia i atis uci>' wëu dolcuit ho pieuse. T'eb ousekrepntotugb te reime aurosabienagain ihile b4 Ieeu.withb &ita o lng, endi neyer îit lu loin tliis tim-." W>ai bi #aytbiiag occuînresi to oep lber The tranger Inteare(. *àO te maorinug eal. lie temeul ant il"I hink the luck tram al on n>' ide," &b-eteeout if, auieuit t ahk ot notltiug le seiti, In a voriaithat, pleaseat as it diueduving the break fast. nos. sînuci lsr<ofaetlie ltnt-ns vit dis- *'e s aittieu aouthug te cet id may. Te Mr. BOwYeýr il %ires parfeetly oe ipoitl!" ble deelàaredl, intlatiently, familier, tboîîgh li, coultaloutt r-memlor- eâc e'tle."niere bie hattihiaard it lest. "1 i ooe >tWa M11. Pi'olo a-uîie down, looking savèe>un'f roi driug miliuucemig mach-es muni in suta of tise air att la. beme; nt*, llh'I elce elbis sairet v*Mldmu thst allé tead ittopleti, andthe aite freintsoniethbLg gnearly laq lad now. of ie th 1e rats mss restome-a. London, ho a straîugu isba, litoins noue df*1 Id ont'fkeeww miaItub h e e ebriirs or institutions, is oeeoe sa" irPi. Bon-yen, hopt'heasiy. tle dreariesî pinces iiilteasriI JA rat-trip Il 11e oni> tiig I eaut ink "Have yent nevr r laard." asitet i fr. et. TiSI la a ver>' low nay of gu'tii; Bon-yen, "1110f if lie a duigeroiuîs fhîug te VU cit 111m, but miat elciisccn'ty oeuerescue a mant froua i rets ilig? 'flera le - a superstitions idea tient tht- ai-t ettella on ýU reopked at Ellen as tise spolie, yourseIf. tsiedla yeuîr omvit tauatieug."9 W*mg,,té4%in t htlie girl P(li, if w Èm e e ol ilsîtntu th1e feaeis- w. iniàtlctl,: inga et aupeimbitoionr' satileti Colonel $eV- 1. "d" poson.cru. «7sId Ur.'Bo%,.yer. 'q saili . "Pt-nhops it siglît liesa-aIl if me ai -fillea teat- t onelunés," reluurit-ýI r. Icas-yer. "os gei ~aj'iUI ~ela' >,snef." often its Kg u ia sltongila -ielfit con- Ai ÉW.câ»e . olttat- the gate- elosetî, ferredcti ugeuada-rt-at fa-îlilag cf i-wilîl, Y'14 tj sib" taille Along the unIs. rther than gralatid. tw tg'rt. tlet.ir8---ne ferurs n. -" oei slîtat s~y I amasure *a911*11 tÇa'ie. .-, it cianuot bcs," auswced M 'ya>ug mat, Y Ia~~ehgsê?swsr cebit b ate-a iîttt'iy y irpw ý ti l acion -iihaire t Mn. Bo verri e e Itelar JbiJ liatdrifing oe As lite nords fulI front bdl lips ha mr ft cut on the -kien' tint the tholiglafs thbeftotsO - - Ifc~oi ~I>a'jot toli ber. emanateti freui Mr.a. Prioiu)*o brin-tiot tI- ie oti ru 1eliscc-n.Ile ia'tured nitfglanéestu i liee's .4e ber vû directiton. lest lie sheulti licet bier ne- utlit andl lift- proat-Stul gare. br liot face as -Whenite strangu-? ball fingit apoketi tbhd,£omte tait il-etatisbrunk ir beLigitoe tise salgow of M" e ppontea &,ariakcurtaun, clasîaing Ite isavy fois euvliey for support. Hg . A wltîrl, anti ehc f I 'I eorne" iW r. Ecwyr. abruptli, amd 'ecelved 111e btiatt repli'. in a mouMpt, it 4a»bedI acroe.th1e olti mau'.Ilmind l~bati dseeti bis visiter bc- fore. He n'as noue allier than tbat Gcr- aid Weare n'bose bride bad beep takeit *ial hlm lu se horrible a fasition a menti before lii"' wedding day, anti for irbese take Dlaine Warriugton n-as sutpposi".itu tare coutîitteti a crime. At tbat moenet a sitrill cr7 wns heard atiside, anti Mrs. lYriolo tlireir opetre loor. l'Here's Mfiss Eilcn lyittg on the ga'nuind n a deati faint!" site cried.-ti.VWatever ean bave haippenedi?" Il n'as Serern irbo madtie tintrafmore te cross oeente lier aide. Site lad falieti tenseless acrosa lie dcorwsay. He kueif toma nalud rised bier bieut on bis ares. ,Mr. Bowyer appeareti beipleas witb dia>- atay, but Geraid Weare cone near auti lookeadownc n t lber imith an expression of someftbat stereotypeti pif>'. Thon an .uvoiunfary excliaaion broke from bis 'ips. It iras ouly the ejaculafion cf a naine, s tbougb bie batisutiden>' recogeisedth ie seaseicas irouan. Mr1. Bowyer jumpati dp Irom big sest as thougir electriied. Mrns. Priolo retaineti possession et ail ber facîtities. "Yon've k-nom Ithe poor ycung lady lie- fore," site ebserveil toeNr. Weare. "Doe't youl fbink n-e bati bel ter place ber ou the sofa? ,Bnt Mr. Boavyer interfereti. He iras àletermined that Ellen sbould not retîtru le ceesciouses before theut ail, ant iper- hqps betrsy borielf in bier tirat bei'iltier- ment. Violently agifateti as bien'as, hi. gir îaed ta express elearly hia desire that .l..e gil boatc1 taken ft. ber ow. ront at once. Obediently the Colonel gatbereti ber in lus ara sud bore ber up the narron- $tnirs, thedg b distance grenIer stili iQ spite of ber de-ad wclgbf-iudeed the ss-iid elation thot filleul bim aet the lotse contact precitîdeti ail idea oft fatigue. Itetnrnedti t the Abitey,,Uýorge Seern anti his gîtest. atter dinner5 amoketi their cligats n le laost ubsolute silence, caeli being toc ubsorbeti in bis oie thougitte 1 nofice the abistraetion ofeth11e cîer. 0f thbto te i Colonel seemeti the more per- tutriei. île aras %vondering litere antd hem Miss Warde anti Mn. Weare bau liaoýT etIt elthe-, atîin-bwat isould beie i resti.t oethie7r chtance meeting. Another tlting iîtzzied i litt. ,.t iras certainl>' net a stîrnanie ltat bail escopeil Weore's lipe on final reegnitien, but it also n'as net "Elu; lit ati a louger, setter sonui. Hle tbottgitt if muust bave been "Eiainee" 'Thic utbjct et ftaIaflernootî's incident iras ntietlt-i,ahvd until Mi'. W'eare staiti, as they atoot ii tase sy gooti uigbt: -By tîte bye, achatn-as the nain et lite oui gentlemntau ae risileti to-day», *'Mlr. Vîîua >a r. lie pracliva-us a lan'- yer iu Autatrutîta, Ilieliere." "And--antnh Ie yenng lady*.," "Sitesa-as Mliss Ellen Wartie, lais nia-c.' "Have the ' been here amy limeY' "Abotut six nontits. Gond niglil." sait] tie Coluonel, eurtly, closiutg lte conviersua- tio n. 'rTe noxt morning ('olonal1 Severe look- cd eider snd more sailoîr than usiial, at-i a sIfleuss niglîf. îe fotunti bis visiter dosan fefoeohlm, anti îaeing tht errtee te front cf the bouse. apparenfi>' baving P.as"etI as resieaa niglit as tbe Colonel hinasel f. 'rtey wsi-cin th1e etitiale ot a consversa- lion %islieb tbey etideavoret inluvain f0 renîlîr animated wirirtithe unuler-garaient-r relurait-l iitît bis capu>tY asket fliuthfle DoNy.ileuse. fculonuel Sebvrn's qîîkk sigbt itanepdiate- y daeeted a letter in thte man's lbaud- jutîecil lie h halfoitetiteil that lIeu aud wul i -ne te hlm. lie matde a hasty ustoveuteut fonnard. anti lad satiheti il imtilitly betore the man ihadtimre te i-xpiasn that it aaitnet for hit, bat Mu'. W'eare. Ite'iiu,îuimisiig it a t a e a urî puieg ot jealousY matie ui t tabsfle tui, unî'r.e titan stanamer ont an oçaology. 'tii-u beý tturned aitruial >'ouabis l and atI s iat uodoers. fieraiti Weare, hoier -r.t.oped taot a- lieuittdeed 1the anxioîus expression on hi-a face became Infeuisitiedu as lit briake the seul anti rea th 1e letter.W'betihe a-e te the end ofet i lie tore lte pa]ser mbt sitretis anti foiiesced bis bostit tt the' lieuse. Ni> allusion avis madtIe l Ib- ler idur- ing breakfast; snd salît-th inivutaivas itrer colonel $eora asked bis cotîulanioui %Varbt le notaltilike te île. - Would Yoît titd." asketi Geralid W'eei'e, tieprecauiigl>, "if I wn tu ota' aîbere oi my otan a' toutini titis inoritinx? jTiiere l etiuutgI augit te ttcsoîte- tluicgflial lias lurti-dul uit aler ului-xpeeî- edlin ltfart." -%My dear felloîr. don't explaliu," inter- rup tedth 1e C'lottei, hitiil>; "I %%it >-il te do exacli>' as Yuiapias "it la more tIliodon f Yentuetoalloua me le coule aud gî tiuuqtia'atiuuucd liki titis" exciaimeti Wctare. "The fart is, Miass'Warde and I are nitistranga-rs; ira bave met befere, anti-- "Anti yen naturally asah f0 sc ero agmia r' "Yes--tbat ins mat il. I nul iralli over tisere Uni, if yen ivili ext-use nie." He rose, aud aiith e nadi ant i snile of tareweli, leftth11e reem. George Seeri, neniaitidalone. iuooalily smoking. lit îuntiestooe tic lasI. This iras the mn Elaine iovpat-luie iled iber "Elaine" in bis thotiglts aireadti> e came suitea 11er se mcli, il became familiar nt once. With a isalt-stuotitered gireunSeverenrose anti Rang Ïiiay lthe cîgalr. îlaidensti by thse thought that already Itrobabi>' 11ey meeateget btr, lie suatceitt up bis bat ama wnt onuît iihn tinlation lun ici. ilta7 Ihhytae m&de r&plal atrl60 finIt tiese yeterday." I "Whether they have knowm eacb othen before or not la no business of ouirs-" de' clared the colonel,'fstenni y., "Yen ilî corne mit b me f0 lie Dower lHonne t once. 1 inteidttioltask Mr. Bowyer if hie alinirs big bou-eki'eper to aet the epy upon bie niece." "Sies to more iii ii-oea titau i arn! Bulie erom tîiatiVeîîess WIras îOP- ped at once by a gesluire, nud S4'everî's upliffeti baud poitîtei ouft te ssy that site ivas f0 take. "Very well, Fi'n ready enotîght b go if voit lîke; but are yoît sure"-malieliisly- ".Yot're doing lier a gond turu? 1 don't ivantin make minchief; but, if l'mt foreeti f0 speako l'Il Say eut ail 1 kîtos." An expression of deelit on lier hearer'o face ecounaged lber ft proeeti. i "WVly, youi tin't thieli," site ment on, boldly, *tbat %Ar. Bowyer wotiid keep iter another moment in bis bouse If lie heard ail 1 couiti tell ?"1 "I tbink yen are a very icli-eti mun!" excinimed Severn. "What-for ivafching tbosc two just nom? Wby, ail women are infere"tet inl a bit of lore-making; curiosity la ne sin ! Miss Warde anti 1 are gooti friends enougli if yoti vili oaly leave liua sone." Severn bit Iis lup and tugged nt i, dark musînebe lu deepi perpiexlty. She uiglit lie speakiug 1the trufli-if uight In- jure Ellen avere hie to Insist tupon brin.- tig Ibis before 'Mr. Boirrer. ., "Atter ail, fhey're doiuig no he." ment on 3frs. Prioie. "Sbe's fond ofýhlit, n dotîlit. for she bas kept some flowera hie gave lier years ago, andl bas paittuet a plîttire etfltiu, te." ..Silenice, irnuinu! !" tunderrd eut the Colonel; then, os @she t urited uheli- enfiy, lie walaketi away ln the opposite direc-terit. Wotuld il have eomfored hibu enuho' have been an unobserreti spefalor et clint -teok place a i te meeting - wbuttu ircuitanres had prerenteti front leiug su secret as biait been intendd'? lsinpa- 'ba rriveti irst. and sto'atî Irn- ing agaittat t he- giarledttrutil of te .ld oek. rait ieg for flice ther. Site masilis white as a slietelantîreutinug ini every liniim b u aIntlast fCeruld Wcare arriv- eda l. Ho îe firsf: "To tîither et us eau tlIis uiioxited meeting lbe anything btîl aiîuftl." 'Il ln very trange that te sahote iverit ini olt big enougîitutebide in*" lrpantil%. -Wbat matie you choline Ibis jluce'?" asketi lie. "It aras Nfr. Bowyer's Mes-. îln sali Ibat i sboîtld hae safer le an Etigliaiti vil- lage titan trarelieg about andi meeting different peeple every day." "lie n-as rigt-quite riglit. If ra-. the merest citane-or iveutilyuuî auil lesîiiiy?-that breuiglt me here." -loi aaen't btray me?«." eîugerly. "I'*? No. Do youu thutil me sutîl a tttir? leaiveut ktoava I bave ne de'tirc' 10revive the iast-I oniy wnit te trgot! Do -oît k aow'-iiî a ned, lois loti es-"%vleu i su ta' a-î,tt yiug titere seîtuelesa i intaItdiuîît*y- ligliteti passage. I Ibouglit fur a iiîeiueiuî 30t1 vei'e Ada." "Iiesfrotît te deal'Y lerisen from te dca.) te <oufort aîuîî contsole' nie-t le Adna ;iue loeclmue, feiling mnie oiniartîcas. echililisit futslioîii evry heur; Cet the Adlan-ho lo-rd ait- tie, andîl aas marryiug me onl>' for at> moety-" A ion ery eseapet] thé- girl's pale ips; sbe slrueg foriiard anti catugitî bold et bis aria. *'Yîtu knw ail that? W'hotolil yen?" "I diacorrred if for titysc-If. lon iiiiya lic suri- noeonec cIte bai ti' cotuilo:n hol est>' 1 opeunty eyes.- *'iit bt hn-irbt iitanti litw!* "Wliat ilees i nztti-r?" lite -k'i rougll>' aking off lier hiadî. '., enough te prevent mY brî'akitg my heurt wbecii-lienmile diet." Elaitie aitutiureti. 'The sîîbjî'-t iras ti.ti erib)le a on.e te[lue îurxiied. "Ibeggetiber go ofiiît 10 lc truc le lier- sî'f lt atyou!" she wisupurei ut it-tf. lil' sîotî over ber lad looketi deuv;t ,.fi'igltit blber eyes. -Du >-oit keon-they used totelfeume tlita, if -if f buti nef souîgbf Ada 1 migbtli isce as tu lite ondet' if iliat nas truce?' (Tu be conciuded.) The Laidy or thte Weoe. BeGause efthlie grace. sllglttiess, anti t'loýgiaucoftlits figure, fhe bîrcit troc lias 1 te-it w-(Ilnînet te Lady of tlite WVooaîs. 'teoutgltneft italt tised i thi- ituber trade, iM ile evertflees eiilhy- ci luneavarlety of otter n'aya. 'Tli Iiîrcît bark c-unoe oet hi edîcîl ihian-a ne'î'r been surpassed Inlehoutseoft hfi tiliss.lifs silver sIent la: beeil fnpped for ils sugary eap, fronta'tl'îa aine ýi lias bica' matie; beer lias beeu breavet frîotlifs tender shoeots, andi tea bias bce' prepared fro'emlits leavos. "theré la f45re :tt'u ough liI bat ru alfo rdei-ii kiîîti of breati for te semi-savage folik lInte iî'yNorth.ît. fyields aun 1o it, îih rgives t1 Bussîaneleather liesagrecubie 0<1er. Ile RussIe titey use 1the avood rfor reofing. boxes, jars, sboeu, car- ri'lgcs, furnîture nad spoons. of aviiel last nunîcti article aai mauy us thirti îîiilons ut-e matie aneutuiiy oetile branches. Excellent breemas are matie etlils tavigo, as maey a boy cati tel i lia ing offen figuret I n what litas beet - ('lleti "a bati quarter of an heur." ip- se deeti, does net te brc"incimean l y ea t axaioninLonon The heThe Bcst. Rcst. 0 s -Tiser. are twelUnds et sarapailla: Tise bot-ail1 ree. Tise trouible la they lookilite. And wisen thse roia dreus 1k.tte liut wiiottel tbh~em & part 1? WeilIl tihe u-. i kiwb by is fruil' Tisas an> eid test snd a uate os* And thse taller tise Ire. thse deeper tise reet Tis. ano'tiar test, WisaVe it oc,-ltherecord et tises. aanmparwla ?' Ise on. idtiste doapeat veet ia Ayer' Thse oee itt T hs i* freit; Iliat, toc,' la Iyer's. Ayer' Banaparilla bas arcrde hail a century ef curas ;,a record of many modulsansd avards cuimlnatlng Ilute medlof eth*1e Chicago Worid'a Pair, muaçi,' admllting Aye's Sarmapiula s.tise bet-sisut lte doors agalasi. Ilest l Tisat iu groater isonor tisaisthse medàtis ebse euai Sarsap.rilla Admilteti as aus exhlbit at thoe-World' 'air. ieff ýwat, te geltishe, boit im pa" laof 'yoe ruditugumi ieWgk'a-à & -I eemiptueior1 1»basasemgaUl l= ped rt il a efea l WçIb Beaptofs eo e heked il ,a ely. the bowels. t1rough whleb muez et *11e effte'andi irante uatter of the sytem nocmpes. Wluan f beyp ore obstrocted-e<-nnaotsed. len0111r word- Illatetter'm Stomaeb Bitters w(flirelleve ttem effectiieçlly. but vitiiont pain, aud lu- atitute a reguisr habit of body. ThIis medil- cine aise remedlles malartat, billoua, dyspp- tic. rheuutatlc. nervous anti kitiuey trouble. anud stt'eegtheus the entire system. Dweliers In the DarJc. Titere are two reiark-able classes of animais living beyonti the Tenlit of day- Ilglit, nameiy, bllnd cave animale andi lehabîtants of the abysses of the scn, These tire classes, wbose snîround- Ings are so very diferont, have many remembltnces, but le oue respect, as Docter Lydekker lias sbown, tbey are sharIiy contrasted. Cave animais are content to swlm andi crawl lu complete darkness; deep-sea animnale prodîîee a Phosphorescent liglt foi' their owu tiMe The Inlbabltaets ofthUe caves enjoy a. extraordinry developmeat of the sen- nes ot totnch, hesrlng and soeeli, while these cf the ocean deptbe are furnlisi wih pecular organs for Loth tIhe Pro- season recelvcd cards fer eiat the gen- Fôreeffern.à 8cme people arems a Iitueneed 117 the1 eiectric currenta of the almnspiîere that0 they eau foreteli te omiu* ut a thunder8 "tortu sith perfect aeccuracy, aed aolhers Ibere are wllb nerves hso sensitive thatt they are sure cf hnî-ing neurnîgia from ai lov and frettu ta 5110of the inervous sys-t tem. Noir wby cet't 1the latter 11e îvrued iu lime anti know that an ounce ef pre- ventîonela worth a poutîtiof cure. To urne Si. Jacoba <id îîromîuiti, avilI inrd off an atfack. or If atac£ked wil prouîptly cure. Sîtch people eau do ior themmteires what oihers du from mwether proîuhpczies. eed the',signais sud osa e 1ewreck and dWs aster. Flshing for a Man. A nordl coutest took place Boute flite ago ai the Etiluburgit Corporationf Baîhs betaveen onee oftte strougest saimmers lu Seotlanîâ and a ireil- keoire angler. The Pall Mail Gazette, wbich rep rtsi lar ec Ib t as occurrlng Ie a pool eiglity feet long andi forty feet aide. Thte alîgler iras furnisbeti with an eleren-foot trollilng ilue anti au undress- cd silk Une. The lune avas tîxedt ta girili beit-matie expressly for te pur. pose-by a swiveIrcmmedialely betsveen thie sitouiders of thie sarinnier. at the point irlere lie bati greatest puing powver. le the firaI trial îthe Une suappeti. In lte "cond thie anglet' gave anti pis>'ct iîtiout altogeflitr a4lacklng huie, anti severil porpolse dives wcre w.'ll han- diled. The swltuîttî'r tien trieti cross- swimîieig, froit cornier lu corner, but ultlniatcly iras - th ie umatch t <-t- lng wiLl a v!ctory fier the ted and lie. Anotittr conti-st lnok place, luIn c lte angler cmiploycd et vsry ltglt [Dun lieldti routing roi], tee feet long anti wplgliing onl1Y six tatndiolIp h1.t)a,-oncs flic ine being lie sanie as taI uez avit lte lrolllng-rod.'Te swimmcr, whose oint evidî'uîly wns îo smash lte rod, Itulleti and icapeti lealte ater. le ias beiti steildily. lionever. anti lt about five minutles wvax fureed to give le; the roti mas-a n suîce-sfui. At tîte flii bott eetitpetltoras wcre almoat exiaustei. Plants Berswe Animiale. lu tttakittg a rep-îort f his rcse:irt-l on te contitution of the afusositheto tte lFrein-i Ac-ulemy of' SciencesDi% T. L. Pitipson recetnly ssertetI tat the presece ef f rec oxygen In te air, on iîticît animal life depentis, 18 entire- 'y due te vegetaflon. It mas flic pritttl- tire plants of etry geologleul time that suppliedth ie greatest quaetily tof oxygen to thte atmosphere. Free' ex..- gen [o stîli given off by Plants, but the' baver plants, suCit as fh lani)leFt algue, stipply more exygen le proportion t th(-ir iveiglit thon do tîtese ef stîperlor erders. According te Dr. Pîtipson lte cerebre spinial nervoits sysîcîti. avitîIit la the hlghest eitsraeterlstie of aenimal li'e,litas gradtnIIL becoee nmore cont- piex lu proportion ailîthelic iercase lu lte relative quaetiiy ef frtee oxygelà lu the air. Still rhinkiug. ri(, preffled a id lilas upon liter Lips. 4 "Ilow cle you?" 'site exclainied. "Alit, ilove la blilea," lie ittswered. Antd wlten, 1four heurs Inter, lie tooli liis departurc, @li wh as still tiànLing.-D)etrolt Trib- 1une. 1 l1cr i3ercot Frlcnd. 9 First Debutante- My checks are ail Con fire. i Second Debutaue-l thouglît there J was a smel ef burnlug palut.-Toavu *anti Country Journal. A servant girl living lunfGlouceester Wben tbld ibat lticdosimpiy toucbester Hleati. 'Tiras her way. a Noue, me must say, e As for as; we knewerrer bouc ester. -Detroit Tribune. ties, vmeakateme of the temacis, Indipi. lion.1 blcaieg, lencmrboSa, vomtasti-ý bic, ficoding, nervouis prostration,. heai- ache, gencral debiliIy, etc. Symptoms ot Womb Troubles are dizzlees, fainînesu, extreme limai- fn-le, "tien't can.,," and 1aa ant te 11e loft aicuea" feeings, excitability, fi-ia- billty, eerrousnems, rlceplessnems, data. lene>', nielaiucloly, or lte "bitue," a" buckachle« Lydila E. l'iukinm'e Ve - table Comepound iaiIcorrect aIltis trouble as sure as tise sue sItineu. TUa$ Bearing-Down Feeling, cauilng pain, weigbî, anti backacbe, le in3tantly relieveti anti pernsenentiy cureil by its use Under ail circumnstances ta acta le perfect lîarmony.'witis the lave tai goreru tise tenti. lstern, lueai biannies.as vater. It le mondentuul for Kidney Compaints !t cithen se%, Lydis F. Plakisan'a Ltvèr Pille work la uniuon witis 1he ('omîpound, Mdi are a sure cure ton constipation anti siek- iseadacise. Mii. l'inkltam'a Sanatlve Washle Isfnequently founti cf gieat velu.. for local application. Cernespudeare is fneely solîcîf cilb>' fhla.Lydila EM Pnký haie Medicine C o., Lynn, lMsss.,asad tis aticteat confidence asaureti. AIL drmg- Site oeil 111eIliuliuam remedie.. Tb*e Vegetable Compouttainlu titre. feras,'-- Liquli, Pilsa, anti Lozenges. gI X. N.o why 9hey W tifix 8onguly; why tesy dl= slesp ealurally; why tb.y bav. <roquelat b".n aichom, Indigesion adi Nervous Dyspepsie. The expli la bimple. IL la foutaitlnl that Impure bloce f". log the normes 011 refuse lustead cff11he . menti cf streuglt ani vigor. Ol.ate and netT compunds siutpiv dealen andI ic o i 6 ifoos sursaperillta fetq.th te nerres u ?I<ih blotti; glu'u eaturaii l.î.peffedtOul tio, la et 1 ru0 rcuidy forallervou m be Sarsaparilla lasthe One Tru. BlodPuiier. Ail dnui. $1, tiood's Piliure Livrl # A Tript theOGaden spots ôt ts" South. On January 28, l'ebruary Il and March 10, tickets n-lu he solo from priecilai cilles, towns and villages of th1e North, te ail points on the lmosartfle sd NambylI. Railroad le Tennessee, Alabama, Mîigw sippi. Florideansd a portion of IKenttKéky, at one cingle fae for th1e ronnd tipi. Tickets wil hiegood 10 retura withia *111- ty deys and will ulloiv slop-over et say peints on the. aonthbound trip. Ask yeur ticket agent about il, anti if lie cannot oel yen excurmion tickets write ta C. P. As- more, Genieral PtLsseeger Agent. [Anis. ville, Ky., or 3. K. Ifidgely, N. W. P'. A, Chicago, Ill. Up ln the Morpnng. 'lite serv.iîtî queilioti %vouid lieeaàtly solvet Iif ail girls were as sinart as lte one Inthfle fulleilig uîory: i A mot hèr, ceininuiug* lier de#fiter for a situation. wi a ked Iif u'li was an early rier. "An early rimer:" suIe exeain aWc1, i oid tliink go! why, .voeu up i l te nmornlng sudi las breakfaut reatiy anditak-es al lte beds befe any one elqis l pn te ln~! Fýatiier M>' son, un mani ever *ccom" plitaleti mmli W lin taiketi about bis, work. son-Iloîr about a iawyer, uindP -Amusing Journal. - PROOF 18POSIIVE FIT LYDII E. PUÇKHAWS YEUETÀBLE UCOIPOUND Io Delly Carlng Barkarlie, DMrines, Falntmce, IrregnaWlt y. and aU Fe- malo <omplints. Intelligent wounen no longer dot tble <aine of Lyida Z Piakkapuus4 Vegetable Compound. IL speeduly relieves lrflu lazity, suppressed or pain i mentra-