v i ____________________________________________________ A et a tr M« tnhrnghosit th..m.e iE ý N O T PTO MLLIONS LOS&. tri lncîudfias plentyr of regilIy swel i el. il 1M ON T É rom Iowa, have gol ifluito their beads, rigbtîy F________ urionsPlaese.Ietroy Bis Bud. or wrongly-*ad sve tire by no atitsuiure Izuatin PilIadelphla. fitnit imn'st rightly-that there in no rren- FREENCOINAGE BILL PREGSNTED Chiestnuit street, Phladlphiî:, sas vie- ntson wby ans' mas should psy more thtan IN THE SENATE. ited the- other morniag by o:*e eoftii Yivi t a- 300to $500 for a pair of shop%,,and, to ____lercest tires thet- tity bas knotivi for yeare. ~ ~a~\6gay the lensi. the Ides han Ibis foilndation The- seven-sttry building of Charles H. l fr-inta excellent shoes are slow %fembers of the Senalc Fin ine- Com. UtiSCIltilit-, 141q1 ani 1418 - ît-stnut mtret-t, THuE t#4 fl) made for $3. To puy $8 to $12 for a pair mitte. Adopt a tiubttlle focrih, and the atijoiiiing tv-tr structure of STOVII POLISH Inl tfahoes . irn imy 1îlrowing asvay nîoney, Tr Ul-c 1kno rps-the-Baptiâ ubuliî-atjun Society and the- Cakes fr euerai and i t ca-m thisia doune to gratify TAfiilAto, n~ n1'oo i nerie, unBpitaiHistorientl Xci-ty wcre blcio tv.a nastaken notic,tflit noue but 3'our fav- tlou of Mr. V ent. destruo e'. The' buildinîgs daîîuaged t'y ToLi!SUN oesdIC orite shoemakt-r is worthy to adora your fire and mate-r and]falling walu wcre the afe-dur lin cfet. The récent inaprus-ementa in sboe Fubstltute Given tise Fenat-. four-alun- dry good a lise of Huonier, applled sad vol- machincery inake if possible, nss hown by Tite btlated tar:ff 41ti çnert,',l fi,ii the' Le Boutillier &t.,1112 and 1414, the làbed viib a cloth. the sell-known W. l'. Douglas $3 f$hop, St-nat- FilAutce l,îc T iite îsday tit i dwlling dit 1422 owustl ~ he ti-.îar (.-- nom IamPesl..CatnJSn.t.A t ro e a situe lu day filai will pont- Ijuade sill jjeaî'îî-i fier tiiet.-. tteaud te Ilotel Lafayctitc nt Broad pare favortibly ln style, iwearing quulitit-s sajo ttîed. t uî i:ira ri malî' le ad-ilii'suîd Sane,,,i t rts. On il her ide of snd comfort vith those uffered fat $6, $8 relu-rt. stating tha r a free- sUs-. r att-aithe, main Ptneta t-e elia icîtip uill- aund $10 pt-rrîpair. ment lîad luiken thle pt"oi the originaîul ing w cnt- the piano svarerýOonia uff htallet Ajeut" -bill. Mr. Quay liaidtrt-ntained standing & Dais ta 1416;, anti of S-teinw'ay & Co., ASuhAnîcrican Eag.e. white Mr. Nl,rrili e]îa'ke and nt aonce foi- ai 1418. Tbe lis-o latt;tist sorittieli fot Allenu('ooper,a fariner living riear lotved ui a iot'lt mt, eouiitIle bill larze-anti valualle collectionsof paintings, Southî Solon, Ohio, captured a linrge anîd cubsettine Irtîrk t,, Ie Fxt ('e oin- to',ks and pur-ins. T'le d,'îajled losses South Anerican golden t-agie the- otli ierlitte -wItlti iîattiît ltu urt-port te tig-lîhavt-nut yei btettmadtif),tpbuit a toîtaci-- evenlug mat lait-ot dark. The bird ilial b;Ih andtiuîeîidmetîeîîeparatcly. "ite utîuvi elltimate places the- nggrcgate at uai b av-e lostitfls eainngit and bt-un als-t-r atlttitutî- ltdi)te teif bill reîorted tI-t o$2s(. .It is thotugit ihat bis driveus norîli by torins. When Mr. tlufile ienate irais rnraedy Sii:ifor is- -rî-ened by lusuance. Coope sawtue ngleut ws hoan aple t an auJsaî grtd tr inithe- £iii:iiaa-e Il %vias ahortlybttfore 3 o'cloek, whea Coopr sw te egleIt as n a aple oniiait y a unajrty of 1, $'>'tato 1,r *i în it'eand lowarti. wbhe pa- true. and a dog Watt unter thet ree bark. J lis N-s.> satilig tssîi, the- Dentrats tttllîir be btuA nt IBrîadandi Chesi. lng ai If. The t-agît ie le' 1 the gnound, foor fie sîîb)t.ittt-anti al tht- Itt'polli"-an ur trenttta., deteetet tht- lune]] of aunoke. andi the- doz at onc-e ruslied upon Il, but preatiturîvviugili-ulist il. St-uator WVul- 'l- rail to the Lafayette Hlotel and ment after a tierce figlit tht- feathered mon- voti to.)wilsthflicîty Itepub)lica,î ab- fr,,tii euor ta fluor. ookng for the, tire. stt-rdrove off ils assaillant. Mîr. Cooper benlet- anti lie wlasr--trdetl tiq voling 1Wl ttey rt-ahet i le,- ,iiah a tierce blaze - i tiieî caplured i Ie agie wltlîout break- aguillatt the tbattt. Setiator Jousnivi tut- hr sight. If isas luit hé rtean uf the Ing a boue or a fg.atliet-. The bIrd iAnk-.I, i-ttî(lîit.%-Dinîttraît' rietober nt i:o rt building. whjeh rt-ache,] dan- NO ED mengureti 7 (ctet 10 lnchtes from ti tu imitant, si-as rt-r,mtltis as tiîtg for it. g'tril near ta the bat-k of the- hotel Edaa omout ad mpovmet tif of is golden-gray wlngs, and "hc suitttitute algneedt lu4inithe exact t idl 'r. An Main mias slru nt-k tunle- Bdap oinfrt an impoveme amnords tof the salhî-*r ,ubtiute frtebond dia tel t -liai before t irai enginps coul,] ta~ranal njoymnt ven i-l.hatu--e poundqr. Li î'îchpsed the- Seuite on Sutumday. t eaîl in e-easru -s idbi buds to ru a njy wholiv.be M-ot-bl wihplsl«li ipeaêrngWs ru Ytth:X th e mannjoy liere v Il UltATEoOn'io. Cl'rT aprîovi<es forr tht- fret-etuoiagt- of tili'rcrItarri lte finales tliroughînt lte nti-e ti h teuadety iemr, i-11cAs tos1iST-. ai tht- ratio ot 14; ta 1: urt e a îinue- atrîî h padtuze, by mor-e promptly FRANKJ. CriTN.vfY makSa otilIotahe * tiîte t'rijiuge irto siiiffari dolaa t ofthe Ad-ý; lp.i oemr undo tb<edso orld'a best prodiicto sealor rteroftth.olnzaot 5'J.Ciissy&E . a iver aeutrîiorag,- iiii tti ;i-ilry.litcaii- 10w i' ('i:«a-i atrt'e t ',îlut i tt-lightb phys1cal, being, vili attcatst e a1.9foeseaid] andlht si fim jl pa telated by tire(-tîîrtha-as imitler iii hemnian w'1-1] il apetr îs-ieh sit-ket]tht seconid, tIi. ine to health of the pure iiquid atm etof iu IISDIED i)LLARS f or ech a--t: lirthiîîits the lssuta-c tif nutiviial thimîl itol fontlb oors isere easy feod for laxative principles embraced inth glf* yense ofSSaCATAnauIK Ilatcailant lî bauk not,' tesofa auirrtlenoimnaitiein the hat,-.The-appt-r portion of lte Mumdy,s rupof Figs..FRAN .1.s 00.00 tlan $10, and direta ustht e rîiary of tht-e fattt-Ilttt-was igulîrti by sparka Il eoeleleamoela due ta ifs presentlng - -at ô abeferl me adsud '-tiriIted lasu Yres- Teauyl evnigpbakmndtns1 yngfr, he un uligsn in the foist , moit acceptble and p ecce. dit, ryh da et De lu <-iti AeD.. itltlrornoails-r-r!feeclu-ld(ohestiautxclu-nt-itn butillit e butth z b sa-emstcuci- mai to tan ete, the refreaing and truly J . -W. CI.EARON. siv'î-y, ai the optiont of tht- Secretary, tand fIned ta> the milliper fluors. Tht- lire - ss benelcia properties of a perfc lz SA otarg Pub. l u rt-iseue greul,ac-ks. tut ctrtlle-l until long after da.vbmeak. etive; effectnally cleansing the- systent, Dfl* air taarrîî CureIsltakenhlntemnailtyandaIetgh FI noI OUItDKT .f0 0 ut a uiyhsri.I a dlaveling colds, headachea anad fevers direcli> ounte blondan uditutiou-a aurtaceà oth& Lise __adas_____nu .Ilma am d-rmanently curigconstipation. hïattua. iseaa for 4lg' TaA.f elao atrslgtcatao uprmua er-t- i '"Sad h-irtlsfer lit bas given aatifaction 10 millions and saeld by irnggLtai . C.Made by l'armes'. Laist ruse. ierr'"trtr,,"The-logs on tiaiîtinga met vIls tthe appt-os-aIof the- medîcal A Jttaileldt-escriptoin.î fteiew i- on ut ',titimair le betss-en 31sO 1 16euIon, becataie il acta on the. Kid- lumilîîaued. muas Kaitir 4trmii iararit -lýe front GUtlh- iudJ 44t.tîarrinasuro., A'.-aeg ibese Leyiver and Bowla wthout veak- Brlggs-I tiar ie iliai yett people rit-, i.. siti rst i nuuael afa- w teka destmaayetl5Vr-tri%-o b>- fiif. S-llaussfil- enxmgth-m and it la perfectly free front say, i w-a-t -trenIby paîient unt-dinines oainiithe- cniuiits uf the &lhbe-Dctno- i at-i t iu$ttrtt 'tr'ont- by lie -lr- avery objectinable aulilance. afler Iliren- or the t I bhysieln3s had ct-atias bt-ciiv, idr-ly r'iîjied liv tlt- nesa- r- valu,'] ut tEil Syrup of Fig.l e ae yaldu-saliti Icould flot lilse iliroungh tht- sti- pii-ma utftht- Nirîat-tt1uîtiis aroutat-, glals in 60ean81 botl es, but it la r nt- nt-h dicuasiin ii.tir- tht- f.rnittrs utfNGOOOTRIM ufactured by the Califoruia Fig Symtp Dr. flou-lt--es -ai-neatli -Ynu ought South P DOkaata l o te udaptability of Reporte,] CcjicttîStnatlo, of the Two Cb.only,whoe naineis printed on every tuLe- a-,;Iia[nte-n et bt'iiîg alive-e Iadian- Kallir ettria ntai lt niaitt. Last yeuir Lcader-,,la Doute,]. Package, anetIhefialae, Syrup o!fig, -i un i . aîd aritm uîfettsftîanr nth(ia- Siate pi- ind bcbng veli inform.d,'you in Dfot apoit-tarnlt-I cdsîtt;l ulIîiiiîitit'sort iisotreJ anti ex- Thu-(i,îît r'a aresuuîe tof the- accept auy aubtitulo if oD0 -a.The Tliàn. 1ta'miîiîted 'uiî it. utnitthc rmtsults out ientonsîiui, f ti-- îît'tîgents luin -('nur tidr- - .rois- They ,~sattivtina arne a 1was-s hitst xperiii-îrts a r.- iliit-ri.taIig. T. B. ili a ir - t-tfris it-eks. incidenîtsairthe li TmUAEENMOM R o. gCeeIninit 55 woed- uil- I t!iti tîi -diI o t h e lis aoite t h ings togu anradrn-ia >l ht ail;ii - h ~jlaV bl SIbb illajt.i «theou"QIait jlut u tintîie. i, w'jl; if, .qncts lRivst-m.ita tht- t-ttir-rhSiourix\laint, , ad a -frnt cahitî-itut-'tali ta to het t- =hat9 ie l b tuais brandtfedo or %iei3Sl4dflyiiit ttq bom& » "au ~slse s and sPan Jotirls (v i lit)a a ItairI I isi-aittht-i't) li-ta t omu s.ieb- yrltuhhîut ste Suai-i, tIxi,(.:;zun]Atio'a OUM& aIl muAsMPulsagauTrîulli. stock. 1'. J. Gtiut. n 'hinubnrlin huai-'mnaii'aul'itît i tpro-vinct-, couiuîg O»MplnWadmitr~lU f iigwl iunttt1eati' sîn-a m tan, î.exîteriuîietl lîat »Prison with eshirogi lu tht-e ot-arf tht-capiltal cii>-, Isaa. sens aave às an ud low ii insatI f teatdrit i rît a cotil i ti tav :1s'naî Ilfit-id of trIui>n iahtîrnuand nil tiI urmini a iti-t . esiroyiîîg rail- onswewm Il vinmum 0 onrabioli t-i"iit-hei ef gaa, în- atti liîfir t-trir rti- TeurI i,aîr>- (-ttri, îs-.qirri- 55ay3-bridgets, rti trit'arst ail e tr cma .nwbsluiW"mwau adisatîisii tlit-i-i-a ft-r laikea fall pan- -gaicd astrai tit-.mw Nt hie tht- Kahlit' croeafii,- ;r-iiii'. ît'ttth -blleaderâseapt- noas.m f elio ule... st'siuu of tht- ai tient. LIt-t-r tctre 3-oir nr'îis'cd rtit.sthii îitsranaull. g-bit-haratenl ut ilie,- litotii..IRlotElle. Gouriez ~ayulis.b~UUSal iisIsih.àl~Col a( tire-s-uliniiiD. 1). las-ut-sEx- waîs ai-b ib-lw uisirtiatl. 5h.tis e Kiitir IttatItthé uit ne if r-tthirmuwiî urs aoeavrrmrr uecturralt, a galeti re'tnilvtforThmoaî qils tougi-s sfotrtas t-e oii-r, i-asgren t the ieland sttWhi .f I it tiaunitI a, anti Lu5affectionis. àrnd henîtÏiis- iitg îiurlîtrtht-é-v diesi 1bt-gai, the'tttajitttl'Pinar dcli tio. ~~ ?~,'t,, etle.. lMsa A w se tuat neucs-t atells-aut iar tlîîtîî> li't! da t tlr-ai înts it .8îg u Ii t'ttiitr-tt8li t i tll -t rpîhs~ a eýtmn âr"aistrance. ,a st. iltat iat -an si-thstan,] I1 " b1 d as Ileeit-a l.îl nîany filmes. F-. âý 4 dm -raplies, for i rudb wseo ti tlmought lu liie-degret -"laina, t ftor ut. lau As a huatrer (frtf tt, I t r-îttryd the phros-- 1~~s s i ttra.- ses ~ uo e-itt- iisha i brth l iicw. ni-fa-t-rt ta iiuîursa h a te -nt-ni si arn r rît-r' VI 11h 2,114 itit-ii- t,î-hn )0 mi~aau trfful uisab ait . T viil uin.nirî ita ttharof~~ farinera ir)go lois i ring into tht- AIl aie iloiratt'l, atirtttîIuAiil ecquip- $ut LL &n MMtg$iRMI R&C & aturl c l a na -t r-gea-a' herIîslt-r,'u piyliai' liirIzeertlit-h t hrrit-rsag - tto tiist. h-sla-at-t. hrt t i t-t ti i rtc- - lth t i 1its u i - - iti aiid rltt] 'tb f- l-ur e-ai ing sautiles-.y At a uttuoialb ,- r.t t- rt titis- DLI DISPATC - i IlThe Gs-th-ncnaiti 'r f aîî- uîî,tnttîîr't sa-ar-- t, I ttl'i-- ____9&_________ ii--li--- -_ -pt-- -a,'e- suA- rà 1Tr:;c,-ar s a t iros . Thfl ý re 'ft tla r it a i-l> uttatlaà I relsfu yt,, i s adtii ttt t Ie0as.1v : su,. i l e ei M wer, t'tts suer tt ltitdits', tsar ,iy, FterkMayad %y oor sdIu i rt., b t r. tuC-si lîrird! tir- ai bit (-oeu N.irY- N r ur frCounoicire me-A raca-i-r ails thesairel t i , t iet- CAlOVIr*.Jti Wl.M eI, hryoM.mNo. .'t '115 v1 l lrîalun, f-fnrel 1*11tt.t r. t 'lie i 'îr- 'rtiit aeahals-e iitrl -r. - rtii t e liase sufe-rda.geant 8 di t r aîîrtni lu 1,tand Xilt.ýilt t cr to an exie-uh1iPC - have 1di0 stopdiss-orkIltllV1- DEtttt,îO MAtîjS Iî '-Nt-EMtlel ' doetor'1sth iti .- -,ait,)rtmsijiefr n --a r lrt ~nd ireces-t-l otly ttraprarygI hî ex,- 1, itfi-r, t i aiun ut i li tuitt-atandrusifîriore ortiala 4,0 0 ltus-att u j, reflet.I havenotiqut,' tinSenti-la- iDrlardsanti ai ni> i ti s t-rttes i isteriti iri, a;tir-rlt,.i shîeaîs ilia t@it'ltetan$n îaîit.Inalai re ion, il f .r theX i rî, ti d iig list- in] jtcî i more troubleewîth t-lieer25ycent.ràasoutherAeut-un. analmtii,'nutlit Marla enIli- r. J C eneys. sattJ ut-611ttr:Ilîîtil -tt it-i-r for Il: url f <frnforIe~Vr are, ofreiers -anw-osaidtyttMttquit-alRto s-l bndts 11 tr- mîosaliîfr, hlir date o June 7.189tîi;iied rt'vegitirof »elefgr tînîtI, laas i i, bItfali -ie<-e agalsilon;t't i h. gi fort-tht- rt--toua frruntroub-letht-trînîl t ki-' tiu,.naletrutignl'ittîl STi'IEaabss.ll, tnigtlut iirtiitu -. i i'tlaci ,in bisav -tinti-r-alnttl e an t-la ta rt-la t-t-satius litl Iltta r0,M ). Ifitatti'. lit-ilatt thatlit-me.ldttaveîtt-rtopîtor-fi nt-rre- - 5l000 mros-ml e tele jtht,) rta sihoN' îtrc -fitint îrt ii! ta letr-a ltit'n lIi !Bme WTootithait fic -rrrt t fok ekntafne o ew e ySitîANit t-s-tii i a lu'Is t.nî,"tinne i er r i t ,)ola o ( - f ofli" ei t ilt t-a, dco'ninelneb §Î, $11.l1rf2 e Af- -t lr -r"atnî s.r' ,ftur-fr .fint rvisicitior a yva: Thtrets-,;a fLad 1 recelvedouly teniporaryIaen- tha xcit fý ic iJitii t-sat at-touitii l resat-Jlithy Wlii. te as et- ('iST.nîtBS IL tans t',ildrn. ht- sulier' in titi e tîîea s t:ta IOktitlII.s-il tf n relef 1 av no qitefiisbd heoui,' t lr nir i: t- ttiesecnd bx o Rians abu 's u,,ueaoh]twmttiniatepsg lra roilitteifi. lnllr.r ve ttf Utet' theiTtrs ntrtt ittacs lii i 71 j1 1Brak- hati t-s'a cput it's utlet-oiny. as r,lypoetvil h e ok-,,ana salei moe robe "a ltbrmler a r Cne L .S bîrîîlalt)o-ra tit liot amr-er uta nuiti lia D. îmsvcepei o of aethe ter Is-id el> uwnaud le iit toi -tîy.>. Natltt4 ti k at Nee I) O Oa ç b ok d - u c- o iri zsth-~ Xtt.Ps.la-caathfwaji SAPOLIO - tt,,au t lit" JU3T BEEN TO TH1E STORE- s'ËEWm-AT IGoTr FOR 10 CEM51 ihe Iargest piece of igo tobacco ever .5oId for kt1TM '~5 celt Pièce 15 near[gWa Ware as you ,get of te. 11hi .9,ad or io centas z-------- White Wash Donc ,Everywhcrc wuit MNA SqARUS 7t; Dr,. ParkIorst and Yotiug DI»ta In twelve familiar Iltaý l'ir.-kuhrstthe .gdr. New York preacher and reformer,'will addr himself to yonng meni. A featur. that will continue through the year of x&gG ý Cb £dks nome Journal, s ONU DOLLAR FOR AN fEMRE YUAR OVER 140 GIRLS WBRR ED<JCATED FREE At thé best colle<me and conservatories under lte Free " Educaional Plan o Hit DuEs' Homz JOURNAL. Ever girl has the saine chance now for any kind of éducation ad. 'wants. Not a penny need she expend. Let ber siniply write to.. ~k wts nes o mauPUH" OýW "Brevity--s--th"SouI of Wits Good Wife, You Need L-- SAPOLIO,