CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 Feb 1896, p. 1

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L.No#1.,Lz ,0oe. W. y. HuaraIL W:« J'Charles Oalloway. 4~~ovmrLovoIre DrugStore 1 f4brtyVl1le, - lio ~JSM. AUCX DAVIS. c Mac . . . . * voo~ ULTJREANSIRM Dr. E. H. SMITH, DEUT IST. Officeover L*veII'SDrug6tore1 HUQU ato a &m. sud 1 o 9 P. M.DÀMII1 Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Trigge & Taylor's. tto i&.a - S104 sud&.tonaP. m nosâaco on Broadwsy oppoeoPark Libertyville, Illinois. MasLuL.ÙM. 8. PENNIMAN. - imcaza or - VOCAL AN0 ^LO DaLMANTZ inuTNUNEKNTAL SsymeM or .815510 .I1 .. LOCUlTJ@n.. - MOU& 05? Ea*ýoitA3 lU eIC Uibertyville. SillInels. -E PAUL MAC GUFFIN. s Attorney and Councoflor at Law, NOTARY PUBLIC. h BPMW 51attention given 10 CoIk'etob5aMd Offloa wIth La County Banke. Libertyville, Illinois. d W. H.L APPLEY, ] WAlJCTIONEER... .Libertyville. Illinois. h" m< .ducno ueperize m niAue- .8oaidn lthe pat soventoon years 10 matt"k aolua gy §Md adjolnlng Connuies ~,~~1~USt5 SallfsctoflGuar- * CUN TV BANK .... ( Wrght, Parkhuçst & Gb. e Libertyville, Illinois. Issues Interest-Bearing Certificatee Payable on emand. Wheu you *auL a nev t et arnes, or repaira On 111.old st, you can do uc .Setter than eau ou RUEqUOLPH KAUSHA. ::on," or a. Ir. 050*04. Prompt attention given to ail klud et verk. Good vork sud icw prifes are bound 10 vin. Winter Blankets, Fur L.ap Robes. H-eavy Fur Coats or authins tu thse lne of banes.. heavy Oriight. von should not fal to "v u e tok dlsplayed br ...çiARLES KAISER. g.~modoa rtiIruaDes i. pm&aptly -d Whe, toEat. Wh4eu YOU are luWauike- A COjODMEAL Cryital Restaurant corner Ouues suad sdi sou st.,lpudier ,erigkit'a - Dung Store, cnppUi e - W~*ai~ oka Lake-eunty, Illtinois,1 Friday, February 14, 1896 An n~rtIi~ pogrl~'ha* a»Urged fort*11echr'uiit, KdSO 1 aUyr, Io 00U I ont o8, uïdy ............. Beau. S D .... - -«B . a 517 E. ............EO - 135* SONG.O......................Cogeati PÂPF41-"Wi la the Chriumii Endevor BOCIL d~torwacve Deouifla- tio" bw.1ev. C. LU Bnovdèu DISCUSSION- SONG. ............... OIBs ake Bocety SONG ....... -..........veboo Bosity PAPEU-'JufllQf Worr Libetyvili e Bele 8E0ETTALE-Bul>beet000»iOni.Bm.ever SONG..................... COugreaiBOf BEBEDIInO- avEnue. ' PEATER Kl!N-...e.C. L. Beovien ADDEES-B*O4t)O$iNaM&Ot f s8110Me P ou W UrAmerlE5f SONO AND BENEIICTiON- Prof W. 8. Wae<i SUppER SERVE» TO ALL. 0cOr enterpriatng neighbort lMr. 0- 1. Lue, 0f1 ouno, la about tu ma'ke gtewive repaira about the plc recently pirqbaed t Mu. Geo. Herriek.. le hu a d a Deov furuaco put in sud te houas vifl o e moded through- unt. Ic viii ho vepapered sud repaint- 4d Inaïde and eu$ aud vlxeu Oriu ets hrough tearing devu, slvaightening &round and cleaning out ill ook lie u stegether dilferent plae, aS te neyer@ doe anytiuing by halvea. Bnnday, Feb. 2, va& ground hog dey- Trdin avers lit if- the grouud hog unes bis .11heou onthat "aY' ho viii take a siz veeku anooze, and a late apring -ay be expected. If he doueflot or eaufDot se hie ahadov ho v$li stey out vhich iudicaleaos eauly uprlug. Mr. Heg viloe«p six geeksaumors hile ve have a fOv blizzard dishsd up-so saYa tradition. Meonday aiternee sud evanlag, M, B. Colby a Co., up.lo.dal adavtiêva .eld goda with a phouegrmb accusa- panîment. The ummiiiboy v-s--nuh in evidonce sud vleved vith openoesf (and mouth) th1e t8silg macins. The concert, a advertisod, vas & novelty, and afforded mnany the fOrsI opportunity tu houx Wlzard Edlaeu'a "vwonder of 111e ninetenth century." There viii 1be s dime social aet1the home of Mr. Heath February 28. Iu cou. uectton. vith tbis the Dame "comfort' sud one quilt viil be oid at auctiOn to tue hlghest bldder. Ice cream. sud cake wili b1e aerved; snd a royal good time is promised 10 ail vho attend. Every one lis eordially iuvited te corne sud brnug your frieuda. We are alvays pleased to have local items handed iu. il your friends visit you or you contemplitte vialting YO'u frlendat let u kow. We are graleful fer such favors and yon eau heip tu maku 1the INDSPZUDIl4T the best count3 paper pnblished lu Lake County and a credit 10 Libertyvlle. - ey. F. W. Leunugton, for morne timE a milmiouary tb Bramil, at proeul studying iu McCormlok Bemlnary, vil preach ai the Presbyterlan churcl 9nazI Suuday moruing sud eveulul 1ev. Colman, agent for th1e bibiq sotiety. vRI iaise ope"A lu the evening At 1the 1aI meeting of 1the I. 0. G.1 th1e iuititory ceremnfy sud lMuatitioi of officers crovded eut t11e prograi vhlch promlsed 10 11e au interestini 9one magazine feature aud vili bu Ih entertalurnt Baturday eveuing. We have a flueo lueo0f veddin attlo nery, invitationi carda Zou dance parties, etct Our pricea are ruasonabi sud ve guarantee ertistie vork. 1 you conlemplate malrimony cous', us for pulcea, alplcs, etc. max Leîesu basplaced a nowvdgt oun111e market uaned after 1"MidighI s horse ef local reputation sa %"fyer -Ifthe cigars»eat the samnegait t horse travelo, Max la lu a fair vay1 make a fortune. Wh&asthe malter vlt a brasbho for Libertyville. A local mwliel informed a reporter for th1e aE i ECN? 4hat, et least 20 inenibert oquld' hoeB@ured audmien'of more or leow tali itve a good thiug, pu'ah it deug.,: The Good Tompiars viii give gsca Mttheir hall, er Eger'. ha di- are store. this (Frid&y) eVeul 's l«oshn"8t i sa srved ax progr50 vndred. Eebd~~l HasDl* 5I. .bOn, Buaday sehool tempelauoe Xey. Reiv*r aveke>iMwUdAy moru- work. &t paper ou 8Scientille Temper- ingM wibuvathg oo8dI*ed a severe »ees Xutructon ln Public Bchoe," aold. Thinking doet*i te bc un- frài5 thse U 01 Mima OphOlia Stol uqeessavy fot man et hqtp excv>t vasMed aud elicted genexal approba- 1.108dfflbroken loti bu inade auc4 tion. Xis. Eioley 'alpo read a paper je thé «onay remedoda uch caes on -*'Hty," * hIch vas heartily quinetc.-ile 4ioI Ualceuider nppludd snd thoen deepeulug tbata oid ahould det.«. hlm from shadiS gave warning it vas Urne te ooudtp*igag the servie« Iiiday and1 elosg- ,The gentleman preseut ver. vas ýpatug go te ChÇioago, Mon-.ald> for remarks sud nmre re. day morainif, vheu, upon 1the suggews ponffl ia au ardent maner, vhich %oes e 't rnd he eomndied te muo- i n itae14vaa encouragement. Thauba jà,t phy4idma, vho,Inufod hlm gcitlemn-come again te Our mool- l V" a e 0f dupbJi0fl*. . ngit4 ndbiâg your inda vth yen. Mr. baver vas Be aut &Iealrmed, yoli area, alvsys welcome guesta. Be- as b. b.d expoed h asudMee Suuday fore lesing, BE invitation vss exteud- but the doeter ou. hou 1the danger cd Iby -Mu. Burge te hold the lirsI van coiparatively Uttte. The effl ean £iiiil cuference at Orsysiake, vhich a rery mild oeeand we boecte ae wa aceepted owd se ordereti. Thua Mr. Rleuver ou the streets jlasafew after touderlng a vote Of thauks te deys.. de 1îvanhoe peepie for geuseus cou., tributions lovard the suocesa of the Ralroad MelgT-4at meet ing snd kind bospitality. a moe The comiittee appeluted ant1the te iajooirn vas carrled and thus cloaea mneting Isat ThurmdaY eveuiug, te the third confereuce lu thua couuty, interview the property ovarcth Ie all feeliug they 11*4 been vell repaid tevu and -ebtaiu, if possible, the for journying through mud and snev deslred smqunt reqirled te bring the and lookiug fçrward 10 cuir next electrie rallroad through"this place, coming togeteep, te vork sud prsy for 9 l han n.m,i l s varh.a"d cailed as1Uthede.,rutloeü1thIis ment deadl3r meeting to e 1e .4là in11e lovEhall. Priday eveulng, lebvuaqi14-The oficera ofth1e railrcad ,vill be pussent te addreaa the aamqmbiy, sud every- body interested iu a brihiisu future fer Libertyvilie, should atend the meeting and help th. good cause &iong. Meeting te 11e calied tu erder at 8 o'clock p. m. Ed.eil-Beardmali. A very quiet vedding vos olebrated st th1e reeideuee of C. C. BuiUay la"t Monday evenlng, the cetMUBrela parties being Mr. Harry Edaefl sud Misa Mande Bosrdmau, both of Kenten, Ohio0, snd the offIciating minlagtr, 1the 1ev. J. B. MacGumfu of this place. No guemla other than th1e relatives 0ft11e couple were present sud' thesu ai th1e conclusion 0f11the ceremony [psxtook 0f the zuodeet collation pre- pared. The happy couple departed ou the followlng mornlng for their 0hio home. nplifting of fainon ýhuMsnlty through. ont olur uwn deer atate sud nation. go shah w e ever vcrk, -Fou God sud Home anid Native Land." àfta. L. B. Buxnu, Sec. John Straub. of liosiont DecamPe. Lest Saturlay, Joia Straub, a regi- leut of Lojîdout,o ,uunemoulouisly leparted fir l"udnkuovu, sud averal o! Iliii cn<4torsare nOv.-On lojaa irl. By ail usounta il 1e la splured, lie ,%îi " do a UmtIlime" asà te guesî of SheriffBi-Ovu, et Wauke- sun. Iltse e niS th" duriug the peut wintun, Johin i>ought aleffo qusutity of cordvood from &memorne t lmeigh- bousan badhsîlel it te Wauakogsu. Be ,onght the woo.1 on lUne sud vas te, pay for il viieu lie 11*4 rOcved 1the mnejy from his linysu. .L4"t veek he eoilected thle amount -due hiru, quietiy left hî.s oldhauntan sd pro- babiy, is now phaying th1e vole of a defaulting bank cashier. Flepublican State C»vOnti0n. By direction of 1the IlItis4alepstb l1cIfl Stale Centrai Uomemiem*1ReK- publican voter8 of the BevevlOuntieo of t11e tate are req tested te pend doie- gates te s state convention to'bs held sI Springfield, WedInesday, Aptul 29, 18916, nt 12 o'clock Doon, -for tbe pur- pose ef placing in nomination osudi- datca 10 1be voted for at the November election, 1896, for thi, follovinUg oMfces, lu th1e order nn,,t it: Governor. Lieutenant Goverk,r. Secnetary of State - Auditpr of tPublieA ot. State, Tressurer. Attorney Generikl.- Three trustees o! tlw i1iuiveuasy of A8o te nomainale two Elect.00541.q Large, qpd onu elector fr n w achcou_- gresalo#ai Distriet iin le. -tate, IQbO1 st-iectod by t11e delegate-. to sad s'ta$* Convention from ectîtti.trtt t excwpi wucre candidates for Eetr boive:10 fore that lime been sebl,toI tn Ce gressionai District ConventleltS. Also 10o lect four Delegtus-at-Large an d fo u r  ite n ate s -at L rg e t10 tlb . National Republcan ConvetitiMn. 'de de se JO th go of lx i Corre*pofl<IOft1UWanted. We vaut a ecoereapo"deut inevery I heàait sud horg, vi 1ge sud eBint Lako County. If your town la not represenlod il ur en coiumns-saendp along a correapoudeuce. Aul com- munications sho nid reacà. 111* ofice by Wedneaday. An lnteresting Meeting. p Th1e Ihird qusrterly conférence of! th1e Lake County W. C. T. U. eonvenede atI vanhoe, Friday, Fei). 711, at the i appointed hour il a. m. Th1e day vans Iail11*cold 1e dusired at Ibis seasen of the Yesx- but many were kept from atendiig by th1e bad condi- tien of 1the roada. The Unions re- preaeuted vere Waucouda, Waukegan, Grayalake sud Ivanhee, lu full; and lest but not leat, sil1the Unions of th1e conîy sud s part of Cook iu the peraon of env district president, lirs. G. C. Bieley, Whose presence le alwa-s a welcome one ut our meetings, auti assurance of iucreasrng inlerualt, toeltei 1close. Promptly atIil a. m. th1e Jonnty Preaideut, Mus. C. Raught, clled the meeting We order. AUl joined lu slnig- l ng "Blet bec1the lie that bind8," attur vhich Mus. Dean, of Ivauhoe, took charge of the devotional part, the 119111 Psaim boing useci s e cripture leason. Many petitlons te the Ihuonù of grace vene off eued fou Goda bleàsing on th1e meeting and'guidance inthie great work before thcm. Brs. Llleley vas aéked to address the aissmblcd ecovoukers te vhich she ueaponded vlth herutuau good gracu, aillie.c 9coming so absorbed Iu heu taik on th e negleeted childhood, thal 1the hour for adJourumunt came ail tee soon. AI- [f though lbath, toforego hearing her it thuough, 111e ladies of Nvauhoe iust- 1 d tbat 1the vents o' 111e tner man ub sould bu provldcd for, and accerding- ,ly alter a hymu snd prayer ail retuu- ad te 1the homes of thoe hoépitable ;0people aud te say Ihat 1the gre anda odelicieuse chieken pie aufteued fuon 0~ the luroads made upen. 1, ia puting it very mlld, for W. C. T. U. ladies and Id thelr hushandu eau est If they do uot m drink. A siege of 11115 kiud le nno ]ýk Bihed lu s short lime go ve in- be medi.ately had te prepore -for Ibur 't- rotu1nte) th 1e cozey charch o!1 the peeple again, havlug> lime for a haudabakea 'Wlt the11.nevarrivais >»d- Aterneen session opened vith the kg. song, '0nvard ChrtUlsîlu Udlers,' * la ieleyiukigQd bein 1Y AtW the .buaines "è, droîe.Uu '_ esta M ua~ m* e i e *ATW SW E WANT Y0US "~ADE THIS JYeur Of leu vinwflpa te sWU yov aytblng iz Our lavas s*eý: at mny andl aR Unioý sà ma lowem puîce quoted by any flm oUasore lin lakoe outynMd lu -addition te the, We wiIl -give a. In any of the follow- ing-Departmert.. Carpeta, 011 Clotho, BupsMatt lowa, Comforta, B akt-Or( Men'asbjoea, Boys, Shows, O heMiliaey. Cloako, b sets, Kid Gloeu, Boaievy, Lace Curtaina, Chinelle C-, Notions, i)vws (iodà, Giligi Gocda; Liuiaga, Tbred a& White aud. Oeloved T i Tickiug, Fat Oeta U Ca White Shirta, Voier. n4 OUI.4 Mitins,nd 14 rooy lp vtth $1.00 puvbd, Moe Thethvaluey td youronslae expeatins, as ollows:higes Cuptons iihoaes oe I n lm l r iUsp ias DCosat ed uredt eerated Oha tme r atae1g5,0 la ReorategdChinnr sg,ooka, evelvybOlvetWiaS.nybgI cahlars e , o viii givy u il yovlllvBdiwin eau @pend yroon 11the omare day ynre ive lasucvyon um> Ihemnutil yen have eqougb te b. easIdwiPtiI srIdù SET OF OUR OS13T CRQCKER:Y. THIS 15 NO LÔTTERY OR, CHANCE, OA!e:i FACT 0F THE MATtsERt$- We vent 1Tour Tradel .vayi rnseour umaevade net dkOE~e notiiag, vare.vuiyUotWS~ clate yeuir trade, oi o se q- yen a promeut. mny 1*4?K and sno41Dpi 1e 50.e U7mtvsG Watbta#'* ter preaej Ww-w4t"M. WANTS A DIVORCE. Aunt "LIb' pslton aftgr WilIard Woodard. Afthough legally married to Willard Woodward morne three montha ag,90 Aunt '.Lib' pute aI precoent sud frivilnua form salde and la Plain Aunt Ldb -Peon sud has been since a bufore her -auriago. Whst "kunt iJb" vontla la sdivorce, and s gold watch-the latter belng given th1e groom as su evidence of affeelio, nl vorth 110.00, sud compares faverabiy a te value, wllh 1the affection bestow- ed. WiUsrd Woodward halls Item 4.UOvhere", aI lemat ve are uuable 10 Isaru a mous defiie addreas. He breught with hlm fromn the Mme Place a firey steed vllh a big appetîte ilavlng married, "Aunt LIIho couid seos nereaon vhy ah. mhonld net feuish feed for 111e beat. It âsemed hértUy fair te furnish a herse, buggy, b àed andtb1e'.whoething.- AuntLUb' siid i<it.1' The house "kieked," some HALF **Y Wllls Wells la Oili leoasil on's trade. Wm. Kauev sud vifs, tv over 1the arrivai o01s mes. Julins HBrulimrade a tnip-te Tuesday, te vWsitrfienUa Mayxfle DeileninaIr, ba» fuom s visit lu Miiwaukos, I John Kammer, eor, iepoù hast Friday, loeking mterb! interestu. Johnie peglev hm ua ince laut Beptembr aud no' hlm bas yet beon found. Don't forgt te attend 9 àMae Ballu 1in5theva n i 2iut. Lunch i il ho serve d charge. The Bard TlunsadhoeW succees. People ,;rou- eRoudeut, Evireat - ;.3 -Pruine View. TIxUS m ab th1e Hait Day Social oeb. The question for debsIs lu That a SchooI T.aaipuV 'D'entioprs .. Aino for 1the transaction fl !St-hlOthey'bernes do. Pagyeu order a businesq.seasMay propeuly coule Ibefoe5 Laat Frlday mornlug. Mr. Woodward m e nr th11e wlA$ i. - tlrsed '"uut b" 1the herse mu"l Correspondangce gollted. Carci of Thanka. be ted or ho vould depart, sud forFu>Bua0, The ollicens and board Of ,irec. goSd. Isn spos immediateiy de- tors, of I1S Lake County Agricul. r thned l.atch sbe bad given hlm, The 11111e daUghte -Of, tuxaI Soiety end thanks to A. B. IO5 pietures, love letters, sud Webber, Bolhaid., iup yuh soilt dyloer 154coic d e h wt Cook, for 1the ysiuabie service,4 he'rOL- tison able te cure vElu lover dered lest yeur, as civil engînleer, lay. ov sud vaul hock again. Uncle gave hlm a525 cent bu el> ing uI be uv lackcIe Als'toW. odward hitched up, thiuklng tue isn'a CoughBaoy H. Appiy for aloving the soldierb to or à t Aunt Llb'a" fat bsnk account Holdefl, marebant and camp aud visitera 10 111e fair ho drive W1Oheh. implayed suci abity lu est, hlmt11e *. and w sudhlth tei hoseaupn bs îo-tÏ]e1g sare of, and drove off te, ne- ebarm. This, roux"y'- pety. I lai raîher laIe fou tItis ýb< khova vbore. Be tbob-with espeeial-iy for soute throl Pression, but 1the intention of Ithe 11 tgold vatcb, and ail poaaibiiity diseasea 511411 a cuida»> whooplng ceugb, sud» la board of officers, to move a vote Of <-d 1bu d nsd leaviug a $4.00 a- is cures. Tbora la x» thaubp aI 1the meeting Feb. 9, was OveLr- moi penOsion for Aunt Lib, » forth- giviug it te childyon fer looked. wtIdisae*ed. nothing lujurlou& Y« o?9 ____________Lovebi, LibertVfleMd 0, 111 IIDEPNDET vshe 10obtii Ater baving aacetaiuod beyond a Wanceuda. th1e !olowing batik issues - monlths of douU -the$ mixe could net gel 1the _________ Mauch,-prll, July, September, Oclobor Peasiofi-l*u ae of him daatb site lmn- LIBERTYVIU.EU November *and Deceinher, 1894; and medi&Wtolob stops te soecurs orctdb 11aoe55 divrofe*. Kouor hmait that Woodward oSt bth tmùw January, February' May, June, JnIy Bte~Ce~5v. .. sud November, 1OU5. The tire lest tookSlO lu cash te bccp 1t1e voit from BuIer-C11ie aIi$... Anguat, destuoyed 1the files, a Iedç. hal ebfnstd If hoegg pree . compuote d Ivo yeer's file the above did it *vas vorth 111e tve huudred Poittes pur bSblhsi.». papel. aue nequlned. - ho gel il. C(odi--Hr er > oi... ______________CeaI_-Boit W ton. For Oo«fl!n Steamshdp Tickets.m . b asti Ad t'-. t Cern pur bush beIu Vias1teheavar n . nefro Mà, ah-1t4? bjq t htit Ilt L Çt( lL! s eapur &bit .. . Qnebeo te Livepoql.pgr VI* auy ésteant- set tt )A p .j..>.z e.noe fil i :, Ground Fed..... uhip iuec&'tiqmik tbh 4 tiat l ow- YonSla ..b. Lgeby hie.s l . i tBren, Wpeuo....- est ratOu or r* cabu,, second cabiu youx , .Oupy for aie ,àuws-.1i4iEgb or Fsud eteerje"h cmeitw nd'dpue- 11e u~ andib nult..âteiU ate W5'alt,.au1op, otenpMe 1% 4 - UnF.,e.lm t, ii L ., Mi

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