la' * ~IfVIL WAR. TiN~AOAtM5T THE i W~ABURg. aplt.4 a~ Wpw'.lug Vive Lii'.. Crsa.b.d ~k~u5btYt Su.. I. ~$IOrIpUU. t y a- Fe r- 0 r- e Se Idth*aie n4èt eiteiuaq - hie Iurvtemnt da'ecti etii passe « <th, pesnce tp li>eard "ad osit. t1ttf e li thabae pe tw4 ra"sied hy il iUgon or Ulons trouble. Re- lIblto folow, endi a civil a Ti.Çobervaive. of 1fl8C of the 1:b11, bave towMteDominion Go,- koidrtecousegaseace of hieatter. - i10ups wvrc ocaiared *ier Don- *ii i as Central IlaltroOt. 3M &b.eseaa peeseaiger trait ~ a e.l~-bouad le flileettepassengeî ýW&8 askiied, ai, su fat Umpe Iras 4qluad. The damai 01 ruiod'propeet>' à@ very tcees were plcd ap in 1 > u . n.Pécseenercehs wrtll. aaeed, andth tarec awa grýest.dltanee. Thei.n w'Iaoee la Ijentraula, au dia t pet vouadei t at beng tht iwsoe. it tasaldllhit Rugi- Mbg«M a udample liane ho ecape tie llg't ef the RM re& But h. seelat ta& 10ohils Post sud doune il tou- rouSe. .force off flaccollon. ti la hat lie )ost bis life, hiouglt ýiIt7,o as-e t i.lives off Mai M- Uad hlieaadoned ibis cagIas ~.aere bis oa-n satety, tie Ciàve been inteusiflei tolua M*-4.gre, sud, lusteet! ut aligil ,"reg off paseager, muet have 4ýpOflbD REVOLT. WmA pUo00Kil0eI llau Attaci in~~tq sch. 4'ea-spaber pablilsae on Uic - Od 'pinte si maseage.f rou Wài.t sÊetAntananarivo, dateit 8 *htgtlat a 8mit conspirac'> -v'îPed tii....The. crre. 0 Pe l tM4,4100Hovasattack- Miei Fbut a-re repulsei il a-lt bOM&liil Goatianliit.lta. cor- iïâ, * i-umorha. reaaced hlm .4s1 etfFreeci afices andti.l W bém mIuT,1OetI d itaï:tfour- beau condcu±aîd '741 " hat the prenela moi- týCffl. hébe shot lasmediatel>' wc. cohe bjeftswere sen- /traserttin.The, news le 417 L R UNK. à*lgt M" .Pmebhd. Mie liiter Lester,- during a ~Tgd.y ORi09offloka-ay NeWToa tug -et te thee es.- » îfgie lue». Tihemcm M'i a ahon et Rochewa.> bave. th".>'Ver ailsvaT. A ._ Irýhaip cid 4reaé tien, le- Ont ab.Tic>' aitse My Ta-c SIkthers pick p ou. 960i Eectrie chair. Shea died th .e eetrical 2%.Y., Tacaday' ~or the morder off Mata-b, lIIP. iosS o tdhaole deatia r n s igil r, bul s'id uollalng. «M l IWpriete la 'the the dead. Md the onSrt voltage -apened dia sale orf t& Co", Clsanati, *littsmtgsuid dental ~W7~ 0Wotth ilifor $15,00D q ln) aetndaitbimehi- seti a Verdict saan- Iieth te Catratu - aiai flcuoo L4&ad 5i-sieith- tata-a-m Ped. aau filumense Rh terrifeforce in S' Obleulad, Oio, 11Ma et aaec thaI seul fooe« off tic odiwfflau bouees, agents with whbeh Illeiaatul Cattke, a esepenter off ClWcago. aiea- bisentire foin. hp.o offsi; tiffi, ti'ulng the revofree spot hiaiecf, h. committed suicide. Wheî radentsla the. vIelnlty bairet Iato the hot.eariy IVe4nenday mornlng, they 1foua neveu corpss,,andl a saileficia exemination hhowed that each of Klatt- k.', victime bâtil bees shot uhrongh the brain and liaI he hinisoîf Led died lna sinular maniter. îNo evîdence of trug- gle éxiated, asad au eoipty chiorofornâ bot- tle wold indicate ane of that ancethetie befoce the shooting. Klattke a-as de- spondent. The memberç of i famaaly were cold a anungry. Slace Chrstmtas ho huad been out of irork mnd h.e eded bliatreable'just as reliefwaainluslght. Wednesday uornlug hie aext-door neigh- gor, Adolpbhm"ft, calleil at thé cottage wllla theii, Joy news that he hait fonat! s Job for Xlat*e. At the saula tinie M1r. Browna rriveit on4. s mialrerrant!. %'hy- coime tou lte, 111,4 bowa- ach no one knows, ter'thae bodie s ere colt! when liiacovered. 0. A. IL MNCAMPlyJ#g.T. ailroade Njy Crat Demanteoff The. meeting '6f tii Nationjal Executîve 7ounci off the Grand Ari, asbeh hla Wu scalleil ta aeect gnea-location for the national eucampnaent. owlag tWîIh reffasal off the ralirosi ine* ceaîfrrlag in St. Pail te citendthte ticket limitation tu thirly day,. as demanded b>' Coniatel- lu-Chief Walker, ha, Leen poatponed for two a-eeka in order to awaitderolôpnienta growlng ont of the notice given by 'the Chicago siai Great Western thait it aili net &bide b>'the decielon of thte Westerni Paseue, Association, but %vlit grant tlie Grand Army demande, even if it stands alone la »o.ding.-, It is thonght the other roade a-ii bc couspeled teunaeet liis de- fetieu, ad that consequentl> the. eu- campect mpiy be held at St. Pan). as dealgnatei b>' tii. Louisville getthering. s i- in - fiedantsous, Badina ta Fleahtîiit Pov-- y . decr EKîerîmsents. Wiile axperimneutng atia ai noirtiai- leit pouriter iavenlei b>' George Latt-- Sronce, a Chicago piatograusher, F. T. IlDnnning, ai omploye, canseti au expio- i on aiici areckedt h. building, dseert-- 1>' injureti Duaning anuitMma.Laarence, a-lt. off 1he pietograiter, endl ahatteredt ewiudoa-s lu several structures adjaceunt te ie stdio.The.explosion occurret! iu CI runsin heqecon tatsor>', weeDon- a nag aas engage In l makiag powder uset! lu maksiug lasligit pictureg. IHo hait -completedthetiaworh et componnding the- mahorial, andi aas pultn t i Ilmttal boxe, cacb caiéeatedt! lucontain ha-o ouînces, a-hon *"lent apparent cause tie -powder explodet!. ROBDIIRS USÉ1> XBAMITIL Attepapt te 0w Up the Horne off n W*Wttbl*leidenh off LeO. Aues. A --ege tdynnaite a-as exîiodet! làtI !'di éther eeiuag uidera,ealdetace 1off T. DW Itiison,aàavealti>' reident ut Lon Augeles Cal. The bouse tans flot serionsi>' darnageit. Tie occupantasaere 1asleep, sud lie creport, avilci aaihearal tail orer lie cil>', caseit great consterua- lion. A. neigibor a-ho haistoneit tu the secue ficeit a aliot et a man aio a-as muan- ning serons thie iava, but lie bailet s naseet!lits mark. lise police beliere rob- .bers pepet'etet! the outrage for thietant-- Lpose off plutateriag Uic ious.e!uuiug the contusion.. A dia f'-igujt b>' Joseph Chamberlain, British t4é of, etState forctheo <'oi- nis t [brztlë obinson, Coi t-mur of W'reiews telic stot'>'ou cr0515 la 15e 'Ttaiaraal ince. I&tI, anda Points ont itilie mining iulerest, lte tàigita>' off lhe cunîr>'. are maini>' in lie'haait off tae Uitlanders, a-ho are de- barrot! b>' igislatios' freai licrigits off citlzeteiiP. lit statea tnthie a-huit-di- rection ut affaira at! the riglil of taxationj romain a minuopol>' la the banda ut a de- cresing majorit>' off lhe population ea- gagqd lna griculture, at-ile tiie majonit>', tsio t'ained lie res-enue fréta £7sUP0 lu £2,0i..(Mj. are denieit an>' roice liitih goserUrnsoff the Tranereandet!are un- ail, te outais redroas for lhe formaidable guieranees bhamperhng ait injnring them laceasautl'. 1Mr. Chamaberlain empla- aizei thei pacifiesait abere-hoard charne- teof ut he ie tlger agitation, aindi eenliai liat the Uhiit et'sW petiions Wetre ie- jecteit b>'thie volkarauof ait! scaraful flaugilor. eue metuber off tint body> chaI- I"ig rtic Uitlanders hu take up ariasV zut! igit He taislîoacdalastate theu~ Posiuion cf (;Mact Britain and! her cdaids1 oward the Trasral, syiug: "Since tha convention off 1884 Great Britain bas ec- f egot! à1h,' Tranitltnel s, lndtafandent ln- ternîlI>', but lits extermai reltilonsasre subjeet to tie coatrol, off Great 'Britalu.a Tiers iltno rediaeon te, auticipate ttlai forelga state aili dispute aur rigits, but il la ne-eear> ho @se dean>' t ltea G0a-ertiffientt lulenda ho anaitain tbemlln . their inîcyrli>'. Itornaaiy Grenst Britain 1a Justied, in the interesesoff South At- < rienaus a wt'ole and! for tbe futeace anal I 'stabilit>' cf tho Trausni, ho leidelés frieudl>' cousels regerdîna-thie nttacoai- oIra, 1m1lul>'YBritlishsubjects," Plagrea B old Word. 8s Nine hudret! peope... cissd ayor h( - tJaa-jd 9. liagrcc off De»h, ljich.tu ho le ai echo Tinrada>' nigit lit Centrai ,Maîsie ai Hell, Chicago, a-heu ho det-floit boodling ti aîidea'ueu and grnbbiag coportions at-e a-ors. than tiieve i i. algit, The aab- Ject off tie lectureiears"Municipal ie- p fart." The greater part off hlaudiec ai cossistei off Ia- studeuts, for tlectoure PC was gireti aidteicauspices off lin Chi-.s- eago fawa-Stuetie'nds st!Alaînani Agsscia- l lion. The rt-st ufthti audience icltuded e e unan>' aho areautorkrs$or retorm n aCil>' Itlitles. Toussez Forger Fiels Viciel.5,fa A brckgh, lia-el>' >onli. îcofesuiit lieota cuaployet laithie ciice orf ex-Mayor C. g. C fienu>' ah Indianapolis, baài nîlereai forgeai d checks lu tbe nme off Ur. Den coilec- ye lis-el>' camoîuiig to coisulderable Th'e e forcer lant!as-ribed as 16 >ears 01<1. and ansia-ers bu te ntneoff toy>'Thonîam ilcoppea Dendai Tirosm i t-rlhth~ BeoJnitnuFut-rt, aga'd 00, eanîahaaaet! au o Cruslng flugauntaIMtîuaio.laid., diedth 'iiday of ftrigit. A âsIsb lled it't viiaauce hat! e mira'uloutq, cacpe aI ils eaaaiu lad andthe tcmati druppeai deait Bis Falieroeloaiçoa-York.,- lit M. Adams, taaufîciueý al a bc @y l r ýy ýo le re le le le Matter off Surpris. to the. Plsanclg World-Couamerclml Feeling Strent or-Ceou for DssIop-P "tel ESofl;lt Maur Moterlly lielp Gold tca"yg Syndîcae te 7.Sellina. :it The. Morgau pool nit New- York was, busý Fritt>ayieline bonda ut the nmarket rai _ot 116iy&. Ir'bere -ureporte la Wal street tint Mr. Morgan was aiso a buye of bonds, wiakh was nut unîiket', ante., are regardet ai; sure te adyatace to 10 stitifua ashort urne. ,Ilt -a ld tlitth, Morgan eplpe, .ltke mauny others. hoy, contrett for the deilrU of maiS>'of4hi bonds, and! Slnd tint tic>' arç,short lir-thq suppi>' hie>'expeceiteto gt.Late lattai day, too, peine a report; trom. as~abuhgtoi saying thattheielorgnan syndicat. wat oui>' to getl M1,00,000offthe loana. 'Tli wansà-great surprise, as,'on Woed&esa3 tlb; general opinion ef those a-ho heart thc reading of the idie'"tint Mr. Mer, gan avolît!get et leusI 1$W,000,000, est Mr. Morgain reported thle treasossy elerke iaid given bita $37,000,000 as bis probable aliotmient. At 1the aubtreasur> in -New York there aies an inrush off gold for ex. amination, wahich mesnstint those a-ht su'. in and above the Morgan bld am placing their goît! for safe keepiug la the treaur>' voulta util the arrivai off the officiai Wtîitsîion that bonds bave beeu allottcd, f'uiew*. POSTAL REPORTS ON GOLD. MORGAN CROWD GETS C ýNE THIRD or THE BOND&. ce - 'e «O ap.reta Lj <Utù JUV*t ttt le The.'Vilc and Taqua Add bevse- 1irooppm, andU4 llera, susjéted off sympa- Alion to the Tai** Flicod.hizIlng a-lihlieé.ciel cause, were airresî-' A ort, Worth, Texas, dipila et! ant! uardlietilu cils lu lieeitenrest At last aicotints tic 11a'os RIverr -aia aport, ho ho deporteil ho the Isl tab f stiti riaittg auinach u mai. Tho eea e 'u ýeStane plantation, u-air Hemupsteadi, Is broken., Tie crevasse le furty fret aide SCORES TUF. LENATE, #aftd -grovjng nider,asuthle waaer is 7 rnling over tîte sîîrrouuaiîng exotr>', fEr. uEnitit Deciares Ille Colleugnes The ecutire vaille-yaili b. inuntistet!. At Are lirinsa the People. itietud n disut!Velaco fliecriveor is stilb Senator Smith, ot New 'Jersey. adairesa- rimîng aud flîaudinathe valle>'. I a~sh-t'dtIale Setnle Montainliopposaitionta o ington Couty 'te Tqua River la out of tue Monaroe doctritne reaulaîtitmn. Tht-r. lîs bois andat! oustinds ut acres are taas, lae arttet, nu ocnaion for an>' ac- iloodeal. Boaites the lusutrirptiry lion Off an>' kint!tponibtis subiet Iait ails fanuiiug olorauions 'aili bu deia>-et! b>'tle lime. luth honteg ot Congres, b>' tic ________ raia.lassange uf lie resolution îaroa-it!uîîafor ~I A-sew'rÇ the Snate. mn h redvs uiln eteuVn In espnsvto reoluion ofinqiryezuola eat! Britishi Gualane analdoue ail teSecretitry ofiar hais sentii fiesdaut n Scrtrthe tae Senete s staleennct offlie ainouttoff rtth Pr esideit ai ~ond etuiiy oftatl Imoney waaiich coulai be usoitadvaauageon,- mAtied n tè'epnýblt fdpo f ]y la coast defonsos. licsanys tbnt $25)- mletreotintioai te a t iler poaa-rs.aie- 078,800 couit!bc o seusedt!b>'the t!epamt- caret!, and ail ftint tbe people- caipt'a'lt-t!i mont prior tu diii>'1, 1Iffl, aotaa-bicb j We lila bc. lit',id, "dueail flintt-,tier inount 64?722,000otut!l' e t-ie a-ahl- prudent-otita juttify oar patrioiiiiau aie 1able during the- iresout filscal yt-r. lie nant!' Latter tIt in lisspe'aca- Sa-aator 1rocolumeaida ha t $15807.(0)0Ilie aîesig- limili saitd: 'Tht- peopaletharo hail! enougi. nahet! for fortiications, $x.OWa,0oo for T43>'-aaanl no u re iinitoirm. They areu sites, f..0,0 om subuaariiie defeuses, ait-k and itiredaof thicontiantulijettiona ut $6,316.8600for guasina aartnr projectiles. gapil îatlti's anaI iermtaitdai sibii t ao etc. The stacciai ada-antiage ufthle in- our dealiluga aiai olor ntiîî,. 'rue>' creniset! appropriationse as enuneatata-ib>' ire ufering front aiur inaction utîtaiii rait- the tlecretary are: 'Tie utilizaîlon ufthec fers ut muaI vital impoturanace. maltet!, il army>'gît faclory lu ils (full caîpacityt the ils a tact. andtiatenia>' ait;att-Il admît is mure rapît! armieioîoff or tortifica- ir-tI ns iaet, tint the gmtat aj-riîy of lions; tbe adidition oft tave- uortars andi tht- peuplé arc lise,tstt!taitia 'tt-m t carriages lu tinte aireani>'stiuaated for; luicat-nrab atîd!ftie Setite li partic-ulxar. lte piara-asta of ai additiontîi -OJO decci'Flie uaîst isîtu iaur thiirigta t pata adai ta- pierciug shellia nît!sîtîtil>' ut etar> Ma-i- at-, ad tamatîaiia-lai the jaroeaýi I taîtatia- ferlilfor sica-e sera-h-e. tiaai <af affiim thaamnt bt'aàt'lit-iail iaiig tai. tîtaî! ti, aotaîd lie tu î'a*am tht- iii'î-s- pend EndsinluWholemale Murvdcr. tir.a-pitpropriatiou itlls andlg taa- rT' Hamingarinanud!l'uoies out Whitiàg, lut!., ill f act tistt t atre in mslii iinilai îaaî'a cugnged ia a rnul ah Joseiph Maotaill',ia-t lu tie ru-ival att iuttiatîs suit! tht- re- saloou Thurttaay afteroooijiii li hltý-hi tomaiof Itroglterity>.' lire. nS-n ta-are siot ait! illilti dstala- serionsly waotieti Md 1aiay nmoreware li-- jitred th le mnie, utnul aSeionsenotugia M'ILLIS IN 1ISYAVOit. Ilew teculmainiation ut ai race a-ar off Prcsident Dole Mn>' Gtve Auerica longandîaitiig botta-en thieri-laal races eu- Misiaher Mis Paesport.u ployet! b>' theuStandard 011 Comipaîny'. Ada-lt-s tron Honaolulua :y uaait ul(s f Ha Mtiesa Cofeseos. Soretar>' (tie>'apologires for tic ne-0 ScotJackson, accuscai ut file nurtder tion off Mhaisttr W~illis titat tofficiaiunta%- etffP earl B rvau , utf (re enastle, K y . f s hb sc ie i ihi@ îiaslait S . u. 'he!a o Iu balel -ontesmed hils gail ndt!aultliear-ttt-Alonzo urra'aa-nît fan invitatuioniiissut-s a>' te M. "tauliiiî. W~allng bas alo contosac a w aliain foreign office ltu-th îlaaratl- ho satiersotial kîutaa-îdgcut(ifte nuraier a-trit, toiartit'ipte l inte nataioaulth- uftIhe girl. W'aliiîg layav a hloe at,, anu. 17. limeTn nnila(."ry o3 tf ta' biame ou Jack-son. Jackson, onafle con- a"ivt'uaa- ufthte utuasmai>. iWillis t'a'- trar>', avilie ie adaits hiiutan guilt, tiame tu hotie paîrt iluthie- oalebratiaan on taklizpalais lu implicale N'sliins, lte arouit laI 'rt-idt!Cle'a-eland id lt 1 utot atiproave of tht-lamint-r intatablalalithea. LictI. -Neusas Sel for uIt-orcc. aaouînmciy a.,na trioaa'a. Juail 1) 1> AItf'eary, .34r.4.l. Kaîc La. Neuman, 1 iaiate, oditor(aI thliaillîatiinu. i mî, tl-0 damglher et C'taîtaau aw nsoni, U..S. A, y magazine pullislit'alahi liiiitltit, atm- tauta-station(,(]littBaltimore, bas sua-t!B. t'iveii nI tiai i"ruau'isa-o ou th,, fiaail Ml. Neoumuai, liehtlenanitu tilme inanl-f-war Austmalia. lie laies a a-or>' lessiiislic I Chlarlestuon, for diavtrc-e. 'Tilia-e been aiota-offthie presata goveriunait Off lai- t promanaeait in Society' li lnsiinglou and! atii and as the Japainese tire hx-coiig Newn 'omi cii>'. gta it îutruai laclire aitat!eu irimlv mtole't miait the isiauda are ina dantgr att bî'îomiig Jlstate Claimiea by Ta-o Widoas - imeeoaitosts ut Japan. L. D. Wimceler, off Vuungetotan, Ohio, t titiedrocetîba, entîa-ga aidotansd liao % chilîdren. A Sensatîinle causea b>' anoti- JOHN BULL YIELDS. h er-m anu appelriaîg. clnaiig iteoa-as naarriv-d lu Mr. Wieler nt New- Lebanoa, Jaecu Victoria R ecomnacuda Arbitra- l'a., lu 188(), anti teînanaiiug lier dota-ar in- teront lu the estate. Digpat- ifrntAnibaador fBaiyard't! re-ela-etl 3Moi(tlay nahthie State Detat't- Professe5r DInulci Do vd Insane, mtaitalWashingtoni briug gitoil lt-ta. Prof. Datait- il. Dota-t, inreailur off Tie qucea'8s pee-cha n the opeiting oft lar- c Don'd's cxer.'i,iea. avlch are iviun ana>' eiitnîrca'ounmeam.qarbnlilmatioaaofuthie gymnasittais liii, scountry. atm! aho in vf.,aa-Zulan tlifficully andi inlic.atlesliait aaelb kuota-,, ais ,ta etlOf jtlirial tifutaontic relationîs bt-tai-ceairetBrit- A, andt vocal cutlure ln New-Yomk, n-ns de. ai, andnraetzuela, wavah 'hit ive b'ais- elaret!insaettait Neah oirkm. lacaiuîcai ,t 1 847, arc tactia-ita nfaim star lu be speetîl>'resuanet!. Nor la Ibis ail. C' MABEET QVOTATIONS, Ambassador Bayart! intorma stle lItat- h kSlnteaaeat off tho Aveage Ioeiptu Now Being Pireparpid. Posînanster Cpaeeai Wilson lias reir- et! replies 10nil lb.h00 bler, sent a ffeia areeksssago 1 tstnandsecnda-clns pont- uiaetm ait ikiag for the pttrceuage cf goid receivei t nItheir offies, fis ls iaks are nua- engsged lu tabaiig lic percent- agea, and the complete statement «ii &)On ho reaitelhogire bt thepros.. Il wvii show thât a cottaiderable perc.ntage of l'usluffit'o receilals ln lu goît! coin, or ias alttial quivaltiat. Thc 1'ostmaster (jetu- tratil taili not atta-bwat action avilI be taken nls a mesuit ut thia iinqatir>', but Ct nue> be tint POstanasters avlotie rce-ipte lu goit are reasonab>' large tailI tue lustruchei to1 sent! tic gald lu future direct 10 the trans- ur3-, inttanofut liposibiug il lu local banks avili otl'em posbollice recipha. B>'rilepoa- iting the gelailie Goua-mnent, lu nearl>' cvrc>'ingtance, loses il. and! Il goe 1 lucrense lie boart! ut colt! belibiank- ors. By seut!iug il lu theoreastir>' <ai"ub- treistu", il etoal bctue tolareiiinisi tic a-oit!reserve. ERIGHTER BUt-INES9 OUTLOOK. Ususuralieleal Saiccessof Bond sile la R. 0'. Dn & ('is eil> Review a1 Trade sîtys: '"Tii', iîaiterfnl ot-ceas off thi lautular lban taller, Uic face of erelils. The influence aijatttail îiaauofscenring and! aIl trade eaanuot bai ligibi>' estimatet!. Il put& Uie Iru-neur> ou a sate bnci, for lthe hime. wahether ('îîaàgrema doos astyhiîîg u-effll ort. I.htatifies forcigu nais tint the UterdaiStatea bas powver ns ta-il as purpose. lbat itekanmiullions ut gold vilci ina-ee ut-ngatioreit lu préparation. Prilnga direül>' au-rmalmilions of goit! truna Enratîte. aatittîulabes lieanxtet>' off foreiguilama-a-tome le-olain Americain secnrlties. With suci a revoînhion lu btusiness statîdleai y cifecteithe aistornar>' rea'ords ot theam adcieut!andmontl are of ies n ailtaan usuel."' COLLInEr AT A CRItSSING. Engine lliir.s lut.,Trolley Car eh htaaknlaeCroeeinsz. A siaiftig t-atgine u lie Balîlanore nul Oiiio P.ailîay raullattoa n2davnuec- trio car iliît iiitCrossig, nine tailles cash ot Pitt.qinr, killina- Couducbor W. il. C'ooper and fa bail>'iijuriug Mobomnian Joahnî lbiilil!ty. Th-eeaere eigl passeti- gru-s iltht- '-s t'f ahomitire- a-arai a uua'. Tht-y et-iacti witi sligbt bratise,.. Ail ta-re blîtti>frighteuead t!regardetfilt <.st-jp triait i th ne renaarial. Tic ne-t-tt-scauseli b>' sllircy raila. RIaye Pind a Bullet A aihoat 1sucosful experimal taitia enliioia-uhtloa-aplîy, or Xxrays, tas Prof, lluaage'zihiiseif bas nemedt! lia, 'lias been condueteit et MaiGili .Univercsity, Moutreal Qîebec. Prof. 'Cux exîteri- molte-i on a patietoff Dr. Kilpatrici, Toîsîtai 'unning, a-io hat! ieen siol in lthe la'tt lt-g about Chiristmnas. The* ttullcti eould niaI beIncatet, eut! the an suiferit! tao,' hu. The vount!bat! cluseailap. The log wanspiatottrophed, anti, taoutgb It Ioî forty-fiie minutais, tie baîliet aias bonad. Duslop 80entcd 1 jalai. 1 Joseîia i 1,Diulop, publialterouthbe cli-1 -agît Dimpaitcii.aas sunteucei t urda>'1 t>' .itaage Grosscnplu ps a t int- of $2,0MJ atad serve a terra off Cao yenra lin the Joliet penIt 1 aary for he offeie ut ahiug lac Unaited 'Ctaes malles ho ýr.ulto att tbimon. polsicatioli.A uts>' aftcilty iam a-as granted, pouding an aîtpcnl tlu Tii. a-blle lib af lhe %V. 8. ItocaiTo>' tCompany' atLeominater, Massi., a-n ae- truytîd. b>' ift c1diay tiighh, enliing a lssof -abIea,$70,00M iý,'ie lirein e-ret t their annuel ball -avisatliA.fre starteit. and mas>' off hein fouit the naines lu rheir iluessuie%. &~,p ' ciUdtCors esert 111w, t Hexir>'. 0 . enst, edihar off thc Londiou Pail Mail Og$.ètte, anit Mr.,Muller, aemiat- nut aduor, listing declineit b resigai their oihla'-Mm. Astor bas summarl> dis- Miseithie.Thae editorli staff, up)Ua laruag off-th. action off tie ciiet, tacha-n, e la a boit>. ____ Blge oàfOio Womesa 10 vote, Tii. rigit of the aomen off Ohio lu aote rr m«eubers off siacol boards a-ms ans-t Wne b>' a closedeelicu 0of-the Supreme Court..Tiie eau.wn brouiletolatestthic raudity off lie RArubet aav passeailta2 sarig ag ailia- aomen lie right offc i BàumUc'fcrwJElbe Iliïoter, t The-catiru off lie Bitish steamer Cri-2 do ii. ApPeale.l AgSaiisllthe jndgment ot aaBt.Ratxeî'dam. 1tyhîeli founit IVuCsu~rfblaeefor li slaking' by »Maintrî .etoff lie North cassLodsleeat Eblb e, 'enltreler i <hi *llftr Lo là atili tke talk éf; Washington. Astiihe bide art egataued -more clc.ely thc greatet the suceu. appears to be. A week before SOfteta'y Carlisle would bave 1-en Wecil satlafled bail Borne oie naaured unuav'rge 100. The boau wili sctually go b.oat ta-o Points above tbat pt-ice., un- 'icl e nd approxîîuate figures grade the bide ln the foilowinag magnificeut columa: 1'reniiuirate Aniunt. 1510 510 180 NO0 12i. . . . . .. . . . . . Ù0 121-5 110 satd fratiouas........ 119 ..................5,050 117 ..................3,M1 110 sud fractions, ............90m110 115 ..................2MO00 4aaMLd.fcsctionq .........:15141,7110 liii and fractions,....... . Ie and Lu! fractions ...........10, " .100 111 sud fractions ..... 34 077M0 Beiow 111 aand above 110.i877t1ýW7,0û0 Total abore the Morgtan bigl.$55,02.900 BRAZOS RIVMU SBULL RISEtO-. 3PANIARDS SLAY OU DAN ILL1 AND WOUNDED. Noncombtant.e,eCod Under 4ro.$, -Blunt Words o0f Smith off .Nu' sçr li the Scflte-BritalitWii -Ar-, bltraté-Mr. Dole Indignant. ý(q Ilitrcyr Sbown to cubep - i'îouwthe Cubain insurgent "et' lu Pinar à! Ri4o province the iitellljepce ions btn Peso Real, the towna *wida <eu. Luqpe recapturet from. the -Xebel forces, w4selstuated Maceo's hosifltaal, Protected by a detachuiont off about W10 mies. hq town aes ji.-dentl.purpipMed by(e. 1(10e, and!, accordhtg to Cabani rirsbrotught ta lt Spalah volunteers4 andl #çelarw jnira&e4 thk.iaptal i bld-1 ingseSLêdimephed iota tt ae 41- a-ouadée ~wbê'w woro ahblv tueniseape, wVhitle'tbg't ?tnn*lrW-4aSho wore 00 val ATio ottéfvàe odrà;ggedt forth abdIAWI;betore t e oors off rq4q1-i dentesin-bd$aàken thêta in.' l~î ?A-no"i lëludtg.a-.ý acl as' ,èl Cicago-Caittie, communtauhoprime, PM t0 1 $5.010; hoas, aipplug grades, $3.00 thoÎ$4-500; sheep, fair la chice, $2.110 to $4.00; aviet, No. 2 mel, tile ho 1170; corn, No. Z2 ::clu 2!k-; unIs, No. 2, 19e 'o 20c; rYo, No. 2. 40e lu 41c, butter, 'boa-'. restier>', 18e tu 10c; ega-s, freai, 12c tuo14c; itttoes, laerlutasbel, ISe t 25c; broota cotn, 2c lu 4c per îaotind foi tour lut-lioie. Iot!itaiaauois--cnthe, iippiag, $3,00 te $4.50; boa-s, choice, lighit, $;3.0()lau$-Li',0« aieep, commounlu primie, $2,00 lu $3.75; rihent, No. 2, 7le hu 73e; cornt No, 1 white, 27c to 29e; oats, Na. 2 a-hite, 22e o 24c. lSt Iaois-cattle, $3.00 ho $5m:0; ogsj 13.00 ho $4.,'«; ii'eat, Noa. 2 ri.i, 7.2cti 74c; corn, No. 2 sellIoa, 261e ho 27c; oata, No. 2 a-hile, 19éetla->Oc; r>'.. No. 2, 37e tu 39C. 'Olneiasati--Cnîtte, $3.50 ho $4.50; bog@, $3.»0 te -$4.510, mieep, $2-.G1 o tu$4.110; î'het,ý No. 2, 751e ta 701e; cocu, No. 2 atîil, 29e touI31c; oaIs, No. 2 tuuuot, 22e ou 23c, eYe, No, 2., 4e la 45c. Dehroil-Cattle, -1250 la e.00; boas, $3.00 ho $4.50. mboep, $2.00 ho $4,00; wbeat, No. 2 rot!, 75e. ho 76c; cocu, No. 2 'eliOo, 28c tuo-*De: ons, No. 2 a-hile, 22e tg 23e; rye, 41ic ho 42c., Toiedo-Wheaît, No. 2 rot!, 75e cta 76ec; aorn. Ne, 2 yellua-, 28e lu 30e; ont%, No. 'a-hile, 21c ho 23c; ryo, No, 2, 41c lu 43c; clver seeti, $4.451 tu $4.5,7k MlIwauike-lWieat, No. 2 *ia-ng, 164e a 011e; cora, No. 3, 27e ho 28c; 051,, No. a-white, 20e b 2;banc>', No, 2, 32e>c10 49; ryc, No. 2, 30e ho -41c; tomk, meus, F10.00htu10,50. BnfalO-iattJe, 250 tu $5.231; bots, R3.00 ta $4.75,; sbcop, $2,50 to $3.751; whut nî,No, 2 ted. 780 hou'70e; corn, Nô. ytilo. 11e t 84; s, NX.-2,wui 7, t( tç 2 C- to c wa z Vtprten Iltat,Graati iatait tatil 00- mit ho thea"teneziielnah('Camissiona ap- poinîtdi b>'thie Presidtitai opies ut ali thie records cuneeruaiag tie Guanua bounaiar> in posfeasion utfte ton-igaioffice. Tiose r- ord re ruiumiitoias. anad bave oni>' rereuh>'licou a rausiahesi anti pninîcal b> tle toreigu office, afthr paiitaaking ilaves- tigation ant thc capituaoutHuilant! tnt! ,$Pain. _____ WilIIRua nt Placactaenal Speed. A contrrt n's a-uniret-t!hthe Wiest- inghouse Company' for electricai cqi- mont off lie nov ralliaa>' ita-ceai Wui- uglou ndt!Balimnore. Tie uaciiery muast sond the expiress trains botaveen Wasinghon aud Baltimore et a speet! off 'sixt>' milesanau oum, Trains avili be run ever>' hait itour. Shayer off ThreMen flangit. Benjamin IRadcliffe, thic layer ofuthti enlire. Shool,É oard off Jeffer-son districh, Peck County, Celo,., 'a-as hangot! at the Canon Cil>' penlititiar'. fHe shot doitn lu theehao! hbouse nt Jefferson lie tiree memiers of tUic lchool Boarai. MNedical Examiner Hull. off Brimtu, Coun., annoanegdt lat all of lte mcii aho avere onulthe bridge at Ibe lie'of the dia- aster Thursit>ay igahIbai-e bocit ecount- cd for, sud tthetiomplote etigli Ilt coulaus mlx naets. Tii. oue min tasl P'atrick McC.tmhby. Sazar frota Ez>'pt., Ta-cIre Iboueana tons off sua-ar are on tie'a-ta>' o Philat!olplila frein Alexandrin, IDgypt. 'fle Caba~n crup, b>' renson off the. a-ar, aili be net-y pour. Considocable .sugar la beingah lippet! tram lanibuî- -Ose KiIIrnI,Sx lurajere&i GaýIe Maun aasilledoae fatali>' iniureit _atI Oe' otliers ailhtly bul-I l>' t e'e*po 1WORC OF -ouR 'NA?5OUtAl, LAW. MAKERS. k oc' Probecdince la thielait. of f 0sgreu@-Iuisportiast E< ie. cu.à~ ud Actcd Upon-A u lpàr- tini âteaume off the. Bualne"j -Tii. National solo", The4âed Bains. tatif tbilt >mer>'e froniti ['laissed Coiunnttee in the ste Tuouda'., a'a4 ltbat! a free.silvrguallah' stixute attt~euj,4 by a manjorit>' repcs'e o9 one la comnntte. No deflulte action m-oil ttiien. TMlor Ibusines. a-as trnsetait lu Mla Bouse, and theibalanco oet tbe sc* 1114W-Visik devolied 10 heeted isconriat»Ily ferlai charitable instituU)ooo lu the Dis. trict off Conucibla. lu.Senate speat Wednsday la fejilt- 1e d taeu utlie tarhif-sîlver bill. fa the Hous.elegate Citron (N,.M.) fltra. ùIÙ ed a 611ta urevcnt ipiagilistic fes. tivai froant tskng place aneer El Paso, and 'th@, mueesure attasshcd throagh a-ilioul division. Thqi bill malles prise tiàgbting à mlat!lennor, puianlîable b>' Imprition. .11amt (tir uot less thau one ye-r. Mrl. CZtoU nkoshd (or ununilunous cousent for consideratloa, but 31r. Kntox (Roep.,bias.> objecte! snd the bill1 won reterrei. but eueq îy anslaken up and! passet. Titen u e baalo pro haibits bll) liglâe. The flouse BI." ban Itil iebate on the Senlate Ifo-colnaze bond bill. The Catron nuati-pirite tiglit bill pass4 thue licousThisruaiat. The lIaw beomet execulive frount the momient <t la slguedà b>' the r- rideut, and ail perlions tuOBI Lit Ihoir peril talle cognimance et its en. actmutu. The Cien.:to ree-eoinntge euh. sgttltc fur the flouise bond bill was de. bûtea tire boumlia inlae flouse lu the et- ternolon andi for îhree bonrs aethIle aighi IlSion. Nevertiieless the pressure tront membhera fur tlna. to preseut their rivivi lu 90 gretatit Itseeme possible s»W tint tie debete may continu e inglefinitely, The. flou&e Frida>' aas uin aprotai niost oft he fianie bét'e o tf atilt betw-eea rTalbert o ot ltturla rî.iiaandi Igarrettt aI iMassaehu*ettîs, trrihe tonnuer', dlefonse of eession. A restitution of consure fait. t! Off adoption, 21,0 ltu 71. The bond biF dlbaIt.' consuti be héoetnîug session. Th# iellate chose Mr. l"rye prexidlent pro lema ait! patimed a hll opvaaiug the fortent res oratittus otft 'ltarat, ttr thse location of nuilling plainas. A mooiation sfferc'd bji Mr. litwnrtwas agrrod tai t-allitig ou thu 'iovretary of the Tr.aaary for itoruaiot as to the ostiniattdilit-rotase' larevecanue il ilo( pouding tarif 1,Î]i 1 .' ou, In, aa< a lIa, the 'laity aintatot y-'r pou nd Iuould 4uadt'r the- law la"lou fl t lu-tsn market larive .,t a ol.'l'ho etsol, im--on feniplâtinr a rot-na ia lioinîta- iîprit- lic Aev,'maI o, iiwl,,tale rtfg-rroýJ. foi 'tpowrt nerf opîae. , ant djourlied taîtil >Iondi.J The 'flotuse dohait' Sa lu rlny - ttthe b -lat tort-v o iage iu b"titi k' for fli ".nd tolii 'ua-r>' ejrit,1. %j~lr. 'fou-u a il ta ut ota ichtjtu blitsa. it rittitht i tt't-ita a, of ilIi.'iusc a ai tl airies fot a-or uat ýur ta .: ait n otîntefotrt or 'ohaif of freo t-o - age. Mr. 11.01. n houa î'rat frot iiouri, ou the. othor liant! aitn -l luis cou at-raon to "gou!nd on. d" lu a rathor snntioual spet-h. le wlait-hlie ct'laedit e<iglat Soualoru who a-oted fîor froec<-nage, nc.oor!ittg t< -cretlihio iiaformnation," mad pria-ately sae liat tiio-Y iîlieved ftr-oPontage aa'ui bring ugatin titis country-nantional aud imdi ittaI Itark raîlt(tandimnin, lie î'hargeé itna nii lat rYiig t,, "ther thlir 110,11 lt hon,(-" andaidelt-larî'd ht the gretatesý in utifa fa~ig r't l ige a-as lthee oat u'lica t t)ef t-i lie ali e le tatIs ýih ùtfia¶'r ot th' admîitnistration iat! aie 1t tli tue sua'r agitlatlion bat] iroat tly .OBI te E ;uaeriittaa-a 2i.%>tJ a ,m 9Suefs, aud iin the course of the - p Ad a-o naýtt te onituisués taotîltiin. '050l $.(t,154f.r.hll .'te t'o tree-e <-itlar,' Itntithe at ('.'igresa 'ho Xati4mtal <;itit', iirt- i' t( l-'ish Pro- -l-oAssot-liiuîlitbas taru-luret! a hall iaohaili toutî Ie introdu-ot!in boit utimes out l'oîgr--. leit lu apbpiit dtfiît tiuie tfur tie eairitîg îof sua-riailimptttpolasitnai t-Ir,tlt 'te ti atP tIOIaIIg Matait!,>'ceapt tarau- le <ta-r resoiluta anti amcaîalieats con ruing lte Mattrat doctrinep. 'l'lie hou,, oiltinuoti debltte tif thle bondtaill. .ND DEFENSES MOST NEEDED. unmirai Wetker Ulates nieViena te the HOUs3 comunlttea. .Admiril W'lkor naPa-ared hlacore the 7tanlo titi nCollt D [efenses ia n igtou aia antî' nia .11'xhaustire staitenieni lite subjeet t oftîtîs deteuses front a .al point ut vica-. The îadmiirai stf - ba m-bile ot course lie ada-ocates A-4 anatraction ut a tlaurotghiy effective val force lae foull recogulizes the alleo- le uccessait bf aud defetîsas. lie cou- loers onte ttu ut lie tie coin- lmeut oft he otieand ataboth as neceasarjI ic-avalry sait!artibier> ara te ian arany. le deeme the baud defenses a oie a ne. esity as a meuilas <tf protection btiith )uir> by lcnaig lhe »gv> free luop-f îlte oulside, snd nffording sate pinces refuge lu case ot tieaal af orces hein# vematcicd b>' n saperior leet oftsa memy, also lu tafford the tamant; of repîtir tg d2nmages, aint!obtaiiag Rlpiylies and al under thecalaierandat protection of t forts. lie state! thea't.altbt th ie land ýfenses our dockyurds coulI bc.ttro ed id uar ships pursucul itto ptort aa i& aitet! by a superiur ncet.,Ho alun adv-o tes the buildinag Of battlu.siips ratites ta barbor defeulse veuu5aeia a-s beittg bet- 'addpteit for general pateposes off ht&éâ id defense. '