Mt mi éhn m but i*cf juii okowme Wlai* lt ~~W~gS~ElMid uMonday -t*lbw beve lie *Oaksut 0ustavre. ~ IOtiç~ . tgslà, srt 4n lswero ams nterle x I*tos wêm~slehe I1~anapo$av= hls ouulyO «'*tbo *1-4tonna out c >0 *1*edearrvW initieM - uYswunrsst 4 4meç oilor RsIOOIsrough0 hOÎ.X to beyin adiglibu is' I ~1i~ ouia.sond aqProé ~IDO Beqolsr Mulun et mù Wa or ofI, o 'Nlo ins 6 14 3 icit h6oi et toe Ou " -o peufr Mdsu Swiuln,, WMdeliasp Ibis ti rsau' ý5êpOtII tbe ut eloit laMIa,0f NO d asieau ~~fi o tis nle a Leeidfà Pa bsen Oeuer b'*ietumnfoir"Oy Shin de-»~ 4soo' tbr.d théou1 th Ài. 4 A . jsugua slaàa odbl emedhl Mud ee 4eiue àwas * oleuse. viaior. Lamr uif quaiowm Oo#*twed Uer, Tarbbord Lang 4Wabukegan andiCompleis the 11.1 ci u ChJ. lita*Siwii bas beau Iliseveon TbaIo1r1~u',biat noer 07mb. 'a mpftý =1yeveningalter 409914 Of Gages Corners, bha il1 bondr111<111 eut vitu aua si lad Vee34ttil todei Dr. sbaff.r's cmre1 t0~*i~p~i~ocd osty, Ten. lo b,- ero lie vi- b W, M.UË. .;We are aorry tc FZW,4 but 'vish Lin Th, bory. el -.ismking m*u Wo O.W ; *wb v.marri tq ia Tlgmoe5or tllbulp, a Kuaqmbp,~saWmedey-Th'41 vIl bu * bols. iii, sV ig~aredao cf1* Pb. 5h.(osgmuaqiar 'hi orde, ant Off ~ korerybody vil vii Ni Wr 1g sd lit Yongbride .11 Ob wliappinees (lile possible for bwý RUJSSELL. M9a bries d*Urda, lison the uic) Jlp»ablo Rulrrington, ja viultin Waahbdrpasct urougl se tOi .Y *ra. W9118Am Olver sud bar daughtei Bb&aialieu reiy siot. xi" 1ee bons, ta very patieul du.g e r le" ng es. XMn. ,bM >erIq_teI, 01 Ricbhmond GereDe Pores, has reoovered hImm m-*tek 'or jaudice. lit.Vai., vusbiei frnli"the oit] fois f e" y. 'Voare aivays glai tÔ @e4 hi* vaounti. Thmae &e bout 140 cans Of rml, -o, reesi06ulY APlaftftl 9kayeut h ai anssd inah erloo, mii etru t in sstation. j. C.ý = e eto thai ,le reamry, la alec geitigg bus ahmreOf mml. i tenuniberoS ouiyoungpeopie IiOýàwt hosrrsePariy ou George .owfo.t'se* = "0' -aet, i tahome nesW tavorh. Progromélye euchre Ifl theaMueiens t Of thevenug, tiiid aul1epita "a e ime.Sbott X mubn slrlamtia select pariy ol t<b asue evéuins, and a 'very ~SbesttuVUsçnjo by iel A las-go po miO f Our iustlin@ asuriemsfl e1Ut emPlOYmeuî ln the nvbké'ele vorke. muong tho u=u. 1>.t" are:Mesràé.010. Robinson, 1 Bu*i' onon, Adoipli Resue, 1 Delbeft Jo"uio,- Dauiel- Scbmeiling sMd% '*ev more wose sainaes l a"lt'O reinember at presnn. We 'vish them Thé UrGains amiy, have corne and gene. W. bave eu$oyod, iheir visit smmaigunsud wniie theniGod's speeti. Tue Obttt"innwstz given by hemniu t"B&P Calsioumrir re0f an exoep. ilouadilhlghoder, bul Bunday evon- r ng vas ihe cliniax. The speech, .Peulof1 Tansua," delirered, by liieter IPui 'ais atrsg -andti urilhîng; thea e faci Of lch> VaS fait bY every ou,. %The Cbaik Talk, by lias le, va a raletigo Itanier Elow agulusitah saloon. .Thq aong* ,Witere -la my Wssderlug Boy To-ngh,*" and 4Away Vown lu the Liteuseti Blon," , 4y liaiJessie anti Gramo, vere rjendar. éd, b Ipovor anti viaUa&litlng endlug ta' te eubersimntaeu if yen have M, 01ppcruunlîy lugo te hear iheni. 1you, vii li dan ( e0cea u heir 5Rltertaiunienli. hieh vo doit't pie. tend 10 put on pipor. . The mut 'habppera on the C. M. et- P. Sy., ame arzxaugiag lfIr -agrand meeting ai RusL.Jt-,%trniy high Uie meat nuea ue4-I .4alindd te oueid. The. boyeowi l.cyhav, hmadr 0"i iVlivafor aca.uie- M*iit ahippora s tov ltov long. We truat Ibai at ibis etn tl<hppers v1l in ut. Oa vi4lil ers b théir offltracte, W o ,i~amr baveq lest anisa tfmny, lg lilc Pstaiyboyersi of- luo ig~o lime -han i11 ilo VsOUst tral Ry., WAU laieseI.t pooters o1 luismor*ieli b$vrraustifor all VIS ablI OUi. " t the 9 ltig'ix" -dfor Pebruary 22ud. Dun*e, WflIhe supîletiby tho ladies ôt,0 WOvill iserve Iin u ~ #Aé.te. ciîcl. ou Ips ired Smurday ever Joliet" 'vhoro lie ias emn4J~eloy Of 1r. Tliayar <4sOSviia~e i.=Komesoe la Uadpieti- Ia*R4Lurlj. peso. mi~ uigoadwgfl -d~.' Ph. flovly, bis -rasai çati lac avant,... L60- B. Driiyhmiath4'ïwbooping cough. Oliver Hook bha renied bis tarm tb &-Mr. Mies Dal*' Taylor viaite t a Bad fate,sluftdiy. .lira. LoUis.Edwarde in visfilug ber non ai Grayalake. Bey. Co okbinadic. m. Gonha veut ta hbetY Iii uesday. MlUO DOMEdwanda andi Joli ahletda, of Obloago, vislbed relativea ber, Im Wqek. tir. an4 lira. ohiii H3ock, et Grays !aeýyvere1kte guesla of Wnk. DooUite* ma11ndyever uday. sirai perasnbfomi- bere,, ha4e boen atteading, -ite- rs'evaI meetins at Gtayal tahe .puat vel. Thei. bey oogl th iLpiet vith Mr.4amusl Li lr lait tlureday, wau vell atiendeti. About seventoss Iadien 'ere prient. Ths nei et- ruéÀ vIE b. Wedneaday, Feli. 19., et lirs. George Gilliore's. LONG GROVE. Gooti leigbing bore. 000. Karsien la ou the Bl iai U. 1fr. Hersobberger la on tLe sie list. lira.Rapport, ta gaiing lunlisait. agalu. If Yeu nant freah beef, Cali At 9L. Lents. 1Notice the nov correspondent tla weet. Look ont boys andgirls, for Valet tlssDay? RermaReifer lent oe eo0fbig Lest ateers lately. Bois-Pb. Oih, a son, te Mr. a lira John Brun. *r-i sdira. Froat, hitia i ta ing la" snnday. FredBiner vua buay hauiing lumber for a nov bouse ibis veek. Titoro viaquita a suer storn Ilst Wetiuenday lu tiliviclnlty. Chai. ouaiier, lest a v&laab horse andi 00v, iataiy. H. D. Webrnberg vainima bappi Jas. 25. Iras à boy; ail are deung 'veU Chas. Nodeihoter, of' Rapornh».e -viailed. il G. Sturm's aitWe Dick Tonus, la i hippy biter of a baby boy. He vairs a pma mi John Stemple, of Bai4iagbc4 u, vlà oui village lait wneat, cuting vot Mri. anti lra. Diot Dcey, a re vrr hippy over tearrival ef i.111115 son. Voîl girls, Loy vas.your Leip Year, damte? Diti yen gai your besl beau? Bumo, aays, there la Seing to Le s redtiing lu oui nelghboi'hood, prat selon. Ville Kreger viii 4k, u»t, himIfl a 'vite soon. Boys Uisien fer the vetiting Lells, John Kueif, lest a rauAble ccv s short time ago lung tisesie, belug the causa.111 H. Hoibi lntenlis te more te Prairie! Vlev, vitera ho viilmate lita futuS ]?Ïe-Umerviii acnum ove cut& oui ltte bnrg.Hoe'viii more cuto lis Cienient Bsil faim. The yeuug foUs cf ibis viciniy. veut to a niaqilrade last Bîtuntiay evenlng ai Liace 'Zurich. TLoy rmuai hava Lad quito a lime. A Short, 7 I. b ai t i t. t' s i r' Ige4 e1iéIy W >on Ales thise Unies beipre"te es sugagel DIlule (a a nbiai"l-et, ie ma wuvseep tu u tituce love sets. Not ths e OMW** blgh5. Hlarr-Is Ibis Mo Wallao. fiat I an so", te muai to-ulght a rtuy gil? Nei-Vuil, &eath ianstbor etopim. My 0"j Iduieelast l*0 la Mueh moft iiteiy te *t sègigoson a moosilgi buggy r-e.iai au tablonable bail. G.i.D Yeu have Machines for mak uam i!tua104 mat 4M'at tega M409» co*ob b er h. geet lionse nu 1k'dma ruesa'beet carer 14 eusa."-Nev Tort s - I = Oeul 99 Tbe Arwe. sud 1taitootb.-Cemforh. net Cheeolte. Ouetonier- Walter, just look et titis spe»MitWu dity. Sosnebody bas bon dsq cuUoclate 'vti st and t im hat, -~ (viii empltaews-ThRait teii lu hoobte; Ifs rerdlgrla.-Plet.Me- nie w»..e SMu-4%«, wra a vory pretty Le=eItaMI». Kapots Lad on. UML U&nu-And pray bon long have y judge * muhlneryl claiwmed tho Le. Anl le ie a ler woneA deilreti wui t a bldeeus-Booton Tras. lu hé et "J&lamlr sic gasped, 1'lhave luit bM oni e thero laua prce ou yeur blid." 13«' forelgu Iuiter tirew Lai te bis bosoni. -"N%, darlng," Le vitusperati, "I have aieiqUehetiany prces for a broten sbut The heati goes vii tute raut."1- Detroit Tribun&. Mescenary. t4: ds,;esaljthe lt mpecunlon. 'hu e t e Isndlady, '«I riait ï.pay iY atidresses ho y, odughter." 'AUli nght ir." te eplied, --go aitead.- U yen1dcu'h Pay then more promptly,1 uongb, hbau yoD do your Lourd, you'il »oV«et a ber lu tho e dd, youag ma." -DetMot Free Press. FInt ,5 lia wery. u.toce BOY after waing two bonisfer a bIte-l wish thetie Bah' W*Wlt hurny np andi bite. I've got' -à 1otter te deliver lu a hury-Ex.! change. - A Nuirmontai Allaucc "Âne jyuen anAmerican, iiai?" asut e f.foreigu visIter ocfhebitsvtcf lmS bou. 'C>uI7 by manutage, air," she repliedL. -Nier Yort Wolu AU la theb.Negalive. le to *Poto in t. fimdcaiLbr Â' buysqtiu blsontu am .l~noproar.1t profits h6on cmtmwith th. omaias tîod -ftiuustalnd by mimbmhdp contabgtons and *te ditributi.of km Mrssç' *bol Ton m l.oiy. W'sg Atralgblfip. iq~l ~~ w I t a w aw et a f.h MM , 71 rtpromptly, b T«. , a to tiep teîte W.ii, hq bob ae pitersh IW kcw lat iuaily b vînt tii esp ho goitt lt.-Nêv TortVeMa The. biNer.,.... ~ilmoi b.ensm" ai4tie oer, 0-M4R l » bact Mr jutigem te thie eiiuta suuil botti, Olyvay." la»bottger .adi the mas, Whb sceru, TUI bet you àmmiii K£Ais-Tha novWeok'dcorne, nia'am, UWI Ode made berIif conifortaiis la the parior. àgMeis-Go;z4nes bas the vemnn ber tucultl ffl1*-Ithint sw, nisam; abe'. bi-git sonetblng tieti np lu a btg rot bandkechlef.-Trtb. Acres ot Pain. Wdding Cardas. For Wotiding stshleneny of &th, fluelst qality sd workmaua»itp, aivays colne te lte IN»jwxir'ZPintlng Olilce. We oballange ooil)Ottion lifn MUy. a neila lan nllg. Weescmai. Utah anyling (en»gniveti vert a speol. aity> on- ai ionamesaeau b. Owt tainet inluChicago. Rememaber, ne Suaranice 5ii1efw<,t1<,n. Correspoent* ad Adtiris sitouiti rarnmberithat it tatas Urne te set type )tfoee là paPer cia be prlnhd. Yeu viti greatty el),Ige by handing lan yeur copy aary, Cnpy for atu miet itereatter bc in our banda aeh luter tintaWedneemYDay acu se voeau de- Wjte Tiroduy tu, settlîîg uip thei jutent nova. We am i) print tûe. INt>gIF.ip- Fm Titrsday it&ernoevn, e) i i jrc mh ou i reie a (inrs the rih ny u Th» thesa le,- pari nse. SPECIrFICS are sctentltloaily prepared Rernedies; have been used for hait a century wlth entîre auccemo et Chu&, «r âi S-*.uss Woe.... v.......... V-Cs........... . ..u.u... ê-Ns...............b...s.... me wis ua«........... "-g- e.TbrgetQWWsrlWMhees.... "7"for GIRZP. Itl ssome trouble to write to rota- tives anti frienda often: and Inany do not have the tIgno. A large numixer t Our eubscrlbens seuil the INDEgPEIuIEJI lustemd of wrtlng Intterst, au thui gives &Ui the nova and tM inucit better ln mai17 rempects. i wlU ba tir cheuper The Inter Ocean ls the Mostooa euila ~vgij o the West and tias the uros DAILY (without suaday>...........84.00 per yoer DAILY <wth Suaday) ................S..'r. The Weekly Inter Oçean- $1 ~" PER YEAR ................. ....... ..... A% a NewspaPer T EITE 2 OCEÂX heep ieîc ~ l u tespe( ts. ft s ýpre eli e le - 1xse. l .e~ ALL THE NEWS AN4D TME DEST OU CIJRRENT LIERATIJRE. The Weektl ht4 Oau As a otàlyPpr e Uuiby Amy ~It aon eULhi" Ofcf alerot se. q.a om ,bb et i týml1. YOTLSDWE"T1EENTte the ,uft bessof ttld-I i liba 1tt~. ARY PEÂlURES are. OUn.qnl. It 's a TWELVU PAGE PAPES andi cmuu l . ovmm fUw .WorM 1>OLrrCALLY IT I'5 REPUELICAN. a-4 thiaselesee bemeAgef the ablest disoussions <nail live oltoaI topie., *,ij%ffl .ula Chaps and lesi aacoûrd with theffpoefCh* Wostla bock olpeos âdlu1A"v Pisasreniember that the. mi. of TEEETIM100 Nm o=oC"11 l <N LI U B O L A B c a u N A & CIM . THIE mirBR OCEAN, chwsa& TWO PAPER N -~ o,.F 0 -# ~Wé "'have ~li'vaa ,EOR TM~ For WoSnwiasid huas,, omamki appoiaSe Î eZ4 Sensible ir, lcie t isas, W ma tPogea, "Able, Brighi t i 'ë v1id loi matér hils îe ass lla m > Sample Copie. Pie.- un sacouaI0f th* 62P.1as lte. 4 ,the IuDUpUDEUihuboom #bu-sp' papers cma ouiy b. eatle «é« vie adyn e. his berpu. olti anti ueaubmcrbm.salite]=E failt 1 tube8avtue uofIL Tefj tinndaabout il, se tIbiSm »sCure, lu addition b ts o pqipe atheate.aysVs Sou agrest joural of nat"a' If your Horses-are- Poor,*ordonl't tW,' itiscaused bydîsoas- ed, sharp, or unevén teeth. Slobbrn,'i. Throwing the heàu'u- Fretting, Indigestion are also caueed by bgd teetb, The Buperino. tendent of the' Lake Cou ntv Poor Faiiv understands thebu~l ness. It wiII- payyu to have yourhos, teeth exarnined. hU~ horses examined f"e 0f charge. C;"arges ReasonablI. and Satisfaction guaàr- r&nteed. MP"