Thls 1M95Nev Model 8ev- Ine machine, waratei for e ôf naGal w anci ad U te at 'SU Why? Prives'Teli - - .08 ---.05 - - .05 - - - -.25 ~;35 - - -- - - - .08 .07 - - - -.08 - .08 .08 Ortion., Ditve~d ~tWbplsale Prices. AltFa'so'-*Z5$h oes for $2.00> a Qte' u>os !ai sb igDInscount. AND RU S fftS ' Slzs a Pair 159 f#WG-Overcoats and Suits sold on orders at ,whoflo>le ces. «-S-Fin. ass6âment'of Choice Confections Y. R Rockefeller. for étr cah O ranu1te d sugar for ......... euhtdJ 1p , aêl lb. pk .. natiod 0 v 1a ocha coffee. lnik's Bakini odr....... ïa g.....e......... 1-Oat» 2 lb. pkg................ e#~Currents, 1 lb. pkg ......... L iprepared................ 3~lè.................. F'u...................... I~s..................... R ... ........,..... .. . welght.. ~.'. *.*.... $1.00 .35 .30 .13 .12 .08 .06 .07 .06 .13 .13 .05 .25 .05 .25 .02 .09 sold at Wholesale Prices on order. 'ouwant a f CARPET OR RUG ki -EMBI . RIt1 will pay you to get my prices. i ïm nEi Uarters for Choice Groceries, of ail>cjdsConfectlonery, Trobacco and .lgare. A.SQ what 1 have in Boots, Shoes, uovoes Mftns Hats, Caps, Overails and Parit willI b sold regardless of cost. VOURS WOOR TRADER *.ele, t.A M BRGGS. 1rÂoo&ý 37c, 1, F# bots at 25c jýbit i1Ubbrs over feit boots $1.50 ï CaffiestHair Shirts or Drawers' 63c- *.Ullwool- Veis or Pants 54c *8 fiel1fned Veste or Pants 2 3to34ô, 1* auwoo1 seamieàs Socks double "W sand tpes - - 17C ýýi,*anii Cdle. il wool hose 7 to 20c., ýW FIunhel ,20Oc a'y&-td W!k4Oréblarikets 76x80 $2.10r 140 ens Veste from 7 5c to 1.60' 3 to 5 1-2ç a yrd : te JOU a à à te de en n, 1 a "s»Mi? 14? D 1 U lt u yi o aIaa 8637nd 7th 7 C ceta lee, 04 mmon.0 W r Il 10 reor i ra. n 7 doig l oly, uBnder. 11k.s lipoy igl ailILa rldoTt. granfahr ithevoolibbe un o t r.Mdâr.Gog ha vol a1013. :Moa.Neil, ubo,4 r. 8hatro s 4M.bu rean.dwS n Mee. Uwilu Lr uxer ra. BOlvr4s Bon.a fGe ore haor, la e<*ealp éb li re atÈot eort Drs. ufe nol. Mrre bas Dr. l h1a.l$01a Mr. W.' tlahopy w.en~t e CM= theu 1joIlerden 0tmairom SWkeri lian. ahurad o, te b4oUV Lb. oieMue on F. H. Ku ebbker, I)m.tB so, ladch o leroetng1c l.munaMod, via onltSia ed Mra. aiGeeli, vislrl a cèeil1 fron Id brou bt Massev - b *dn a fris 1 from »alùb BuUgofnrBh«e A.r.: riea viu.114 0 Ciag thé lân br-otrïïô a pae.W tei aymenP.tH. 0be abe eKa trayulope stion houd have a Mr. Muopratro. W. tuB. Higley ou agreealtek tastin gmtbb eW ft gralinont tvn It. poin. An asstuet ihtonli . ir lthe eviv oal mtgfathe Con- ofgregatoathuo, et tiplacelng on an are vyptan.te hg làhe yôuîtg sigr, 1fr. 1tatrqho have ema nigopra during ieR aêqle. Our viiromai Ju sati oag ebie uteert iiie thmetingo atuefavs. therputleî, lzumbrer tef homn pint.nda ol pogisuld hove sud ae very int«rvas hihe iysoOt exnlgt, v30%thand theniaw 10 sighr thr.eZeing"valmauem fr.ndi uira. HenrMy Sbejin T3101 withreM vbat mlnggit h epoe a meraou1 inWhemtng s LB.cvihî hefonan areubri, v hu. Ï ictver. fagh in.whiple ambroke% "!"moolin tho fom i ,*prmoà posto seviesBa ayomeninof "he ane, the eneft fthooueen oi tbr, a Lyceam hl, hutheythree.ot disto eitl ted-e ruits o theWin Cit wp," mtluble ro" anons mcient la a vorty Cao;fmaithe1 Whaeavie popie alvays te rad0 conetreibrote, tahe, r orthy oerta laht ourd govli, Oyaaintpeoopl forl reura the*arr, ailyahouli lra t wi fuu fre 10 mke thia arous4ing availalo latilapartos oitiont aiil Ihoe vCluhave seen some or h pieys eeteiofth a company, eti nttedl. ThaFruithofh e Wnd Jed. bae nobmeanao! tia ntaàIon, viieil pea oplgnify ther ~~ea10 1tr ou edg, vho ilake aeolepncablb rtk.a hea oand panouna. Rament. in.fu.loeay mado hia lying n Chcago Tetaletlaah te eri. s aallabl ri talhi agof.h outy as&I o ae beo hraveiug L.nomeoph lyatwrite Gibbbne, o hiag, wla atie.ling shwish te ttendai andKrave vimaited ore at on, o taku a sy, luodpser le a ros ber te at. audyéwgFb1. Cico ii alinlthe eieryqiu. If Mlio een Ftlmmons viilende 1rho iait een iaig t L. Txaes, o ha» ritrdhnooma vno4 ofbus bfahiagol. Thoe serinapmtnea oruinanod t. ourçil, vhiuh vu. eutloedbon *, ceta tu rem ateUlosea t. & eaoblpics rv pl f sit n teg.Te Beotoea Eé' C5fl0M m, or-2 ý-RWOU éàU 1 .I soif,-- we 10 44a, Zet lthe amly oettle *ax" rhibeogo# teek a 1eaàlatu . athe nipare o Oouhyb H., vii,.by thib Md yist lanatilu lAvesthe will ita a 1 eut lani min for lin aluuit £an tio 1*nonimbor îwht tilein r -gaai-pareulac- enplibe -latWar yOlàulfld"#». Aiîejden vuaanui tfoUV, lnabô Siw* tth Ie tinte of bideatil vhioh occIIêui' ffl r~ eb. 8, 1890, a(.Sfynder'e lait Ifinesevaio! short ilwora; ah* lmi ooflae4 10 ber bei Xwely Oafev dorsa wbela themensenger oaaeand i(ai yqun tile and laboni are "ovr-co hlm lb.reet vhioh la 9sdforyu wvileethere la 1n0 4oealcleas, sorrov on ioatb." On. éîVebter ber oaly chili vitil three <aidlidren aadtvaos"#-grand. ehtiiyea 10 monta thein Ions. 'Xbu5eaaw sheld aM the home, Feb. S1OB' ieroa' lange numban o! loondeaunAneighbore gatbened 10 psy lbe4-' lait tributs of respectl b One Xelwo bé efI L $meand fathfai vife, a i4sdlI"lng parent a lIdai neigh- bSet a nd vithout docait, fnm ah ~cfte, tue 1 ber convictions a podl onae-ioeper. The seaalmrvies vai coniucted by Réý. Mn. 'Straub Of the Unîversiat ohutob,0f *»Heny. Ris remanka vers tite<t fronthlb. ordi, 1"1ia Man Ple 41ill lhe Lire Agein. - The romain. **0 nlm tourest by the aide o! hen hubani la th.e oetery iioar their home. The la sn have theosympathy of 0,b i mnu asdneiglibona lu ,lbelr t unerai of Mn. Richard Curtis vas Îît thé ohome o! hde uncia Mnr. Wilght. Ha vas a cingle -u thirty. aine y eana o! mge. He vwu conftnoil tg hTmb.doMY atfov day. vîli typhoi Pasiunoia. Ris iuterei la, the uayier omotery, Rer. Mr. Cook. o! Mosenry, outomitsi. rhere la a greal demi o! sickneassin I"i oomnuniy; bard colda vtth Bore Ibroat la the pgerai, complaint. A, terrible viai abri on Monday $veaing vith iuov squalla. An are Invited go attend service lu the Volo M. E. chunch eveny Sandsy ai 1:30 p. m. 0te tke part inuthb, sons service front th. nov msiugiug books. Pnesching service 2M3. WHEELING. Hurrah ion vaieabiua'i dey! Quit.oaa uiuber o! the pupils vere alik ainduable 10 take part lu the ententalment. Mr. Adle s pent Saturdsy sud Sun- day Wg tist nahs br. The Whoeling Breney Company rgnonai proparty vas sold Tbursday ih C'àth, to Reny Rabens, o! Chicago. à 1ev of the young ladiesamtteniei lb. loup year party at Arlington Baigbia, Ssturday erenlng. Mr. m=4i lra. E. H. lMuon retnrnei frn w eokr iait at Erereti. liasLizaýe 'B@bn has netunijed !rom a mntut'a trip to Milvauiee. lin. John Haben @pont iov days witb relativesand frieni ber. Martin Kîiittel le laid up, bavlug sleppei ou a usil. Seit time steP or, Martin. Tempernce vas too much for Wheeliug. The saloons vili open îaP Tuesdsy vibli lover lbouse. The anual entenlalument o! the Wbeellag public sohool vas largely atteuded. î WARRENTON GROVE. SMisa Mary Calier spent a !cw days lui the, city lait voek. Mios Flnney suoceods Misa4 Gaunon, vho has resiguai ber positiou as touch- er o! our district Achool. lira. Raftree la quite sick et the home o! ber dad4bter, Mns. Keefe, lu Chicago. Bd Gibbons vas iu Chicago on busi- usas one day st veek. Wm. Ra!tree bai reîuned aller a L tv days absence la the city. Miss Elîsu Gibbons, danghter o! Davi Gibbons, o! thîs place was9 marnled to David Lux, of Wankegeu, l1"-t Woduoaday. lira. Ueo. Chevalier vas celled to Wankegau by th.elneassof s relative vho la dangerouily III. Michael Sheridan, o! Chicago, vîsitai vitb relatives bore on. day lait week. P. Devine la breaking a colt. Auy yonng laidy vishiag a faut ride should at once infon hlm a the colt ln. uoted for Its apeei. Misa Aniso chullateable lth b. ont miter bolug conffuai 10 ber b.d for six moatils the resmit o! i al which she received lait Septemben. For a good mlonmnent aI a 10v pnîce, place your order nov, sud bave it maie 1iuring the vinier 'mouths. Cornes- ponieuce moiite.. .-Fn» BÂîsuow, Waukegan. '1 toNG ORÔ V. Fred B*uer hiebeon hbaulng brick mai lnero th o pvbonge 1h0 la gon oblineitauntmen. He vas aiei 8' is ienda ainoiglibors. Let us supply zou 'uiii*mnia ad traveling hpaljbemy vaut front a 26 inch it dIliôsa64b«Oe evrd I14Mai, 146 Inci rou olsadat 64$00o, r a nio heary dmck, eovoed truk 10 Traveling baga astSMcand. upvanda. BP]gÇIAL [N CLOTHfING-YouWh'i3 piece4 long pant suite, 12, 13 sai 14 yoan, extra âtrong union1 mont peo- pls vouli cmli thont aIl vo. Ail siaieet 14.54)pen aIti. Youth's boary black cday voratai confirmation suite S7. Meus suite at $5 t10$6.50. OvercoatzSt5.00 10112.00. AIl tb. above carrîiedlauabooL . er. l4 vbere your clothiug mouey brings bout retaaraa. MAI05 Fo .OMM J1v, Loet us smfpply,04iib vomopli paper laay sMr agetable, a oUit SZLXCT rossétd @a8m, pen poRait-1a rna iqaia- sxcUei TnILt Long Grove, ili. V. AUEIR ,&! GO TO LOVELL'S DRUG STORE 7FOR >1 Drugs, Medicines, Chmnk*' "14 PIERF1ME01Y, BAPIcoMu», PATENT MEDICI'NES. FantilY Medicine ansd Physicians' Priuriptioaa ouly, lit conipounded s at sUoma. L 1ods Carefully Selected. Ony the Freud Crkr~ I IMeroh fi Taitor. 1 .suits From $17. A perfect fit guaranteed. Cail and see my impies. Repairinq Cleanînýg Dyei ng Clearing Sale. Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Etc. Steel Frame, good lbuses 25C Nickie Frame Eye Glasses 20c Hard Rubber Eye Glasses 20o Roman Alloy, finest immita- tion of gold - - -' - $1.26 Solid Gold Frames with finest - quality p eriscopic convex lenses - - $8.50 to 7.50 A fit guaraateed or no pay. E. B. SHERMAN, Grayslake, OVER BANKa 0 Libertyville, Illinols..ý 'Weddlng Cargo. o-. For Wsdilg ationery et %à* Snaa qnality and vorkmansbtIpaivaps effla to the Isxp»rnannur ?riting DMm. W c ha11safeoompeoa ~la nwf e ai a, priailg. Wa ie nish anythinq <ngrarsdi Work a i@* ait) n s ov tannami eauW o4, taned la Chicago. Rilmanli, guaraute. iatiaisbidon. jeweler. It la. somo trouble to write to rois ti vos ma niMode oftena: and mauy -do flot h6ve the lime. A large auntLer o! ou subsoribera îend the Is»xP&Ni>ENr Instead of vniting lbiters, as thst gires ail the nova and is muoli botter in many respecta. It vil1 bo far cheuper than vnltlug letton Not a fev wha rosi vilat Mr. Robert Rowi, o! Rolland», Va., hai to ay belov yull remember their ovu experienoe underUee rcun»t*tnceo: "Laitwnter I bei I. grippe vbich lefI me ùla a1 gate of health. 1 tr.ted aumerona rente- îles, noue o! which diii me aty.gud antI 1 vai iunoe 10 Inabo10let0 ChantberIna.iCough Rintedyv. The liraI bolle of'it o a ffnlie e eg»tha L at RC ~~.r o lbtn a iu per can Steak per lb rMèats in proDc 't. .4 Ifrma.4