CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Feb 1896, p. 8

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çitchen antd 044 Cbalrt;Chul- ages. Extensionl and Center Tables. IThis 1896 ew Model Sew- irnff mcine, varantedl for lui yeora, oly L.eâ ICNGG, oeenler5Ev 94 .Corne-and o >ods at ROUSE'SI Why? Prices Tell ýrn:qs uperlativeFlour,per bbl. $3.40 ýon' f Fine Table Syrup, for 1.00 Î --1.00 chés, per lb - -- .08 prlb --oz-.0 YÏ Is pe lb .05 e Oat tIbs for - - - .25 q,.r.gaflon can --- 35 to.t er can -- -: 08 if fi .07 IStak per lb ----- -.08 St- 19-sa.08 ~rmeats lif roporton. ,Pcs 're Delverej>at Wholesale Pric AARFargo's $2;.50 Shoes for $2.0 Ail oih.y shos at a Big Discount. AND RUBEftSMen's Sizes a Pair 1.59 Boyso ffà do1.39 iINGC-Ovrcoats and Suits sold on orders at wholesale prîces. IM-Fine assortment of Choice Confections F aQUSERookefeller. for G~s ranulated su gar for .. ...... . mun4ried Japan teaI 1lb. pkj.. jblation Java and Mocha cottee.. aIbrInk's Bakin g Powder........... at ~~as2l.k ..... ......... ~reren, l...pkg.......... Bartlett Pears................ Ut Pumpklns . -........................ Ielb1s ........................... qtcook(ng Raisins................ .85 .30 .13 .12 .08 .06 .07 .06 .13 .13 .05 .25 .05 ws*oý5a ...p..........................~ 4 pkt ................... 0: 2 ~n Batten, ful1 weight .............. .0911 WSAND O0VERCAS. ou want -a sold at Wholesale Prices on order. CARPET OR RUG it will pay you to get my.prices. 1 arn hMdquarters for Choice Groceries, of ail klnds, Confectlonery, Tobacco and Clgars. Also what 1 have ln Boots, Shoes, Gloves, Mittens, Hats, Caps. Overaîls and Pantq will be sold.regardless of cost. VOURS FOR TRADE, ~fUe. t.A. M. BRIGGS. 'Reduction Witer oods Mens Fat Boots at - 37é FIt Boots at 25c, ' Fé«t Rubbers over felt boots $1.50 Came Hair Shirts or Drawers 63e ail 1wool Vests or Pants 54e Itffleece lined Ve:ts or Pants 23to34c hoels and toes - c ΫW d ladies ail wool hose 7 to 20è' .*0»jc-Flannel20à io m 4re blankets 76x80 W't cf IMens Vests from 7 5c to I.Qoo Saap 3to 5 1-2ca yard CHEPa t - 3'.a z; -ýr 1 0 068 §10 122 1001 -8014 M. n 1. a. au..n 18 evua 9u luii &ta 344 s a.4M. m.1M. rM. P. U [ne a4si 141 19 as5go o8631 S47 12u09 8 or à47 0 23 0 6* 41 0M 1246 CiU e VI. ew as la12 1267 aie P- t111 e1i a21 O1021m eu abus 8 44 14 27 0Ohi6 0SU 1045de rta 4 *1)lly exeepi udr io g ft0lonuosgnl Around the County. WARREN. Mr. Swaneou, weiit to the city iai Munday. Walteî Dufflay, took a trip to Wat.- oonda, l"i Tueda!. Lyn Woolley, Who h«. heen apen. ng a few daya lu Chicago, bua returued J. J. Freezer, eud Win. S1bue, vere ln Chicago, on busnuess lait Sat0riy. Mri. and lra. W.. Allen, of D.kot,4- are vislting relative.sud inondasu this loSilty. .Mr. aud lirs. Wm .Dunbau Uris. EdwinfPotier, andi Fred Potierj, ers Chicago viaiors luti Baturday.- lire. EdwinI Potter, entertaim.d the Union cemetery aociety lai Wednea. day. one of the pleaalng f1«4u»esof the oecuaaaon vats a latter froa sM»s Judie Bedweil, who haLl Juil arrived ai Sandiego, Calornis. VOLO. There la a greai deal 01 aiokneaa, coldsansd sors ibroate, in thfiavoWtSy. Raught Bron..and Mn. Pêddock, eold s oarload of ahefip bla ORaY. Mn. John Muledore, bas Ïogu very ick but la smre betitilplseu$.. Mir@. George Waiie, han been on the siok liai forsa numben of veeka. We hff ope 0 es honout agail mon., Aunt ElUi GooLldell, has been quite sick for smre time. Rer aime Allie Laton, of Chicago, la agéying vitb hon. Bev. V. C. Cojk. pister eof'Volè M. E. church, expeets to commence pro. trsoted meetings lu the' Volo ohurob usai week. Fred Baner, bas the aympsthy of bie friendsansd neighbor.Su hie fflcon. Hie Laughton la very icA. Dr. Shaffer, of Grayelake, lal inlteudauce. FREMONT CENTRE. Lewis Lusk, hie moved on the Fox lirainl the tovu of Grant. J. S. Deelui, speue n day lait veek with relatives in Wancouda. Albert Groshe, -vili move on the Nicholua fan, ,&bou$thtro fnt 0f Apnil. L. J. Lyon, his lessed one ef Âdam Bebm's bouses, aud viii move luto ih the firsi of April. Frank Tekaunpy. sho has bois apending a few veeks At Arlingion Highti, haa reilVnd home. The Lance at Geo. eia, ony evening, wv alel atteudedasuda good trne wu, enjoyed by aIL Herbet Davis, vUi i aut for D.kilia about the irai of Mawoh. He oxpeota te make bie future horne there. G. F. Wagner sud vite, have return- ed from their trip to Ohio, and yul soon inoye on the Rmndee fsrm, whioh he bas reuted for a term of yoars. ROCKEFELLER. J. F. Clark apent Biiuday wth bis family. Mir&. Frank Thomas, of Gilmen, vent tu the city fromn be. Monday. Mary Jeet bai been apending a few day. lu the city the past veek. Lester Bnrdlck speni Sunday ai River View, visitlng fiends ai that place. W. a. Wach, Frank Croukhie, and Lyle Gonhain, apent Baturday In Chicago. The bouiebold and the New Goodriob sevlng machine for sale ai the furul- turce tome May BasaIey bai been quie .ick the paitvêe], but la nov ahle.te, roture te sobool again.1 Mr. Whoeler, vile. and Edvard Cook of LiberbillO, vilteil ai John Cronk- hitle-alit ai aunday. Geore Bealey and Y. C. Knigge, abippoda number of carloade of sbeep tromn ibis place iis eel. Quito a number tr o e, attendei thie .innovai of baby Lyman Hmut, ai Diamnd Lake, lait Buuda*y. Our turnilure dealer bai iis veeli recoed a large ahlprent of f uiuiture. o" sud get piouse before you hbry. We arc aorry 10 sâe, lira. ilynich la vorysic" vib rbeunatlarn. Dr Beeveê anaibeen aled a fev "ue sud v. hope to, sec ber among us gair 0000.' Dr. Travie ban returned 10 Belles. ;aâ.Wis. sd udyl aip bis goode th LIÎplace as once, having reuied thq officevacaied by Dr. E9ving. Éât a good Monument ai a 1ev Pricm jiss yur ide noasd-hv&I i89d dulng h ir MOW There vaa slight iotia* in Wl] 'a ggaid lii eek. The price ca Ii4at de igmachine la $".W inaea. os Il17.6L. tWllie a good fallov, bua he-canuci givo &way seving machineg ai ibis timeoi the Ye.r ThIo C. E. peaulut social of la$lni day evening vas vel .iisuded.À abort prografl* vua snanod VhSol via Tory-uInerestin. MMlMi ~a e b ut eVary mach. 2W Wolph d Bont M t e mexcites-va et '- W.eklo&tttbsLOwO vsdaa&on aaie qO b - on k e Ln a Il it Ob ff. turig lb vinor m i >ondence sclioied. lameBsiaevov, Wauk«ga. MM .lcsngabbgMsd Mnof un- tlrk, Obi o bharove hSu ati J. Jsud Mis. Swiioley, of ==t"ýf«r. atC ev Monihareturuad te, ibetirne 0lanti PHon. QEW. Edmend Poe, ce roese. maio etihe moeut ogudrlds a e edidate for re.olecIon ibis arma s-Md vii- uudoubtllodly bo eleoe«4 e h ateite rigbt man in-1 Mr. =4 lira.W. C. Wedgeh rrivsd ttn Noalonday êvenlng aMer a trip o gi, W* veleome tbe nov ooerelaSuoui midai, w e-truai ibai MwsA4y. rnay miA. s many fniendsana ber popnu ulbad. Th. Young mno!0ayalake, viii organisa audtbf. Tburaday aveu- ,a&. of about eighteen memiberu, vith Xet û«g" , of Aniioch, »ad eo. Bo vu Wiiiexpeet betor. long 10 have nuSeM t he abr ani bout ibis Utile burg. ,the ravivai meetings ahi continue. 1ev. Cookrnau, pwached li"i linday evein,Mgvlng lin. lice a day, of muob neasdreai. A lange number of Gagea Lake popoatteuded luaa bedy. In U miprolitblity tim -week vii close ihe meetings. The tovu bhlhm atailait1beu placed on ils .founation, eud St viii acon bc repired sud pu$ Su condition for oui auguat city concil tc, heid thaïr meeting., et vhich tbey e«Peoi tq make th eay reStera rig vib eMoqueue, theefteie of vhlob vin 10e toit tbroughtout--vefl, throughout Th. drarna aiHaiuemvile,BSaturday eveaing, vas voll renderod sudimrach enjoyed. A full honas greeted the performeru, suds aa$ Utile sam, vas reslizedfor the sohool Ubnry. The sme piay vill ho pr.umted tn Batter. ahoa ll, the evenlug of leb. 2Mt, aud the proocuea ill bc given te the sme institutiou. Ail Grayalake peo- ple ehould turu oui. Altliouh the veather ie very evinisry, Lt miake one tizinIk of aprtng te se. no mauiy laadlSes moes. l. dredgs Boyd'a 9faly have moved Sit thoir haudmm ev residenee on liaple Ave., Bev. Dasy bhm moved bis fanxily ie othe boume on Bluasr St., vsested, by Mr. Eoyd, Mr. sud lin. D. G. White have moved mb ibteir besutiul bouse on Prootor Ave.. vhere Mr. sud lirm Dizon aloo expeci te take up their abode. GURNEE. Plsuty of mnovibiu veek. Watcb oui for a play lu the near future. Thore viii ho su entertiaentniai UicN . .hurch neo u Tnday even- ounlait flnday evoulng a veny: pleamnisurprise psniy wv apr- petrated ou Floyd Munro. atone in hein g bauled for Wrn. Binauga nov reaideuceo ouGad Ave. The -readlng clrole wu very plessantly enieniained ab W. 8. Lester'. Tueiday eveniug. Linu Woolley wvainluChicago on business lait woek. Larnb'a Oncheitr furnihed munie for a dance si Wadsvorih Monday aevofllug. The Garvin Falaily gave thnee 9eniertaiunenta at thie M. E. chunch leit veek. a Lait Tuenday W. P. Simpson'@ te4mi indulged iluasrun-avay sud demolibhed ýevery thing in their path. 4 Win. Duinhani sud vil., Mns.. Potier sud Fred Potlp miade a trtp to [jChicago liai Saturday. FOX LAKE. lins. Cribb vislted ai A. Tweeds Sun- dae. Miss Edih Baner, of Grant, La very sicA. lire. A. Tweed visited hon uni, lira. George Wat.recentIy. We are mrry to bear ef the seioni Ifluema of lira. Edwin Wlton, of Antioch. M. L. Galiger visited Antioch on buins.. londay. >ins. J. J. Knoll, ha. moe 10 vîit hon isier vbo in very sici Eider Hollornan, called u friendi lu tii victnliy Monday moralug. Mr. sud lir. Lee Nlbon, are the happy pmatgof a Jil. baby girl. M. L.- Geiger reoonily purchased a homo 0of Chsrbos OBoyle, of Long Labo. ' X». George Waite, of Grant, haLl the aotoiue le aUp dowis ud burt ber amibe badly. Th. Junior, Epvortb Longue lapro. greuaing fi:el.thiere being nov over Eldr T. J. Holionin, lU preaob ai Pot MlIi ext l8ufday morning sud eveulug. Everyhody ocee Th. e oxLaeaemeiery .ociety met vitb lira Harrison Gilbert lait Thura. Ldey, viAh a tain siiendanee. The nouS me. v iii ho vitb IMms. red Hook, Thuratday, Fobruary 7tU Su the foreneen. Married ai Kenombia, Win., Wednes- day, lob. 1,1500S, at Hoiel Grant, by lBey. Chas.IL. Gobithorp, WilWodge. of Graydaan sd Leous' Thorn, of iUlburu, brideaflaid, lieueAmes, of Saud Laie, sud groomaman. Bon M. Csra,01Foxlez L afl. Wo viab ih hpy ople a long, sud proaper. ouifte. JACK A" > On. Costable Sale. Thôfe vil ihas aeoai *okef ller, lob. L 1.aI t~OcAP. !94 cf the AteYou in Need of aTim 0 Piece of Any kind? WE SELL ANSONIA CLoCKS: Eight day, strike S8.'26t , Elght day strike and alarm $?.50; Elght 4ad cathedral strike and alarm $4.00. Finlshéd I1 'ý'1 attractiveoak or walnut cases. ELGIN AND WALTHAM WATCHES: - Nickel, Coin Silver or Gold Filled Cases at 5§ c 12, 18 and 25 dollars, full value ALWAYS. AU our clocks and watches warranted. bilver table-vare in sets on singlo îuluces. Elegant atylea. A te» yestgsl* goea vlth every plece, aiso a large stock of JEWELRY. Spotaele.« e y, glumses ai sr), 35 and 50> cents and at $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.915. We-,Ù'V«s carry a large stock of table aund pockett Lutlery, sheans. octuors, etc. Long Grove, 111. V. SAUER& BR.~ rGO TO LOVELL'S DRUG STORE F0Rw ' Drugs, .Medicines, Chemical.s," + '14 PERFUMERY. SOAPS, COMeS, Brushos, Tresses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Fancy anti SToioet Articles, Booksandm Stationery, Dy e Stuffs, Glam, Puty', 1 PAINTS, OILSVARNISHES. PATENTMEDICINES. ' Family Medicines and Uliysicitins' Pr> ecriptione CSrOfUll7 coxnpoutided at ail hou.,s. 0osCarefully Selected. Only thie Bes. Freç;d Croker- -.. Me~~r:clantB 45uits A perfect fit guaranteed. Caîlland see my samples.', Repair'nq Cean ng Dyeing OVER BANK, Libertyville, Illinois.' MAX LEBEAU., M.M4UACTUtA 0F FI NE HAVANA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LeBEAU'S STAR, A. 0. F., and BLACK P0QDLEý. Clearing Sale, _______ Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Etc. Steel F rame, goo& lenses 25C Xickie Frame EyeGlasses 200 Hard Bubber Eye Glasses 20e Roman Alloy, finesti ixmita- tien of gold r.-.- . $1.25 Bolid Gold Frames vith fineot quality p eiscopie convex lengs - . - $3.50 tb 7.50 À fit guaranteed or no pay. E. B. SHERMAN., Orayolake, Jeweler.! For Ooean Bteamahlp Ticket*. Via the Beaver Line frorn Igontreal,' tube e Lierl.O, or via any stearn- sb la lpbncouing 1113 Aibwtlo,m loy- iitae ot ar8,mcbin, second cabin ~uda~botb ouatuard sud pre- u »UpeLDuBls, Agent < m~~A L 7 1

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