CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Mar 1896, p. 1

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LBRYVLLP LODOE. No. 492. F.A VICTORY'FOR FOSS er1Korc COUNe fom the t .sury o Bstrdas o esh nont. Vsitnt retwrt -snld association, geventy five per cent Was Favorable for Hopklfls. Fons eordlllYwekompid. W. M. HEÂTR.M. W. Boyce le Beaten at the Primnarles of such bill, but lie lis onlY lnoxred and Lyon. . H. BBOWN. ec. Tuesday. for llftecil days, and rihould ho ship The severai townshp@ in Lake 'u i ..AND VflU WAILL AW Dr. hares aIIway Fial lctry t CnvetiO We-fter thut tile lie assumes te rual. Conty sent lxii delegatlOns to the nesday. The ReviAtary wilI malie nionthly re- Repubican County Convention hedA C(A RDDCT O R à Officeover LoveI'a Drugtitore For Cungres......... OEIMGE E. FOSS ports to he milk agents of the veions et the Town Hall, Saturday. Intense À~~ IIOUES FROM 1 TO 3 AM4I) ô TO K P. Id. D k tAt Natona Covntio roads entering Ch icagO, and therein intere" such as in seldoma aroused F CHIARLESIi ~ Lk'Cny lttedlnuîtdaes This wiii on occasions of titis nature in Lake <iE It EYP E o f LI>îEakC u 0 l; t t eqlnq e td alr.F O O A Libertyville, - Ilno . Aternate to National Convention...... .. servea. a black-list and destroy the County, vas manifeat from the time OrStkfo pnglaArvd.OrPc u.A Rg. wlTIAMPH E GA NOL) credit of uirelable dealers. Dealers of the arrivai of the noon train OrSokfrSrn uArvd u r«v dRt1U Mie Luu M S.PFNIMA. SEPHN A RENUL w iil bc rtê'iiiri'.l t.. file a bond o!fa euf- loaded vlth politiciens and delegates. Miss LUL M. S. PNNîMAN. liefr.' the Seuenth Corsna, ticielat an,î.Uît t.. eov.±r ail mil lI fo Officer seekeil, politican, and dele-Sldoefvehos dya sof ar t VOCAL AND A LSO DELIIARTE tidt P tn-urmalsh i TUCKiiY .jiii th' v igidthifor ifteu'Odayi..gts ihaarnln 1-cmo ig8 5 ulfegtocres nI INBTRUNENTAL SYSTEM or trdtogt.norîefi't rIi votera," packed the hall to sufficatiOn: tn a three tmsa uc as i .. ui..' £oui n..fatthe Lskeructcd lb Cnention .lr. ALIV ELY BLAZE W. C. Upton, Chairman of the Couflty soe nW uea o bined.d 31118TWICTBDS, MBT ILABONALX PRCEIL ntinstuctedtsdelgatvm Nir.(,àseCentral committee called the conven-strsi akgnC n ab'ettertton toooorderLkpromptt foretndthe0bp.nm.rns. hat docies that niean? LlerYvlC.liinl. .etr hai , Ie, tLae A<iiït' .rad febrnbr E. P. DeWolf was made temporary - ..,x~~~spport. They hall1 to addIiLik< sitîî right abolit 7:30 an larliii chairmanf ilth Geo. Hl. Chanidler, as Ol hs J eltecres l'd Dr. E. H. SIMITH, o'uny 3ve oM.Fs'is,~,f ir,. was giwen, and investigationi secretary and B. A. Duann as assistant, Our pricels5the lowest for any grade ofi DENTIST- that djd it. B.iye Mnami lwatcî.. 41te ari, on the premises of wich Orgeuization vas later madepeor atng Whn ou reI Th enc',tOJ vs a L, r',Sl he ~leel.r t. Le on re. permanent. for carpetsor mattng lok every office over Lovell'a DrugstoeIt he orh BdeTurers l, .Alr *i. a tterri P ttinque ike ~Ater a report front the conimittee then cati on us, and we'ldth e. EOU IS: a tu12el. nsd i tu 6. m. DAILY. Chiicago, nt Il ,'clork, aid .ltii. I ikte tue hies ws ith buckets of! vater,ilcenta othefe he we clnydi-legaites vîtel sl idl tr FI m.s Fire Marilial Appdcy concluded to on0 eets5t h fetteevr Libertyville, Illiois. The Lake couiity .llegatiLii N-8 hring nt the --tire eater." By the 10cnet h eeae eesae. AP E E TWT V R O.P R H ____ -Couipoied o Charles Whitniey,E.P i etebvarvdwthhengu A motion made by Borner Cook, of (if E. ethebîsarvdwibte il Wanikegan, that e committee of one De ,Wolf, C.FE. WebbiliI. J.. oil 1, te triitre was enveloped in fnls from ecd township b. sppointed, A T WN SW u ga . Dr. . L.TAY OR. u ,to n hidi ail resolntions and instruic- Dr. . viTAlOR. o! Arurgaîi; A. or. Coin,ki . ryIn ouev er y '~spet or prissena %ill O ffice over T riggs & T aylor's. vill e rth r îko! W '))r ; ti ..a llea; t. o ini it vr y ujit , t s natu relen tion s ie snbm itted vas earried, as vas o t u e._11 . Hvr o spîr.1f.E laes t,,tîg îsritiiii vsn thte motion of Mr. Wm. Halloveli, that vas 70%.. Tuesday morning the sasie Maa,,nce onBroarwayuoppsit. tark ,,uiof ertiiiie lire1 cLmpauyins dia committee of four, two frein Autioch varda vere given to the fourth room Mi hre btney, Reidnc o Baawy ppsie 'ak witz <f riî,it I. . r ou, o the. engine .,hould al get -"rattled." We ed yrespected citizen o! LaIe Lbertyvil.e, Illinois. Ela; David Finis, of Shields; J. Il. Ec(.ii mail jireent pumped a lil, n one froMechof01 h. other tovu- sud the average vas 96r,,'We. reta the home o! bis son, John Braselier, of M arr,..; A. %%*. V. Iiitiiiîri,, Ial i intd ore, sud the tire burie4 slips, be appoinIed tb present a lust feel sorvy for Waukegan. ,,fAvo. 'i. t tnaly ieda nttialof names as delegates to each of the On account of the absence f the at Diamond Lae, uday oISfMAvoCnDAV S.iiirrily , . I in l y d e a n m l tr e cooventiofoli. presîdent and seî'retary last vee k the 1896. H e vas bl u" (In' C o <4 Oraduate of Americaos eraOp Pusdna ConrltOl. ,eai. hiikAîîle ,îouîe ta After the»e coluxittees had retired vice preoideot took the chair and Miss llamfpshirtf, li11.n 81 bii of Xsic.ez-Goyeriiol Hamilton, Mr. Northcott, Lida Lee vas elected secretary pro tem. married to Mary An lso. ef Ii~sic......................... After a lbard iglit the e tîicii< ,î.it1 the diiii "h,..1 h,'ci ubdlied and IVieab tT -TEACIKE O- gâtes k.tu, theeventh Cî.rsi.ii"ievtr t ,ildbe 0IeCongressman Fou and Thomas Neeilleâ After the debate the election <of aotfive ye.ers ego. .b4«.' VOIE CLTU CULTUREMN AiNriD reMîlliON ,îîuedtî,ne"hîre artheb Convtentironp and adre edth Covenionandex-on oficesffrrtethe ttwovees tol aretso! ix huîreno1o P LbertyvIlie. llinole. é th song,-and( -ý g,-ELI II a. he-bhoLurs ba~ reasmnali Manou imade a f ev pleasingplace. resuitiuig as Tllovs: Wordeu infaiicy, tvo grovlng 10 Fos ns eelrd ii sîtîr.Ti. ur, utthet atelill d hap em rl, ,iuterspersed vith atonies, Wells, president: Mable Aches, sud then vere called home, PA L -AcG FFN îlglit 01<iiinlm as iadt. tiiringli tii.thetii.. ext ire, andas ne wtedthmtold in his inimitable manuer. aecretary; Mande Whe.ler,vice presi- them .chldlesa. He wua MW PA LM CG FI. Lake (ouoty 1elegationi, mnijîli sam u;rily tYidge horb,,ewiird, ve hk The committeeou resointions and dent; Lyle Bond, edlitor; E.l Murray, sterling charactel! sud '10 koi ) Attorney and Councellor at Law, sent to tih.eionvention 1uo1le-IîgeLd. bandis nith -,xî..,1Ives thinkiiig hov Instructions repo rted that they had siargeant-at-aIms. wgo ovequanres Asaethusbslié NOTARY PUBLIC. liIyc-s friendîs gaive 111) ai hi.qe îiifortuliat.e a being is a Libertyvulleno odqaiesAsahb= Spflal attention given WtaClLctionsansd long before tie ciit ord.-r LAthf t.iremami, alid feeling thankful it had noe. It vas generelly expected fte i a hrigl ee C u e a elt- - - --- --- - --- --- -- - co nvni 't ot ie Tarînî"r all not falen our lot. resolutions inst ucting for H opkins, C O U N C IL . PR O C E E D IN G S . hl fa i ly, as aei g ibofa u . wlh ak Cunw an. entsduy. Vth vNorth ora oa;SiFousand Lyon would b. offered. ifalyasangbo=4é Offce wBncLa e vast Ran .tWdthe y Wiaaevythovfurvàebas; iudIl Reguler M eeting of Village Board. he vas ield lu hIgli eateem . Libetyviîe, llinis. Te mci] fr01 Lakte C'cîity u-efault lluding n every ide as ifihuiliBch c ot the e s psed o! eromLSETVIauL.. arhH9 e profeased chritiasily oieê, Lietyil, lini. corraled ini the Briggs Iloiise eariy iii eratioiliTir thec vont reely renderd te coitthi, haingO Lnoe t fier LBoard metlu e, sessin'96. hyears ago sud otnidfIk the moroling l.y the Boy c fa,'ti.,i andi t i4~ no wî,nderthere is a lethargy c twsihvgnoeoofr Badmtineul esonwhistahnstrohMtbl W. H. APPLEY, everyeffrt iseil to iuduce thicm t..0on the part 0f Vie members >mil there vere nons given. Instructions President Avenil lu the chair. istahnatrfgsalte evcry v~~~~~~ere unnecesssry as it la conceded HrsuApey ob E eBehan nov beeu caliel tu reinef am, i)M ; lace Chales Whiîtney, of Waîkegao, nhlch they cao lie aroumed ouiy by Peet ply obEe .. U T O ER.. 1 the state â1legliioiilla solld for Me Geor and Osborne. Absent: revard. The funeral srvlee liefore the convention for the -Congres-,>outsiders keepiuig shl and lnstesd o Hpis.Fuha suetrB, eg luthe Llbortyviliq UnmE Libertyville, Illinois. sional niinjlîtion. The3 ,,iered to makiimg a butrlesqiue of their attemp<e, Hi s. ords ciculteigd a Mntesoher y3rnado Tuesday Feli. 25, where Havlug lad mucli ezperleflde tn Aoc- throw tii hini ail the votes they cîo- give a tvord o! encouragement. l sudn Lynse frigteinda cated ofa ite ofebrly ndar y read adou-course o! friendsansd - toerninthe past seventeen yearil, trolled, a,îd assured thluuthat smach athetumaitchoseu as marshall give lte paper, ecrig he igatre o!ei mtin o Apl ad Clb vreap tlo earf t en lusi gathceeredun 1t,0yfo irciosad p psy L orily h dlgte reetpl t.hem-povdad lco nfie Tesrvc wa es selves te give bil tair beat support. Finance committee submitted the respiect . srie a part o!Lake aud adjolnlng CountiîaWhitoey. and4 euriieitiy reqnested to B-pump" UV eot !th oiollgble u rcmeue b e. Oouac et ve" Lov ates. satIfctiOn Guar- neth kc4 Blww ieterprofteflwigblead eomee y anIs& Olyoe a MI Mr. Whituey po.ýitiVcly reflisell to. and aay uothiflg. .» astcpe their paymient. The romains' Wfi 114 1 allow biq naine Io lie presentcd end stances cverythiug posile aslou; utonNma Kber............ warned is rîi'îîi'ioniîii utilbis alud 'h.t was accomîished coat hard byîuecouee ............. 2 ffeey nainie Iefî,re l..c xitliiagiiist îvorko.iithe part 0f the ire Company BNT CNETO. Win. Attrid........ ......12 L A K E hisw e.hes. Tir \uiîit-li tiiey g el' a reward both T;:.::::.uB nt W. C. Trlgg , John D. M cCabe vas bo rs u cOUNTY Ilt nas, at r 1.-ik i Iiliii.iiJ .tîiiîgandl uîjust. . D. HCil .... .............A=U Motion Appley and Cuiby the bills b. 1849 On a feaiin the li bo B A N Kj . . . . . . . . î r a u . - l i ' î t î i a t . I L, r . .' i uîy-N. s îil d r i li th e hb o y s.l j u st HD i r yto I . . .. . .. . .. . .. . A v o n a llo w e d a d w a rra n t s fo r t e s e v e im i c o u d a . He v a s t h e y o = pa8 S C.A uryvl- IýC. W. Tucker.... .........Warren rv utetesUr Tml !svncldei ...l. rand se, a'J. tiiA. (tîtlm as sxiiî a,'the.-ronads are lu condition, 8. Blacker .....................Shids, amounte da wno h ralifudyfnvucid .e Wright, ParkhurSt & Co. allaerd .......4 ..îk i..', ....i.t'..taJ..BilrdLlbertyvile roin their respective Tintds. Carried. 1880, he marrled Sarah A. C0d pr.ceeet'ui Wh.411 hýi ln oe ih i eantJ-F ý ......Fremont Libertyville, Illittois3. Eamtinalî as îiaîîdin iii iiiiti ti. îî e\t ili' tc tould keep ili rmd F. F. Carr ................... ..wauonde The treaatrer'a report for the month McHeury I B. ey. Fathst tenpoar (Iitiiiit) f hecon'tiefat hâ le s ul aC. W.Feutla .....est Deenfildjfo!Febrnary, reed. Said report ahoyaps omngte mariafeloe fur tmc.îiry eîiixîîi i tî -.. ti' uttîtheu0uya iited ire E. Woodruff ........E.a. :F st Deerfiel ioî.n nîti , dirge. S. i:ak. r. fi Ii ilirsa id what Lie says .'goes." .O -u amount on haud Febrtisry 3, H1828 e resided on the farm vit bW st oi li st.rtiry t L o. er Cb Cok .....I..... . eceived ramt Josephi Behm on fourti until 1882, vhen he removsê. Issues nerL-Barng , tI. i er-.r. it i.'nat utth h liad lifitead of F. H.Plagge ..... ..... . Cetfcae aybe Tiecoc>liiiiltt&'. iii-..itoinp ciîî i,Ilrcd niuctt mon Acao be C.Honerke . . . ......... Wu «nquarter saloon liceuse, 3375.0. Fromn couda sud engaged in, c De.mand. mieet Charles mc iiiisi...t..............t.. toi levr of 1895, $100-00. Totad on band ntilTthe tNmeOof l P ' ~ ~ ~ ~~-TI ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ s iituî thi( jr ri-lurt ai t tii ti h ..' i v au.ciiiiu tt. , th ii.'fremen f-1imore Care MWiny .. .. ............. .ta lvy !18 , 0.0 T alo hed nîl he tre o i me ilue l . ll-,n e i.........................3re$TAE flWETJOý594.28. Disbunsemnts Februery 7h. occnred Mardi 1, 1896. »,'j~ have~ a pil o! the.'ciimii il tiec.vr.'.-îîîm inirs unmd teuer bosses .1o better TOWNSHIP'. z'oa'rom.rîca'to Fel5tiaryI2(Y, 1145.92- e - btoo. * imd -Osho1e. B. A. Donc, Waukegahi, Weukegan. Appley and Colby, the treasurer's me- 3, 1896, aud his remalus laid te 1 HAR NESSI Iiultas, andin ait made' a ightt ii anmdîi iii"ti mmore ef'tective wont. W. M. Heath. Llbert)*WiiC. Llbertyvllle.Temeps<rvo1iII vvry 11îsitî ,!t , an.d gi bt iriIi r. \\ lieer carried $15,1.040 ontthc E. A. oidlng Wauceflda, W Il na. port Le acc<'pted and plsced ou file. the Catholle cernetery9 l doNIl.îmi' ior thcî r tari . ba.rn hc. h î-îwi oit cover the îîîss. gut iai, ratCarnled.*. h Ok*m IlenaiNtlIriýiiiitý1\- ) James Carmait Bentî,n, Sprlng Bluff. Motion Aipily and Me Gregor, that marriage eonuched the1UtUm Wheu oil w ant a tn .t? iliiui îir~..t ~~.S. C. Woloh, 'Shecdde. Laits Fumet. ofBriso -pisol lovv lilLijàii I iii llOur cemnetery. J.E. Braiber, Werri-ii, Garnie. 'the $375.0100oW initIc treasury unap- moules. Besides hls beloired the old bt, yîiim an (Iii. 1nu inE .<iJ,."i"L ii,11I L-11iit I Li il s con'i i ti oni s - E. B Easton. W est t> 'ti- .Dee neld. p op i t d be h rc y pp o i te to l a a to m u u is og hetter tiain eau ou Ileiur i'îîtiiiiiiiiiihiai-.i. iet ire ne tii il> hI CONORESSIONAL ('INVENTION. thtredptîetTttdCrld. aheheeboesJi anid Ile rî,t' eitma.-li v, r iii t i %î. eit' 'lw iii .stiojn lits leeim Charles Whitney .............Waukegaî lleath thiieailltte inianc took ils eldeat residiug ai home, It&M E. P. DeWolf----------... s.t.i. I Carson, Nevada, Miebhw ad.t .îitii ,il . ifei m'uce-C. E. Webb............-n i RUDMILWAUKEEAAVmng as jt.tLII wL . .. -i 11-1Ni- Yl'l iiiiiiit get peo<ple Geo BranId.... ..........Iithlnd Park AiagieimtiiwrbignadainlguChcosdoeil 0OT O . 14RI- iii,iittIL l Ml \iui%-rst i tv lit' 'rhey irealA.B Co. .1...... .. .LlbrtyVile 1UP)vherebiy the cottmty board wili pay Mary A. White, aiseofniChIecgf i 'nîi ili-i 01, -.-M.-ioE..ti ii miîm jtCHîîir Arthur C ok.. . ....... . coWueda b.. the village o! Lihertyviile Ile aulo the exception o! M artin a t. al îm il --I I - Iutil G A.Sivr....... ... Neviort Promplt attemntion ivl iimiail kind ,-iLl t '.-L_ iig-;tti'î i hi' utther . . Si e s r ...........o forte yar esdoc lW o o! iri. an 7:LtîactVLî o D. E1. . ... to2.50il aolrmuris of iiehîlea stlet vas farUa)l.I p ri e a ar e bo uiiîîdto . al. ~ ' ~m. i ii' l s ~ii - î I as th ie ' ast res i mg M . W ertz .... . . . . . F e o t h e tv--l r ep r i e t i u f u t en y a s r s d n e l fl N il. o iii' li i . pi.i-f tireuuruuthei Juck',.aIf am i Wti uiig D a ld Fale ______________________________ Niilftt' ii. ' - J. . Bracher.. .Ware î Iuty p ...n T an ad terender ail maîîy fienda. Bis moey W " h.'-a.1iîriiai i u iiililui,,the.' laif ti iias i A. W. Whltmore------------------A. von assistanceps i il extlngijiahlng at thue Calilofthe neww'._-l IF V U EEP.q. Total .2jd1 r L ' O im iiiibctiithe moîîîtve The townships are represeuted on (Lad .Io 'une you dii need) F."" 31t'ii.] r .,o\.r.i11w g. itiviiieneiiStl iithiiuk the central committee as f..toWs: ,Confliagrationîs mnd protecbing the said le veutbils jolly,. goc4.n* 111 11 Ti.irl,- ' ii i,, iftVw uoiirivial fir ,î . -Per B.eWtion poor farm's buildîigsansd property made hlm hostao!f !einG. i iii,-" rs, if tnt aiîlmia-paTomstan ... -eto vvinter Blan kets, Ttint ii Yiiti.-i'uiuihiii i, sinliitt'irim i f ir it imd.nalue Tho. ms prfl-----......dting a ine,,both viti thein ire en- las the ayuupathy o! AUin Fu u r L a p R o b e s . I ' t l v n i i î x i i l' iu e e d to c o nm s m î the J . . P oW l a . . . . . . . . . . A n i.o c h g u d ir e d e p a r t m e f t . h o u n o ! s o r r o w . FurLapRob s. o hLNatoni (-II1L.LýI' o 'oneimportntîmceto tora.D. A.onranger -.....Grnt Motion, Coitîy and leath, the agnee-- A.. Wbitrnore ..--- ....Avonu ot Ms BraaWrf Heavy Fur Coats nt st. p.î ni-' iiiiii hI~-dllanîs hvl, sugse 9rhtmo. .-Wre n-e dpe n h rs 1W.C.U ton .................... egan sm ar \nyblîmnîtytn bbcvhue of(Ilarhm, 8. . i &I and em lic atthoized ho slgn for the boru ln Wittenber'g, G0 ia orayhngI h Ueo jr"s iesm, %11uit- i.miiîiut-il iîr mîuitier u- itu'ftt e ybill '1)tf 8 cotb-... j. tavBur fELiaiioi. hi1 kîî'w R J Douglas .........i.... village of Liliertyvillle, and that W.E. ber 29, 1799, dled Pér«r b,ýavy r fight you shuld notfail I ind tiIrý-LLi111thevo advaMillerhoaig: i;for tnIc.c...ntyeldf Lnnty oiLak came c hme AmeA 1s, tu ec hefin sockdislad Lyt'od\ ,irii iiil.iiuiiil/aIlue,- uîit, onsiadinvav'fwortatW.: M. Henath....... iý ilrag urte1 ý C. Ii. Qonhain ..........--------tsv'aleoum ycounty p lli iialis i. lii ltîha,îî.îsV.tctiit e,'"tîig rii clîch ioti.e o! nhlch E. A.. Goldln. ..... ýOd ong--------------rpeide dv.l tmmte oeuntdvt ie CHARLES KAISER. mey andi lthe Lakei. t uiii ý cgitiîLil e1.ii i.1 gj' ,'ii i.y bIte trnsbee ut which iwttethe il 1 IIV be an eW.tiH. oflmrb .-rVernonx rules agd regnatOis or the goveru- chnXch- SIec amlete, Be Ieadoerepairîcte ni'Attym tir and.î d tvIIs Vo oi dti,.i ....e...... Esd iopr .A.Mao..... - sa tal .Evertiiliiguts -fin' 'iu.d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _olii i .tid b t îr y a A I . W. Flether-- -- -- --.-Eî...eefil n en o pateu. T he r ies c n y, Ilto5 M a ,- - FU LL ORGA IZED ii1-1i,eimed ti, b.- a ilad letten and île vere rend. Motion Colby atd eathi aie Lasu eia e~~ FULLY ORGANItE.ui,-ii tis tuîilmoi thtectrustee', ibo SCHOOL NOTIES. the noies as draNvu tp by president last illnew wuva m I W h* lk hpiErsLanh hlrNw os Liii, ti.' hi'st he Ciiuld "btiout Thc spnung vacatio n wIlt.-tII'laiAeubadpdpoddtatnvtcocrthg he re toon ttL vo..pruittiiioi lto nes H ek nMac hi em.ries au e added therto f om timne Bbc nffered terribly liiîî ".î ac ii t, uiui AaocatIn.tii' i. .t .t ,unrs e eci luMarl hisyea. o tinte. Ioved hy Eger as an amnend- vhexu abouesrelesa8dy 'liii mcîlk suitiîirs ii lueini ith.iit. iuui.-s ii-si'l lii'Jacoibgimes boliel

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